Question on geography what will happen if. Extracurricular work in geography: "Entertaining geographical questions

  • 25.09.2019

MOU IRMO "Khomutovskaya secondary school No. 2"


"It is interesting"

(Collection of questions on geography)

for grades 5-11

The work was compiled by: Bolyakova L.A.

Explanatory note

Geography quizzes are educational in nature. By answering questions, students get a lot of useful and interesting information recognize the unknown, remember the forgotten. Also, through various quizzes, games, entertaining crossword puzzles and questions, students expand their horizons and develop interest in the subject. The quizzes are differentiated. For students in grades 5-7, a quiz with questions about Baikal is offered, it develops ideas about the "pearl" not only of Siberia, but of the whole world. For students in grades 8-9, it was proposed to answer questions about Russia - the country in which we live, for grades 10-11 questions about the Earth, as about the house in which we all live.

Quiz questions about Baikal. (5-7 grade)

    "Pearl" of Siberia. Why?

    The maximum depth of Baikal?

    The only "daughter" of Baikal?

    Unique fish of Baikal?

    There is a tree in Siberia, a village on the coast is named after him
    Baikal. Which?

    Amazing, the only mammal living in
    Lake Baikal. Which?

    What rivers flow into Baikal?

    The largest and most interesting island in Lake Baikal?

    Name the fish that Lake Baikal is famous for?

    When is Baikal Day held?

Quiz questions Russia - the country in which we live (8-9Class)

    Russia Square? How many time zones is it
    situated? How many times does its inhabitants celebrate the New Year?

    In the forests of this region live: reindeer and tiger, inhabitant of the taiga: sable and leopard. Where is this place in the country?

    In 1733-1743, the Great Northern Expedition for the first time studied in detail and mapped the coast of the Arctic Ocean. By whom and for what purpose was this expedition conceived?

    Our country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans. What are these seas?

    This region of Russia does not border with other regions and
    remote from Russia by a distance of several hundred kilometers .
    Name this area?

    This peninsula is called the "country of volcanoes", "the land of ice and fire" name this peninsula and its volcanoes.

    Name the largest river in the European part of Russia and the largest in Europe. People affectionately call her "mother".

    Lake of Wonders, the oldest of the earth's lakes, the deepest of all in the world. Name the lake and what is it famous for?

    The world's largest reservoir is 570 km long and 25 km wide. It took Angara two years to bring 180 billion. m cubed required; to fill it out. Name this reservoir.

    This city is the gateway of the Motherland to the Pacific Ocean. Favorable geographical position, convenient harbor contributed to its transformation into a major port. What's the name of this town?

    The 180th meridian passes through this northern island, and as you know, it delimits the eastern and western hemispheres. Therefore, the island lies in 3 hemispheres - northern, western and eastern. Name this island.

    This peninsula, translated from German language means

"End of the Earth" Name this peninsula.

13. The heart of Russia, the largest city in the world, a port of 5 seas, the capital of the largest state on the planet. Name the city.

14. Name the border "neighbors" of Russia?

15. It is called "the island of treasures", "the king of the island." It is the center of the country's only island region. Name the island.

Questions of the quiz "Earth is our common Home»

(grade 10-11)

    The most north point Europe - Cape Nordkin, South - Cape Marroki, Western - Cape Roca. In the east, Europe is limited Ural mountains. In which countries are capes located?

    The names of these countries differ by one letter.

    There are 186888 lakes in this country. Which country is called the “land of a thousand lakes?” Name its capital.

    Where is the geographic center of Asia?

    This island used to be called Ceylon. This is a country of pineapples, but an apple for the inhabitants of this country is a delicacy. Name this country?

    Name three countries in North America?

    What is the capital of Honduras?

    The name of the country was given by the lake, with which, in essence, his whole life is connected. Name the country and the lake?

    Wherever you move to this point, the north will be behind you, the south in front. It is enough for you to cross it and continue your movement from this point, as you will have the south behind you, and the north will be in front ... where on the globe is such a place? What is it called?

    The largest and only mainland country on the globe?

    Where is Greece located?

    Tears of the Baltic Sea.

    Which country can be called the largest open-air history museum?

    What is the name of the capital of the largest populated country in Asia?

    What are the three lakes of the globe, which are usually called seas?

    What is the name of the currency in Germany?

    What peninsula is Seoul on?

    The capital of which state is Ankara?

    What kind of fish is found in the Red Sea?

    Which river has three notes in its name?

Miscellaneous questions on geography and astronomy

    Who first suggested that the Earth is spherical? (Pythagoras.)

    How many planets make up the solar system? (9 and Sun.)

    What is the internal structure of the Earth. (Core, mantle, earth's crust.)

    What are volcanoes? (Extinct and active.)

    How many continents are on Earth? (6 Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.)

    What is the name of the highest mountain? (Everest, or Chomolungma.)

    What is the ozone layer? (This layer is formed by three atomic oxygen, protects from the harmful rays of the sun.)

    When is the day shorter: winter or summer? (Same, 24 hours.)

    What is a boulevard? (Street lined with trees.)

    They were conquered by Hannibal, and later by Suvorov. (Alps.)

    The air shell of our planet. (Atmosphere.)

    Air movement in a horizontal direction. (Wind.)

    What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure? (Pyrometer, aneroid barometer.)

    Can an ant's home help you navigate the forest? (Yes, since it opens to the south.)

    What is the name of the person who is watching starry sky, photographs, studies the life of stars and planets? (Astronomer.)

    How else "is often called the Cosmos? (The Universe.)

    Name the closest star to us (the Sun.)

    Is the moon the only natural satellite of the earth? (Yes.)

    Day turns into night, and night into day, because: (The earth rotates on its axis.)

    Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

    The biggest bird. (African ostrich.)

    How to know about the approach of rain, watching the anthill? (Ants clog the entrances to the anthill.)

    Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal - 1940 meters.)

    Which city is built on five mountains? (Pyatigorsk,)

    Which preposition is the name of a river in Spain." (River Po.)

    What is south of Magadan or Leningrad? (Both at the same latitude - 60.)

    What is the name of the highest ocean wave? (Tsunami.)

    Name the largest island in the world. (Greenland.)

    What is the name of strong wind? (Hurricane.)

    Name the most salt water in the world. (Dead Sea.)

    The longest mountain range. (Andes)

    The largest peninsula. (Arabian.)

    The highest ocean trench. Name an ocean. (Marianskaya 11022 m in the Pacific Ocean.)

    What is the name of the place, the river does not start? (Source.)

    The largest plain in the world. (Amazon lowland.)

    The place where the river flows into the sea. (Mouth.)

    This optical instrument is used to observe the surface of the ocean from a submarine. (Periscope.)

    What is called the top of the earth? (Pole.)

    He happens by the river and by the clothes. (Sleeve.)

    Capital of Spain? (Madrid.)

    The territory of Russia is washed by 13 seas. Name them. (Baltic, White, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, Bering. Okhotsk, Caspian, Azov, Black.)

    What more than half of the world's population has never seen, and you see it every day now? (Snow.)

    What is the reason for the change of seasons and the change of day and night on Earth. (With the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis.)

    direction to a specific point. (Azimuth.)

    A large territory, allocated by geographical location and natural conditions, where certain peoples live. (The country.)

    Where is the day equal to the night? (At the equator.)

    Who are these people: Dezhnev, Kruzenshtern, Season. Bellingshausen? (Sailors are travelers.)

    What modern state of Southeast Asia is called, like the capital? (Singapore.)

    What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere? (Troposphere.)

    What is a meteorite? (a - a star burning in the Earth's atmosphere; b - a space rock falling to the Earth.)

    What are astronauts called in America? (Astronauts.)

    On whom did the Moon fall head over heels in K. Chukovsky's poem "Cockroach"? (To the elephant.)

    Which of the terrestrial planets is closest to Earth? (Venus)

    How many constellations are there in modern astronomy? (88)

    With what speed does our Galaxy revolve around its center if the Galactic year is 225 million years? (at a speed of 800 thousand km per hour;

    On what planet were the beds of dried up rivers discovered? (Mars.)

    Which planet has largest number satellites? (Saturn)

    The smallest continent. (Australia.)

    The largest island. (Greenland.)

    What is the name of the Portuguese navigator who made the first ever circumnavigation of the world, proving that the Earth has the shape of a ball. (Fernand Magellan (1480-1521).)

    Who was the first Russian navigator to make trip around the world? (Kruzenshtern.)

    Can the highest mountain in the world sink in the ocean? (Yes. Everest 8848m. Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean 11022 m.)

    Which sea has no shores? (Sargasso, in the Atlantic Ocean.)

    How long will a match burn on the moon. (Only the match head containing oxygen will ignite. Normally, combustion in an airless space cannot occur.)

    When we are closer to the sun in WINTER go in summer? (In winter. At this time of the year, the Earth is at perihelion.)

    Where can you build a house with all sides facing north? (At the south pole.)

    Name five constellations you know. (Lyra. Orion. Gemini, Taurus, Charioteer, etc.)

    Name all the planets in the solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

    What constellation is the North Star in? (In the constellation Ursa Major.)

    Name the brightest star in the sky. (Sirius from the constellation "Big Nes".)

    Which planet is known as the "morning (or evening) star"? (Venus.)


    Atlas "Irkutsk and Irkutsk region" 2nd edition, updated and enlarged. – FSUE “VostSib AGP”, 2010

    Bolotnikova N.V. Geography: Lessons - games in high school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004

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    Boyarkin V.M., Boyarkin I.V. Geography of the Irkutsk region. - ID Sarma LLC, 2011

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    Evdokimov V.I. Collection of assignments and exercises in geography. 7 cells - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2011.

    Kasatkina N.A. Geography: Entertaining materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in grades 6-8 - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2004.

    Kasatkina N.A. Natural history. Grade 5: Materials for lessons. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

    Cartel L.N. Didactic materials on physical geography: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1987.

    Kostina S.A. Geography. Continents and oceans. Grade 7: Lesson plans according to the textbook by Krylova O.V .. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

    Kozachek T.V. Natural history. Grade 5: Lesson plans according to the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, N.I. Sonina.-Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

    Krylova O.V. Geography lessons in grade 6: Book. For the teacher. - M .: Education, 2002.

    Ladilova N.N. Didactic materials on physical geography. 6 cells M.: Enlightenment

    Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of the textbook of geography: Book. For reading students 5kl. cf. school - 3rd ed., revised and additional - M .: Prosveshchene, 1988.

    Naumov A.S. Tasks in geography: A guide for teachers.-M .: MIROS, 1993

    Nikitina N.A. Universal lesson developments in geography grades 6-7.-M .: VAKO, 2011

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    Romanova A.F. Subject weeks at school: Geography. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

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Quiz #1

1. The largest ocean? (Quiet.)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

3. The deepest lake? (Baikal, 1620 m.)

4. Large estate in Brazil? (Fazenda.)

5. Tourist travel on water? (Cruise.)

6. A guide to some historical place, museum, tourist route? (Guide.)

7. Frozen crust on the snow after a short thaw? (Inst.)

8. In what sea do the inhabitants fish? three parts Sveta? (In the Mediterranean.)

9. A rotating model of the globe? (The globe.)

10. An inscription on a postal envelope indicating the place of the recipient? (The address.)

1 1. Area of ​​stable low atmospheric pressure? (Cyclone.)

12. Gaseous shell surrounding the Earth? (Atmosphere.)

13. A large, uninhabited space, devoid of vegetation? (Desert.)

14. The hardest mineral? (Diamond.)

15. Significant flooding of the area as a result of a rise in the water level in the river during the snowmelt period? (Flood.)

16. Which river crosses the equator twice? (Congo.)

18. Where does a river flow into a sea, lake or other river? (Mouth.)

19. The line of apparent contact between the sky and the earth or water surface? (Horizon.)

20. Highest point mountain top? (Peak.)

Quiz #2

2. Where is the Arabian Desert located? (In Africa.)

4. Cattle farm in the US? (Ranch.)

5. A group of pack animals carrying people and goods? (Caravan.)

6. A person who accompanies tourists and introduces them to the area and sights? (Guide.)

7. A drifting ice mass that broke away from a glacier with a deeply submerged underwater part? (Iceberg.)

8. What part of the world is washed by all four oceans? (Asia.)

9. A period of time equal to the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun? (Year.)

10. Collection of geographical maps? (Atlas.)

1 I. Area of ​​stable elevated atmospheric pressure9 (Anticyclone.)

12. Molten mass in the depths of the Earth? (Magma.)

13. A stream of water rapidly falling from a height? (Waterfall.)

14. A piece of iron ore that has the property of attracting iron objects? (Magnet.)

15. Tremors and fluctuations of individual parts of the earth's surface? (Earthquake.)

16. Into which sea does not a single river flow? (Red sea.)

17. The smallest ocean? (Arctic.)

18. A recess in the ground through which a stream of water flows? (Russo.)

19. Sunset below the horizon line? (Sunset.)

20. A device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass.)

1. The name of the science "geography" means
Description of the Earth
2. Geography as a science originated in the Ancient (s)
3. Greek scientist who called his work on the description of the Earth the word "Geography"
4. The path of rotation of the planet around the Sun is called
5. The closest planet to the Sun
6. The earth is between the planets
Venus and Mars
7. The smallest length of the orbit has
8. A day is a consequence
Rotation of the Earth around its axis.
9. A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun is carried out for:
365 days and 6 hours.
10. A complete revolution of the Earth around its axis is carried out in
24 hours.
11. In a leap year, the number of days in
12. The earth's axis is located at an angle to the plane of the orbit:
13. The largest angle of incidence of sunlight twice a year is observed in the area
14. Determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon is called:
15. The angle between the direction to the north, and to some object of the terrain is called:
16. Azimuth 360° points to
17. Azimuth 90° is directed to
18. Azimuth 180° is directed to
19. Azimuth 270° is directed to
20. If your route was directed in azimuth 90 °, then you need to return in azimuth
21. Azimuth 315° is directed to
22. Azimuth 135° is directed to
23. Azimuth 225° is directed to
24. Scale written as fractional numbers, is called
25. The scale recorded with an explanation (for example, 1 cm - 100 m) is called
26. Scale value 1: 1000 on the plan, length 10cm. Determine the length of the object on the ground:
27. On the plan, the length of the object is 6cm, on the ground 60m. Determine the scale
1: 1000
28. Topographic maps have a scale:
From 1:10,000 to 1:1,000,000.
29. Device for measuring relative height
30. The excess of one point on the earth's surface over another is called
relative height.
31. Contours are lines connecting points with the same readings
32. Surveying the area, carried out from one point, is called
33. natural object having absolute altitude below sea level
34. More faithfully conveys the shape of the Earth
the globe
35. A line conventionally drawn from one pole of the Earth to another is called
36. Lines conditionally drawn parallel to the equator are called
37. Equator Length
38. The length of 1 ° arc of the equator and the meridian is approximately equal to
39. Between points A and B located on the equator - 7 °, what distance in kilometers separates them
40. Between points A and B located on one of the meridians "333 km. How many degrees separate them

41. The geographical latitude of the poles is
42. The capital of Kazakhstan has
North latitude and east longitude.
43. The group of general geographic includes a map
44. Traveling along the parallel will be the most protected.

45. The smallest circumference has a parallel
46. ​​On a scale of 1: 5000 and larger,
47. Layered coloring on physical maps portray
48. A forecast map of the distribution of mineral deposits in Kazakhstan was created
49. Least distortion on a map displaying...
Mangystau region
50. Less distortion contains a map covering
51. The earth's crust and part of the upper mantle form
52. The outer layer of the Earth's structure is called
Earth's crust
53. The earth's crust under the plains has a thickness
30-40 km.
54. The earth's crust under the mountains has a thickness
70-80 km.
55. The lithospheric plate is
Large blocks of the earth's crust are slowly moving
56. Lithospheric plates move relative to each other during the year on average by
57. Long and narrow oceanic depressions are called
58. Rocks formed as a result of precipitation of mineral particles are called
59. Rocks that have undergone changes under the influence of high temperatures and pressure are called
60. The highest mountains on Earth
61. The process of changing rocks under the influence of external forces is called
62. A plain with a height of up to 200m belongs to
63. A plain with a height of 200m to 500m is called
64. A plain with a height above 500m is called
65. The deepest chute
66. Metamorphic rock
67. Chemical sedimentary rock
Rock salt
68. The region of Kazakhstan, located in the seismic zone
69. The movement of the earth's crust is recorded by the device
70. Cup-shaped recess on the top of the volcano
71. Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula
Klyuchevskaya Sopka
72. Mountains dividing Europe and Asia
73. Mountains are low
74. Mountains have been weathered to a greater extent
75. The largest lowland on the globe
76. Device for determining depths
echo sounder
77. The sound from the ship returned in the form of an echo after 6 seconds, which means that the depth at this point in the ocean is
4500 m
78. Most of the ocean floor is occupied
79. Plain formed by river sediments
Indo-Gangetic lowlands
80. From the listed plains, choose a lowland
81. The air shell of the Earth is called
82. Near the earth's surface there is a layer of the atmosphere, which is called
83. Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be at a latitude of 45 °, an altitude of 0 m above sea level
84. The highest temperature during the day is observed
At 14 - 15 hours
85. When indicated: time 1 hour, temperature +5°C, 7 hours - (minus) 2°C, 13 hours + 10°C, 19 hours +9°C, the average daily temperature is
86. Above sea level + 24 ° С, what will be the temperature at an altitude of 3 km
87. Fog forms
Before sunrise
88. Clouds consisting of small ice crystals and formed high above the earth's surface are called
89. Precipitation typical in summer time for the territory of Kazakhstan
90. Of the above the largest number precipitation falls in the area
Hawaiian Islands
91. The highest evaporation rates are typical for areas
Northern and southern tropics
92. With an uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure,
93. Light wind blowing on the coast and changing direction 2 times a day
94. On the Pacific coast of Eurasia, changing direction 2 times a year, blowing
95. Large volumes of air in the troposphere, which differ from each other in properties, are called
By air masses
96. The longest day in the northern hemisphere
June, 22
97. June 22 sets the polar day on the line
Arctic Circle
98. The day of the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere is considered
23 September
99. March 21 the sun is at its zenith on the line
100. The space of the earth's surface between 23.5? and 23.5? S belong to
hot belt
101. The climate is called
Long-term weather regime characteristic of a certain area
102. Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
103. At point A, located at a height of 200m, the atmospheric pressure is - 740mm, which is equal to the pressure at point B, if it is at a height of 400m:
104. The highest daily temperature is plus + 7 ° C, the lowest is minus 2 ° C, which means that the amplitude is
105. A device that determines the direction of the winds
106. A device that determines relative humidity
107. On the southern tropic the sun is at its zenith
Dec 22.
108. Parallel 23.5° S called
Southern Tropic.
109. The equatorial climatic zone is located between the zones
110. UK climate
111. Climate Japanese islands
112. Water on planet Earth forms

In the article presented to your attention, you can find interesting questions for a geography quiz. Many teachers try to diversify boring lessons, to attract the attention of students. But how to do that? Try at the beginning of the lesson a little quiz knowledge of the previous topic. To make it interesting for children to participate, offer the following reward system: for three correct answers, put a five. But in no case do not give bad marks, so the children will lose interest in this event.

What are the topics of geography quizzes? The most varied! If in the last lesson you analyzed the economic and geographical position of a country, then the quiz should be dedicated to just that. We will help teachers a little and offer interesting questions on some topics.

our planet

A very entertaining geography quiz can be compiled on a topic studied in the fifth grade. As a rule, the theme of the device of the Earth is very popular with children. If students find it difficult to give an answer, then several possible options can be offered. Now let's move on to questions.

  1. What is Earth? (The correct answers would be - a planet or a celestial body).
  2. Name the satellite of the earth. (The correct answer is the Moon).
  3. What is the atmosphere? (In this question, the children will have to give a detailed answer, tell that the mixture of gases that surrounds our planet is called the atmosphere).
  4. How many planets are in our solar system, list them. (There are eight planets in total: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
  5. What do you know Natural resources? (Exhaustible and inexhaustible).
  6. What's happened the greenhouse effect and how did it come about? (Here again, you need to give a detailed answer, it is imperative to say that the greenhouse effect arose as a result of the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere).


In this section you will see possible questions in geography, concerning the study of the map. Once again, we recall that if children find it difficult to answer a question, then several options can be given, and students must choose the correct one. In addition, these questions can be used for control testing after passing the topic.

  1. Give the correct answer: an image using conventional signs in a reduced form of a plot of the earth's surface - is it a map, scale or topographic map?
  2. What are the types of scale? Which type from the list does not exist: linear, numerical, cut off, named?
  3. How to correctly name the angle formed by the north direction and the given object? Options the answer can be called: side of the horizon, azimuth or straight line.
  4. Do you know that the top of a mountain can have relative heights, how many can there be? Many, three or one?
  5. What is the general term for the irregularities of the Earth's surface? Globe, scale or relief?
  6. What shape does our planet have: a sphere, a geoid, or a cube?
  7. Is the longest parallel the equator or meridian 180?
  8. Does the brown color on the map indicate forests, plains, or mountains?
  9. Are the meridians the same length?
  10. What types of cards do you know? Which of the list does not exist: economic, political, contour or seasonal?
  11. What is the name of the list of conventional map symbols: legend, history or inscription?


Questions for a quiz in geography on the topic "Lithosphere" can be very diverse. The teacher should independently choose questions based on what material the children received during the lesson. Before holding this event, you can listen to several reports and refresh your memory a little. Sample questions are given below:

  1. What is the name of the solid upper layer Earth?
  2. What type of sand is it?
  3. Which of the following is not found in the earth's crust? Basalt layer, granite or sedimentary?
  4. Who is the author of the hypothesis about the movement of lithospheric plates?
  5. What is the focus of an earthquake?
  6. Explain the term "epicenter".
  7. What is a seismic belt?
  8. Weathering is...
  9. What causes landslides?


A geography quiz for schoolchildren can be absolutely on any topic. In this section, we will propose questions for the topic "Hydrosphere". This is an important and necessary layer of the biosphere. Sample questions are shown below:

  1. What is the hydrosphere?
  2. What waters make up the bulk of the hydrosphere?
  3. A piece of land that goes deep into the ocean is ...
  4. What determines the salinity of ocean waters?
  5. What kind conventional units used to measure the salinity of water?
  6. Change in water surface temperature relative to the equator.
  7. What are the waves that are generated by an earthquake in the ocean called?
  8. Name the largest lake in the world by area.
  9. What is the name of the island, which is almost completely covered by a glacier?


Now we list the questions for the geography quiz on the topic "Atmosphere". Without extra words go to main problem article section:

  1. What is atmosphere?
  2. What is the name of the wind that changes direction only twice a year?
  3. Calculate what atmospheric pressure will be at a height of three hundred meters, if on the surface of the earth it is equal to 765 millimeters of mercury.
  4. Is it possible to calculate the height of a mountain if the indicators are known: the air temperature at the foot and at the top? If yes, then calculate: the air temperature at the foot is plus twenty degrees Celsius, and at the top - minus three.
  5. Whence and where does the south wind blow?
  6. What percentage of oxygen is in the air?
  7. What are the similarities between clouds and fog?
  8. What is the name of the wind that changes direction twice a day?


This section presents questions for a geography quiz on the topic "Biosphere":

  1. At what level is the circulation of matter and energy studied?
  2. Name the main reason for the decline in species diversity.
  3. What is necessary condition maintaining balance in the biosphere?
  4. Why is the biosphere called an open system?
  5. How did V. I. Vernadsky talk about oxygen?
  6. Why is the height of the biosphere - twenty kilometers from the Earth's surface - the boundary of the biosphere?
  7. What is the name of the shell of the Earth, which is inhabited by living organisms?
  8. Where is the highest concentration of living matter found?
  9. The accumulation of what substances leads to the formation of the greenhouse effect?


In this section you can find geography questions on the topic "Oceans". Let's start with the Atlantic (AO):

  1. What are the features of the geographical location of the AO?
  2. Name the person who first crossed the Atlantic.
  3. What are the features of AO?
  4. Which oceans are connected by the Panama Canal?

Topic: " Indian Ocean" (AND ABOUT):

  1. What is the rank of IO in terms of size?
  2. For the first time he described the navigation routes along the IO ...
  3. Name the largest peninsula of IO.
  4. Is the northern or southern part of IO colder?

Topic: "Arctic Ocean" (SO):

  1. How in ancient Russia called SLO?
  2. Are there many islands in the Arctic Ocean? What is the position of the ocean in this indicator?
  3. List the major inhabitants of the Arctic Ocean.
  4. What river flows into the Arctic Ocean?
  5. What is the name of the inland sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean?

Theme: "Pacific Ocean" (TO):

  1. Who first saw the ocean?
  2. Is the northern part warmer than the southern one?
  3. Name the smallest inhabitant of TO.


It is possible for schoolchildren to conduct an exciting quiz in geography "Around the World". It can be offered to students only after a complete study of each continent separately:

  1. What is the name of the largest continent?
  2. On which continent are the largest mountains of the Himalayas located?
  3. What is the Sahara?
  4. Name the smallest continent.
  5. What is the name of the longest river?
  6. How many continents are there on our planet?
  7. Name the coldest continent.
  8. What continent is Russia on?
  9. Name the hottest continent.

Geography of Russia

Now questions for the quiz on the geography of Russia:

  1. Are there millionaires among the cities of Voronezh, Omsk and Yaroslavl? If so, which ones?
  2. The federal district where the city of Krasnodar is located is called ...
  3. What countries borders Russia?
  4. The northernmost city among Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg is...
  5. Name the coldest sea among Black, Red and White.
  6. Name the extreme eastern point of Russia.
  7. Does Russia have maritime borders with Mongolia?
  8. What seas is Russia washed by?
  9. What oceans is Russia washed by?
  10. Is Pyatigorsk a coastal city?

Before conducting a quiz, you should familiarize yourself with these questions and make sure that this information was given to the students. You can independently correct questions, add, subtract, change the wording. Once again, pay attention to the fact that you should not put a bad mark on a student for a quiz, as children will completely lose interest in this event.

Interesting geography questions.

1. In what sea can you not drown? Why?

In the dead sea-lake, the water in it is very salty, so the density of water is greater than the density human body, because of this, a person does not drown.

2. Why do you think fishermen on the coast of the White Sea set up fishing nets strictly by the clock?

At high tide - every 6 hours - a fish enters the net.

3. Can it be argued that bottle mail is only an attribute of adventure genre works?

And today people from different corners The lands are thrown by millions of sealed bottles with messages; and scientists, using this ancient method, study the directions and speeds of currents and other features of the waters.

4. In Africa, near one spring, it is always lively: women lower baskets of meat to the bottom, and take them out, then the meat is not only cooked, but also salted. How can you explain such a miracle of nature?

In this place beats a hot spring with mineralized water.

5. There is an amazing lake in Kazakhstan: in its eastern part the water is salty, and in the western part it is mostly fresh. What lake are you talking about?

This is Lake Balkhash, which is divided into two parts: the western part of the lake is desalinated by the Ili River, and small rivers flow into the eastern part.

6. Explain why the surface part of icebergs is sometimes 1/5-1/7 of their total height.

This is due to the density of sea water, which is why icebergs are so deeply submerged in water.

7. Name one of the largest states in the world, most of which is located in the eastern hemisphere, and the easternmost part is in the western hemisphere?


8. What is the highest mountain capital in the world? Where is she?

La Paz is the capital of Bolivia, located in the Andes at an altitude of 3700 m.

9. Where in the world was the highest air temperature recorded (+58 C)?

In North Africa, near the city of Tripoli.

10. On Earth, in the areas of distribution of soluble limestone rocks, gypsum, dolomites, there are lakes in which the water level sometimes changes very sharply. And in some water completely disappears? How can you explain these mysterious phenomena scientifically?

When these rocks dissolve, water seeps through the voids and the water level in the lake changes dramatically.

11. What city on the globe is divided by a strait into two parts of the world - Europe and Asia? Many residents of this city live in Europe and go to work in Asia.

Istanbul in Turkey.

12. Why, when we talk about the equator, do we remember one of the South American states? Name this state.


13. The plane was flying south, but, having reached one of the points, without changing direction, it continued to fly north. Why couldn't the plane move further south?

The plane flew to the South Pole of the Earth.

14. In the Far East there is railroad station Erofey Pavlovich, a large port city was also named after this domestic traveler. Who is this?

E.P. Khabarov.

15. On the South Island in New Zealand there is a river in which you can cook the fish caught in it without taking it out of the water. How can you explain this fantastic "trick"?

This river is fed by hot and cold springs at the same time, and the water in it does not have time to mix. In one place, it is as icy as in mountain rivers, and in another place, its water can be scalded.

16. What river, flowing in the north-west of our country, tells everyone that it is very large?

The Velikaya River, in fact, its length is 406 km.

17. In what lake of our country, located in the Astrakhan region, in summer, as a result of strong evaporation, such a powerful layer of salt is formed that a railway track is laid along it, and salt is loaded into the wagons, right in the middle of the lake?

Baskunchak. It is called the "All-Russian salt shaker"

18. Why is the sky on the horizon over the forest much darker in winter and late autumn than over the field?

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the snow lying on the fields reflects almost all the rays falling on it back into the atmosphere. The forest, on the other hand, absorbs some of the rays falling on it, so the sky above the forest is darker.

19. Why severe frosts Is skiing getting harder?

Skis slide because the snow melts under them, and the forming film of water serves as a kind of "lubrication" for the skis. In severe frosts, this "lubrication" is practically not formed, and skiing on dry snow is much more difficult.

20. Sometimes, to insulate buildings, they are covered with snow.
Does it make any sense?

Snow is very porous: there is a lot of air between the snowflakes and even inside the snowflakes themselves, which is a very poor conductor of heat. Therefore, snow retains heat better than a layer of wood of the same thickness.