Raspberry jam 5 min. Raspberry varieties with photos and descriptions

  • 03.03.2020

Raspberries are one of the most common berry bushes grown in private gardens and industrial plantations. It has been cultivated since time immemorial, some varieties have been known since the 16th century. Today, the world leader in the collection of raspberries is Russia, far ahead of other countries. We, on the other hand, create most of the new varieties - this is not surprising, since the culture is better suited for growing in a cool climate than at high temperatures.

Botanical description of raspberries

Raspberry is a semi-shrub or shrub belonging to the genus Rubus of the Rosaceae family. Most of the 1500 species grow in temperate climate Northern hemisphere, but some live beyond the Arctic Circle and in the tropics of South America.

The origin of varieties and the tasks of modern breeding

The best varieties of raspberries are derived primarily from crossbreeding of the wild European Red and American Red. Other species took part in the creation of some cultivars:

  • American Black;
  • American Fragrant;
  • Asian Yellow;
  • Asian Purple;
  • Glencourt (originates from South America).

Raspberry varieties are distinguished by color, fruit size and ripening time. Today, no one is interested in tasteless or small berries. The tasks facing modern breeders are:

  1. Breeding high-yielding large-fruited varieties with an attractive appearance and excellent taste.
  2. Berries should be well transported and firmly attached to the stalk.
  3. Creation of raspberry varieties resistant to pests.
  4. Breeding cultivars with strong shoots, devoid of thorns and able to withstand the weight of a large number of berries.

Comment! It is not yet possible to collect all the desired qualities of raspberries in one variety, especially with thorns.

Raspberry structure

Garden raspberry is a deciduous shrub that is grown in a two-year cycle.

root system

In raspberries, the roots are well developed and are mostly located at a depth of no more than 40 cm. a large number of shoots, and most often on sandy soils. In most varieties, the roots capture an area within a radius of up to 60 cm. Only the strongest grow by 2-3 m.

On well-developed roots, strong shoots are formed that can produce a bountiful harvest. The durability of the bush depends on the ability of the rhizome to form buds from which replacement shoots grow. It is the shoots that are easiest to propagate most raspberry varieties.


Raspberry shoots, depending on the variety, grow in height by 1.5-3 m. They can be straight, curved or located at a slight angle to the ground level.

Usually the culture is grown in a two-year cycle. The first years just grow, gaining green mass and nutrients, do not branch. They are called replacement shoots.

Two-year-old lashes form many side and fruit branches - at this time, tall varieties are tied to a trellis so that they do not lie on the ground under the weight of berries. By autumn, they begin to gradually dry out, and die in winter. When the raspberries give up the harvest, the fruiting shoots are cut out at the root so that they do not pull on useful substances and allow the young shoots to grow stronger.

Quite different remontant varieties. They give the first harvest in early summer on last year's shoots. The second ripens in late summer or early autumn on young shoots.

Buds, leaves and flowers

Raspberries lay two buds one above the other - fruit branches are formed from the upper ones, leaves from the lower ones. The flowers are white, bisexual, pollinated by bees. Raspberries are self-fertile, but a larger yield can be obtained when grown on a plot of 2-3 varieties. The flowers do not open at the same time, for a month.

During the growing season, about 40 leaves grow on each raspberry shoot. They grow, replacing each other, from early spring to late summer. The life of each leaf is about a month.


Berries, or more precisely, prefabricated raspberry drupes, are collected in clusters of 3-5 pieces, ripen unevenly and require 5 to 10 harvests. Usually fruiting lasts 30 days. Berries can be:

  • small - about 1 g;
  • medium - 2-3 g;
  • large - 4 g or more.

The best varieties of raspberries can produce berries weighing 8 g.

Fruit color - from pink to burgundy, black, yellow or orange. The most delicious and fragrant raspberries are painted in all shades of red.

Prefabricated drupes can take the form of:

  • ball;
  • oval;
  • cylinder;
  • truncated cone.

The best varieties of raspberries

Yield data from one bush and a description of raspberry varieties will help gardeners who have not yet planted this crop or are going to expand the collection with a choice. Only the best cultivars included in the State Register in the 21st century will be presented to your attention. The year of registration will be indicated in brackets after the name. The exception is the chokeberry variety Cumberland. It is not included in the State Register, but is often grown in Russia and neighboring countries.

Comment! The sizes of raspberries are those indicated in the official description of the variety. In other sources, they will be more, in fact - too. When testing varieties grow in close to natural conditions. High agricultural technology will allow you to get a larger harvest, and the berries are larger than those listed in the State Register.

Modern varieties are often initially created as remontants, but are recommended for growing in a once-bearing crop. The fact is that raspberries will give approximately the same total yield if you pick berries from last year's and young shoots, or mow down all the lashes at the root in the fall.

Varieties intended for cultivation in regions with a cold climate traditionally have smaller berries than warm ones.

Advice! In the northern regions should not be planted large-fruited raspberries- the berries will be beautiful, but tasteless.

early raspberry varieties

The first berries are especially valued. Description early varieties raspberries with photos will help you make a choice.


Raspberry Rovnitsa (2008) is recommended for the West Siberian region. The bush of this variety can be described in one word - "medium". This applies to height, sprawling, the ability to form replacement shoots, growth strength. Old and young lashes are light brown, studded along the entire length.

Dark red conical berries grow up to a maximum of 2.8 g. They taste sweet and sour, fragrant. Tasting score - 4.1 points. The yield of raspberry Rovnitsa is 62.4 q/ha.

The variety is winter-hardy, with medium resistance to diseases, drought and pests.


Raspberry Lel (2015) is recommended to grow in the Volga-Vyatka region. The bush shows average performance in everything - in the ability to form shoots, height, spreading. Two-year-old lashes are purple-brown, straight, short spikes are scattered along the entire length. Young stems are purple, with sparse spines.

Red, slightly pubescent berries reach a maximum weight of 3.2 g, have a trapezoid shape. Medium density pulp, sweet and sour, scored 5 points for taste. Here the yield let us down - only 24.1 kg / ha.

Raspberry variety Lel is resistant to low temperatures and does not tolerate drought at all. Moderately affected by diseases and pests.


Raspberry Dobraya (2013) grows well in the West Siberian, Far East, East Siberian regions. Forms a bush up to 1.7 m high, 12-14 replacement shoots per year. Weeping lashes, biennial - gray-brown, young - beige, slightly purple on the sunny side. Thorns are rare.

Light red wide-conical raspberries Dobraya are slightly pubescent. They reach a maximum weight of 3.8 g, have medium-sized drupes and are firmly attached to the stem. Pleasant fragrant pulp was rated 4.7 points. The average yield is 90 centners per hectare.

Winter hardiness is high, this raspberry is moderately adapted to heat, pests and diseases.

Mid-season raspberries

When varieties of mid-ripening raspberries ripen, the first hunger is already satisfied. It's time for preparations. Therefore, according to numerous reviews, in the description of the raspberry variety for jams and juices, the main thing is not the size and beauty of the berry, but the taste and aroma.


Raspberry Shulamith (2017) is intended for cultivation in the Central Chernobyl region. The variety is not repairable. Forms a medium-sized powerful bush with straight, prickly shoots in the lower part. Fruiting and young lashes are brown.

Red berries in the shape of a cone have an average weight of 3.6 g. The aroma is weak, but the delicate sweet and sour pulp is tasty, with a taster score of 4.6 points. 55.6 tons of berries are harvested from a centner.

The variety is winter-hardy, little damaged by pests or diseases.

Rubin Bryansky

Red berries of universal purpose, weighing 3-4 g, obtuse. The taste is rated 4.5 points. 44 centners of berries are harvested per hectare.

The raspberry variety Rubin Bryansky is distinguished by high frost resistance and very good resistance to diseases and pests.


Wide-conical shiny light red berries are non-one-dimensional, their average weight is 3.8 g, maximum is 8 g. Sweet fragrant pulp of medium consistency, with a score of 4.6 points. Productivity - about 112 centners / ha.

Resistance to drought, cold, damage by diseases and pests of raspberry variety Karamelka is average.

Late raspberry varieties

In the northern regions, late varieties do not always have time to ripen. Raspberries often leave before winter with flowers and berries. Even if you really liked the variety, consider whether your climate suits it.


The newest raspberry Antares (2018) is intended for the Volga-Vyatka region. The variety belongs to the middle-late, universal purpose, non-repairable. Raspberry Antares forms a strong, medium-sized, slightly sprawling bush. 7-8 replacement shoots grow annually. Fruiting lashes are straight, dark brown in color, completely covered with medium-sized spikes. Young shoots are reddish.

Dark red, trapezoid-shaped berries of medium size - about 3.4 g. A variety of universal use. Fragrant sweet and sour berry received a score of 4.9 points. Productivity per hectare - 57.8 q.

The raspberry variety Antares is characterized by high winter hardiness, during the tests it did not get sick and was not affected by pests.


Raspberry Priobskaya (2009) is approved for cultivation in the East Siberian and West Siberian regions. A tall, medium-spreading bush forms straight brown fruit-bearing shoots with medium-sized spikes located at the bottom of the lashes. Young branches are bright purple.

Berries for table purposes, red, in the form of an elongated cone, with an average weight of 3.3 g, are held on a thin long stalk. The pulp is sweet, with sourness, without aroma. The taste of fresh berries is estimated at 4.4 points. Productivity - 38.7 kg / ha.

Frost and drought tolerance is high. To pests, heat and diseases - medium.


Raspberry Muza (2009) is intended for cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka region. Forms a tall shrub with a medium ability to form shoots. Biennial lashes are brown, with hard, straight spines along their entire length. Young shoots are purple.

And although the berries are small (about 2 g each), they received the highest rating in tasting - 5 points. The fruits have a conical shape and tender sweet pulp with a good aroma. Raspberry Muza gives 33.5 centners of berries per hectare.

Frost resistance of the variety is high, endurance to diseases, drought and pests is average.

Remontant raspberry varieties

The remont raspberry has recently become the most popular - it bears fruit twice. When choosing a variety, pay attention to the timing of fruiting, since in the northern regions not everyone can ripen to frost. It is one thing to lose 10% of the crop, quite another if you can only taste the berries.

In the northern regions and areas of risky farming, repair raspberries are often mowed down for the winter. Then it bears fruit for a long time on the lashes of the current year once, and it ripens a little later than if the berries had sprouted the previous season.

Bow to Kazakov

Raspberry Poklon Kazakov (2017) is recommended for cultivation throughout Russia. Forms a powerful upright bush of high growth with a large shoot-forming ability. Annual shoots are purple, with short, medium thorns, bent down. If raspberries are cut in the fall and grown in a crop that bears fruit once, the ripening time can be defined as medium.

Berries of universal purpose, wide-conical, dark red, shiny. The average fruit weight is 3.7 g, the maximum is 6 g. The pulp is of medium consistency, aromatic, the taste is rated at 4.3 points. Attention should be paid to the yield - 175 centners per hectare on average.

Resistance to diseases, frost, pests and drought is average.

Gift to Kashin

Raspberry Gift to Kashin (2017) can be grown in all regions of Russia. It forms a tall, upright bush with a high ability to form new shoots. If you mow them before winter, fruiting occurs in the middle. Young shoots are spiky weakly.

The berries are conical, shiny, dark red, universal purpose. They differ in large sizes - on average 5 g, maximum - 7.2 g. Fragrant berries with a sweet and sour taste were rated 4.3 points. The yield of raspberries of the Gift Kashin variety is also at its best - 170 centners per hectare.

Resistance to diseases, drought, heat and pests is average.


(2008) is grown in all regions. When mowing for the winter, it begins to bear fruit in late dates. Slightly sprawling bush is tall, strong, with light brown shoots spiky along the entire length.

Conical berries are red, glossy, large. Their average weight is 4.3 g, the largest is 0 6 g. The purpose of tender fruits is universal, the taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is delicate, the score is 4 points. The yield of raspberries of this variety reaches 131 q/ha.

The Firebird has moderate resistance to frost, disease, drought, and pests.

Indian Summer-2

Raspberry Babye Summer-2 (2004) is recommended for cultivation in the Central region. The variety forms a strong, medium-spreading, medium-sized bush with numerous sharp spines along the entire length of the shoot. Fruiting lashes are brown, straight, young ones are bright purple.

Raspberry pubescent berries of a blunt-conical shape, on average, tighten up to 3.6 g. Sweet and sour pulp, tender, with a pronounced aroma, is rated at 4 points. But the yield is 115 centners per hectare. It is weakly affected by pests. Remontant variety.

yellow raspberry

Yellow raspberry varieties, in the photo of which you can see very beautiful berries, usually have a sweet dessert taste and a faint aroma. Fruits are best eaten fresh, and when processed, use only assorted.


Golden-apricot pubescent berries in the shape of a truncated cone are medium, weighing about 3 g. Weak aroma, delicate pulp and sweet and sour taste received a high score for yellow-fruited varieties - 4.5 points.

From a hectare you can collect 117 q of berries. The variety is remontant, resistant to pests and diseases.

Orange Miracle

Raspberry Orange Miracle (2009) is approved for cultivation in all regions. The variety is universal, remontant, when mowing for the winter, the crop yields in the medium term. A tall powerful bush with a good ability to form new shoots gives light brown lashes with spikes at the base.

Bright orange, elongated-blunt-conical shiny berries are simply huge. Their average weight is 5.5 g, but many drupes gain more than 10 g. The tasting score is 4 points, the yield is 155 kg / ha. The pulp is sweet and sour, tender, as for yellow-fruited raspberry varieties, quite fragrant.

Resistance to unfavorable factors, diseases, pests - medium.

black raspberry

Black raspberry varieties look attractive in the photo, but the description and reviews characterize them as an exotic variety, far from the best and most delicious. This curiosity can be grown for variety, and not as a main crop.

There aren't many aronia cultivars, they are all created with wild-growing American raspberries. This is due to the frankly mediocre taste. If someone wants black berries, they have many excellent varieties of blackberries and blackberries (a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries).


- the most common chokeberry variety in our country. It is not at all a blackberry, that is, a blackberry hybrid. Forms a tall sprawling bush that requires a mandatory garter. Scourge prickly, purple.

The berries of Cumberland are small, with large hard drupes. The taste is sweet, without aroma. Fruiting is long, the berries do not crumble, if they are not picked, they can dry out on the stalk. The only plus is that they keep their shape when frozen. Productivity - 4-7 kg per bush.

Cumberland raspberries are highly resistant to frost, disease, drought, and pests. Without watering, the variety produces few berries, and already small they become even smaller.


Raspberry Ugolek (2004) is recommended for cultivation in the West Siberian region. The variety forms a medium-sized sprawling bush with arcuate shoots, studded along the entire length. Biennial lashes are brownish-gray, young ones are green, with a pronounced waxy coating.

Black dense berries are small - an average of 1.8 g each. They ripen early, they received a high tasting score for black raspberry varieties - 4.1 points. Productivity per hectare - 41 centners.

This raspberry has a high resistance to pests and diseases, winter hardiness is average.


There are many varieties of raspberries, differing in color and size of berries, ripening time, shape and height of the bush. Which one is the best depends on the personal preferences of the gardener. Important before buying planting material get reliable information describing raspberries and not get lost in the abundance of varieties.

In the summer I really want to collect huge harvest ripe and sweet raspberries - so that they have enough for themselves, and to distribute to relatives and friends, and make healthy jam. We share five secrets on how to make a lot of raspberries.

It has been proven more than once that raspberries need to be grown only with the help of a trellis, thanks to which the bushes not only give the maximum yield, but also retain a great taste.

If it so happened that the raspberry bushes were abandoned, and you were impatient to get a bigger harvest, do not rush to write off the wild bushes. It is enough to update the plants, destroying everything superfluous. Re-mark the rows on the twine, plant new seedlings where there will be empty places.

Plant new seedlings every 70 cm in a row, and eliminate everything that is no longer suitable for growing.

With proper care and concentration of shoot growth in the center of the bush, in a couple of years excellent harvest you are provided.

Often, gardeners grow bushes on large space, in wide rows, between which, in addition to raspberries, shoots that have grown independently are squeezed. Despite the fact that the shoots growing nearby, purely by biological characteristics, are also raspberries, it interferes with the growth of the main bushes, and the harvest because of it is not very large-scale and not very tasty.

And the shoots absorb more than 50% of all useful and nutritious substances, which is why raspberries are not good enough.

As a result, the most adequate solution would be to plant raspberries in narrow rows up to 30 cm wide, allowing free space inside the row between the bushes.

Learn about the features of growing and caring for Krepysh raspberries in our article:

The rule is simple and as old as the world: you must try to give as much compost, peat and any other organic matter as possible to raspberry bushes. Remember that this shrub needs mulching like no other.

And finally: about leaving

Raspberries are spreading over the plot, what a nightmare! No, this is her usual behavior, and there is nothing supernatural about it. It is also not worth bothering and digging up each new growth, just as it is not worth resorting to drastic measures with digging in sheets of slate or metal. So, by the way, you're losing crops. With growth throughout the site, you should do this: simply. It will not spread further, and raspberries will receive maximum nutrients from the earth, which will delight you with wonderful taste!

At all times, raspberry jam has been a popular delicacy in Russia.

Many people believe that homemade raspberry jam is a tasty and, most importantly, healthy alternative. harmful sweets from the shop. They are right, because raspberries are a storehouse of useful trace elements! We wrote more about the benefits of raspberries.

Raspberry jam can become a full-fledged dessert for tea. In addition, raspberry jam makes a delicious filling for a sweet pie.

Raspberry jam “Five minutes”

According to this recipe, raspberry jam should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes. This method of preparation will preserve the bioactivity of most of the vitamins and minerals.

Cooking time - 5 minutes.


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;


  1. Sort the berries carefully. Select all dry leaves that come across. Then gently rinse the raspberries with cool water.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan in which you are going to make jam, and crush them.
  3. Add sugar to the raspberries, cover the pan with a towel and let stand for 40 minutes.
  4. Then place the saucepan with the raspberries over medium heat. Stir constantly and remove foam.
  5. When the sugar dissolves, the jam will boil. It should boil for 5 minutes. Then turn off the fire.
  6. Pour the resulting jam into jars, roll up and put in a cool place - this way it will be stored longer.

This recipe is suitable for those who follow the figure, play sports or do not like too sweet food. Raspberry jam without sugar is shown with diabetes 1 and 2 types. Eat for health!

Cooking time - 30 minutes.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 gr.


  1. Sterilize jars. This is necessary because there is no preservative - sugar.
  2. Place the raspberries in an enamel pot, pour in water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Roll the jam into jars. A delicious delicacy without harm to the figure is ready!

Whole berry raspberry jam

Raspberry jam from whole berries will look beautiful even on festive table. In addition, it is jam from whole berries that is the most delicious! It is important to wash and boil the berries gently to keep their shape.

Cooking time - 1 hour.


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg 200 gr;
  • water - 800 gr.


  1. Rinse raspberries carefully, in small parts, with cold water.
  2. Place the berries in a bowl in an aluminum bowl with a wide bottom. Pour sugar into it and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Place a basin with berries on a slow fire. Stir the jam gently from time to time and remove the foam that forms. Boil 15 minutes.
  4. Serve the jam in a beautiful vase as an independent dessert.

This method of making raspberry jam is valuable in that it prevents the destruction of useful trace elements, which occurs during long heat treatment. Among them are coumarins - substances that can normalize blood clotting; anthocyanins - substances that strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 750 gr;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Sterilize jam jars. Wait for cooling.
  2. Wash the raspberries thoroughly and sprinkle with sugar. Add lemon juice and leave for 1 hour.
  3. The sugar should dissolve in the berries. To do this, crush the raspberries well.
  4. Pour the finished mass into jars. Store raspberry jam in the refrigerator.

If you want to cook delicious raspberry jam and at the same time spend less time cooking, you can use a slow cooker. There is no need to stir the jam and monitor the homogeneity - the slow cooker will do everything for you.

Cooking time - 2 hours.


  • raspberries - 600 gr;
  • sugar - 450 gr.


  1. Rinse raspberries before cooking in cool water, put in a colander.
  2. Place raspberries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave to soak for 1.5 hours.
  3. Place candied berries in a slow cooker. If the multicooker does not have the “Jam” mode, then select the “Steamed” or “Cooking” mode.
  4. Boil the jam in a slow cooker for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished treat into jars and immediately roll up. Store in a cool place.

Raspberry jam is one of those that should be in every home. And most likely it shouldn't even be, but it is! After all, everyone is trying to stock up for the winter with this the most useful product. With such a delicacy, we are not only treated for a cold cold winter, but we also get a lot of useful substances with it and positive emotions. Well, who doesn't love him! Probably hard to find.

Did you know that raspberries contain a large amount of natural salicylic acid. It also contains citric, malic, tartaric acids. Therefore, this berry is considered the best natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if we are cold and we have the first signs of a cold, the first thing we do is drink hot tea with her. And after a good sweat, it happens that the disease does not go further. From drinking two cups of tea with this berry, there is simply no trace of feeling unwell. The berry often helps. Most importantly, do not forget to stock up on it for the winter! So that there is always a treasured jar in the refrigerator!

Why in the refrigerator? To maximize the preservation of all useful vitamins and minerals! The berry is either simply crushed with sugar, or, for better preservation, it is prepared in the form of a “five-minute” and then stored in the refrigerator. With such methods, all useful substances are preserved in full.

And there is something to keep. These are vitamins A, C, E, a complex of vitamins B. Also, the berry contains a large amount of potassium and calcium. Iron, which promotes the process of hematopoiesis, copper, which is part of many antidepressants. And a number of other useful trace elements.

Therefore, you need to stock up on berries. There is never much of it. Plus, it's easy to stock up. Cooking a delicious fragrant delicacy from it is a pleasure!

I offer you 5 super-fast, but no less tasty, recipes for making five-minute raspberry jam, for harvesting winter period. And I will also share the secrets and features of cooking. To be sure, your delicacy turned out to be the most delicious, and the most useful!

We will need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar -1.5 kg


1. We sort out the berry. We remove the leaves. We carefully examine. She is loved by all sorts of bugs-spiders. Especially raspberry beetles, which lay their larvae in it.

There is a way that spider bugs and their larvae themselves get out of the berry. A saline solution is made, based on 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. The berries are placed in a sieve, and the sieve is placed in the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all living creatures emerge. Salty water merges and then the berry must be thoroughly washed in two or three waters.

But you can just sort it out. We have our own berry, so we sort it out and do not wash it.

2. If your berry is purchased, then we wash it in cool water very carefully so as not to wrinkle. Then we remove the stem. But not earlier, so as not to damage the berry ahead of time and not lose the juice from it.

3. We spread the berries in a colander, and let the water drain, and the berries dry slightly.

4. Put the berries in a bowl, or other dishes in which we will cook.

Cannot be used to make treats aluminum cookware. The juice that will be released from the berry, when interacting with aluminum, loses its beneficial properties.

5. Crush the berry. Pour in sugar, mix. For mixing, it is better to use a wooden spatula or a plastic slotted spoon. Let sit for 1 hour to allow the sugar to dissolve a little.

6. Put on a very slow fire and stirring occasionally, wait until all the sugar is completely dissolved. Then turn up the heat and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. During cooking, foam will appear, which will need to be removed.

If the foam is not removed, or removed, but not completely, then the jam can quickly turn sour. And all the hard work will go down the drain!

8. After the start of boiling, let it boil for only 5 minutes.

9. Arrange the jam in ready-made sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. Banks I try to take small. To open and not keep it for a long time. An open delicacy, if stored in the refrigerator for a long time, can turn sour. And it's a shame to throw it away.

10. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

11. It is better to store the finished jam in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam

It turns out very tasty harvesting for the winter from whole berries. Berries fully retain their taste and beautiful color.

We will need:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

It is clear that we take as much sugar as raspberries. Therefore, everyone can cook from the amount they need, but preferably no more than 2 kg of sugar.


1. Sort the berries, rinse, let the water drain.

2. Pour half of the sugar into a basin or other container in which we will cook.

3. Lay out all the berries.

5. Leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, she will start up the juice and the sugar will partially dissolve.

6. Put on a slow fire, mix gently so as not to damage the berries. We make sure that nothing burns, especially until all the sugar has dissolved.

7. When all the sugar is dissolved, add fire and bring the jam to a boil. Do not forget to remove the foam during the whole process.

If it is cooked only on low heat, it will lose its beautiful raspberry color.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. And then we lay it out in sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Store in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam is another way

We will need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. We sort out and wash the berries. Place in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour half the sugar into the basin in which we will cook.

3. Spread the berries on top.

4. Pour the remaining sugar on top.

5. Leave for 5-6 hours, so that they start up the juice and dissolve the sugar.

6. Drain the resulting juice into another bowl. We put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.

7. After boiling, add raspberries and bring to a boil again.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Pour the contents into sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Cover with a blanket and let cool completely.

11. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam using water and sugar syrup

We will need:

  • raspberries -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water -1 glass


1. Sort the berries, rinse, put in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour water into the cooking basin and add sugar. Boil syrup over low heat. Do not forget to stir occasionally so that nothing burns.

3. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, pour them into the syrup and also gently mix with a slotted spoon. You can simply twist the basin from side to side so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup.

4. Bring the syrup to a boil. With the appearance of foam, carefully remove it.

5. You can cook berries with syrup for 5 minutes, but for better preservation - 10.

6. Pour the finished jam into jars and leave to cool completely. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberries with sugar without boiling berries

Berry can be harvested for the winter and without cooking. To do this, it must be crushed with a wooden crush and covered with sugar. Sugar is taken somewhat more than with the hot harvesting method. I usually take 1.5 kg per kilogram of berries. Sahara. But I met recipes where sugar is used and 2 kg. per kilogram of berries.

Then leave the raspberries with sugar at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. It usually takes me about 24 hours to do this. During this time, it must be periodically stirred.

Then put the contents into sterilized jars, but not completely, leaving a little space on top for a "sugar" pillow. Pour sugar with a layer of 1 cm, do not mix it and twist the lid. Better yet, cover thick paper and tie with a ribbon.

Features of making raspberry jam

  • if you have collected or purchased a dense, not crushed berry, then it is better to cook it whole.
  • if the berry is wrinkled or soft, then it is better to grind it. You can additionally grind the berry through a sieve
  • many do not wash it. You can do this if it is your own or forest, and you know how and where it grew. If you are preparing jam from purchased raspberries, then you must wash it.
  • as noted above, aluminum utensils are not used for cooking
  • try to use a wooden or plastic spoon when stirring and putting the jam into jars. It is better not to use metal utensils so that the berry does not oxidize.
  • in these recipes, the proportions of berries and sugar are given everywhere one to one. The amount of sugar can be slightly reduced, this is practiced. But I always stick to these proportions
  • do not try to cook more than 1.5-2 kg of jam at a time, especially from whole berries, so that they do not crush each other with their weight
  • the finished delicacy is laid out only in sterilized jars, it is advisable to sterilize them in advance, and allow them to dry completely.
  • the lid for the jar should be with a smooth lacquered surface. Avoid using used lids.
  • you can close the jar with the blank, as our grandmothers did. That is, just cover with thick paper and tie with ribbon

  • the shorter the cooling time, the more beautiful and natural the color
  • cans can be turned over after twisting, or you can leave them not turned upside down.
  • it is better to store ready-made jam in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar, or in the "Khrushchev" refrigerator

What to do if the jam fermented or moldy

There are two ways, the first is to throw it out. The second is to try to save!

  • if you cooked the berry according to all the rules, but it still fermented slightly, take it out of the jars and put it back into the cooking pot. Add a glass of sugar for each liter and boil for 10 minutes. Then put it back into sterilized jars.
  • such jars need to be marked and the contents used for baking pies, for making compotes or fruit drinks.
  • if mold appears on the surface of the jam, then remove it, then remove the 2 cm layer of jam, and try to eat it as soon as possible
  • or do the same and sprinkle 2 cm of sugar on top, make a “sugar pillow”. Sugar does not need to be mixed.

In this article, I tried to tell you about all the available options for preparing berries using the “five-minute” method. She also paid special attention to the peculiarities and subtleties of cooking, opening small culinary secrets. We also considered the troubles that can happen with our jam. And we considered ways to solve them.

I think that now everyone will be able to choose a recipe to their liking, and without much difficulty cook the most delicious and healthy raspberry jam in 5 minutes.

Bon appetit!


5-minute raspberry jam is a simple and quick delicacy that will delight any sweet tooth. Unlike many other jams, preparing such a raspberry dessert for the winter is quite easy and fast. You will spend much less time cooking it if you follow our recommendations correctly.
Such a thick jam can easily be turned into delicious stuffing for pies or other pastries, and can also be added to tea. Surely, many have heard that with a cold, tea with jam is one of the the best medicines against viruses. And if you prepare several jars of such treats for the winter, you can help your family and friends get rid of a cold at any time.
It is better to collect raspberries for such jam at the moment when it has already ripened, but has not begun to overripe, since overripe berries have a slightly different taste. It is also undesirable to collect unripe raspberries, because they will add sourness to the jam. However, if it suits you, then you can collect some green berries.
By the way, it would be best if you collect raspberries on own site, and do not buy in the store, because the composition of homemade berries is more useful, it will definitely not contain harmful chemicals.
To close the excellent tasty thick raspberry jam "5-minute" at home for the winter, you will need our step by step recipe with photo tips, thanks to which you can clearly see how the process of preparing such a delicacy should look like.


Raspberry jam "5-minute" - recipe

Collect the required amount of raspberries and put them in a bowl. At the same time, be sure to select the most best berries by getting rid of unnecessary garbage or spoiled fruits. After that you need to rinse the raspberries, but you need to do this in such a way that the berries do not crush. To do this, place them in a colander and dip in a container of water.

Let the water drain, leaving the colander for a while so that no moisture remains on the berries. After that, they must be placed in a deep saucepan, pour sugar and send to infuse in the refrigerator for two to three hours. During this time, the raspberries will release juice.

While the raspberries are infused, you can sterilize the jars. To do this, send them to the oven or microwave for 10-20 minutes, or boil water in a saucepan, put a colander on top and place the jar upside down on it.

After the raspberries are infused and let the juice go, you can remove it from the refrigerator. As a result, you will get a fragrant pink gruel, which must be put on medium heat and boiled, stirring constantly.

It is best to use a wooden spoon to stir the raspberries. It does not oxidize and will not spoil the taste of your jam. You need to stir it non-stop so that the raspberries do not burn to the bottom.

Boil the jam until it begins to boil and you see the characteristic bubbles.

During the boil, the raspberries will release foam, which must be constantly skimmed off. If this is not done, after you close the delicacy for the winter, it may become cloudy and become unpresentable.

You can not throw away the foam, as it can be used to make a drink or added to ice cream and other desserts. In addition, children are very fond of eating such foam with spoons.

After the jam boils, you need to cook it for five minutes. It is because of this that the delicacy got the name "5-minute". Do not forget to stir the raspberries and remove the foam during the cooking process. When the treat is ready, pour it into jars, roll up the lids and leave to infuse under a warm blanket until cool. In winter, such a delicious delicacy as raspberry jam will brighten up cold evenings more than once.