Do-it-yourself aquarium design design options. Decorating small aquariums

  • 31.05.2019

Making an aquarium with your own hands will not only give additional comfort to the fish, but will also be able to decorate the interior of your home. In order for the decor not to be too mediocre, we have prepared the most stylish ideas, photos and videos for your inspiration.

Choosing the Right Style

There are many styles for decorating an aquarium. The most popular are Dutch, Japanese and marine. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.


It involves design using a variety of aquarium plants, which are planted from the back of the tank to the front. Aquariums decorated in dutch style, look really impressive and for good reason this option is very popular. You can choose any underwater plants, most often they are planted in small groups every 10-12 cm 2 (depending on the volume of the aquarium).

The combination of green, red and brown algae. In the Dutch style, the emphasis is on flora, so a large number of plant species are welcome. The main thing is that all of them are appropriate, and the decor does not look tasteless. Good Examples do-it-yourself decorations in this style you can see in the photo below:


Unlike the previous version, the Japanese aquarium style does not require a large number of plants. The emphasis in the design of the aquarium is placed on large stones, low-growing algae and the use of moss. This option suitable for lovers minimalism in the interior.

Japanese-style decoration looks very unusual and attracts the admiring glances of most people. It seems that you are looking at a real landscape in miniature, only instead of birds in the "sky" fish swim. Some experts add spectacular bonsai made from driftwood and moss to underwater decor. Such a realistic direction even received a special name - aquascaping.


In the design of the aquarium, the marine style is the most common, but far from the most boring. It is here that you can show your imagination in full force, because you can make the so-called "pseudo-sea". Artificial corals, shells, pebbles and various algae remain the most popular decorative elements.

For decoration in a marine style, it is also advisable to use a variety of props from a pet store. A sunken ship, a treasure chest and even a miniature scuba diver in a suit - all this will undoubtedly look advantageous in a large-volume aquarium of 200-300 liters.

Some fans marine style they also equip the sunken island of Atlantis in the fish house. The decor elements in this case are a castle with towers, a grotto and statues. It turns out very effectively, beautifully and not at all corny. You can verify this after viewing the photo of the “pseudo-sea” design in the aquarium:

Decor elements

Remember that an aquarium can both emphasize the unique interior of your home and make it tasteless. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully consider all the elements of underwater decor with your own hands.


Sand, pebbles, granite and some other volcanic rocks can be used as soil for an aquarium tank. After filling the base with a thickness of 4-5 cm, you can proceed to decorate the bottom various stones and shells of your choice. Please note that decorative elements found on your own need heat treatment (boiling or calcining on an oven).

The color of the soil should be combined with the overall style of the aquarium. A good choice for decoration is the choice of a white shade, as it reflects artificial light and puts a favorable accent on the entire composition. However, if you want to recreate the underwater world in miniature, then black, brown or dark gray colors are more suitable.


You can decorate the aquarium beautifully with the help of ordinary driftwood. You can purchase a suitable piece of wood from a pet store or find one yourself. If you like the second option more, then be sure to consider some features:

  1. The driftwood should be strong and without coloring properties.
  2. To kill pests, place the wood in a salt solution for several hours.
  3. After disinfection, be sure to boil the snag in fresh water several times.
  4. Soak a piece of wood in water for two to three days, while periodically changing this water to fresh.

In this way, you can make the driftwood safe for fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium. DIY decor also uses real and artificial plants, stones, Javanese moss or figurines. Choosing the right decorations will be much easier once you've decided on your aquarium style.

An interesting idea is to decorate the background of the aquarium. This is done using double-sided tape and a special film from the pet store. The image can be anything: from the standard underwater world to realistic mountain landscapes. This decision helps to make the decor the most complete.

Making an aquarium with your own hands brings unforgettable pleasure, because it's so nice to feel like a real one. landscape designer. We hope that we were able to surprise you with colorful photos and inspire you to new achievements!

Finally, we suggest watching a video with step by step instructions aquarium decor from improvised means:

When decorating the interior own apartment An important role is played by the design of the aquarium. Since in a rented room it is, as a rule, rarely seen. An aquarium with live fish has become a symbol of stability and reliability. Thus, it favorably emphasizes the status of owners who have already decided on a permanent place to live. After all, hardly anyone will transport ornamental fish from place to place. In addition, the maintenance of an aquarium requires certain costs, which not every person can decide on. Therefore, we will further consider the design features of an aquarium in a modern house.

Introduction to aquascaping

This term refers to the creation of a picturesque landscape under water in decorative conditions. Those users who think that to start fish it is enough to pour stones into a glass box and fill it with water, they are deeply mistaken in one thing. Namely, in the aesthetic perception of the final result. An experienced designer, even at the stage of interior design, will ask the owners about the aquarium. It is important to choose not only the fish, but also the style of the tank itself. It must fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room in order to fulfill its role qualitatively. Even if you add plants and various rattles to the stones in an ugly designed aquarium, this will not fix the situation. It will not work for a long time to admire an irresponsible creation.

In addition, many types of aquarium fish require special treatment. In order to somehow compensate them for their natural habitat, it is necessary to take care of worthwhile filling. Artificial materials will look cheap and unattractive. Thanks to the worldwide network, you can find enough information about each of the fish. Some need frequent water changes, others do not need it at all, because they purify it themselves. The choice of plants should also be approached with all responsibility. But the main issue for the owners is the design of the aquarium.

Its aesthetic characteristics should meet the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

There are a huge number of options for how you can organize the design of an aquarium with your own hands. The network also has many examples of design developments that were created by professionals. There are even competitions on a regular basis. the best sample aquascaping. The first place is often given to those guys whose work really requires skill and patience. In order for the design of the aquarium to allow it to become an integral element of decor, you should be prepared for a laborious process.

Design style

Since there are innumerable design styles, we will highlight only the main ones. These examples are the most popular among users:

Pseudomore. It is characterized by the fact that during the design a high-quality imitation of the seabed is created. For this, all the elements that can be found in the vicinity of the same coral reef (corals themselves, unusual shells, characteristic sand) are used. Freshwater space can be decorated with ceramics, light type soil, pirate accessories. When the design of the tank is ready, it is populated with fish with bright colors. Decorative cichlids can boast of this;

Forced herbalist. The original approach to design was marked by a style with a speaking name. The emphasis in such an aquarium is exclusively on plants. Small fish are either far in the background (a striking example is the haracin family), or they are completely absent. Sometimes they are replaced with shrimp. But the compositions of the green inhabitants of the underwater world should delight the owners. To maintain them in proper condition, CO2 and various additives are used. Additionally decorate the installation with decorative snags and stones;

Small desktop version

Unforced herbalist. The difference between this type of design and the previous one is that a large number of fish are observed here (from characins to cyprinids). At the same time, plants, snags and stones can be no less. This style is designed to mimic the natural habitat for aquarium fish. Decoration in this style can be found in most beginner aquascapers;

Story Aquarium. The most curious style, since it implies unlimited creativity of the owner. The designer can advise him to choose a specific theme that can be realistically implemented. It may be a trivial sunken ship, or it may be a large metropolis under water. There are also exotic options with football fields or railways. Only fantasy dictates to the owners how to fill with accessories in such an aquarium;

Aquarium "Vanguard". It implies a violent combination of colors or an emphasis on one picturesque color. The latter should attract the views of all guests without exception. It is allowed to use all kinds of forms to attract more attention. In order for the fish to feel natural in such an environment, the owners must correctly approach the adjustment of the biological balance;

Biotope Aquarium. The approach to the organization of this type of water world is somewhat similar to the plot style. The only difference is that the natural environment of a particular biotope should be imitated here. This may be the nature of the clayey Ganges, the green Amazon, Lake Baikal, etc. All elements in such an aquarium are selected to match the chosen area: the appropriate soil, plants growing there, aquatic inhabitants. This will favorably emphasize the conceptual taste of the owners of the house;

Aquarium with show fish. The design of the aquarium should be sharpened for a large fish, which needs space and volume. Decorations play a secondary role, since the main focus is on the shape of the fish itself. It can be a knifefish, aravana, etc.;

Industrial Aquarium. If the owners are distinguished by their practicality, then at the expense of design, you can refuse to use decorations and sand. Because the latter tend to get dirty. Instead, you can organize competent aeration with a water supply;

Marine aquarium with living corals "Reef". The beauty of these underwater structures is due to the colorful colors of marine polyps. It is important to remember that they do not tolerate dirty water. In order for corals not to die, a good biobalance should be established. This will adequately simulate the depths of the ocean and the beauty of the coral reef. The content of such a tank will give the interior a respectable look.

Key elements of arrangement

Any painting consists of canvas, brushes and paints. The original combination of the latter can give the most unpredictable results. The same is true for aquascaping. Experts identify a number of key elements:

  1. Background. If the tank is located near the wall of the room, then it is logical to use its surface to organize a decorative background. To do this, colored films or photos of decorations are placed between the wall and the glass wall. However, no one prevents the owner from making a decorative background on their own. You can use various panels, branches, unusual leaves. It will be great if you can place the moss in a narrow space.
  1. Stones. The practical design of the aquarium allows you to perform two functions at once. Since large specimens can serve not only as a decoration of the water area, but also as a reliable shelter for pregnant fish. Granite, basalt and other rocks are used. There are some restrictions on the use of sandstone (limestone), as soft water is not suitable for them. When arranging, you must first cover the bottom with sheets of plastic, and then install stone structures. Only after that you can fill the bottom with the selected soil. This is a precautionary measure against damage to the glass surfaces and the fragile position of the stone structure. When installing the latter, you can adhere to the principle of the golden section, when the structure occupies one or two thirds of the space. Small stones are located in the corners.
  1. Priming. If you plan to use bottom filters, then these technical elements should be installed prior to backfill. You should also carefully prepare a place for planting plants. The nutrient substrate will significantly strengthen the surface of the soil, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. To create a high relief, you will need help special devices. And in order to ensure the uneven placement of the soil, you should use additional decorative elements.

Plant roots hold the soil well. Without them, it becomes flat over time.

  1. Driftwood. They perform approximately the same role as large stones. Serve for reliable shelter of decorative small fishes. If the owner is engaged in the arrangement on his own, then the snags found should be pre-processed. To do this, boil in salt water for an hour. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wood to get rid of salt residues. After that, the buoyancy of the driftwood should decrease. Otherwise, it will be difficult to place it in the aquarium. Some users attach the weight to the wood material. It will be interesting to look at moss or another plant on its surface.

  1. Plants. An organic aquarium is hard to imagine without live plants. Their ability to harmoniously adjust the balance is highly valued by professionals. To soften the power of stone structures and give naturalness to artificially created space, tall or floating plants are used. Undersized, on the contrary, can enhance the effect of the hardness of the rock. The approach to planting plants should be measured and patient. Immediately put a representative of the flora in the water should not be. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for the new environment, periodically spraying it with aquarium water from the sprayer. Then sequentially the tank is filled with liquid.

Corner aquarium as a room divider

Do-it-yourself design involves creating a harmonious composition from the above elements. It is recommended to immediately follow the advice of experts so that you do not have to redo it later. The beautiful design of the home aquarium creates a lasting impression on guests at home.


During the arrangement of the aquarium, the owners have the right to independently choose the style of its design. A beautiful design is easy to create with your own hands, following the practical advice of professionals. It is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions of keeping certain fish in advance in order to properly prepare the space for life in an artificial reservoir.

Aquarium decoration

Decorating an aquarium is a worthy and fertile topic for conversation. This is not surprising, because this is a paramount question that people who have just bought an aquarium ask themselves.
Unfortunately, on the Internet this issue, surprisingly, is covered poorly, briefly or fragmentarily. We hope this article will reveal all the aspects and nuances of aquarium design and help you create your own aquarium kingdom.

Due to the volume of this issue, let's divide the article into two sections:

1. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR DESIGNING AQUARIUM: soil, stones, grottoes, driftwood, background, artificial and live aquarium plants, aquarium lighting, shells, castles, ships.

Materials needed for decorating an aquarium

And so, as you know, in order for fish to appear in your house, you need a vessel and water. However, aquarium keeping is not just a banal keeping of fish, it is the creation of a closed ecosystem, imitation of natural conditions for keeping hydrobionts.

Before you think about the design of the aquarium, first of all you need to decide on your desires and those fish that will swim in the pond. And this is very important! Each individual fish needs its own conditions of detention, its own water parameters, and other conditions. And it is under them that you need to build an “aquarium house”, it is from this that you need to build on. For example, if you decide to get African cichlids and at the same time want to see a garden of live aquarium plants in your aquarium, you initially doom yourself to an actual impossible task. The natural habitat of most African cichlids is the rocky banks of the river. Nyasa and r. Tanganiki, there are no plants here - this is a "stone desert". If you put plants in an aquarium with cichlids, they will pull them out and eat them.
Based on the foregoing, we advise you first, to decide on the fish that will live in the aquarium, to study their characteristics and habits, to find out the conditions for their maintenance. And then proceed and think about the design of the aquarium.

We hope that our video materials will be useful to you and encourage you to be creative!

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The soil is one of the most important elements aquarium, this is his mood. It is very important to approach the issue of its choice with special attention, because in addition to decorative functions, the soil plays the role of: a substrate for plants, for spawning and fish life, it is a natural aquarium biofilter. It is important to choose the right soil fraction, it is important to choose the required volume of soil, and only then the color of the soil. On our website there is a good article on the selection and selection of soil, we suggest that you read -
Speaking about the decorative properties of the soil, it is recommended to choose a soil of darker tones, so that the bright and light colors of the aquarium bottom do not overshadow the charm and beauty of the “main heroes of the occasion” - fish.


An important technical nuance when decorating an aquarium with stones, grottoes, caves, etc. is the use of non-toxic, non-poisonous materials. If stones, driftwood are selected and made independently, you need to do everything according to the rules and make sure that they do not release into the water harmful substances. For sure, decorations should not be made of rubber and metal, no paints and enamels!!!
Speaking about the aesthetic part of the framed reservoir, you should always remember that stones, grottoes, driftwood take away useful area in the aquarium - living space. The amount of such decor is calculated based on the volume of the aquarium and the needs of the fish themselves. In addition, it should be borne in mind that large decorative elements are installed at the edges of the aquarium or in the background. Do not put a huge castle in the middle. This is the same as if people put the refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen, and not in the corner. Aquarium is the amphitheater of life!
DECORATION OF AQUARIUM BACKGROUND. The background of the aquarium for the aquarium inhabitants themselves is not so important. In fact, fish can live without it. The background is more important for a person, one might say - this is an "aquarium screen".
About what aquarium backgrounds are, how to make and attach them, see


The power and spectrum of light is important for aquarium plants - it is their source of life. When it comes to decorating an aquarium, the color of the light is important. Today there is a huge variety colors aquarium lamps. Choose according to your taste! Moreover, there are various bottom aquarium lights in the form of volcanoes, lanterns and LED aerators. .


Aquariums can be decorated with shells, castles, ships, divers, skulls, etc. It is not necessary to buy all this in a pet store. Using such decorations, you need to follow only two rules: non-toxicity and safety. Shells should not be sharp, and divers should be made of frankly toxic rubber.


The classic options for decorating an aquarium for fish are:
biotope- such an aquarium is designed for a specific water landscape of a lake or stream.
Dutch, natural- an aquarium, the main place in which is reserved for plants. The most famous Dutch aquariums are created by a mega-aquarist Takashi Amano, here are his works:

Geographical- such an aquarium is designed for a certain region, it contains fish only from this region.
In the vastness of our Motherland, most often you can find an amateur aquarium where the above principles are not respected. In such aquariums, you can often find castles, amphorae, the same divers, skulls, and so on, so on, so on. In addition, there is an entire industry children's aquariums. Here is an example:

There are other directions in the design of the aquarium.
As the saying goes, how many people have so many opinions.

Aquarium pseudo-sea.

Such aquariums are designed and imitate marine aquariums. The prefix "pseudo" indicates that such a reservoir does not contain sea ​​fish. Only entourage is created!
As a rule, brightly colored fish are selected in such an aquarium, which cichlids often have, for example, elow, demanos, parrots, etc. The aquarium itself is decorated with corals, artificial polyps and sea shells.

Dutch aquarium "light option".

An aquarium close to the natural habitat of many fish. It contains live aquarium plants, driftwood, stones, but "in a lightweight form." Such aquariums do not require special knowledge of plant life from the aquarist. Elementary care for them is the key to success and achieving your goals.

Dutch, nature aquarium, herbalist, aquascaping.

These are densely planted aquariums. Imitating all the beauty of freshwater reservoirs. To create such an aquarium, you need knowledge about plants, you need to study the issue of feeding aquarium plants and the use of a CO2 system for an aquarium. Website section .

Amateur, children's, thematic aquarium.

Such aquariums are designed according to a certain idea. As a rule, this is a fiction and fantasy of a person.

It would seem that doing aquaristic is not difficult. But as a rule, people who have not yet tried themselves in this role think so. So, even beginners understand that the comfort and well-being of the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir depends on a huge number of various factors, such as the quality of the aquatic environment, the presence of aeration, and regular water changes. But, even fulfilling all these simple requirements, one can notice a significant decrease in the population of aquatic life at one moment.

It would seem that everything is being done correctly, but the situation is not improving. And then it’s time to put an end to your dream of creating an incredibly beautiful underwater world in your room, if not for a little hint left by experienced aquarists. So, in order to avoid such negative aspects, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of the vessel, and how to arrange the aquarium correctly will be described in detail in today's article.

What you need to design aquariums

First of all, thinking about doing aquarism, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, a vessel. But it is worth emphasizing that just such an idea is already erroneous, since aquarium keeping is not an ordinary keeping of fish in some kind of confined space, but a whole world with its own customs and rules. So, before you think about purchasing an artificial reservoir, you need to visually imagine your future aquarium. Its design cannot be imagined without such important elements as:

  • pebbles;
  • soil;
  • decorative elements;
  • vegetation.

Also, a separate place in the above list is occupied, of course, aquarium fish. So, it is very important before purchasing them to determine your internal preferences regarding their appearance and character. And based on this, make their purchase.

Remember that each fish is an individual, so when designing an artificial reservoir, you need to take this into account. So, as a negative example, one case can be cited when African cichlids living in reservoirs with rocky shores were purchased by inexperienced aquarists and launched into an artificial reservoir with a huge amount of vegetation, which is categorically unacceptable for representatives of this species. Such a sharp change in natural conditions can cause not only serious stress for the fish, but also lead to more serious consequences.

What are the styles

Like every room, the design of an artificial reservoir also has its own design. But today there are some styles, following which you can easily choose the design of the vessel, even for those who have only recently begun to engage in aquarism. So, aquariums are:

  1. Biotope. As a rule, such artificial reservoirs are decorated for a specific landscape of a river or reservoir, repeating their natural conditions.
  2. Dutch. Such vessels are distinguished by the fact that the main emphasis in them is on vegetation.
  3. Geographic. As you can already guess, based on the name, such vessels are designed for a specific geographical region.
  4. Household or themed. Most often, such aquariums are decorated in a way that allows the imagination of their owner.
  5. Futuristic. Similar artificial reservoirs, photos of which can be seen below, have become fashionable relatively recently. So they stand out from the rest by the fact that everything in them glows and phosphoresces. Such a vessel is especially beautiful in the evening.

Also, the antique style has proven itself very well, where small ceramic copies of various statues, monuments, amphoras or castles of those times can be used as decorative elements. But it is worth noting that ceramics need to be cleaned regularly, since in its absence it can begin to release substances dangerous to aquatic life, seriously affecting their future life.

In addition, some aquarists make a treasury aquarium out of their artificial reservoir, placing a sunken ship and some chests and coins at the bottom.


As a rule, the design of the aquarium begins with the background. Thus, the creation of a unique rear wall of an artificial reservoir will not only become a wonderful decoration for its owner, but will certainly be appreciated by the inhabitants of the depths. Most simple design is to create the background of the back wall using purchased films attached to the back wall. But it is worth noting that such a design does not always justify itself due to its artificiality.

More laborious but in an efficient way it is considered the creation of a backdrop with the help of one's own hands and connecting the imagination. So, the first step is to seal it with a film of a dark or blue tint, which will not only give the aquarium depth, but also contrast.

Also, both a stone and a plant can be used as auxiliary elements to create a unique picture, thereby creating various cozy caves or small shelters for the fish.

Decoration of the aquarium with stones, snags

Creating an artificial reservoir design using stones, as shown in the photo, is a fairly common occurrence. So, they not only look quite stylish, but can also serve as a place for fish to spend their leisure time and spawn. Ideal for decorating an aquarium

  • granite;
  • gneiss;
  • basalt;
  • porphyry.

It is also worth noting that, for example, limestone and dolomite should be used for artificial reservoirs with hard water. In addition, it must be remembered that all sufficiently large structures must be placed on the bottom with plastic under them, until the main soil is filled up.

As for snags, their presence in the aquarium will give it a unique appearance. They are also not only a favorite place for fish to hide, but also a great place to create magnificent design solutions by attaching moss to them. It is worth noting that before lowering the driftwood found, for example, in the forest, into the vessel, they must be pre-treated in order to somewhat reduce their buoyancy. So, for this, the snag must be put in an enameled container and sprinkled with salt. It is necessary to pour until the salt visually ceases to dissolve. After that, boil for an hour and wash off salt residues. Then all that's left is to put her in for a few hours. clean water in order to move to an artificial reservoir after this time.


One of the important aspects of the design of an artificial reservoir is the selection and placement of soil. So, it is recommended to backfill it after placing serious and massive structures in the aquarium. In addition, it is also advisable to place heaters or bottom filters in the aquarium in advance. Also in those areas where the placement of vegetation is planned, it is strongly recommended to fill the nutrient substrate.

The ideal soil thickness ranges from 40-50mm near the front wall and 60-70mm near the back. It is also worth noting that in case of unsatisfactory containment of soil vegetation or decorative elements, it is best to distribute it evenly throughout the vessel. In addition, if the creation of terraces is planned, then they are easily obtained with a high relief of the soil.

Decorating an aquarium with plants

When planning the placement of vegetation in an aquarium, it must be taken into account that its choice directly depends not only on the subject of an artificial reservoir, but also personal experience aquarist. So, for example, beginners are strongly advised to start with unpretentious and hardy plants that differ in height. So, higher, we place near the back wall, and less high - closer to the front. It is also desirable to avoid symmetry.

For example, several tall plants surrounded by stones look very original, as you can see in the photo below.

It is also very important after the planting of plants is completed, do not forget about their further spraying. This is necessary for that. to avoid algae. In addition, as soon as all the decorative elements used in a particular vessel are in place, you can glue the algae with oilcloth. This will protect them from the influence of water currents.

It is necessary to fill in water without undue haste and using a watering can or a small bucket for this purpose. As soon as the level of the aquatic environment exceeds 150 mm. you can slightly increase the speed of filling the tank with water. It is recommended to remove the oilcloth itself after the aquarium is completely filled.

Experienced aquarists recommend carefully selecting the placement of plants in the vessel. So, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the design of the room, so that the interior of the aquarium does not stand out from it, but harmoniously complements it. As a rule, the ideal solution would be to place an artificial reservoir near an empty corner or in the center of the room.

And finally, I would like to note that when planning the design of your artificial reservoir, you should remember that there is no symmetry in nature. Therefore, it is possible and even necessary to place decorative elements in a chaotic manner, but in no case should you overdo it and leave too small space for a true decoration of any aquarium, namely its inhabitants.

People who decide to purchase aquarium fish cannot but be interested in such a question as the design of an aquarium. It is important that this item is in harmony with the interior of the room where it will stand. I want to create a real underwater kingdom. This material is devoted to various aspects of aquarium design, all the nuances are covered.

Necessary materials

Look at the photo of the beautiful design of the aquarium, you will need to additionally purchase a backlight and a special device for enriching the water with oxygen. To the inhabitants sea ​​depths felt as if they were in their own environment, aquarium plants are needed.

Fill the bottom with soil with small pebbles, put driftwood with shells, install castles with ships, create grottoes and make a background.

If you are just going into aquarism, then take your time to shop. First, decide what kind of fish you need. Also be guided by your own taste preferences when choosing a vessel for keeping fish.

Each inhabitant of the "aquarium house" requires special conditions of detention. An aquarium of 100 liters, if desired, can be turned into the Kingdom of Neptune.

Study the habits of the fish you like, especially if you want to take several species. Predatory fish cannot be placed in the same vessel as herbivores. Consult with the seller, he will tell you which species coexist peacefully.


It is believed that the mood in the aquarium sets the ground. It is multifunctional: it is used as a substrate for algae, a natural biofilter. Soil is required for the life of fish. When choosing it, one should take into account the fraction, volume and color.

Give preference to a darker tone, then aquarium fish will not merge with the ground.

Pitfalls with grottoes

When decorating an aquarium with your own hands, remember that you can only use safe materials that do not emit toxins. If you plan to choose your own driftwood stones, make sure they don't release poisonous toxins.

The background

For fish, the background does not play any role, this element is of great importance for the owner. You can make any aquarium background yourself and attach. The easiest way is to paint the back wall of the container from the outside.


Living plants are "lungs", they release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Many fish feed on plant foods. And during spawning, algae become a temporary home for eggs. Artificial vegetation of rich colors looks beautiful.


The light in the aquarium is the source of life. Good lighting is a must. Manufacturers produce backlights in various colors. Models are fixed at the bottom and at the top.

decorative elements

If you haven't decided yet how to apply fishbowl, take a look at turnkey solutions. Seashells, castles, ships are often used as decorative elements. You don't have to buy them from pet stores.

Figures of divers can be picked up by yourself. The main thing is that they are made from non-toxic materials. Broken shells are not recommended for use: fish can get hurt.

Directions of decoration

If we consider the classic variations, then pay attention to:

  • Biotope Aquarium. A reservoir that actually exists in nature is being recreated.
  • Dutch Aquarium. It is also called natural. This is where plants take center stage.
  • Geographic Aquarium. Registration is carried out for a specific region.

Many beginners in the hobby prefer amateur designs. They use skulls, amphorae and other elements as decoration. The principles mentioned above are not respected.

For a child, you can purchase a colorful children's aquarium. It should not be placed in the nursery, filtration and aeration are noisy during operation, and therefore can wake up the baby.


The special prefix "pseudo" makes it clear that the entourage is created in order to imitate a marine aquarium, where brightly colored fish are settled. Corals, large shells and polyps are placed in the aquarium.

Aquarium in modern interior can be designed taking into account the natural habitat of the fish. This is the so-called "light version" of the Dutch aquarium. Algae, stones and driftwood are placed in the vessel. An aquarist does not need to know everything about plants. It is enough if he provides them with simple care.

As for the natural aquarium, its main feature consists of densely planted vegetation. To create an aquascape, you will need to study the life of underwater plants. The algae need to be fed and it is also important to apply the CO2 system correctly.

A themed aquarium gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams or fantasies. Create an underwater world with a sunken ship or Neptune's underwater palace in the background.

Aquarium Glo is fashion novelty. Everything shimmers in the pond, it looks great at any time of the day. Live fluorescent fish live in them.

The most expensive option

The marine aquarium is designed for keeping saltwater fish. The marine theme always looks advantageous. However, the reservoir itself and its arrangement is expensive.


This aquarium contains only fish of the cichlid family. Peaceful cichdids include scalars, pelmatochromis parrots, labidochromis yellow. But mostly cichlids are wayward predators, and you should not forget about it. You should not buy many fish in one aquarium. Cichlids grow quickly, and adult angelfish have a wingspan of up to 15 cm.

The aquarium for African cichlids is a stone desert where artificial plants are placed. This arrangement resembles a natural habitat.

If you want to create an underwater garden where cichlids live, choose apistogramma or pelvic parrots. When angelfish live in an aquarium, then zoning of the territory is simply necessary: ​​the fish often fight.

What to look out for

  • If you want to place vegetation in the vessel, then first choose unpretentious algae. Place tall plants at the back wall, and low plants at the front.
  • After planting live plants, one should not forget about spraying in the future. Pour water into the aquarium should be without haste. It is better to use a small bucket or watering can for this purpose.
  • Symmetry does not exist in nature, so avoid it when decorating. The chaotic order of placement of decorative elements is what you need.
  • Creating a balanced ecosystem with your own hands will require certain knowledge. This includes a number of important steps. Everything starts with planning. When the vessel is ready and filled with soil and decorative elements, you can pour water.
  • So that the composition does not deteriorate due to the pressure of water, a plastic bag is placed under the jet. Filtration, aeration and lighting are installed. After that, the inhabitants of the underwater depths are released into the aquarium.

Aquarium design photo