What do you need to get a job. How to get a job without work experience

  • 21.09.2019

Where to go to work without experience? Is it possible to successfully find a job without an education, and what if you don’t know what you want and where it is better to apply yourself? In general, you are at a crossroads and do not know how to interest the employer - let's find out what advice recruiters give.

Where to go to work without education

You have not received any profession yet, but you need a job urgently? What to do, where to go to work without education? Washing floors and unloading cars is, of course, a necessary occupation, but I want something more interesting.

There are areas of employment where you can learn the necessary skills quickly enough, and it is quite possible to get a job without education. You can find a use for yourself in trade, in the service sector, freelancing.

Going to work, without education, in trade is a completely acceptable option for those who are sociable, eloquent and able to convince. Young people are willingly hired as sales consultants, teaching them the basics of the profession on the spot.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will help you stand out from other applicants. It will also give you a chance to find a job: tutoring is a profitable occupation, at the same time honing your language skills.

The mistake of many young professionals with no experience is excessive ambition and high expectations. I immediately want everything and a lot. But if you are not hired for the desired position, you can try to start from a lower position.

At first, you need to gain experience and establish yourself as a promising employee.

Another option for where to go to work without experience may be an internship in a large company. Many firms are ready to take newcomers and train them in accordance with their requirements and tasks.

If you don't know what you want

Where do you go to work if you don't know what you want? A logical answer suggests itself - to try to decide on your desires and intentions.

You can seek help from a psychologist who, through testing, will determine your inclinations and recommend the area of ​​employment.

You can also test yourself by honestly answering a few questions:

  1. what do i like to do?
  2. what can i do best?
  3. What activities do I dislike?
  4. What do I enjoy and what annoys me?
  5. How do others see me and what do they recommend me to do?

When you decide at least roughly, start acting - try to look for work in an interesting direction for you. After working, you will understand whether you have found your calling or you will have to continue the search.

Not the fact that it will be possible to decide quickly. But the result is worth it - work should bring not only income, but also pleasure.

About how to find an interesting job if you have no experience, Alena Vladimirskaya, the head of the hunting agency, will tell in this video.

It's no secret that yesterday's graduate is quite difficult to find a job. But nevertheless it is possible! With the right approach, initiative, and a bit of luck, you have every chance of going to the office almost immediately after receiving your diploma.

Have you never looked for a job and have no idea how to approach this difficult task? It's okay - read our tips, make a plan and act.

Decide what you need

First you need to understand what you want to do and where to work. Many people think that the main thing is to please the employer. In fact, you should like it too! Think about it: you will spend at least eight hours of your life in this office. It is highly desirable that work and colleagues evoke pleasant emotions, and not irritation, otherwise you will not be enough for a long time.

How to identify inclinations? Grab a piece of paper and a pen and make a list of your strengths and what you know. Then write down in a separate column those tasks that you are successful and those that are not. This list will help you understand what you have a passion for and will come in handy while preparing for an interview.

Register on job search sites

If you haven't done so yet, be sure to post your resume on the leading online job search sites (like HeadHunter, Rabota.ru, SuperJob and others).

Don't forget to register on LinkedIn - here you can talk about skills and work experience (if any), add friends to your network of contacts, join interesting groups, post posts and comment on what others write (just make sure that there are no errors). Don't forget to update your profile with up-to-date skills - at a minimum, it will be a convenient online resume, at a maximum - it will attract recruiters who are browsing LinkedIn in search of candidates.

Do your research

So you know what you want to do. Now start looking for which employers have interesting vacancies. When you find a suitable company, spend time and read more about it: find out how it is customary to work and relax there, who is the founder, what kind of people work in key positions. Look for articles and interviews, study the company's website, look for employees of this company among friends and acquaintances in social networks (including the same LinkedIn) and ask them questions of interest. If a company releases a product, be sure to get to know it. This study will be useful to you both at the interview and to understand whether you need each other.

Don't Forget the Hidden Job Market

Don't panic if there is no dream company suitable job. It happens that a vacancy is not published either on the official website or on the work site, but they are looking for the right employee in social networks or through acquaintances. How to be in such a situation? Find company accounts on Facebook, VKontakte or Twitter - there may well be job advertisements. You can go to the profile of the HR director or the head of the department you are interested in - sometimes they also write about open vacancies.

If nothing is found, take courage and write a letter to the company - this is a normal practice. Of course, it must be thoughtful, competent, and you must send it to the correct address. Contacts can be found in the "Work" section. Remember that an unexpected letter is like an unexpected guest, so write politely and meaningfully so as not to waste someone else's work time.

Take the initiative - make a resume website

Let's say you've found a company you'd like to work for. How to get into it? A girl named Nina dreamed of getting a job at Airbnb. She analyzed the prospects for the service in the Middle East and made a Wix site, where she explained why everything is not going as we would like, and what needs to be done. And she honestly wrote that she really wants to become part of the team.

What did it give? The link to Nina's website went viral on Twitter, the director of Airbnb drew attention to it, it was retweeted by the Queen of Jordan! Take an example and keep in mind that each of you can do this. it good way take the initiative, attract attention and demonstrate your skills to the employer.

Make a Good Impression

It seems that you have interested the employer. Okay, so the next step is the interview. This is where all your research, lists, and developments come in handy. True, the interview can fail miserably if you do not think about what impression you make. To prevent this from happening, dress appropriately (you can find out if the company has a dress code), do not be late, and just in case, grab a copy of your resume.

Come up with a list of counter questions. People who understand everything without words cause bewilderment, so feel free to ask about the company, working conditions, responsibilities, projects and plans.

Learn to sell

Modesty, of course, paints a person, but not during an interview. No one will tell you better than yourself, so let it be known that you are a valuable asset. The recruiter should get the impression that your skills and abilities will be very useful to the team.

Get ready to work hard

Everything worked out, and you were offered a job. Excellent! Praise yourself and please with some good gift. And then - start working. In large companies, newcomers are initially assigned very simple tasks but don't be discouraged. It won't be long before you prove yourself a good specialist and projects will become much more complex and interesting.

Moscow is a city of opportunities and prospects. According to ongoing research, it is in the capital of the Russian Federation that the highest salaries in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of provincial towns tend to get into the metropolis and find a job in order to get a good income.

But as practice shows, difficulties with finding work in this city arise not only among residents of other regions, but also among Muscovites themselves. They often wonder how to find a job in Moscow with a good salary and acceptable working conditions. Initially, it is worth noting that there are two ways to find a job:

  1. On one's own.
  2. With the help of a recruiting agency.

It is not difficult to find a normal job in the capital of the Russian Federation on your own. But you should initially prepare for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go through more than one interview and spend a lot of time, effort and patience. Moscow employers are very selective in choosing employees when it comes to highly paid specialties, because, as a rule, high wages many apply, so employers "have plenty to choose from."

An important aspect in finding a job is citizenship and the presence of a Moscow residence permit (or the Moscow region).

As practice shows, without a residence permit, getting a well-paid job is not only difficult, but almost impossible.

This is due to the fact that most of the highly paid positions provide for liability, so employers do not want to take risks by hiring a person who lives in another city. We are offering to you

To independently search for vacancies from direct employers, you can use sites such as:

On the above sites, various vacancies are published daily, designed for the female and male half of humanity. Many of these portals post vacancies for citizens of retirement age or people with disabilities.

Fut.ru - this portal publishes vacancies for students and graduates of higher educational institutions. Find suitable option people without work experience or education will also be able here.

The principle of the search is quite simple. A person writes a resume and sends it to the vacancy he has chosen. If the resume meets the requirements of the employer, then the applicant is invited for an interview. For a greater likelihood of employment, it is recommended to post a resume not on one site, but at least on 3-4 portals.

One of the most famous sites where you can find a vacancy is called the Interactive Portal of the Employment Center of the City of Moscow.

Finding a job with a recruiting agency

Recruiting agencies are recruiting organizations. Recruitment agencies help in vocational guidance, the preparation and correction of resumes, as well as in their mailing. Many large recruiting firms provide employment training.

When contacting recruitment agencies, it is worth remembering that they charge a fee for their services. On average, you will have to pay from 10 to 35% of the estimated annual salary. The cost of recruiting agency services in Moscow can sometimes reach 60 thousand rubles.

It is also worth noting that the agency only selects a vacant place, but does not employ. The fact of hiring depends on the employer.

The best recruiting organizations in Moscow:

  1. CORNERSTONE. This agency became the best in 2011. The organization selects senior and middle-level personnel. The cost of services ranges from 18 to 20% of the annual salary of an employee.
  2. "Anchor". The agency selects vacancies for all people, regardless of work experience and education. The cost of services is 20% of the annual income.
  3. Kelly Services. The organization is engaged in the selection of permanent and temporary work. The cost of services is 25%.
  4. "UNITI". This firm is the most active in the job search market. She has been working since 1999. For services, the agency charges from 18 to 25% of the annual income of an employee.
  5. Ariva-HR. The organization is engaged in the selection of all vacancies. Through this recruiting agency, you can find both a job as a cleaner in Moscow and a job as a top manager.
  6. "Amalco". This organization specializes in the selection of domestic staff. Through this agency, girls can quickly and easily find a job as a nanny, nurse, governess or maid. Men are offered vacancies for security guards, gardeners, butlers, drivers, etc. The cost of the company's services is equal to one monthly income of an employee.
  7. HUMAN CAPITAL. The organization is engaged in the selection of personnel in such areas as:
  • Information Technology.
  • Pharmaceutics.
  • Advertising.
  • Finance.
  • Industry.

The cost of the company's services varies from 20 to 25% of the employee's annual income.

  1. "Skyman". The organization selects employees for retail trade.
  2. TS Persona. This company is engaged in the recruitment of personnel for the restaurant business.

Basic rules when looking for a job

Initially, a person needs to decide on what position he wants to get and what salary to receive.

The main rules in finding a job are:

  1. Persistence. If several employers have not responded to the resume, do not despair.
  2. Using various sources. You don't need to limit yourself to searching only on the Internet. Today, many vacancies are published in periodicals and newspapers.
  3. A well-written resume is already half the battle. It should be short but informative. A resume should highlight the work experience and personal qualities of a person (advantages and disadvantages). When compiling the document, spelling or stylistic errors are not allowed. Agree, few people want to hire an illiterate specialist who makes mistakes in his own resume.
  4. Proper interview preparation. In negotiations, you must show all your professionalism. It would be useful to find out information about the company, the company where you plan to get a job.


A resume is an important part of a job search.

This is a paper version of a person's presentation to his future employer. Your resume should include information such as:

Employment for different social groups

It is almost impossible for students in Moscow to find a well-paid job. Basically, students get seasonal, temporary work or work with daily pay.

Students in Moscow will be able to easily find a vacancy for a promoter, courier, animator, waiter, sales manager, security guard, salesman, etc. It is worth remembering that these positions are very labor-intensive and low-paid. Basically, the payment for one working day does not exceed 1 thousand rubles.

In the field of education, it will also not be possible to find a job on Good work. A woman who does not have a special education can find a job as a cleaner, dishwasher, maid, waitress, nurse, housekeeper, saleswoman, etc. Men without education are provided with low-skilled specialties: a builder, a loader, an auxiliary worker, a driver, a waiter, etc. P.

Without experience, finding a job with high earnings is also unlikely to succeed. But people with education have a chance to get a job that provides an opportunity for learning and further development. career development. There are cases when ordinary managers or waiters after several years of work became directors and managers.

Women and men without work experience may be employed with daily payments. Positions with daily pay:

Gone are the days when a lifetime job at one company was considered a successful career. Today, a profession can be changed at any age, and lack of experience is unlikely to become an obstacle to employment. The main thing is to prepare for the search: write a resume correctly, present a high-quality portfolio and not be afraid to complete a test task.

Putting emphasis in the resume

A resume is the first contact between an employer and a candidate. If there is no work experience in a new specialty yet, the resume needs to be edited. First of all, change the title: from the old profession to the new one.


List all the trainings and refresher courses you have completed that are relevant to your future job. For example, if the applicant’s profile education is philological, but in parallel with his studies at the university he attended design courses, this will be an argument in his favor.

Nevertheless, the first education should also be mentioned, especially if the specialty is quite general: sociology, management, history. Higher education is often one of the filters in the selection of a candidate. If there are several entities, they are highly specialized - for example, medical, and the candidate wants to leave this industry - then you can not indicate them.

work experience

Be sure to talk about your experience, even if it is not related to the new job. Pay attention to those aspects that will be useful in new sphere. For example, a candidate who worked as a developer may apply for a sales manager position in an IT company.

Experience is not always work for money. Add participation in volunteer projects, internships and internships to your resume.


Imagine a candidate who started working in a clothing store as a student and became a regional sales director before graduating from university. Most likely, such an employee has a great potential for development even in a new professional field for him.

That is why it is important to present your growth within the company in a resume. Each role does not have to be written in a separate section: they can be listed under the responsibilities and results of the last position held. It is not necessary to write a detailed story, it is better to do it in the format of short abstracts - this is a more suitable option for a resume.

Skills and personal qualities

If the applicant “grabs everything on the fly” and “learns quickly”, you definitely need to talk about it. Best of all with evidence: “was a member of the student council and organized festive events”, “received gratitude from the dean of the faculty for ...”, “became the best employee of the branch according to the results of the half year”, and so on.

Match the job requirements with your knowledge and competencies. Select exactly those of them that will be useful in a new position. Add them to the "Key Skills" and "About Me" sections.


Pay attention to the final phrase in your resume or cover letter. It is she who ultimately shows that the candidate has an interest in a new field. For example, you could write something like this: “Aims at the personal and Professional Development in the field of IT, in the near future I plan to take training courses / trainings or receive additional higher education on this topic".

Writing a cover letter

Do not start your letter with the phrase "I have no work experience." Use positive language:

  • “during my studies, I received knowledge from the field ...”;
  • "I have the personal qualities necessary for this position...";
  • “In my previous job, I gained experience…” and so on.

Pay attention to motivation: tell why you are interested in a particular position in a particular company. Sometimes candidates without experience, but with “burning eyes”, bypass professionals who are tired of work due to motivation.

Attaching a portfolio

Experience and work skills in some cases can be assessed without an interview, based on a portfolio. Based on it, the employer will get an idea of ​​the professionalism of designers (web, graphic, landscape, interior, clothing), authors (content, rewriting, copyright), photo and video operators. A person who is familiar with computer layout and has experience in creating websites can start doing printing. Or a long-time journalist always has a chance to retrain as a public relations specialist or press secretary.

Most employers pay attention to general knowledge and basic skills: communication, presentation, analytical skills of the candidate - regardless of whether he has experience or not.

Leave time for testing

A test task is a chance to prove yourself. If an employer drew attention to an applicant without relevant experience in the resume and offers to complete a test task, it is worth taking the time to do it. Thus, the candidate will not only demonstrate his skills and knowledge in practice, but will also be able to assess for himself how ready he is to take on this job.

Experienced candidates have to perform test tasks much less often. In their case, a portfolio is usually sufficient.

We respond to suitable vacancies

Often those who do not have experience have to start with internships. But we recommend applying for entry-level positions too, especially if your resume already has work experience in another specialty. Act confidently and persistently: everything will work out!

For those who still doubt themselves, we have compiled a resume template with examples and useful wording. Experts of the Ready Resume service can compile such a resume for you: HR specialists will conduct an interview and prepare a document suitable for your career plans.

How to get a job is a question that, to one degree or another, concerns almost the entire population of the planet Earth. The vast majority of people are periodically in search of a new job, or at least think about changing their current job.

Recommendations are the most effective method apply for a job

If you're looking for connections to get a job and that was your first thought when looking for a job, then you're on the right track. Referrals are the most effective way to get an interview or an offer.

It should be noted that the presence of connections is not the only way get a job, and certainly less than half of all vacancies are filled through an acquaintance.

1. Before you start looking for a job, take the time to decide what kind of job you are looking for

Trying to apply for every vacancy that comes across is not the most best idea. Focus your attention on those offers that suit you best, because in this case your chances of getting an interview will increase. Sending random resumes and cover letters will be a waste of time.

Think of a target list of companies that are of interest to you as a potential employer.

2. Don't Stop Submitting New Job Applications While You're Waiting for an Employer's Response

Most job seekers are rejected by more than 15 employers before applying for a job. Do not stop at one vacancy and keep looking for a better offer.

The worst that can happen in this case is that you will have several employment options, and you will be in the position of the person who makes the choice.

3. Write a cover letter, otherwise your resume may not be considered

You only have a few seconds to impress the employer's representative, who decides whether to select you for an interview or reject you.

Many hiring managers who review each offer personally believe that if you don't show what you can do for the company in the first paragraph of your cover letter, you shouldn't be invited for an interview.

4. Write a targeted resume for the job

You should edit your resume and bring it as close as possible to the vacancy and the employer's resume writing requirements.

5. It's not always a good idea to include your entire work history on your resume.

If you have 40 years of work experience and have a large number of positions, it can really impress someone. Another may begin to fall asleep, not having time to finish reading the resume to the end.

Your resume should not contain unnecessary information.

6. Include Other Information In Your Resume Besides Work Experience

If you're not currently working, your resume shouldn't look like you haven't done anything since you quit your previous job.

Perhaps you are working under a contract, are individual entrepreneur attending educational courses or seminars. Such information will not be superfluous for your resume.

7. Dress like successful person in your profession

If you think that appearance does not have a strong impact on the employer, you are mistaken.

It is in the first minutes of the interview that you make the greatest impression on the employer. Therefore, to better understand how to apply for a job, make sure that you are dressed in the most appropriate way for the applicant for the current vacancy.

8. Be yourself

Memorized answers, insincere smiles, and saying what you think they want to hear instead of what you really think can mislead the employer. The employer wants to know who they are hiring, and this is the person they expect to see on their first day of work.

9. Tell a personal story during an interview

One way to show an employer who you really are is to tell a personal story.

When you are asked questions during the interview, talk about your skills and experience, as well as the ways you solve problems in the process labor activity. The more specific information you provide, the better rep the employer will understand how qualified you are.

10. Never say anything bad about your previous employer.

One of the most common interview mistakes is making negative comments about your previous boss or co-workers. The first thing a new employer will think is, “That’s what this guy will say about our company after we fire him.” Therefore, if you want to get a job, this mistake should be avoided.

11. Submit thank you letter after passing the interview

This step is important for the subsequent decision after the interview. This is a way to show your appreciation that you are being considered, as well as highlight your interest in the job offer.

12. References matter a lot when applying for a job
13. It's okay to apply for the same job more than once

If you know that the vacancy remains, you can try to send your resume a second time. This is especially true if you have new recommendations.

14. Shine your shoes before the interview.

The employer will definitely pay attention to your shoes, but you should appear before him in the best light.

1. Use your situation

If you're applying for an entry-level position, most employers don't expect you to submit a resume containing rich previous experience. Instead, use your lack of experience as learning. Highlight your dedication, curiosity, and commitment to learning and growth.

Employers are looking for people who are willing to work hard and have a desire to learn.

2. Define your skills

Make a list of all of your skills that a job applicant might need: computer skills, technical skills, communication skills, information search skills, problem solving skills.

To better understand your skills, answer yourself the question, on what issues do people turn to you for help?

3. Link Your Skills to Your Job

When you decide to apply for a job, you must have reason to believe that you can do the job well.

Spend some time analyzing the relationship between your skills and the job offer. What formal or informal seniority and experience do you have, or what personal qualities do you have that are necessary for this job?

Be analytical and creative in this matter. Once you have established a relationship for yourself, you can explain it to a potential employer.

4. Emphasize your ability to cooperate

What will allow you to stand out from the rest and get a job? Demonstrate such qualities as friendliness, ability to work in a team, responsiveness, understanding the need for unity in order to achieve a result. These qualities are worth a lot, because it is quite difficult to develop them.

5. Know your worth

Any employee can be trained in anything. But if you are confident in yourself, you realize that you are a strong-willed, capable person and professional in any task, you should know that you are in the minority. Therefore, know your worth.

6. Balance of confidence and desire for development

Important, but it must be imbued with modesty. Show that you can do the job, but at the same time show your desire for development and ability to learn.

7. Internship

If you can't find a job, work for free.

It is quite possible to find a trainee position. Not only will you gain valuable experience, but you will also be able to establish business contacts, receive recommendations, and maybe even a permanent position after a probationary period.

8. Training

You may need education to apply for the position you want. If you have an interest in law, then it's time to enroll in law school.

But even outside of formal education, find ways to maintain the current and expand the existing knowledge base: attend courses, trainings, read literature, articles.

9. Be realistic

Even making the most of your skills and experience, make sure you apply for jobs that are right for you. In a competitive labor market, where employers are sometimes inundated with highly qualified applicants, there are less reason to risk hiring a candidate with minimal qualifications.

Choose jobs that really suit you based on your skills and aptitudes, and not just those offers that you relate to in the style of “I could probably do it.”

One of the most simple ways pass a successful job interview and get a job is preparation for the most common questions.

99% of the job interviews you go through will follow the same pattern. If you can master this format, your confidence will skyrocket and you will be prepared for any situation that may come up in an interview.

Interview Questions
Question #1: Tell me about yourself (your experience, why you are interested in this position, etc.)

It is at this stage that you will have the opportunity to make a first impression. More importantly, this is the only part of the job interview that you have complete control over.

Don't read your resume like a grocery list. To credit this stage of the interview to your asset, you need to prepare interesting story, my history. You want it to be short (about 2-3 minutes) and you should think very carefully about what you want to say.

What to say about yourself
  1. Choose 2-3 topics to create your story (professionalism, efficiency, focus on results).
  2. If possible, please quantify your experience. Demonstrate in numbers what you have already achieved.
  3. Come up with an answer to the question why you want to leave your current job. The employer will ask you about this anyway, so it's better not to wait for such a question, but to take the initiative.
Sample interview story

The story of a biologist who decided to pursue a career in digital marketing.

Growing up in a normal environment, like most people, I wanted to be a doctor. I graduated from college where I majored in biology and was planning to go to medical school. While in college, I decided that a doctor was not for me. I wanted to work in digital marketing, so I set myself an appropriate goal and made a plan with which I could achieve it.

After graduating from college, I moved into selling medical equipment, working from 5:30 am to 12:30 pm. Then, every day, I did digital marketing until 8:00 pm.

To get the experience I needed, I got certified in Google Analytics & AdWords and created my own consulting firm, which focused on the use of marketing technologies in search engines to generate leads (potential customers) for online stores, offline stores, real estate agencies. We have been able to increase home sales for our clients by an average of 20%.

Armed with the accumulated experience, I began to look for a job in Moscow, because I wanted to move to live and work in the capital. I was eventually offered a current position at an advertising analytics company. During my work, I was able to lead structural subdivision, overseeing Internet marketing, and helped close the second largest deal in the company's history.

Coming soon to advertising agency internal changes began to take place. Over the past year, I have changed 3 different managers, while mine have changed 3 times. official duties. Therefore, I am looking for something more stable in the area I love, and I am very happy with the opportunity.

When you're telling a story, don't be afraid to embellish a little. This does not mean that you should lie or make up stories, but if you want to get this job, be sure that your competitors will not be afraid to inflate their barely noticeable achievements to universal proportions.

Question #2: Behavioral Interview Questions

The next step to getting a job is a daunting list of behavioral issues. In fact, there is nothing wrong with them. These are questions that are designed to demonstrate your ability as well as your ability to work in a team.

The behavioral section is divided into two parts, which can be presented in the form of standard and special (specific) questions.

Standard Questions
  1. Why do you want to work with us?
  2. Tell me about situations where you have demonstrated .
  3. Tell me about your team experience.
  4. Tell me about an experience you've had to work with difficult person or with difficult people.
  5. Tell me about your failures and problems in the professional field.
  6. Tell me about the ways you overcame problems.
  7. Tell me about your achievements.

You will be asked to answer one, several, or all of these questions at every job interview you have. If you can answer these 7 questions, you will succeed in 9 out of 10 job interviews without any other preparation.

Just follow the same set of rules mentioned above in the “Tell me about yourself” section:

  1. Create a short story.
  2. Be sure to include quantitative indicators that illustrate your success.
  3. Predict possible questions and prepare answers to them.
Special (specific) interview questions

These are questions that are related to the specifics of the activity, as well as your personal characteristics and experience.

These should include:

  1. What is the reason for the change of profession.
  2. Why are there work breaks?
  3. What is your working style.
  4. Your skills and hobbies that characterize your professional quality etc.
Question number 3. What questions do you have for us

Once the employer's representative has finished asking questions, he will ask you if you have any questions for him. Take this part of the interview seriously because it is very important.

Why? Because so many people neglect it. You, unlike them, want to know how to pass an interview, so you must use all the resources to solve the problem of how to get a job.

Here are some questions you can ask that an employer will appreciate:

  1. What is your favorite job (part of the job) here?
  2. What is the biggest problem you are currently facing?
  3. Ask about a current event related to new job. “I read that you entered the market with a new product. How much has this affected your business?”
  4. What is the most important lesson you learned while working?
  5. Tell me a little more about you, what do you enjoy doing outside of work? How does your team maintain corporate spirit? Are there cultural and sporting events?

The first three questions are pretty standard, but the last two really come as a surprise to the employer. Don't be surprised if you hear "Wow, I've never been asked this before, give me a second."

The last question opens a personal dialogue with the interviewer, which allows you to transfer the official dialogue to the status of a personal conversation. Plus it will give you Additional information which you can include in your thank you letter.

Say thanks

Be sure to send a letter (e-mail) with gratitude to everyone with whom you communicated at interviews. Include in the text of the letter a personal attitude towards each interviewer, what you received useful during the interview process. In order to find out the right e-mail, always ask for a business card at the end of the interview.

What to do if the employer has not responded

It also happens that the employer for some reason did not notify you of decision. What to do in this case? If you really want to get a job, you need to remind yourself.

The rule of thumb for waiting is one business week. If the interview took place on a Tuesday, pause, and if you don't get a response by the next Tuesday, send a reminder, which should be concise:

Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich! Hope you have a great week!

I wanted to know if there was anything else I could help with regarding the review process for my resume. If so, please let me know!


Peter Petrovich.

If you don't get a response after 3-4 days, it's time to move on.

What to do if the employer refused to conduct an interview

Well, I do not! We are not finished! We want to be interviewed for the job!

If the employer thinks that you are not qualified enough to apply for an existing job, send him an email:

Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich.

Thanks again for answering me this afternoon. I really appreciate your feedback and I would like to add one last thing to what was said before.

I fully understand your concerns regarding my work experience. You're right that I didn't have it to a significant extent. However, this is not due to an inability to produce results, but rather a lack of opportunity to demonstrate such an ability.

While my experience may not match the initial expectations of a job applicant, I have two qualities that are just as important. First of all, I am a very efficient learner, and I am also very efficient in putting what I have learned into practice. Secondly, I am much more persistent than the average worker. My career has always depended on these two qualities.

I left college becoming a biologist with no experience in digital marketing - all my knowledge came from self-study. When I was finally given the opportunity to put my knowledge into practice, I was instrumental in closing the second largest deal in the history of the company. I am sure that I can achieve the same success in a new position.

I have the resources I need to learn what it takes to be successful and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Your company is known for hiring people who are capable of acquiring new knowledge for implementation. This is my forte.

I do not insist that you make a positive decision. I'm just asking for the opportunity to be interviewed. If you give me the opportunity, I will not disappoint you.

Thanks again for your attention.


Peter Petrovich.

Don't give up if the answer is "No". Try to determine why you received such a response, and then send an email to the hiring manager.

In conclusion

Take action every day to find a job, and do it so that trying to get a job is not a futile exercise, but an adventure, an opportunity to learn and learn something new.

If you initially take the position of the underdog, your experience is likely to be unsuccessful.

Remember to put yourself in the place of the employer. What kind of worker does he want to get? The answer to this question should be reflected in everything you do, from your resume to your interview.

Take your life into your own hands and get this job. You will be surprised at what you can achieve. Good luck!