The indestructible wall icon helps in some ways. The meaning of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon, where to hang it and how to pray

  • 08.12.2020

Icon " Unbreakable Wall", the meaning of the name of which is easy to determine even for an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv that has survived to this day. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still amazes with the splendor of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, delight the eyes of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

As long as the icon is intact, Kyiv will stand

Many images have survived to this day as they were originally created. Including the “Unbreakable Wall” icon. The meaning of this name has been known since ancient times. Many still believe that as long as this mosaic remains intact, Kyiv will stand. This belief actually has a fairly serious basis. The fact is that the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed during the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. The temple suffered especially badly during the capture of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols. However, the wall above the main altar, on which the Virgin Mary of Oranta is depicted, was not damaged even once.

Oranta the Intercessor

The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which in sacred terms is clear - protection of home and family, made long ago by Byzantine and Russian masters, became the prototype for many later Christian images Holy Virgin.

Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian church are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orants are called the Mother of God without a child, standing in full height and arms outstretched in a gesture of protection.

Icon Mother of God The “Unbreakable Wall” of Sophia of Kyiv is made of smalt using a technology that was later forgotten for many years. The Virgin Mary is depicted dressed in heavenly robes of blue color and is surrounded by a “shine” of golden smalt, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. She has a cloth tucked into her belt, with which, according to the beliefs of Christian believers, she wipes away the tears of those who mourn. Raised hands mean intercession before the Almighty.

Home protection

Nowadays, believers advise hanging such icons at home on the wall directly opposite front door. In this case, Virgo will reliably protect the home from all enemies. An ill-wisher, entering the house and seeing the stern gaze of the Mother of God, will certainly be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. This icon is also hung on the wall if they are going to leave their home unattended for some time. In this case, the apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the owners return. Just to do this, you should also pray to this image. These are the properties that the “Unbreakable Wall” icon has. The prayer to the Virgin goes like this: “Mistress Immaculate, not without reason called the “Unbreakable Wall,” be a barrier to all those who are plotting enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, for those who believe in strength christian church, it is worth purchasing this icon in the shop of some temple. It will certainly become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The “Unbreakable Wall” icon, the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any praying and sincere believer.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all generations to the Mother of God and the Queen, before Her most pure image, the Indestructible Wall called, we offer thanksgiving songs of praise to You, O Blessed One. You, who have incomprehensible power and unspeakable love, save us from all troubles and sorrows, and let us call to You: Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Ikos 1

A representative angel was quickly sent from God to You, Most Pure One, to bring You worldwide joy, as You conceived God the Word, the Savior of the world, from the Holy Spirit in Your womb. We, leading the fulfillment of this annunciation, believe that the Lord, Most Blessed One, has shown You with an Indestructible Wall and protected us from all sin, troubles and misfortunes. For this sake, we please Thee, Mother of God, and joyfully cry out: Rejoice, for the Lord is with Thee and Thee with us; Rejoice, for in Cana of Galilee you appeared as a representative to Your Son for the people. Rejoice, for with Your omophorion you cover the faithful wider than the clouds; Rejoice, for with Your grace you wipe away the tears of the afflicted. Rejoice, for You lift up Your hands to protect us from all defilement; Rejoice, for according to Your word you are now and ever blessed. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 2

Prescient prophets with their smart hairs blessed phenomenon Your Nativity in the flesh from You proclaimed the Son of God, and having learned all the fulfillment of prophetic prophecies, they reverently cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a blessed mind, Jacob, Moses, David and many others depicted Your wonderful Nativity and the mystery of Your Ever-Virginity in words, visions, and dreams. We, unable to comprehend the full power of prophetic broadcasts, from the depths of our believing hearts sing to You with love: Rejoice, high Ladder, joining earth with Heaven; Rejoice, O God, who appeared on earth, who bore in Your womb and, like the Burning Bush, remains incorruptible. Rejoice, luminous Cloud, from Him the Lord of all, like rain on the fleece, descending to the earth; rejoice, for Life-Giving Source, warming the hunger and thirst for eternal truth in people. Rejoice, Christ, who has contained the manna of life in His womb and saturates our souls with the bread of immortality; Rejoice, wonderful Rod, adorning the flowers of the faithful virtues. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High autumn of Thee, the Most Pure One, having made Thee the Mother of the Lord, and after Thy Nativity abides abundantly in Thee, Mother of God. Rejoicing at such God's good will towards You, all, praising the Savior of the world, cry out to Him joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having in Yourself abundantly the grace of God, You, Most Immaculate One, have given Your entire life to good cares for Your Son and the Lord, keeping all His words in Your heart. We, sinners, remembering Your sorrowful life on earth, say the following praises to You: Rejoice, Thou who gave birth to the Lord of the universe in a wretched den; Rejoice, you who fled to Egypt from the lawless Herod with Your Son. Rejoice, you who sought Your Son with great sorrow in Jerusalem during the days of Easter; Rejoice, having contemplated hatred and envy of Your Son from His enemies with a sorrowful heart. Rejoice, you who crucified Him with your Mother’s heart, when you contemplated His suffering and death on the Cross; Rejoice, having found your son in John the Theologian, according to the word Jesus. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 4

Our Russian country has been repeatedly tested by the storm of invasion of foreigners, and in difficult trials our fathers have cried out for help to the Blessed Virgin Mary. That, like the Indestructible Wall, by His intercession at the Throne of His Son and God, graciously sends down His power, and with the hope of the Mother of God’s help, the people of Russia drive out the hordes of the enemy from the Russian borders. For this reason, praising the Mother of God, we joyfully sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The whole world hears and knows how the Most Holy Theotokos kindles courage in the hearts of the Russian people, and gives strength for exploits and defense of the fatherland, fights against foreigners, and sends Her gracious help to the entire Russian army. Confessing our faith and the miraculous intercession of the Queen of Heaven in the days of the military invasions of our land, we thus sing to the Most Gracious One: Rejoice, help to the Russian people against their enemies; Rejoice, blessed reinforcement from our land for the expulsion of foreigners. Rejoice, secret admonition and wisdom for the leaders of the Russian army; Rejoice, shame on the haters of the human race. Rejoice, terrible Punisher who kindled the flame of enmity; Rejoice, invincible Helper of all who care for the peace of the whole world. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 5

Thou art the God-bearing star, O Ever-Blessed One, to all those wandering in the darkness of passions and vices, for through Thy admonition many grave sinners turn away from lawless deeds and run to God with repentance, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the death of many souls into the power of sin and defilement by Satan, the Most Merciful Lady, out of indescribable love for the human race, advances them to help, turns them away from the disastrous path and instructs them on the path of salvation. Rejoicing at the wondrous mercy of the Queen of Heaven, all the faithful say this: Rejoice, you who show us all the path of salvation; Rejoice, forbidding pride and anger to rule our hearts. Rejoice, strict admonition to gluttons and drunkards; Rejoice, strong motivation for the lazy and weak-willed. Rejoice, you who lead those who live in fornication to repentance; Rejoice, sinners who come running to You with faith, speedy correction. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of miracles revealed by Your icons, our pious fathers, saved by You, Mother of God, and delivered from troubles and misfortunes. In the same way, thanking God, who has bestowed such a good Intercessor on the human race, all silent lips sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of Your ineffable goodness, O Blessed One, shines forth to all those who grieve, weep, to all of us in temptation, for through our tearful prayers You, the Mother of God, grant us miraculous deliverance from troubles. Otherwise, not having words worthy of praising Thee for Thy mercy towards all, with sinful lips we exclaim to Thee in tenderness: Rejoice, thou who transformest our sorrows and tears into joy; Rejoice, O Merciful Helper of those who suffer from temptation. Rejoice, saving our houses from fire and other destruction; rejoice, from aunts and evil people faithful protector. Rejoice, destroyer of the slander and intrigues of our enemies; Rejoice, conquering the fear of death and sudden death in our souls. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 7

Although the All-Merciful Lord showed His Divine love for us unworthy, giving us Your Mother of God icon, called the Indestructible Wall, and seeing miracles from the holy icon, all people with faith and hope for Your miraculous help with tenderness cry out to the Source of miracles, the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new testimony that is always inherent in You, Most Pure One, of the grace and miraculous powers the Creator showed to us, always Your wondrous image, depicted on the altar wall of the ancient St. Sophia Cathedral in the city of Kiev, was preserved intact for nine centuries, for the hordes of filthy enemies of the Orthodox faith did not dare to damage this gracious image, protected by Your power. Truly, for us, sinners and mourners, this holy icon is an unbreakable wall, inspiring all the faithful to proclaim to You: Rejoice, clothed in a tunic, shining with heavenly light; Rejoice, thou who by the lifting of Thy most pure hands manifests unceasing prayer for the whole world. Rejoice, for you have not damaged Your honorable image and the length of centuries; Rejoice, for this image remains in all its glory even after the invasion of the forces of the enemy. Rejoice, for in this way the hearts of those praying are reverently touched; Rejoice, for the grace-filled power inherent in this image of Yours frightens the demons. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 8

It is strange for non-believers to hear that You, Mother of God, have special care for babies. We, remembering the words of our Lord, said: leave the children to come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of God, we confess with firm faith that You, Most Holy Virgin, protect babies and their mothers with Your love, and we cry to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

With all your heart, Queen of the world, offer up prayers for all of God’s creatures to Your Son, as the Mother according to the flesh of the Son of God, You comfortably accommodate in Your soul the sorrows and labors of mothers. For this reason, as the Mother of the Infant Jesus, we sing to You: Rejoice, faithful Helper and refuge of childbearing mothers; Rejoice, protection and strength of infants. Rejoice, quenching maternal sorrows; Rejoice, preserving every age of infancy. Rejoice, good Teacher of pious mothers in raising children; Rejoice, O children helpless in illness to the Healer. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic and human nature sings of Your ever-virgin purity, Most Immaculate, for this sake we honor You, as the vigilant Guardian of the purity of virgins, the purity of widows, the chastity of young men; and we entrust every age of people to You, that You may preserve them in holiness, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Superstitious spirits cannot contain in their hearts the truth of Your, Mother of God, Ever-Virginity. We, who believe in the power of the incomprehensible mystery, reverently praise Thee: Rejoice, for the Bridegroom, most beautiful above all the sons of men, desired Your red and bright kindness; Rejoice, for this Bridegroom combines virginity and Christmas in You. Rejoice, all-wise Teacher of immaculate virginity; Rejoice, thou who observest celibacy among pious widows. Rejoice, teaching pure virgins and widows to work for the glory of Christ for the good of their neighbors; Rejoice, thou who hast helped all those who are able to accommodate them on the path of chastity. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 10

Save people who want From the falls of sin, You, Lady, vigilantly protect the holiness of an honest marriage and command those who are in marriage to keep the commandments of the Lord: to raise their children according to God and accustom them to acts of mercy. Giving thanks to God, who has given us such a wise Teacher, we sing to Him with all our hearts: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the Wall and Guardian of pious Christian families, the Most Holy Virgin, who wisely instruct believers in marriage, how to accept the good yoke and preserve fidelity to each other until death. For this reason, we, rejoicing in Your care for a good Christian marriage, say with tenderness to You: Rejoice, honest marriage blessing; Rejoice, for teaching spouses how to live according to the teachings of Christ and the apostles. Rejoice, you who bring love and like-mindedness into the hearts of those living in marriage; Rejoice, protector of family ties. Rejoice, good Guardian of the domestic Church; Rejoice, formidable accuser of adulterers. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 11

All-contrite singing is brought to Ti, Most Blessed One, by the entire Christian race, seeing Thee as the all-powerful Prayer Book for the whole world. You, Mother of God, accept the prayers of the young, and do not despise the prayers of the weak elders and old women, instruct the young in good deeds for salvation, and remind the elders of their imminent transition to the afterlife. For this reason, praying to the Lord to grant us all the memory of death, we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The teaching of Christ the Savior about the life of the future century is an edifying and luminous luminary in our sinful life. But You, All-Merciful One, kindle in our hearts the gracious desire to be cleansed from sins by repentance and good deeds decorate your life. Rejoicing in Your care for us, so that we may receive eternal salvation, with tears of tenderness we cry out to You: Rejoice, you who show considerable love for the infirm elders; Rejoice, faithful people who want to end their lives in piety, All-merciful Helper. Rejoice, elderly parents, abandoned by their children, receiving under Your honest roof; Rejoice, O terrible Punisher, such cruel children who neglect their elders. Rejoice, reminding us all of the terrible Second Coming of Christ; Rejoice, for the souls of the departed faithful servants of God, warm prayer book. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 12

Divine grace clearly abides in Your miraculous icon, worthily and righteously for our consolation called the Indestructible Wall. Pouring out our joys and sorrows before this icon, we pray to You, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, do not forsake us with Your intercession, but we cry out to the Lord with gratitude for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your powerful intercession for the whole world, remembering the miracles You showed through Your holy icon, the Indestructible Wall, we pray to You, the zealous Intercessor: be our country's unceasing Helper, beseech Your Son, who fulfills Your prayers, to establish throughout the world the peace desired by the peoples, and all They will gratefully praise You: Rejoice, rejoicing at the appearance of Your Son and His Resurrection; Rejoice, thou who in Thy immortal Dormition joyfully gave Thy soul into His hands. Rejoice, strengthening good shepherds on their way of the cross; Rejoice, you who lead the monastic life with invisible help. Rejoice, protecting this temple and those who pray in it with Your grace; Rejoice, unchanging Protection and Indestructible Wall for our Fatherland. Rejoice, Mother of God, Indestructible Wall, our Intercessor and consolation.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, accept now this small prayer, protect us from sins and all kinds of defilement, deliver us from the troubles and needs that befall us, save us from despondency and despair, human slander, unbearable diseases, and through Your prayers we may take the path of salvation Eternal, let us sing with gratitude to Your Son: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon

Oh, our gracious Lady Theotokos, Ever-Virgin! Receive from us this song of gratitude and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds. Oh, Most Holy Lady! Have mercy and send down a gift according to any need: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the erring to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and women, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in eternal life, the Indestructible Wall, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always chanting Your maternal love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

According to legend, the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Unbreakable Wall,” became famous for Elder Gabriel’s vision of the Spaso-Eleazar Hermitage. He saw a wonderful city in front of him on a hill, where he had to go; a wide, flat road led to the city, along which it was very easy to walk. Many people climbed this road, not noticing that a huge, terrible giant was hanging over them, throwing a net at those walking and capturing it for himself. The old man wondered how he could get to the Great City and not get caught in the giant’s net. Suddenly, from the side, he noticed an imperceptible, steeper path rising along a sky-high wall to the city. Rare travelers walked along this path; the giant tried to throw a net at them, but it hit the wall and returned to him empty. Then the words from the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos surfaced in the elder’s head: “Rejoice, Indestructible Wall of the Kingdom...”, realizing whose power protects travelers on this path, the elder turned onto this path. The net whistled over his head, but never even touched him, being thrown back by the wall erected by the Mother of God. He reached the city, and there... beauty, light, flowers, fragrance, everything was in awe and joy... So he reached the very Throne of the Great King...

Miraculous icon Holy Mother of God“The Unbreakable Wall” is made in the style of a mosaic on the wall above the high place of the main altar of the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. The Mother of God is depicted on a golden background, standing at full height on a quadrangular golden stone with raised arms.

A six-meter image of the praying Mother of God, Oranta, on the concave surface of the dome above the altar of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

The icon received its name “The Unbreakable Wall” due to the fact that for nine centuries it remained intact, despite the fact that both the cathedral and the city were repeatedly destroyed. An ancient description of this icon has been preserved: “ The growth of the Mother of God is gigantic, like all Her deeds in Rus'. She stands on a golden stone, the unshakable foundation of all those who flow to Her protection. Her tunic and scarlet belt are of heavenly color, and on it hangs a lention, with which She wipes away so many tears. Azure arms on hands raised to the sky. The golden veil falls from Her head and hangs in the form of an omophorion on her left shoulder, as a sign of Her cover, a broad cloud, according to the voice of church songs. A bright star burns on the forehead of the Mother of God and two stars on her shoulders: for She Herself, the Mother of the Unsetting Light, was for us the dawn of the Unsetting Sun».

According to Kyiv legend, the capital city will not perish as long as the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” stretches out the hands of the Mother of God over it.

The irresistible Intercessor of the Russian land gave her gracious help even in the most difficult times. On the large arch of the semi-vault, over its entire length and almost its entire width, a Greek inscription is depicted in black mosaic. This inscription is translated as follows: “God is in the midst of her and does not move: God will help her in the morning” (Ps. 45, v. 6).

The initial image for the creation of this image was the icon of Our Lady Blachernitissa, placed on the altar wall of the Blachernae Church in Constantinople.

Our Lady of Blachernitissa

A belt copy of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon was made from the Kyiv image, which was unknown for a long time. The icon was rediscovered only in the 60s of the twentieth century, when it was transferred to the church in the village of Nikolskoye, Astrakhan region, from the neighboring village of Zlatozubovka, which was devastated by the Bolsheviks during the revolution. There are marks on it hard years, traces of vandalism: damaged painting, scraped gilding. The image hung in the temple, among many other icons, for more than 30 years. In 2001, the Most Holy Lady appeared in a subtle dream to a 95-year-old resident of the village of Solenoye Zaimishche, the pious Agrippina Yakovlevna Veremeeva, and, comforting her from impending blindness, commanded her to pray to Her miraculous image “The Unbreakable Wall” in Nikolskoye. On the day of the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, they looked for the icon and found it on the wall in an inconspicuous corner of the church. They began to clean it, it was covered with drying oil. The icon was painted in gold. They removed the drying oil and sent it off for restoration. Opened reverse side icons - it indicates that it was written for the monastery.

As a result of archival searches, it was possible to find out the origin of the image and possible reason its miraculous power: in 1906, when the holy righteous John of Kronstadt came to the monastery, he illuminated the iconostasis of the monastery, and in the photograph they recognized this icon - the “Unbreakable Wall” on the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the heavenly patron of St. John of Kronstadt, the Venerable John of Ryl. The icon stood in the first row of the iconostasis. The All-Russian prayer book, Father John, personally consecrated it. Perhaps this is the reason for its miraculous power. Subsequently, the monastery temple was destroyed, the icons were burned or chopped up. The icon “The Unbreakable Wall” was saved from desecration by the pious parishioner Maria Anshakova, who prayed before it in her home for many years, and then donated it to the church in Nikolskoye, the only one surviving at that time in the entire district...

It was as if her second birth took place and veneration began among the parishioners. After the prayers, several obvious miracles happened. Cancer was healed twice, and help was also sent during surgery. The parents' son, who disappeared 11 years earlier, was found; the killer of a local girl was revealed and came to confess; The spouses who were on the verge of divorce were reconciled. Orthodox people from the surrounding area and other places flocked to the icon. Thanks to the care of gracious pilgrims, the icon was decorated with a skillfully crafted crown, an unquenchable lamp was lit, the oil from which is now distributed to those praying.

According to eyewitness accounts, it is known that during the Great Patriotic War, on the fields of fierce battles, in the hottest spots of the battle, a woman was seen standing with her face turned towards enemy units, with her hands raised to the sky. One such evidence is described in detail in the story of the Orthodox writer Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov, “The Unbreakable Wall.” It tells about the miracle of the amazing rescue of a front-line soldier and his friend on the Kursk Bulge, in one of the most difficult battles during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. When a front-line soldier went into the church to light a funeral candle to remember a comrade in arms, he recognized the very woman in the “Unbreakable Wall” icon that he had seen then, in that memorable battle. It was the Most Holy Theotokos herself.

There are few lists of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon from the Kyiv image. They are available in two or three churches in Moscow. One of them was made in the 19th century and brought from the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral to Russia, in Temple of the Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul in Lefortovo.

Icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” in the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Lefortovo

The date of the appearance of this icon in the temple is not known with certainty. But all local legends say that the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” appeared in the church of the apostles Peter and Paul in the atheistic time. According to some information, the icon was brought to this temple after the closure of the churches located on the territory of the “Quench My Sorrows” community; according to others, it was brought from the closed churches of the military hospital named after Burdenko; there is an opinion that it was donated to the temple in the sixties of the 20th century.

Amazing power comes from the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”. On the icon, the Blessed Virgin is depicted in full height, standing on a quadrangular stone against the background of the celestial sphere. Raising Her most pure hands, the Good Intercessor of the Christian race prays for the whole world, begging the Lord to extend the time given to the human race for repentance. Around the icon there is a mysterious inscription: “ God is in Her midst and does not move: the morning will help Her"(cf. Ps. 45:6).

Troparion, tone 4
Like an indestructible wall and an omnipotent cover of the treasures of Thee, Thy servants, the Lady Theotokos, driving away the darkness of sins and sorrows. We also cry out to You: grant world peace and light and salvation to our souls.

In the most difficult moments of life, believers, as well as many non-believers, hopefully resort to help and intercession Higher Powers, they find out where there are icons that work miracles, that can cure various ailments, they fall to them with prayers and requests and - they receive according to their faith.

Among the many miracle-working icons, one can also name an image called the “Unbreakable Wall”. In addition to the fact that this icon, made using mosaic technique, is a real work of art, it is also an intercessor and healer. From the article you will learn the meaning of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon and how it helps.

History of the holy image and photo

This name has been decorating the altar vault of the Kyiv Sophia for almost ten centuries. However, researchers believe that its prototype is an even more ancient icon from the Blachernae Church of the Mother of God in the city of Constantinople, which is located on the wall of the altar and is called “Blachernitissa”.

Legend says that the glorification of the icon occurred after a vision shown to the monk Gabriel from the Spaso-Eleazar monastery in the Pskov region. The beautiful city that appeared before his mental eyes, located high on the mountain, beckoned to him, and the elder moved along wide road, following the crowd of people walking by it.

Gabriel noticed, however, that his companions did not see the monstrous giant, literally hanging over those walking and throwing a snare-trap over them, dragging them away from the road. After all, he, too, can get into the network! What to do? Looking around, the elder saw a narrow and steep path very close to the dirt road.

It curled up right next to the sheer rock wall. People also walked along it. The monster tried to capture them with a trapping net, fortunately, without success: it simply hit the rock like a wall and bounced off it.

The rock evoked in the elder a vivid association with the words from the akathist to the Most Holy One, where She is compared to an indestructible wall. Realizing under whose protection the path was, he boldly stepped onto it, not even paying attention to the giant’s trap flashing overhead from time to time. All the way to the wonderful Great City, Gabriel prayed to the Mother of God, who, through the Unbreakable Wall of her protection, granted salvation to the righteous.

What does it mean?

The holy image, having been in one place for many centuries in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral and remaining unharmed, survived fires and wars, natural disasters and fight against God. Both the city and the cathedral suffered from them, but the icon miraculously survived.

It is possible that it was precisely this resilience that instilled in the people faith in its ability not only to remain indestructible, but also to shelter those who ask for it, especially during enemy invasions and rampant elements.

What does the image look like? It is known that the “Oranta” type of iconography involves the image of the Intercessor of the world with her hands raised to heaven in a prayerful gesture. On the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” She, depicted in full height, stands on a golden base stone, which symbolizes reliability for all who ask for Her intercession.

The Mother of God's clothing consists of a blue chiton with a dark red belt and a lention attached to it - a towel with which the Comforter wipes the tears of the suffering. Throwed over her left shoulder, like an omophorion, is a golden veil that descends from Her head.

If we talk about the Kiev original, then along the entire length of the image, repeating the shape of the arc of the temple semi-vault, an inscription is laid out in a mosaic of black material - a slightly modified quote from the Psalter - in Greek, which in Russian translation reads like this: “in the middle of it; she will not hesitate: God will help her from early morning” (45, 6).

By the way, according to local legend, the former capital Kievan Rus will not die, but Slavic peoples will prosper - as long as the Mother of God, called the Indestructible Wall, extends her hands over them, and the image remains unharmed.

What are they asking for?

Based on the history and biography of the shrine turn to her with prayers in such situations, When:

  • They want to troubles and illnesses bypassed the house and family.
  • They want protect the house from fire, robbers, just unkind people.
  • They dream of a strong, friendly family and life in it in peace and harmony.
  • A loved one gets sick Human.
  • Before going on the road(your own or one of your relatives).
  • wish that “those who are in a quarrel are reconciled”.
  • They want to protect themselves from enemy attack- both on a national scale and on the scale of a single apartment, curses and all sorts of other misfortunes.
  • Want to protect yourself from the threat of flooding, drought, fire, epidemics.

Miracles icons

The miraculous properties of the “Unbreakable Wall” image have been revealed on many occasions. Often, in a dream, the Heavenly Intercessor herself tells those who are suffering where and how to find her icon, in front of which they should offer a prayer. The following miracles have been documented:

  • At the beginning of this century, a very elderly woman who was in danger of blindness had a vision. The Mother of God consoled her, ordering her to pray before this icon, located in the village of Nikolskoye, Astrakhan region, and The old woman's vision returned.
  • People were healed from cancer.
  • Received assistance with complex surgical interventions.
  • Parents have found, who was considered missing for a long time.
  • Husbands and wives reconciled, being on the verge of divorce, and subsequently led a pious family life.
  • The killer himself came to confess young girl.

A very interesting episode during the war was described by Archpriest and writer N. Agafonov in a documentary story called “The Unbreakable Wall.”

In the most brutal moments of the fighting, in particular on the Kursk Bulge, many fighters saw a figure standing with her hands raised to the sky. It seemed that she was covering the fighters. The author and his fighting friend survived in this inhuman meat grinder.

Years after the war, when the writer entered the temple to light a memorial candle for a friend who had already passed away, he literally froze in front of the image of the “Unbreakable Wall”: it was That Woman from the battlefield who kept them alive.

Where to look for the shrine?

The main “address” mentioned above is St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Lists miraculous icon Not much has survived to this day:

  • One of them was made in Kyiv’s “Sofia” and was delivered to Moscow in the century before last. Now it is placed in the Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul (Lefortovo). They say that he appeared here during the dark times of theomachism, when churches and monasteries were closed throughout the country. When exactly and how this happened is not known for certain. People testify that the icon exudes amazing power.
  • Another copy was written from the Kyiv icon, which is preserved in Voskresensk-Mironositsky convent(Zubovka village, Astrakhan region). In the atheistic era, the image was reliably hidden by one parishioner, and it was revealed to the world only in the second half of the last century. Miracles began to happen from him already in the new century. According to archival data, the icon was consecrated by the holy righteous John of Kronstadt.
  • A great number of believers are constantly observed in Kaliningrad - at the shrine, also made in mosaic technique and located in the chapel of the city cathedral.

Icon "Unbreakable Wall" monasteries are also dedicated. This:

  • Open for 15 years in Kuban Absheronsk Nunnery, bearing the name of the holy image with the same three-altar cathedral, where the icon is placed.
  • Five years ago, one pious family, in gratitude for the successful resolution of vital matters, built a church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall” in the village of Essentukskaya, in the Stavropol region.
  • Another modern religious building, the church, bears the same name. in Gaspra, near Yalta.

In all these temples the patronal feast day in honor of the shrine is celebrated a week after Trinity, on Sunday, called by the Church the Sunday of All Saints.

Where to hang it in the house?

The “Unbreakable Wall” - a helper and protector, like another Mother of God icon, the “Seven Arrows” - is traditionally located opposite the entrance to a house/apartment or above the front door.

The face of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be constantly turned towards those entering, and many people note: if a person comes to the house with not very good intentions or even thoughts about the owners, he will feel uncomfortable under the gaze of the Intercessor and will try to shorten the time of the visit.

Eat good tradition give this icon to family and friends - to protect from misfortunes and diseases.


“Oh, our gracious Lady Theotokos, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this song of gratitude and offer up to our Creator and Creator your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, the Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, nasty deeds.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to each need: heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, bring the lost to reason, protect the infants, raise and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, be with us both here and in life eternal Wall, Indestructible, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, and always singing Your Motherly love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."