The best party contests. Games and contests for fun at the party

  • 24.09.2019

Each participant in the competition is given banknote. At the signal of the host, the participants throw the bills up and start blowing on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if, nevertheless, the bill fell, do not despair, because you can kneel down and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

Players are divided into two teams and line up. The first players in their ranks are given a mop and a bucket. The mop must be taken in the right hand, put the leg into the bucket and hold it with the left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance, and then pass his equipment to the next.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Women's sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are handed bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each of the girls is to eat banana ice cream. However, you should not rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the presenter addresses the guests, who choose by voting best girl.

funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given balloon and thread. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and arbitrarily go down.
In addition, a pushpin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle up. You can do this with a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's ball with his forehead. Whose balloon burst, he is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the audience and the participants themselves. Participants form teams of 4-5 people. Each of the teams chooses their phantom, which will indicate to them a certain situation, which they must show in 3-D. For example, rest by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and voices them with cries of “my my mine”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone voices the splash of sea waves, and someone shows a bright glow from the sun. Situations in fantasies can be completely different, for example, flying into space, morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team will show the best 3-D performance, that team will receive their prize.


In the center of the hall they put a small potted tree, preferably with branchy branches. Leaves are scattered all over the tree reverse side which desires are written. Each of the participants in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After that, the player must fulfill the desire that was written on the sheet.

Find an orange

The host announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not translucent and completely closed), a hole for the hand is made in each box, an orange (apple) is hidden in one of the boxes and, for example, spiders or worms are sitting in one of the boxes (but, in fact, there are no spiders). On the “start” command, each participant must stick his hand into all his three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and, most likely, all of them will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that “unpleasant” creatures are sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first, he won. And at the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the presenter will confirm that there were no worms and spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears faster than the rest and find an orange is entitled to a prize.

That other couple

The guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with each other's arms clasped. Without changing position and without disengaging hands, at the “start” command, couples must get to their balloon (air), which is at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that completes this fun challenge the fastest will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and put 5 different objects on their heads, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, a candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their heads. Which of the guests will be able to recognize all 5 "their" items, he will receive a prize.

The entertainment part of the program is the most fun and enjoyable part of any holiday. The choice of competitions and entertainment depends on the occasion and the composition of the company. If guests have gathered, ready for fun and any surprises, then in such a company any game takes place on the "Hurrah" and any idea is met with enthusiasm. and uneven ages, then the choice of games should be approached more carefully.

We offer a collection fun party contests- include them in your program and have fun with pleasure.

Competition for the party "Super-mega-macho"

Of course, none of the men's holidays is complete without finding out who we have the very best, so it's best for the host to take the initiative in their own hands and invite the already slightly warmed-up macho to find out who will get the title of the coolest of the cool.

We call five men and offer them several tasks that will be associated with “going to the hall”. Moreover, it is better to change the set of tasks as many times as the number of times superheroes are called to battle.

Here is the first set of test tasks: first send the men into the hall for the women's belt. That is, each of them personally(!) must remove the belt from any lady present and bring it in his teeth to the feet of the leader (about the teeth, of course, a joke). The second item to be delivered from the hall will be a woman's earring. And thirdly, the players will have to deliver ... a woman as a trophy.

Each time, the one who returns first with the booty is awarded ten points, so the winner is determined by the sum of the points scored.

If the toastmaster proposes to hold this competition for the second time, then, of course, there will be no end to those who wish. Therefore, we recommend the second set of tasks with approximately the following content: first, let them bring any sock. Yes, there will be questions, but what questions can cool machos have? The host needs a sock, which means that the players must provide him with this particular piece of clothing, even if he has to be removed from another man.

Then you can demand to take out a bottle, a glass and a plate of snacks from the hall. But for the third time, the host may ask to bring a pretty girl - this will be a reward for the participants in the game for torment in the previous two rounds.

"Men's games" at the holiday.

This option is suitable for playing in an unfamiliar company of guests. To cheer people up and try to speed up the dating process, call several men from the audience. Two or three will be enough. We take them to another room and change into women. Now they are ready to perform various tasks. For example, fidgeting on a chair, determine how many objects lie on it, hidden by a thick scarf. The player who gives the fewest correct answers is out of the game.

The second task: who will quickly eat all the candies that fit in a small box. No sober woman would do such a thing. However, the loser is still, despite all his courage, removed from the game.

But we don't just let the winner go. Still, you need to torment him a little first. For example, forcing you to put on high-heeled shoes, dance a couple of measures from the lambada.

But after that - rewarding: give the sufferer a bottle of good wine.

Merry competition "Find a wife"

It is also best to use married couples here, where the main test - the “search” for a wife - will fall on the husband. To make it more interesting, the host needs to call at least five married couples. We put women in the center of the hall on chairs that are placed in a circle, backs to each other. It would seem that when explaining, the competition looks quite simple: the husbands are blindfolded, and then they need to reach the center of the hall, find their half in the circle of women and kiss her. Of course, women, while they are literally identified with their hands, should not make a single sound.

That's when the eyes are already blindfolded, then the presenter's assistants should quickly put any obstacles in the way of the walking spouses. It is best if these are large inflatable toys, life buoys, and so on, that is, something that cannot be hit.

For the sharpness of the competition for everything about everything, players can allocate two minutes. The winner is the man who reaches the women in these two minutes, quickly determines where his own wife is and kisses her.

The winner can be given a toy compass as a sign that, like this device, it is very difficult to confuse.

Competition "Measurements of the Beloved".

This one does not involve the identification of winners, because in it, indeed, the main thing is participation. The leader for this game will need five couples, consisting of a man and a woman.

We prepare ten chairs on stage in advance, which we arrange in twos to make impromptu benches. We put women on these benches. We line up the men in one line and force them to draw lots: the names of the women participants are written on pieces of paper. Which one of the lying ladies will fall out, he should approach that one.

First, we offer seniors to measure the height of their seniors in the palms. All this should take place under the loud replicas of the presenter and cheerful music. The results are recorded by the presenter's assistants.

The second task: measuring the height of girls in kisses. How each of the men will understand the task is his business, the main thing is that he gives the result on record.

The third is weight measurements. Here you have to take the ladies in your arms to hold exactly as much as each of the men has enough strength.

It is best to give small gifts to all participants of the "measurements", because each and every one has contributed to the common cause. For instance. it can be paper height meters for children.

"Small blue handkerchief".

The ladies are seated on chairs, and the men are tied with their right hand behind their backs, then they are given blue and preferably silk handkerchiefs. What should men do? Well, of course, tie this symbol of femininity on the lily necks of your partners. A good move on the part of the presenter will be the famous song about the little blue handkerchief performed by Claudia Shulzhenko sounding in the background to the game.

It is not worth setting a specific time for this competition - it is too difficult a task, so everything will end when it ends. But the winner needs to be determined: it will be the man who will be able to cope with the handkerchief the fastest.

Naturally, the result of this counts even when the scarf sits at random around the neck. The main thing is that it should be tied like a knot.

In this case, we consider a bottle of good booze to be the best prize for the winner, and the rest of the men get beer each, for diligence.

Cheerful pair competition "Oink-oink".

This game involves the formation of pairs - family and non-family ones are suitable. For one run, five to six pairs are enough. The host invites them to dance, however, during the dance, the partners must follow the instructions that he gives them. For example, the facilitator may command: “Dance hand to hand (players hold hands, like in tango) Now we dance - hip to hip!” etc. But the toastmaster is obliged to immediately warn that one small but cute pig is buried in his dancing orders.

The fact is that as soon as the host says “oink-oink”, the lady should stop with her legs spread shoulder-width apart, and her partner should sit down to look into the formed with the help of female legs triangle, and grunt loudly.

This is a knockout game, so the facilitator must keep a fast pace while giving instructions to the dancers. We also advise you to pronounce the cherished “oink-oink as unexpectedly as possible (you can first name three or four “decent” teams, and then ask to grunt, then ask to dance tummy to tummy, and grunt again). Those who hesitated or showed not too much desire to take the necessary posture are ruthlessly expelled from the game. Thus, the winners will be gradually determined.

A reception in the same spirit can be used at a wedding, during a ransom. Only here a kind of “window from the hands should be made, for example, by a witness and a bridesmaid. At the same time, the groom is lifted in his arms, given a horizontal position and brought to this “window”. His task is to cuckoo (at a wedding these sounds are more appropriate than grunting) how many joint decades they will live with their future wife.

Competition "Who in the world is the tastiest".

Equipment for this competition: two large bowls or bowls, two cutting boards, a pair of knives and tablespoons. As can be seen from the sets, two players will participate in the game. We call them from among the guests. Assignment: from the products on the table, they must cook their own, almost branded, salad with at least ten ingredients. Players are allowed to walk around the hall and collect from the tables all that they need for a masterpiece. However, they only have two minutes at their disposal.

Ten points goes to the one who fits in the allotted time. Another five points are given to those who actually mixed at least ten products. To do this, the participant must provide evidence, that is, dirty dishes with the remnants of the products included in the miracle salad.

Another five points can be awarded for the appetizing appearance of the dish.

The next stage of the competition is the feeding of a volunteer. Immediately warn those who want to try this product that, firstly, it can be something completely crazy in taste. And secondly, the one who blew all this beauty will be blindfolded, and he will feed the volunteer in such a “blind” form. However, there will still be hunters for culinary experiments. For this miracle cooks get ten points only if they feed their victim without soiling it to an ugly state.

The winner will be determined by the sum of his points.

"Siamese twins".

This entertainment is intended for dexterous and quick-witted players, so the leader should have such people in mind from among the guests and at the right time call them to participate in the game.

The essence of the “Siamese Twins” entertainment lies in the fact that a couple of participants are literally tied with belts, as if connecting the left and right legs of the participants into one whole. They do the same with their hands - the right hand of one is tied to the left hand of the other, so that it looks exactly like it happens with Siamese twins.

When these preparations run out, then we give the participants in the game different tasks that they must perform using only their free arms and legs.

For example, they will need to pour tea in a cup, sew on a button, sort out beans, and so on.

It is worthwhile to think over the whole complex of tasks in advance and note the time during which the couple will cope with the problems posed. then the results of several pairs are compared and the winner is declared.

No truly fun and groovy party is complete without contests. They help create a relaxed atmosphere, do not let you get bored. We offer you scenarios of the most interesting games and fun contests suitable for a variety of situations. There are fun competitions here a large number few people who know each other, contests for small company close friends, competitions for children. Make the evening memorable - choose holiday contests in this catalog, prepare everything you need to conduct them and involve as many participants as possible in them.

Before the game, blanks are made (clippings of newspaper headlines, and the topics of the headlines can be very diverse, for example: "Down and Feather", "Competition Winner", etc.) The clippings are placed in an envelope and ...

To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque), which contains various items of clothing: underpants size 56, bonnets, bras size 10, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The host offers...

The victim of the prank is told that now everyone in the company will guess one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess it by asking the company questions about the plot of the fairy tale. The whole company answers in chorus (and not one by one)....

Props: not needed Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must as soon as possible say his first association with this word in the ear of the next, the second - the third, and so on. bye...

The game is a modification of the "Christmas Tree" and is offered in a company where there are boys and girls (uncles and aunts). It all starts trite. For a boy and a girl who are blindfolded, 5 clothespins are attached. Pare...

Guests run around at speed festive table holding a glass by the stem with his teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Who ran the fastest and did not spill the contents - the winner With flour on his face Two guys sit down at the table opposite each other. Front...

Reminiscent of the game With clothespins, but a little more frank ... (4-8 people). Pins are taken (the number is arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of players), everyone except the leader is tied ...

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is given a roll of toilet paper, from which he needs to make a dress for his "model" ....

You will need: blank Glass bottle, notes. Write tasks in advance on small pieces of paper, for example: "Kiss three times", "Make a compliment", "Wish you health", "Dance dance together", etc....

This game is good if you have a rest with several families or companies for more than one day. All vacationers are members. All the names of the participants are written on separate notes, which are folded with the inscription ...

Level of difficulty: short

Training: the presence of a scarf or scarf, which will be convenient to blindfold

Rules: the rules are simple to disgrace. The one who leads is blindfolded and brought in turn to all those present. The task of the player is to guess which guest is in front of him.

To divert the eye, guests can put on additional items of clothing, make their growth higher / lower. The main thing is to be silent so that you are not identified by your voice :).

Fanta game

Level of difficulty: short

Training: deep basket, bag or hat

Rules: each of those present puts their item in the basket. It can be a watch, an earring, a lighter or any other personal item.

The host chooses a partner for the game, who is blindfolded. Pulling out the subject, the presenter asks “What is this phantom doing?” , and the partner comes up with any task at his discretion, without seeing which of the guests the pulled item belongs to

Blanks: and this fan...

  1. Gotta drink a cup of champagne with a coffee spoon
  2. Sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the style of heavy metal
  3. Tell me why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will take a group photo, acting as the author of the original idea
  5. Depicts Napoleon with a pillow on his head

Andersen game

Level of difficulty: short

Training: the names of well-known fairy tales prepared on cardboard

Rules: each of those who wish pulls out a cardboard with the name of the fairy tale. The goal of the game is to tell an old fairy tale in new way in a certain literary genre - thriller, horror, detective. The best storyteller gets a prize 🙂

Game "Vacuum cleaner"

Level of difficulty: short

Training: one playing card preferably plastic

Rules: The players stand in a circle and pass the card to each other. You need to do this without hands, with the help of your mouth, with which you will draw in air. The one who missed the card loses and leaves :).

Game "Porcupines"

Level of difficulty: short

Training: colored scrunchie for small hair

Rules: the host announces that today we will increase the population of porcupines. Each girl chooses a partner for herself and for a certain period of time makes the maximum number of small ponytails that imitate the raised porcupine spines. Whose partner will be the most prickly, that young lady won :).

You can find a lot of such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also use unusual ideas and do funny contests for a party also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find a treasure or play the crime of the century. One has only to show a little imagination and create something extraordinary.

Game "In search of adventure"

Level of difficulty: average

Training: local map". It can be either a river bank, a meadow, or your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, contests or puzzles.

Rules: you set the rules yourself. This may be a story about an ancient treasure, where you can break all those present into pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map indicating the points where they need to sail.

At the points, each team receives its tasks:

  1. Collect the Rubik's Cube.
  2. Solve a small crossword puzzle, a set of children's riddles.
  3. Compose a pirate song.
  4. Show card trick.
  5. Break your head over a puzzle or rebus.
  6. Push up from the floor 17 times.
  7. Learn a poem by Pushkin.

As you can see, there are a lot of conditions for passing each stage. The first team to reach the finish line receives the main treasure. These can be symbolic souvenirs for each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of rum 🙂

Game "Mafia"

Level of difficulty: average

Training: special cards for the game, which you can find on our website in the article ""

Rules: you can also familiarize yourself with the detailed rules in the specified article. Although you can change the rules depending on your own wishes and preferences :).

Game "Crime"

Level of difficulty: high

Training: you need to create an atmosphere of murder, distribute cards with the names of roles to guests, one of which is the Killer. You can create additional roles and circumstances. You can also create cards with suspected murder weapons and evidence.

Rules: in the course of reflection and finding out who and where was at the time of the murder, the participants in the game identify potential suspects, cross-examine and try to catch the Killer in a lie. Use the tactics of the game "Mafia" and you will spend an unforgettable evening with friends.

What fun party contests do you use? Share them in the comments!

Cool games for guests. Games will not only bring liveliness to any celebration, but also help guests get to know each other and make friends faster.

funny and cool games for an adult party

dating games

Dating game "Ball pick me a pair"

Guests stand in a circle. There are two balls in the game. One is given to a woman, the other to a man. Dancing to the music, the woman, passing in a circle, passes the ball to the man she wants, and the man, in turn, passes the ball to the woman who liked it, and so on while the fast melody sounds.

Game "Magic Rings"

Guests are invited to stand in two circles, one outside, the other inside. Guests from the inner circle turn to face the guests of the outer circle. While the music is playing, all the guests go in a circle, the outer circle to the right, the inner circle to the left and dance. As soon as the music has died down, the guests get acquainted standing opposite each other. A man shakes hands with a man, a woman curtsies in front of a woman, a man kisses a woman's hand. Before the game, you can invite guests to rehearse.

Game "Ball in a circle"

Guests stand in a circle. While the music is playing, the guests pass the ball to each other. But warn not to throw, but to pass. As the music subsides, the one with the ball says his name loudly and stands in the middle of the circle. Music sounds again, do not forget to invite guests to dance while playing at all games. Gradually two circles will form, the outer circle will get smaller and smaller. As soon as two people remain, they should definitely be given a prize for speed and quick wits.

Games for the company

Game "Good mood for everyone"

The guests stand in a circle. An incendiary disco melody sounds. At the moment of the dance, the leader offers to pass to each other good mood. One person takes the neighbor's arm and spins with him, thereby this neighbor should go to his neighbor and spin with him under the music, and so on until everyone is overloaded with music.

Game "Golden Gate"

Two people get up in a pair, hold hands and raise their hands up, the rest of the guests to the music, stand one after another and holding hands go through the gate that two people created by raising their hands. The music stops, the hands go down, and those who are left inside stand in a circle with two beginners. Hands are raised and the rest of the guests continue to pass as long as the music is playing. Play until the last player. The inner circle becomes the main one.

Game "Smart train"

Each guest is a separate trailer. The host of the guests chooses a train and announces the rules of the game. Each trailer clings to itself another trailer, and so on until the last. The winner is the penultimate participant who hitched the trailer last.

Game "Islands"

The guests stand in a circle. Each player has a sheet of A-4 paper at their feet. To the music, the guests go in a circle and dance. The music has died down, and each player stands on his island. The host, after each time, removes one piece of paper. Whoever did not get it does not leave the circle, but simply dances to the music. Play up to the last two players. Prize winners.

Theatrical and song games for the company

Cool game "BABA YAGA"

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.


Participants choose a well-known song and begin to sing it in chorus. At the leader’s command: “Quiet!”, the players fall silent and begin the song to themselves. After a while, the host gives the command: “Loud!” and the players sing the continuation of the song aloud. In most cases, while singing to themselves, the players change the tempo, and after the command "Loud!", everyone sings out of order and the game ends with laughter.


Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt high heels;
- sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- an infant who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Fantasy game "GOLDEN KEY"

The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox - bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome a given distance. The first pair to "hobble" receives a "golden key" - a prize.

Naughty games for the company

The game "WHOSE KNEES"

Chairs are placed in a circle in the middle of the room. Participants (men and women) sit on them. A leader is chosen who stands in the middle of the circle. He is blindfolded. Music sounds and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the driver must sit on the knees of the one next to whom he stopped. The person to whom the driver sat on his knees is trying not to give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?". The driver tries to guess. If he fails, then he changes places with the player, if not, the game is repeated.

Game "Robber dancers"

The host creates pairs according to the number of men. Invites separately from couples three women. And explains the rules. Couples dance to the music. The dancers (3 women) approach the dancers and clap their hands loudly. The couple automatically breaks up, the man goes over to the one who clapped his hands. The woman who is left becomes a hooligan and approaches any couple and breaks them. The most important thing in this game, the music should not be slow.

The game "WATER"

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives two pans of drinking water(possible with beer, compote, juice) and straws according to the number of participants. At the command of the leader, both teams begin to drink water with the help of straws. The team that completes the task faster wins.


An odd number of participants are divided into pairs. Left without a pair gets a special partner - a mop. The host turns on the music and the couples begin to dance (approximately 2-3 minutes). As soon as the music stops, the couples should switch partners. This must be done very quickly, since at this time the player without a pair throws a mop and grabs the first person who comes across, it does not matter if he is a man or a woman. The participant left without a pair will have to dance the next 2 minutes with a mop. It turns out fun.

Game "FEED ME"

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair contains a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.


Put the glasses with a drink on the floor at your feet on the side and step as far as possible. And then take out your glass without leaving your seat and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.


Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Game "APPLE"

Each dancing couple holds an apple or an orange between the foreheads. The musician changes the melodies from slow to fast. The task of the dancers is to hold the apple.

The last one sounds “Apple”, it is proposed to dance in a squat.


Participants stand one after another and hold on to the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. The chain must not break.


A piece of cheese (100 - 150 g) is tied to an elastic band. The elastic band itself is fixed on a stretched horizontal rope. In total, 2 - 4 pieces of cheese are suspended, and a pair of participants (preferably of the opposite sex) is called to each of them. The task of the players is to eat cheese without the help of hands. Whoever eats the fastest, wins.

The game "HOP"

Several participants are called. The facilitator shows them two positions:

1 – right hand holds the lobe of the left ear, and left hand- the tip of the nose;

2 - the right hand touches the tip of the nose, the left hand holds the lobe of the right ear.

At the clap of the host, all participants must change one position to another. The pace of clapping slowly increases.

The one who completes the correct movements the longest wins.