Christmas, New Year, Christmas fortune-telling. You will be beautiful all year long! Divination by candlelight

  • 26.09.2019

divination at home with a boat

For this divination, a basin of water is taken at home so that it is not completely filled with water. Bent strips with the names of fortunetellers are hung or riveted on the sides of this basin or possible events are written on them: Wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, gain, unexpected happiness, or good luck, etc. take the shell from walnut(its half) and in the middle of it a small stump of a Christmas tree candle is installed. The boat is allowed into the middle of the pelvis, and depending on which edge it comes up to and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is guessing.

divination on paper

At home, a whole sheet of paper or, best of all, a newspaper is taken, and this sheet of paper must be crumpled by hand so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding turning it into a ball, but leaving some outline. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and lit with a match. Burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ashes, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until some kind of shadow is outlined, according to the outlines of which, just like in the previous divination, they judge the future.

divination for the fulfillment of a wish

At home, you need to prepare a small piece of paper and a pencil by the time when under New Year the clock will strike 12. After the first strike, you must have time to write a wish, burn a piece of paper, stir the ashes into champagne and drink before the clock finishes striking 12.

divination at home on a gold chain

Wait for everyone to go to bed at home. Sit at the table and rub gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain to right hand, shake a little and drop it sharply on the floor. The chain forms various figures, which are interpreted as follows.
Circle - soon you will find yourself in a difficult position, as in a vicious circle.
A flat streak is a streak of luck and good luck.
Tangled knot - disease losses.
Triangle - promises big success in all matters, and especially in love.
Bow - fast wedding.
Snake - warns of caution in dealing with people, even loved ones, you can be betrayed.
Heart - a figure of this form indicates that you are loved, love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

divination at home on spruce branches

At Christmas time, they tell fortunes on spruce branches. They stock up on a spruce branch in advance and, holding it over the flame of a candle, cast a spell: "Spruce queen, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death; wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity?" The spell is repeated twelve times. Then put the branch under your pillow and go to bed. In a dream you can see the future. Take a look at the thread in the morning. If the needles crumbled from it, this predicts illness or other life hardships. And if the needles are in place, you will live happily ever after.

What are Christmas without fortune-telling? It is believed that it is during the period from Christmas to Epiphany that all predictions are true. Check it out!

The period from January 6 in Orthodoxy is called Christmas time. It is believed that it is at this time that the souls of the dead return to our world. All evil spirits "come to life", the witches arrange a sabbath. Therefore, fortune-telling held during the Christmas holidays come true with amazing accuracy.

Magical rituals can begin when Holy Week begins. Fortune-telling and rituals for Christmas time for the betrothed are the most popular these days. Christmas time of Russia lasts 2 weeks: a holy week from the evening of January 6 to January 13 (Old New Year), as well as January 14 to 19 - a terrible week, right up to Epiphany itself. Those days the best way suitable for divination, rituals, divination, rituals. Christmas divination will help to know the future, and rituals - to form and attract the desired development of events in the coming year.

Before you start divination, you need to remove yourself pectoral cross and belt, untie all the knots on the clothes and let down the hair.

Many fortune-telling are intended for a girl's company who wants to know who is destined to marry first.

Unmarried girls need to cut pieces of cotton thread of equal length and set them on fire at the same time. The one whose thread burned out first will have to get married this year. If the thread immediately went out, it is too early to think about marriage.

With the help of a thread, you can tell fortunes on the gender of the unborn child.

To do this, you need to hang a ring on a thread, hold it in your hand for a while and slowly lower it between your thumb and forefinger, the palm should be turned up. Then try to fix the thread with the ring over the center of the palm.

If the ring starts spinning, a girl will be born. And if it swings like a pendulum from side to side - wait for the boy.

Divination on the ring

If you pour grain (or any cereal) into some deep dish and put a ring there, you can also tell fortunes about marriage. Girls, after one movement, should dip their hand into the grain and pick it up in a fist. The one who got the ring will get married this year.

Fortune telling on coins

Hold 4 identical coins in your hand. Concentrate on the issue that concerns you. It should sound so that you can answer "yes" or "no". Throw coins and see what comes up.

  • Two heads, two tails - balance. The most favorable arrangement. Harmony in everything.
  • Three tails and an eagle - the middle is half. There is no bad without good. The wish will come true, but it will not bring happiness.
  • Three eagles and tails - wrestling. Everything will work out if you persevere.
  • Four tails - darkness. Unfavorable prognosis.
  • Four eagles - peace. Luck will entail an unfavorable event. Good things will have to be paid for.

Fortune telling on notes and a candle

You need to take a basin and fill it halfway with water. On its edges hang notes about various events with inscriptions down. For example, a wedding, birth, pregnancy, death, illness, joy, road, luck, happiness, crazy love, etc. You will need a small floating candle or a regular candle stub, set in a walnut shell half. The one who guesses lowers the candle in the middle of the basin into the water. You cannot move the candle or blow on it. Which note the candle sets on fire, that will be the prediction.

Divination with needles

Whether lovers will be together is determined by two needles lubricated with lard (or greasy cream).

  • They are thrown into a bowl of water and watched:
  • drowned - waiting for failure and illness,
  • came together - there will be a wedding,
  • one across the other - the obvious machinations of the rival (ka),
  • fled in different directions - not to see marriage this year.

Divination on spoons

After dinner, do not remove the dishes, and in the morning look at how your spoon lies: notch down - everything is in order; rolled over - take care of yourself from trouble.

Divination on various subjects

To find out who will be by profession future husband, objects are laid out on the table, among which there should be wedding ring.

A blindfolded girl chooses an object by pointing her finger at it.

If this:

  • ring - she will certainly marry this year, but it is not known to whom,
  • scissors - fashion designer,
  • computer disk - programmer,
  • candle - priest,
  • pen - writer (official),
  • knife - military,
  • glass - drunkard,
  • croup - businessman,
  • ashes - loser,
  • coin - generous,
  • mirror - reveler,
  • ember - to walk in brides for another year.

Fortune telling with a cat

Sit in one room so that your cat is in another. Make a wish and call her. If the cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, the wish will come true. If it's right, no.

Divination by the book

Take a smart book. Think of two numbers: the first is the page number, the second is the line above or below. Open the book and read the puzzle. It refers to your present or future.

Fortune telling on an egg

In a glass with warm water slowly pour in the egg white. If he immediately sank to the bottom, this year will not be very successful for you. If the squirrel is floating, carefully consider what shape it is curled up into.

  • star - a bright meeting with a man awaits you,
  • flower - the year will be happy and successful,
  • dog - look for a rival,
  • broom - you will often quarrel,
  • heart - a year will pass in love,
  • mountain - you have to overcome many obstacles,
  • cross - a turning point awaits you,
  • cloud - go with the flow.

Divination by shadows

In the twilight (illuminate the room with a candle, not electricity), each girlfriend takes a blank sheet of paper, crumple it, put it on a flat plate and set it on fire. Watch the shadows reflect on the wall. Try to figure out what the shadow of the burnt paper means - this is waiting for you in the future.

Divination for the groom with a walnut

Pour water into the basin so that a few centimeters remain to the edges. Write on strips of paper male names and, bending in half, hang the papers on the edge on one side of the basin. Take a half of a walnut shell, lower it into the water on the other side of the basin and blow on it. Whose name appears on the piece of paper to which she moored, he will become your fiance.

At all times, people have tried to look into their future and find out their fate. This interest has not disappeared even now. Today it is not necessary to go to a fortuneteller to find answers to your questions and learn about upcoming events. All the secrets of divination of our ancestors in modern world available to everyone. Consider the most popular and effective ways fortune telling for the future.

Fortune telling with wax on the water

In order to know the future by wax, you will need a candle, a white saucer with water and a tablespoon. Before you start divination, you need to properly tune in. You need to focus on the question you want answered. As a rule, fortune-telling on wax is carried out in order to find out your fate for the coming year. Drop all unnecessary thoughts and focus on what you want to know.

Take a candle and pour the wax from it into a spoon. Fill it to the brim, and then hold it over the candle for a while to make the wax liquid. After that, say your question to yourself and slowly pour the wax into the water. Figures formed on the surface, and . Take a close look at what happened. The interpretation of divination on wax will require good imagination and imagination from you.

  • If you see an animal, then it is good sign. All your plans are coming true.
  • If you get a bird, then good news awaits you in the future.
  • If you saw a person, then a new acquaintance awaits you, which will change your life.
  • They saw the ring, which means you will soon get married.
  • The long strip symbolizes the road. This means that trips or trips are waiting for you soon.
  • If the wax on the surface of the water has formed many small dots, then you will have a lot of trouble, deeds and worries.
  • The cross means sickness, difficulties and problems.
  • The circle is a sign of imminent changes in life.
  • Home - well-being and stability.
  • The zigzag symbolizes life, in which there will be both ups and downs.

If you saw something else that was not described above, then you will have to interpret the prediction based on comparing the resulting figure with your life. This fortune-telling is purely individual, so many meanings of wax figures can be interpreted differently for everyone.

Divination with a candle

This method of divination is suitable for those who want to know their fate for the next two to three years. You will need a basin of water, a plastic bottle cap, a candle, and a piece of paper. Cut the paper into several small strips and write some event on each (wedding, receiving money, trip, fulfillment of desires, etc.).

In addition to positive events, do not forget to write negative predictions (illness, tears, failure, etc.). Do not deceive fate and write only good things, because in this case it will not be true.

Lay all paper strips with predictions evenly along the edge of the basin. Take a candle and put it in plastic cover. Focus on the ritual, mentally ask what you want to know, and float the lid with the candle on the water. Now it remains only to observe where your makeshift boat will land. In your near future, what prediction the candle will sail to will happen.

These fortune-telling methods were used by our distant ancestors, which undoubtedly indicates the veracity of the predictions of fate obtained by such methods. Now there are many ways of divination, for example, on our website you can. We wish you good predictions and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.02.2014 10:30

Many women dream of knowing their future. To do this at home, on your own and most effectively, the simplest, ...

Here comes the New Year next holiday Christmas is the second most important. It is preceded by Christmas Eve (January 6), which gives rise to Christmas time, and, consequently, Christmas fortune-telling. And Christmas time will last until January 19. Well, which of us did not call spirits in childhood, did not put a comb under the pillow and did not look into a long mirrored corridor in the hope of seeing a betrothed?

The bathhouse has long been considered an ideal place for divination, since it is there that spirits and all evil spirits gather.

And even in our time, when consecrating the house, the priest will not go to sprinkle the bathroom with holy water - this is the ideal place for divination in a city apartment. But, of course, not for large companies. So gather your friends and go ahead ... in search of answers to eternal questions.

Christmas (New Year, Christmas) fortune-telling

Divination has always been very common among the Slavs. He was engaged in both healers, sorcerers and magicians, as well as mere mortals. Also in ancient Russia on long winter evenings, the girls gathered, while away the time, and tried to find out what awaits them in the near future.

Fortune-telling was even forbidden both by the church and the official authorities (for example, by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649), but without much success. However, there is nothing to be surprised - you will not discover America by talking about the fusion of pagan and Christian beliefs. As they say, with one hand I light a candle for St. Nicholas, with the other hand I throw a coin into the hollow, and everyone seems to be happy ... (according to one of the Mari fairy tales). Accordingly, there is nothing to be surprised at the mention of Christian saints in conspiracies.

You can almost always guess, but you can especially clearly and clearly predict your future in the period from January 6 to 19. But if you did not have time to tell fortunes at this time, do not despair! On Thursdays, you can fulfill your dream and look into the future, because it is on Thursdays that fortune telling is more accurate.

So, you are going to guess, but do not know how? No problem! Here are a few examples of divination that are most popular, as well as some divination rules:

1. Guessing should never be done alone
2. You can’t guess together with men (boys, young men). Invite your friends, but only so many that together you get three, five or seven.
3. So, the number of fortunetellers should be three, five or seven.
4. Also, do not forget that you cannot cross your legs during fortune-telling, this “confuses” those objects with which you perform the ceremony.
5. It is necessary to take off everything that surrounds you (rings, bracelets, belts).
6. Do not forget that the room should be quiet, no extraneous sounds and light, only candles.
7. If you are guessing after January 19th, then it is best to do it on Thursday.
8. You must also remove all the iconostases from the room in which you are going to guess, remove the cross and the consecrated ring, if any.
9. Divination is carried out in different time- some in the evening (from the time it gets dark and you need to turn on the light), some at midnight or after midnight, some when preparing for bed. Fortune telling during the day in the Slavic tradition was considered wrong - it is clear why.

There are many interesting fortune-telling: card, with candles, rings, water, shadows, shoes and other items. But no matter how many ways to look into the future, we are still not destined to know what we do not need to know.

Don't play games with dark forces for divination, though entertaining, is blasphemy. Do not get hung up on this, because there is much more entertainment in life - bright, interesting, exciting!

So here are some guesses.

Yuletide (New Year, Christmas) fortune-tellingFortune-telling on rice grains

Over a jar of rice held palm down left hand and pronounce:
"Indicate, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?"
And, concentrating, ask aloud a question. Then they take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd - negative.

Divination by the book

Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then they open it at random and read the line that begins under the thumb of the left hand.

Fortune telling for a dream

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but do not drink. Going to bed, they make a guess, saying: "Betrothed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!" Whoever gets drunk - you will marry him.


They put on a new stocking on one leg and lie down in bed, saying: "Narrowed, mummers, come take off my shoes." The dreaming person who will take off your stocking is your future husband.

Divination on bulbs

On the bulbs they write the names of possible contenders for the hand and heart. They put them in the water. Which bulb will sprout earlier - on behalf of that, wait for the marriage proposal.

Fortune telling for married

Water is poured into a glass and the name of the husband's mistress is written on a piece of paper prepared in advance. A spoonful of salt and a lit candle should also be prepared immediately. Salt from a spoon is thrown into a glass and a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent is immediately lit from a candle. Salt is quickly mixed with a spoon with the words: "If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper will burn out - their love will burn out." Then they look: if the salt has melted, and the paper is still smoldering, then the husband will stay with you. Otherwise, the husband will leave sooner or later.

The modern way of divination on the radio

Sit in the silence of the room for a few minutes, focusing on your question. Then ask it out loud and turn on the radio. The first words heard on the radio will be the answer to your question. It can be a monologue of the presenter, and a song. Turn on your fantasy! You can also use a TV.

Divination on the phone

Think of a question, mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is yes. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on the elevator

Exit the apartment to the middle floor (excluding the lower and upper floors). Make a wish. Wait for someone to call the elevator. If the elevator goes up, the wish will come true. Down - no.

Fortune telling on luminous windows

Go outside in the evening when it's already dark. Mentally ask a question of interest, turning your back to the house. Then turn around and count the glowing windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative one.

Divination by shadows

Take a whole sheet of paper (from a newspaper, magazine, or an ordinary white sheet - it does not matter). This sheet must be crumpled so that it becomes shapeless, but also so that there is no obvious ball shape. It is necessary that only a contour resembling something rounded remains. Crumpled paper should be placed on a plate overturned on the table and set on fire with a match. When everything burns down, carefully bring the plate to the wall, gently turn the plate until some kind of shadow appears that will tell you what awaits you.

Divination: a candle and notes.

Take a bowl and fill it halfway with water. Hang notes on its edges, with inscriptions down and inward. In these notes, you write various events that generally happen: wedding, birth, pregnancy, death, illness, joy, road, luck, happiness, crazy love, etc. Next, take a small floating candle. If there is none, you can take a small stump of a Christmas tree candle, set in half a walnut shell. The one who guesses lowers the candle in the middle of the basin into the water. It is strictly forbidden to move a candle or a basin, to blow too. What note the candle will set on fire is waiting for you in the future.

Divination by shoes

Put six completely different shoes (the style of the shoes or their owner is not important here). Put six of the following items in them, respectively, one in each:
salt - grief
coin - for money
toy - pregnancy
a piece of bread - a full life
ring - groom, wedding
candy - sweet life.
The girl pulls out three objects at random in a row. They judge their future by them.
Then he swaps them so that the next fortuneteller does not see this.

Divination on the ring.

Pour grain into some deep dish, and put a ring there, and now unmarried girls take turns dipping their hand into the grain with one movement and picking it up in a fist. Now look who got the ring. She will be getting married this year.

Guessing when to get married?

Take a glass, fill 2/3 with water, tie a thread to the ring (preferably even, without stones). Now, holding the string, immerse it in water as many times as you are old, and then hold it over some water, but in a glass, it will begin to sway and beat against the walls of the glass. Count. This is how old you will get married.

Christmas divination outlines.

Take clear sheet paper, crumple it up and put it on a saucer, set it on fire. Now bring it to the wall so that the shadow from the burnt lump is visible, and turn on your imagination. By the outlines you can see your future.

Divination about children.

Take a needle, thread a thread through it. Holding on to the thread, lower the needle between the thumb and forefinger of the open palm as many times as you are now. Then place the needle in the center of your palm and look carefully. If the needle begins to rotate in a circle, then your first child will be a girl, and if in a straight line, then a boy. Pass between your fingers 3 more times, and again in the middle, find out if you will have a second child and what gender (I checked it myself - it came true).

Christmas divination what's his name?

Take a basin of water, write on the pieces of paper the names of the men and the year of the proposed marriage, twist them into tubes and throw them into the water at the same time. See which one opens first with the name and year, which means that your spouse will be called that way and you will get married that year.

Divination of the name of the betrothed.

You go out into the street and ask the name of the first man you meet. So they will, perhaps, call your betrothed.

This fortune-telling is also mentioned by A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin"

"Chu... snow crunches... passerby; maiden
Flying on tiptoe towards him
And her voice sounds
More tender than flute melody:
What's your name? He looks
And he answers: Agathon.

Divination-love spell.

Take a red apple, cut out the core with a triangle, write on a small piece of paper the name of your beloved, his date of birth, or something about him, put it in an apple and cover it with a cut core, now put this apple in a dry place, on a cabinet, on a shelf, but so no one can see. Now wait a few days. If the apple starts to dry, then the narrowed one will begin to dry for you, and his attention is guaranteed to you. But be careful, you can also drive him away from you, if the apple starts to rot, then he will no longer be around (checked).

Christmas fortune telling about the wedding.

Going out into the yard, take off your shoes from one foot and throw them away, now look in which direction the sock is looking, if from the house - wait for the wedding, if towards the house - you look a little more like girls.

You remember from Zhukovsky: “once on Epiphany evening the girls were guessing, taking off their shoes from the gate they threw them out of the gate” ... They threw the shoes through the gate into the street.

It's obvious that traditional divination require adaptation to modern conditions: for example, if you decide to throw a slipper for good luck from the balcony (sort of size 39 with a forged toe, a metal heel and a heavy buckle), you should do this only after making sure that there is no one alive within a radius of half a kilometer, or if you after that, until late in the evening, they are ready to apply a bottle of champagne prepared for the new year to the head of a passing citizen and apologize, apologize, apologize, or even deal with the police (if you have exceptionally good aim and a silver prize in discus and shot throwing).


You write on 12 pieces of paper the desires that you would like to be fulfilled this year, put it under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, without saying a word, you put your hand under the pillow and randomly take out three of them. They will come true (verified).

On coffee grounds

Of course, fortune-telling on coffee grounds, just do not forget that coffee should be brewed. After drinking it, turn the cup upside down on the saucer and after a while look at the sediment on the walls of the cup. This is where your imagination comes in handy.


The girls went and listened under the windows of other people's houses and, listening to a cheerful or boring conversation, predicted for themselves the same life in marriage.

“They ran through the windows. You run up to the window and look at what they are doing in the window. So my friend and I ran. she remembers this all the time. Then they went to tell me. They came - there was no one at home. My friend: "Well, that means you will never go out. That's all. "And those who fit, they write me something. This means your husband will be an accountant."

They listen under the church castle: if they overhear singing - “rest in peace with the saints”, then this portends death; if they hear something wedding, it means that they will get married in the same year. *

They also listened to the barking of dogs. A thin bark meant young man, bass - more adult and hardened man. The side from which barking was heard also showed in which direction to get married.
They go out to the fence and say: “Hail, bark, little dog, bark, gray top.” In which side the girl hears barking, in that side she will live married. If barking is heard near the house, then this shows that they will not be given in marriage to the far side; if the barking is quiet, barely audible, then she will be married off to the wrong side.
The girls go out into the yard, take the tablecloth by the edges, the old woman pours snow. Swinging the tablecloth, they say: “Field, field white snow in the middle of the field. Howl, howl, doggy; find out, find out, betrothed! At this time, every girl listens to the dogs barking. A hoarse bark means a betrothed old man, a sonorous bark means a young man, a fat bark means a widower.

Divination on chicken bones

You have to eat chicken for dinner. Put the bones on a red patch on the ground outside the house: behind the gate if you live in a private house, and behind the entrance if you live in a multi-storey building. Then you need to say such a spell: “What was in the egg, what came out of the egg, what walked around the yard and pecked millet. The one whose head was chopped off was boiled with noodles. , tell me: will my desire be fulfilled or not? What was born in the egg, give me an answer tomorrow. Look in the morning: if the bones are not in place, then the desire will not come true. If it is covered with snow, then you need to give up your desire. If the bones are in the same place, but one or more are to the side, this means that at first your business will go smoothly, and then it will be upset. If the bones are intact and in the place where you left them, then everything will be as you want, and the desire will come true.

Spider and web[B]

Seeing a spider on a cobweb, make a wish and say:
"If the spider goes down the cobweb, then the wish will come true. If it goes up, it will not come true"

It seems that it was from this divination that the modern “fortune telling on the elevator” went.

[B]"Understood" divination

Even Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" described them like this - a dish of water was placed on a table covered with a special tablecloth, which the honorary matchmaker covered with a scarf, dropping pieces of bread, salt and three coals into it. The guests put their jewelry into the dish - rings, rings, earrings. Under the corresponding "observant" songs, things were taken out, and the owner of the thing determined his future by the sound of the song.

"From a dish full of water,
The rings come out in succession;
And she took out a ring
To the song of the old days:
“There the peasants are all rich,
They row silver with a shovel,
To whom we sing, that's good
And glory!” But it promises loss
This song is a pitiful tune;
Sweeter is the koshurka to the heart of virgins."

(Pushkin A.S. "Eugene Onegin")

As O. Naumova explains, the song that fell out to Tatyana Larina foreshadowed loss and death, but "Koshurka" (The cat called the koshurka to sleep in the stove: "It's warm to sleep at the stove, it's good." It's a miracle to kill the lyad! To whom they sang, Tom is good!) meant imminent marriage.
You can try the same thing with cuttings of modern songs (like what is sometimes done at weddings).

After the hymns, they take the water out into the yard, and each of the girls, pouring some of this water under the rope, takes a handful of snow. Coming to rest, they look: what color is the snow, such will be the narrowed one.


Yuletide (New Year, Christmas) fortune-telling They take shells walnuts, wax candles are cut into small pieces, inserted into shells, allowed to float in a cup filled with water. Then each of the girls lights the candles of her shell. Here they notice: whoever drowns, she will die unmarried; whose candles are more likely to burn out, she will be the first to marry; and who will burn the longest of all, she will not be married.

They make swans from wax in the evening according to the number of girls. The winch is painted with rouge, and the swan remains white. Fortune tellers choose for themselves a swan with a winch, lower it into a cup of water and cover it with a scarf. Before going to bed, do they watch a swan swim with a winch? If he swims together, then married life will be consonant; if they parted, there will be enmity.

Fortune-telling girls sit at the windows, each pronouncing: “Betrothed, mummers! drive past the window." If she hears a train with a scream, with a whistle, then she predicts a cheerful and good life for herself; and when the train is quiet, she predicts a married life in poverty.
How about listening to passing cars?

Fortune telling on an egg

Take fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the squirrel curls up, according to the shape it has taken, you need to guess your future. The type of church means a wedding, a ring means betrothal, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the squirrel sank to the bottom - be in the house on fire.

Divination on a burning sheet of paper

It is done like this: the sheet is crumpled in the hand, placed on the bottom of an inverted plate and set on fire in a darkened room. The future is interpreted either by the shadows from the fire on the wall, or by the silhouette of burnt paper in a lighted room - the plate can be rotated on its axis until a shadow appears from which at least some silhouette can be seen. This divination can also be done collectively.

Burning thread

Several girls cut threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whose thread burns first, that one will marry first, and if the thread goes out immediately and less than half burns out, there are chances to do without marriage at all.

Divination on mirrors

“They looked into the mirror, putting it on the stove, two candles on the sides, let their hair down, sat down in one shirt, held a second mirror on their chest and looked into the corridor that had formed.”

Divination on mirrors was carried out in dark room. For fortune-telling, one had to gaze intently into the reflections ... the imagined image could be the desired narrowed one or something else .. how lucky. You need to start this fortune-telling after 12 o'clock at night. Take two mirrors different sizes(one is 2-3 times larger than the other) and put them opposite each other. A mirror corridor is formed.

Sit behind the smaller mirror and look over it into the larger one. Place candles on either side of the smaller mirror. Then, with patience, peer into the mirrored corridor. When the betrothed appears at the end of the corridor, throw a clean handkerchief over the smaller mirror.

Ring in the water

It is necessary to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any drawings, pour three-quarters of water into it, carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle. Then you need to look through the water for a long time into the middle of the lowered ring.
With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom.

Divination with a boat

For this divination, they take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. Bent strips with the names of fortunetellers are hung or attached to the sides of this basin or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, abduction, passionate love, failures, illness, etc. they take a walnut shell (its half) and in the middle of it they set a small candle stub (can be a Christmas tree). They let the boat into the middle of the pelvis, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is guessing.

Divination in the bath

The essence of this strange method was that on the holy week the girls who washed in the bathhouse ran out into the courtyard for a moment and asked, using extremely obscene expressions, that the betrothed touched them. If one of them felt on himself (for real or not, it is not known) a shaggy hand, a wealthy groom was waiting for that. It is better to try it not in the city in the sauna (it is not clear how it could end there), but in the countryside.

Divination on the needles.

Collect an armful of coniferous branches. On Christmas night, get together with your friends and scatter them on the floor (not friends, of course, but branches). Now, closing your eyes, or blindfolding so as not to peep, select each branch. The eyes can be opened. If the bark on your branch is even, then the groom will be good and handsome, if the bark is strong - wealthy, rough bark predicts a reliable, but not handsome person, in some places a peeled trunk indicates that your future chosen one is not very wealthy. If the branch is thick, then it will be strong. In short, you can continue on your own in the same spirit, the main thing is that you have enough imagination.

Divination with an old key.

Look for an old flat key (as from mailbox) with a round rim. If you haven’t found the old one at all, you can use the new one. Now lay it between the sheets of a tightly tied book (only, I beg you, do not take the Great Soviet Encyclopedia) and hang all this household with a rope and a hole in the key to the ceiling, to a chandelier, for example. (And if you did not listen to me and took the Great Soviet Encyclopedia - blame yourself, it is unlikely that your chandelier will withstand this). Look at this book and list out loud the names of all the girls present. On whose name the book will turn, the one to marry this year. And if the book spins without ceasing, then you tied it up rather weakly.

Divination by the book.

(Only not by telephone.) In this way, people have known about their future for many centuries. Pick up a book, preferably a thick one, something from the classics, but not a dictionary or scientific literature, otherwise you will guess such that you yourself will not be happy. Formulate your most secret and unanswered question and guess the page number and line (top or bottom). Now read and think about what it could mean. Previously, they often guessed on the Bible - curious ...

Fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Brew coffee first. Drain or drink away (why translate good?), while it is hot, all the liquid. Then put three tablespoons of grounds in a coffee cup, cover it with a saucer, then tip it up so that coffee sticks to the walls of the cup, and put it on the table. Pour some water into the saucer and, taking the cup by the bottom, lower it into the saucer three times. When the edges of the dishes touch (three times), say out loud: "Loyalty, friendship and harmony." When you lift the cup for the last time, take a good look at it (from the inside).


Animals - fun, joy, luck, fulfillment of desires.
The tower is a very good sign.
Human shadow - speaks of a pleasant date.
Palaces predict possible poverty, and modest dwellings indicate wealth in the near future.
Trees are obstacles on the way.
Dense forest - unexpected quarrels with loved ones.
Horned animal - to the fast road.
Gate - to the return of a friend, the arrival of guests.
The mill speaks of lying in relationships with lovers.
Mountains or cliffs portend melancholy and sadness.

The most popular divination, of course, is associated with dreams. What they didn’t come up with in the old days to see their betrothed in a dream! You can try to eat something salty before going to bed and ask: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!"; ask the betrothed to come take off your shoes in a dream (for this, going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg); put a comb under the pillow and say: "Narrowed, mummers! Comb my head!" (whoever comes to comb your hair in a dream will be your husband).

With boat

For this divination, they take a basin filled with water not to the very brim. On the side of this basin, bent strips with the names of fortunetellers are hung or attached. Or they write possible events on them: wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, winning, unexpected happiness or good luck, etc. Then they take a half of a walnut shell and in the middle of it they set a small stump of a Christmas tree candle . The boat is allowed into the middle of the pelvis, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper, or who is guessing.

On a career with a candle

Another version of this divination is specifically for a career. Fill a large metal basin with water (but not to the very edge) and place it on a completely flat surface. Hang the same strips bent in half on the edges of the pelvis, where possible events will be written: career take-off, professional success, a small increase, a reprimand from the boss, an increase in salary, etc. The inscriptions are directed inside the pelvis. Now take a half of a walnut shell, fix a small candle in it, light it and lower the shell into the water exactly in the center of the basin. Depending on which edge the boat sails to and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will occur in the foreseeable future.

Repeated attempts do not count, and you cannot blow on the boat or water.

on bread

It was usually performed on New Year's Eve. They put a bowl of water, put in it as many small pieces of bread as there are people in the family. Pieces should be different sizes. For example, the largest piece is the “husband”, the smaller one is the “wife”, even smaller is the “eldest of the children”, etc., so that you can notice whose piece of bread it is. They swirled the water with their fingers, saying: “Spin bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate the bread and water. In the morning we looked at what happened:

if all the pieces are together, in a heap, then in the house everyone will be together;

if someone's piece moves away from others that person will leave or die.

On the swans

This is one of the most beautiful Christmas divination. It will need a lot of wax, so take a few large candles and melt in a metal bowl over a fire. From the resulting wax (while it is still warm!) Blind a flock of swans (according to the number of those participating in fortune-telling, plus a paired swan, symbolizing the groom). Paint the swan with blush, and leave the swan white. Be sure to label each pair (for example, with your initials) so you don't mix them up later. Take a large basin and fill it three-quarters full with water, gently lower your partner in turn into the water, and then cover the basin with a piece of cloth. Before the girls gather at home (or in the morning, if they spend the night at your place), take a look at how fortune-telling figures behave in the basin:

if a pair of swans swim together, then your family life will turn out well, you will live with your husband in full harmony.

if the swans went in different directions, then marriage will not be lucky - quarrels and strife, constant conflicts.

By thread

For divination, take two short woolen threads, put them together and wind them into a small ball. Then pour water into a deep plate or bowl and start guessing at exactly midnight. Put your threads in water and carefully watch what happens to them:

if they spin in the water, unwind, try to straighten up, this means that the new year will be successful for you, everything will be fine, your vigorous activity will bear fruit;

and if the threads lie motionless in the same form in which you lowered them into the water, this indicates that the coming year will be boring, uninteresting, life will be gray and dull.

On needles

This divination was widespread in the villages. Rural girls, daring to tell fortunes with needles, asked fortune-tellers or nannies about this. They themselves should not guess: otherwise it will not come true. The witches rubbed two needles with bacon and dipped them into a glass of water.

If the needles sank it was a bad sign.

If they got together this foreshadowed an imminent marriage.

If they diverged and turned out to be one against the other, this meant that there were obstacles to the wedding from ill-wishers.

If they diverged in different directions, it foretold eternal unmarried life.

With wooden spoons

On New Year's Eve or at Christmas time, they used wooden spoons to tell fortunes. For fortune-telling in the morning they collected the purest snow in a small wooden barrel and put in the hallway. It was forbidden to touch this snow until the time for divination came. By midnight, when the snow melted, they began to guess.

In the old days, everyone had wooden spoons. You will also have to acquire wooden spoons for the whole family in advance. Label each spoon to avoid confusion. Throw spoons into the barrel and you can guess.

Divination happens in this way. You ask a question related to someone in your family and shake the barrel of spoons as hard as you can. Whichever spoon he nails to the wall will be the answer to the question. Questions are put so that the answers show you the name of the person. For example, ask: “Which of us will get an apartment? Who among us will go abroad? Which one of us will make a lot of money?” Then shake the barrel and see the answer.

You can guess not with your family, but with friends or girlfriends.

For the alphabet

This is a very common Kupala fortune-telling among the girls of England. In Dorsetshire, girls, when going to bed, write individual letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl of water, letters down, so that in the morning they will see the first letter of their future husband's name on an overturned piece of paper. All other pieces of paper should remain in their original position.

On the thief

In India, to detect a thief, they resort to this method: they write the names of all persons suspected of stealing on balls of dough or wax, and then throw these balls into a vessel of water. It is assumed that the ball with the name of the thief will float to the surface, while the rest will sink to the bottom.

In Russia, papers were used instead of balloons. “Where the abduction happened, they gathered suspicious people, called for a literate one, wrote the name of each on special scraps, put a huge cup of water on the table. The witch took the notes and threw them one by one into the water. Whose nominal paper jumps out of the water, he was recognized as guilty.

With wreaths

Wreath divination is a summer divination as it requires a river. Usually such fortune-telling was carried out once a year - on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, on the Kupala night.

1. During the day, girls tore birch twigs and wove wreaths from them. Each tried to weave a more beautiful wreath, different from the others, putting all her soul into it. At midnight, when all the wreaths were braided, the girls went in a crowd to the river bank and threw the wreaths into the water. And then we watched how the wreath behaves in the water.

Worst of all if the wreath sinks, this meant that his mistress this year would either become seriously ill or die.

If the wreath floated on, It's not the fate of a girl to get married.

The lucky lot fell to the girl whose the wreath will land on the shore: she will marry well, and she will be lucky all year round.

There is also an Old Believer version of this divination. Here it’s not so much the girl who guesses, but new family on a girl. When parents choose a bride for their son, she lives in this family in the position of almost a servant for a whole year and does the most menial work in the house and has no right to be indignant. A year later, she (or herself) is woven a wreath of various flowers and thrown into the water, asking aloud if the girl should get married in the coming year. And if the wreath sinks, then she will not get married. And in this case, the girl was either forced to live another year in this family in the position of a servant, or expelled in disgrace from the family. But there was one trick here - if the girl did not want to get married or if her mother-in-law did not like her daughter-in-law, heavy flowers were woven into the wreath, which sank very easily and carried the wreath with them.

2. Another way of divination with wreaths is as follows. For weaving, they took not birch twigs, but wild flowers and weaved not one wreath, but several. A piece of paper with their desire was attached to each wreath. Do you have five wishes? So, weave five wreaths - one wreath per wish. A lot of guessers? Mark your wreaths so that you can, then understand whose went where. Go to the river, throw wreaths into the water and see what happens to them.

If the wreath floated away, do not catch up, then the desire may not come true, it will float away from you.

If drowned - definitely won't work.

If landed on the shore then everything is fine, your cherished desire will come true.

With candles on a raft

This is an old divination that can only be done in the summer. For it you will need a raft. It can be very small, just to accommodate all the candles. The shape of this structure also does not play any role. For divination, one candle per person is taken, but the candles are chosen different in color or shape so that they can be distinguished on a floating raft. Candles are installed like this: they drip more wax on the logs and stick their candle to the wax. They light all the candles at once and push the raft away from the shore. And now they are watching how the candle burns and in what position it stands on the raft. Observation begins when the raft has moved ten meters from the shore.

If the candle has not gone out during this time - this is a good sign, indicating that the fortuneteller will have great success throughout the year, he will have money and the love of other people.

If the candle went out, but did not fall, then the year will be difficult, but it will not bring any particular trouble, most often it only speaks of possible diseases(not fatal) and lack of money.

If the candle went out and fell is a sign of poverty and financial ruin.

If the flame of a candle is steady all the time, then life will be successful, without problems.

If the flame is uneven and wavering, then there will be good days, and difficult, but everything will work out.

If the candle did not go out, but fell (this rarely happens), then the troubles that the year threatens, you will overcome with the help of other people.

But if the candle went out and fell from the raft into the water, then the prospects are the worst, in the old days they said that this is a sign of the imminent death of a person.

By the stream

Guessing in this way is necessary in early spring when the snow melts and streams begin to run. This fortune-telling also predicts what awaits you next year. To do this, make multi-colored boats so that everyone has a boat of their own color and shape. Boats can be made both paper and wooden, which one you like best. It is not the quality of the boat that is important here, but the process of its navigation. Now launch your boats and watch them float down the stream.

If the boat sails successfully, bypasses stones and whirlpools, keeps well on the water and does not fall on its side, then this year is happy for the fortuneteller, he will bring good luck in everything.

If the boat fell on its side, but floats and even outstrips other watercraft, then you will be able to overcome all difficulties, although there will be many of them.

If the boat goes keel up, that is, it will turn over, then the year is expected to be bad, failures will haunt you.

Groom's choice

So you can guess only if you are faced with a choice of which gentleman to prefer. And if you have only one gentleman and you like him, then guessing is pointless. For this divination, take a large container of water, preferably a tub. Choose four applicants from the crowd of fans, write their names on pieces of paper and attach the pieces of paper to four small pieces of wood (or mark these pieces of wood in some other way - for example, with strings different color). Pour into a tub pure water and throw pieces of wood into the water. Then mentally ask the water for advice on which of these four you should choose, close your eyes so as not to peep, and pull the first piece of wood that comes across.

Now you know the name of your chosen one.

moon divination

Choose a starry night on a full moon, open the windows so that moonlight can freely enter the room, pour water into a large bowl. Write male names on slips of paper. Speak at the same time: “Voditsa, voditsa! Show me my love!" - and look at the moon. The room must be dark. Now everything is ready. Exactly at midnight, stand facing the window, put water in front of you, take pieces of paper with names in your left hand and throw them into the water. If a piece of paper jumps out of the water, the name that is written on it will be your betrothed.

With birch and aspen branches

This fortune-telling is done in the summer, when everything around is covered with greenery, usually at summer Christmas time. Choose two branches in the forest, birch and aspen. Then pour clean water into a small basin and throw branches into it. Now make a wish, close your eyes and pull any of the branches at random.

If you pulled out a birch , then everything that you have thought of will surely come true.

If you pulled out an aspen branch, then the result will be negative.