Online divination by mirror with candles. Traditional divination on mirrors

  • 26.09.2019

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for readers of our resource for free.

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Everyone always wants to know what will happen. This is how a person works, he does not know how to enjoy one day he has lived, but wants to know what will happen tomorrow, what our near future is like. Therefore, fortune-telling has existed since ancient times, and with the development of technological progress, new, more progressive forms appear: online fortune-telling.

Fortune telling with a mirror for a betrothed is one of the most ancient forms of magic, and it is on our site that you can get predictions quickly, efficiently and for free.

In ancient times, it was necessary to wait for nightfall in order to tell fortunes on the mirror. According to legend, there is a universal, omniscient display glass, the Mirror of the World or the Mirror of Destiny. It was owned by the evil stepmother from the fairy tale "About the Dead Princess and 7 Heroes", Baba Yaga, the Snow Queen and many other fairy-tale (or maybe not quite fairy-tale?) heroes had it.

But today, anyone can use such an item. All you need to do is go to the site, focus on the problem, press the button and ask the magic reflector. At the same time, divination with a mirror online is absolutely free.

Ancient ways of divination

Such activities as divination on the mirror were treated scrupulously and with apprehension. Predicting in a natural way, or getting answers to important questions, is problematic. The fact is that the souls of the once dead people and otherworldly creatures will answer you. A mirror is one of the things that promotes communication with the world of the dead.

To protect yourself, keep your cat close to you. These cute animals are excellent guards against the encroachment of evil spirits on your life and soul.

The fortune-telling process takes place only at night, by candlelight and in places where it is quiet and dusty. An attic or an abandoned apartment will do. Set up a kind of corridor of candles: three on the left, three on the right and one in the hands of a fortuneteller. We pronounce magic words and wait for those who will come to answer.

If you notice dark shadows in the reflection, then it is better to cross the mirror and quickly extinguish the candles. This indicates that dark spirits have come, and it is better not to talk with them, since it is very easy to part with life or reason. Light shadows are perfect as interlocutors. Always thank them for their answers and advice.

What fortune-telling will show online. How to guess

Naturally, knowing the technology of the fortune-telling process is fundamentally important. If, nevertheless, there is no desire to risk your health, then go ahead to an online conversation with the other world. Let's move on to the instructions. This will help to pass fortune-telling online in one go:

It is important to remember that fortune-telling must necessarily concern you personally. If you ask a question about how the betrothed-mummer relates to another woman, there is no guarantee that the attribute will answer the truth.

After all, it obeys its owner and reveals to him a personal future, and not a rival! The mirror will answer the fortuneteller any questions regarding her future, relationships with other people, and not the relationship of the betrothed with other women. You can ask: “Mirror, tell me, will [man’s name] cheat on me?”.

Until the end, only you can understand the meaning of the figures that appeared when divining for the future. Indeed, at the moment of divination, it is you who own the World Mirror, and it gives an answer to the one who asks. We have a gallery of images on our site and their standard meaning, that is, the generally accepted norm, for example, withered flowers mean death. But if the question concerned a future or present relationship with a betrothed, then this is more likely not real death person, but the end of the relationship. Dont be upset. Ask the magic tool: “Mirror, tell me, when will I have a new relationship (a new betrothed)?” or “Mirror, tell me, how will you meet your real betrothed?”.

Sometimes the reflection you see in response to your question about the future is completely incomprehensible. There may be 2 reasons for this.

  • First: there was no proper concentration, because divination on mirrors requires the fortuneteller to be completely concentrated.
  • And the second: you still do not have enough information, you are in a different time period, and the attribute shows the future that a person does not even suspect.

This option also has two options: save the image from the reflector and think about it in peace, or try asking the mirror a question again. Perhaps repeated fortune-telling with a mirror on the betrothed will give a more understandable answer.

Do not abuse! More than 3 times to ask the same question in one day is not worth it. Do not anger the instrument that sees fate. This will not save your relationship with the mummers, but it can harm you.

Mirror divination for the betrothed has reviews of those who have already passed such tests both in online format and in real life. Even on the forums, most fortunetellers and lovers of knowing the future recommend not using the old-fashioned method, but using fortune-telling on mirrors online.

  • First, it's safe.
  • Second, online and free.
  • Thirdly, effectively and without unnecessary search for a place and tools for rituals.

The mirror occupies a special place among the items that are used in ritual and ceremonial actions. In the mirror they have always seen not only a reflection, but also a kind of door behind which lies the unknown. The English writer-mathematician L. Carroll sent a little girl Alice to the Looking-Glass, apparently hoping to know the world "on the other side of the mirror."

The ancient Chinese believed that with the help of two bronze mirrors, sometimes bringing them closer, sometimes spreading them apart, the goddess Dian-mu strikes lightning. It was believed that the goddess Dian-mu illuminates with her mirror lightning the hearts of sinners, who should be punished by the god of thunder. The ancient Greek hero Perseus managed to defeat the Gorgon Medusa, from whose gaze all living things turned into stone, looking at her reflection in his polished coat. mirror shine copper shield.

In the old days, not only girls, but also men and women of all ages used to tell fortunes on mirrors on almost any day of the year. The most real divination in the mirror is performed under open sky by moonlight. If necessary, you can guess in the house ( best time midnight is considered for this) in silence, twilight and loneliness. In the distant past, girls used to tell fortunes in attics, in sheds, with their hair loose and their belt untied.

Once fortune-telling on mirrors was considered quite dangerous, and in our times there is still a warning: fortune-telling with mirrors is suitable for persons with a rich imagination, but it is categorically contraindicated for those who are too nervous and impressionable. Divination mirrors should not be used for any other purpose. Therefore, they are stored separately from household items, wrapped in dark fabric (silk or velvet), laying the mirror surface down. In no case do not use cracked mirrors for divination. The mirror, on which a crack appeared during divination, is unsuitable for further use for whatever purposes. Before using for predictive purposes, a new mirror is recommended to be fumigated with incense. The most suitable are saffron and orris root.

Divination by the mirror

Take a small mirror, stand by the window and point the mirror in such a way that it reflects the moon. Look closely.

After a while, a few months should appear in the mirror. Count them. How many months you count in the mirror, so many children you will have.

Divination in the mirror about future events

After midnight, pour water into a glass, place lighted candles on three sides of it, and a mirror behind the glass.

Stare into the mirror through the glass. Various visions regarding your future destiny should appear in the mirror.

Guessing is best at night, in dark room. Prepare three mirrors and two church candles in advance.

Place two identical mirrors one against the other, lighted candles in front of them, set the third mirror so that it is behind you.

Draw a circle around you with chalk.

Carefully peer into the mirror - the betrothed should appear behind you, looking into the mirror over your shoulder.

Never turn around!

Divination in the mirror about the future

Before divination, refrain from salty foods.

cook big round mirror, a saucer with salt, a glass of water and two church candles.

After midnight, put a mirror on a table that is not covered with a tablecloth and draw 13 crosses on it with chalk. Set and light candles on both sides of it.

Sit at the table and repeat thirteen times: "Mirror - lake, salt - tears, fire - strength, tell me what awaits me in the future." Then eat some salt and drink a glass of water.

After that, look closely at the mirror surface - there you will see your future.

Divination by reflection in the mirror

Shortly before divination, it is advisable to light aromatic substances (dry herbs or fragrant resin) in front of a vessel with water.

A mirror suspended on a metal chain is lowered into a wide flat vessel with water so that it only touches the surface of the water with its base. Bend over the mirror and carefully examine your reflection.

If in the mirror:

- the reflection of the face has acquired a greenish color - you will soon get sick;

- pink complexion - keep your health, vigor and vitality for a long time;

- the face seemed cloudy, almost black - to death;

-eyes seem cloudy - the future is foggy, it all depends on you;

- eyes seem shiny and bright - to big changes in life;

- lips seem blue - to failures in matters of the heart;

- lips seem pink - for an imminent wedding or for a pleasant date with an interesting person;

-lips seem greenish - soon you will have to say unpleasant things about yourself.

Divination by a mirror and a candle.

Take an oval mirror and place it in front of you. Light a candle. Write the name of the betrothed on a piece of paper and set it on fire over a candle. Watch the burning paper in the mirror.

If paper:

- it will quickly flare up and burn out just as quickly - your relationship can be described as passionate, but most likely, quickly transient;

- smolders slowly - your union will be harmonious for many years.

Divination by candle, mirror and salt.

Sprinkle salt on a flat plate, put a mirror next to it.

Light a candle and drip wax onto the salt for about three minutes. After that, look at the shadow from the resulting figure, which will be reflected in the mirror.

If you see an image in the mirror:

-boats - a journey ahead;

- a flower - you will be presented with a gift;

- ring - soon get married or get married;

- beds - you will soon get sick;

-trees - a child will be born;

-clouds - to dreams that are not destined to be realized;

- a person - to a meeting with a stranger who will greatly affect you.

Fortune telling "Tunnel"

Prepare three mirrors different sizes and twelve candles. Each mirror must be an order of magnitude larger than the next.

Set the smallest mirror opposite the middle one, and the largest behind the small one. Place six candles on either side of the mirrors.

Look closely into the distance of the formed tunnel. If at the end of the tunnel you see:

- light - in the near future, fate will present an unexpected gift;

- female face - some woman weaves intrigues against you;

- male face - some man is plotting evil against you;

- house - to the long-awaited guests;

- tree - to big money;

-square - to long-term financial stability;

-triangle - to minor problems;

- circle - to a large period of instability, financial failures;

- a cat - to loneliness, divorce, quarrel;

- a dog - to gain a new friend, acquaintance;

- boy - good luck in the monetary sphere;

- girl - to success in personal life;

- old man - to big debts and poverty;

- an old woman - to failures in her personal life;

- crow - to trouble at work and gossip;

- dove - to a new love;

- himself - to very good news;

- see nothing - to death.

Fortune telling "Castle"

Before divination, prepare seven candles and a mirror.

Sit at a table covered with a dark thick tablecloth. The room should be quiet and dark. Place a large oval mirror in front of you. Arrange the candles in the following order: put three candles in a row on both sides of the mirror, but so that the candles are reflected in the mirror. The seventh candle should form an angle with the six candles. Sit so that you and the seven candles in the form of a “castle” are reflected in the mirror.

Light candles and look in the mirror.

If you see:

- your face with a cheerful expression - prosperity and success await you;

- your face with a sad expression - trouble lies ahead;

- his face with an indifferent expression - nothing in life will change, everything will remain as it was;

- someone else's face with a joyful expression - someone will give you an amazing gift, a very significant increase in salary is also possible;

- someone else's face with a sad expression - someone is gossiping about you and weaving intrigues against you;

- someone else's face with an indifferent expression - all your attempts to change your life for the better are doomed to failure due to someone's constant interference;

- you won’t see anything - death awaits you in the near future.

Divination by desire

sit down for a big one long table. Place two candles along the edges of the table. Take two mirrors - large and small. back side small mirror should be matte.

On the back of a small mirror, draw the head of a horned devil and say: "Damn, damn, help me - what should I do, tell me." Then silently say the wish.

Place a mirror under your pillow and fall asleep immediately.

If you dream:

- conceived - it means that the desire will come true;

- something else (not conceived) - the desire will not come true.

Divination by mirror and water

At midnight, sit down at the table and put a glass of water in front of you. Take two small mirrors. The reverse side of one mirror must be black. Write your wish on it with white chalk, put it under your pillow and go to bed.

If the next morning there is water in a glass:

- decrease - the desire will come true;

- will not decrease - the desire will not come true.

Fortune telling in the mirror on desire

Take a small mirror. Make a wish and look at the mirror surface for a long time. Then wrap the mirror in a handkerchief and throw it against the wall.

If a mirror:

- breaks - the desire is unrealistic;

-remains whole - the desire will certainly come true.

Fortune telling in the mirror on the betrothed

Write the name of the betrothed on the mirror. On the night of the full moon, put a mirror under your pillow. Before going to bed, repeat three times: "Dream, betrothed, come, mummers."

At night, your betrothed will definitely come to you.

Watching mirrors is one of the divination options. Long ago, in Ancient China people used mirrors, which were made of polished bronze. Many argue that they can be seen as a reflection of the demon itself. In the 14th century, witches began to use onyx mirrors. It was it that helped the evil women to keep in touch with the spirits.

At all times, the mirror was almost the most dangerous and mystical object used in divination. Also, such fortune-telling was considered the most accurate way to keep in touch with various "forces" at Christmas time.

All people who want to indulge in fortune-telling or have fun should know that this can lead to serious consequences, because there are many examples when girls after such actions remained unconscious for a long time or a mental disorder occurred.

Therefore, for the faint of heart, such fortune-telling is also not recommended.

Since ancient times, a mirror has been considered a kind of border that separates the world of spirits, extraneous forces and ours, the real world. Therefore, very often associated with mirrors a large number of different customs or folk signs. For example, we all know that a mirror cannot be broken, otherwise expect trouble. Or they say that you can not look at yourself during a thunderstorm. These are far from all the signs that are some kind of "horror stories" for people. However, all this is not just invented, but transmitted from the ancestors, who probably had confirmation of these signs.

What are the types of divination on the mirror?

There are several ways to look into the future using divination on a mirror. For example, divination with candles on the mirror. The girl should go into an empty room, taking with her a mirror and a candle. Sitting comfortably and placing all the appliances in their places, the fortuneteller repeats the words: "Narrowed, mummers, come to dinner with me." After about five minutes, the surface of the glass gradually begins to fade, and the girl wipes it with a special towel to normal. After which, she should see the features of her fiancé, and then she scream: "Step away from this place!". After that, the devil, who took the form of the betrothed, will disappear.

If you do not rush to shy away, then the groom or the devil who has taken on his appearance will stop looking and leave the mirror. He will sit next to the girl, take out a knife or other thing from his pocket and put it on the table. If in this case the bride wards off him and he disappears, the remaining thing will serve as proof of what happened to her.

If you believe popular superstitions, this loss will really happen to the groom, whose image was seen in the mirror.

The second divination with a mirror by candlelight is no less effective. In the case when fortune-telling takes place on a mirror by candlelight, the girl should lock herself alone in the bathroom or bath by 12 o'clock at night. For this ceremony, two mirrors of equal size are required, which are installed opposite each other and are lit by candles. Pre-reflective surfaces must be cleaned. After installing the "mirror corridor", the woman should look into it, while not looking away and, if possible, blinking less. After some time, the same betrothed should appear, for the sake of which these actions take place.

However, fate can be known without a mirror, fortune-telling on a candle will help in this. On October 14, during the cover, the girls ran to the church and lit a candle in honor of the holiday.

There is a superstition that whoever manages to light a candle first will be the first to marry.

After the flame of a candle, people learned their fate. For example, if it is quiet, then life will be smooth, without any ups or downs. The white flame meant interesting life, red - grief, yellow - joy, and if soot is present, then the girl needs to wait for some kind of misfortune.

Features of divination on the mirror

While fortune-telling on mirrors, you should know some rules. For example, if you read somewhere some kind of fortune-telling method, then in no case should you do it “in your own way”, but you should strictly adhere to all points. Otherwise, it can lead to bad and sometimes fatal consequences.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue divination" button!

In the old days, fortune-telling on mirrors was carried out exclusively at midnight, alone and with the addition of an unimaginable number of accessories. Wax candles, incense, charmed rings and other related items. Nowadays, fortune-telling on the mirror has become somewhat simplified, but the meaning, nevertheless, has been preserved.

Fortune telling on the mirror - dispel doubts, predict the future

Following the traditions, fortune-telling on the mirror will be carried out after midnight. This will give the greatest effect, add magical influence and mystery. So, what needs to be done before starting the ritual? We free thoughts from extraneous reflections, remove doubts from the head and do not think about anything other than the purpose of divination. Online divination "On the Mirror" is able to predict future events and answer questions. To fully satisfy your own interest, you must be well prepared.

So, the clock has struck, you can proceed. Let's start with questions. What worries or confuses you? Do you have a loved one, but you doubt his feelings for you? Ask a question to the Mirror - and you will definitely get rid of doubts. The question should be direct, clear and specific. In this case, you will receive the answer that you dreamed about and expected. Doubts in the question will affect the result, and you risk not getting rid of doubts, but, on the contrary, increasing their number.

Prediction of events using the "Mirror" occurs in several stages. You make a wish. It must be defined. That is, you can not guess "I want to be rich", you need to determine the expression of this wealth. If you are guessing for love or a loved one, the desire should also be clearly expressed. For example, you thought "Will there be a wedding?". The answer can be "Yes" or "No". A negative answer, of course, is unlikely to suit you. Ask the same question, but more specifically - "will there be a wedding this year?". The answer will surely satisfy you.

This is the first stage of divination. The second will be late at night, when you will already be sound asleep. A sincere desire to see will be reflected in your dreams. You will definitely dream about your fiance, and the wedding procession, and funny company guests. Just believe in your dream sincerely. We will immediately warn you that in a dream you are unlikely to see the exact date of the upcoming event. But the fact that you will see the wedding is unequivocal. Dreams are another proof of the magical power of divination, but truthfulness and sincerity are needed to obtain such an effect.

So, the rules of divination "On the Mirror" are simple and clear. Let's be honest, open and ready to accept the truth in the form in which fate prepares it for us. Hopes for happiness and the desire to find true love are acceptable for every person, because the worst thing in our life is loneliness. Deep faith in future happiness will lead you to it, do not despair and believe in your star. Love is what awaits you ahead, and fortune-telling "On the Mirror" will show you the one you are waiting for. Then there will be a dream on a magical night, and one more confirmation that your dream is starting to come true. After all, in a dream you will already be in his arms.

Predicting the future is not an easy but exciting process that will help you solve the most important and difficult problems in your personal or professional life. Fortune telling on a dark mirror refers to multi-stage magical rites for which you need to carefully prepare.

Mirror - a magical attribute that helps predict the future

Divination with the help of mirrors is performed at home or in a secluded place where no one will disturb the fortuneteller. How to guess with an unusual attribute and not incur trouble?

How to guess correctly?

Fortune telling with a mirror is only a small part of those actions that can answer any questions and solve all sorts of everyday difficulties. Divination by candlelight with a mirror should be carried out only when absolutely necessary, respecting the ancient forces. Why does a person need such experiments?

Magic is an opportunity, a weapon and a tool that in skillful hands able to change the fate of any person. Both beginners and experienced magicians can use otherworldly forces for their own purposes without consequences. Energetically, people are subject to various external influences, so magic is also directed to protect their own life and space.

There are no official rules on how to guess in nature, but in the magical world there are many conditional recommendations and rules. It will take a lot of time to study such instructions, but such actions will protect the beginner from the consequences. By the mirror people know the future, appearance beloved and significant moments of those events that are yet to happen.

An important aspect of divination is the conditions that people created before divination. Extra ears and eyes will only hurt, and the forecast is unlikely to become true. Guessing without preparation is stupid and unreliable. It is necessary to start the forecast in good mood and without unnecessary worries. The restlessness of thoughts will affect the results of divination. What prediction methods are the most accurate and easiest to perform?

Help in personal life for a betrothed

Love is the only power, the only thing in the world that can be received only by giving first. It can't be bought or stolen. The fortuneteller seeks protection, your soul mate, an outlet in a cruel world.

Fortune telling on a new mirror for a betrothed has gained considerable popularity, because thanks to simple actions a person is able to find out where and when he will meet his beloved. The second half does not meet twice and sincere love is very easy to miss, so a magical clue will not be superfluous.

A magical rite performed with a new mirror will help you find out where and when the fortuneteller will meet his betrothed

Mirrors are used in divination for Christmas time or big church holidays. Through display, a girl or woman can see the features of a loved one. Through the mirror people find their way out of the most difficult situations and stagnation. Fortune telling on a mirror and candles is more detailed and complex, but it also requires time and effort.

If a woman urgently needs to make a choice between two chosen ones, fortune telling on empty mirrors will also come in handy. Fast, effective and not costly in terms of money, divination of the future in personal life is carried out under the strictest confidence. Neither relatives nor friends - to talk about committed actions it is forbidden.

There are several types of popular divination with a mirror:

  • to meet with a betrothed man in the near future;
  • guessing "who is my favorite";
  • fortune-telling with a candle and a mirror on the image of a loved one;
  • divination with mirrors at the crossroads.

The choice of a method for divining the future depends on the capabilities and goals of the fortuneteller. Before starting, a woman needs to decide on a question of interest and come to terms with any result. Negative and positive events teach a person, give him a chance to follow his own soul.

Foresight of a fateful meeting

The narrowed mummer is a mythical, too ephemeral creature. He already exists in the heart of the girl, but the fateful meeting has not yet occurred. Fortune telling on the future lover is impatient for young ladies and women of more mature age. The question of love worries everyone, regardless of age and position in society. How to predict the conditions of a future meeting?

The mirror, as the main attribute, can serve for visions or perform a completely different function. With the help of a little thing that is in the house of every woman, the necessary information will become clear. You can no longer hide the future. The main thing is to use the mirror correctly.

For fortune-telling at the first meeting, you need to put the thing under the pillow and speak own dream. The easiest way to see the future chosen one is to call on his image. During sleep, a person is not protected, and his body, mind, soul is susceptible to magical influences. Right at the moment deep sleep a girl can see her own lover.

With the help of a mirror, you can call prophetic dream where the girl can see the image of her betrothed

In order to find out the conditions of the meeting, you can resort to fortune-telling on the cards. Various layouts will be a hint. Go to a meeting or reschedule a visit, prepare or work on yourself. The cards will tell about all the difficulties, obstacles and chances that await the girl.

Fortune telling on 2 cards of the Tarot deck will tell you about the outcome of the entire meeting, about what you can find out, and what the potential partner is being cunning about. Only two cards will not let a young girl be disappointed in such a bright feeling as love.

It is also not worth getting carried away with foresight, because outside the room, where a deck of fortune-telling cards and mirrors lies on the table, a person decides his own destiny. And it depends only on his will how the meeting will go.

witchcraft and the mirror

If a girl intends to use mirrors, then she should make sure that all precautions have been observed. Rites and divination with a mirror are carried out exclusively at night (midnight) and without witnesses. Otherwise, relying on the results of fortune-telling will not work. Divination with mirrors is more than a hundred years old; in ancient times, girls locked themselves in bathhouses or in sheds and with the help of a mirror they found out what their future husband would look like.

The most primitive and simple rites were carried out with two candles and two mirrors. From the display surfaces it was necessary to make a corridor (the mirrors were directed opposite each other). The fire of the candle illuminated the “tunnel”, through which the image of the beloved should appear. Not all girls decided on such a ritual, because according to folk beliefs it is not known what will appear through the magical corridor.

If the room was completely dark, the mirrors were allowed to be illuminated with a small lamp, whose glow did not fall on the display surfaces. Once preparatory work came to an end, the girl silently uttered the magic words:

"My betrothed, come, show yourself to me in the mirror."

Then the girl peered into the corridor and tried to distinguish the images that came to her.

It was not a good thing to be afraid of various pictures, because all this is part of a magical rite. The image of the beloved came to the mirror, located behind the fortuneteller. It was considered bad sign when the image of a man comes to the mirror, which was located in front of the girl's face.

Night divination using mirrors

An important aspect of all fortune-telling is the reaction of the girl. People say that if you frighten off the image of a man, then it will take a very long time to wait for him to appear in the life of a girl. If the fortuneteller passed the test with honor and dignity, then the results of fortune-telling were always favorable and encouraging. The girl should have considered the features of her betrothed.

Every detail could serve as a clue in the future to where and when to look for love. From the color of the eyes, hair to clothes, gait or things that surrounded the guy in the vision. When the rite ended, the fortuneteller would sharply and very loudly shout out "Stay away from this place." Leading disappears after the conspiracy and only the image of a candle remains in the mirror.

Magicians and witches do not advise delaying the ceremony. If you do not have time to say the lapel spell, then you can let the spirit into the world of the living and not always good. Modern girls are not afraid to use the ritual for their own needs. Fortune-telling with mirrors has become easier, and the fortune-teller no longer needs to hide in the bathhouse or strip naked. A room in which no one will disturb the girl is an ideal place to perform the ceremony.

In cases where the image of the betrothed does not appear immediately, you should stop looking at one point and focus. Then his eyes abruptly shift to the mirror behind him. The face of the beloved must appear. It is dangerous to get involved in divination of this kind, which is why rituals were carried out only once a year at Christmas or before Easter.

Divination at meetings by candlelight

Divination with a candle and a mirror is carried out at your own peril and risk; a professional magician does not care about such predictions. For the ceremony you will need:

  • mirror;
  • a couple of candles;
  • water in a glass (any transparent container);
  • a pinch of salt.

For fortune-telling on personal life, you will also need a glass filled with water.

Before the ceremony, you need to stock up on wax candles or church candles brought from the temple. The number "13" or the same number of small crosses is drawn on the mirror from the back. On the wooden table or a mirror lies down on the board, and lighted candles are installed on the sides. Place a glass next to clean water and a sprinkle of salt.

Preparation for the ritual ends when the girl sits comfortably in front of the mirror and pronounces the words of the spell exactly 13 times:

“Mirror is a lake, fire is power, salt is tears, tell me what awaits me ahead.”

As soon as the magic words are spoken for the last time, salt must be eaten and washed down with water. The girl leans over the mirror and carefully examines what is displayed in it. Visions can appear in turn or create one whole picture. The whole ritual takes no more than a quarter of an hour, during which the girl can see everything that she needs.

After the ceremony, you should be silent and not utter a word. The fortuneteller goes to sleep, and the next morning, to the smallest detail, remember the dream. A prophetic dream will be a hint about what fate awaits the girl in her personal life.

Predicting the future with a mirror at the crossroads

Divination at the crossroads of two roads is performed with the full moon. At night, when the Moon illuminates the fortuneteller's path, the girl leaves the house so that no one knows about her intentions. When the heavenly body remains behind, the fortuneteller takes out a mirror and carefully peers into it. For such an occupation, the girl gets to the place where two roads converge.

Gathering her thoughts, the fortuneteller says “show me your betrothed”, and then again peers at the month displayed in the mirror. Vision may not come immediately, but foresight will take some time. Not the betrothed himself will appear, but part of his appearance or important detail pointing to a specific person. After what she saw, the girl closes the mirror and returns home without talking to anyone along the way. Before going to bed, it is recommended to read "Our Father" and cross yourself three times.

Candle divination

A mirror is used as a separate attribute of divination or together with other things that help to see the future. Only a whole, not broken and not chipped mirror is chosen for the secret ritual. If a girl performs a ritual on an object that is too small, the visions will be illegible.

For fortune-telling, it is necessary to take only a whole mirror

It is best to choose a display surface that the young lady uses for makeup, in which all the details are visible. You can choose the most ordinary candles or stock them up in the church. The composition of candles has little effect on the results of divination. After the ceremony, you need to thank for the help higher power and if there is such an opportunity, confess in the church.

Divination for a betrothed with a mirror is a popular and simple magical ritual, for which only a strong desire and faith in otherworldly forces are needed. Skeptics will not need such fortune-telling, but to conduct them for fun is to their own detriment.

Varieties of predicting the future in your personal life with the help of mirrors are frightening and bewitching. To interpret the meaning of fortune-telling will not be difficult and will become useful information for everybody.

What will the betrothed man be like when the fateful meeting takes place and who should not be trusted with his own heart? All these questions will be answered by a mirror and a magical ritual, which is best done in complete solitude.