Doll amulet from the evil eye for a child. Bell - a charm for newborns

  • 23.09.2019

Amulets, as such, have always been an integral part of the ancients, and only today, in the age of the global spread of civilization, are perceived as an anachronism, a relic of the past, something like a prayer.

Some people, however, use them to this day, not only to protect themselves from trouble, damage, illness or dark magic themselves, but also to protect their children.

Slavic amulets for children in Russia were used everywhere, and most often they were made in such a way that the child himself did not need to know or think anything about him at all. And certainly so that he could not lose such a talisman. Prayer is hardly suitable here, of course, first of all, this is careful embroidery. True, here you will need to know exactly what you are doing, and if you don’t have such knowledge, then read and ask which it is better to embroider protective patterns, in what color.

Since the smallest in any case were protected from all the dangers of the world around them by common amulets applied to the house, they were additionally protected from subtle manifestations of negativity, to which babies are most often very susceptible. To do this, you can be advised to embroider special symbols on the children's bed and do it with your own hands, since only a mother or father can provide decent protection. And of course there will be no extra prayer.

The simplest and most reliable children's amulets

For starters, you can set a talisman for your son or daughter by action, or rather, even by inaction. No matter how many patterns you can embroider, but a few months after the birth of children, you still can’t show anyone, distant relatives, friends, acquaintances.

You can not take pictures of the baby, cut hair: at this time baby body just beginning to adapt to life in our world. And therefore it is almost defenseless, a child can easily be jinxed by strangers.

So that no illnesses happen, you can make a doll with your own hands. And not simple, but with the appropriate symbolism for a daughter or son, for example, use the Slavic Radinets, this is a wonderful protection for children.

As a rule, if such a hand-made doll is in direct contact with the child, then even if strangers disturb him, he will still not cry or be capricious, because he will not feel any bad influence.

Why is this happening? Because the doll will take on all the negativity and take it away from her daughter or son. Especially if the creation of the amulet was accompanied by prayer. For a girl, it can be a doll, for a boy - anything, even a teddy bear, as long as these things are sewn by their parents, with their own hands. Then they can be taken with you from home, for a walk.

Great idea - to embroider on clothes for a doll protective amulets in the form of certain symbolism. Such embroidery will play two significant roles at once: it will strengthen protection and help your children remember the meaning of this or that protective symbol from childhood.

Also, Slavic amulets for children made of silver can provide very powerful protection for a daughter or son. Here, of course, embroidery is no longer required. It’s very good if a child has some kind of silver jewelry on his body since childhood (it’s great if it is made with your own hands).

Silver is a well-known light metal that has subtle (and physical) antiseptic properties. In practice, this means that it can not only purify water (which everyone knows), but also protect from the evil eye. Silver and prayer are two very powerful protective amulets for children. A chain or charm from one or another magical tradition can serve as a silver decoration, depending on which symbol system the family adheres to.

It is also considered a good protective trick to put on a child hand-sewn bright clothes that will catch the eye, which means that all human eyes will be focused on the clothes, and not on its wearer. This also works, though not prayer. As you understand, a hat should be especially bright, because the head of young children is the most vulnerable place, and it is better to divert as much negative energy from it as you can.

This is what concerns amulets that you can sew or make with your own hands. But in different traditions there were also natural amulets, which were credited with the ability to protect children from diseases. For example, in ancient Rome, all kinds of children's protective toys were made from malachite, because it warned of fear.

By the way, the Slavs also used malachite, as it fulfills wishes. And in Ancient China the best amulet for children is the image of a crane with a peach. Naturally, in all cultures, one way or another, there was a protective children's prayer, and not one, but a large number of them.

Making children's amulets with their own hands

The most powerful effect of a child's amulet will be if it was made by the person closest to him in the physical and biological sense of the word - the mother. And if a prayer was read during the creation of the amulet. Therefore, most amulets are toys, hand-sewn clothes, bedding, and the like, which must be sewn or tied. And they can be embroidered.

The most powerful simple amulet (in terms of ease of use), as already mentioned, is a doll. There are several tips for making it. In order for you to get not just a toy, but also a really strong shield, it is best to make this toy from scraps of old parental clothes (of course, as clean and positive as possible). And learn by heart some kind of protective prayer.

At the time of making such a doll, you should not use a needle and scissors. The doll itself is best not to make a face, faceless dolls are an old Russian tradition.

It was believed that in this way it would not attract evil spirits (and on the contrary, it would absorb negative vibrations). There is also a small recommendation - an unfinished doll should not be placed on the table, that is, its production should not be interrupted.

Also, since the sun was the most powerful and revered symbol among the Slavs, you can sew a small “sun” for a child. To make it, you can use cardboard, wood, yellow thread or shreds. Again, do not place such a talisman until it is finished. The face can be embroidered, since it will not be a personal children's amulet: the sun is hung over the door to the nursery.

Finally, it makes sense to say something that was almost irretrievably lost, but is now gradually being revived: herbs. The fact is that leaves, berries and various bunches of herbs have been revered since ancient times, including for protective properties. And if you want to protect a sleeping child, put berries and rowan leaves, acorns or thistles under his bed.

Plants are strong shields that have their own energy, and can affect the surrounding space, even when dried up. By the way, it was not for nothing that furniture and toys in the old days were made from certain wood, and dolls were either entirely made of herbs, or stuffed with grass to increase resistance to adverse factors.

Video: Protect for a child

Charm for a child in the Slavic tradition - an integral part of our culture. The amulets given to the child not only protect him from evil, but also help to tune the mood in the soul, helping the little person grow up to be foldable, okay. The traditions of Slavic amulets for children require the newborn to be wrapped in old parental clothes. Charm for a boy is the father's shirt, a charm for a newborn girl- mother's shirt Under the age of three, the child himself was not put on body amulets, believing that this would interfere with his independent growth. Then there are other rules. Read the details in this article.

Why do you need a guardian for a child? For the same as for an adult - to develop the body, to nurture the soul.

Amulet for a child 0-3 years old

First of all, a newborn child needs parental protection, which was provided by the worn clothes of the parents (the boy - the father's shirt, the girl - the mother's). Previously, clothes were embroidered with protective patterns and their presence created a protective cloud around the child.

An example of a pattern for a newborn

The amulet for the child, of course, was the cradle and the walls of the house themselves. In the room where the cradle was hung, amulets were traditionally placed: on the door - a Kupala wreath, on the altar with images of the Gods - an embroidered towel.

Now it is difficult for a city person to recreate the protective power of his native home, but you can get closer by hanging signs next to the cradle or bed (which were traditionally embroidered on protective towels). Amulets can be embroidered (on a blanket, or separate panels on the wall, or napkins) or made of wood (birch, spruce, etc.), even painted - on the bed, curtains, on the wall, etc.

An example of a traditional protective sign is the “alatyr”, which protected the child from scratch (and all his life):

This sign also includes the "Sign of the Family", which is appropriate from the "zero" age and throughout life.

Traditional baby charms for newborns and beyond:

  • bell - it was believed that the sound of a silver bell (or many of them) drove away evil spirits from the baby;
  • horse - a wooden rocking horse (outdoor small swing);
  • diaper doll - a protective doll, which was always put in bed for an infant;
  • Sun;
  • bunny.

Amulet for a child 3 - 7 years old

From the age of three, the child was already wearing personal wearable amulets. They were made from wood, fabric, silver, in the north - from bone, horn, birch bark. There was no special embroidery on clothes. Boys and girls ran around in identical linen shirts, altered from adult clothes. Slavic amulets for children even at this age did not have much difference - up to seven years old, the amulet for both the boy and the girl was the "Ladins" - signs of the almost forgotten veneration of the Goddess Lada (the sign "alatyr" could now move from a wall or embroidered sign to a wearable amulet).

Examples of signs of the Goddess Lada for children from three years old:

Traditionally, “kopoushki” (kind of small spoons), “keys” were hung on the belt, “bells” were sewn onto clothes.

So, traditional children's Slavic amulets of this age:

  • a spoon;
  • kopoushka;
  • beater (rattle);
  • wooden toy;
  • ring;
  • bells;
  • pendants - woven, leather, birch bark, etc. with the signs "Ladin", "Molvinets", "torch", "kind".

Amulet for a child 7 years old - 11/14 years old

After seven years, they already began to look closely at the abilities of the child and show the girl and boy the basics of "adult" crafts. Accordingly, the amulets were suitable: for boys - anvils, images of tools, for girls - spindles. Images of totem animals were also considered Slavic amulets for children.

For the girl, in addition to the symbols of the family and crafts, wood and plant ornaments served as amulets:

Symbols of the earth, but different from adults:

And remember that girls before initiation did not wear ornaments characteristic of girls and women - lunnitsa.

Charm for a child after 11/14 years

This age at which the child reaches puberty was accompanied by rites of initiation and naming. So, during the rite of naming, the child was given not only a name that connects him with the family and reflects the qualities of the soul of the child, but also a charm that he will wear for some time so that the name “sticks”. The ceremony was carried out starting from the age when the child could no longer be called a “child” or “child”, but a “lad” (teenager). During the naming, the child received a Slavic amulet at about 11-14 years old.

The signs on the amulets referred to spirits, totems, or Native Gods who patronized this particular family. In this case, it is said about the continuity of generic qualities, character, signs and even class.

From this age, you can wear "Kolyadnik", "Rodimich", "Makosh", "Kolovrat", "Yarovik", "Ax of Perun", "Fern Flower", etc.

What were Slavic charms for children made of?

Of course, natural materials were used:

  • linen, silk, cotton;
  • threads - linen, silk, cotton;
  • birch bark;
  • metal - silver, bronze;
  • tree;
  • cleaned bone,
  • horns.

Fangs and claws for children's amulets were not used.

How to revive amulets for a child

Purification is not required if the thing is made by a kind person. It is believed that if the master keeps good thoughts in his head and heart all the time, then this means that the result of the work will be kind and pure. If the amulet was bought in a store from strangers or there are doubts about its purity, then the item should be placed in salt for several days.

To revive the amulet, you must take it in your hand. If adults themselves can mentally or in words refer to the amulet, consciously wear it, pay attention, get it, stroke it, repeat the plot, then small children cannot do this. Therefore, parents revive the amulet - mother or father, or grandmother, or grandfather. The conspiracy itself is turned to higher powers, Native Gods, ask for protection and protection for the child.

Slavic amulets for children are placed in the following places:

  • over beds, cradles, cradles;
  • under the child's bed;
  • under the pillow, mattress, at the head;
  • let the child play like a toy;
  • put on the body;
  • above the door at the entrance to the bedroom where the baby is, or above the windows;
  • the mother carries with her when she holds the child in her arms.

When choosing a Slavic amulet for your child, you need to pay attention to certain rules:

  1. Signs and symbols fire element does not apply to babies and young children who are not yet 11-14 years old.
  2. It is desirable that fabric amulets are made with red threads when the sign itself is embroidered or woven.
  3. Determine what exactly the amulet will serve for - to cure the disease, give a sound sleep to the child, attract good luck, attract the protection of the patron gods, and more.

The rules for choosing a talisman for a child assumed basic ideas about the world order - it was believed that children came from the World of Navi and were in an intermediate state until they were seven years old. In the world of Reveal, the child has not yet become strong enough, not strong enough, therefore he needs protection from the forces of evil and darkness. After seven years, the attitude towards the child changed, was recognized as strengthened and definite. After initiation, a person was recognized as an adult and capable of taking responsibility for his actions.

This Slavic amulet is incredibly easy to make. It is enough to take two small sticks or matches, fold them in the form of a cross, wrap them with woolen threads different color. The finished product must either be placed under the pillow, or hung over the crib. The four ends of the "God's eye" will protect the child from any negativity coming from all over the world.

swaddle doll

This amulet from the evil eye used to be sewn future mother shortly before the birth of the baby. The fabric was taken from the worn clothes of the close relatives of the child, as this allowed him to provide him with birth protection. Today, you can take a simple piece of ordinary cotton fabric, just bought in a store. The doll is made as follows: the fabric is twisted as tightly as possible, in the middle it is pulled with a belt that marks the waist, and tied. The thread is bitten off with teeth, since scissors cannot be used.

Next is the head. To designate it, the upper part of the twisted fabric is also pulled with threads. At the end, a scarf is tied on the doll's head, and she herself is wrapped in a diaper. The amulet is kept near the child. By the way, in Russia, amulets in the form of diaper dolls were made not only from fabric, but also from straw and wood. In other words, for its manufacture, you can take any natural material.

Charm for a newborn from amber

Very good amulet made. The stone for it must be purchased between the 3rd and 9th lunar day. On Saturday or Monday after 12 o'clock at night, you need to stand in front of a lit candle, holding amber in your left hand, and dry chamomile in your right, and say the following words:

“Lord, save your servant, the lad (name of the newborn), from all evil, from a dashing disease. As rivers run, so every sore runs and runs away from my child (name of the child), and just as no one can stop the river, so no one can spoil the health of the child (name of the baby). Neither a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor any evil spirit, nor a dashing person, nor an angry person at my child, no matter how much they look askance, no matter what they do, it doesn’t work, everything falls out of hand.

After that, you should say "Amen" three times, fumigate the room and the mineral with chamomile, remove the finished amulet in the children's room to a place where no one can get it or see it. Your child will protect the amber amulet for 9 years, after which it can be done again.

Many of us wear amulets. They protect, help, give us some certain qualities and character traits. V ancient times everyone wore amulets. From birth, the child received his protective symbol, which was obliged to protect him from misfortunes, illnesses, and gave him a happy fate. You can make charms for children yourself or order from a trusted specialist. Such protection is simply necessary, because under the gaze of the gods, your baby will be reliably protected from all evil. Lot beautiful amulets can be found if you are interested culture of the ancient Slavic world. These symbols have been keeping those who believe in their powers from all troubles for many centuries.

The child needs protection

Goddess Lada protects the woman and the baby in her womb. While a woman is pregnant, she has reliable protection from all evil. Not a single sorcerer or practitioner of black magic will dare to harm a woman during this period, because for such a crime against nature the punishment will be very severe. Of course, on Slavic gods hope, but don't make a mistake yourself, one might say. You need to take care of your immunity, give up bad habits. For this you are responsible. Amulets will protect you from evil.

After the child is born, he is pure, innocent and, as yet, does not have his own energy protection. She will appear only by the age of 3. From 0 to 3 years old, children wore amulets. These are the symbols of the genus, protecting from dangers, children's talismans, amulets for adding mind. These items have soft energy. Girls were given Lada and Mokosh amulets to develop feminine qualities in them.

Energy of the Sort

A huge number of amulets appeal to the forces of the Family. Our ancestors will unite. to protect in difficult times. They are keep children safe from danger, disease, injury. The symbol of the Family was always present in the house. It was made by the oldest member of the family - a man.

If you honor your fathers and grandfathers, you know the history of your family, you respect your parents, the whole clan will stand behind you, and will not give offense. And those who do not show respect, do not honor their roots Rod's forces do not protect. It is very difficult to be alone in the world - Slavic philosophy teaches this. When everyone is together, friendly and united, no force can break a person. The symbols of the Family were present in everything, not only in amulets. This is the dishes embroidery, household items.

For children, these are the main protective signs, after all, no one will protect better than his own family. Their energy is soft, kind, will not harm the baby. Girl or boy, and under the protection of Rod will always be happy.

Children's amulets

For children, most often, amulets were embroidered, carved from wood or from natural stones. How older child the stronger the material. The kids were completely surrounded by protective symbols: on the crib, bed linen, diapers. Everything, what did the child touch, protected by the symbols of the gods.


The main symbol of the Sort. In addition to the fact that the genus is a family, there was also the god Rod. He kept strong families, shore from betrayal and divorce, betrayal. His amulet was always in the house. In the first days of life next to the baby should be all the best. For him, a figure of Rod was cut out, which was hidden on the mattress or hung over the cradle.


Silver bells drive away evil spirits spoilage and evil eye. So that no one cursed your child, a bell was attached to his clothes with his own hands. Several hung over his bed. This amulet helped children from 0 to 5 years. During fasting, it was replaced with a silver hairpin or pin. This tradition is still popular today. Many grandmothers sew a pin into their grandson's collar so that no one offends him.

Slavic swaddle

Doll - diaper made by hand without needles and scissors. You need to tear the fabric with your hands. First, the base is made - a dense tourniquet of light fabric. Then, a diaper, a scarf is “put on” on him, all this was tied up with a red thread. Such the diaper had no eyes, this would divert all negative energy or evil magic to her. She put the child in the crib.

Protective amulet

The amulet contained symbols of the Sun - Valkyrie, Velesovik, less often Kolovrat. It needs soap to speak. The mother of the child had to do this secretly so that no evil forces were present during the conspiracy. Usually the time was loudly called when the conspiracy of the amulet would allegedly take place, but everything was done sooner or later. This is how the forces of evil deceived. The plot is simple: an amulet is held above the candle, the text is slandered on it:

“I protect (child's name) with water and earth. I take away trouble, I do not let misfortune. Water and earth, stand up with a shield around (name), Protect from (list from what)! As the water is mighty, the earth is indestructible, So the defense is invincible by anyone. Amen."

Naturally, it was necessary to make the amulet with your own hands, because only in this way did he absorb the forces of the clan. Amulets for children will not harm, but only help. You can give them to your child without fear.

Charm stones

Stones well help to normalize the immune system, remove many health problems, help the child develop from the first days of his life. But, not every stone can be used. Choose only those that will not harm you with their strong energy. For example, diamonds or rubies for young children are "heavy stones", they are best worn in adulthood. Semi-precious ones are best.


Green stone malachite perfectly supports the immune system. Especially it is recommended to wear to children during the winter. A small pendant, earrings, just a pebble will help not to get sick. He protects against infections, relieves fever, removes inflammation. If your ears hurt, apply warm malachite to them. You can warm it up in hot water, but make sure that it is not very hot itself, but at a pleasant temperature.


The stone is suitable for children and pregnant women. It contains the power of the Sun, which means its blessing. Amber was very popular in ancient times. It is believed that it perfectly purifies the air, water, gives it healing properties.

Amber will protect from evil spirits and tricks of witches. TO man with amber around his neck no evil comes. From it is easy cut out charms, this mineral is soft. So, in the old days, almost everyone had an amulet made of amber, many made it with their own hands.


It's a stone white color or less often - dairy. They make amulets for babies and pregnant women from it. It is considered that cahalong drives away evil forces from the one who wears it. It is advised to wear it at night, because at this time a person is very vulnerable to the forces of evil. To keep your baby safe evil spirits , put a pebble under the mattress.


Many parents buy amulets for children, while others undertake to make them with their own hands. How is it better? You decide. The main thing is that you correctly observe all the conditions for the manufacture of the amulet.

  1. You need to start work in the summer. Everything amulets of the ancient Slavs associated with solar energy. The strongest Sun in the period from July 22 to August 22. You can start making at this time.
  2. Materials: wood, stone, natural semiprecious stones, clay, iron. Of course, it's hard to work with them without experience. The easiest way is to cut an amulet out of wood. The size does not matter, the main thing is that the image comes out clear.
  3. Don't miss out on the details. Doing with your own hands, do not bring something "from yourself", but do not lose the meaning of the drawing. It must be done as accurately as possible. you can beat amulet decoration, make a pattern around the edge, for example. But, the main image must exactly match what kind of protective symbol you are depicting.
  4. You need to do it with a new knife. In general, all tools you use must be new.
  5. Make any object of power, for a child or for yourself only with a positive attitude. If you feel bad, sick, sad - put aside the tools. negative energy quickly passes to the amulets.

Everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you are not ready yet, it is better to order the amulet to the master.

By the way, when finish making your amulet think carefully about its purpose. Of course, you need to know the meaning of the symbol, what it serves. Ask the gods to give your child help, protection, fortitude along with this item. At the end say:

“I lock myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you don’t have access or semi-access to me either on the road, or on the road, or at work, or at rest, either at night or during the day. These words are my key and lock, now and forever and ever.

Advice from the Master of Wards

Increasingly, people are turning to the master of amulets for advice on amulets for children. Of course, to the choice of such a subject must be taken very seriously because we are talking about a child. In ancient times, the Slavs were very attentive to the protection of their children, because they are very vulnerable.

During pregnancy, the energy of the mother protects the baby. Children's amulets were needed when the natural protection leaves. At the age of 0 - 3 years, the baby is especially vulnerable to all dangers. He begins to actively explore the world. Unfortunately, not everyone and not everyone is friendly.

A good amulet can be made with your own hands, then here you should know all the intricacies of working with attracting energy into an object. Experimentation is great, but when it comes to a charm for your little one, it's best to trust a professional.

Parents often ask questions, it is best to answer some of them once and for all.

Can a child wear amulets?

Can. The main thing is to choose the right item for the child. His energy is weaker than that of an adult, so you should not immediately hang a sign of strength, steadfastness, courage on a little boy’s neck. His energy will put pressure on him, maybe even make him overly aggressive. Here the signs of the Family are best suited, Protection, patronage of good spirits.

From what age can I wear a charm on my child?

Strong amulets are generally better not to give into the hands of children under 5 years old. Protective items, amulets for children can be worn immediately after birth. The amulet does not even have to be hung around the neck, it can be put under the mattress of the crib, hung above it.

Up to 5 years, protection charms are suitable. After 5, you can already see what your child has inclinations for, how he communicates with others, whether there are any problems. For example, if your baby is very shy and cannot make friends with other children, then you can help him. For such baby fit amulet Valkyrie- prudence, ingenuity, courage.

It is not necessary to buy a charm, you can embroider it on a shirt or jacket for walking. Over time, communication will become easier. Valkyrie will help him, will certainly give him the necessary courage. So, with your own hands it’s easy to help, you just need to try a little.

Can I wear a charm and a cross?

On the one hand, Slavic amulets do not contradict your faith. This is the pure energy of nature, because the ancient Slavs worshiped the 4 elements, as the main source of power. The fact is that your faith in the amulet gives him certain strength. The stronger the faith, the stronger its action. If you do not trust your amulet, it will not work for you, alas.

Cross - you can say "Christian amulet". You put on a child a cross, an amulet, hang another lucky stone around his neck, embroider symbols of the Scandinavian world, an eye from the evil eye, a scarab and something else on his clothes. Is not super protection but simple distrust.

Slavic amulets for children can be worn along with a symbol of your faith. The main thing is to decide what exactly you believe in. Otherwise, you your child there will be a misconception about what an object of power is.

Can my child and I wear one amulet in turn?

It's better not to. The thing is that the amulet, any amulet takes over part of the energy of its owner. It gives you the connection through which all the "magic" happens. ". It is better that the child has his own amulet or amulet that only he wears.. The only thing you can do to transfer some of your energy is to make an object with your own hands. So he will get the charge of your boundless love for the baby.

The amulet for the child performs an important role: - the preservation of his health and energy until he grows up. Children are very susceptible to the evil eye, they have a weak biofield, and any stay in a public place or at a party can hit his energy field.

Many notice that after visiting guests or another place where there are a lot of people, the child becomes lethargic or capricious. Even sincere admiration for a child can be reflected in the form of illness. It is often said: "the child was jinxed."

To protect her child, every mother can make a charm, consider the most common ones.

Charm embroidery

In protective embroidery, red color must be present.

You can protect your child with protective embroidery. Images of animals, plants are well suited to protect the baby. The most common patterns are: the world tree (it is also the tree of life), a bunny, a fox, a horse, roosters, angels, a bear.

Slavic patterns for children: alatyr, bogovnik, overpowered grass, fire-eye, molvinets, radinets.

Scheme of a charm for a child. Can be used as an element of decor in a child's room or performed on a baby's blanket.

The protective ornament can be embroidered on clothes, bed linen, towels, in the form of a picture, hung on the wall in the children's room.

Herbal amulets

Magical herbs will help protect the baby. Many people remember how grandmothers used plants as a talisman, for example, they swept the floor with wormwood, carefully sweeping the corners of the house, hung garlic and mountain ash in the corners, put bags with different herbs under the pillow. Herbs can be used in the form of garlands hung in a conspicuous place and wreaths woven from protective plants, bags with various fees, herbs under the pillow (or in the pillow), arranged in the form of brooms in the corners.

Herbal charms can be made from 1 plant or from several. There are plants aimed at achieving different goals:

    from the evil eye;

    from damage;

    good luck;

    on health;

    for money;

    for success;

    for love;

    for prosperity;

    to win;

    for spiritual growth;

    on the career growth etc.

Considering that we are talking about the protection of children, we are interested in plants for protection against evil forces, the evil eye, on health and conducive to learning.

Protective properties of mountain ash

Rowan - a plant with a strong energy field cleansing the space around you from negativity. Widely used as a family amulet.

Now you can often see a mountain ash under the window of a private house, this is not casual. Rowan has great magical power against evil spirits and ailments.

The light energy of a tree, like a magnet, attracts health, happiness, spiritual harmony and well-being, especially important when surrounded by a baby, because children under 3 years old are very vulnerable to evil.

The amulet can also be made from leaves, branches and fruits of a tree. To protect housing and children, one should dial as far as possible from the crowds of people, because where there are a lot of people, the power of the tree is wasted on cleansing the ether around it from any negativity. Including bad thoughts.

It is necessary to take parts of a tree for protection only from a healthy tree, the leaves and fruits of a diseased tree will not help.

Rowan decorate the bedroom, children's room, hang clusters over the door. It is good to take care of decorating with a mountain ash for all holidays and significant dates, especially if a lot of people are expected: wedding, birth, family holidays.

Options for children's amulets:

Bay leaf as a talisman

Make a charm out of bay leaf possible for a child of any age. Leaflets hung in the corners of the room, above the baby's bed, will protect from evil.

You can make a bag with bay leaves. And put the child in your pocket, bag or hide in your favorite toy.

A protective bag needs to be sewn to the mother, ready-made will not work. For a child, preference should be given to yellow or blue fabric.

To protect your child, you can use salt, a pin, , pectoral cross(if the child is baptized).

amulet toys

The sun is used as a pendant in the crib

A toy can become a talisman for a child, the most widespread are: the sun, embroidered and carved cockerels, bells, amulets, various animals and tools (a spindle for girls, an anvil, a sword for boys).

Some toys inspire confidence and cheer up, others protect from the evil eye and spoilage, and others preserve health.


bell -better protection baby from diseases and evil eye

The bell is the most common amulet for the home. Suitable for protecting the baby from birth. It is believed that the ringing of the bell clears the energy of the house, scares away evil spirits and attracts good luck to the house. The ringing of bells also contributes to a speedy recovery by tuning the body to the right wave during viral diseases.

Swaddle doll

A good amulet is a do-it-yourself doll for a child from the clothes of mother and father. For girl
mother's clothes are taken, and for the boy - father's. The simplest option is a swaddle doll. Such small motanka dolls are not only amulets, but wonderful toys for young children. The doll fits perfectly into the baby's hand, it is soft and bright.

Need to know :pwhen making a protective doll for a child, the fabric and threads are brokenhands, cut with scissors and prick with a needle is not allowed.The doll must be faceless.

A do-it-yourself doll can be hung above the crib, above the stroller, put under the pillow. There can be many such pupae, different colors, different sizes and from fabrics of different textures.

Guardian angel

A toy in the form of an angel has great power as a talisman. It can be a figurine, a doll. Embroidery on a blanket or clothes. It is important that the angel is made in bright colors and with good mood. The easiest option is to make a guardian angel from a piece of white cloth or linen, and an angel can also be knitted, sewn, molded from clay or salt dough.

The guardian angel is hung over the window, door, bed. At Christmas, angels decorate the Christmas tree. Different angels are given to loved ones with a wish of health and happiness.

When can you start wearing a guardian for a child

floral ornament is widely used in children's protective embroidery

The amulet is not put on the child's body until 3-4 years old. Newborns can be tied with a red thread or wrapped in a diaper with protective embroidery. From birth, all children's amulets are placed in the baby's room, crib or stroller.