What does it mean if you dream they want to kill. The dream book will tell: why dream that they want to kill you or are persecuted

  • 22.09.2019

The knife dreams of separation, quarrels and losses in business.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction in family affairs or a break with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife portends future worries, a broken one - the collapse of all hopes.

They saw in a dream that they were wounded with a knife - get ready for domestic troubles and intrigues of enemies.

I dreamed that they themselves rushed at someone with a knife - show not the best sides of his character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life You are too afraid to meet new people. Apparently, once you are very badly "burnt". Try not to follow your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that one of your friends picks up a knife, then you are currently walking on the verge of what is permitted. For some reason, you think that no one around you notices this, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

dreamed beautiful knife- in reality, you will unexpectedly receive a gift, but not harmless, but with a trick.

If in a dream you cut something with a blunt knife, then it is time for your teenage complexes to become obsolete a long time ago. Stop feeding subconscious fears, otherwise you will not get rid of the complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and cannot find it, then at present you are too tired.

We bought a decorative knife in a store - in reality, always strive to control the situation. You want your spouse to always do just what you want.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about knives, which, in her understanding, are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to stab you from behind a corner. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream promises you quick changes in personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and it turned into the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Knife

In a dream, this symbol means eventfulness, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

The dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that you are in a hurry to your house. unknown man.

Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife is a warning that in real life ill-wishers will try to stab you from behind a corner. Be careful!

If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and it became stained with the blood of the victim - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.
Interpretation of dreams from

Run as fast as you can in a dream from a killer who is chasing you - good sign. Such a dream, although it affects nervous system not the most in the best way, but promises longevity to the dreamer.

When you dream that one of your acquaintances, friends or relatives is trying to kill, this dream means that soon this person will try to unbalance the dreamer, perhaps even provoke him into a fight. Asking the question: “why is there a dream that they want to kill you?” Do not forget to tell the details of the environment, from this sometimes the meaning of sleep changes to the opposite. For example, to negotiate with a killer in a dream portends involvement in a rash adventure.

And according to the interpretation of the old French dream book, to see a killer in a dream, to be afraid of your death - means that in reality you will be able to reunite with your dearest relatives and friends. Seeing in a dream a killer who is already brandishing a knife - this dream portends difficult experiences, depression, a decline in spiritual strength. The dreamer will need to mobilize all his strength and convince himself that everything that happens is also not forever and everything will be fine soon.

If a person who wants to kill a person who has a dream is all stained with blood, such a dream promises failure. It is better not to start anything new during this period. Hiding in the crowd from a person threatening to kill is a warning about secret enemies who are just waiting for an opportunity to do harm. Also, sometimes such a dream calls to be more careful - a large monetary loss is possible due to negligence and absent-mindedness.

A dream in which the fear of death is present only in thoughts about some person, but there is no active action, warns of the machinations of ill-wishers who want to harm their reputation and career.

It is also possible that the meaning of a dream in which they want to kill the dreamer lies in his relationship with the outside world. There is an opinion that this is a reflection of all the negative emotions that a person experiences from the bad deeds of the people around him. If you dream long and complicated story, in which they first try to kill the dreamer, but then he colludes with his tormentor and they are now together going after a new victim, this may warn of the need to comply with the law. Such a dream warns against dubious enterprises, especially those in which they offer to be an accomplice, especially if new acquaintances offer it.

When in a dream, in addition to threats of murder, there is a dream of being taken hostage, abduction - this may mean the desire of ill-wishers to get to the dreamer at all costs. It is worth thinking about whether you had to cross someone's path and interfere with someone's plans. Especially in this regard, you should be wary of competitors at work, no matter what areas it concerns. If the assassination attempt made in the dream was not successful, this is a warning that should be heeded. Such a dream warns that soon you may find yourself in a situation that is associated with a risk to life and health. It may not be possible to avoid this, but it is better to be warned in advance and be able to take some measures or be mentally prepared for any risk.

If in a dream the alleged killers are the dreamer's parents, this dream signals some kind of inconsistency in the relationship. It may not be possible to solve the problem, but in this case you need to know about it.

What does it mean if you dream that they want to kill a familiar person, but you can’t protect him because of the fear of being killed yourself? Such a dream portends serious health problems. Hiding in a dream from a murder that a woman is plotting - this dream warns of an obsessive interlocutor who will try to make friends with the dreamer. Most likely, you will have to work hard to avoid communicating with him, and for a while forget about what a comfortable existence is. To be in a dream an observer of the killing of animals and be afraid that the same fate would not befall - sometimes means rejection of oneself, internal conflicts. The dream says the same, where the killer is a child. The oppressed part of the subconscious speaks with such dreams, wanting to be heard and resolve all internal contradictions.

A strange dream in which you have to look from the outside at yourself, just killed by someone, speaks of a passionate desire to get rid of some qualities. And sometimes such a dream symbolizes a new stage in development, a change in the standard of living. This interpretation of sleep gives it a positive status. Fighting a killer in a dream also means internal conflicts that do not allow you to live in peace. Most likely, a person who sees such a dream has little free time to properly understand his soul, all his desires and ambitions. Probably, you need to get rid of stereotypes that no longer make sense in life.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state, physical health, explain exciting moments? What does what you see in a dream mean and will tell you.

Why dream of Murder: interpretation of sleep according to 100 dream books

Why did the Murder dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Murder - Why murder is dreamed of depends on the role of the dreamer.

  • Attack parents, guided by the desire to commit murder- dreams of finding common ground. In the near future, your relationship will improve.
  • Seeing your own murder - in reality you will have to make fateful decisions on your own. It's time to take responsibility for your life.
  • Killing a bird or animal may dream of making a profit, a profitable business, good news.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that a tiger acted as a murder victim- be prepared to move up the career ladder.
  • Killing a bull - wealth will knock on the house.
  • But killing a ram - to problems, a black stripe.

Why did the Murders dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Killing is associated with getting rid of something. Very often, a dream is interpreted in a positive aspect. Why dream of murder?

  • What is the dream in which you were deprived of life? In reality, you rely too much on the opinions of other people. It’s enough to listen to advice from the outside, you need to think with your own head, make decisions that come from the heart.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream in the role of a murderer committing murder - to get rid of obsolete habits, unnecessary prejudices. You are wasting your energy proving something to the whole world. Take care of yourself only, restore spiritual harmony if you dream of murder.

What is the dream of Murder (Romantic dream book)

What can a murder dream about in context love relationship? It is possible that this is a reflection of your subconscious desire to part with your partner. You see that the relationship has reached a dead end, but you are afraid to take the first step.

  • The killing of a sparrow is often a dream to some problems relating to the second half. A loved one will provoke troubles, which you will have to deal with.
  • To see your partner stabbed to death, in reality the passion between you will increase.
  • Killing your soulmate with a gun - get rid of sexual problems.

I had a dream about Murder (we solve it from the Erotic dream book)

  • I dreamed about how they were trying to kill you, a dream symbolizes the desire to get rid of a bored partner.
  • To commit murder yourself in a dream - importance has the murder weapon.
  • Dreaming of murder with a knife means that sexual desire for a partner is increasing, and quite mutually.
  • Murder by strangulation means that in reality it is necessary to introduce elements of diversity into your relationship.
  • An attempt to kill a person in a dream with a firearm is a sign of getting rid of intimate problems in the near future.

Analysis of the dream in which the Murder was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • You killed someone, which means you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. Time after time, you try to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for, but in fact, everything that made up the core of the relationship is long gone, and you both think about your future as if there is no place for another in it.
  • Be a witness to a crime, condone a murder- cruelty occupies too much space in your fantasies. At the same time, you seem to not take into account the fact that your rude caresses may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

The meaning of a dream about Death (interpretation of psychologist K. Jung)

Why dream of murder? Death in dreams - including murder and loss of kinship - must be carefully examined in its context, since the death of dream characters is rarely related to real death; rather, it indicates a deep archetypal process of transformation.

The murder of parental adults in dreams indicates a radical change in the oedipal structure of the complexes that regularly interfere with the achievement and assertion of a firm personal position. When the dream ego itself commits "killing," it can show the extent to which the dreamer has actively reached in his own process.

What is the dream of Murder in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • The dream of murder portends the sorrows caused by the atrocities of others.
  • If you committed the murder in a dream, it means that you will be involved in shameful events that will brand your name.
  • I dreamed that you yourself were killed, which means that opponents are doing everything to break your life.
  • To kill a villain who commits murder in a dream portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.
  • A friend dreamed of suicide - this portends long unrest on the eve of solving an important issue.

Murder in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • Why dream of killing someone from your environment - a dream means that you are in mortal danger from a robber, a killer.
  • Find out in a dream about the murder of someone- means that a soldier in the army will die in the line of duty associated with professional risk.
  • If you dream of your murder, but you survived, fearlessness helps you not to attract danger. Cultivate it in yourself - this will be useful to you in the future, since you have many enemies.
  • You are being killed, and you have woken up, which means that you are attracting danger to yourself, as you succumb to a sense of fear. A dream can be repeated in reality.

  • Seeing your own murder portends great happiness.
  • To dream that you are killing another person - to wealth and nobility.
  • You kill yourself with a knife dreamed - great happiness.
  • You kill a person in such a way that blood stains clothes - you will receive material gain, wealth.
  • If you repeatedly stab a person with a knife, committing a murder - joy and benefit.
  • To dream that you are fighting with knives with someone so that blood is visible- happiness.
  • Blood comes out of a knife wound - portends alcohol and food.
  • You prick with a knife and see blood - to great happiness.
  • You see how blood flows from the burnt body - great happiness.
  • You inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax, planning a murder - to great happiness.
  • You cut a person with a knife, a saber - portends a loss of wealth.
  • Finding out about the murder of a member of your family- portends a breakup.
  • You see in a dream the murder of a person - portends great happiness.
  • Why dream of slaughtering a pig or a piglet - happiness and benefit.
  • You slaughter a ram or beat a ram - illness, misfortune.
  • Why dream of killing a tiger or a leopard, a leopard- you will get an important position.
  • If you kill a bull or a deer, it portends wealth and nobility.
  • Killing a bull and eating its meat portends commercial profit.
  • You kill a donkey, a camel or a horse - alcohol and a snack.
  • The killing of a turtle portends mourning.
  • sparrow killing- portends problems, difficulties associated with a wife or concubine.
  • Why dream of killing a rooster, goose, duck - portends great happiness.

Psychological analysis of the dream where Suicide was dreamed (interpretation of psychologist D. Loff)

Why dream of murder, suicide - Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's DEATH as a result of murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death. The changing ethics of how death is perceived in our society also has an impact on death in dreams. Recently, assisted suicide and euthanasia have begun to have an impact on the vision of death in a dream. In medical dreams, murder often appears as a mass murderer. The reason for this is ANGRY and aggression, which are not customary to show in public and which penetrate dreams of fulfillment of desires.

Recently, such a phenomenon as stress has been universally defined as death by suffocation. Fortunately, It can convey in a dream the sensations of what part of your Self strives for in reality. If you have committed the murder of a stranger, then this means that you are trying to storm the side of your own PERSONALITY that causes you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This is helpful.

Perhaps in a dream you committed murder of yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality. The positive aspect of suicide in a dream, there is a desire to deal with pathological tendencies or eliminate some of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality that bother you. Since such tendencies or stereotypes are integral part you as a person, the dream may try to eliminate them by projecting all negative qualities onto the stranger representing you, whom you put to death. However, you should not try to kill a part of yourself by trying to get rid of negative qualities.

Everyone in his life has a shadow side, which he reliably hides from others. We often criticize those who in most cases resemble ourselves. These shadow moments of life must be accepted and analyzed constructively in order to prevent their transformation into pathology. Murder in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If the dream is repeated and thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in reality, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.

What does it mean to see Murder in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Murder is an extreme solution to the problem. And such a final action that in dreams it can represent the dreamer's perception of the need for cruelty, especially directed against himself. It is possible that the only way The solution to the problem is the "killing" of a part of oneself. In this case, potential cruelty is not denied, although the impulse is fundamentally wrong. Spiritual mortification, the sacrifice is presented. The dreamer should figure out what he considers in his spiritual development worthwhile, and what is better to refuse.

  • Seeing yourself killed in a dream suggests that in life the dreamer fell under someone's influence, because of which he lost activity.
  • To kill someone in a dream yourself means a desire to get rid of the influence of this person on us in everyday life.

The meaning of sleep about the Deprivation of life (dream book of the Subconscious)

Why dream of murder? Dreams about murder usually leave very strong impressions - sometimes frightening. Many dream interpreters claim that these dreams express envy, anger, or unwillingness to accept an individual, group, or entire institution. It is believed that dreams of murder express the desire of the sleeper to avoid solving any problems, satisfying instinctive desires, or clashing with aspects of their personality.

Analysts most often agree that the hidden content of the human subconscious, which emerges to the surface in dreams, must be integrated into the conscious life of the individual. Be sure to think about what role you played in a dream - killers or victims; each role has a certain emotional value for assessing the degree of power and vulnerability. Dreams of murder can also mean the end of negative behaviors, thoughts or feelings.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If you dream that they want to kill you" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Why dream that they want to kill you? In real life, this event brings a lot of negative emotions, fear and anxiety. However, psychologists and esotericists say that experiencing bad things in a dream is considered a good sign. You experienced a nightmare in a dream that does not materialize in real life. In essence, this is a correction of karma.

General interpretation of sleep

Dream interpreters believe that killing in a dream symbolizes unresolved problems in life, a whole tangle of problems. The subconscious mind warns us to deal with the circumstances immediately, before they reach a climax and harm the dreamer's life. Moreover, the dreamer is able to independently unravel the tangle of problems that he himself created.

Often a person stubbornly does not notice the accumulated negativity in his life and does not want to restore order in his destiny. The subconscious, through figurative pictures, warns: it's time to take hold of your head and resolve conflicts. If in a dream it was possible to avoid death at the hands of a tyrant, then the person will cope with the circumstances. Otherwise, big trouble awaits him.

Avoid death in a dream

What does it mean if the dreamer managed to avoid the hands of the killer and hide? This portends longevity: death has receded. But this dream can also warn of the presence of hidden enemies who envy you or want to “sit out” in the workplace. In some interpreters, this dream episode is interpreted as future adverse financial problems and a serious illness.

If they try to kill with a knife- the dreamer has an internal insoluble conflict that interferes with a normal life. It is necessary to understand oneself, to bring the soul and mind into balance.

If in a dream they are taken hostage- this is a sign of the activity of hidden enemies who are waiting for an opportunity to harm the dreamer. Among them may be competitors at work / business or neighbors.

For young girls an attempt on life has a romantic meaning - a meeting with a new admirer. The attack of a wild beast has the interpretation of the appearance of a new friend and ally.

Relative as killer- an attempt to establish a relationship with you that has deteriorated. If a stranger appeared in the image of the killer, this indicates a strong business competitor.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's dream book defines attempted murder as the incompetence of the dreamer's actions. You need to be more attentive to others, relatives and friends. Do not chop off your shoulder, make compromises, forgive the shortcomings of other people. If they want to destroy you, then you are hurting people.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation otherwise interprets the dream. An attempt with a knife or a gun warns of impending difficulties in life. The upcoming trials will be so strong that you will literally have to fight for survival. If in a dream you witnessed a murder, then envious people appeared in your environment.

Nostradamus defines a dream with an attempt from the very positive side. The pursuit of a killer in a dream means good changes in fate and the brightest prospects. If relatives are killed, then everything will be in order with their health and well-being.

household reasons

Psychologists and doctors explain death and attempted life in a dream in their own way. They believe that everything has an explanation from a physiological (natural) point of view. Thus, death in a dream is a consequence of:

  • overeating at night;
  • unventilated room;
  • tobacco/alcohol abuse;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow/mattress or in an uncomfortable position;
  • information overload of the brain.

What to do if an attempt (or even death) is experienced in a dream? There is no need to panic. In the Tarot deck there is an ominous Arcana Death, but he never real death does not predict. The reminder of death causes a storm of negative emotions in a person and is an impetus for spiritual work on oneself. Death reminds:

  • reconsider your attitude towards loved ones;
  • change your environment;
  • get rid of unnecessary in life;
  • change jobs;
  • change yourself.

For drastic life changes to take place, something has to “die”: a habit, an attachment, dissatisfaction with life, or yourself. Death is the beginning of a new, unknown and mysterious. If the subconscious has shown the image of death in a dream, there is a good reason to think about your life.

Murder in real life is associated with severe feelings and fear. In a dream, everything can be the other way around. Most dream books interpret this as the beginning of a new happy life since experienced in a dream negative emotions are harbingers of a promising career or a prosperous business.

The possibility of a negative reversal of life position is also not excluded. If they want to kill you in a dream, then in reality you will encounter difficulties in communicating with some people, and you can also permanently part with your other half due to an insoluble conflict.

A dream in which a wild animal attacked you

Such dreams tell you that in the near future a long-awaited second half will appear in your life: it can be either a complete stranger to you or a fan who has been hiding his feelings for you for a long time.

Married girls should be wary of such dreams, as the dream book foreshadows them meeting a man who will try to destroy their happy marriage.

Knife and gun are important attributes of negative events

If you dreamed that you were threatened with a firearm, then you need to be careful when communicating with colleagues. Any phrase you utter may be misinterpreted and, subsequently, may be reported to management. Your career can quickly collapse if you do not promptly convince your superiors that you are right.

A dream in which a person you know wants to kill you with a knife tells you that in reality this person harbored a grudge against you and plans to avenge you for your imperfect mistakes.

If they want to kill: Miller's dream book will tell the truth

The famous psychologist in his studies of the human psyche determined that similar dreams do not contain positive connotations. In his opinion, a dream in which a person is killed is directly related to his life position. It is worth paying attention to your behavior in the family circle and in the workplace, to identify your negative sides that directly affect those around them.

If in a dream you become a direct eyewitness to the ongoing murder, then in reality you need to be more attentive to your colleagues and colleagues around you. There is a possibility that gossip is spreading behind your back, the untimely exposure of which can lead to a conflict situation.

Seeing in a dream how your personality is trying to kill a person directly signals your hatred and disappointment towards people. An attempt to stab in a dream is nothing more than a collapse of your expectations of getting the desired position.

Vanga's interpretation will help if they wanted to kill me in a dream

An attempt to shoot or hurt you in a dream can be a precursor to a series of difficult trials that will fall on your fate. The meaning of such a dream can also be interpreted that you urgently need to let go of the situation, meditate, calm down, and only then will the right thoughts come to you that will help you overcome difficulties.

A dream in which they are trying to kill another person in front of your eyes or the murder has already been committed makes it clear that an envious person has appeared in your environment, who weaves intrigues or is preparing a revenge plan.

Seeing someone stick a knife into the body of a murdered person may mean that distant relatives will soon come to visit you.

Why dream that they want to kill you will tell the interpretation of Nostradamus

Unlike other negative interpretations, when they want to kill in a dream, Nostradamus will tell in the most positive way what such a vision really means. If you dreamed that they were trying to kill your children or kill a person close to you, then you should not really worry about their health, since such dreams are only for the better. Rejoice for them, soon one of the happiest and most prosperous stages will come in their life.

A constant dream, in which it seemed that killers were chasing you, in reality will bring you long-awaited happy news and hope for a brighter future.

If you dreamed that they were trying to kill you, then reality will answer you with an unexpected gift from a loved one.

An interesting interpretation of the dream in which they want to kill can be found in the following video:

I dreamed that they wanted to kill me: should I panic?

The dream in which your murder takes place or an attempt is only made to carry out bloodshed signals the accumulated stress and discontent towards others. You need to stop the fast pace of your life for a while, look back and look at what is happening from the outside. You need to accumulate strength in order to repulse everyone who wants to manipulate you.

Our dream book warns that the killer seen in a dream, in real life, indicates that it is time for you to change your field of activity or enroll in advanced training courses.

If you dream that they want to kill you, then you need to conscientiously analyze your actions and thoughts and leave only the most positive in your head.

In real life, murder is always a negative event, a real tragedy that brings misfortune and grief to people. Why dream that they want to kill you? Seeing that they are trying to kill him or her in a dream, the dreamer or dreamer runs the risk of panicking, falling into a state of deep anxiety or even paranoia due to fear for their own life and health. However, is such a dream really so negative? Of course, he has many negative interpretations, but there are also positive interpretations.

Who wants to kill you and how?

In order to correctly interpret an attempted murder or a murder in a dream, it is necessary to pay attention to who and how this murder is committed. The murder weapon can play a very important role.

  • An attempt to drown a dreamer or dreamer in a dream suggests that he or she will soon have great luck. If things have been going badly lately, and the situation is becoming more and more precarious, it will not only be possible to correct it in the shortest possible time, but perhaps even improve it.

It is possible that the dreamer or the dreamer will be promoted. He or she will become the subject of conversation and, as a result, gossip, therefore, while enjoying the fruits of your own labor, it is important not to forget about caution, not letting anyone get too close to you and not allowing the desecration of an impeccable reputation.

  • An attempt to kill is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts. A knife in a dream always portends a quarrel, so an attempt to kill a dreamer or dreamer with a knife in a dream is a harbinger of a deterioration in relations with someone from his or her environment. There may even be a break with a loved one.
  • If in a dream the dreamer or dreamer is threatened with a firearm, in reality he or she should be wary of his colleagues. Envious and greedy competitors are only looking for a reason to put the dreamer or dreamer in an unfavorable light, so any phrase, even casually thrown, can be used against him or against her.
  • A dream in which a wild animal tries to bite a dreamer or dreamer is considered surprisingly favorable. He portends a long-awaited meeting with the subject of love or a new acquaintance, which later may well develop into a long-term relationship. but married women you should beware of such a dream: an aggressive wild beast portends them the appearance of a rival who is trying to destroy their happy marriage.
  • A dream in which they try to strangle the dreamer or dreamer portends getting into a difficult life situation. Difficulties can arise both in material terms and in relationships with loved ones and the environment, so it is important to be prepared for anything.

Who is trying to kill the dreamer or the dreamer?

It is equally important to pay attention to who exactly is trying to kill the dreamer or dreamer, so why dream that they want to kill you?

  • Stranger killer - sure sign the fact that the problems of the dreamer or the dreamer do not depend either on him or on her, or on the people around him. Circumstances beyond human control are to blame for everything.

If the killer is familiar to the dreamer or dreamer, most likely it is he who serves as the source of all the unpleasant things that happen in his or her life.

  • If in a dream the dreamer runs away from several aggressive people at once, while not being able to see them, most likely he himself is to blame for all his problems. He should understand his own character, identify negative traits and try to get rid of them.

In general, a dream in which an attempt is made to kill the dreamer or the dreamer cannot be considered exclusively favorable or negative. Its interpretation should be treated with caution, paying maximum attention to the people around you, relatives, friends, and, most importantly, first of all, to your own character.

If the day before you didn’t watch horror films and didn’t read Stephen King at night, then the nightmare you had was not a figment of your imagination, but a sign sent to you by fate.

Not always horrible dream is a harbinger of a bad event, so you should not be scared ahead of time. In order to correctly understand the dream, it is important to find the most complete interpretation in the dream book.

Murder in a dream

Some dreams are mixed with reality, which makes them even scarier.. Sometimes you dream that you are really sleeping, and some actions are taking place around you that you know about. If you know that they are going to kill you in a dream, then you may be guessing about some kind of conspiracy behind your back in real life. This dream means that you yourself are trying not to notice how the web is woven around you. If in a dream the killer achieves his plan, then you deliberately go to the bottom, while not even a straw, but a whole log floats near you.

You're running from a killer

Oddly enough, the killer in a dream prophesies to men and women different interpretation dreams. Running away means trying to get rid of, trying to resist, and, of course, keeping hope for a positive result despite difficult situation. This is how you can briefly describe general meaning sleep. Now let's take a closer look.

If a woman runs away from a killer in a dream, then in real life she has I have a very persistent fan. They try to charm you and win your favor. There is no need to worry unless persistence goes beyond the bounds of what is permitted.

If in a dream a young girl tries to escape from a killer, then in reality she will have to think about her actions so as not to get into a situation that will spoil her authority in the eyes of others.

If a man has a dream in which you run away from a killer, then, despite the fact that all circumstances are against a successful turn of events, the dreamer continues to hope for success.

Regardless of gender, it can be said that such a dream can also have a meaning associated with just some kind of offer that is difficult to refuse. Or it is difficult to refuse the person who made the offer, because of his perseverance.

Knife assassination

If you not only know that in a dream they want to kill you, but also know that they want to kill you with a knife, then such a dream will have a complex interpretation. For a complete understanding of sleep, it also matters what kind of knife was in the killer's hand: its length, condition, and other characteristics.

The knife symbolizes separation from a loved one., serious loss, severe deprivation. But all this will happen only if the killer in a dream can kill you. And if you only saw a murder weapon in the hands of a person dangerous to you, then this dream is a warning. It is possible that in reality you will have a chance not to lose anything of value, do not miss it.

They want to kill but they don't

If for some reason your death in a dream did not happen, this does not mean that in reality all troubles will pass you by. The dream is not about that at all. Consider that such a dream means a warning. If you correctly solve the dream, then you will find out exactly what troubles threaten you and at what moments you need to behave differently in order to prevent anything bad for yourself or for your loved ones.

Pistol murder

Killing with a gun can mean anger, envy, a desire to get rid of you.. It is possible that an unpleasant event awaits you, which will be fueled by the envy of a certain person boiling towards you. Or you really crossed the road for someone.

A gun means base human impulses and feelings. If a gun is pointed at you, it means that you evoke these feelings in the soul of another person.

If the killer has your gun in his hand, you yourself are prone to low deeds, which caused harm to another person.

with an ax

An ax is a rather crude object, devoid of refinement. It is possible that you have this dream as a manifestation of conscience because of your clumsy work.

If you are injured or killed with an ax, then a test and an unpleasant situation of exposure await you.

An ax may indicate a situation with documents. It is possible that you have signed or are going to sign some papers. Be careful and always read what you sign.

The dream in which you kill the murderer

But this is already very good dream. It means that all obstacles will be removed and all problems are solved. If you manage to kill the killer that threatens you, then you can find a solution to the existing problem, you just have to really want it.

The criminal is chasing

Dreaming of persecution to what in real life you want to run away from circumstances and problems. This dream reminds you that running away is not the best thing. best way out out of the situation, because it is accompanied by the fear of being caught, discovered and confronted with an answer.

If you dream that you were overtaken in a dream, then in the near future your problems will put you to a standstill. Be prepared for the fact that you have to become a responsible person and answer, facing the circumstances.

dream chase

Chasing means that it's time to hurry up. Everyone knows for himself what exactly he has been putting off until tomorrow for the last few weeks. The time has come when tomorrow ceases to exist and everything that needed to be done yesterday will have to be done today.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga, murder in a dream symbolizes hostility to a person or to his qualities. If a familiar person wants to kill you, you annoy him with something.

If a stranger hunts you, your behavior is unpleasant for others. Such a dream can also mean your own dissatisfaction with the way you behave in different situations. If you allow yourself to be killed, then you will try to change for the sake of someone.

If you are chased, then you will meet with an evil person who can harm you not only morally, but also physically.

To run away from the killer is to be deceived by someone from your inner circle.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

But Tsvetkov believes that become a victim of a killer in a dream means to experience happiness and strong positive emotions in reality.

If you yourself killed the one who pursued you - great luck awaits you in business and work. If the blood of the enemy remains on your skin or clothes, then big money and prosperity await you. The more blood you see, the more money will be earned by you in the near future. It is possible that a large bonus for good work awaits you.

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Not all dreams in our life are pleasant and joyful, some of them cause inner fear and even horror. Naturally, after such a vision, most dreamers begin to analyze it, look for a clue, and why this could have manifested itself. And if a person understands in the morning: “I dreamed that they killed me,” anxiety arises by itself. After all, this is a rather frightening and frightening picture, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste and a desire to figure out what this could be.

Dreams about death

When a person is attacked in real life, it causes severe feelings and fear. In the case of dreams, the opposite is true. According to most dream books, dreams where a person realizes: “I dreamed that I was killed” predict the beginning of a new, happy life in which a person will receive a promising and prosperous business.

But there are also such interpretations that do not exclude a negative turn. After such a dream, there may be a problem in communicating with people, conflicts and even parting with a loved one. The main thing in such visions is to remember all the details, because it depends on them how exactly such a message of the subconscious should be interpreted.

Death by animal

In many ways, the interpretation of what the dream is about (I was killed in a dream - one of the worst nightly dreams) depends on who did it. If animals act as killers, who try to kill a sleeping person with bloodthirstiness, this speaks of the society where he is. Such a vision suggests that, surrounded by a dreamer, people who care exclusively about their own benefits. They do not have a personal dislike for him and do not wish evil, they just have such a character. Even unconsciously standing in the way of these people, a person immediately becomes a victim, worst enemy who no one will spare.

Dream Interpretations advise you to seriously think about whether it is worth communicating with such people and analyzing your environment and the expediency of continuing the relationship. If a person realized: "I dreamed that the animals killed me and the matter had already been brought to an end," then such a dream is interpreted as a hopeless situation. That is, the people around have already firmly decided that they will spoil your life, and the dreamer no longer has options to correct the current situation or stop communicating with them.

If you were shot in a dream

Dreams in which a professional killer with a weapon hunts a person are interpreted as warnings of a strong impact on the life of a sleeping person from people he knows. Dream Interpretations say that a person has practically lost his "I" by fulfilling the wishes of other people. You have already been made into a puppet, and the fear of losing this guidance is already embedded in the subconscious of the sleeper.

Also, a dream where professionals kill me can be interpreted as decision change your life drastically, start everything from clean slate. The comparison with the phoenix works here, the killer destroys the past person, allowing him to be reborn from the ashes renewed, clean from the burden of the past. Dream Interpretations advise in this case not to hesitate and implement what was conceived, since the time has come. No matter what you decide to cut out of your life, a person or a circumstance, it's time to act.

Killing a native

A dream where death is brought by a loved one, whom the dreamer trusts and loves with all his heart, undoubtedly raises many questions. There are many options for how you can consider the interpretation of dreams. I was killed - a shocking realization after waking up, and it needs to be unraveled. Many dream books say that such a dream warns of the culprit of problems in the life of the sleeping person. It is the killer that can be the cause of all the troubles occurring in his life. Therefore, it is worth seriously analyzing the relationship with this person and understanding, perhaps there is something in them that you have not noticed before.

If the killer at the moment of committing a crime feels pleasure and does it with a smile, it is worth considering seriously. Such a dream is interpreted as a warning that a relative has been preparing a trap for a sleeping person for a long time, and the moment is near when the dreamer will be in it. It is worth seriously considering what is happening and understanding how you could offend the dreaming person.

Suicide in a dream

If a person independently settles scores with life in a dream, then this subconscious mind urges the sleeping person to remember conscience. Such a dream speaks of a mistake made in the past, for which the sleeper still blames himself. Many dream books say that a dream portends the moment when the situation can be corrected. If nothing can be changed, then you should let go of the situation, mentally apologize, stop blaming yourself for what you did.

Reaction to death

In order to correctly interpret what the dream was about, that I was killed, it is also important to note what the reaction of others to death in a dream is. If the killer does not hide that he is glad of what he has done, laughs and rejoices, then he is the culprit of the sleeper's troubles. The dream warns that in real life this person puts spokes in your wheels and watches with pleasure how your life collapses, taking a direct part in this.

If in a dream the killer was frightened of his act, began to cry or apologize to you, it means that in real life this person is very angry with you, but soon this will pass, he will forgive you and begin to regret that he wanted or did evil to you.

If a person sees in a dream that his death does not concern people passing by, and it doesn’t matter whether they are relatives or acquaintances, then he is not taken seriously in the present. Dream Interpretations in this situation advise you to more firmly defend your position, speak your opinion more confidently and not give up.

If you wake up and understand that I dreamed that I was killed, and the people passing by sympathized with you, then the interpretation of such a dream is that there is a person nearby who is not indifferent to you. He sincerely worries about your condition and is ready to support you in difficult times.


The interpretation of the dream, where the dreamer is sacrificed, suggests that not everything is in order in his life. The people he surrounds himself with may be dishonest with him, and his actions lead to problems in the future. Also, some dream books interpret such a vision as a warning that the sleeper spends too much strength and energy on others, completely forgetting about his own needs. It is worth seriously considering whether such sacrificial behavior is really necessary. Helping loved ones is good, but sometimes it's worth saying no. Many problems can be dealt with by people on their own.

If stabbed in a dream

In dreams, where death occurs after being wounded with a knife, it has many interpretations. It all depends on the details of the dream. If the wound is fatal, then this is a warning about a possible illness. If the sleeper's hand was cut, this means that he may have trouble at work. Cuts on the leg warn of an imminent decline in strength, the appearance of malaise. Abdominal cuts - to indigestion. If the blow fell on the heart, back or head, then the dream portends problems with these parts of the body. Death from electric shock in a dream warns of the likelihood of a heart attack.

Positive interpretation

In some dream books, a dream: they want to kill me is interpreted positively. It means a new round of life, an opportunity to change everything for the better. The main thing is not to make previous mistakes and be ready to start all over again. It is worth leaving anxieties and experiences in the past, all factors that worsen the dreamer's life will be left behind. Ahead lies development and success. The main thing is to tune in to positive development and strive for a better life.