Figs - the benefits and harm to the body. Why dried figs are useful, how to choose the right one, use it deliciously and store it for a long time

  • 19.10.2019

The fig is also called the fig tree, and sometimes the fig tree. This wonderful plant is known for its sweet fruits, which have a lot of useful properties. Once upon a time, the great healer of antiquity, the doctor Avicenna recommended that the elderly use the fruits to maintain health. In particular, figs are very good for the heart.

The benefits of the fruits of this plant are directly related to the rich composition. Figs are rich in many vitamins, minerals, organic acids. For example, fruits contain almost the entire group of vitamins B. If we talk about minerals, then figs are considered the champion in their diversity and quantity. We will not list all of them, but we note that fig fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. There is also sodium and a lot of fiber.

Due to the high content of nutrients, sweet fruits are very useful. They need to be included in the menu of adults. Give little by little to children. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of figs, in particular, find out how figs are useful for women.

What are the benefits of sweet fruits?

Fig fruits are used in folk medicine to heal many ailments. Traditional, official medicine also recognizes medicinal properties figs. For example, doctors recommend using it in the complex therapy of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. As we have already said, fruits are useful for maintaining good heart function.

It's all about ficin - a component contained in the composition of the fruit. Ficin effectively reduces blood clotting and eliminates clots in the vessels, promotes their resorption. Therefore, figs help people suffering from hypertension, as it alleviates painful symptoms.

ethnoscience recommends figs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, namely: laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc. For treatment, take a decoction of figs on a milk basis. Gargle with a decoction of water for sore throat and gum disease. In addition, the so-called fig coffee is prepared from dried fruits, crushed to a powder state. This drink has medicinal properties and is effective for whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, angina pectoris.

The fruits can be used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from inflammation of the urinary tract, urolithiasis.

Figs for women's health

Indians, who respect this plant very much, attribute rejuvenating properties to the fruits. Indeed, masks based on it simply transform the skin, refresh, rejuvenate it. You can cut the fruit in half and massage the face and neck along the massage lines with one half. Wash off after 15 minutes without soap.

Very useful figs for women during menstruation. Oriental doctors advise eating sweet berries on these days that are not the best for well-being. Figs will help maintain the balance of substances and elements in the body. It is also useful for calcium deficiency. In this case, you need to eat it daily, several pieces.

By the way, if you chew dried fruits for several minutes, the bad smell from mouth.

The use of sweet fruits is useful during the recovery period after a long illness. And figs quickly restore working capacity, effectively fight physical fatigue, mental overwork. A few berries eaten in time will be removed nervous tension. Taking them before bed can improve the quality of your sleep.

Ripe figs are very useful for pregnant women. Since the fruits contain proteins and amino acids necessary for the development of the child, future mom should include figs in your diet. It is useful to start using it even during pregnancy planning and on her early stages. Since the vitamins of group B and folic acid contained in the fruits contribute to the normal development and course of pregnancy

An interesting fact is that sweet fruits can be used both for weight gain and for weight loss. It depends on its application.

For example, if you eat it a lot and often, you will definitely gain weight. If you add a few pieces to your diet, it will help you more comfortably get rid of extra pounds. Well, for example, figs are rich in potassium. This element will help the body get rid of excess fluid, which contributes to weight loss.

Just a few berries eaten for a long time will provide a feeling of satiety. Due to the lack of a feeling of hunger, you will not be able to eat for a long period, which means that you will begin to lose weight little by little. In addition, the grains found in the fruits actively stimulate digestion and have a mild laxative property. And, as you know, cleansing the body is the first step to losing weight.

Contraindications for use

But not always and not everyone can enjoy the sweet taste of berries. The use of figs should be abandoned in the presence of an exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

We must not forget that the fruits are very high in calories. Therefore, they should not be constantly on the table of people with diabetes and obesity. They need to be very careful when eating figs. Figs are contraindicated for gout, as well as pancreatitis, as they are rich in oxalic acid.

Hello, Dear friends. Today I want to talk to you about figs. In fact, figs are one of my favorite dried fruits. Most often, we sell dried figs, and finding fresh ones is a rarity. Last year, we visited friends in Crimea, saw how figs grow on a tree. Unfortunately, we don't grow figs. We also have a rest with a camera, suddenly we will meet something interesting on our way. The article will include photos taken last summer in the Crimea. Today in the article I will tell you the useful properties and contraindications of figs, treatment with figs, how much figs can be eaten per day, how to eat figs, how to choose and how to store.

Unfortunately, fresh figs do not keep for a long time. We bought a kilo of fresh figs, didn't eat them right away, the next day the figs were already very soft. Therefore, the fruits of figs are dried and dried in the sun immediately after harvest. They say that the fruits of high-quality dried figs are tastier and healthier than fresh figs. Now dried figs are available to everyone. Buying figs is absolutely not a problem.

The calorie content of dried figs is 230 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie content of fresh figs is 50 kcal per 100 grams of product. Fresh figs are lower in calories than dried ones.

Dried figs contain up to 70% sugar, while fresh fruits contain about 23%. Figs are consumed both fresh and dried, jam and preserves are made from it. Figs can be added to salads, it goes well with meat and fish. Various desserts are prepared from figs.

Let's talk about the beneficial properties of figs, since figs are really, not only tasty, but also very useful for our health.

Figs. Beneficial features

In addition to useful properties, figs also have contraindications, let's talk about them.

Figs. Contraindications

  • Figs are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance.
  • With gout, you should not use it because of the large amount of oxalic acid.
  • Figs are contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With caution, figs should be eaten with pancreatitis.
  • In diabetes, do not use in diabetes and obesity, as it is rich in sugar. About treatment and prevention folk remedies we have already written.

I really love figs, as they are perfect for a snack, perfectly satisfies hunger. Figs are better than any candy for me. I even try to drink tea without sugar, but with dried fruits. I add figs to oatmeal, you can still add to oatmeal nuts and any other dried fruits. You can also add berries, it turns out a hearty, healthy and wonderful breakfast.

How many figs can you eat per day

Dried figs can be bought in markets and shops all year round. But dried figs are quite a high-calorie product. You can consume it about 3-4 things a day with health benefits. Figs give our body a feeling of satiety, energy and vitamins that our body needs.

And this is how figs grow on a branch in the garden of my friends in the Crimea. The tree is still young and there were literally a couple of figs on it. But, nevertheless, I managed to photograph it, that's how it grows.

What does fig taste like

The taste of fresh figs is sweetish, watery, even grassy, ​​tender, light. I don’t know about anyone, but I like the taste of fresh and dried figs. Dried figs are, of course, very sweet.

How to eat figs

Figs are eaten without skin, peeling it directly from the tail. But, in the Crimea, my friend told me that they eat figs along with the skin, only the figs need to be washed first. You can also eat figs with a spoon, cut the fruit in half and eat the middle with a teaspoon.

Fig treatment

Figs for cough. Figs are very good for coughing. To prepare, take a glass of cold milk, add a few pieces of figs and leave for half an hour. Then boil the milk with figs for about two minutes. Infuse milk with figs for 20 minutes in a sealed container. It is necessary to use such a remedy for half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals. Figs boiled in milk can be eaten. Milk must be warm. This remedy should be taken for 7-10 days. Figs with milk are used for colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis.

Figs for loss of voice. If you lose your voice, you will need 6 pieces of figs (dried), boil in two glasses of milk until the mixture is reduced by half. Take this remedy three tablespoons three times a day.

Figs for heart disease. For treatment and prevention, you need to eat about 2-3 pieces of figs daily, since figs contain a lot of potassium. Figs help to normalize the heart rhythm, prevent the formation of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels, and reduce the risk of developing arterial hypertension. Including figs in the diet is useful for bradycardia and tachycardia.

Figs for anemia. Figs should be included in your diet with low hemoglobin in the blood, since figs contain iron. Figs also stimulate the formation of red blood cells. You will learn about how to increase hemoglobin in the blood with folk remedies and products from my article ““. The article contains helpful information I recommend that you read it.

Figs for constipation. If you suffer from constipation, then treatment with figs will suit you perfectly. Include figs in your diet, it is recommended to eat 3-4 pieces daily. Figs due to the presence of fiber improves bowel function, removes toxins and toxins. You can take a decoction of dried figs.

Figs for immunity. Figs with regular use helps to strengthen the immune system. Since it contains vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B6, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium. Figs contribute to the improvement of the body, increases attention, performance, endurance. I most often add figs to a vitamin mixture of dried fruits. Figs, raisins, dried apricots, dried cranberries, walnuts, prunes, honey, lemon. Dried fruits and walnuts buy in equal amounts, I also take one lemon with zest, pass everything through a meat grinder and pour honey, mix it, put it in glass jars and put it in the refrigerator. I take a tablespoon several times a day before meals.

How to choose and how to store figs

When choosing a fig, I pay attention to its appearance, it should be free of plaque, mold and foreign odors. If the seller allows, then the figs can be broken in half. Inside, dried figs contain many small seeds, and there should not be worms and mold inside, this is also an important fact. Dried figs can be stored in a dark and cool place for up to six months.

As for fresh figs, it is best to choose undamaged fruits and without dents, but when pressed, the fruits should not be very hard. You can also smell the fruits, they should be free of foreign odors. If the fig smells like sour or fermented wine, then the fig is not suitable for human consumption.

It is not without reason that figs are also called “vin berries”, as their fruits deteriorate very quickly, so be careful. Fresh figs don't last long, so eat soft figs first. Ripe fruits are not only tasty, but also well absorbed by our body. In addition, they have useful properties. But, before eating figs, read the contraindications.

If you use figs for treatment, then write in the comments below the recipes that you use with figs and for what diseases. This is how nature gives us so many plants, fruits, vegetables, fruits to preserve and maintain our health.

And if you still have questions about figs, then I recommend that you watch a video clip about the beneficial properties of figs, about the treatment of figs. Be healthy.

Figs (“fig tree”, “fig tree”, “wine berry”) have been known to mankind since biblical times. His healing properties described by ancient Greek scientists, while the fig is surrounded by myths and legends. It was considered the berry of warriors, as it provided quick saturation and recuperation, and wounds healed better with its help. It's not surprising that modern people, and even doctors, became interested amazing properties fig trees.

What is a fig - description, photo

Figs are a sprawling tree of the mulberry family up to 12 meters high, originally from the Arabian Peninsula. It grows in the subtropics: in Asia, the Caucasus, the Crimea, the Carpathians and the Mediterranean.

The fruits of figs have a flattened pear shape, the flesh is juicy and sweet. Inside the berries are filled with small multiple seeds. Outside covered with a thin skin with down. The color varies from light green to black. Differs in high palatability and medicinal properties.

Figs are divided into male and female plants, while not all varieties of figs bloom. Only female plants bear fruit. Ripening occurs in 2-3 months, some species produce a crop 2 times per season.

What is rich in figs: chemical composition, calorie content

Fresh figs have a unique composition and are known for their medicinal properties. Useful action Figs are recognized as official medicine, so doctors recommend using figs to recover from serious illnesses and strengthen the body.

Fig fruits consist of water, sugars (24%), among which are fructose, sucrose, glucose, as well as proteins and a small amount of fat.

Fig fruits contain:

  • tannins, pectins;
  • organic acids: malic, citric, quinic, glyceric, aspartic;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are indispensable for the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • anthocyanin glycosides;
  • cellulose.

Figs contain the enzyme ficin. It reduces blood clotting, dissolves blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Helps with the production of serotonin, a hormone that improves mood and well-being.

Figs are rich in vitamins: C, PP, group B, carotene, pantothenic and folic acid(useful during pregnancy, strengthen immunity, improve hematopoiesis), as well as minerals:

  • potassium (according to its content, figs are second only to nuts);
  • iron (contains it more than apples);
  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • copper.

Fig leaves contain furocoumarin, psoralen, bergapten, tannins and resinous substances, ascorbic acid, rutin, essential oil.

The calorie content of figs is 214 kcal per 100 g, so it quickly saturates and is useful for weight loss in moderation. The calorie content of 1 fruit is 40-50 kcal.

Figs are sweet but healthier than candy (contains 2g of carbs), so they can be used in place of sugar for weight loss.

The healing properties of figs are recognized by official medicine. It is recommended to use for:

Figs are used for skin care, masks, lotions, facial infusions, hair masks are made from it.

During menstruation, it is recommended to eat 3 fruits a day to restore the amount of nutrients and minerals, and furocoumarin and coumarin relieve pain and give strength. Useful figs for recovery menstrual cycle, curing inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Fresh figs are effective and useful for cardiovascular diseases. Potassium contained in figs weakens the tone of blood vessels, expands them. Therefore, it is used to prevent venous insufficiency.

Figs are useful for colds and inflammation of the respiratory tract:

  1. As a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent. Take a decoction of figs in milk.
  2. With bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis - as an expectorant. Drink a decoction with milk or water.
  3. With and inflammation of the gums - for rinsing.

When abscesses appear, fresh or soaked water is applied to the inflamed area. dried figs. From this, the abscess ripens and opens faster. The pulp boiled in milk gives the best effect.

Used for diseases of the stomach and spleen. Normalizes the work of the intestinal tract, has a laxative effect. In diseases of the kidneys, it is used as a cleansing and diuretic.

Useful for bones and joints, with epilepsy. In eastern countries, figs are popular with men: it reduces the risk of and.

weight loss

Figs are recommended for weight loss. It is well absorbed due to its composition. It normalizes the digestion process, eliminates constipation, helps cleanse the intestines from liquids and toxins due to the fiber content. Cellulose and fibers also give quick satiety, as they do not dissolve in the stomach, but swell.

The composition of figs reduces the feeling of hunger. You need to eat 2-3 fruits instead of eating. At the same time, you can’t eat anything else, otherwise it’s possible to get better. Restores strength, gives energy, relieves stress when dieting.


The irreplaceable composition of vitamins and minerals has a beneficial effect on the child. A pregnant woman is recommended to eat 2-3 fruits a day so as not to gain weight. Can be used in place of sugar. Figs satisfy hunger, prevent constipation and flatulence, which often occur in pregnant women. Reduces the risk of developing anemia.

Sometimes figs can help with mastitis. In small amounts, it increases the mother's milk production.

Many people know the name fig, but not everyone knows that this is not the only name for this plant. A fig tree, a fig tree, a fig, a fig or just a fig - this is the variety of names for this crop.

It is no coincidence that figs are called wine berries. The fact is that figs, ripening on a branch, begin to ferment under the influence of the sun and turn into real wine.

Figs are considered such an ancient plant culture that the mention of it can be found in the Bible: it was the leaf of the fig tree that covered Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise, and Christ, not finding fruits on it, cursed. And now we are happy to use these juicy and sweet fruits, which, by the way, are a culinary delicacy. It should be noted that fresh figs are quite a perishable product. Therefore, many prefer to enjoy the delicate taste of dried figs that have absorbed all the energy of sunlight.


Figs are useful in any of its forms: as a dried fruit, canned and fresh. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether dried figs lose their beneficial properties. We answer - it does not lose, but differs from fresh fruits in sugar content - in fresh fruits, the sugar content is about 24%, and in dried - about 37%.

The benefits of figs are given by its amazing chemical composition - pectin, vitamins, organic acids. Fig fruits contain such important minerals for the body as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium.

12 health benefits of figs

Fig fruits have not only bright taste qualities, but also exhibit medicinal properties. And if you know what the benefits and harms of figs are, you can use this product with maximum benefit for health.

The healing properties of figs, of course, are determined by the presence of a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Daily consumption of several figs will forever forget about the deficiency in the body of a whole list of useful substances. Therefore, figs are of particular benefit to children and people with reduced immunity.

Regular consumption of fig fruits will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

    A large amount of magnesium and potassium makes figs able to normalize the work of the heart by maintaining normal blood pressure, lowering blood clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis and tachycardia. Thanks to the substances ficin and pectin, which are part of figs, the blood thins, the resorption of cholesterol plaques occurs faster, and, consequently, the risks of developing a heart attack and stroke are reduced.

  1. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.

  2. Dried figs have an expectorant property, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia, whooping cough. Only in this case it is more effective to use figs in the form of gruel with warm milk.

    The substance coumarin contained in figs is capable of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer. And benzaldehyde, which is also found in figs, completely blocks the development of tumor cells.

  3. Anti stress properties.

    Tryptophan and other organic acids in figs improve mood, increase energy, and help normalize sleep.

  4. Fresh figs have a low glycemic index, which makes it possible to use them for people suffering from diabetes mild form. A decoction of fig leaves will help reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

    Fig juice helps to cope with ulcers, acne, as well as all sorts of wounds that it literally sticks together.

    Due to the presence of coumarin and furocoumarin in the composition of figs, painful symptoms during menstruation will come to naught. At the same time, three fruits of figs a day will restore strength and the amount of nutrients in the woman's body, which she needs so much during this period. Figs are also useful during pregnancy, firstly, with a unique set of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of an unborn baby. Secondly, the use of figs will save you from the occurrence of frequent phenomena during pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. Thirdly, figs are an excellent prevention in the fight against anemia due to the iron they contain.

    Due to the large amount of dietary fiber contained in figs, this fruit can be consumed during a diet.

  5. Influence on the work of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration.

    Numerous studies show that eating three or more figs a day can help reduce the risk of developing vision problems in older people.

  7. Prevention of problems with potency in men.

    In the East, for many centuries, fig fruits have been used to increase male sexual strength, figs will also help in the fight against prostatitis, one has only to pour boiling water over the fruits and consume the decoction daily.

Not only fruits, but also fig leaves have found application in medicine, they are the main raw material for the production of the drug "Psoberan", which is effective in the treatment of baldness and vitiligo.

Many will be surprised by the fact that in pharmacies you can buy fig syrup, which also has a whole list of healing properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

Thus, the benefits of figs in the treatment of certain diseases are simply invaluable. Possessing a pronounced antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect, fig fruits make every cell of our body work in a new and more efficient way.


In addition to the undoubted benefits, figs can cause some harm to health. Therefore, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

  • figs, especially dried ones, will be harmful in severe forms of diabetes;
  • having a tendency to gout, you should not eat figs, due to the presence of a large amount of oxalic acid.
  • dried figs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, so you should not use it when various inflammations digestive system.
  • Sweet figs eaten in large quantities can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.
  • in the presence of stones in the kidneys or gallbladder, you should not eat figs due to the high content of oxalates, which will only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Figs should be used with caution. breastfeeding, since the laxative effect of the fruit can provoke diarrhea in the baby.

It is worth using dried figs with caution in bronchial asthma, since the fruit is often treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which increases the shelf life of the product, but can provoke diseases of the respiratory system.

Too much a large number of eating figs can cause:

  • diarrhea
  • caries;
  • allergy.

It is also worth refusing to eat figs on the eve of the operation. This is due to the fact that the fruit promotes blood thinning, which can cause bleeding.

There are many legends around figs. For example, the botanist Theophrastus, well-known in antiquity, described hundreds of varieties of figs even before the advent of our era, and the most fragrant fruits were given proper names. And Cleopatra loved figs so much that even in the last minutes of her life she wanted to enjoy its taste, ordering to bring a snake in a basket with these fruits.

Figs, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to overestimate, are considered one of the most ancient agricultural crops (some believe that the most ancient), has been widely reflected in the culture and religion of many peoples. In addition, different peoples this tree has a different name, in Russia, for example, it is customary to call it a fig tree or a fig tree.

What does a fig look like

Ficus karika is the historical name of this fruit, which refers us to ancient country Kariya, which has long since left geographical maps, but which, nevertheless, is considered the birthplace of the fig tree. Figs are also called figs or figs.

Over its long history, this plant has managed to spread over a vast territory and acquire a huge number of varieties. But the appearance of the tree itself has a well-established description, and is a multi-stemmed tree up to ten meters in height, covered with smooth gray bark with a wide spreading crown. The leaves of the common fig are quite large and have a multi-fingered shape. Remarkably, the sunny side of the leaf is slightly darker than the inside.

The fruit itself has a pear-shaped, jelly-like pulp with many seeds. Moreover, the more of them, the fruit is considered tastier and best quality, Covered with a thin skin with small fibers and has a small eye on the top. Types of figs may differ in color, depending on the variety, there are white figs, green figs, and the most common is yellow-green, but for a domestic layman, figs with a purple tint are more common. The taste of the wine berry is sweet, but depending on the ripeness, it can have a sour taste.

The main fig season comes in June-July, but the peculiarity of this fruit is that it bears fruit twice a year, and the second season comes in September-November, but there are varieties that yield only once a year. As already mentioned above, there are a lot of places where figs grow, but it is most widespread on the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, in the Transcaucasus and Central Asia, the Iranian Highlands and even in the Carpathians.

How many calories are in figs

The fresh fig fruit has a low calorie content. Only 49-57 calories per 100 grams of fruit. If you choose a small fruit of about 30 grams by weight, then one piece of calorie content will be about 18 calories.

BJU fig tree per 100 grams:

  • proteins - about 3 grams,
  • fats - 0.8 grams,
  • carbohydrates - 13-19 grams.

Sugars in fresh fruit up to 24%.

Chemical composition

The common fig has a very useful chemical composition.

Fresh fruit contains such vitamins: A, C, E, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6), PP and folic acid.

The fig tree contains such minerals: iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Due to the high content of minerals, the fig is considered the leading fruit among others. By the way, in terms of potassium content, common figs take the second place of honor, after the championship of nuts.

Figs fresh useful properties

Useful properties of fresh figs differ from the dried fruit, as well as their chemical composition. Fresh savory is useful:

The benefits of figs for the human body are not only in fruits. Fig leaves also have beneficial properties. The fig leaf is part of the drug psoberan. They include milky juice, which successfully removes warts, abscesses. They have antifungal, bactericidal and anticoagulant effects.

Decoctions are made from the leaves, which help with coughing, enterocolitis.

Creams and ointments made from fresh leaves help with skin itching, and the juice relieves inflammation.

When using ointments and creams based on fig leaves, one should be careful in sunny weather, since furocoumarins, which are part of the composition, increase sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Fig root is ground into a powder and sprinkled on the feet to get rid of fungal diseases.

What is useful figs for women

The benefits of figs for women are versatile:

  • Often girls suffer from varicose veins. This is due to the love for shoes on high heels. So the savory can cope with this problem.
  • Fig is useful for weight loss. It quickly saturates the body, has a laxative effect, prevents fat from settling in the waist and hips, and also removes toxins from the body. There are fig fasting days.
  • Wine berry syrup is useful for women's intimate health. It relieves whites with inflammation in the intimate area.
  • Figs bring great benefits to pregnant women. Helps to cope with constipation, saturate the body so as not to feel hungry, not to gain excess weight. Copes with anemia and simply saturates the body with useful minerals and vitamins.
  • Fig fruits steamed in milk are applied to the chest with mastitis. Fruits help to cope with abscesses and inflammations.
  • Relieves pain during menstruation if you eat 3 fruits a day at this time.
  • Fruit masks have a rejuvenating effect.

Figs for children

If the child does not have allergic reactions and other contraindications, then fresh figs can be introduced into the diet from the age of 1 year. So what is the use of fig trees for the child's body?

  • The fig contains many useful substances that are so necessary for the children's body and are important for normal development brain and body of a child.
  • The fruit is useful in the digestive tract. Eliminates constipation and improves intestinal motility.
  • It has antipyretic and antibacterial effect. This is very important, as children are prone to frequent infections.
  • Treatment and prevention of jaundice and hepatitis.
  • Strengthens the immunity of the child, helps to form resistance to pathogens.
  • The high iron content is a useful remedy for anemia.
  • Fresh fruits strengthen the baby's teeth and gums and kill bacteria in the mouth.

What is useful figs for men

The usefulness of figs for men is to increase potency. This fruit is considered a natural aphrodisiac. Minerals such as zinc, manganese and magnesium are responsible for improving reproductive health, increase attraction and sexual desire. The wine berry was considered a symbol of love and fertility.

In addition, a healthy fruit relieves a hangover. Men are also more likely to suffer from heart disease. And the fig tree helps to establish the cardiovascular system, cleanse and thin the blood, and strengthen blood vessels.

Is it possible to eat figs with diabetes

There are groups of people for whom the use of figs is categorically contraindicated, one of these groups are patients with severe diabetes. This is due to the too high content of fructose and glucose in the wine berry. But those with mild or moderate diabetes are allowed to eat figs, but only fresh and in limited quantities. Moreover, figs contain pectin, which helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which is essential for people with diabetes.

In any case, before using figs for diabetes, you should consult with your doctor.

Contraindications and harm

As we have already found out, along with its beneficial properties, figs also have contraindications for people suffering from certain diseases. Therefore, in some cases, care must be taken. Exclude this fruit from your diet, in addition to people with diabetes, should also be those who suffer from obesity, gout, inflammation of the digestive tract and any other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pancreatitis, hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcers. In the presence of these diseases, the harm from eating figs can exceed all its positive properties, so you should stop eating this fruit. But allergic reactions on a fig tree occur very rarely. This is due to the lower level essential oils in the fetus. But still, a person suffering from allergies should start getting acquainted with wine berries in small quantities.