How to properly use the air conditioner in the car? Important secrets

  • 09.08.2018

Car air conditioning is a real salvation for the driver in the summer heat. There is a special type of air conditioning in a car - this is climate control, which takes care of creating and maintaining comfortable conditions in different areas of the cabin, but its basis is the same air conditioner, only with a more complex electronics system. How to use the air conditioner in the car, I will tell in this article.

Ideally, we would like the air we breathe to be as clean as possible, but in the conditions of a metropolis, and even more so a highway, such a wish, to put it mildly, is hardly feasible. Cabin filters protect the health of the driver and passengers in the car. Therefore, it is extremely important to replace them regularly in order to avoid the accumulation of exhaust gases from the outside in the interior atmosphere.

Correctly this can be done at a service station. This procedure is necessary to remove a colony of bacteria, mold or even moss that can appear in the evaporator during improper and long-term operation of the air conditioner.

Experts recommend annually cleaning the air conditioning system, and the treatment should be carried out with antibacterial agents.

You will learn about unwanted symptoms by an unpleasant smell from the air conditioning system. Don't ignore him. Prolonged use of such a system leads to respiratory diseases, asthma, and allergies. Therefore, cleanliness is important point not only for the operation of the cabin air conditioner, but also for your health.

The useful function of cooling the air in the summer in the car brings not only the desired coolness, but can cause a cold, so it is important not only to be able to use the air conditioner, but also to follow a number of rules so that its operation does not adversely affect your health. Despite the ease of adjustment, you need to use any car air conditioner correctly. The simple measures that we will give below will help save on the operation of the car air conditioner and be confident in its operation and performance.

Video "Ch do-it-yourself car air conditioner source »

This post shows how to do it yourself with the help of special means you can clean the air conditioner in a Nissan Almera Classic car in 20 minutes.

Hello dear visitors of our blog. The long-awaited summer has come, and with it the sultry heat. Hot weather is especially annoying when you have to stand in a traffic jam. And at such a moment, a car air conditioner is a real salvation. In this article, we will talk about how to properly use this same air conditioner, how to properly maintain it, about the principle of its operation, and much more.

Yes, it is quite possible to do without air conditioning in a car, but the hot July sun will do its job, turning the trip into real flour. It is especially hard when you have to stand. Today, an air conditioner can be installed in almost any car. But installing it is half the battle.

To avoid damage, you need to know how to use it correctly. It's actually not difficult at all. The main thing is to know some rules for its operation, and its long and efficient operation will be guaranteed.

The principle of operation of an automobile air conditioner.

The principle of operation of an air conditioner is insanely simple, and is the same as the operation of a conventional refrigerator. The device itself is a sealed system in which the air conditioner plays the role of the heart, and the refrigerant is kind of like blood. This "blood" is pumped through the entire air conditioning system, in the form of a gas. The condenser turns the refrigerant into a liquid. It is cooled by fans. In the dryer, the liquid is filtered from dirt and various wastes, then, through the expansion valve, already in the form of a gas, the mixture enters the evaporator, which is located near the dashboard. Nearby is a fan that supplies air to the cabin, so it cools. After that, the refrigerant enters the compressor, and so this system closes.

With air conditioning in the car, the air in the cabin becomes cool and dry. This happens due to the fact that air passes through the evaporator, in which moisture accumulates and drips onto the ground. Along with moisture, various debris also goes away. You can sometimes observe small puddles under some cars after a short downtime, this is all from the operation of the air conditioner.

How to use air conditioning in a car.

The main guarantee of the successful operation of any device is careful and proper operation. So how do you properly use your car air conditioner? There are some rules that, unfortunately, ordinary motorists do not always follow.

The air conditioner will work much more efficiently if all windows and hatches will be closed. In order to cool the interior faster in hot weather, open all doors for a while to let everything ventilate. After that, you can close them and turn on the air conditioner.

We must not forget that the system car air conditioner there is oil that circulates with the refrigerant. If the system does not work for a long time, some parts may dry out, causing them to lose their properties and begin to flow. To avoid this, at least once a week, turn on the air conditioner for 10-15 minutes. The oil will lubricate all the necessary parts, and there will be no drying out. This is especially true in winter.

If the system in your car provides for the simultaneous inclusion of the air conditioner and the stove, then know that it is sometimes useful to turn them on at once. Since the air conditioner dries the air in the car, fogging of the windshield and side windows will decrease.

To find out the level of refrigerant in the air conditioner, check the receiver in front of the car's radiator, there should be a peephole. If there are bubbles there, it means that there is still a good 70-80% of the refrigerant left. If there is foam, then there is less than half of it, and it's time to fill the air conditioner. However, not all vehicles are equipped with such a hole. Also, listen to the system. If you hear clicking sounds in the compressor when you turn on the air conditioner, then it's time to refuel it.

Corrosion is the worst word for a motorist. It does not bypass the car air conditioning system. Especially goes from it to metal tubes, a radiator and a compressor. Therefore, carefully inspect everything for rust.

If, when the air conditioner is turned on, a bad smell, then it's time for antibacterial treatment. There is an odor due to bacteria that have settled in the evaporator. Naturally, this is unhealthy.

Refrigerant leaks are also common. Finding them is easy. Inspect the pipes of the air conditioning system, if there are oil stains on the pipes(oil is added to the refrigerant), then there is a leak.

The air conditioner should be topped up once a year. If the car and the system are new, then it is possible once every two to three years. The main role here is played by the oil added to the refrigerant. It, circulating through the system, lubricates the seals, which prolongs the life of all elements.

If there is not enough refrigerant in the system, then there will not be the necessary pressure for good operation and sufficient load, in which case, the system may fail. If the air conditioner is refilled, then due to the high pressure, he might explode.

Proper maintenance of an automobile air conditioner includes a complete and timely diagnosis of the system. It must be done at least once a year, and preferably in the spring, after a long stagnation. This is the only way to avoid unexpected breakdowns. All this business, as well as refueling, should be trusted only to professionals.

About the coolant.

The most popular refrigerant is R134a. Unlike freon R-12, which was used for very long years, until the 90s, the new refrigerant is more economical (less gasoline is spent on the air conditioning system). Also, compared with the old freon, it takes less space, and it is advantageous to use it in terms of small losses.

Be sure to remember that they cannot be mixed together, since they have absolutely different formulations, and require different pressures for their work. Also, don't try to pour R-12 into a new car's system and R134a into an old one. In a system where R134a is used, hoses are needed with an internal nylon braid, and ordinary rubber he just rots thus creating a leak.

As for charging the air conditioner with refrigerant, it is almost impossible to do it yourself. Only one thing can be recommended - fill the system only in those services where this is a core service. It is there that you can get a guarantee that the work will be done qualitatively.

As already mentioned above, you cannot replace one type of refrigerant with another, but there are exceptions to this. For example, your air conditioner is charged with R-12 freon, and if anything, in the most extreme cases, it can be replaced with another type of freon. But it’s worth saying right away that it will cost you a pretty penny, since you need to flush the entire system, replace the receiver-drier, while doing the work very carefully. It will be better to look for the service where the R-12 will be available.

Air conditioning, especially in the city, is already a necessity. Follow his system, and he will serve you faithfully for a very long time. Good luck to you!

Features of the car air conditioning system and general recommendations for caring for her.

Be healthy!

If you use the air conditioner thoughtlessly, you can easily earn a runny nose, or even a sore throat. Even (and especially!) when it's hot outside. Therefore, the main rule is not to file under any circumstances. cold air at maximum fan speed in your face, head and chest! Although many cheap climate control systems, when set to automatic, do just that. Therefore, in order to avoid a threat to health, it is necessary to transfer them to manual airflow control mode. The safest direction is to windshield.

Cleanliness is the key not only to health, but also to saving money.

When the motor turns off and, accordingly, the air conditioner stops working, dew remains on its evaporator - water condensate from the air. Because of this, the next time the air conditioner is turned on, an unpleasant smell of “wet rags” will be felt for several seconds. Therefore, it is useful to periodically turn off the air conditioner a couple of minutes before turning off the car engine, and switch the heating system fan to maximum speed. This will dry out the A/C evaporator.

In addition, when the car is not new, there are other microorganisms in the evaporator that are not useful for humans. It is customary to combat this phenomenon with the help of various disinfecting and flushing technologies: aerosols for self-use or more labor-intensive flushing methods used at specialized services (up to and including disassembly and dismantling of the system).
V advanced cases last option- the only one. Here it is time to remember about the cabin filter: it must be and must be clean. It must be changed every 15,000 km, at least. Or once a year.

Air conditioner efficiency.

The car air conditioner has a very limited capacity. And no matter how you turn the knobs on the panel, it will not be able to “blow” +18 air into the cabin when it is +40 outside. And in general, it does not work for free. This can be verified by monitoring fuel consumption.

Turning on the air conditioner in the heat.

If it’s +40 outside and the car has stood in the sun for three hours, then there’s already frank “sugar” in the cabin. Do not try to immediately cool the car with a regular air conditioner, you need to help it: open the doors and let it air out for a few minutes. If time is running out, you can start driving with the windows down. After a few minutes, they can be lifted and the air conditioner turned on.

Turning on the air conditioner in winter.

This is not only possible, but necessary. Periodically. By the way, this is also written in the car's owner's manual. This is necessary to keep the moving parts of the air conditioning system lubricated: the refrigerant (freon) also carries oil to lubricate the compressor.

Anti-fogging glass.

In any normal climate control system, the air conditioner is forced to turn on when the windshield air supply function is activated. At the same time, air recirculation is also turned off, if it was turned on before, and air is taken from outside. If your car is not equipped with a climate control system, you need to do all of the above steps manually to defrost the windows.

Scriptio: Gennady Zvonov, technical consultant.

As you know, a private car has long ceased to be a transcendental luxury, moving into the category of a convenient and practically accessible means of transportation. This article will focus on a device that allows us to feel most comfortable while in a car, namely, an air conditioner. You will learn how to properly operate and maintain a car air conditioner, get acquainted with the principle of its operation, get helpful tips on the choice of refrigerant and refueling the air conditioner. Do not forget that only the correct operation of the car air conditioner can guarantee its effective work without unnecessary material costs from your side.

Of course, it is quite possible to do without an air conditioner, but ... Hot weather, extraneous odors, high humidity - all these factors can sometimes make a trip unbearable, even despite the comfortable seats, the presence of an audio system and first-class driving performance of the car. Standing idle in a long traffic jam in the July heat, unsuccessfully trying to catch at least a breath of light breeze from an open window, is, of course, quite sophisticated torture. But the way out is so simple! Today, air conditioning can be installed even on the most simple models cars - the choice of companies engaged in the production and installation of automobile air conditioners is truly huge. However, after you have equipped your car with this miracle modern technology, a number of questions arise, the main of which is the following: how to operate and maintain a car air conditioner in order to avoid it frequent repairs and quick replacement? We hasten to assure you that it is not difficult at all - you just need to have an idea about the principle of operation of the air conditioner and follow some simple rules, after all, the correct operation of the air conditioner is the key to its long and efficient operation without unnecessary material costs on the part of the car owner.

How it works?

To properly operate a car air conditioner, you should know how it works. The principle of operation of an air conditioner is quite simple - according to its scheme, it resembles the operation of an ordinary household refrigerator. The air conditioner is a sealed system that periodically requires refueling with oil and freon. Figuratively speaking, the “heart” of an automobile air conditioner is the compressor, and the “blood” is the refrigerant. This refrigerant, in the form of a gas under pressure, is pumped through the entire air conditioning system in several stages. First, it enters the condenser, where it turns into a liquid, thanks to cooling by air coming from the outside when the car is moving or pumped by a special fan. After that, the refrigerant enters the receiver-drier - a device that filters the microparticles of dirt and compressor wear, then into the expansion valve and into the evaporator (in the form of cooled gas). The evaporator is located near the dashboard of the car, and next to it is a fan that drives cabin or street air through the evaporator. The air is cooled and returned to the passenger compartment, after which the refrigerant enters the car air conditioner compressor - and the system closes.

When the air conditioner is running, the air inside the car becomes drier and cleaner. This effect is achieved due to the fact that moisture from the air passing through the evaporator drips onto the ground, at the same time carrying away dust and burning particles. This is where small puddles come from under cars standing in one place for a long time with the engine and air conditioning turned on at the same time.

How to operate a car air conditioner?

In order for the air conditioner in your car to serve you for a long time, you need to be able to properly handle it. Like any other mechanisms, air conditioners need timely special care and compliance with the rules of operation. So, what is the correct operation of the car air conditioner? There are some simple rules in this regard, which, unfortunately, are not always observed by car owners. For example, you should never forget that the air conditioner in your car will only work effectively if all windows and the sunroof (if any) are closed. For the most rapid cooling of the interior in the heat, you need to open all the doors for a few minutes so that the car is “blown through” with a draft, and then close them and turn on the air conditioner (the engine must be running).

If the climate system of your car provides for the parallel operation of the stove and air conditioner, it is sometimes useful to turn them on at the same time. In this case, due to the drying effect of the car air conditioner, fogging of the windshield and side windows of the car will decrease. Be aware that the air conditioning system contains oil that circulates with the refrigerant. In cases where the system is inactive for a long time, some of its parts may dry out, collapse and begin to leak (in particular, this applies to neoprene gaskets). To play it safe from this trouble, you need to turn on the air conditioner once a week (including winter time) for 10-15 minutes so that the oil lubricates all important nodes - this will help to avoid drying out.

Choice of refrigerant

Proper operation of the air conditioner also depends on the correct choice of refrigerant. For many years, the most common refrigerant was the well-known freon - R-12 (CFC), which was also used in the work of the same domestic refrigerators. However, in the first half of the 90s of the twentieth century, the use of freon in cooling systems was suspended, as it became known that it destroys the ozone layer of the earth. Despite this, freon is still used on cars until 1993, but auto-conditioners on newer models are charged with a different refrigerant - R134a (HFC). This refrigerant allows the car air conditioning system to work more economically and consume much less gasoline. It is also beneficial in terms of its small losses compared to the "good old" freon and takes up less space in the engine compartment.

But the main thing that should always be remembered for the correct operation of the car air conditioner is that these two refrigerants cannot work together! They have different composition and therefore require different pressures for their normal operation. So, never try to pour R-12 into new car, and R134a - in the "veteran" car. R134a requires hoses with a nylon braid inside, and it will simply corrode old hoses and ordinary rubber gaskets, causing a leak. Looking ahead to the European automotive industry, an even newer refrigerant for car air conditioners, R744, is predicted to be used everywhere, causing even less damage. environment than R134a. However, according to the same forecasts, the use of this substance will greatly complicate the maintenance, refueling and repair of car air conditioners, since this refrigerant requires very high pressure for its efficient operation. Well, let's wait and see.

Proper charging of the air conditioner

So, we have already found out that different types refrigerants are incompatible with each other, and it is impossible to replace one of them with any other. Of course, there are minor exceptions to this rule. For example, if the air conditioner in your car is filled with R-12 freon, then in extreme cases you can replace it with another type of freon. However, this should be done with extreme caution, after replacing the receiver-dryer and flushing the entire system. Since all these manipulations will cost you a tidy sum, it’s easier to find a service station that has a supply of R-12 freon and refuel there.

By the way, if your car is new, then at first you can fill the air conditioner with refrigerant once every 2-3 years. However, in the future, the evaporation rate will increase, and the air conditioner will need to be topped up at least once every 1-2 years, even if there are no obvious problems. The oil added to the refrigerant is of great importance - circulating in the system, it lubricates the seals, significantly extending their service life. In general, the main thing that I would like to recommend to a car owner when choosing a service for refueling a car air conditioner is that it is most reliable to refuel in those services where air conditioning refueling is a specialized service. Highly specialized services will give you a higher guarantee of correct and high-quality refueling of the car air conditioner than the "broad profile" points that take on any work related to car maintenance. Remember that if, for example, a car air conditioner is underfilled, there will not be enough pressure in it to correct operation, because of which it will work with a greater load and, as a result, will quickly fail. And if the air conditioner, on the contrary, is overcharged too much, it can simply explode due to an excess of pressure. In addition, factors such as slipping of the compressor clutch have a detrimental effect on the air conditioner; excess oil; moisture or air entering the system; dirt and foreign particles on the fins of the condenser and evaporator; faulty (overheating) car cooling system. If a service station uses pressurized cylinders to fill car air conditioners or weighs refrigerant on a conventional scale to determine the right amount, leave immediately, because they obviously have no idea how to service a car air conditioner. Refueling of the air conditioner must be carried out exclusively according to the correct technology and on equipment recommended by its manufacturer. Incorrect, unprofessional refueling in the future can lead to a rather expensive repair of an automobile air conditioner.

Self-checking the air conditioner

Among other things, the correct operation of the car air conditioner implies an independent check of its quality work. Remember that this device will work most efficiently if the amount of refrigerant is correctly observed. Take a look at the manual for the car air conditioner: it indicates the optimal refrigerant level (the unit of measurement is usually milliliters), and try not to increase / decrease it. To independently check for a lack of refrigerant, listen for compressor clicks when you turn on the system. If you hear clicking sounds, then your car air conditioner needs refueling. A refrigerant leak can also be diagnosed on your own - pay attention to the tubes of the car air conditioner: if they have oil stains, then there is a leak (this makes itself felt by the oil, “paired” with which the refrigerant usually works).

If an unpleasant specific smell appears in the car interior when the air conditioner is turned on, it means that the air conditioner requires antibacterial treatment. This smell is usually due to bacteria that start in the evaporator of the car air conditioner. Inhaling a bacterial cocktail instead of clean air is unhealthy.

Don't Forget About Timely Diagnosis

And the last tip for today. Be sure to remember that the correct maintenance of a car air conditioner includes timely diagnosis of its system. Such diagnostics should be carried out at least once a year. It is advisable to carry it out in the spring, after a long winter downtime of the air conditioner.

Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that diagnostics, as well as refueling and cleaning of an automobile air conditioner, should be trusted exclusively to professionals in this field. This approach will not only save you from unnecessary material costs in the future, but also save you money and nerves. So, we wish all car owners good choice air conditioners for their cars and clean air in the cabin!

The ability to use the interior heating and ventilation systems is very important for two reasons: firstly, without this it is impossible to ensure good visibility, which is one of the main conditions for safe driving; secondly, the right microclimate in the car interior contributes to the creation of comfort and coziness for the driver and passengers.

In order for the ventilation and heating systems to operate efficiently, regularly check the air intakes in front of the windshield (for snow, leaves, etc.). Do not allow the increase in air humidity in the cabin from the evaporation of water and snow from the rugs, clean them in a timely manner. Keep your car windows clean, so they thaw faster (dirty ones hold more moisture, which increases their defrosting time).

Cabin temperature

It is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature in the cabin. By this concept, I mean a reasonable difference between the temperature in the cabin and on the street. Of course, for everyone the optimal temperature is different. But many drivers make it very hot, especially in winter. So you can easily catch a cold when leaving the car on the street. The same applies to the air conditioner.

As a rule, on most cars, the airflow can be directed to three positions: at the feet, at the windshield and into the passenger compartment. Various combinations are also possible, which need not be considered.

Sent to the salon. It is better to use it for the initial cooling (heating) of the car interior. In this mode, especially when cooling with an air conditioner, it is better to be outside (if this is not possible, and there is no climate control, turn on warm air together with the air conditioner). For faster cooling, especially if the car long time been exposed to the sun, it is better to open all doors first for initial cooling.

Pointed down. This mode is more convenient to use for heating passengers sitting in the back seat (especially on domestic cars). In this case, warm air gets there faster.

Aimed at the windshield. This mode is always on for me. It is believed that when the car is moving, the fan should always work, at least at minimum speed. This is necessary to create excess pressure in the cabin (to prevent dust and dirt from entering through body leaks), as well as to avoid fogging the windows. That's what I do, but I haven't checked how true it is.

Many modern cars have an air recirculation mode in the cabin. In this case, the air in the cabin will be isolated from the outside. Using this mode speeds up the heating of the passenger compartment in winter and cooling (with air conditioning) in summer. I also use this mode in a traffic jam or when there is a bus or a large truck ahead at the traffic lights. This prevents entry into the cabin. unpleasant odors and dust. However, remember that prolonged use of this mode is not recommended, as it can lead to fogging of the glasses.

visibility conditions

Knowing the various subtleties will help you when driving to have best review. If the windshield and front side windows are fogged up, you need to direct the air flow to the windshield. In cold weather, you need to turn on warm air. There are more options in damp or foggy conditions (the fastest is to turn on the air conditioner, if it is not there, then cold air, or simply open the side windows).

If during the cold season the windows are frozen from the inside, then you need to wait a bit until the engine warms up, and then send warm air to the windows. In general, so that in the cold season the windows do not freeze from the inside after a long parking, before closing the car, open all the doors so that the temperature inside the car becomes like outside. Personally, I can’t do this: either there is no time, then there is no desire.

As a rule, after rain, there are many drops of water on the side windows, which make it difficult to see. Moisture can be removed by fully opening and closing them. This is especially convenient when there are power windows. To remove drops of water on the rear window in the absence of a wiper, you can turn on the glass heating. Similarly, you can remove water drops from the side mirrors. If the vehicle is equipped with heated exterior mirrors, then when the heated rear window is switched on, the heating of the mirrors is switched on automatically.