The church recognized Vanga as a witch. Church of St. Petka - the church of the seer Vanga

  • 29.09.2019

The relationship between the Orthodox Church and Vanga's well-known divination has not yet been determined: on the one hand, there are rumors that Vanga was canonized, and on the other, that she was possessed by evil spirits.

Why does Vanga need a church?

The clairvoyant herself considered herself a believer. The walls of her house in Rupite are hung with icons, her favorite is the image of the Great Martyr Petka. The soothsayer dreamed of building a chapel in honor of this saint. Vanga admitted that this church is the work of her whole life. She said that the chapel for her is her child, her glory, that this is everything for her. Vanga dreamed of a real temple, so that anyone could come in to pray, cleanse their souls. The clairvoyant, in her own way, tried to explain that she wanted to pave the way for people to God.

How the temple was built

The church began to be built in September 1991 at the expense of Vanga herself and donations. There was a special piggy bank in the house, in which people put money. Talking about the construction, Vanga recalled that people flocked to her house and brought a coin to a coin. But there is a lot of obscurity in the case of the church, some of those on whom Vanga depended did not understand why she needed it, tried to influence her life, mainly in money matters. It was very difficult to obtain permission for the construction itself, at first it was forbidden by the secular authorities, then by the church.

The niece of the prophetess, Krasimira Stoyanova, assures that the clairvoyant initially chose another place to fulfill her dream and even managed to lay the foundation there, but the founders of the Vanga Foundation insisted that the temple should be built in Rupite. And the building was rescheduled. Stoyanova believes that the project itself did not correspond to what her aunt dreamed of, that they simply abused the realization of her dream.

In one of his recent interviews Vanga was offended by accusations that stolen money was allegedly used for the construction. She said that rumors were coming from those who had not given a penny, that all the papers were in order, that everything was written down to the last penny. She was very worried, arguing that only evil comes from money.

Vanga was in a hurry to finish the job, she dreamed of making the temple alive for people.

Church of St. Petka of Bulgaria in Rupite

The built temple violates all church canons. Architecture and painting belong to the famous artist Svetlin Rusev, who is a great admirer of Nicholas Roerich, which was very evident during the construction of the church. The altar and wall paintings did not correspond so much to the ideas of the Bulgarians about Orthodox faith that some even called for the destruction of the structure. Later, the inhabitants of Rupite nevertheless brought their icons to the altar so that services could be held in the church. The temple was called "Masonic".

Interestingly, opposite the image of the Savior, there is a portrait of Vanga herself, made using the “pseudo-icon” technique, which also caused a sharp rejection of the clergy, who call such faces semi-occult.

Vanga and the Bulgarian Church

Initially, the church authorities refused to conduct the rite of consecration of the church, because. it did not correspond to Orthodox canons and traditions. Upon learning of this, Vanga burst into tears.
On October 14, 1994, Metropolitan Nathanael consecrated only the altar. The Bulgarian Church went for this because the inhabitants of Rupite, not recognizing the unconsecrated temple, threatened to destroy it. It was Metropolitan Nathanael, who personally knew Vanga for many years, who always spoke about her reluctantly, usually only like this: "We must pray for her soul ..."

Now services are being held in the church in Rupita, children are being baptized, hundreds of people come from afar to bow and light candles. But Vanga herself was never canonized.

At the age of 12, Vanga became blind under tragic circumstances. Moreover, there are two versions, one, so to speak, official (blinded by falling into a tornado), which was told by Vanga and her followers, and the version brought to light from the police archives by the Bulgarian journalist Svyatoslav Todorkova (was raped and blinded by a rapist).

Bulgarian journalist Svyatoslava Todorkova found archives of meteorological observations from the beginning of the 20th century. (0:11:40) “I made a statement at the meteorological service. They made me an archival certificate from 1900: Were there any natural disasters? Tornadoes or large winds? And they told me that there was nothing like that.

She also managed to find a police report from Novosel, where Vanga lived at that time “From a police report of 1923, Strumica, Macedonia: A girl of about 12 years old was found unconscious by local residents on the outskirts of Novosel. The doctors confirmed it at the hospital. She was raped. Moreover, the criminals gouged out her eyes.”

To prophesy, or as she herself says - “guess”, Vanga began only at the age of 30, before the start of the Second World War. Moreover, here is how she describes her first contact with otherworldly forces:

(0:19:23) Vanga: “A stranger comes and asks: Do I know him? I say "No. He says that he is Saint John Chrysostom. He said that the next day there would be a war. And what will he tell me: who will die and who will live. When I started to predict, everyone called me crazy, but after four hours ... the war began.

(0:20:53) Correspondent; "Do the dead speak?" Vanga: “Yes, they are still talking. They are standing next to each other” Correspondent: “Wait, are they here?” Vanga: “Yes, they stand and talk about themselves. For example, someone comes to me and is looking for a son. A voice says to me: tell him that his son is dead."

I must say that this experience of transmitting information is fundamentally different from what, for example, Seraphim of Sarov described:

"Seraphim answered with humility: - He walked towards me, like others, like you, he walked, as if to a servant of God: I, a sinful Seraphim, think that I am a sinful servant of God, which the Lord commands me, as a servant I pass on the first thought that appears in my soul as an indication of God and I speak without knowing what is in my interlocutor’s soul, but only believing that God’s will indicates it to me for his benefit. As iron - forging, so I convey myself and my will to the Lord God: as He pleases, so I act; I have no will of my own; but what God pleases, I convey.

Life, instructions, prophecies Reverend Seraphim Sarov miracle worker.(http://www..htm)

Although, of course, there are also visits to saints, but for a short time, for spiritually beneficial communication. But I have never heard or read that voices sounded in the head of a saint. I cannot fail to point out this difference. Moreover, the voices sounding in Vanga's head torment her, do not give her peace.

(1:06:49) Vanga's friend: “She was very tired. She always said she had a headache. You, she said, are now going home to sleep. And I'll be tortured all night long. Who tormented her, I don’t know.”

Although, in the film this is explained as the voices of not saints, but as the souls of the dead. That the Church does not recognize either. The voices of the dead, according to the teachings of the Church and the experience of the saints, cannot sound by themselves. Only saints can appear from that world to help people, but not the simple dead in any way, in order to chat with those who remained on earth, through a medium.

Vanga's neighbor Vasilka Stoyanova (0:22:57) “Once a woman came to Vanga with her husband sick. Vanga ordered to catch a bird, pull out a heart, put this heart in a glass of wine and bring it to her so that it would stand with her for one evening. Then Vanga said: Your husband should eat this heart and drink wine. He did just that, after which he suddenly stopped hurting. ”

Attitude towards people

Vanga: (0: 29:15) “Listen, I’ve been wondering since April 6, 1941, and still haven’t seen a single womanizer, but every second woman is a whore”

Divination and Curse

Vanga herself often said that she was cursed. That everyone she loves is dying. The first husband, Demitar, became an alcoholic and died in 1962. Before marrying Vanga, he left the most beautiful girl in a village to which he was already engaged. Lover Ivan Blagoy, who committed adultery with a fortuneteller and had a wife and four children, hanged himself (0:32:43 -0:36:00)

Vanga knew that fortune-telling is a mortal sin (1:14:10) “She told visitors that fortune-telling is a mortal sin. In moments of fatigue, she complained to her relatives that she was not doing a God-pleasing deed, and was afraid that she would be severely punished. The seer was afraid of death, and of what awaits her beyond the grave ... "

And in order to remove the curse, she decides to build a temple and thereby remove her curse (0:36:05).

I must say that the church built by Vanga is very strange. It was painted by some secular modernist artist. As a result, something turned out not only not churchly, but even simply terrible, more reminiscent of a mockery of the Church (see photo inside and outside)

But I think attitude is more important to the building itself, to the building of the church itself. Why did she build it? From scattered quotes, it becomes clear that Vanga was afraid of death, she was afraid of punishment for unholy fortune-telling. And she believed that she could make amends not by personal repentance, but by this very construction, and by the fact that she would be reproached in this church.

(0:36:30) Vanga: “The church will work day and night. Here ... This is not a city church for you, so that it works by the hour, it will be open all day. And two men to guard"

Moreover, wanting to cleanse himself with such an act, Vanga absolutely does not want to bear the fruit of personal repentance. He does not want to give up fortune-telling, although this has become the only condition on the part of the Church. Repent, give up fortune-telling, and we will consecrate your church. But that did not happen. It is significant how negotiations are being conducted between Vanga and a representative of the Church on the eve of the alleged consecration of its construction

(1:18:31) Vanga: "The service will be on Thursday evening!" Priest: "We can't come. All people can, but priests, monks can't." What is it?! On Friday the 14th we will consecrate the church!

Priest: "A priest can't do that. The church is one. If you feel like a part of this Church, you have to do it right.”

Vanga: “On Friday you will come to consecrate the church! Everything! Yes, you just come there, hallelujah, hallelujah and that's it "

The priest set a condition: the temple would be accepted and consecrated in one single case: if Vanga repented and forever renounced fortune-telling ... Vanga refused, and the temple was not consecrated like that ... then she opened the temple on her own. Instead of icons on its walls, images of Vanga herself "

Pay attention to the tone with which she speaks. She orders the priest to come and bless! Moreover, according to her, it's so easy to do “come, hallelujah, hallelujah and that's it.” Terrible behavior of an eccentric old woman - there is no other way to call it. But here you need to understand why she behaves this way. She seems to be extremely scared. After all, if "Hallelujah and that's it," then you can do without a priest. Built and everything! But no, she is mortally afraid of punishment, she is mortally afraid of being left without forgiveness, without "protection". She urgently needs to “launch” the church, to force services to begin there. It seems to her that in this case everything will be forgiven her! And so she gets annoyed when the priest expresses his refusal to come on the day appointed by Vanga.

It is necessary to point out the non-Christian behavior of Vanga, the lack of humility, pride, and arbitrariness. She herself decided to build a church, she herself appointed the day of consecration, and orders to come and consecrate, even if it was only an appearance “come, hallelujah and that’s it.”

But another episode shows that Vanga treated the construction of the church as a magical act.

(1:17:30) “In 1994, two years before Vanga’s death, the church was finally built. Relatives said that on the eve of the opening of the temple, the prophetess was more worried than ever, and at the last moment she even replaced the overly magnificent opening ceremony with a chamber family celebration.

Direct speech (1:17:46) “Tomorrow, when we will consecrate ... I’m scared ... so that I don’t fall into a trance when I enter ... Therefore, I don’t want anyone to be around ... No one I trust... If I fall into a trance in the church, then that's it!... "

Obviously, it seems to her that if she does not fall into a trance, then she has been forgiven, but if otherworldly forces attack her in the church, "that's it." She does not understand what repentance is, and that building a church, donating millions has nothing to do with it, that only heartfelt repentance is needed. And this suggests that she is extremely far from the Church. I also note that I have never seen anywhere that it was said that Vanga attended services or at least once took communion. Correct me if this is not the case. However, one gets the impression that she was very far from the Church.

last years of life

(0:43:55) "In the last days of her life, Vanga felt extremely bad. She suffered from nightmarish visions, constantly lost consciousness, and spoke some incoherent phrases. This is a fragment of her dying interview. Vanga: “Oh, what clowns are around. Leave me at least now so that my heart does not shake"

Vanga amassed a large fortune by the end of her life. Vanga's bodyguard Petr Kostadinov says: (0:49:20) “I personally deposited 16 million leva into Vanga's account. It was only part of her fortune."

(0:49:30) “This is a fragment of her dying interview. In the last minutes of her life, Vanga did not talk about global things, did not make loud predictions. The elderly woman was more worried about how her relatives would divide her inheritance.

I did not take the predictions themselves, I just showed how Vanga lived, how she treated the Church, and how she died. And I can conclude that the saints could not appear to her, but the demons could. Moreover, a person outside the Church is defenseless against the spirits of malice. If only because he completely forgets that demons appear in the form of angels too. A person outside the Church is deprived of the gift of discerning the spirits of evil, and often perishes, surrendering to them.

When I watched this film and wrote an article, I did not leave a feeling of compassion for this woman, and a feeling of regret for gullible people who are ready to bow to any prophetess. Poor woman deceived by demons dies painful death from cancer, and no one knows where he is now without repentance. And thousands of people continue, as if spellbound, to retell demonic predictions, and even call her a saint.

The question of the attitude of the Church towards the soothsayer Vanga still worries society. Who was she? From whom did you receive your gift? Until now, there are people who call Vanga a “saint”, “prophetress”, “clairvoyant”, comparing her with the blessed Matrona of Moscow and not understanding why the church recognized Vanga as a witch. People ask: “Why? Isn't she a church girl? I went to church; built a temple - it was the dream of her life", "What did this woman do wrong, helping so many people?" etc. She said: “Go and be baptized!” – as if she had never been a stranger to the Church. Hence the difficulties arise. On the one hand, she clearly declared that she belonged to the Church, and on the other hand, everything she did was completely contrary to the dogma of the Church. And this is another clear evidence that it is becoming increasingly difficult for modern man to distinguish between spirits and adhere to the true teachings of Christ. This is the fruit of an atheistic upbringing and Christian illiteracy.

Vanga and Church

Sometimes false information appears in the media that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church canonized Vanga as a saint. This statement is not true. Here is the official response to the website received from Bulgaria… Continue Reading →

Vanga - a new "saint" for the Russian viewer? In Russia, there is a high interest in Vanga. In the spring of 2011, a film about her was released on NTV - with a rating comparable to the ratings of football matches. Now on Channel One in prime time, that is, at the most convenient time for viewing, the series “Vangelia”, dedicated to the Bulgarian soothsayer, has been running for the second week. At the same time, the main character in the film looks almost like a saint: kind, meek, hardworking, sincerely pious. Continue Reading →

In connection with the show on Channel One of the series "Vangelia", many people began to contact the editors of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal with questions about whether Vanga was an Orthodox Christian. The following materials clearly demonstrate that the Bulgarian soothsayer was in fact a sorceress and psychic, whose source of "inspiration" was demonic forces. Continue Reading →

When Vladyka arrived a few days later and entered the old woman's room, he held in his hands a reliquary cross with a particle of the Holy Cross of the Lord. There were a lot of people in the room, Vanga was sitting in the back, broadcasting something and could not hear that another person quietly entered the door. At any rate, she couldn't have known who it was. Suddenly she broke off and in a changed - low, hoarse - voice with an effort said: “Someone came in here. Let him immediately throw THIS on the floor!” "What is it"?" - the stunned people around asked Vanga. And then she broke into a frantic cry: “THIS! He is holding IT in his hands! THIS prevents me from speaking! Because of this, I can't see anything! I don't want THAT in my house!" yelled the old woman, kicking her legs and swaying. Continue Reading →

Brief biography of Vanga (1911-1996)

Vangelia Pandeva Guscherova (1911-1996), better known as Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumnitsa (now Macedonia) into a poor peasant family. Vanga was only 3 years old when, in 1914, at the birth of her second child, her mother Paraskeva died. After the end of the First World War, around 1919, her father Pande Surchev married a second time, to Tanka Georgieva, who becomes Vanga's stepmother. From Tanke he had three more children (Vasil, Tome and Lyubka). At the birth of his fourth child in 1928, Tanka, his second wife, also died.

When Vanga was 12 years old, in 1923, an event happened to her that changed her whole future life. When she, along with her two cousins, was returning to the village from the field, a hurricane of terrible force lifted her into the air and carried her far into the field. We found it, littered with branches and sprinkled with sand. Because of the sand that got into her eyes, she undergoes three unsuccessful eye surgeries, as a result of which Vanga completely loses her sight.

At the age of 14, Vanga is sent to the city of Zemun (Serbia) to the House of the Blind, where she spends three years of her life and studies the Broglie alphabet, music, and begins to play the piano well. The girl is taught to knit, cook, sew. At the age of 18, she is proposed to by a blind man named Dimitar, who also lives in the House of the Blind. His parents are rich, and the girl can expect a secure future. Vanga agrees, but at this time she receives news from her father about the death of her stepmother Tanka, the father calls her daughter home, as her help is needed to care for her young brothers and sister. The wedding with Dimitar is upset, and Vanga returns to his father, actively getting involved in everyday chores.

Knowing how to knit beautifully, Vanga takes orders at home, is engaged in weaving. But the money earned is not enough for a decent life, and the family lives in poverty.

Vanga's unusual abilities began to appear in April 1941, when she was 30 years old. She was visited by "a tall, fair-haired, mysterious rider of divine beauty" who told her that he would be by her side and help her make predictions about the dead and the living. Soon after that, “another voice began to be heard from her lips, which called with amazing accuracy the places and events, the names of the mobilized men who would return alive, or with whom some kind of misfortune would happen ...”. Since that time, Vanga began to often fall into a trance, receive more and more visitors, find lost people and things and talk to the "dead".

In 1940, Vanga's father died at the age of 54. In May 1942, Vanga marries, at the categorical command of the "forces", Dimitar Gushterov (despite the fact that he was then engaged to another woman). Vanga's family life was unhappy, she had no children, and 5 years after the wedding, her husband Dimitar fell seriously ill (in 1947), began to drink very heavily and died in April 1962 at 42 years of age.

In 1982, at the age of 71, Vanga moved to the Rupite area, surrounded by respect and great recognition from many people. Vanga receives visitors almost until her death, at the age of 85 (she died of cancer on August 11, 1996). More than 15,000 people came to her funeral, including senior officials (presidents, ambassadors, diplomats, the entire cabinet of ministers, deputies and journalists). That's in in general terms the life of the world famous soothsayer.

Vanga's grave

The appearance of the "gift"

In her youth, when Vanga became blind, according to her, John Chrysostom appeared before her, who said that she would become the first fortuneteller (strange, because St. John Chrysostom always spoke of fortune tellers as servants of the evil one). And much later, she became the owner of an unusual "gift". Many people came to her every day. She could tell a person's past. Discover details that even loved ones did not know. Often she made predictions and predictions. People left strongly impressed.

Vanga's visions began with her communication with a certain "horseman". Here is how the niece describes one of these visions from the words of Vanga: “... He (the rider) was tall, Russian and divinely handsome. Dressed like an ancient warrior, in armor that glittered in the moonlight. His horse wagged its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves. He stopped in front of the gates of Vanga's house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vanga and spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die. In this place you will stand and prophesy to the dead and the living. Do not be afraid! I will be next to you and I will say what you have to convey to them! Who was this rider who appeared to Vanga?

The source of Vanga's "gift"

According to relatives and those who knew Vanga, she spoke about the voices that dictated the prophecies. Holy Scripture and the holy fathers speak of two sources of the gift of divination: from God and from demonic powers. There is no third. Who gave Vanga information about the invisible world? Where did this astonishing awareness come from? This answer can be found in the book of Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga's niece.

K. Stoyanova gives various details about how Vanga communicated with the other world, with "spirits":

Question: Do you talk to spirits?

Vanga: Many and very different come. Some I can't understand. Not those who now come and are near me, I understand. One comes, knocks on my door and says: “This door is bad, change it!”

Question: Do you remember anything after being in a trance?

Vanga: Not. I don't remember almost anything. After the trance, I feel very bad all day.

Question: Godmother, why don't you remember what is said during a trance?

Vanga: When they want to speak through me, I, as a spirit, leave my body and stand aside, and they enter me and speak, and I do not hear anything.

It is enough to look at the forces with which Vanga communicated to understand that they are dark.

As Stoyanova wrote, according to Vanga herself, the creatures that communicate with her have some kind of hierarchy, because there are “bosses” who rarely come, only when they need to report some extraordinary events or big cataclysms. Then Vanga's face becomes pale, she faints and a voice begins to be heard from her mouth that has nothing to do with her voice. He is very strong and has a completely different timbre. The words and sentences that come out of her mouth have nothing to do with the words that Vanga uses in his usual speech. It is as if some kind of alien mind, some kind of alien consciousness, inhabits her in order to inform through her lips about events fatal to people. Vanga called these creatures "great strength" or "great spirit."

The description of the creatures with which Vanga communicates very clearly reveals to us the world of the heavenly spirits of evil, just as it was described in Holy Scripture and the Holy Fathers: the dark forces have a hierarchy; a person cannot control his mental and bodily activities; The "forces" arbitrarily come into contact with Vanga, completely disregarding her desires.

Other demons who gave Vanga predictions about the past and future of her visitors appeared under the guise of their deceased relatives. Vanga admitted: “When a person stands in front of me, all the deceased relatives gather around him. They themselves ask me questions and willingly answer mine. What I hear from them is what I pass on to the living.” The appearance of fallen spirits under the guise of dead people has been known since ancient biblical times. The Word of God emphatically forbids such fellowship: Turn not to those who call up the dead (Lev. 19:31).

In addition to the spirits that appeared to Vanga under the guise of "small forces" and "large forces", as well as deceased relatives, she communicated with another type of inhabitants of the other world. She called them the inhabitants of the "planet Vamphim" (no comment).

In K. Stoyanova's story about Vanga's contacts with the dead, there is an episode where she made contact with the long-dead clairvoyant theosophist Helena Blavatsky. And when Svyatoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him: “Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions. As known, Bishops' Council of 2000 excommunicated ardent fighter against Christianity N. Roerich(the founder of the occult teaching "Agni Yoga") and E. Blavatsky(founder of the Theosophical Society) from the Church.

In addition, Vanga spoke very well of Juna Davitashvili, approved of the activities of psychics, communicated personally with many of them, and was actively involved in healing herself. As for the methods of its treatment, no textbook of magic would disdain to describe them. Here is a brief retelling of one of the many cases in Vanga's practice and her recommendations. A certain man, having lost his mind, grabbed an ax and rushed at his relatives, when the brothers tied him up and brought him to Vanga, she advised him to do the following: “Buy a new clay pot, fill it with water from the river, scooping against the current, and this water three times water the patient. Then throw the pot back to break it and don't look back!" We do not see a word about repentance and church life that could heal the soul of the sick! Healings performed by Orthodox saints have always aimed, first of all, at spiritual healing; healing the flesh at the cost of defeating the spirit is the lot of occult healers of all stripes.

In her work, Vanga often used sugar, which allowed her to see the past and future of a person. A person who came to her for advice brought with him two or three pieces of sugar, which before that had to lie under his pillow for several days. Taking these pieces in her hands, Vanga told the man about his past and future. Fortune telling with the help of a magic crystal has been known since ancient times. For Vanga, sugar was an accessible kind of crystal that everyone could bring (sugar has a crystalline structure).

All the above facts and evidence show that Vanga's "phenomenon" fits perfectly into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits. The inhabitants of the other world revealed to Vanga the present and past of people.

Vanga herself did not realize that she was communicating with the world of fallen spirits. Many of its visitors did not understand this either. A strict spiritual life and many years of ascetic experience save us from being seduced by fallen spirits. Such an attitude teaches spiritual sobriety and protects from pernicious delusion. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), speaking about fallen spirits, says that because of their sinfulness, people are closer to them than to the Angels of God. And therefore, when a person is not spiritually prepared, instead of angels, demons appear to him, which, in turn, leads to severe spiritual temptation. Vanga had neither the experience of Christian spiritual life, nor the knowledge that could help her in a critical assessment of incomprehensible phenomena that suddenly powerfully invaded her life. The house in which Vanga lived, in her opinion, was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple. There is evidence that many people, coming to this place, felt oppressed.

Yes, Vanga was engaged in divination and some of her predictions came true, but from the point of view of biblical teaching, this fact in itself does not yet prove the spiritual purity of the source of predictions, for example, in the Bible we read about a maid possessed by “... a prophetic spirit, which through divination delivered big income their masters” (Acts 16:16). We emphasize that the spirit of divination left the woman after the command of St. Paul, uttered by him in the name of Jesus Christ: “Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And [the spirit] went out at the same hour” (Acts 16:18). Given Vanga's sympathy for the occult and extrasensory perception, we can conclude that the same forces that feed the occult and magic acted at the basis of her spiritual phenomenon, and therefore, if Vanga had been in the place of that New Testament maid, she would have suffered the same fate.

One day, accidentally finding himself not far from the cross, which had a particle of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Lord, Vanga demanded that he be removed from her, since she cannot prophesy. It is known that if next to Vanga they began to read Orthodox prayers She also lost her gift.

Church of Vanga

Vanga built a church in Rupita in the name of St. Paraskeva of Bulgaria. But not everything is so simple here either. The built temple violates all church canons. Architecture and painting belong to the famous artist Svetlin Rusev, who is a great admirer of Nicholas Roerich, which was very evident during the construction of the church. The altar and wall paintings were so inconsistent with the ideas of the Orthodox faith that some even called for the destruction of the building. The temple was nicknamed "Masonic".

Vanga herself called the construction of the church a "sacrifice". The foundation stone of the church was laid on August 20, 1992 by the then Nevrokosky Metropolitan Pimen, but it should be noted that in that year a split occurred in the Bulgarian Church, and Metropolitan Pimen was one of the organizers of this split. The construction of the church was carried out by the Vanga Foundation. In 1994, the altar of the temple was consecrated by the canonical Metropolitan Nathanael of Nevrokop, but despite this, schismatics and members of the Vanga Foundation immediately began to dispose of it. Currently, this temple has been turned into a tourist center. Interestingly, opposite the image of the Savior, there is a portrait of Vanga herself, made using the “pseudo-icon” technique, which also caused a sharp rejection of the clergy, who call such faces semi-occult.

About the "holiness" of Vanga

Today, fellow countrymen of the great clairvoyant demand that the Church canonize Vanga as a saint. People come to her grave in Rupita, as if to a saint, with prayers and requests. Their argument for the “holiness” of Vanga is the words of Stoyanova: “Vanga was chosen by Heaven. My aunt was a believing, modest woman. She observed the canons, prayed, attended church with joy. And always called for faith in God! As for the priests, they did not officially recognize her, but even the metropolitans came to her to talk about business. And she spoke the truth, even the hard-hitting.” Vanga herself, in her statements, spoke of a good attitude towards the Church and sometimes even baptized children. But Vanga did not convert anyone to Orthodoxy!

It must be emphasized that true Orthodox holiness is fundamentally different from the phenomena that we see in Vanga. Christian holiness is manifested with a full and clear consciousness of spiritual experiences, there is no violence against the will of man. The grace of God transforms a person not after natural disasters and hurricanes or after the appearance of horsemen, but after conscious Christian asceticism and observance of God's commandments. It usually takes many years of purification before the spiritual fruits begin to visibly manifest. We need moral efforts and, as Seraphim of Sarov says, the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

Vanga is far from these conditions, how many misconceptions she has regarding the Christian faith. It is noteworthy that Vanga falls into a trance and does not remember anything after it. She has an alien voice with which she speaks, and this shows that another being inhabits her, which she herself admitted. At the moment of such an introduction, she (“the saint”) began to growl. This is not holiness, but obsession, the opposite of holiness. A person in this state does not communicate with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord, but with dark forces.

As far as the performance of miracles is concerned, miracles may not necessarily be manifestations of holiness. As we know from the lives of the saints, not all saints performed miracles. Conversely, there are many cases of miracle-working with an obvious lack of holiness (sorcerers, fortune-tellers, modern psychics with frankly abnormal lives, some fans Eastern religions etc.), which is clear evidence that these supernatural "miracles" are the work of fallen spirits.

Many people who are far from the Church and have naive ideas about dark forces(and their human servants) are deceived by the fact that Vanga often talks about God, about light, faith, Christ, love, wisdom. Vanga uses the word "Christianity" only as a screen. Under the guise of Christianity, they preach non-Christian ideas and practice non-Christian activities.

What is common between Vanga and the blessed Matrona of Moscow? Blindness? So Homer was blind. Vanga was openly engaged in witchcraft, spoke about the special gift that she had after a strong hurricane, took money for the reception (not personally, but through the fund). It was a well-established and well-established business, on which a lot of people profited - the whole environment of the Bulgarian sorceress. Blessed Matrona lay paralyzed, humbly carried her cross and prayed to God for the people who asked her about it.

There is no easy way to God and never has been. That is why the Lord speaks of the narrow path. He does not promise everyone who wants to enter the Kingdom of God that they will enter it. He says that the Kingdom of God is taken by force. Modern man does not want to make any effort and does not force himself to anything. He wants everything to become by magic. He wants to drive in his car to the Kingdom of Heaven, where God himself will meet him, pat him on the shoulder and tell him that everything is fine, you are beautiful, nothing is required of you. But it's not.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

Used Books:

1. Hieromonk Vissarion (Zaographsky). "VANGA - A PORTRAIT OF A MODERN WITCH"
2. Hieromonk Job (Gumerov). How does the Church feel about the "clairvoyant" Vanga?
3. Pitanov V.Yu. Vanga: who pulled the string?
4. Hieromonk Vissarion: “There is no easy way to God”

Viewed (4957) times

: Vanga's "phenomenon" fits perfectly into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits.
, head of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-traditional Religions. A.S. Khomyakova: There is no need to talk about any Orthodoxy of Vanga.
, Head of the Department of Sect Studies, PSTGU: Vanga was a sorceress, she was in contact with dark forces.
proved the anti-Christian essence of the Vanga phenomenon
: Vanga is an unfortunate woman, a victim of dark forces.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov): Vanga's "phenomenon" fits perfectly into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits.

The literature on Wang is quite extensive. However, acquaintance with numerous publications surprises with its monotony. It all comes down to external events and emotional impressions. Any assessment presupposes a careful and rigorous attitude to the facts, as far as they are available. Unfortunately, even the most detailed books written by Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova are deliberately incomplete. “Some cases are so fantastic and go beyond common sense that I did not dare to include them in the book” (K. Stoyanova. Vanga is clairvoyant and healing, M., 1998, p. 9). But even in spite of such censorship, the memories of the niece, who lived with Vanga, reveal a lot.

Her parents - Pande Surchev and Paraskeva - were farmers. She was born in Strumica (Macedonia). The girl was born seven months old and very weak. According to local tradition, the newborn was not given a name until there was a firm certainty that the child would live. Therefore, the girl remained without a name for some time. The choice of name was determined by the local folk custom: went out into the street and asked the first person they met. The grandmother of the newborn went out of the house and heard the name Andromache from the first woman she met. Dissatisfied with him, she asked another woman. She told her - Vangelia.

Mother died when Vanga was three years old. Therefore, from early childhood, she was taught diligence, which remained with her until her death.

At the age of 12, an event occurred that changed her whole life. When Vanga was returning with her cousins ​​to the village, a terrible hurricane lifted her into the air and carried her far into the field. We found it, littered with branches and sprinkled with sand. In addition to a strong fright, there was pain in the eyes. She soon became blind. In 1925, Vanga was taken to the city of Zemun to the house of the blind. She learned to knit, read, mastered the Braille alphabet, and cook. These years were happy, but difficult life circumstances forced me to return home.

In 1942, she married Dimitar Gushterov. Since that time she lived in Petrich, and at the end of her life in Rupta. She died on September 11, 1996.

Unusual abilities in her began to appear even Strumice, when she lived in her father's house. In 1941, the "mysterious horseman" visited her for the second time. Since that time, her supernatural abilities began to manifest themselves constantly. Many people came to her every day. She could tell a person's past. Discover details that even loved ones did not know. Often she made predictions and predictions. People left strongly impressed. It was clear that the invisible world was not closed to her.

Man limited physical body, cannot cognize the other world on its own. Holy Scripture and the holy fathers speak of two sources of our knowledge of the supersensible world: the Divinely revealed and the demonic. There is no third. Who gave Vanga information about the invisible world? Where did this astonishing awareness come from? This answer can be found in the book of Vanga's niece: “Question: Do you talk with spirits? - Answer: They come a lot and everyone is different. Those who come and are always there, I understand ”(The Truth about Vanga, M., 1999, p. 187). The niece remembers. “I was 16 years old when one day in our house in Petrich Vanga spoke to me. Only it was not her voice, and she herself was not herself - it was some other person who spoke through her lips. The words I heard had nothing to do with what we had talked about before. As if some other person interfered in our conversation. The voice said: "Here, we see you ...", and then I was told in detail about everything that I had done during the day up to this point. I was just petrified with horror. We were alone in the room. Soon after, Vanga sighed and said: “Oh, my strength let me go,” and as if nothing had happened, she returned to the previous conversation again. I asked her why she so unexpectedly began to tell me what I did during the day, but she told me that she did not say anything. I told her what I had heard, and she repeated, “Oh, those powers, the little powers that are always with me. But there are also big ones, their bosses. When they decide to speak through my mouth, I feel bad, and then I'm like a broken one all day. Maybe you want to see them, they are ready to show you? I was extremely shocked and shouted loudly that I didn’t want to ”(Vanga is clairvoyant and healing, p. 11-12). In the second book, this story is told with slight differences. Vanga said: “When they start talking in me, or rather, through me, I lose a lot of energy, I feel bad, I am depressed for a long time” (Pravda o Vanga, M., 1999, p. 9). According to the teachings of the holy fathers and the centuries-old spiritual experience of Christianity, the feelings of oppression, despondency, which Vanga speaks of, unmistakably indicate that these forces are fallen spirits.

Other demons, which were the source of Vanga's phenomenal awareness of the past and present of their numerous visitors, appeared under the guise of their deceased relatives. Vanga admitted: “When a person stands in front of me, all the deceased relatives gather around him. They themselves ask me questions and willingly answer mine. What I hear from them, I convey to the living ”(The Truth about Vanga, p. 99). The appearance of fallen spirits under the guise of dead people has been known since ancient biblical times. The Word of God expressly forbids such fellowship: "Do not turn to those who call up the dead" (Lev. 19:31).

In addition to the spirits that appeared to Vanga under the guise of "small forces" and "large forces", as well as deceased relatives, she communicated with another type of inhabitants of the other world. She called them the inhabitants of the "planet Vamphim".

“Question: Are those extraterrestrial ships really visiting the Earth, which are called so primitively “flying saucers”?

Answer: Yes, it is.

Question: Where do they come from?

Answer: From the planet, which in the language of its inhabitants is called Vamphim. So, in any case, I hear this unusual word - Vamphim. This planet is the third from Earth.

Question: Is it possible, at the request of earthlings, to contact the inhabitants of the mysterious planet? With the help of technical means or, perhaps, telepathically?

Answer: Earthlings are powerless here. Contact is made, in accordance with their desire, by our guests” (ibid., pp. 13-14).

When a person enters into communion with fallen spirits, he finds himself in a spiritual-hypnotic state. He does not perceive even the simplest questions of common sense. Why couldn't Vanga's relatives living with her see these astronauts, who were physical beings? Where did they leave their spaceship, which also had to be a physical object?

K. Stoyanova gives various details about how Vanga communicated with the other world. And here we see typical mediumistic experiences that have been known for many centuries. “Only sometimes we couldn’t understand why our aunt turns pale, why she suddenly becomes ill and suddenly a voice comes out of her mouth, striking us with its strength, unusual timbre, words and expressions that are not in Vanga’s usual dictionary” (Vanga is clairvoyant and healing , p. 11). And another testimony: “And suddenly she spoke to me in an unfamiliar voice, from which goosebumps ran down my back. She literally said the following: “I am the soul of Joan of Arc. I came from afar and am heading to Angola. There is now a lot of blood flowing there, and I must help establish peace there.” After a short pause, Vanga continued in the same voice: “Don’t blame anyone for than this soul. She is not yours. She is no one's. The parent (our mother, Lyubka), who carried her in a trough when she carried her on her deathbed, is a witness to this. Then in an instant her soul flew away, and another soul moved into the body. Your parent recovered to continue her earthly life. But now her soul is not related to you, children, and cannot recognize you. " Again a short pause, and Vanga continues: "Your parent should visit Notre Dame de Paris, where she needs to spend the night in prayerful vigil - in this way, secrets about the surrounding world will be revealed to you "(p. 131-132). This whole speech is quite fantastic. It is only clear that she adhered to a view alien to Christian teaching about the possibility of infusing a soul into someone else's body.

From the experiments of Vanga and her statements it is clear that she was close to such theosophists as E. Blavatsky and N. Roerich. In the story of K. Stoyanova about the arrival of the writer Leonid Leonov, there is such a detail: “Vanga then had inspiration, and she spoke about the events that were fateful for his country. She made contact with a long-dead clairvoyant of Russian origin - Helena Blavatsky. We really heard amazing things” (p. 191). Theosophy of E. Blavatsky (her Buddhist name is Radda-by) is hostile to Christianity. This fact is also very revealing. When Svyatoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him: “Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions. They are encrypted, but an attentive and sensitive heart will tell the viewer the cipher” (p. 30). It is known that the Council of Bishops in 2000 excommunicated N. Roerich, E. Blavatsky and others from the Church: “The Lord judged us to live in a time when “many false prophets appeared in the world (1 John 4, 1) who come to us” in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves" (Matt. 7, 15)... The old Gnostic cults are being revived and the so-called "new religious movements" are emerging, which are revising the entire system of Christian values, trying to find an ideological basis in the reformed Eastern religions, and sometimes turn to the occult and witchcraft. Paganism, astrology, theosophical and spiritualist societies were revived, once founded by Helena Blavatsky, who claimed to possess some kind of “ancient wisdom” hidden from the uninitiated. The “Teaching of Living Ethics”, introduced into circulation by the Roerich family and also called “Agni Yoga”, is being intensively promoted.

Fortune telling with the help of a magic crystal has been known since ancient times. In modern times, Cagliostro was engaged in divination using a magic crystal. For Vanga, this was one of the main ways to find out the secret about the person who came. “Sugar is also one of the secrets of Vangin's gift, since it requires everyone who visits it to bring a piece of sugar that has been at least a few days in his house. When the visitor enters, she takes this piece. He holds it in his hands, feels it and begins to guess” (p. 189). Sugar was a kind of crystal available to everyone, which everyone could bring by holding it under their pillow for 2-3 days.

All the above facts and evidence show that Vanga's "phenomenon" fits perfectly into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits. The inhabitants of the other world revealed to Vanga the present and past of people. The future, as the holy fathers teach, is not known to demons. “Demons do not know the future, known to the One God and those intelligent His creatures, to whom God was pleased to open the future; but just as intelligent and experienced people foresee and foresee events that are going to happen from events that have happened or are happening, so cunning, crafty spirits of great experience can sometimes guess with certainty and predict the future (Vita sanct. Pachomii, cap. 49, Patrologiae, Tom 73). Often they are wrong; very often they lie and by vague pronouncements lead to bewilderment and doubt. Sometimes they can foreshadow an event that is already destined in the world of spirits, but between people has not yet been brought to fruition ”(St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). A word about the sensual and spiritual vision of spirits). Therefore, Vanga's predictions are not only vague, but also fantastic.

“In 1981, our planet was under very bad stars, but in next year it will be inhabited by new "spirits". They will bring goodness and hope” (p. 167).

“We are witnessing fateful events. Two largest leader the world shook hands. But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet ”(January 1988).

“The time of miracles will come, science will make major discoveries in the field of the intangible. In 1990, we will witness amazing archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the ancient worlds. All the hidden gold will come to the surface of the earth, but the water will hide” (p. 224).

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest.”

“Soon the most ancient teaching will come into the world. They ask me: "Will that time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!

The divinely revealed prophecies of holy men have always had salvific purposes. Through repentance and aversion from sinful life, through prayer, people were given the opportunity to avoid impending large and small disasters. So God commanded the prophet Jonah to proclaim: “Forty more days and Nineveh will be destroyed!” (Jon. 3:4). The prophet walked around the city for three days and called for repentance. “And God saw their deeds, that they turned from their evil way, and God took pity on the calamity, which he said that he would bring upon them, and brought it not” (Jonah 3:10).

In Vanga's predictions, which she made, there is some kind of fatal doom. K. Stoyanova asked her aunt:

“Question: If it so happens that you see with the inner vision given to you from above an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do anything to avoid misfortune?

Answer: No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

Question: And if troubles, and even catastrophic ones, threaten not only one person, but a group of people, an entire city, a state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

Answer: It's useless.

Question: Does the fate of a person depend on his inner moral strength, physical abilities? Is it possible to influence fate?

Answer: You can't. Everyone will pass. And only your own way ”(The Truth about Vanga, p. 11).

Vanga herself did not realize that she was communicating with the world of fallen spirits. Many of its visitors did not understand this either. A grace-filled life in the centuries-old experience of Christianity saves us from the seduction of fallen spirits, the spiritual nerve of which is the sincere and daily fulfillment of the commandments of the Holy Gospel. Such an attitude teaches spiritual sobriety and protects from pernicious delusion. “Let us refrain from ignorant, pernicious desire and striving for sensual visions, outside the order established by God!... With reverence, let us obey the establishment of God, who covered our souls with thick curtains and shrouds of bodies during our earthly wandering, separated us from the created spirits, covered and who protected them from the spirits of the fallen. We do not need a sensual vision of spirits to complete our earthly, laborious wandering. For this, another lamp is needed, and it is given to us: The lamp of my feet is Your law, and the light of my paths (Psalm 119, 105). Travelers with the constant radiance of the lamp - the Law of God - will not be deceived either by their passions or by fallen spirits, as the Scripture testifies ”(St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). A word about the sensual and spiritual vision of spirits).

Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev, head of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Non-Traditional Religions. A.S. Khomyakova: There is no need to talk about any Orthodoxy of Vanga.

“In the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, in the 16th chapter, from verse 16 and below, it is said: “It happened that, while we were going to the prayer house, we met a certain maid possessed by a divinatory spirit, who through divination brought a great income to her masters. Following Paul and following us, she shouted, saying: “These people are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way to salvation. She did this for many days, Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her,” and the spirit left at the same hour.

This text says that the woman had the gift of prophecy, divination, and she prophesied the right things - she said about the Apostles: "these people are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the path to salvation." It would seem that it is absolutely impossible to find fault with her words, but since her gift served as a means of enrichment, and we cannot understand the nature of this spirit that prophesied through her, the Apostle decisively intervenes in this situation and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ commands that the spirit left this woman.

As for Vanga herself, we cannot accuse her of some kind of self-interest, but a huge number of people fed around her, including the special services of Bulgaria and just people who led the region where she lived. It was a commercial project, which was controlled by the special services of Bulgaria. Maybe she said the right things, but the nature of this phenomenon needs to be investigated. Of course, many statements attributed to Vanga cannot be verified, but much of what is attributed to her does not correspond and even contradicts the Christian Orthodox faith.

... After all, the gift of divination is not such a gift, in the presence of which a person must be canonized. This gift can manifest itself in different ways, various influences of the spiritual world can occur, including negative ones. …

As for the fact that people go to the temple of Vanga, I saw the iconostasis of this temple - this is a completely non-Orthodox temple, and the icons in its iconostasis have nothing to do with Orthodox canons. Of course, it may be objected to me that we and Moscow are full of such churches in which this “Latin daub” is present, but in the temple that was built under the leadership of Vanga, there are not just “Latin daubs”, but faces of semi-occult content. Even just from the point of view of knowledge of the icon-painting craft, one can say that this has nothing to do with the icon.

Again, I repeat, about much of what is attributed to Vanga, we cannot say whether she said it or not. But if she really said all this, then there is no need to talk about any Orthodoxy of Vanga. Evil spirits, indeed, often influence people and, trying to win them over, tell them, sometimes, the correct information. However, they do this in order to seduce a person, so that when he completely trusts the voices, at some point they will give him completely wrong information and move him to reckless actions that will destroy him and lead his immortal soul to hell.

Alexander Dvorkin, head of the department of sect studies, PSTGU: Vanga was a sorceress, she was in contact with dark forces.

I already wrote in Athos Tales about Metropolitan Nathanael of Nevrokop (Vanga lived on the territory of the Nevrokop diocese), how, shortly before Vanga’s death, messengers from her came to Vladyka and said that Vanga needed his advice and asked to come to her. A few days later, Metropolitan Nathanael arrived and entered Vanga's room. In his hands he held a cross-reliquary with a particle of the Holy Cross of the Lord. There were a lot of people in the room, Vanga was sitting in the back, broadcasting something and could not hear that another person quietly entered the door, and certainly could not know who it was. Suddenly she broke off and, in a changed, low, hoarse voice, said with an effort: “Someone has come in here. Let him immediately throw THIS on the floor!” "What is it""? – the stunned people around asked Vanga. And then she broke into a frantic cry: “THIS! He is holding IT in his hands! THIS prevents me from speaking! Because of this, I can't see anything! I don't want THAT in my house!" yelled the old woman, kicking her legs and swaying. Vladyka turned around, got out, got into the car and drove off.

Vanga was a sorceress, she was in contact with dark forces. During her lifetime, she, like any person, could repent, and this is exactly what Metropolitan Nathanael hoped for, responding to her request. But, alas, she did not repent, and, naturally, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church treats her negatively. The witch herself really wanted to show her connection with Orthodoxy, since in this way she expected to attract new "clients". For this, she built the temple on the territory of her estate, but if you look closely, it can hardly be called Orthodox. Some external forms are observed, but the icons are terrible, the architecture is monstrous, everything is rude, clumsy, and in general everything is built around Vanga. It was supported by schismatic or openly sectarian pseudo-Orthodox groups. Anyone can dress up in a cassock, but this does not make him a priest.

Well, that someone had a godmother, so everyday Orthodoxy, in which only some external forms are observed, without connection with the content, and sometimes despite it, is even more widespread in Bulgaria than in Russia. In our country, too, sometimes unbaptized people become godparents - non-church parents invite their friends to be godfathers, without even wondering if they are baptized. The same thing often happens in Bulgaria.

But what is common between Vanga and the blessed Matrona of Moscow, I do not understand. Blindness? So Homer was blind. And the Venetian Doge Enrico Dondolo didn't see anything either. Nevertheless, he managed to lead the 4th crusade to the walls of Constantinople and led the treacherous capture of the Byzantine capital, unprecedented robbery and desecration of its shrines. Vanga was openly engaged in witchcraft, spoke about the special gift that she had after a traumatic brain injury, and took money for the reception. It was a well-established and well-established business, on which a lot of people profited - the whole environment of the Bulgarian sorceress. Blessed Matrona lay paralyzed, humbly carried her cross and prayed to God for the people who asked her about it.

Athos monk proved the anti-Christian essence of Vanga's phenomenon

In Sofia, a presentation of a book was held, which proves the anti-Christian essence of the phenomenon of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and the teachings of the so-called. "teacher" Peter Deunov.

The publication of the book, which is almost the first to present an Orthodox view of the phenomenon of Vanga, whose centenary was celebrated in Bulgaria last month, caused a lively discussion in Bulgarian society.

On March 15, at the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Hieromonk Vissarion, a resident of the Athos Monastery, Zograf, with the support of the rector of the same monastery, Schema-Archimandrite Ambrose, presented his book "Peter Dynov and Vanga - Prophets and Forerunners of the Antichrist."

At the presentation, the author of the book said that, having read a large number of reviews about meetings and communication with Vanga and Peter Deunov, he found among them numerous evidence that both mentioned their communication with dark forces. According to him, Vanga periodically experienced painful trance states and used magical techniques in treating people (for example, to cure certain diseases, it was necessary to stab a black rooster and eat its heart).

According to the author, these moments of the healers' activity are in no way incompatible with the Christian doctrine. In addition, both healers did not consider themselves servants of the Lord. Despite the fact that Vanga called herself a child of the Orthodox Church, in the temple she built, there is a deliberate violation of a number of church canons (for example, the icon-painting image of the prophetess stands in the place where the image of the Savior is usually located). In addition, Vanga recognized the transmigration of souls and other anti-Christian ideas.

The reason for the widespread popularity of Vanga and the appearance of calls, even from some Orthodox clergy, for her canonization, the author considers the consequences of anti-religious propaganda planted in communist Bulgaria, which taught people to explain phenomena that are difficult for them to understand with familiar, but devoid of their true meaning concepts.

During a lively discussion, the presentation participants spoke in favor of the need for further development of an Orthodox assessment of the life and teachings of various occult figures and the development of spiritual enlightenment of people. The rector of the Russian Compound in Sofia (the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker), Hieromonk Zotik (Gayevsky), offered to translate the book into Russian for distribution in Russia, where there is great interest in the life and prophecies of Vanga.

Hieromonk Vissarion: Vanga is an unfortunate woman, a victim of dark forces.

Interview given by Hieromonk Vissarion, author of the book “Pyotr Deunov and Vanga – Prophets and Forerunners of the Antichrist” to the newspaper “24 Hours”

- Your reverend, your book "Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and forerunners of the Antichrist" made a lot of noise.

One part of the book is devoted to the analysis of the teachings of Deunov, and the other to Vange is a modern divination. Both of them are already in the hands of God, but the bad thing is that the substitute for Christianity, called occultism, managed to introduce into society. It seems to operate with ecclesiastical concepts, but in reality it pulls people in a different direction. This trick made me write about Deunov and Wang.

And how do you explain this to people, many of whom consider Vanga a saint?

This is the fruit of an atheistic upbringing. Our people were kept in spiritual ignorance precisely in those years when the Vanga phenomenon appeared. People who have forgotten the true criteria of holiness and spirituality can be easily misled.

Society itself can find arguments in favor of whether Vanga was a saint or not. Just look at the forces with which she communicated. How did they treat her. There is a lot of evidence that they tortured Vanga.

Her fan Velichka Angelova in her book “Vanga's Prophecies - the Only Connection Between Heaven and Earth” describes cases when the aforementioned forces forced Vanga to sweep away the cobwebs at night, then undress and dress again. Senseless things. When Vanga tried to resist, they, according to her stories, pushed her down the stairs and she broke her leg. All these things show the dark nature of these forces.

God doesn't treat his creatures like that. God does not behave like a tyrant. It is well known that Vanga fell into a trance. This is not a divine state, but on the contrary: the medium (in this case Vanga) falls into a trance under the influence of dark forces that use his body as a soulless thing.

No one deliberately wants to denigrate Vanga - her fans themselves write about these things. They write because they do not understand their true nature. Velichka Angelova describes the moment when Vanga growls like a dog, threatens others, which will harm them, breaks bones. These moments show people who Vanga really was - an unfortunate woman tormented by evil forces. Many times she complained of headaches. After the trance I felt bad. All this is very important for understanding whether she was a saint or not.

“And even if she was a victim, she helped people.

This is precisely the question. This help can come from two sources. One is divine, manifested through God, saints or healing from icons. The other is a trick, because evil forces cannot attract people by preaching death and destruction. Their trick is apparent help. And people without spiritual criteria turn to people like Vanga. Vera Kochovskaya is also one of the psychics of this kind.

Where are Vera Kochovskaya and Baba Vanga now?

Unfortunately, God's word says that the sorcerers who were engaged in summoning the dead (Vanga herself said that she communicated with the souls of the dead) have a place not with God, but in a lake of fire. It is literally written in Scripture. We can trust God's word, but we have free will not to trust. However, a Christian must believe the words of God and build his life in accordance with them. The Russian archimandrite Varnava described one incident that occurred shortly after the death of Vanga. She came to her sister Lyubka and told her: “Enough, enough liturgies. Enough. They don't help me. On the contrary, I am in the darkness of hell and they are burning me.” Of course, it cannot be proven that this vision is 100% true and it shows where Vanga is now. But many facts lead to this conclusion.

Vanga had many theological errors. She spoke about rebirth, about Roerich's teaching "Agni Yoga", which was officially denied by the Church. She said that Dynov was a saint. And he was declared a self-excommunicated person from the Church, a heretic, a dangerous false teacher. She spoke about fatalism, about metempsychosis (the transition of the human soul from one body to another). In her opinion, Christ does not have a figure, but it is known that Christ took on human flesh. That is, it distorts faith due to communication with spirits. And as a result, he gets communication with the dark forces of evil.

I compared in detail the treatment used by the holy fathers with Vanga's treatment. The difference is amazing. Vanga had many magical elements. For example, if a person had an insurance neurosis, Vanga advised him to slaughter a rooster, take out the heart and put it in a bottle of wine, then eat and drink the wine. Elder Paisius said that many magicians mainly treat people possessed by demons, and whose illnesses did not occur due to natural factors, but because of dark forces.

Due to her connection with demons, Vanga could “help”, but the soul of bodily healed people turned out to be connected with demonic influence. We must look not only at what has become of the body of some people, but also at what has happened to the sinful soul. It is no coincidence that God says that people who call the dead fall into sin before Him. Is it possible to neglect God's words and start thinking with your human mind? God thinks in eternal categories, and human thought is directed to the earthly world.

A priest from Petrich announced that Vanga should be canonized as a saint

Yes, Bishop's Viceroy Angel Kochev. I deeply regret that, called to be a teacher of people in the right faith and lead them to eternity, he is trying to canonize the worship of evil, because it was impure forces that lived in her body. And instead of explaining to people what a fortuneteller, a magician and a psychic are and that these phenomena are denied by God, he tries to set evil as an example.

Prof. Svetlin Rusev says that such clergy as you are a disgrace both for the church and for the faith, and Dynov and Vanga are a gift of fate for this unfortunate land.

Unfortunately, Svetlin Rusev is a representative of an occult society that does not want to follow the voice of Christ and John of Rylsky, but bows before an occult teacher, which is Pyotr Dynov. He had claims to divinity - he considered himself either a reborn Christ, or the Father, or the spirit of truth. Deunov said: “Christ came 2000 years ago, the son came, and now the Father has come to Bulgaria” and endorses himself. Can a Christian, as he thought he was, be so blasphemous?

Dynov is essentially the forerunner of the Antichrist, because the Antichrist, when he comes, will claim that he is God. The bad thing is that enough people will be deceived by his miracles, his personality, supposedly bringing light, which in reality will cover the darkness. Dynov is dangerous because he had the natural abilities of a spiritual leader. His word was filled with power, but it did not lead to true Christianity, but to the abyss.

At the moment, there is a resurgence of interest in Eastern teachings, in the occult, and Dynov is an excellent example of just such an occult leader with proven hypnotic abilities.

The Holy Synod was repeatedly asked questions, but so far he has not expressed an official point of view on the Vanga phenomenon. Why are our spiritual teachers silent instead of showing us the right path?

Unfortunately, you are right. In important matters, the metropolitans should lead the people, not the people of the metropolitans. They must show firmness and determination. But understand that for many years the Church deliberately lost its best children.

State security agents worked in the Church and they led it in the wrong direction. Metropolitan Clement was indeed an agent of the State Security. The state security took care that people who were not always worthy of this honor ended up in seminaries and the Theological Academy. But each of us has a responsibility, including spiritual leaders. God will ask everyone why he did not do what he should have done.

We, church representatives, are not at the level that we should be, but we are part of this society. The media expect priests and metropolitans to be angels of God in the flesh. We are not angels of God, but we should try to be. Let each person look into himself before pointing his finger at the other and saying, "He has sinned, he has fallen."

But you are right that the bishops are silent for a long time about Vanga. Now I hope that there will be a public discussion on these important issues. I want the teaching of Christ to be heard. And everyone can make a choice who to believe - fortune tellers, occultists, Svetlin Rusev or the teachings of Christ. But you need to give people the opportunity to make their choice.

Much has been written about Lyudmila Zhivkova's entourage and her interest in last years life to the occult. Among the close circle were Svetlin Rusev, Bogomil Raynov, as well as Svyatoslav Roerich, who was invited to make an exhibition and even awarded. All of them are erudite creators, intellectuals, with the help of which Lyudmila Zhivkova managed culture in Bulgaria. And Vanga was close to them. Maybe the occupations of the top of society somehow affected the people?

Undoubtedly, they influenced the integral movement of the Bulgarian society towards the occult and, unfortunately, Vanga had patrons at the highest levels of power. She was the link between the occult, the dark and ordinary people, because not only party functionaries, but also people from the people went to her. And it was Vanga who was the bridge through which the dark forces entered the soul of the Bulgarian. But Lyudmila Zhinkova also played an undoubted role, and now Neshka Robeva, who is considered a positive person in society. She really has a lot positive sides You can see it in her face too. She raised our girls, who became world champions in rhythmic gymnastics and glorified our country. This cannot be forgotten. But now Neshka Robeva supports Vanga! And again we come to the fact that there is not enough spiritual education and spiritual criteria. While Old Testament categorically calls people like Vanga - soothsayers, magicians, fortune-tellers, soothsayers, psychics, etc. - a sin before God, a priest from Petrich, called by God to be a teacher, says: "Let's canonize Vanga." This shows how Bulgarian society is moving in time - towards an occult perception of events. This is my pain and that is why I wrote this book - to make a comparison between the occult and true Christianity, and let each person make his own choice.

The question of the attitude of the Church towards the soothsayer Vanga still worries society. Who was she? From whom did you receive your gift?

Until now, there are people who call Vanga a “saint”, “prophetress”, “clairvoyant”, comparing her with the blessed Matrona of Moscow and not understanding why the church recognized Vanga as a witch. People ask: “Why? Isn't she a church girl? I went to church; built a temple - it was the dream of her life", "What did this woman do wrong, helping so many people?" etc. She said: “Go and be baptized!” – as if she had never been a stranger to the Church. Hence the difficulties arise. On the one hand, she clearly declared that she belonged to the Church, and on the other hand, everything she did was completely contrary to the dogma of the Church. And this is another clear evidence that it is becoming increasingly difficult for modern man to distinguish between spirits and adhere to the true teachings of Christ. This is the fruit of an atheistic upbringing and Christian illiteracy.

Vanga and Church

Sometimes false information appears in the media that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church canonized Vanga as a saint. This statement is not true. Here is the official response to the website, received from Bulgaria.

Vanga - a new "saint" for the Russian viewer? In Russia, there is a high interest in Vanga. In the spring of 2011, a film about her was released on NTV - with a rating comparable to the ratings of football matches. Now on Channel One in prime time, that is, at the most convenient time for viewing, the series “Vangelia”, dedicated to the Bulgarian soothsayer, has been running for the second week. At the same time, the main character in the film looks almost like a saint: kind, meek, hardworking, sincerely pious.

In connection with the show on Channel One of the series "Vangelia", many people began to contact the editors of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal with questions about whether Vanga was an Orthodox Christian. The following materials clearly demonstrate that the Bulgarian soothsayer was in fact a sorceress and psychic, whose source of "inspiration" was demonic forces.

When Vladyka arrived a few days later and entered the old woman's room, he held in his hands a reliquary cross with a particle of the Holy Cross of the Lord. There were a lot of people in the room, Vanga was sitting in the back, broadcasting something and could not hear that another person quietly entered the door. At any rate, she couldn't have known who it was. Suddenly she broke off and in a changed - low, hoarse - voice with an effort she said: “Someone came in here. Let him immediately throw THIS on the floor!” "What is it"?" - the stunned people around asked Vanga. And then she broke into a frantic cry: “THIS! He is holding IT in his hands! THIS prevents me from speaking! Because of this, I can't see anything! I don't want THAT in my house!" yelled the old woman, kicking her legs and swaying.

Brief biography of Vanga (1911-1996)

Vangelia Pandeva Guscherova (1911-1996), better known as Vanga, was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumnitsa (now Macedonia) into a poor peasant family. Vanga was only 3 years old when, in 1914, at the birth of her second child, her mother Paraskeva died. After the end of the First World War, around 1919, her father Pande Surchev married a second time, to Tanka Georgieva, who becomes Vanga's stepmother. From Tanke he had three more children (Vasil, Tome and Lyubka). At the birth of his fourth child in 1928, Tanka, his second wife, also died.

When Vanga was 12 years old, in 1923, an event happened to her that changed her whole future life. When she, along with her two cousins, was returning to the village from the field, a hurricane of terrible force lifted her into the air and carried her far into the field. We found it, littered with branches and sprinkled with sand. Because of the sand that got into her eyes, she undergoes three unsuccessful eye surgeries, as a result of which Vanga completely loses her sight.

At the age of 14, Vanga is sent to the city of Zemun (Serbia) to the House of the Blind, where she spends three years of her life and studies the Broglie alphabet, music, and begins to play the piano well. The girl is taught to knit, cook, sew. At the age of 18, she is proposed to by a blind man named Dimitar, who also lives in the House of the Blind. His parents are rich, and the girl can expect a secure future. Vanga agrees, but at this time she receives news from her father about the death of her stepmother Tanka, the father calls her daughter home, as her help is needed to care for her young brothers and sister. The wedding with Dimitar is upset, and Vanga returns to his father, actively getting involved in everyday chores.

Knowing how to knit beautifully, Vanga takes orders at home, is engaged in weaving. But the money earned is not enough for a decent life, and the family lives in poverty.

Vanga's unusual abilities began to appear in April 1941, when she was 30 years old. She was visited by "a tall, fair-haired, mysterious rider of divine beauty" who told her that he would be by her side and help her make predictions about the dead and the living. Soon after that, “another voice began to be heard from her lips, which called with amazing accuracy the places and events, the names of the mobilized men who would return alive, or with whom some kind of misfortune would happen ...”. Since that time, Vanga began to fall into a trance frequently, receive more and more visitors, find lost people and things, and talk to the "dead".

In 1940, Vanga's father died at the age of 54. In May 1942, Vanga marries, at the categorical command of the "forces", Dimitar Gushterov (despite the fact that he was then engaged to another woman). Vanga's family life was unhappy, she had no children, and 5 years after the wedding, her husband Dimitar fell seriously ill (in 1947), began to drink very heavily and died in April 1962 at 42 years of age.

In 1982, at the age of 71, Vanga moved to the Rupite area, surrounded by respect and great recognition from many people. Vanga receives visitors almost until her death, at the age of 85 (she died of cancer on August 11, 1996). More than 15,000 people came to her funeral, including senior officials (presidents, ambassadors, diplomats, the entire cabinet of ministers, deputies and journalists). Such, in general terms, is the life of the world-famous soothsayer.

The appearance of the "gift"

In her youth, when Vanga became blind, according to her, John Chrysostom appeared before her, who said that she would become the first fortuneteller (strange, because St. John Chrysostom always spoke of fortune tellers as servants of the evil one). And much later, she became the owner of an unusual "gift". Many people came to her every day. She could tell a person's past. Discover details that even loved ones did not know. Often she made predictions and predictions. People left strongly impressed.

Vanga's visions began with her communication with a certain "horseman". Here is how the niece describes one of these visions from the words of Vanga: “... He (the rider) was tall, Russian and divinely handsome. Dressed like an ancient warrior, in armor that glittered in the moonlight. His horse wagged its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves. He stopped in front of the gates of Vanga's house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vanga and spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down and many people will die. In this place you will stand and prophesy to the dead and the living. Do not be afraid! I will be next to you and I will say what you have to convey to them! Who was this rider who appeared to Vanga?

The source of Vanga's "gift"

According to relatives and those who knew Vanga, she spoke about the voices that dictated the prophecies. Holy Scripture and the holy fathers speak of two sources of the gift of divination: from God and from demonic powers. There is no third. Who gave Vanga information about the invisible world? Where did this astonishing awareness come from? This answer can be found in the book of Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga's niece.

K. Stoyanova gives various details about how Vanga communicated with the other world, with "spirits":

Question: Do you talk to spirits?

Vanga: Many and very different come. Some I can't understand. Not those who now come and are near me, I understand. One comes, knocks on my door and says: “This door is bad, change it!”

Question: Do you remember anything after being in a trance?

Vanga: Not. I don't remember almost anything. After the trance, I feel very bad all day.

Question: Godmother, why don't you remember what is said during a trance?

Vanga: When they want to speak through me, I, as a spirit, leave my body and stand aside, and they enter me and speak, and I do not hear anything.

It is enough to look at the forces with which Vanga communicated to understand that they are dark.

As Stoyanova wrote, according to Vanga herself, the creatures that communicate with her have some kind of hierarchy, because there are “bosses” who rarely come, only when they need to report some extraordinary events or big cataclysms. Then Vanga's face becomes pale, she faints and a voice begins to be heard from her mouth that has nothing to do with her voice. He is very strong and has a completely different timbre. The words and sentences that come out of her mouth have nothing to do with the words that Vanga uses in his usual speech. It is as if some kind of alien mind, some kind of alien consciousness, inhabits her in order to inform through her lips about events fatal to people. Vanga called these creatures "great strength" or "great spirit."

The description of the creatures that Vanga communicates with very clearly reveals to us the world of the heavenly spirits of evil, just as it was described in the Holy Scriptures and by the Holy Fathers: the dark forces have a hierarchy; a person cannot control his mental and bodily activities; The "forces" arbitrarily come into contact with Vanga, completely disregarding her desires.

Other demons who gave Vanga predictions about the past and future of her visitors appeared under the guise of their deceased relatives. Vanga admitted: “When a person stands in front of me, all the deceased relatives gather around him. They themselves ask me questions and willingly answer mine. What I hear from them is what I pass on to the living.” The appearance of fallen spirits under the guise of dead people has been known since ancient biblical times. The Word of God emphatically forbids such fellowship: Turn not to those who call up the dead (Lev. 19:31).

In addition to the spirits that appeared to Vanga under the guise of "small forces" and "large forces", as well as deceased relatives, she communicated with another type of inhabitants of the other world. She called them the inhabitants of the "planet Vamphim" (no comment).

In K. Stoyanova's story about Vanga's contacts with the dead, there is an episode where she made contact with the long-dead clairvoyant theosophist Helena Blavatsky. And when Svyatoslav Roerich visited Vanga, she told him: “Your father was not just an artist, but also an inspired prophet. All his paintings are insights, predictions. As known, Bishops' Council of 2000 excommunicated ardent fighter against Christianity N. Roerich(the founder of the occult teaching "Agni Yoga") and E. Blavatsky(founder of the Theosophical Society) from the Church.

In addition, Vanga spoke very well of Juna Davitashvili, approved of the activities of psychics, communicated personally with many of them, and was actively involved in healing herself. As for the methods of its treatment, no textbook of magic would disdain to describe them. Here is a brief retelling of one of the many cases in Vanga's practice and her recommendations. A certain man, having lost his mind, grabbed an ax and rushed at his relatives, when the brothers tied him up and brought him to Vanga, she advised him to do the following: “Buy a new clay pot, fill it with water from the river, scooping against the current, and this water three times water the patient. Then throw the pot back to break it and don't look back!" We do not see a word about repentance and church life that could heal the soul of the sick! Healings performed by Orthodox saints have always aimed, first of all, at spiritual healing; healing the flesh at the cost of defeating the spirit is the lot of occult healers of all stripes.

In her work, Vanga often used sugar, which allowed her to see the past and future of a person. A person who came to her for advice brought with him two or three pieces of sugar, which before that had to lie under his pillow for several days. Taking these pieces in her hands, Vanga told the man about his past and future. Fortune telling with the help of a magic crystal has been known since ancient times. For Vanga, sugar was an accessible kind of crystal that everyone could bring (sugar has a crystalline structure).

All the above facts and evidence show that Vanga's "phenomenon" fits perfectly into the classical framework of experiences of communication with fallen spirits. The inhabitants of the other world revealed to Vanga the present and past of people.

Vanga herself did not realize that she was communicating with the world of fallen spirits. Many of its visitors did not understand this either. A strict spiritual life and many years of ascetic experience save us from being seduced by fallen spirits. Such an attitude teaches spiritual sobriety and protects from pernicious delusion. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), speaking about fallen spirits, says that because of their sinfulness, people are closer to them than to the Angels of God. And therefore, when a person is not spiritually prepared, instead of angels, demons appear to him, which, in turn, leads to severe spiritual temptation. Vanga had neither the experience of Christian spiritual life, nor the knowledge that could help her in a critical assessment of incomprehensible phenomena that suddenly powerfully invaded her life. The house in which Vanga lived, in her opinion, was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple. There is evidence that many people, coming to this place, felt oppressed.

Yes, Vanga was engaged in divination and some of her predictions came true, but from the point of view of biblical teaching, this fact in itself does not yet prove the spiritual purity of the source of predictions, for example, in the Bible we read about a maid possessed by “... a prophetic spirit, which through divination delivered great income for their masters” (Acts 16:16). We emphasize that the spirit of divination left the woman after the command of St. Paul, uttered by him in the name of Jesus Christ: “Paul, being indignant, turned and said to the spirit: In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. And [the spirit] went out at the same hour” (Acts 16:18). Given Vanga's sympathy for the occult and extrasensory perception, we can conclude that the same forces that feed the occult and magic acted at the basis of her spiritual phenomenon, and therefore, if Vanga had been in the place of that New Testament maid, she would have suffered the same fate.

Once, accidentally finding herself not far from the cross, which had a particle of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, Vanga demanded that it be removed from her, since she could not prophesy. It is known that if Orthodox prayers were read next to Vanga, she also lost her gift.

Church of Vanga

Vanga built a church in Rupita in the name of St. Paraskeva of Bulgaria. But not everything is so simple here either. The built temple violates all church canons. Architecture and painting belong to the famous artist Svetlin Rusev, who is a great admirer of Nicholas Roerich, which was very evident during the construction of the church. The altar and wall paintings were so inconsistent with the ideas of the Orthodox faith that some even called for the destruction of the building. The temple was nicknamed "Masonic".

Vanga herself called the construction of the church a "sacrifice". The foundation stone of the church was laid on August 20, 1992 by the then Nevrokosky Metropolitan Pimen, but it should be noted that in that year a split occurred in the Bulgarian Church, and Metropolitan Pimen was one of the organizers of this split. The construction of the church was carried out by the Vanga Foundation. In 1994, the altar of the temple was consecrated by the canonical Metropolitan Nathanael of Nevrokop, but despite this, schismatics and members of the Vanga Foundation immediately began to dispose of it. Currently, this temple has been turned into a tourist center. Interestingly, opposite the image of the Savior, there is a portrait of Vanga herself, made using the “pseudo-icon” technique, which also caused a sharp rejection of the clergy, who call such faces semi-occult.

About the "holiness" of Vanga

Today, fellow countrymen of the great clairvoyant demand that the Church canonize Vanga as a saint. People come to her grave in Rupita, as if to a saint, with prayers and requests. Their argument for the “holiness” of Vanga is the words of Stoyanova: “Vanga was chosen by Heaven. My aunt was a believing, modest woman. She observed the canons, prayed, attended church with joy. And always called for faith in God! As for the priests, they did not officially recognize her, but even the metropolitans came to her to talk about business. And she spoke the truth, even the hard-hitting.” Vanga herself, in her statements, spoke of a good attitude towards the Church and sometimes even baptized children. But Vanga did not convert anyone to Orthodoxy!

It must be emphasized that true Orthodox holiness is fundamentally different from the phenomena that we see in Vanga. Christian holiness is manifested with a full and clear consciousness of spiritual experiences, there is no violence against the will of man. The grace of God transforms a person not after natural disasters and hurricanes or after the appearance of horsemen, but after conscious Christian asceticism and observance of God's commandments. It usually takes many years of purification before the spiritual fruits begin to visibly manifest. We need moral efforts and, as Seraphim of Sarov says, the acquisition of the Holy Spirit.

Vanga is far from these conditions, how many misconceptions she has regarding the Christian faith. It is noteworthy that Vanga falls into a trance and does not remember anything after it. She has an alien voice with which she speaks, and this shows that another being inhabits her, which she herself admitted. At the moment of such an introduction, she (“the saint”) began to growl. This is not holiness, but obsession, the opposite of holiness. A person in this state does not communicate with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord, but with dark forces.

As far as the performance of miracles is concerned, miracles may not necessarily be manifestations of holiness. As we know from the lives of the saints, not all saints performed miracles. Conversely, there are many cases of miracles with an obvious lack of holiness (sorcerers, fortune-tellers, modern psychics with frankly abnormal lives, some fans of Eastern religions, etc.), which is a clear indication that these supernatural "miracles" are the work of fallen spirits.

Many people who are far from the Church and have naive ideas about dark forces (and their human servants) are deceived by the fact that Vanga often talks about God, about light, faith, Christ, love, wisdom. Vanga uses the word "Christianity" only as a screen. Under the guise of Christianity, they preach non-Christian ideas and practice non-Christian activities.

What is common between Vanga and the blessed Matrona of Moscow? Blindness? So Homer was blind. Vanga was openly engaged in witchcraft, spoke about the special gift that she had after a strong hurricane, took money for the reception (not personally, but through the fund). It was a well-established and well-established business, on which a lot of people profited - the whole environment of the Bulgarian sorceress. Blessed Matrona lay paralyzed, humbly carried her cross and prayed to God for the people who asked her about it.

There is no easy way to God and never has been. That is why the Lord speaks of the narrow path. He does not promise everyone who wants to enter the Kingdom of God that they will enter it. He says that the Kingdom of God is taken by force. Modern man does not want to make any effort and does not force himself to do anything. He wants everything to become by magic. He wants to drive in his car to the Kingdom of Heaven, where God himself will meet him, pat him on the shoulder and tell him that everything is fine, you are beautiful, nothing is required of you. But it's not.

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

Used Books:

1. Hieromonk Vissarion (Zaographsky). "VANGA - A PORTRAIT OF A MODERN WITCH"
2. Hieromonk Job (Gumerov). How does the Church feel about the "clairvoyant" Vanga?
3. Pitanov V.Yu. Vanga: who pulled the string?
4. Hieromonk Vissarion: “There is no easy way to God”

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