Magic - the god of wealth hotei - a symbol of wealth and good luck. Prayer for peace and prosperity in the house

  • 29.06.2020

Even far from Eastern beliefs, people have heard of figurines that the Japanese call "netsuke". Most often, these are images of gods that bring good luck, prosperity and prosperity to the owner. The most beloved in Eastern philosophy is the god of wealth Hotei. He is depicted as a cheerful, pot-bellied fat man holding a sack, which is why his middle name is "Laughing Buddha".

God Hotei is equally loved and revered in both Japanese and Chinese culture. In Japanese religion, he occupies an honorable place ...

Feng Shui is based on the magic square of lo-shu and bagua. Both systems divide space into nine equal parts aspects of people's lives. According to the compass school, the sector of wealth is located in the southeast, the number is four, the element is wood, the color is green, the shape is elongated upwards, rectangular, cylindrical.

According to the properties, you can use the symbols of this aspect as a feng shui talisman. For example, stick four green squares on the wall, a dollar in a wooden frame, a tree of wealth ...

Wise money and wealth.

Mudra for a "breakthrough" in the material sphere:

Who needs mudra:

“This mudra will help people in whose lives there has never been financial success, who are used to barely making ends meet.

Start your practice with this mudra. It is she who will help correct the unfavorable energy structure that programs you for poverty.

If you do not correct this situation with the help of this mudra, then neither the mudra of wealth, nor the mudra of abundance, nor the mudra will help you ...

Financial problems are one of the main obstacles to happiness. But there is an old, proven way to attract financial luck to your side, achieve success and get rid of want once and for all.

It's no secret that most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small group of people.

Watching the successes of the powerful of this world every day, many are wondering why some get everything, while others, despite the presence of talents and hard work, are forced to...

Each Full Moon has a special energy. On this day, there is an opportunity not only to admire the night luminary, but also to attract wealth and prosperity into your life.

money magic on the Full Moon it becomes especially effective due to the special energy flows emanating from the night star.

With the help of faith in one's own strengths, the energy of the full moon and proven rituals, everyone can bring financial luck to life.

Attracting money abundance in a dream

Not every ritual...

Money magic includes not only rituals and conspiracies, but also the preparation of special drinks. With their help, everyone will be able to improve their financial condition and bring prosperity and well-being to life.

The secret of cash drinks is simple: not only the ingredients are important, but also the right attitude.

The composition must contain healing herbs, which not only attract monetary abundance, but also have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The charge of vivacity and optimism received from the use of...

Many people think that there is nothing in common between business and magic. On the one hand - logic, calculation, enterprise. On the other - rituals, conspiracies, amulets. In fact, this is how people think who are not very versed in business and magic.

Everything in the Universe is subject to the same laws, and if you want to make a career, earn and increase your fortune, you need to know and follow these universal rules. And magic will help you tune in to the right wave, choose the best path that will lead ...

Palmistry allows you to divine human nature and fate thanks to the lines in the palm of your hand. Each of the lines on the palms appears for a reason - they testify to the character, personal qualities, state of health, and also report on possible problems and difficulties.

Depending on the type of lines that create the pattern, you can determine whether you are marked with the sign of Fortune and therefore money is given to you easily, whether you will receive financial stability or wealth that has fallen on your head. Or until you...

Complete collection and description: a prayer for peace and prosperity in the house for the spiritual life of a believer.

How to create well-being and financial prosperity in the family ... Or another female way to attract money to the house

I am publishing another secret of the female way to attract prosperity and well-being to the house)

Perhaps those who read more than the first article on our portal will think that I write the same thing for almost every publication. Not literally, and at the same time there is really only one meaning - this is the meaning of faith in yourself and in your strengths - or in the strength of your man)

If a woman has enough faith, then she can work miracles in the literal and figurative sense.

A woman's faith gives her the magical ability to change reality. So arranged by Nature or God - as you like.

One of the tools for creating reality - the one you want - is the use of the word - or rather, the word, prayed for centuries. Exactly the right prayer is one of the most widespread, available and effective ways female magic. If a woman has a lot of inner strength and faith, her prayer will be answered almost instantly! I write my experience and affirm again! Prayer strongly "works" for the result you need. Don't believe? Try it yourself and share your experience with others!

So, in order to attract prosperity, money and prosperity to your family, pray to St. Xenia of St. Petersburg (FURTHER INFORMATION FOR THE ORTHODOX)!

Prayer to St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg for family well-being and household needs

Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia!

As if before your tombstone fell ill and sorrow

and abie fulfilling consolations, now we (names), overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, hopefully ask: pray, good celestial,

so that our steps may be corrected, according to the word of the Lord, to the doing of His commandments, and may the godless godlessness, which captivates your city and your country, plunge us, sinful ones, into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair.

Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our heart, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life,

merciful healing of our soul and body, chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, renewal of our whole life in the cleansing bath of repentance,

as if all-praisefully glorifying your memory, let us glorify in you the miraculous, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever.

PS: Read a prayer daily and there will always be prosperity and well-being in your family in your home. In addition, I also recommend purchasing an icon depicting St. Xenia for your home.

Reading the information of the portal, as well as publishing your statements in the form of comments or reviews, remember, what TRUE is always in development. Leave room for growth in what You speak and express my TRUTH in a way that will allow others to follow their TRUTH. Respect all shades TRUTH no matter how different they are from your favorite shades. Remember: a dispute is possible only in that illusory polarity in which we live. The authors of the portal apologize to all those whose TRUTH they “hurt”…


Prayer for prosperity and well-being in the family

The prayer for prosperity and well-being is considered the most necessary prayer in any family. Everyone knows that abundance and well-being allows you to save your energy and family happiness for a long time. But what if there are problems with prosperity? In this case, prayer is needed. That's just what saints to contact with her, not everyone knows.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker, and how can he help in well-being?

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy, so they pray to him for various reasons:

  • Among the people, Nicholas the Wonderworker was also called Nicholas the Pleasant. And he became famous for treating people. They even talk about cases when a dead person came to life with the help of St. Nicholas, hence the name Miracle Worker.
  • When this man died, he was immediately canonized as a saint. After that, families who found themselves in difficult life situations began to turn to him for help.
  • It must be remembered that one can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker only with faith in him. In addition, a praying person must clearly follow God's commandments.
  • Prayer for prosperity and well-being to Nicholas the Wonderworker can help resolve some financial problems. You can also pray for health.
  • Pray to this saint and students who hope to successfully pass the exams.

How to pray to St. Nicholas for well-being?

If there is a desire to pray to the saint that money appears in the house, this should be done correctly. In no case should one hope that as soon as the words of prayer are uttered, Nicholas the Wonderworker will immediately throw a lot of money on his head. Nothing comes for free, so you have to work hard, and the saint will help in striving and point to a suitable source of income that will make it possible to live comfortably. During prayer, one should not think about anything other than what is asked. It is desirable that the goal be set clearly.

Prayer for prosperity and well-being should be pronounced only with bright thoughts, otherwise Nicholas will not help if evil can be done to someone through the money given to the saints. In order for Nikolai the Ugodnik to hear a prayer, it should be said at least forty times a day. The saint was kind and sympathetic during his lifetime, so it is advisable to donate something to the poor who really need it. It doesn't have to be money, you can give clothes or food. There is no need to hope that the money in the wallet will appear on its own, the saint loves and encourages those who try. It is advisable to pray in front of the icon, which everyone should have Orthodox Christian in the House.

Prayer words can be:

“Oh, Miracle Worker Nicholas, fulfill my prayer, but add money to me in order to raise children and provide everything necessary. I do not want them to need anything, but suffer from hunger. I want to give them a decent education and a happy future. Do not refuse help, and I will not forget your good deed. I will lead a righteous life and do no harm to anyone. I will share with the poor and will not refuse to help my neighbor. Forever and ever, amen!”

What prayer will help achieve prosperity?

There are many prayers that will help achieve prosperity. Few people can say what is the most powerful prayer for material well-being and prosperity, because any words that are spoken with faith in the soul become strong. In order to have well-being in the family, you can turn for help not only to various saints, but also to God himself, who will surely hear the prayer and help those who need it. A praying person can appeal to the Almighty not only with the help of a special prayer. You can apply on your own. The main thing is that every word of prayer comes from the very depths of the soul.

Prayer for Prosperity and Abundance:

“Beloved archangels and angelic hosts, ascended masters!

Thank you for the abundance in my life, for the opportunity to express the divine light in a way that all people can benefit from. Thank you for the peace, happiness, love that you give me. Thank you for the time and strength that you have given me so that I can realize my dreams and desires. Thank you for your financial support of my life. I reverently accept all your gifts and ask that you do not leave me during my whole life. Amen".

What role does prayer for well-being and prosperity play?

Every person should remember God and constantly turn to him with prayer. If an Orthodox Christian forgets about such simple rule, then there may be serious problems in family life.

Prayer for well-being and prosperity in the family plays an important role and will help achieve such goals:

  • Every family dreams of prosperity in the house, so it’s worth asking God for help every day, while bowing your head humbly.
  • Well-being lies not only in money, but also in the fact that spouses are faithful to each other, so a special prayer for fidelity should be said.
  • You can pray for well-being, prosperity, as well as for the health of all relatives and friends, then a person will not be afraid of any problems and hardships, and even envious people will not be able to resist.

What icon can bring prosperity to the family?

The icon should be present in the life of every Orthodox Christian. When a person prays in front of her, she is filled with prayer power, which is why any icon can be considered miraculous. It is important that a person himself believes that God will hear him. If the spouses had a misfortune, and they felt that their marriage was under threat, you should seek help from the icon and pray to her. You can pray to any patron saint, then he can become an intercessor and give wisdom in order to overcome everything.

What icons can you pray for family happiness?

In fact, like prayers, there are a lot of icons that you can pray for happiness and prosperity. So let's focus on the most important ones:

  • A prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the "Unfading Color" icon. They pray for the happiness of the Most Holy Theotokos with the hope that she will be able to take care of prosperity and understanding in the family. She will also protect the family from betrayal.
  • The icon of the Holy Trinity is strong, before which they pray for an improvement in relations between husband and wife, especially if quarrels have begun between them.
  • The patrons of strong family ties are Peter and Fevronia. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saints that the marriage be strong, and the spouses be faithful to each other and be able to overcome any grief.
  • A strong prayer for prosperity and well-being is pronounced in front of the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, which has always been a protector from serious illnesses and trials. If you turn to the holy Matrona with a request for the well-being of the family, then the saint will create a real miracle.
  • You should also pray in front of the icon, which is called "Kazan". It depicts the Mother of God, who has always been considered the patroness of small children and, of course, the keeper of the family hearth.
  • You can also pray for the well-being of the Mother of God in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". Wives who have a drinking husband especially pray before her.
  • The "Burning Bush" is considered to be a family icon. She protects from various natural Disasters and quarrels. With the help of prayer in front of the icon, you can return understanding and happiness to the family.

Orthodox prayers for well-being and prosperity must be said in worship before God, because only saints can keep peace and tranquility in the soul of believers.

How to pray to the Matrona of Moscow?

Saint Matrona lived not so long ago, and there are even witnesses who saw her with their own eyes. The Lord endowed her with great power, so Matrona can heal a person and fulfill any cherished desires. When saying a prayer, it is necessary to ask the saint to help resolve the issue that was difficult. Prayer for material well-being, prosperity is pronounced when trouble has occurred in the house or problems have arisen. It is necessary to pray before the icon and ask that the holy Matrona herself ask before the Lord God for the one who is praying, and then a miracle will happen.

When should you pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia?

They pray before the saints that love, mutual understanding and patience for each other reign in the family. The spouses during their lifetime were faithful and became the standard of a real married couple. If you pray daily in front of the icon, then you can save the marriage from divorce and prevent the spouses from committing treason.

How to pronounce a prayer in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia?

Prayer should be pronounced calmly, it is desirable to do this as a miraculous verse. In prayer, they ask that the hearts of the spouses become softer, so that the young family will always have prosperity and well-being, and also small children will appear. You can ask for satiety, mercy and kindness. Such a prayer for prosperity and well-being will certainly help young people to get on their feet and not need anything. It is worth saying a prayer every evening, only then the saints will help.

Is it possible to pray for the well-being of the Mother of God?

The Mother of God is the great heavenly queen, who has always stood up for the protection of the family. She especially patronizes women and children. A prayer is said to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity, therefore, before the icon, you should ask for the well-being of the family, pray for mercy for your children and husband, and also pray that the Lord does not leave in a difficult moment and there is always something to eat on the table in the family.

If you pray to the Mother of God every day, then this will be a guarantee that the family will be able to live happily ever after, and its days will not be overshadowed. It is worth praying to the icon humbly, then peace and tranquility will always be present in the house. A correctly pronounced prayer in front of the icon and with a candle will enable the spouses to be faithful until the end of their days, and their house will always be filled with well-being and children's laughter.

How to pronounce the prayer to the Mother of God correctly

The prayer to the Mother of God for well-being and prosperity is especially strong, therefore it must be pronounced according to all the rules:

  • You should contact the saint not only when there is a need to ask for something, but constantly visit the temple on holidays that are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At these moments, her spirit is most powerful.
  • The Pokrov is considered a particularly important holiday. On this day, any request that will be addressed to God and the Mother of God will be crowned with success, but to ask Holy Virgin must be humbly.
  • A girl who comes to a feast dedicated to the Mother of God and defends the service will be able to receive everything that she asks for in return.
  • It is necessary to read a prayer in the morning, so that later the whole day will be a success and please only with pleasant events. The patron saint will be able to give happy years family life.

“Blessed Lady, take my family under your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good. Do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, all evil conditions, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and we will collectively and separately, clearly and secretly, glorify your holy name always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

As you can see, there are a lot of prayers for well-being and prosperity, and it doesn’t matter at all which saint to choose. You can pray in front of the icon to any saint so that he asks God to come down and fulfill the request. It is important to set goals correctly and not wait in the end for everything to come true on its own, as you will have to make a lot of effort yourself. After all, only for perseverance and diligence will a person be rewarded according to their merits. In no case should you pray and think about your problems, because God will not be able to hear such petitions, but on the contrary, will refuse to help, because it is important that prayer comes from a pure heart.

Three strong prayers for money

Prayers help not only improve health and avert trouble. With faith, you can return prosperity to the house and attract abundance.

Many people think that praying for money is a sin. After all, Jesus Christ was not rich, and many Saints also managed small. The church constantly mentions that wealth leads straight to hell and makes people sinners.

Actually it is not. There are many prayers to the Lord God and his saints for prosperity in the home and financial well-being, and many successfully apply them in their lives. After all, money gives the opportunity to live happy life, make your dreams come true, as well as help those in need along the way and just make the world a better place. Of course, in addition to financial prosperity, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your desires.

Three strong prayers for money

These prayers are addressed to three saints who have already proven their ability to work miracles. If you are sincere in your request and stop wishing others harm, your prayers will be answered and abundance will become an integral part of your life. These three prayers are effective helpers, and you can choose any. The main thing is that your choice falls on the saint with whom you feel the strongest connection. And to do right choice, read more about saints in our religious section.

Monetary prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

She is a good help in any matters related to real estate, as well as in solving legal issues. You need to read it every morning for a week, or until you get what you want.

Saint Spyridon, be glorified! During your lifetime, you helped the disadvantaged and the weak. Worked miracles and delivered from poverty. Your name is on everyone's lips, for you help even after your death. I also beg you for help. Protect me and my family from poverty and want. Save and increase our finances. Send us abundance and wealth. Amen.

Prayer for money Matrona of Moscow

Everyone knows that Matronushka helps everyone who comes to bow to her. But it is not necessary to go to Moscow, it is enough to buy a small icon for the house and read a prayer in front of a lit candle.

Mother, mother, I trust in you with all my heart and soul. You are the one who helps the needy and stands up for the poor. send me in the house of prosperity and abundance, but deliver me from greed and all kinds of sins. I beg you for help and ask for abundance of money so that there is no grief and poverty in my life. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for wealth and prosperity

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I beg you for help. Please be strict with me, but fair. Send me prosperity and abundance according to my faith and save me from mistakes. Give me the wisdom to manage my money wisely and attract opportunities that give me financial freedom. I trust in you, for you help everyone who asks. May your name be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

Apart from money prayers, there are also prayers for good luck, which can not only in money matters, but also in any other vital issue. However, remember: for your requests to be heard, you do not need to sit at home and wait for insight. Move towards your goal, even in small steps. But that's the only way you can get what you want. Believe in yourself, think positively and don't forget to press the buttons and

Mindset of lack

The essence of this template is that in my family it is customary to help and throw all resources to the aid of those members who are suffering. In principle, the template is good, and it is clear where it came from. Apparently, the clan repeatedly experienced hard times and supported its members with all its might when they had a hard time. good strategy survival and preservation of the power and greatness of the family, until it is perverted to such an extent that it turns into a farce.

The perverted idea looks like this: having realized the benefits, family members began to pretend suffering and compete in every possible way to who is worse in order to draw resources to themselves. At first it was a completely conscious game, and then it moved into an unconscious pattern of self-perception not only in the family, but also in the whole world. And this is a worldview of lack, poverty, misfortune, which literally leads to the fact that the bearer of such a worldview lives in eternal negativity, suffering, lack of resources, and at the same time blames others for this happening, because he feels like a victim of circumstances.

Here is an overview of the worldview of lack. The next article will be about how to get out of this.

From the comments:

The worldview of lack has a very interesting nature. In conditions of external lack (war, crisis, famine), it allows the family to survive, thanks to the efficient distribution of resources, creating the necessary level of prosperity for all members of the family. But in conditions of external well-being and stability, when there are more than enough resources in the external environment, the accustomed worldview slows down enrichment and creates a lack of resources within the clan itself. People who try to get resources by presenting their suffering to their loved ones are simply wasting the existing resources of the family, instead of acquiring new ones. And new resources are very reluctant to go into the hands of depressed sick sufferers - rare owners of such a worldview become successful businessmen or leaders. Thus, the worldview of a lack just exists only in the conditions of a lack, the only question is who will create this lack: external factors or members of the genus itself.

In March 1928, a daughter, Zulfiz, was born in the large family of Adiya and Mukhamatgayan Sagadiev from the village of Urazgildy.
In March 1928, a daughter, Zulfiz, was born in the large family of Adiya and Mukhamatgayan Sagadiev from the village of Urazgildy. At that time, much in the village was done manually, father and brother were nearby, Zulfize was not so hard. She studied at school. But first the First World War broke out, and then the Great Patriotic War. Father and seventeen-year-old brother Fatih went to the front.
Zulfiz's parents lived together. Seeing off to the front, Adiya told her husband about the pregnancy. “Give birth. While I am at war, the child will grow up,” he said. The child was born, grew up, but never saw his father - in 1942 the funeral came. Adiya was left alone with six children in her arms. “I still remember how my mother wept bitterly behind the stove,” recalls my interlocutor.
At the age of 13, Zulfiza began to work - she harnessed a horse and harrowed the collective farm fields all day long. The horses are hungry, lie down on the ground from fatigue and do not get up. Emaciated children, women and old people - the collective farm rested on their shoulders. Since childhood, Zulfiza worked in the harvest, knitted sheaves, learned to weave bast shoes. And at the age of 15, the girl was sent to the Sverdlovsk region for peat harvesting. And communication with the family was interrupted for a long time. 500 grams of bread, boiling water, cabbage soup were given out per day, and the working day was from 9 am to 9 pm. If you lose your bread coupon, you remain hungry. Upon returning home, Adiya barely recognized her grown daughter, who worked from hand to mouth, and dropped the poker from her hands in surprise. Mother and daughter wept for a long time hugging each other. Zulfiza learned that the younger brother Hamza had died - he had been poisoned by rotten potatoes. “I would feel better if you were by my side. I didn’t see, I didn’t save my son, ”the mother sobbed.
Hunger teaches a person patience and compels to steal. With a stick, through the gap between the floorboards of the granary, Zulfiza dug out and brought wheat home in her fist. “Mother roasted the grain and ground it in a mortar. She brewed a spoonful of flour in a glass of boiling water and fed the children. The whole family wove bast shoes. Minnegali's older brother traded them for potatoes. One day, my sister got lost. They searched the whole village. She returned only in the evening. It turned out that she went to the villages and begged for alms. Then my little sister in canvas pants brought six potatoes,” recalls Zulfiza ebi.
Just think: Zulfiza worked as a groom for three years, and when a tractor was brought to the village, she worked as a plow. At the age of 17, she married her beloved boyfriend. Soon the son Vladislav was born in the family. In 1961, when the child grew up a little, Zulfiz moved to the regional center, where she got a job as a saleswoman. She was given a room in apartment building. The girl with a four-year education was not at a loss: at first she counted in a notebook, over time she learned to use abacus. She worked at the store for 26 years until her retirement. Zulfiza Mukhamatgayanovna was awarded the title "Veteran of Labour".
In life, as they say, anything happens. By the will of fate, Zulfiza broke up with her first husband. With the second Mincaïr they built a house.
The son grew up, began to live an independent life. Zulfize Ebi was lucky with her daughter-in-law, who still cares and respects her mother-in-law.
90-year-old Zulfiz Gayanova had to endure a lot: the death of her relatives - the wife of Minkair, the only son, mother-in-law. She also accompanied her 65-year-old mother Adiya on her last journey. Each of them died in her arms.
At one time, Zulfiza Ebi was a skilled needlewoman: she knitted, embroidered, and wove rugs.
Today, Zulfiza Mukhamatgayanovna lives in abundance. With the daughter-in-law Gulchachak Akhnafovna, they share both joys and hardships together. Only an orphan childhood, difficult youth do not give rest to the heart and are remembered again and again. “Let there be peace and prosperity,” a wise woman wishes everyone.
Farzan Ismagilov.
Photo of the author.

Codes of money and wealth Nadezhdina Vera

This world is a world of money, a world of wealth

I am part of this world.

It will always contain

Lots of money for me.

I choose wealth.

God said so.

In the name of God.

Have you ever wondered why money goes into the hands of some people, while others, no matter what they do, still have no money or have very little? It would seem: you are working, trying to put off savings, but ... the result is sad ...

However, there are methods and techniques for attracting money! You will say that now there are many books on this topic and you have already tried a lot of advice, but there was no result, and no. There are a lot of books, but all of them do not agree on the nuances: you will never learn to work with the energy-information interaction of the energy of money and your energy on your own and many, many others.

What can you learn by reading this book? Here you will find the whole range of esoteric techniques: feng shui, astrology, magic, folk signs, psychological exercises and technology. You will learn about recognized techniques. It's not that hard to do them. All this knowledge is universal and can be used by anyone who is determined to turn their dreams into reality and really become rich. If you seek to know all the secrets of money and attract them to you - carefully read our book.

If you decide to start a business, then the conspiracies, rituals, rituals given in the book will bring you unprecedented commercial success with fabulous profits, and if you don’t want to start anything, then the use of these conspiracies will bring unexpected bonuses into your life, an increase in earnings , lottery winnings and other monetary gifts of fate.

The mystical relationship between man and money is a kind of ritual, which, according to ancient manuscripts, should be daily and regular. Money is an extremely mysterious substance that is beyond good and evil, not subject to the concepts of human morality. Money serves only itself, serves only itself, and has nothing to do with human joys or sufferings. Since they appeared in this world, a person has been trying to subdue them, but more often everything happens the other way around. It is pointless to love or hate money, serve it or despise it. The only and reasonable thing is to establish a neutral relationship with money: you do not interfere with them, they do you. If you have definitely decided to improve your relationship with money, try following these recommendations for several months.

This text is an introductory piece.

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From the book Teachings and Instructions of my grandmother Evdokia author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Leaving this world I have long been convinced that life after death does not end. Many years of experience and the teachings of my grandmother firmly established my consciousness and faith in God. Even those of my readers who used to allow themselves to doubt whether God exists, after they began to read and

From the book Superman speaks Russian author Kalashnikov Maxim

From the book Understanding Processes the author Tevosyan Mikhail