How to pass the second stage of registration for public services. The main stages of identity confirmation in public services

  • 20.10.2019

Before using the portal of state options via the Internet from home or from the office, you must go through the simple process of obtaining an individual section. This manipulation of account creation is worth exploring in more detail. Solving the question of how to register on the State Service website to an individual, can be done by different methods - simplified, standard and with the help of confirmation. The most important thing is for the applicant to prove their identity. If you plan to deal with more serious issues through the portal, you cannot do without authorization. This requires a separate article; here, the rest of the methods and options will be described, which are characterized as simplified.

When implementing, you will need to fill in only three main fields - mobile number, name and surname. After the graph is filled in correctly, the corresponding button is simply pressed. After that, the system automatically sends a link or code to the mail or phone.

If a phone number was specified, in the next form you will need to enter the code sent by the system, that is, a combination of digital indicators. Then the Continue button is pressed and the question of how to register on State Services ends. If everything was entered correctly, if the system correctly confirms the mobile number, on the next page you will be asked to come up with a password, enter it twice in the line. You need to be careful here, since the composed password will need to be used for subsequent entries to your section.

If a postal address was specified, for complete completion you need to follow the link sent to the mailbox. After that, you also need to set the optimal password.

At this stage, the operation is considered complete. Thereafter, the person can enjoy a wide variety of preferential services that do not require proof of identity. To receive numerous information services, this form of personalization is quite enough.

How to create a personal account in the State Services: registration?

To get your section at your disposal, only passport data are important, as well as an official certificate of pension insurance, that is, the SNILS number, which consists of eleven digital indicators. At the same time, you will need to enter an email or phone number in the form.

Everyone independently decides which registration on the State Services is more suitable. Any method chosen has special advantages and each of the options does not take much time.

State services register by SNILS number

Many, when creating their section, choose SNILS as an identifier. After receiving a message on the phone regarding the successful registration process, the system will automatically send it to the form for filling in its information. Among the main ones, one can note the SNILS number and passport data.

As soon as a person has entered his data into the form, after checking them, the recording level will be automatically increased, that is, it becomes standard. After that, a lot more varied functionality opens up.

Information from the passport and SNILS should be entered as accurately and carefully as possible. Once entered, everything is submitted for automatic verification, which happens immediately after the Save button. After that, the registration of an individual for State Services in the personal account is completed.

If you do not enter such information and go directly to the data page, a person will see information that a special list of services is available for him for a simplified entry. It will also describe the main benefits for individuals of a more thorough confirmation, which is characterized as a confirmed record. If it is carried out, it will be possible to use more advanced services, for example, issuing a passport.

How to register an individual in a personal account on the State Services?

If the client goes through the standard solution to the question of how to register in the State Services, the site administration will start checking the entered data. The information indicated by the person is sent for automatic verification to the FMS and the Pension Fund. The results of the check can be found literally in a few minutes. In special situations, the check can take more than a day, which happens quite rarely.

As soon as the procedure is completely completed, a message will be sent to the specified phone or to the designated mail with the results of the verification performed.

The status is immediately marked on the resource. After the client becomes the owner of the standard account... After the process is completed, it will be possible to use, albeit a limited, but rather useful set of services, for example, making an appointment at a clinic and handing over the rights to a car.

Register on the State Services website

Another method of obtaining a profile is by using a registered letter. Unlike a more basic operation through confirmation, here a person will not be able to access the office of a modern taxpayer. The completion of such a process as registration in the State Services is carried out not using a mailbox or mobile, but a letter sent to the postal address. The code will be sent by the official by registered mail.

Notification of its receipt will come in mailbox, it is important to go to the office with your passport and notice to pick it up. On average, a letter takes about two weeks from the date it was sent. You need to find the appropriate link on the site and go to it. Here you will need to enter the address where the letter should be sent and activate the link with the word Order. After receiving the code, you will need to enter it in the field on the main page with information. The step-by-step instructions are quite simple.

Approximately one day after sending a registered letter to the specified address, a service will automatically be available for the client to check his status. Tracking is carried out on the tracking mail website.

Gosuslugi portal personal account login and registration

Regardless of the solution to the issue of how to register for the State Services ru on the official website, after the operation is completed, a certain set of high-quality functionalities will be available. Confirmation is a check mark on the page regarding the creation of an account. In certain cases, a person receives a message on the phone regarding the successful completion of the operation.

After receiving the page in its section, a reliable and at the same time not difficult password is created for entering. When carrying out the operation, the invented code and login are entered into the intended form, the mail or mobile number specified when creating the account will act as it.

If the password from the entry was accidentally lost, you will not have to register again without any problems and quickly enough to recover it. Here it will be important to send the corresponding request using the link, after the system will send a code or link to prepare for restoring access.

State services registration of an individual: required documents

It should be borne in mind that it is completely impossible to start the creation of a section and complete it if the necessary papers and certificates are not available. Without fail, when asked how to register on the website of the State Service of an individual, the setting data from the passport, standard SNILS, are prescribed. If a pension insurance policy is not available, registration can be done through the MFC. You need to have a mobile phone for SMS confirmation, active Email.

The operation to create an account will be carried out according to the above-described scheme. As a supplement, you just need to create and obtain a confirmation account of the official head of the company or enterprise.

This can be done through the use of a digital electronic signature of the company. The operation takes an average of 5 minutes. After receiving the section at the disposal of the company executives get access to various government organizations and companies that support small and medium-sized businesses. Access to modern banks and financial institutions, to collect documents.

How to register a child on the State Services?

Full manipulation is not provided. The child is allowed to create a simplified profile, directly linked to the account of one of the parents, an adult new user. The reason is that in serious matters and when contacting the relevant departments, decisions will be made by a legal representative. To register such a profile, you must follow the steps:

  1. A transition is made by the link leading to the state portal.
  2. The necessary columns are filled in for entering information as an individual. We are talking about infe, like name and surname, patronymic, mobile number.
  3. After entering, you will receive a confirmation letter or SMS with the code required to activate a new profile using the snls number.
  4. The code is copied and entered in your personal account.
  5. Come up with and register a password for entering the account.

It should be noted that the child is allowed to open one profile linked to the parent's account. Separate registration on the State Services portal of an individual is not provided, it is impossible to register a child separately.

Summing up

To carry out the registration process for individuals on the portal, it is allowed to use different variants actions. Everyone is different characteristic features and advantages, opens up different levels of functional services to customers. Any chosen method, and the entrance will not take long, which is important for modern man and for registered users.

Step-by-step guide with pictures

In our age of computers and mobile phones, the Internet more and more penetrates our daily life... It's not only computer games, searching for various information, creating and promoting all kinds of websites in various directions, buying goods, tickets for trains and airplanes, and so on ... This is also getting detailed information about government services, and, what is most attractive, getting the services themselves.

Now you will not surprise anyone with such terms and expressions as e-government, e-services, website (portal) of public services. Receive government service in in electronic format can both ordinary citizens and legal entities... This greatly simplifies life, saves time and effort.

Most of the citizens of Russia are already confidently using the services of electronic government, since they are experienced users of a personal computer, they can go to any website and easily perform the necessary actions. Most, but not all.

There is a category of people who may be "over forty-fifty-sixty" who did not study computer science at school at one time (simply because such a subject did not exist in the school curriculum). At present, they have not yet fully mastered the computer, but they have a great desire and need to take advantage of the benefits and conveniences of civilization.

It is for such a circle of visitors to our site that we are planning to write a series of articles devoted to all the subtleties and possibilities that the State Service portal gives us. We will try to present information in a popular form, in a simple and understandable language for an inexperienced user. First, let's figure out how to register on this very, probably, the most popular and necessary portal in our country.

Public services: registration on the portal step by step

Look background information on the website of public services you can even without registration. The list of services will open after clicking on the "SERVICE CATALOG" button, where all kinds of services are located by category, for example:

  • VISAS,
  • and many, many other categories.

The main page of the site of public services looks like this:

At the top we see the SERVICES CATALOG (what was said above), and on the right is the ENTRANCE TO PUBLIC SERVICES window.

It must be said right away that registration, or in another way it is called "creating an account", consists of three stages:
- creation Simplified account;
- creation Standard account;
- creation Verified account.

The first two stages are mandatory, the third stage is at the discretion of the registrant. Later it will be clear what opportunities it gives Verified account.

So, we start slowly, step by step, the process of your registration on the website of public services.

    On the right side of the main page, we see the "LOGIN TO THE STATE SERVICES" window, in which there are two buttons "LOG IN" and "REGISTER". Press the button "REGISTER", the page "REGISTER" opens.

    We carefully fill in the information indicated in the rows of the table, namely: Surname, Name, Mobile phone number or e-mail. We carefully read the information written in small print at the bottom of the table. After checking the filled in information, we press the button "REGISTER".

    The page "REGISTER / Phone number verification " The program checks the availability and ownership of the phone number you specified and sends an SMS with a confirmation code to your phone number.

    Enter this code in the field labeled "Code" and click the "CONTINUE" button.

    If the code is entered correctly, the "REGISTRATION / Create password ". We create our password for the future entrance to the site of public services. Password requirements are indicated on the page (at least 8 characters, uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, numbers and other characters). If there are not enough characters, the system will indicate that the password does not meet the security requirements and will ask you to complete it.

    After you have entered the password in the first field, we strongly recommend that you write down the created password on a piece of paper, so that when you enter the password again in the second line, you can surely check its correctness.
    We enter the password (checking with the piece of paper) AGAIN in the second field below (this is done for verification in order to eliminate typos when writing the password). Next, click the DONE button. If the password is written correctly both times, a message appears that the registration for the first stage was successful, that is, it was created " Simplified account".

    After 3 seconds, the system goes to the next page.

    On it we will fill in the basic information to create " Standardaccount". First, fill in the fields" last name "," first name "," patronymic "(if you have one) and" gender ".

    The surname and first name are filled in the appropriate fields automatically (since we entered them into the database earlier), the corresponding record is entered in the "PATTERNITY" field. If you do not have a patronymic, then nothing is written in the field, and under the field in the box it is noted, "NO PATRONY." By clicking on the icon, select the gender "MALE" or "FEMALE".

    Next, we fill in the information in accordance with your passport or other identity document - date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, identity document, series and number of the document, who issued the document, date of issue of the document. When recording dates, we follow the recommended format.

    On this page, it remains for us to fill in the code of the department that issued the passport or other document and the SNILS number.

    SNILS number (Insurance number of an individual personal account) is indicated in the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, which every citizen of the Russian Federation has. After entering all the data, press the "SAVE AND CONTINUE" button.

    The system proceeds to the page for checking SNILS and passport data. Before checking this data, you already have "Simplified Account".

    Verification usually takes up to 15 minutes, but sometimes it can take up to 5 days. If the verification results are positive, a message will appear on the page that you have completed creating "Standard account".

    If the verification results are negative, a message will appear that the verification failed and you will be prompted to double-check the information and enter it again.

    After automatic verification of the information by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a notification of the results of the verification will be sent to your email address.

    On the same page on the left, you can enter your additional contact information and the numbers of your documents for further use. In the future, this will simplify the work on the website and in the personal account.

    At the bottom of the page on the right, you will be asked to get full access to all e-government services, including access to the personal account of the Tax Service, for which you need to complete the identity verification procedure, in other words, get "Verified account"... There are several ways to obtain such a record. The easiest of them is to contact the Service Center, having with you Required documents(passport, SNILS, etc.).

    The addresses of the nearest Service Centers and their location on the map can be viewed after pressing the button "FIND THE NEAREST SERVICE CENTER".

    After clicking this button, you can open the list and addresses of the nearest service centers,

    And also see their location on the map.

    Choose the option that is most convenient for you and confirm your account. The identity verification procedure takes only a few minutes.

As you can see, the registration procedure on the website of public services is quite simple and everyone can register independently, having access to a computer and the skills to work on it.

Why do we need full registration on the State Service website? In order to facilitate the receipt of many documents and bulk useful information without long trips to the relevant government agencies, without queues.

For example, it can be obtaining a passport with an electronic chip (for 10 years) or without a chip (for 5 years), replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, replacing driving license due to the expiration of its validity period, registration Vehicle, making an appointment with a doctor, in Kindergarten, to school, as well as issues related to taxes, etc.


The registration procedure on the State Services portal is also called: register, register, register, create (create) a personal account of public services, electronic cabinet of public services, create an account, create an account.

How to register on the State Service website? The step-by-step instructions below include 3 (three) steps:

  • simplified account,
  • standard and
  • verified account.

To have access to all the features, you need to go through all three steps and eventually get a verified account.

The login and password from a confirmed account on the State Services portal can be used to enter the PFR (Pension Fund of Russia) website.

In other words, once you confirm your account on the State Services website, you can then use the same username and password to enter the PFR website.

You will need an email or mobile phone. If you use e-mail for registration, then any mail that you have, that is, any e-mail, will do.

  • When registering on the State Services portal, you need to enter your e-mail.
  • After that, a letter is automatically sent to the specified e-mail.
  • You need to go to your mail,
  • find this letter there,
  • click on the link in the letter, and thereby confirm that you are the owner of this mail.

If you do not have your own mail, you can create one. I wrote in more detail about how to create an account (mail) in Yandex.

Instead of mail, you can specify your number mobile phone... In this case, your mobile phone should be at hand, because an SMS with a confirmation code will automatically come to your phone. This code will need to be entered on the State Services website to confirm that you are the owner of the phone.

Simplified account

Rice. 1 Beginning of registration on the website of the State Service

1 and 2 in Fig. 1 - For registration, enter YOUR real surname and YOUR real name. My last name and first name, as shown in fig. 1, it is NOT necessary to enter.

The mobile phone is optional. If you specify a mobile phone number, then in the long term it can help out great if, for various reasons, suddenly there are problems with entering the State Services website. The mobile phone number is usually the easiest way to restore access.

3 in Fig. 1 - no errors, we carefully type OWN e-mail. If you enter an e-mail with an error, then the letter to confirm your registration on the State Services portal will go to the wrong place.

We press the blue button "Register" (Fig. 1), a message will appear:

Rice. 2 Email confirmation message

You should never postpone the confirmation of your registration, as they say, did the job, walk boldly. Therefore, we immediately go to our mail and look for a letter there to confirm registration on the website of public services. The letter will look something like this:

Rice. 3 Letter to confirm registration on the website of the State Service

We open a letter to confirm registration:

The letter reads, in particular:

“On your behalf, an application has been submitted for registration in the Unified System of Identification and Authentication of Electronic Government Infrastructure.

To complete registration, you need to confirm your email address and provide a password. "

In this letter (Fig. 4) we click on the long link, and thereby confirm that the email is ours and that we have access to the mail.

Password for Public Services, example

You shouldn't come up with a simple password like your date of birth or something like 12345, it gets cracked instantly. Better to use

Rice. 5.0. We use the generator for the password on the State Services website. It is better to write down the password in a notebook.

  • in the generator above, check the boxes to use numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and specials. symbols (red number 1 in Fig. 5.0);
  • set the number 8 as the password length (number 2 in Fig. 5.0);
  • click on the "Create password" button (3 in Fig. 5.0);
  • we get not one password for State services, but password options to choose from. By the way, you can make small changes to the suggested passwords yourself. It is better to write down the password or save it, for example, in your browser.

The proposed options are reliable, but it is impossible to remember such a password if you do not write it down.

Rice. 5. Create a password to enter the website of the State Service

One and the same password must be entered 2 times (Fig. 5) and click on the blue "Finish" button. A message will appear: “Registration was successful. In 3 seconds you will be taken back to the portal. "

This password is sometimes called the ESIA code, which means the password for entering the State Services portal. You don't need to tell anyone about it.

Congratulations, the first step for registration in the State Services has been made! You now have on the State Services portal simplified account... And there was access to services that do NOT require mandatory identification. The number of such services is limited.

Access to information on taxes, pensions and most other necessary services will appear only after confirmation of the identity, that is, full registration is needed on the State Service website.

The State Services portal reports that:

Simplified an account allows you to receive reference and information services.
To gain access to additional services, upgrade your account level by completing the following fields in your profile:
- floor;
– ;
- passport data.
The data will be checked online (this can take from a few seconds to 5 days), and additional services will become available to you: checking traffic fines, making an appointment with a doctor, registering a trademark and many others

Standard account

After entering the password, the system automatically transfers to the window "Filling and checking personal data" (Fig. 6).

If for some reason you could not immediately fill out your profile, you will then have to separately enter the State Services portal into your personal account, and then fill out your profile.

To fill in this data, you will need:

  • SNILS (insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and
  • the passport,

it is advisable to prepare them in advance.

By the way, if in your profile you still decide to indicate your mobile phone, then you will need to confirm it first with the ESIA code - this is your password to enter the State Service website, and then an SMS code is sent to your mobile phone for confirmation.

Rice. 6 (click to enlarge). Filling out and checking personal data on the State Services portal before verifying identity

  • 1, 2, 3 in Fig. 6 - we print our last name without errors, our first name and patronymic, if any;
  • 4 in Fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 4. In the menu that appears, click on "Male" or "Female";
  • 5 in Fig. 6 - click on the small calendar, select the month, date and year of birth. Date of birth can only be entered using the calendar. You cannot type it manually "from the keyboard";
  • 6 in Fig. 6 - the place of birth is entered as indicated in the passport;
  • 7 in Fig. 6 - SNIL - an abbreviation for "Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account", issued by the Pension Fund (PFR). Below in Fig. 7 shows where in the Insurance Certificate of the Pension Fund to look for your SNILS;

Rice. 7 Where to look for SNILS

  • 8 in Fig. 6 - citizenship can be entered by clicking on the small triangle in field 8. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the appropriate option;
  • 9 in Fig. 6 - click on the triangle in field 9. Select an identity document from the menu that appears;
  • 10 in fig. 6 - we print the series and number of the passport or other identity document. Enter all numbers (series and number) in a row, without spaces, for example, 4008123456;
  • 11 in Fig. 6 - the date of issue of the document must be selected using the small calendar in field 11;
  • 12, 13 in Fig. 6 - enter "Issued by" and the subdivision code exactly as it is written in the passport or other identity document;
  • 14 in Fig. 6 - After entering the data, we check everything again, after which we click on the blue "Continue" button.

A window will appear (click on fig. 8 to enlarge):

Rice. 8. Notification that verification of personal data is in progress

The verification of personal data for the State Services portal takes place at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and at the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Migration Service). It can take several minutes, and in some cases - up to 5 days. If you do not want to wait for the end of the check, the page can be closed. You will receive a notification about the completion of the check by e-mail, that is, by e-mail.

If you do not close the page and wait until the end of the check, then after that, in the window in Fig. 8, the message "Verification of your personal data is completed" and the button "Re-enter" will appear.

If you close the page, you will be able to continue working with the State Services portal using the link in the letter that will come to your e-mail after the end of the check.

Verified account for full registration

State services full registration will be obtained only after confirmation of identity. First, we make a decision on which to choose the method of identity verification from the three options that are offered on the site. Click on fig. 9 to enlarge it, the second click on fig. reduces it.

Rice. 9 Proof of identity on Public Services

Number 1 in Fig. 9 - “Apply personally. Confirmation at the time of visiting one of the service centers. " Read more about this method below, I chose this option.

Confirmation of identity with a code from a letter from the Russian Post

Number 2 in Fig. 9 - "Receive a confirmation code by letter".

The code will be sent to you by registered mail via Russian Post.

Before choosing this method, it is worth keeping in mind the following information from the official website of State Services:

"Attention! For confirmation, we recommend that you contact in person! We draw your attention to the fact that using the code to confirm the identity from the letter, you will NOT be able to access the taxpayer's personal account on the portal. Also, the letter will need to be received at the post office.

The service is provided free of charge.
Average delivery time is about two weeks.
Re-sending the ID verification code is possible no earlier than 30 days later. "

If you choose the option with a confirmation code by letter, then, as can be seen in Fig. 9, you should enter your postal address with a zip code and click on the blue "Deliver" button. If you forgot the index, click on the link “Don't remember the index?”.

The option with a confirmation code means that the postman will send a notice that a certified letter has arrived in the mailbox. Then, with this notice and a passport, you will have to go to the post office to receive a certified letter. And then enter the received confirmation code on the State Services website. If the notification is lost or the letter does not arrive, you will have to re-order the receipt of the confirmation code no earlier than 30 days after the first application on the State Services for obtaining the code.

As you can see, you still have to go to the post office with a passport, although the postman can throw a letter into your mailbox. I decided that it would be easier and faster to go straight to the post office with a passport and verify my identity. True, not every mail can do this, in more detail below.

Identity confirmation at MFC, Rostelecom and using CEP

In cities where there is MFC (Multi-Functional Centers) or Rostelecom offices, you can get a confirmation code by going there in person.

If you are unable to enter the confirmation code received at the MFC or Rostelecom on the State Services website, then

CEP Is an abbreviation for " Qualified Electronic Signature».

Number 3 in Fig. 9 - as you can see, confirmation of identity on the State Services can be passed using an electronic signature on a USB flash drive or UEC (universal electronic card). Issuance of a UEC card and its issuance are free of charge for all citizens of the Russian Federation. It allows you to use government, municipal and commercial services online, in electronic form.

The advantage of the option with the electronic signature of the CEP is that it is an instant confirmation of identity in the State Services, as well as the fact that some services require the user to have an electronic signature. The downside is the need to issue and receive an electronic signature or a universal electronic card.

Confirmation by personal appearance at the Russian Post

It may seem that it is enough to take a passport and go to your native post office. But this is not the case. In July 2015, the contract between the Russian post office and Rostelecom ended, and since then, not all post offices have managed to conclude a new contract. Therefore, first, you have to search for a post office in Russia or a branch of Rostelecom, where they provide such a service as identity confirmation for the State Services portal.

When you register on the State Services and select the "Apply in person" confirmation option (1 in Fig. 9), then the State Services website automatically offers available options for your location: first comes the closest option, and then more distant options.

Attention! It only makes sense to verify your identity if you have completed a profile on the State Services website, passed its verification and you have a standard account. With a simplified account, there is no point in verifying your identity, nothing will work.

To confirm your identity, you need to take your passport with you.

At the post office (or at the Rostelecom office), it must be said that you need to verify your identity on the State Services portal. After that I was given a piece of paper (fig. 10, click on the fig. To enlarge it), in which I have to write in two copies:

  • surname,
  • type of document and its number,
  • date,
  • signature.

Rice. 10 Identity confirmation form issued by mail

The postal worker checks the passport, looks on the computer that you have a standard account on the State Services portal and clicks on something. Confirmation by e-mail and sms is sent to your mobile phone immediately. For example, I didn’t have time to move away from the window in the Russian Post, when I heard an SMS message, I also thought that it’s necessary, how fast everything works.

Rice. 11 (click on the picture to enlarge). Public services full registration: Message by e-mail about the confirmation of the account.

Public services full registration is now complete!

How to enter the State Services after registration

Registration on the State Services portal is done once. After that, you will only need to enter the site, but not registration.

Rice. 12 (click on the picture to enlarge). Button "Login" to State Services

We click on the "Login" button, we get:

Rice. 13 We enter the phone or mail, as well as the required password to enter the State Services

After entering the phone number or mail (e-mail), as well as the password, you automatically enter your personal account, which will be eloquently evidenced by the surname in the upper right corner on the State Services website (Fig. 14).

How to leave the website of the State Service

Rice. 14 Button for leaving the website of State services

You must exit the State Services portal NOT by the red cross in your browser, but using the special Exit button (Fig. 14). It is located in the upper right corner on the State Services website, next to your last name.

If you move the mouse to the button (circled in a red frame in Fig. 14), a pop-up inscription “Exit” will appear. Click on this button, exit - this is the correct exit from the State Services website.

Where to contact?

When switching to a verified account on the State Services website, some users have problems, for example, that such a SNILS already exists, and there are enough other problems. Where to go in such situations?

In such cases, you should contact support on the State Services website, because it is there that the database with customer data is stored. Employees of the State Services website can look at their database, what is the problem of this or that client. Most likely, an employee of the State Services can immediately solve the problem, or at least offer some way out.

Support coordinates ( feedback) is available on the State Services website, below, in the basement of the site. In order not to look for them, I give these contacts below:

Feedback on the State Services website by e-mail: [email protected]

If you write email, describe your situation in as much detail as possible so that you will be understood correctly and helped to solve the problem.

Can call Gosuslugi, choose the option that suits you:

8 800 100-70-10 - toll free in the Russian Federation,

7 499 550-18-39 - for residents of Moscow or at the operator's rates,

115 (for calls from mobile phones) - free of charge in the Russian Federation.

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After registering with the State Services, everyone can quickly and free of charge use online state and municipal services:

  • Social security (social support, benefits, issuance of certificates to large families, registration of those in need, information on receiving social assistance);
  • Housing and utilities (maintenance and payment of subsidies,);
  • Education (informing about the USE and passed exams, informing citizens about free and affordable education, the electronic journal "");
  • Healthcare (making an appointment with a doctor at a polyclinic, obtaining information about the medical care provided);
  • Family and children (, or);
  • Passport, visa (, and residence permit);
  • Transport (, obtaining a driver's license,);
  • Urban planning services (build a house, issue documents for land);
  • Taxes (tax arrears, registration of individuals, acceptance of declarations).

After completing the procedure, go to home page and through the search box enter the service that you would like to use.

A personal account will help control and make payments of any kind and be aware of the appearance of debts to the state (instructions for working with the cabinet).

To use the service via the Internet, you need to go through authorization by a mobile phone number, and find out what types of accounts there are. There are several types of account:

Simplified- without access to government services. It requires a full name, contact number and email address;

Standard- many state. services are available. You must enter in your personal account SNILS and the series, number, date of issue of the passport or other identity document. All this information is checked by the migration services, as well as by the pension fund. Only after such a check will you receive a notification.

Confirmed- with the ability to use all types of services.

How to register on State Services: step-by-step instructions

The portal allows citizens to use the services of state organizations without queues, being at home at any time of the day. You need passport details, mobile phone number, email address, and proof of identity. To use the state service, you will also need to fill in the empty fields with SNILS data. The entire procedure for filling in the data is carried out in stages.

Simplified registration on the site

We go to the single portal of State Services, click "Register" and fill in the blank lines. At the initial stage of simplified registration, you will need to enter your phone number and email address. Fill out carefully, then confirm the registration using the sent code.

At the second stage, after confirming the data, you will need to compose a password, you need to enter it twice click "Login" (done). It will be used to enter your personal account. Please note that the portal will require you to create a complex password using upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers and symbols.

The fixation of the simplified type of scientific record is over. Now a citizen can use information services, as well as services that do not require identity verification.

Standard registration on the site

At this stage, the user will need to add identity documents. We get to the page with filling in personal information (name of the registration document, passport, SNILS).

After verification, this stage will allow you to use the standard package of state services. All personal information is recommended to be entered carefully, then you need to send it for verification by clicking the "save" button. If you have a simplified account, you can enter basic information by clicking on the "Fill in profile" button.

Data verification is performed automatically within 15–20 minutes.

So, you have received a standard extended account, when authorizing you can use different kinds services.

We confirm the identity

For full use, you will need not just a computer with the Internet, but also a verified account. You can get it using several methods, let's consider them in order:

  1. Using the received personal confirmation code on the portal from the letter. In this case, you will have to wait a long time for the letter.
  2. Self-service visit to the service center;
  3. Using an electronic signature.

Personal visit

A personal visit is a visit to one of the service centers in your city: Rostelecom offices, Russian Post offices or MFC. Be sure to bring your passport and SNILS with you.

To identify a close office, you need to click the blue button "Find the nearest service center", so you will find out not only the address, but also the working hours. For example, let's introduce the city of Kazan. Let's get such an image.

After visiting and establishing your identity, you need to re-enter the portal to update the list of services.

Registered letter of the Russian Post

The user receives a registered letter with a code at the Post Office at the address of residence. The user must present a passport and a notice. Delivery of such a letter with a personal code is approximately 2 weeks from the date of sending.

On the personal data page, you need to click "Confirm identity by registered mail". You will need to indicate the address where the notification will be sent.

A registered letter can be tracked by the track code. After receiving the letter, you must enter the code in your personal account on the first page of personal data.

Electronic digital signature

A quick way to establish an identity is to use an electronic digital signature (EDS) or a universal electronic card. Click "Electronic signature or UEC", then attach an EDS to the computer and log in.

Enter the activation code

After receiving the code in any of the above ways, enter it in the window to confirm your identity. If the code is entered correctly, such a window will appear.

If the account is confirmed, you will be able to use the entire package of government services, and you will also be informed about various innovations. In your account, you will see a message about the successful completion of the account confirmation process.

Thus, you will become a part of the ESIA system, you will be able to quickly issue foreign passports and obtain visas, pay state duties and find out if there are tax arrears, and much more. After passing through three stages, an SMS message will be sent to the mobile, with congratulations on successful registration on the portal.

Video instruction registration of an individual:

Is re-registration available?

It is possible to re-register on the State Services if the account is completely deleted. Complete the procedure in correct sequence and enjoy the convenience of e-government. If the old profile is not deleted, when trying to add documents, an error will appear informing about the impossibility of registration, since the documents have already been uploaded to the portal. If you are already registered, but forgot your password or login from personal account, see our instructions for restoring access. If you have a serious problem, contact technical support for assistance.

Using the portal will help save time, which is wasted in queues in stuffy corridors. The State Service Portal was created for simple use services of state organizations by citizens of any age. You can use it whenever you want, at any time of the day or day of the week. Say no to long queues, register on the official portal of State Services.

Electronic services have significantly expanded the capabilities of Internet users. When solving everyday issues, we can quickly receive the necessary information through the network, select and pay for purchases, order goods and services. Access to these services is carried out with minimal identification of the client's identity. Even if there is a leak of information, this negative event will not cause much harm to the user. Evaluating all the advantages of online services, government agencies also decided to use the capabilities of the Internet for the prompt and comfortable provision of administrative services to citizens of the Russian Federation. For these purposes, the website of the State Services has been created. The problem of protecting information related to the online activity of users was solved by introducing a special regime for confirming identity on State Services. How to go through such an enhanced identification, further in the review.

The procedure for confirming identity on State services

Official instruction on how , how to verify your identity on the State Services is contained on the website itself, in the section " FAQ". According to this manual, a user can get full access to all services of a resource only if he:

  • will register on the State Services website;
  • will issue all three levels of access for their own;
  • will confirm his identity in one of the ways offered on the State Services.

Before full passage all stages of identification, the user will have the right to use only some services, but this access is very limited and the number of services is minimal. The more personal information a client needs to use when providing him with an administrative service, the more high level identification must be obtained by the user.

Therefore, if you intend to maximize interaction with federal and municipal authorities through the e-government website, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through a full procedure for confirming your identity through specialized points of State services. By the way, this is not difficult at all. The only difficulty the user has to be prepared for is the long time frame. The entire procedure can take several weeks. It will not be possible to verify your identity in one day.

What personal data will be required for confirmation

Before starting the identity verification procedure, the user must register on the site and access forms for entering personal information. For initial registration, you only need to specify your email address or mobile phone number. After entering these data, it will appear on your Public Services, and in this office you can add information about those your personal documents that will be needed to receive a number of administrative services:

In order to receive information about traffic violations, about existing ones and be able to pay these obligations online, using only the functionality of this service, you need to enter the following personal data:

  • date and place of birth of the user;
  • registration and residence address;
  • SNILS;
  • your passport details.

After specifying all the necessary information, your account will acquire the status of a standard account, and you will have access to much more services than when working with a simplified record.

Important! After entering information about yourself to activate a standard account, the information entered by the user is sent by the State Services for verification to Pension Fund RF. If the PF RF confirms that the correct information has been entered, then the user will be able to proceed to the identity verification procedure. It takes up to 3 working days to check the PF.

Identity confirmation on State services

The highest level of protection of user personal information is necessary when a visitor through the State Services performs actions related to the acquisition of personal rights or the performance of personal duties. These actions include registration permits, calculation and payment, obtaining a passport and much more. In order to completely close the issue of standing in queues and in the future to receive most of the administrative services with a few clicks of a computer mouse, you must go through the entire identity verification procedure on State Services once.

You can proceed to the identity verification procedure immediately after receiving a standard account. The user can personally find out how to verify the identity on the State Services by going to the third step of identification on the website:

By clicking on the icon with available ways confirmation, the user will get acquainted with detailed instructions on confirmation of the selected option. So, by choosing a service center, a site visitor will be able to obtain information about the nearest nearby regional centers dealing with identity verification for State services:

This method offers confirmation of identity on Public Services through the MFC. To confirm your identity, you only need SNILS and a passport. After checking the applicant's data (the passport data indicated on the website is checked against the original document), the center operator will give him an activation code (ESIA - one system identification and authentication).

The user independently, using the received code, confirms the identity in his account on the State Services website. No additional confirmation is required.

The procedure for confirming identity in the State Services by mail is carried out in a similar way. A representative of the ESIA system works at each post office, who is authorized to verify the data of applicants, identify the person and issue an activation code. The difference between this procedure and identity verification through the MFC is that the user must first select this method on the site and indicate in a special form that he wants to receive the code by registered mail and which branch of the Russian Post is convenient for the applicant to receive this code.


According to the official instructions on the State Services, the user goes through the procedure for confirming the identity of the e-government website only once. However, if the passport is lost, the confirmation will need to be repeated, since the information of the new document will not coincide with those entered in electronic system, and this circumstance can lead to documentary confusion, which in the end will cause you to lose time and money.