Rosa hybrid tea Eddie Mitchell. Rose Eddy Mitchell (Eddie Mitchell) - my fabulous rose

  • 16.06.2019

There are varieties of roses whose beauty is not too obvious. Someone exalts them appearance to heaven, showing sincere admiration, and someone cannot understand what their opponents found special, albeit in noble, but nondescript colors. A variety with an unusual name Eddie Mitchell just falls into this category.

History of creation

The original variety appeared in 2008 thanks to the activities of French breeders. Specialists obtained a hybrid by crossing three varieties of the queen of flowers: Madame Antoine Meilland (abbreviated as Mme. A. Meilland), Epidor and Yakimour. The tea hybrid was bred at the Meilland Nursery, named after the family that created it. The variety is named after French show business star Eddie Mitchell. Other rose names: Garden Director Bartje Miller, MEIrysett, The RSL Rose. She also has more picturesque names: Black Gold (Black gold), Dark Night (Dark night).

Appearance description

Eddy Mitchell is a branchy shrub up to 0.6 meters high. At good care the maximum value of this parameter reaches 0.85 meters. The width of the bush usually does not exceed 60 cm. Its stems are hard and strong. The leaves are quite large, dark green, with a glossy sheen and serrated edges.

Eddie Mitchell experts refer to the group of so-called "black" roses. The reason is the unusual color of its flowers: a shade of dark red velvet at the beginning and middle of flowering, it changes to almost black by the end of this vegetation phase. At the same time, the reverse side of the petals is designed in milky yellow or even golden color scheme. The flowers of this variety are large: from 8 to 10, maximum - 12 cm. They have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell, which is almost not felt. The shape of the buds is goblet. They fall apart one after the other. From 1 to 3 flowers appear on one stem, but sometimes more, especially with age - up to 5-7 pieces on the peduncle. The hybrid blooms profusely, almost continuously throughout the spring-summer period. Refers to re-flowering varieties. The culture is not afraid of cold weather, is highly resistant to diseases of a bacterial and fungal nature, especially powdery mildew and black spot; to the rains.

Agrotechnical features

The plant should be placed in places where there is a lot of sunlight. However, exposure to direct rays should be avoided so that ugly burns do not appear on the petals and leaves. Eddie Mitchell refers to varieties of roses that, in principle, feel good in partial shade. In the area with a flower there should be normal air circulation. This will protect the plant from pest attacks.

The best time for planting is late spring, a short period from late April to early May. But you can do planting a flower on household plot and in the fall, the main thing is to do this some time before the start of frost. The soil for Eddy Mitchell should be loose, fertile. Her hydration should be regular, 2-3 times a week. Under each bush, pour at least 1 bucket of settled, slightly warm water. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced and completely stopped by mid-October.

Like any varietal flower, Eddie Mitchell needs periodic top dressing. Fertilizers are applied under the rose bush from April to August inclusive, alternating nitrogen-rich organic matter with mineral complexes rich in potassium and phosphorus. The first is necessary for good growth and development of culture, the second - for abundant flowering.

Regularly remove faded buds, dead and diseased shoots from the plant. Carry out weeding.

Use cases

Eddy Mitchell has every chance of becoming the queen of your flower garden, if you sympathize with her. The variety will decorate a flower bed and any garden composition. Just keep in mind one nuance: in order for the French diva to stand out against the background of other inhabitants of your garden and, moreover, other varietal roses, combine it in plantings with plants that give flowers of lighter shades. Eddie Mitchell is also suitable for cutting. Velvet flowers can stand in a vase with water for more than 10 days without fading.

Good time everyone. We are talking about a fabulous rose. According to fairy tales, we have heard a lot about flower fairies, and so I had to face a delightful creation of magic. The variety was bred in France in 2010 by pollinating the Madame A. Meilland x Yakimour hybrid with pollen from the Épidor variety. The bush is vigorous, 60-80 cm high and 30-70 cm wide, with dark green glossy foliage. Flowers 8-12 cm in diameter, petals with inside dark red (almost black), velvety, golden yellow on the outside. the number of petals is 27-35.

Gorgeous, sophisticated, royal flower.

A small digression into the story that is told .And now the training is coming to an end. And today I did the exam paper. A little secret. One photograph of a flower is sent for the exam. And my task is to reproduce it myself as accurately as possible. Those. choose a fabric, color, make a pattern, a diagram and assemble it so that it looks as similar as possible. Three months ago, this was not thought or dreamed of. All students have different assignments. So I got this rose, and then how many experiments can be done and created with it in different stages flowering. I hope to learn.

and what i got

Of course now I love her more than all roses.

The rose is made of Japanese fabrics: cotton velvet, satin and petals are duplicated with hagoroma shah gold fabric, using the Japanese Tanjobana school flower-making technique

Exam passed.

Thank you all for your patience and feedback. I wish you inspiration, a wonderful autumn, excellent mood, health and happiness. And I don’t say goodbye to everyone yet, but I won’t appear soon.

Yours sincerely, Svetlana


It is important to choose the right landing site. 6 hours of direct sunlight per day is necessary for your plant to be the most hardy and produce more flowers.

It is advisable to plant in the ground where there have never been roses before. In the event that old roses are still growing, you need to carefully remove all the roots, and also change the soil, at least 40 cm deep.

Dig a hole 40x40x40 cm, loosen the bottom by adding organic fertilizer there: old manure. For very light soil, it is recommended to use soil with a lot of clay (20-30%) to retain water.

To do this, in order for the seedling to take root well, always cut the branches before planting, leaving only 4-5 cm. Never touch the roots. If you have a rose in bud or in bloom, trim the shoots back 50% of their length to make the bush stronger and easier to root.

The grafting site should be 2-3 cm below the ground. Corgis should be either vertical or horizontal, but should never curl up. If the soil is light, bury the roots in moist and sticky soil. Place the bush in the hole and loosen the soil well around the roots. Make an indentation around your bush. This recess will retain water during irrigation.

Water abundantly until the soil is completely saturated. Repeat watering after 24-48 hours. Roots must be kept moist.

Protecting rose bushes

In our climate zone, planting should be done in spring or summer. If you plant late, you need to make a protective hillock so that the entire bush or its individual branches do not dry out.

Watering and fertilizing

With drip irrigation, water at the rate of 10 liters per week for 1 seedling (1 watering per day). Normal watering: Water generously 1-2 times a week. It is necessary to check whether water is retained in the recess made around the seedling.

Roses should be fertilized once every two weeks with liquid rose fertilizer. Thanks to this, roses throughout the season feel great, look healthy and bloom very profusely.


Bush formation:

Grandiflora, floribunda, romance and miniature roses should be pruned lightly in the fall, just before frost (leave 50-60 cm), then cut very low after the last frost in spring, leaving 5-15 cm (on large shoots) to encourage new shoots with lots of flowers.

Climbing roses at the end of the season are long and thick stems that need to be well protected from frost. It is necessary to carefully bend them to the ground, without cutting anything. In the spring, it is necessary to raise these stems and cut off the small shoots that grew last season (retreat 1 eye from the base of these shoots). Large shoots must be bent down, because if they are all tied to trellises, then there will be very few flowers.

Landscape roses do not need to be cut or covered for the winter. If they have grown too tall in a few years, you can cut them back to your desired height.

Rose Eddy Mitchell (Eddy Mitchell) is a variety hybrid tea variety. It blooms with velvety flowers of extraordinary beauty, reminiscent of exquisite burgundy French wine. The outer side of the petals is painted in golden color, which makes the rose aristocratic. Thanks to the unusual contrasting colors, the Eddie Mitchell rose became the queen of the gardens, attracting admiring glances.

The flowers of the rose are quite large, very attractive, their size reaches 12 cm in diameter. On the stem can show off from one to three flowers, exuding a light pleasant aroma. Rose bush 50-60 cm high, up to 40 cm wide, strewn with thick, dark green glossy foliage.

At the very beginning of the flowering of a rose, the petals are perfectly folded in the shape of a glass, enveloped in gracefully curved lower petals. After some time, the middle of the flower becomes visible, the petals turn brown.

A photo

History of occurrence

Eddie Mitchell rose is native to France. She appeared in 2008 by crossing a tea and repair rose.

This one is awesome beautiful flower was named after the remarkable French singer, songwriter and actor Eddie Mitchell.

Differences from other types

Flower Eddie Mitchell very favorably with other types of roses. In addition to its extraordinary beauty, it tolerates rain very well, while its flowers do not deteriorate. The plant is winter-hardy, rarely susceptible to disease., harmoniously fits into any landscape design.


Rose Eddie Mitchell refers to re flowering plants. It blooms profusely all summer until mid-autumn. In the first year of a plant's life, it is undesirable for it to bloom early.

It is better to cut the buds before August. Then leave only 2 flowers on the shoot, then in next year the rose will please with a very violent flowering.

Annual abundant flowering can be achieved by cutting the flowers before they finally wilted.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Mitchell looks great even in the smallest garden. It can become the main chord in a flower garden or mixborder.

This variety of roses will fit very harmoniously into a variety of landscape styles:

  • rural country;
  • classical French;
  • sophisticated modern;
  • English landscape.

Choice of landing site

Rose Eddie Mitchell is so beautiful that it is better to plant it in places with good overview from home to admire it. She does not like scorching sunlight, so the afternoon shade is ideal for her. In the sun, the plant quickly fades due to burns on the petals..

Properly selected planting site will help maintain the health and attractive appearance of the rose. If the plant is provided with proper air circulation, then it will not be affected by diseases and pests.

In the lowlands, the flower will feel uncomfortable, from stagnant cold air and waterlogged soil, it can get sick and die.

What should be the soil?

Rose needs fertile, breathable soil. Clay soil must be improved by adding sand, peat, humus and compost. Sandy soil is not suitable for the plant, so clay soil with humus is added to it. The rose feels best in slightly acidic soil. To acidify insufficiently acidic soil, manure or peat is used. Ash is added to reduce acidity.

Landing and temperature

Eddie Mitchell rose is planted in the spring, most often in April when the earth warms up to +10 degrees. To do this, they dig a hole to a depth of about 60 cm and pour crushed stone, pebbles and gravel into it with a layer of 10 cm, then comes a layer of organic fertilizers. The earth is poured on top. Before planting, it is recommended to hold the seedlings in the Heteroauxin solution so that the plant takes root faster.

The seedling is lowered into the ground, and the root neck should go into the soil by 3 cm, the roots are covered with earth. The flower must be watered immediately. The earth must be poured if it has settled.

The plant tolerates low temperatures well., down to -23 degrees and belongs to the 6th winter stability zone.


Watering a rose is a must, especially when there is a drought. The bush requires about 15 liters of water at room temperature 2 times a week. By the end of the summer period, the plant needs less and less watering. In autumn, it can not be watered at all.

top dressing

The choice of top dressing for roses depends on the time of year.. In early spring, it is better to use complex fertilizers that contain phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Rose nitrogen is needed in spring and summer, when intensive growth of leaves and shoots occurs. Phosphorus and potassium are important for the plant during the formation of buds.

The last time the flower needs to be fed in mid-September. From organic fertilizers, rotted manure is very suitable.


Pruning is done in order to form beautiful bush , or in order to achieve a lush flowering of the rose. Produce it in the spring, when the buds swell. Pruning happens:

  • Weak (long). Represents the removal of faded parts. Applied during the summer.
  • Strong (short). Only 2 to 4 buds are left on the shoots. It is performed in the spring after planting a rose and to rejuvenate existing bushes.
  • Average (moderate). On the shoots leave from 5 to 7 buds. This pruning provides early abundant flowering. Spend it in the spring.

In the fall, pruning is also necessary to thin out the bushes and remove damaged shoots.

Preparing for winter

Roses need to be covered for the winter., but it is better not to do this up to -7 degrees so that the plant can adapt to winter. Before shelter, the flower must be prepared: cut and spud at the base. It is better to spud with garden soil, humus or compost.

Spruce branches are ideal for hiding roses. Then a wire frame is installed above the plant at a height of 30 cm or metal profile, the insulation and film are stretched. In spring, the flower must be ventilated. A strong increase in temperature should not be allowed so that the kidneys do not start growing ahead of time.


This type of rose is propagated by cuttings.. Cutting occurs as follows:

  1. Choose healthy shoots 5 mm thick.
  2. Cut the shoots with secateurs into segments (each should have from 3 to 5 buds). The upper cut should be 2 cm above the kidney, and the lower one under the lower kidney.
  3. Remove leaves from below completely.
  4. Before planting, treat the lower cut with Epin.
  5. Plant the cuttings in the ground and water.

Diseases and pests

The flower is highly resistant to rose diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot.

Still better for prevention. in early spring treat the bush with a systemic fungicide Fundazol or Topaz, copper sulfate is also suitable.

Hybrid tea roses are adored by pests:

  • pink earwig;
  • spider mite;
  • rose aphid and thrips.

To combat them, insecticides Aktellik and Inta-Vir are used.

Thanks to proper care for a flower, now the queen will bloom in your garden - rose Eddie Mitchell, an exquisite aristocrat with a delicate smell of French perfume.

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According to fairy tales, we have heard a lot about flower fairies that transform forests and gardens. So we were lucky to come across a delightful creation of magic. Charming hybrid tea rose Eddy Mitchell (Eddy Mitchell) will eclipse with its beauty rivals in your garden.

The bud is blooming roses Eddy Mitchell 8-10 cm in diameter, acquiring a magnificent dark velvety red color with milky yellow reverse side petals, later the rose becomes almost black. Primarily rose Eddie Mitchell blooms profusely, after the number of roses becomes uniform. Flowering is long, during the whole season the buds bloom one after another.

The height of a spectacular rose reaches 70-80 cm with glossy dark green leaves. According to our observations hybrid tea rose Eddie Mitchell much blooms longer than other black roses. Cut flowers do not fade for a very long time and delight others with their appearance. Variety Eddie Mitchell pleases with excellent resistance to diseases and dew, excellent winter hardiness. If you are going to arrange a fairly large flower bed or you need to plant roses in a spot in the garden in any of the combinations, you are perfect rose variety Eddie Mitchell.

Rose seedling root systemEddy Mitchell (Eddy Mitchell) for shipment to the customer, it is packed in an individual package of peat mixture wrapped in a film, so that your seedling will come alive and full of strength.

Order and buy rose seedlingsEddy Mitchell (Eddy Mitchell) You can click the "Add to Cart" button and place your order.

Packing type: rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in foil, labeled with the variety. Permissible shelf life in the package without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions up to 3 months.

Sending orders with rose seedlings is made in the autumn and spring planting season (shipping restrictions in accordance with climate zone customer).