The meaning of the name Taisia ​​for a girl according to the church. The name Taisiya: characteristics, history of appearance, influence on the character and fate of a woman

  • 20.10.2019

The name of a person is one of the many facets of his karma. Each newborn, along with this set of fateful sounds, on a subconscious level, receives the characteristics of his "I". After all, it is not in vain that extras officially announced the similarity of personal and even external qualities of people with the same names. Today we will try to uncover the secret of the name Taisiya, learn about its interpretation, historical meaning and numerological interpretation.

Origin and meaning of the name

Each human name has a powerful energy charge that has accumulated over thousands of years from its various carriers. Until now, the tradition has been preserved to name children in honor of great people, behind whom a trail of luck, fame, success and aspirations for new achievements stretches.
It is this message that becomes for an inexhaustible source of self-confidence.

Did you know? It has been noted that every time the Moon is in the circle of its radiance on Taisiya (October 21), the following summer is dry and hot..

Delving into the historical intelligence of various sources, many today are confused about what nationality and faith the name Taisia ​​belongs to. To your surprise, even with a scrupulous analysis of clear boundaries, you will not find here.

He is equally revered by Orthodox and Catholics. Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans, in particular Greeks, call their daughters Taisia. Today, compared to the Byzantine era, this happens much less frequently. But still the name has survived to this day since the 5th century.

There is an opinion that Taisia ​​is a name with Greek roots and means "wise" in translation. Martyrs are highly revered in Christianity.
According to religious narrations, in the 5th century there lived a great sinner and a harlot with that name, after the persuasion of St. John, she sincerely repented and publicly burned everything acquired by sinful deeds.

The woman doomed herself to an ascetic lifestyle and died in the gates of Egypt, posthumously she was elevated to the rank of the most blessed saints.

When St. John persuaded Taisia, who had fallen into debauchery and fornication, to return to beneficence, he took her into the wilderness. There the sinner had to pray and repent. But she died the first night.

The elder decided that the poor fellow had gone to another world without receiving the Lord's forgiveness. Suddenly, he heard a voice that announced to him Taisiya's sincere repentance and God's forgiveness of her.

Along with these beliefs, other researchers put forward an assumption about the African origin of the name. There are prerequisites that this is a dedication to the Egyptian goddess Isis, who for many was the embodiment of femininity and motherhood.
She protected her patrons from the water and air elements, was considered the protector of sailors. In many Orthodox sources, the meaning of the name Taisiya is interpreted as “fertile” or “late”.

Name Forms

In official documents, the full name will be written "Taisiya" or "Taisya". It will sound similarly at baptism. But loved one you can call Tes, Taya, Taisa, Asya, Tusya, Tisa, Tasya.

From these forms, many derivative pet names are obtained: Taiska, Tayuta, Tayushka, Tayusha, Taska, Taichonok, Tayuta, Tayunya, Tusechka, Tusenka, Tasena, Taisyushka and others.

The declension of the name is made, according to the spelling, by analogy to identical final forms. For example: Oksana, Svetlana,. It should be noted that, apart from Taisia, some directories of female names provide information about the existence of an official full form Taya.

In such cases, case variations will have similar endings as , .

Did you know? Usually, typhoons and hurricanes are assigned female or male names, but an exception was made for the name of Princess Diana.

Angel Day, name day

By church calendar Taisia's name day is celebrated on April 4, May 23 and October 21, the meaning of the name for the girl is associated with two patrons: Saint Blessed Taisia ​​of Egypt and Reverend Taisia.

Name in different languages

Regardless of the place of residence, nationality and religion, women with this name are characterized by wit, charm and prudence. They are considered patient and serene, but in fact these are deceptive traits, behind which impulsiveness, secrecy and practicality are hidden.

Many will say that this is a self-confident nature who seeks to veil her shortcomings and beautifully presents her virtues.

These character traits of all the owners of the name Taisiya correspond to the analysis of individual existing sound combinations, which in general means a karmic component.
If these women have identical characteristics, then, regardless of their place of residence, the name will be spelled and sound the same.

For example, in English, Spanish, Polish and German, the name sounds "Taisia". Its Chinese 塔伊西娅 (Tài Xī Yà) variations are different from the Japanese タイシヤ (Tasiya). In Ukraine, it is written as "Taysia".

The nature and fate of people with that name in history

Famous people who were able to reach certain heights in any field are always models for inheritance. Therefore, many parents awaiting the birth of a daughter are interested in the fate and success of outstanding personalities named Taisiya, their character, potential advantages and disadvantages for their child.

Among such celebrities, the Soviet theater and film actress Taisiya Litvinenko has always been a bright person. She made her way to her Olympus of fame and recognition with perseverance and determination.
Thanks to these qualities, the talent of an ordinary rural girl from Cellars, in the Kiev region, was learned far beyond the borders of the country. She played her first roles while still a student at the Kiev State Institute named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary.

Today she is a theater director, theater teacher and People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Behind her, she has several hundred theatrical and film roles, productions and awards. The actress was awarded the Order of Princess Olga (I, II, III degrees).

Important! Astrologers say that spring Taisii are considered the most unfortunate, since they are not able to switch from the world of their far-fetched dreams to harsh reality. As a result, they cannot establish a personal life.

Career success, recognition and fame overtook the opera singer, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Taisiya Buntseva. Her dramatic soprano is still remembered by many fans. And the woman was remembered as a public figure, teacher and professor at the Kharkov Institute of Arts named after I.P. Kotlyarevsky.
Stubbornness, tact, correctness and diplomacy are characteristic of the Soviet singer Taisiya Kalinichenko, and the Russian actress Taisiya Vilkova, and the artist Taisiya Shvetsova. These personalities walked with firm steps towards their goals and reached their peaks thanks to assertiveness and a penchant for risk.

Those who know them speak of them as very charming figures of Soviet culture, who are characterized by business acumen, excessive energy, exactingness and intolerance.

What this name means for a woman can be traced by life path athlete Taisiya Chenchik, who was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports, holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Her followers aspire to such heights and take as an example the assertiveness of their ideal in achieving what they want. After all, if it were not for these qualities in the character of the champion, her fate would have been completely different.

Did you know? Despite the fact that Christianity does not recognize astrology, many Popes very often turned to astrologers for advice and help.

The main character traits of people with this name

If from the list of all Slavic names you liked the name Taisiya, be prepared for the first manifestations of its meaning. In childhood, your daughter will delight you with her mobility, resourcefulness, ingenuity, emotionality and independence.

You need to understand that it will not always be necessary to amuse yourself with the antics of a child. A restless baby without parental control can cause a lot of trouble.

At the same time, the girl will be careful with unfamiliar people, and she will also be frank with relatives infrequently. At an early age, Taya will be trusting and responsive to everyone. But she will be friends mainly with boys, considering the girls' company boring.
A dreamer will appear in your house, who will live in her own fictional world. She will never be bored alone, because it will not be difficult to come up with a game for her daughter on her own.

In the children's team, situations are very likely when the children become so attached to the adventurous adventures of little Taisiya that they flatly refuse traditional kindergarten entertainment.

A girl with that name knows how to laugh at her shortcomings. But if these are offensive remarks, then the offender will get what he deserves. At school, she will stand out among her peers and not only with her intricacy.

Characteristic features of Taisia ​​are pride, which does not allow falling behind in studies, and inconstancy, which makes it difficult to focus on the main thing.

The name Taisia ​​given at baptism means that the child will never share his glory with anyone, and will purposefully achieve what he wants. The girl is more inclined towards the humanities, but has a sharp mind and an excellent memory.
In adolescence, the vital energy of this nature will not fade away at all, but, on the contrary, will blaze with renewed vigor. Moreover, notes of some adventurism and stubbornness will appear in the character.

This Taisia ​​is still different good feeling humor, which allows her to easily get the title of "soul of the company." She is sociable, responsive, kind, self-confident. When necessary, he can show the strength of his will and difficult character.

Especially these qualities are manifested in difficult periods of life. Depression and discouragement are not typical for this girl.

Important! Among the negative qualities in the character of Taisia, one can note irascibility, intolerance, exactingness and irritability.

Among her friends there are no hypocrites, liars and gossips. She does not tolerate these qualities and therefore avoids such companies. With relatives and peers, she can be both affectionate and very tough. Moreover, it depends solely on the mood of Tai.
Over time, her childish emotionality will go inside. Already in adolescence, the girl will stop showing her feelings, holding her feelings deep in her soul.

In the student team, such a person will be evaluated as an excellent organizer. But it is during this period that his negative side can manifest itself - arrogance, irony and intolerance for the shortcomings of others.

In addition, Taisa's straightforwardness often becomes the main reason hostility between peers.

Even in adulthood, women with this name are distinguished by their assertiveness and desire for diversity. They do not tolerate boredom and are constantly in the attention of others. Everything revolves around them.

Important! Positive traits Tai lies in her generosity, benevolence, sensitivity and purposefulness. Such a woman is not at all inherent in deceit, squabbles and pettiness..

Often, excessive energy and violent social or career activities prevent such individuals from creating a strong family and a cozy nest.

Astrology name

Taisiyam is patronized by the planet Venus and the sign of the zodiac Libra. According to astrologers, this is a pronounced careerist who loves to give advice and teach. At the same time, she absolutely does not care if you need it.

If the girl is born in the spring, she is characterized by romance, openness and even sentimentality. Often these traits give rise to a lot of suffering, because such a person turns out to be unprepared for adult family life and everyday life.

Summer owners of the name, on the contrary, are characterized by patience and practicality. These are strategists who have rationally thought out every step in advance.

If the baby was born in the fall, she has a strong, but at the same time prone to rapid weight loss. Such a child should be protected from anorexia.
All Taisiyas are recommended to have a golden color, as well as its tones: yellow, orange. They are believed to bring good luck to their owner. The same applies to opal and agate, which are the stones of the bearer of the name.

Did you know? Opal is called the "stone of deceit" because it symbolizes empty hopes. Experts do not recommend wearing it for a long time and consider it a preference for closed and secretive natures..

Walnut and poppy are considered real totems for Tai. They symbolize longevity, wisdom, fertility and good luck, optimism, cheerfulness and strength. These plants help to overcome difficulties and at the same time are the causes of negative manifestations of the owners of the name.

For example, the fruit of a nut embodies human egoism. A poppy in Christianity is considered a sign of the suffering of Jesus, ignorance and indifference.

A horse patronizes such a woman, which means power and strength. In some sources, this pet is personified with human arrogance, courage and nobility.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

Tasya, Taisa, Taya, Taisiya - no matter how the full name of the girl sounds, numerology notes in it a kind of code that determines the fate of a person in advance. Taisiya's soul number is 2.

Did you know? The basic laws of numerology, which are still based on today, appeared in the sixth century BC. They were developed by the famous ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. He deduced the main principles of numerology for more than one year, combining various sciences about numbers.

And this means that they are characterized by a certain, hidden from prying eyes, uncertainty about their potential, which gives rise to anxiety and belief in omens, fatalism.

At the same time, "twos" are excellent partners, although their greatness and dignity are possible only against the background of the environment.

If we delve into the analysis of the letters of this name, we will see the following image:

  • T- characterized by intuition, sensuality, creativity, the search for truth and the blurring of the boundaries between their capabilities and desires. The letter symbolizes the transience of life and energetically whips up to impulsive actions, diversity;
  • A- indicates the beginning, the thirst for the comfort of breathing and body;
  • AND- displays peacefulness, goodwill, subtlety of nature, spirituality and responsiveness. It is characteristic that often behind his practicality a person hides romanticism and vulnerability in the depths of his essence;
  • WITH- it is a symbol of common sense, the desire to take a strong position in society, to gain recognition and material security, it also denotes authority, a tendency to whims. It is extremely important for the owner of such terms of her name to find her life path.
  • AND- (we have already analyzed above).
  • I AM- a person in whose name this letter is present has self-esteem, he loves himself and commands respect from others. If this does not happen, enormous resources will be thrown to achieve recognition in society.

In a few words, Taya is characterized as a universal favorite, a fidget who does not know how to lie, and is prone to "collecting" old grievances.

Meaning of the name

Taisia ​​is charming, witty, reasonable, but at the same time quite secretive nature. Her patience and serenity are deceptive, because behind them are impulsiveness and practicality. Self-confident Taisiya knows all her pluses and minuses, and therefore always strives to emphasize the first and veil the latter. She is cunning and prudent, and therefore do not hope to deceive her if you do not want to acquire an implacable enemy who does not forget insults. The harshness and uncompromising nature of this woman is often experienced even by the people closest to her.

Characteristics of the name Taisiya

Winter Taisiya likes to take risks, she is disgusted by routine, monotony and boredom. This independent woman is used to relying solely on her own strength, and this applies not only to work, but also to her personal life. As a result, she voluntarily assumes the entire burden of responsibility for family life, while her partner can only enjoy life behind the back of this strong and strong-willed woman. But do not think that winter Taisiya is an altruist: the time will come, and she will demand the same return from her chosen one.

Spring Taisiya - an open, sincere, romantic and sentimental person who constantly lives in a world of dreams and illusions, which prevents her from realizing herself in a career. Yes, and in family life, she also often experiences difficulties, because she is not ready to fully immerse herself in family life with its everyday difficulties. This woman is waiting for a real romance who will turn her life into a fairy tale. Only such expectations can lead to the fact that spring Taisiya will not be able to arrange her personal life.

Summer Taisiya patient and practical. She calculates her every step, preferring to act rationally and logically, despite the fact that she has excellent intuition. It’s just that summer Taisiya is not ready to expose her soul to everyone, the vulnerability of which she hides behind a cheerful disposition and wit. Only with a strong, reliable and practical man can she relax and give free rein to her feelings. She will be able to fully open up only to her beloved man, who will earn her trust with her actions.

Autumn Taisiya pedantic and pushy. She always clearly knows not only her goals, but also the ways to achieve them, so it is not surprising that her career is always very successful. This woman loves to teach and advise, and she absolutely does not care if you need her help or not. She considers herself an authoritative adviser to whom one should listen. The personal life of autumn Taisiya is harmonious and cloudless, because she carefully chooses a life partner who must recognize her as a leader and follow all the valuable instructions of her chosen one.

Stone - talisman

Opal and agate are Taisiya's mascot stones.


This is a very deceptive stone that inspires empty hopes, so it is not recommended to wear it all the time, especially on one hand. He is preferred by people who are closed and secretive.

Opal brings good luck only to those born in October, and to magicians who use the stone to enhance the gift of clairvoyance. At the same time, it is desirable that you inherit the stone, then its positive effect will be maximum.

It is believed that opal awakens secret passions and vices in a person, and therefore wearing it is contraindicated for people who are impulsive, unbalanced and prone to aggression. In addition, the possession of opal products threatens dreamers and poets with the development of schizophrenia.

This stone symbolizes love, faith and compassion. For example, Indians believe that he is able to drive away gloomy thoughts and any fears.

In Europe, opal was identified with happiness, hope, pure thoughts, and sympathy.


This is a mineral that can harmonize the environment, give its owner eloquence and sociability. Agate also protects against evil spells and any negativity, as it takes on negative energy.

black agate protects from disasters and black magic, giving strength of mind, strength and moral stamina. But it is impossible to constantly wear products with black agate, because it causes a feeling of sadness and melancholy.

white agate strengthens health, enhances creativity, gives confidence, calmness, as well as gentleness, pacifies a quick temper and contributes to the acquisition of a serious relationship.

blue agate symbolizes longevity, stability, peace and tranquility, enhances courage and endurance, pacifies anger. This stone protects from damage and the evil eye, drives away despondency and melancholy.

Red agate - a symbol of happy love and good luck, inspiring to accomplishments.

green agate - this is the protector of the house, protecting family values ​​​​and warm relations between spouses.

pink agate - is identified with a happy occasion and the good will of fate. Therefore, jewelry with it is recommended to be worn by gambling people and adventurers.

Gray agate - a symbol of justice, harmony, stability.




Taisia ​​is patronized by the planet Venus, which can be read about in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life".


Animal - symbol

The horse is an animal of Taisiya, symbolizing power, strength, courage, fertility.

In Christianity, this animal with dual symbolism personified arrogance and lust, but at the same time the horse was victory, courage, nobility and generosity.

In Islam, the horse is a symbol of wisdom, happiness and wealth.

In Europe, the skull of a horse, placed on the pediment of houses, was intended to protect the house from misfortune.

Among the Slavs, the horse is associated with death and funeral rituals: for example, it was this animal that was sacrificed and used as a guide to the world of the dead.

In the East, the horse symbolizes heaven, fire, speed, luck, wealth, perseverance, as well as a good omen.

During the Middle Ages, the horse represents sensual love and piety, while in the Renaissance - arrogance and lust.


The signs of the zodiac that bring happiness to Taisia ​​are Libra and Gemini (you can read about these signs in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").


Walnut and poppy are the totem plants of Taisiya.


It is a symbol of hidden wisdom, longevity, prosperity and fertility. Walnut helps to overcome troubles and stand in trouble without losing dignity. But at the same time, the fruit of this tree is a symbol of selfishness.

Poppy symbolizes freedom, optimism, cheerfulness and youth, which has a special charm.

Poppy is also a symbol of strength, health and fertility, which is associated with the germination of plant seeds.

In the East, this plant was attributed the ability to bring joy and love. In addition, the poppy was associated with tranquility, beauty, success, peace and harmony.

In Christian tradition, the poppy is a symbol of approach. doomsday, suffering suffered by Jesus, ignorance and indifference.


Gold, which is the metal-symbol of Taisiya, personifies the divine principle, greatness, chosenness, royalty, immortality, glory, wealth, nobility and wisdom.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Taisiya

Name translation

From the Greek language, the name Taisia ​​is translated as "wise", "late".

Name history

The name Taisia ​​comes from a combination of two Greek words "Ta Isios", which translates as "dedicated to Isis" or "belonging to Isis".

So, in Egypt, the goddess named Isis was very revered, because she was the personification of marital fidelity, fertility and motherhood. She protected from the water and air elements, so she was considered the patroness of sailors.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The following forms of the name Taisiya are common: Taisa, Tasya, Taya, Tisa, Thais, Tayusha, Tayunya, Tayuta, Tayushka, Tusya, Asya, Taiska, Taisyushka, Taechka, Taichonok, Tusechka, Tuska, Tusenka, Tasena, Taska, Tasyuta, Taenka.

The secret of the name Taisiya

name patrons

  • Blessed Saint Taisia ​​of Egypt.
  • Reverend Taisia.

Angel Day (name day)

The legend about the name Taisiya

Blessed Taisia ​​lived in Egypt in the fifth century. She was the daughter of wealthy parents who raised her faith in the Lord. And after the death of her parents, she continued to lead a pious life: she did charity work and helped the sick. Everyone loved and respected Taisia ​​for her good deeds.

But after several years of charity, Taisia ​​herself began to need financial assistance. The fate-temptress brought her together with unreliable people who turned her off the true path and turned her life into an empty and obscene waste of time and energy.

The monks, who in the old days often stayed in the house of the then pious Taisia, having learned about her fall into sin and fornication, were saddened and decided to help her take the path of righteousness.

The meeting with Abba John made Taisia ​​ashamed of her deeds. Abba led Taisia ​​into the desert, so that there she, being alone, could completely indulge in prayers. But on the very first night spent in the desert, Taisia ​​died. The elder was saddened, because the girl departed to another world, not having time to repent and take communion. Suddenly he heard a voice addressed to him announcing that Taisia ​​had been forgiven by the Lord for sincere repentance.

Famous people

Taisiya Litvinenko - Soviet theater and film actress.

Taisiya Povaliy - Ukrainian singer.

Taisiya Osintseva - Soviet neurologist.

Taisiya Burtseva - Ukrainian opera singer.

Taisiya Kalinchenko - Soviet singer and actress.

Taisiya Shvetsova - Soviet artist.

Taisiya Vilkova - Russian actress.

Taisiya Chenchik - champion track and field athlete.

The meaning of the name Taisiya

For a child

Taisiya is a mobile, emotional, inventive and independent child. Her tricks can give parents a lot of trouble, so they try to control their restless daughter, but they don’t always succeed.

With others, this girl behaves extremely carefully. But as soon as she studies the habits of this or that person, she immediately imbues him, showing all her benevolence and responsiveness. It is interesting that the boys are friends of this girl, while she considers the girls' company boring and uninteresting.

Taya is an incorrigible dreamer living in her own fantasy world. She even invents games herself, and with great success: for example, all the neighboring children flatly refuse the usual games with dolls for the sake of little Taisiya's new idea. Moreover, all her games are more like an adventurous adventure.

This girl knows how to laugh at herself, but if the jokes in her direction are offensive, she will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Among the shortcomings of little Taya, one can name uncompromisingness, arrogance and selfishness: she is used to the fact that everything should be the way she wants it. At the same time, she does not expect help in achieving her goal, since she does not want to share glory and recognition with anyone.

Studying is given to Taya easily, but the inconstancy of her character prevents her from becoming an excellent student. However, pride will not allow her to study poorly. Thanks to her good memory and sharp mind, she easily masters all school subjects, although she still prefers the humanities.

For girl

Young Taisiya is an energetic, persistent and adventurous person. She has a great sense of humor, so she is always welcome in the company. In addition, she is kind, sociable and self-confident, but if necessary, she can easily show her strong and strong-willed character.

This girl is never stopped by difficulties, it is not inherent in her to lose heart and fall into a state of apathy or depression. On the contrary, any difficulties only temper its difficult character. Taisiya does not tolerate lies, because she herself does not know how to deceive, therefore she will never communicate with envious people, hypocrites and gossips.

Taya can be affectionate and gentle, or she can become unrestrained and tough (it all depends solely on her mood). But still she tries to restrain her emotions, to be calm and balanced. Taya, in principle, does not like to show her feelings, preferring to keep all experiences to herself.

Taisia ​​is an excellent organizer, only now the power spoils this young lady, who can become arrogant and intolerant of the shortcomings of others.

The straightforwardness and irony of Taisiya become the reason that she has many enemies who are ready to rejoice at her failures, which Taya absolutely does not pay attention to. She easily makes new acquaintances, believing that there are no irreplaceable people.

For woman

Adult Taisiya is assertive and stubborn. She takes a firm step towards her goal and achieves what she wants thanks to her natural charm and business acumen.

This woman does not tolerate boredom and monotony, and therefore risky and adventurous events are never bypassed, which is why she often gets into trouble. In general, Taisiya is active and energetic, sometimes excessively, which prevents her from focusing on really important things, for example, career growth and creating a strong family.

Among the shortcomings of Taya, intolerance, exactingness, irascibility, irritability and impulsiveness can be noted. But at the same time, she is a very responsive, sensitive, gentle and generous woman who is alien to pettiness and deceit.

Over the years, Taisiya becomes more closed and prudent. She is tactful, correct and diplomatic with others, but at the same time, one cannot count on her openness and sincerity: she can afford such a luxury only with the closest people. If her patience comes to an end, then she turns into an unrestrained and irritable person.

Description of the name Taisiya


Taisia ​​is a very moral and principled person who does not forgive insults. She does not like gossip and lies.


The weak point of Taisiya in terms of health is nervous system and ENT organs. In general, she retains her youthfulness and excellent physical shape until old age.


Love is the feeling for which Taisia ​​is ready for a lot. She longs for real feelings, not subject to time and circumstances. Only now her requests are too high, so it is quite problematic to meet them.

In addition, Taya is a proud woman, and even in love she does not forgive mistakes, much less betrayal. With a man who does not justify her hopes or deceives, she will part without hesitation and without regrets.

In a man, the owner of this name is looking for spiritual strength, intelligence, masculinity, nobility, ambition and calmness. She is attracted by interesting and unusual personalities that can be solved all her life. But also Taisiya will not resist the ironic and mocking playboy.

Men are afraid of Tayu, as her behavior is often harsh and harsh. She lacks femininity and softness. But big number fans are still flattered by her pride.


Taisiya from a young age dreams of great and true love, the search for which never stops. As a result, she gets married more than once, which she does not regret a bit, because she perceives any experience (even negative) as another step to happiness, because failures teach us to look at this or that situation differently.

The most durable and reliable marriage is concluded in adulthood.

In the family, Taisiya is an indisputable authority, skillfully managing the house. The only thing left for the husband is to become an assistant who does not challenge the power of his wife. Of course, not every man can put up with such a situation, but only a sincerely loving and able to take life easy.

Family relationships

Taisia ​​- great hostess caring about the preservation of the family. She always stands guard over family interests, so the household feel next to her, like behind a stone wall. In her hospitable and cozy home They are always warmly welcomed, the food is delicious and the time is interesting.

She pays special attention to her children, whom she tries to develop comprehensively. Taisia ​​for them is a true friend who will always understand and will definitely help if necessary, without infringing on the independence of her children.

But in her old age, Taya becomes very despotic and pedantic, which she is forgiven for her sparkling sense of humor, care and love that she gives to her loved ones.


Taisia ​​is a sensual, temperamental and sexy woman. Intimacy for her is an integral part of the relationship, so if the partner does not suit her sexually, she will find a replacement for him without regrets.

The owner of this name is relaxed and tender. She seeks to please her lover, but he must also bring variety to their intimate life.

Mind (intelligence)

Attentive Taisiya has a synthetic mind, she knows how to draw the right conclusions, which helps her not to step on the same "rake" twice. This woman never loses sight of even the smallest details.


Assertive and active Taisiya can achieve great heights in the professional field, but on the condition that the work will bring her pleasure.

Creative Tae will suit the profession of an artist, sculptor, director, journalist, psychoanalyst and even a researcher. It is important for her to satisfy her ego, and this can only be done in a leadership position.

Thriftiness and rationalism will help make Taya a career as a bank employee, teacher, manager, politician or lawyer.


Hardworking, purposeful and stubborn Taisiya has every chance of becoming a successful business woman. She knows how to find mutual language and make contacts with the right people. In addition, the success of her business is facilitated by the riskiness of Tai, who is not afraid to play with fate.

Taisiya does not give in to sentimentality. She always has everything calculated a few steps ahead.


Taisiya's hobbies include reading books (the owner of this name has a developed imagination since childhood), relaxing with friends, collecting toys (it can be teddy bears or porcelain dolls), creating delicious culinary masterpieces.

Character type


Taisiya's main desire is to make life bright and interesting, and it doesn't matter at all whether it refers to work or family. Meetings with friends, business trips, holidays with family and just adventurous adventures - all this she always welcomes. The main thing is not to forget that in Everyday life there is a place of the ordinary.

The owner of this name is used to relying only on herself, so do not be surprised at her caution and practicality. Although she tends to make mistakes in a fit of emotions.

Taya is a wonderful friend and valuable adviser, only she gives advice in a peremptory tone, and if her instructions are not followed, then next time you can not even turn to her for help.


Taya is the owner of excellent intuition. Moreover, she often manages to predict (and maybe predict) the future, so she always trusts her instincts.

Taisiya horoscope

Taisia ​​- Aries

This is a purposeful, hardworking and ambitious woman who is confident in her abilities and always knows exactly what she wants from life. Taisia-Aries will forget about sleep and rest, if only to make her dreams come true faster. But in pursuit of career heights, she often forgets about her personal life, which she begins to establish at a fairly mature age. Taisiya-Aries needs a serious and self-sufficient man who will become a reliable support for her.

Taisiya - Taurus

The impulsive and emotional Taisia-Taurus makes many mistakes in life, and all for the reason that she never listens to advice. Acting solely on her own intuition, she often makes mistakes, but she does not want to draw conclusions and "work on mistakes". Only a patient and strong-willed man can pacify the difficult temper of this woman, who is afraid to part with her independence.

Taisia ​​- Gemini

Taisia-Gemini's energy beats over the edge, which often becomes an obstacle on the way to building a career and a harmonious family. Friends, noisy parties, travel - this is what this woman lives for, who is more than anything else afraid of loneliness and boredom. Only true love can change Taisia-Gemini, make her homely, calm and longing for family happiness.

Taisiya - Cancer

Practicality, prudence and diplomacy are the driving force of Taisiya-Rak, for which it is extremely important what others think of her. She tries her best to please everyone, and she succeeds. Few people know the real Taisiya, which is a pity, because she is sincere, sympathetic and cheerful woman, who has a great sense of humor, which she hides behind a mask of seriousness and efficiency. In men, she appreciates masculinity and nobility.

Taisiya - Leo

This is a real predator who loves compliments and praise, while she always reacts sharply to criticism. She longs for recognition, for which she is ready to deceive and lie. This position of Taisiya-Leo can cause her loneliness, despite the fact that men like her due to her charm and femininity.

Only a loving man, for whom love is everything in life, can put up with her whims. Henpecked and "mother's sons" will not withstand the difficult nature of Taya.

Taisia ​​- Virgo

Independent Taisia-Virgo is self-confident and principled. For her, the word "impossible" does not exist, she is not used to giving up her goals and "giving back." As a result, she achieves a lot in her chosen field. Taisia-Virgo is a creative person who is looking for an interesting interlocutor, a true friend and loving man simultaneously. It can take years to find the perfect man.

Taisia ​​- Libra

Charming, interesting and easy to communicate Taisia-Libra is naive and frivolous. She, like a child, enjoys life, forgetting that she needs to grow up if she wants to build a family and make a brilliant career. This woman does not know how to quarrel and defend her opinion, so others often use it. Taisia-Libra needs a reliable and rational man who lives with real goals and strives for quite tangible and achievable peaks.

Taisia ​​- Scorpio

Taisia ​​- Sagittarius

This active and cheerful person cannot imagine her life without noisy companies and unforgettable parties. She is ready to help a friend at any moment, but, unfortunately, there are few people around her who are ready to do the same towards her. Because of her gaiety, Taisia-Sagittarius seems frivolous and frivolous, but this is far from being the case. A man who can "bite" this amazing woman will find a wonderful wife in her face.

Taisia ​​- Capricorn

This is an emotional, quick-tempered and aggressive woman who can be rude and very irritable, and can turn into an affectionate and gentle woman. At the same time, Taisia-Capricorn always reproaches himself for his rudeness and inability to restrain negative emotions. She knows how to admit her mistakes, for which she is respected at work. At home, this woman tries to be more restrained, which she does very well. The family for her is the basis of all foundations, therefore she jealously guards her peace and well-being.

Taisia ​​- Aquarius

Sociable, sincere, open and sympathetic Taisia-Aquarius attracts the same cheerful people who try to bring bright colors into their everyday life. She is interested in everything new and unknown and does not stop developing. She enters into marriage late, because for a long time she cannot find a like-minded person who is as easily related to life as she herself is. Taisiya's family life is harmonious and interesting.

Taisiya - Pisces

This woman lives, guided by feelings and emotions. Taisia-Pisces does not obey the arguments of reason, and no one can convince her that when making decisions, one should rely primarily on common sense. The personal life of Taisiya-Pisces is a real drama on which you can write a novel. And the reason for this is the lack of a rationalization approach when choosing a life partner.

Taisiya name compatibility with male names

Taisiya and Dmitry

Maximalist and perfectionist Dmitry is ready to put up with the frivolity and optionality of Taisiya, who at first sight charms with her femininity and tenderness. But this couple cannot avoid conflicts, because the man in this tandem is jealous, and the woman will not miss the opportunity to flirt.

Taisiya and Alexander

This is a couple in which the model of behavior and relationships is far from traditional: for example, both partners are very independent and freedom-loving, for both the family is not the main life priority. But still they are enough open relationship can become the foundation for creating a strong family.
Alexander - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Taisiya and Eugene

True love for Taya and Evgeny is not passionate confessions and vows of love, but trust and inner calm. A woman is one hundred percent sure of her partner, who will never betray or offend. Eugene sees in his chosen one not only his beloved woman, but also a true friend.

Taisiya and Sergey

Both partners in this pair crave recognition and power, but one thing is brilliance in society, and another is finding out who is more important in the family.

For Taya and Sergey, the issue of dominance becomes a stumbling block, on which their already unstable relationship can break.

Taisiya and Andrey

Taya and Andrei are in no hurry to marry - the format of free and non-binding relationships suits them. But over time, they realize that between them there is that invisible bond that cannot be broken. They are also brought together by their cheerfulness and love of adventure and adventure.

Taisiya and Alexey

This is the rare case when people with opposite characters can create a very harmonious and strong family that is not afraid of any trials. Taisiya and Aleksey know how to put up with each other's shortcomings, which helps them keep peace in the family.

Taisiya and Ivan

The relationship between Tai and Ivan lacks stability and regularity. Both want to get everything from life at once, and therefore are not afraid to take risks. But in family life, the lack of peace can say negatively, because in the pursuit of adventure, you can lose real feelings.

Taisiya and Maxim

This union may seem fragile and strange, but Taisiya and Maxim are well together. They understand and support each other, strive for the same goal and do not stop developing. Therefore, it is quite natural that over time their relationship only grows stronger.

Taisiya and Egor

This couple is brought together by love at first sight: the spark that runs between them incinerates their hearts. The main thing is not to burn to the ground. If Egor has the patience to put up with the weaknesses of his chosen one, and Taya becomes wise and calm, then this union will certainly be prosperous.

Taisiya and Roman

The relationship between Taisia ​​and Roman is built initially on sexual attraction. But time passes, and both realize that their feelings are deep. But still, disagreements do not allow them to create a truly harmonious and friendly family, in which there is no place for scandals.

Taisiya and Vladimir

The curiosity and energy of both partners do not give them either the time or the opportunity to start a family in its traditional sense. Taisia ​​and Vladimir are constantly in a hurry somewhere, they have a lot of plans and events that they cannot help attending. As a result, the thread that binds two loving hearts is torn between them.

Taisiya and Denis

Taisia ​​and Denis are ambitious and domineering, but in order to preserve their feelings and create a family, they are ready to compromise. Mutual understanding and respect for them is more important than any leadership status. They cherish their feelings with real reverent awe.

Taisiya and Artem

For Artem, Taisiya is a fatal woman, falling in love with whom he will forget about peace and sleep. For her sake, he is ready for anything, while Taya does not want to part with her freedom for the sake of a serious relationship with Artem. As a result, conflicts and showdowns between this couple cannot be avoided.

Taisiya and Anton

This couple is an example of how two different characters try to preserve and increase their feelings, despite the fact that they are not good at it. Italian passions raging between Taisia ​​and Anton do not subside for a minute, which ultimately separates them.

Taisiya and Mikhail

The ability to listen to each other and the desire to preserve and increase their love encourage Taisiya and Mikhail to put up with each other's shortcomings. Such a competent approach helps to make the family life of this couple stable and calm.

Taisiya and Nikolay

Taisiya's small imperfections do not bother Nikolai at all. If he does not begin to remake his chosen one, then the chances are high that this union will be long and successful.

Taya must learn to give her beloved love, tenderness and affection.

Taisiya and Igor

Taya and Igor can live a bright and interesting life, which may be short, but certainly memorable. Both love to travel and explore the world in all its diversity, which cannot but bring them closer. In addition, both know how to value freedom, which is important in a relationship.

Taisiya and Ilya

Active Taisiya is impulsive and emotional, while Ilya is balanced and practical. It's amazing how these two get along at all. But if they are already together, they will do everything in their power so that their tandem not only does not break up, but also becomes stronger.

Taisiya and Vladislav

Sociable, cheerful and restless Taisiya and Vlad rarely form strong alliance, which is to blame for the lack of stability in their relationship. There comes a time when they have to make a choice between a family and an idle life.

Taisiya and Vitaly

Vitaly is impressed by the ease with which Taya relates to life. But later her inconstancy begins to annoy, because Vitaly always has everything planned. If the relationship of the owners of these names does not work out, then in any case it will be interesting experience which will definitely come in handy in the future.

Taisiya and Nikita

Adventures, adventures and an optimistic outlook on life unite Taisiya and Nikita, who give each other that degree of freedom that does not harm relationships, but, on the contrary, only strengthens them. The joint life of this couple is unpredictable, rich and interesting.

Taisiya and Vadim

This union is complex and ambiguous, because both partners in it are demanding and ambitious, domineering and impulsive. It will be extremely difficult for them to find a balance in family matters, but it is possible - there would be a desire. If Taisiya and Vadim are ready to change and be patient, then everything will work out for them.

Taisiya and Pavel

This union is controlled by the mind, and it is Paul who holds back the impulsiveness of his chosen one. Taisia ​​brings lightness and immediacy to their relationship. This couple will live happily ever after.

Taisiya and Ruslan

Taisiya and Ruslan's desires for a life together completely coincide, so it is not surprising that these two live a calm and harmonious life. They do not let anyone into their relationship, thereby protecting them.

Origin: the name Taisia ​​comes from the Greek phrase “ta Isios”, which means “dedicated to Isis”, “belonging to the goddess Isis”. Possible translation: fertile, late, wise.

Short form of the name Taisiya: Taya, Taika, Tusenka; Tasia; Tasyuta; Taechka; Taska; Taenka; Tayunya; Tayusha; Tusya; Tusya; Tuska; Taiska; Tyuta; .

Characteristics of the name Taisiya

Positive traits of the name: honesty, self-esteem. Taisiya easily refers to life, not prone to introspection. But, at the same time, she is endowed with good practical skills and business acumen. Surprisingly, it combines pragmatism and romance. Taisia ​​is laconic, does not like to talk about what has not happened yet. She does not like to lie and always answers honestly to the questions posed. The same is expected of others who may be afraid of her pressure.

Negative traits of the name: Sometimes Taisiya is too arrogant. She looks impregnable as a rock. Many fans are intimidated by such a harsh look. Sometimes, a fleeting phrase haughtily can play a cruel joke with Taisiya. Not many people accept such an attitude. She does not attach importance to the words that she says in a bad mood, but to those to whom they were addressed, they can deliver a lot of pain.

Choosing a profession by name. Taisiya prefers peace and solitude. Whatever her activities, she, most often, is away from prying eyes, secular fuss. Representatives of this name make good actresses. Belonging to art, to one degree or another, distinguishes these women. There are many sculptors, directors and artists among them. The ability of foresight and subtle feeling can make Taisia ​​a specialist in magical rites and the occult sciences. If Taisiya goes into medicine, then her career in psychiatry and neurology will be the most successful.

The impact of the name on business. In financial matters, Taisiya is unpretentious. All his life he can be content with little, and only in old age comes the craving for comfort. She can spend fabulous sums to create a cozy home. Whatever it was, but material well-being comes to Taisiya at a late age.

The impact of the name on health. Since childhood, Taisiya may have a predisposition to lung diseases, pneumonia. Her illnesses are usually protracted and severe. Pretty weak immunity, usually resistant to infections. There is a risk of hepatitis.

Psychology. Taisiya may show a pathological attachment to her own past. She often nostalgic for bygone times, she lacks the communication and hobbies of her youth. She tends to get attached, very quickly, to everyone and everything. Former colleagues become like relatives to her, to former friends with whom the roads have finally diverged, she may experience incomprehensible affection. Such a certain obsession with the past prevents Taisiya from enjoying the present. Ignoring the valuable moments of today, Taisiya tends to live in the past. She needs a person next to her to open her eyes to what is happening, and help her live here and now.

Name compatibility. Taisiya very abruptly and simply ends the relationship. Beloved will not find forgiveness after betrayal. She is not inclined to forgive deceit and betrayal in any of its manifestations. Even the closest people should not seek indulgence after a serious mistake. It happens that a person can simply bore her with her mere presence. An alliance with Gennady, Korney, Ostap, Sazon will be favorable. Relationships with Abraham, Leonid, Istoma can be difficult.

Famous carriers

  • Taisia ​​the Egyptian Thebaid (reverend, repentant harlot)
  • Taisia ​​(old woman, participant in the conspiracy of 1610 by Prince V.V. Golitsyn against Vasily Shuisky)
  • Taisia ​​(wife of Patriarch Nikon)
  • Taisiya Zakharovna Shcherbak (mother of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn)
  • Taisiya Iosifovna (Osipovna) Litvinenko (Soviet film actress)
  • Tais Maksimova (famous Russian blogger and publicist, author business newspaper Vzglyad and a number of other online publications)
  • Taisiya Povaliy (Ukrainian singer)

According to astrologers, each name carries energy and endows its owner with a certain set of spiritual qualities. The female name Taisia ​​in Greek means "wise" or "fertile". According to another version, it is associated with one of the most powerful goddesses Ancient egypt- Isis, who is a symbol of femininity and the patroness of motherhood.

Does this characteristic correspond to a girl or woman named Taisia? Can Taisiya justify the meaning of her name? Will she find woman's happiness? The answers to these and other questions are in our article.

Name in Orthodoxy

According to the church calendar, name days or the day of the guardian angel Taisia ​​are celebrated three times a year: April 4, May 23 and October 21. In this case, the date that is closest to the present birthday will be considered the main one, and the other two - secondary.

In the history of the formation of Christianity, information has been preserved about two martyrs who bore the name Taisia. One of them lived in the 5th century, and the other - at the end of the 3rd century. Both of them were natives of Egypt and city harlots, but, having met with the preachers of the true faith, they repented of their sins and embarked on the righteous path. Subsequently, these women were baptized and became the most ardent adherents of Jesus, for which they were canonized as saints after death. However, some historians Orthodox Church argue that in fact the martyr Taisia ​​was alone, since many facts of the life of both women coincide.

The image of Saint Taisia ​​is reflected in art. In 1890, the famous French writer Anatole France immortalized her in the novel "Thais", and in 1894, the equally famous French composer Jules Massenet wrote the opera of the same name.

Various name variations

From the full name of Taisiya, abbreviated forms are formed - Taya or Tasya. In addition, as diminutive nicknames for a little girl, you can use the following: Taechka, Tayusha, Tayunya, Tasenka, Taisyushka, Tasyunya, Tasyuta. Sometimes a girl or woman is abbreviated as Tusya or even Asya and Asyuta.

Often, when filling out documents, the question arises of how the name Taisiya will be written in the genitive or dative case. You should know that according to the spelling rules, all nouns, including proper names, that end in -iya, when declensed, receive the ending -ii, that is, Taisii.

In addition to the Russian language, the name Taisiya is found only in Ukrainian and Belarusian, where it sounds unchanged. In addition, there are folk forms - Taisya and Taisa, which are sometimes used as independent names.

Famous namesakes

It is noteworthy that among the most famous owners of the name Taisiya there are many representatives of creative professions. So, women bearing such a name have an undoubted craving for art.

  1. Taisiya Iosifovna Litvinenko (born 1935) is a Ukrainian and Soviet theater and film actress, director, teacher.
  2. Taisiya Alexandrovna Savenko (creative pseudonym Taisiya Savva) (1907-1973) - Soviet pop artist, master of artistic whistling.
  3. Taisiya Leonidovna Sanina (1923-2011) - Soviet and Russian operetta artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  4. Taisiya Semyonovna Kalinchenko (born 1949) is a Soviet and Russian singer, actress, associate professor at the Department of Musical Education at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts.
  5. Taisiya Nikolaevna Burtseva (Isichenko) (1924-1997) - Soviet opera singer, teacher, public figure.
  6. Taisiya Nikolaevna Povaliy (born 1964) is a Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine.
  7. Taisiya Kirillovna Afonina (1913-1994) - Russian and Soviet artist, graphic artist.
  8. Taisiya Sergeevna Osintseva (1923-2008) - Soviet and Russian neurologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences.
  9. Taisiya Vasilievna Baryshnikova (1916-1989) - Soviet volleyball player who played for the USSR national team, coach.
  10. Taisiya Fillipovna Chenchik (1936-2013) - Soviet track and field athlete, bronze medalist Olympic Games 1964 in Tokyo.

Many are familiar with the novel of the Soviet science fiction writer Ivan Efremov "Tais of Athens", which he dedicated to his wife, whose name was Taisiya Iosifovna. The prototype of the main character of this work is the famous hetaera Thais, an associate of Alexander the Great, who later became the Egyptian queen.

Fate and character

The owner of the name Taisiya is an energetic, purposeful and ambitious woman. She is so emotional and impulsive that she literally radiates streams of energy to those around her, infecting with her optimism.


All relatives and friends call little Taya nothing more than a "tomboy". After all, this baby is found only with boys, and instead of quiet fun with dolls, she climbs fences and plays football. Moreover, it is Tayunya who is the ringleader of all childish pranks and pranks.

Girl Taya is an amazing inventor and dreamer. She invents every time new games that are more like an adventure movie than the usual children's fun. Parents try to keep their restless child in check, but this does not always work out for them.

Taechka grows up smart and erudite, but at school she gets not the best marks. Lack of perseverance prevents her from learning better - she is on hastily prepares homework to quickly free himself and go on another trick with friends.

The girl is very sociable and easily finds a common language not only with her peers, but also with adults. She has a rather subtle sense of humor and therefore always turns out to be the center of attention in any company.

From the side of Tai, she often looks a little frivolous, but if necessary, the girl can “show her teeth” and show her strong enough and strong-willed character. Anyone who offends or offends a girl will be able to see for herself in her vindictiveness and vindictiveness. Moreover, Taechka will be able to strike at the most opportune moment in order to put him on the spot.

In adolescence, Taya becomes especially intolerant of all kinds of lies, hypocrisy and meanness. Possessing a sharp tongue, she will be able to expose such a person to universal ridicule, while even his age will not stop her.

Tasya most often chooses her future profession back in primary school and doesn't change his mind. On the contrary, having set a goal for herself, the girl will do everything to achieve it, even sit down for textbooks and become the best student in the class.

Possessing extraordinary creative abilities, Taya will choose for herself a career as an actress, singer, graphic designer, fashion designer or journalist. She can become a good scientist, doctor, teacher or lawyer. In any case, the girl will definitely achieve her goal and will work exactly in the place she dreamed of.


Thanks to assertiveness, determination and, of course, considerable hard work, our heroine is able to make a dizzying career in any professional field. In addition, the bearer of the name Taisiya has amazing intuition and business acumen, so she can safely start her own business - success will surely await her.

Tai's sociability and her natural charm allow you to quickly make useful contacts and establish the necessary business connections. In addition, gambling by nature, our business woman is not afraid to take risks and always wins.

As a leader, Taisia ​​is demanding and even sometimes ruthless. Putting her workers first, and not personal interests, she demands the same from her subordinates. And it may well fire a person for being five minutes late or going shopping during working hours. Therefore, although they respect her in the team, they still call her the “iron lady” behind her back.

Having achieved the desired career height, Taisiya calms down a bit. Emotionality is replaced by silence, secrecy and some alienation. Our aged heroine is no longer bursting with energy, but rather cold with people around her and tries to keep them at a distance. Even relationships with friends are gradually fading away, because our heroine does not need anyone, preferring to spend time alone with herself.

Among the negative character traits that are inherent in a woman named Taisia, the main one is selfishness. She is in full confidence that everything should be just the way she wants, and nothing else. Those who do not accept this indisputable truth, Tasya simply strikes out from among her acquaintances.

Love and family

Beautiful, smart, relaxed and active Taya will never be deprived of the attention of men. Moreover, she prefers to communicate with the representatives of the stronger sex from early childhood. Our heroine gets acquainted with the intimate side quite early and finds in this for herself a considerable source of sensuality. From now on, the ability to deliver sexual pleasure will become one of the main criteria for a girl when choosing a gentleman.

But Taisia ​​attaches no less importance to other masculine qualities - courage, determination, nobility, the ability to stand up for the beloved woman. Often changing partners, our heroine tries to find a person in whose character all these traits would be present.

As a rule, the search for a superman drags on, and Taisiya manages to get married several times. And after discovering in a year or two that the next spouse is far from ideal, he did not hesitate to file for divorce.

For a woman named Taisia, the last marriage, concluded at a fairly mature age, will be the most successful and longest. First, by typing life experience, she herself lowers the bar a little, and secondly, a real man really meets on her way.

Tai, of course, will leave the main role in the house to herself, but she will be able to do it tactfully and delicately, without degrading the dignity of her husband. Therefore, a happy husband will be fully confident that his word in the family is the law.

The owner of the name Taisiya is a very good hostess. She gladly equips the "nest", fiddles in the kitchen and receives guests. Confirming the origin of her name, she does not have a soul in children and tries to provide them with the best upbringing and education.

Name Compatibility

Not every man is able to get along with such an emotional, quick-tempered and selfish nature, which is our heroine. And this means that before you go down the aisle, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons and test the names for compatibility. Here is the alignment offered by astrologers for Taisia:

In the last marriage, the spouses will be faithful to each other. Taisia ​​because she was already fed up with love adventures, and the man was afraid of the wrath of his wife, who is capable of making a huge scandal even because of innocent flirting.

Health and hobbies

A woman named Taisiya will literally be obsessed with maintaining the beauty of her face and a slender figure all her life.

And if in youth it is enough to regularly visit a hairdresser, beautician and masseur for this, then in adulthood our heroine can decide on such drastic measures as plastic surgery.

The temper and emotionality that are inherent in Taisiya often lead to nervous breakdowns: our lady can throw a tantrum out of the blue or, conversely, fall into a deep depression. Problems are also possible with ENT organs, so if Tase is destined to become a singer or actress, then she should be attentive to her voice and take care of her throat.

Taisiya's main hobby is a passion for shopping. She is always in the know fashion novelties and make sure to buy them for yourself. Therefore, her wardrobe is literally bursting with clothes, and jewelry boxes with jewelry.

The main character traits of Taisiya

Active and cheerful, a lover of noisy companies and fun parties - such is Taisiya in her youth. And in her mature years, she turns into a calm, balanced lady who prefers to spend time with her family. To understand the reasons for this change, we must bring together all the positive and negative sides character of our heroine.

A woman named Taisiya knows her pros and cons very well. She tries to successfully flaunt the first, and beautifully veil the second. With the help of such cunning "maneuvers" she achieves a high position and becomes successful and happy.

Version 1. What does the name Taisiya mean?

other egypt. - goddess of fertility

Calm, good-natured girl, goes to everyone's hands. seriously studying strangers, stares at them for a long time. Easy to educate, obedient and compliant. Nothing particularly stands out among his peers. Knows how to get along with everyone, is sociable with other children. Without tears, she parted with toys, she can give her friend anything that belongs to her. She studies well at school, is reasonable and inquisitive. Willingly helps the elders, actively participates in the life of the class. She loves animals, sometimes she can turn an apartment into a zoo: she has birds, fish, and a cat and a dog. She is not alone in the family - she usually grows up with her younger sister, early becomes independent, raising her. It is located to the disease of pharyngitis, a weak nervous system. She is friends with boys, there are more of them among her friends.
"Winter" Taisiya has a sharp mind. Bold; knows how to stand up not only for himself, so the weaker ones are drawn to her. It is impossible to deceive her, she thinks everything a few moves ahead. Endowed with a good memory, very attentive, able to notice and remember for a long time the smallest details of what is happening.
"Spring" Taisia ​​is romantic and somewhat sentimental. Already in adulthood, she is able to read fairy tales she loved in childhood, collects beautiful dolls, plush toys, keeping them for a long time. Relations with the mother are very difficult, with the father - spiritually closer.
"Autumn" is a born teacher. He likes to teach, advise, sometimes, however, too importunately. She loves to mess around with children, apparently because they patiently listen to her. It is here that she can use her excellent memory and love for fairy tales. Taisiya knows a lot interesting stories, excitingly artistically tells them.
"Summer" Taisia ​​not only remembers fairy tales and stories, she writes them herself: she has a superbly developed fantasy, the gift of imagination. She knows how to imitate the voices of acquaintances, it seems to convey their gestures, gait, demeanor. Her humor is sparkling, for every remark she has an anecdote in stock. He loves noisy companies, cannot live without communication, a pleasant environment where you can demonstrate your abilities.
Taisiya is very musical, she can become an excellent teacher in this area. She is a straight person, does not tolerate lies, she does not know how to lie herself. He does not like to complain about fate, although life does not indulge her. Skillfully extinguishes conflicts, does not like gossip, gossip. Constantly replenishes his knowledge, willingly shares it with others.
Taisiya always has many admirers, but she is in no hurry to get married, trying first to achieve something, to prove herself as a person.
In family life, Taisiya, as a rule, is happy, only "winter" can be married twice. Taisiya loves to cook and enjoys spending time in the kitchen. Very hospitable. He loves sweets, but tries to limit himself. Neat and overly clean.

Name day named after Taisiya

April 4, May 23, October 21,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Numerology Of The Name Taisiya

Name number: 3

The number 3 is sacred. It carries a message about the mutually complementary connection of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, high intellectual potential.
The number three is introverted.

Its motto is "The Giver of Joy". Three people have a rich inner world, a chic sense of humor and fine taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Taisiya

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative nature. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, adapt well to different conditions of the world around them. Capable of being generous.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

WITH- Differ in stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Your partner may be overly demanding.

I AM- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are able to hide many secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • T- Firmly
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • WITH- Word
  • I AM- (YA = A) Az

Name Taisiya in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Taisiya in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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