Natural World Heritage Sites Abroad. Fifteen Most Famous World Heritage Sites - Untouchable Unesco Fund

  • 30.09.2019

At present, the human environment is changing rapidly and at an increasing rate. The task of mankind is to maintain nature on the globe in a condition necessary for life, health and well-being. It is also necessary to preserve, as far as possible, at least the most unique places in nature that are of special value from a scientific point of view, areas that make up areas of valuable or endangered species of plants and animals. There are many unique places in nature, the disappearance of which would be an irreparable loss not only for the country in which they are located, but for all mankind as a whole.In most countries of the world, networks of so-called "specially protected natural areas" (SPNA) have been created for these purposes. These include the following natural objects:

Nizhnesvirsky Nature Reserve, Leningrad Region

Reserves are created with the aim of preserving or restoring some or all of the components of nature and to maintain the overall ecological balance. Some types of economic activity are limited in these territories.

Gladyshevsky reserve, Leningrad region

Natural monuments are small territories, including objects of natural value: caves, rocks, waterfalls, groves of rare tree species, river valleys, lakes, etc.

Natural monument "Hawk Lake", Leningrad region

Natural parks serve to protect natural complexes of ecological, historical and aesthetic value. They are staffed with special staff.

Veppsky Forest Nature Park, Leningrad Region

B Have you ever visited one of the protected areas? What do you remember about this place?

In these territories, people preserve both rare, unique and typical plots forests, swamps, meadows, reservoirs and other natural ecosystems, rare and common species of plants and animals in their natural habitat, bird flight routes, fish spawning routes and other natural objects and processes.

All the nature of our planet is priceless and unique. Of course, it is difficult to single out some of the most outstanding and valuable corners of nature of “exceptional importance” from the natural areas subject to special protection, which are vitally necessary to preserve for the present and future generations. This is the subject of a special UNESCO program, which is the so-called World Heritage List.

Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO entered into force in 1975. Its main goal is to attract the forces of the world community to preserve unique objects of culture and nature. By mid-2012, the total number of countries participating in the Convention had already reached 189. Among the international programs of UNESCO, this program is the most representative. In order to improve the efficiency of the work of the Convention, the Committee and the World Heritage Fund were formed in 1976.

World natural heritage is made up of mountains, volcanoes, lakes, rivers, islands, forests, caves, reefs, national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries.

Of course, being on a par with the universally recognized world pearls of nature and culture is honorable and prestigious, but at the same time it is a great responsibility. To receive World Heritage status, an object must be of outstanding universal value, undergo a thorough expert assessment. At the same time, the nominated natural object must meet at least one of the following four criteria:

    Include unique natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic value;

    Present outstanding examples of the main stages of the history of the Earth, including traces of ancient life, serious geological processes that continue to occur in the development of the forms of the earth's surface, significant geomorphological or physiographic features of the relief;

    Present outstanding examples of important ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;

    Include natural areas of great importance for the conservation of their biological diversity, including areas of endangered species that are of outstanding scientific or conservation value.

The status of a world natural heritage site provides additional guarantees for the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes, increases the prestige of the territories, promotes the popularization of objects and the development of alternative types of nature management, and ensures priority in attracting financial resources.

The first cultural and natural sites were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List two years after the creation of the program. Of the natural areas, the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), the national parks Yellowstone (USA), Nahanni (Canada) and Seamen (Ethiopia) received heritage status. Over the past years, the List has become very representative both in terms of the regions of the planet represented and in terms of the number of objects: by mid-2012, it already included 188 natural objects. Most of them are located in the USA and Australia (more than 10 objects in each country). Under the protection of the Convention are such world-famous natural monuments as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hawaiian Islands, the Grand Canyon, Mount Kilimanjaro. Video 62.

In Russia, the initiator of the inclusion of natural objects in the World Heritage List is primarily Greenpeace. By joining this UNESCO program, a new page was opened in the field of nature protection in Russia.

Russian World Natural Heritage Sites

There are inaccuracies on the map, since at the moment 11 objects are already included in the list, including the Putorana Plateau and the Lena Pillars Natural Park. The first in our country to receive the status of a world natural heritage site in 1995 was a natural complex called "Virgin Komi Forests".

The territory of this object is the largest of the remaining massifs of primary forests in Europe, the appearance of which is almost not changed by human influence. Video 63.

The virgin forests of Komi are a real taiga treasury. There are more than 40 species of mammals here (including brown bear, sable, elk), 204 species of birds (including the white-tailed eagle and osprey listed in the Red Book of Russia), 16 species of fish, the most valuable of which are considered glacial relics - char palia and Siberian grayling.

This territory stretches along the western slope of the Subpolar and Northern Urals for more than 300 km. The Ural mountain system has a significant impact on the climate. In places, natural complexes form a complex mosaic: along narrow river valleys, taiga vegetation rises high into the mountains.

The main tree species - spruce and fir - accompanies Siberian cedar. Here it originates and receives the crystal clear tributaries of the Pechora. Now the territory of the World Heritage Site "Virgin Komi Forests" is in danger due to illegal gold mining unfolding here (1).Greenpeace Russia and other non-governmental organizations will fight to stop any nature-destroying activity on its territory.

Lake Baikal

Baikal is one of the greatest lakes on the planet, a lake of "superlatives": the deepest (1637 meters), the oldest (about 25 million years), with the most diverse flora and fauna among fresh water bodies. Video 64.

The lake has a unique fresh water supply in terms of volume and quality - more than 20% of the world's reserves). The Baikal depression is the central link of the Baikal rift zone, one of the largest ancient fault systems on Earth. The lake, together with its entire basin, is a peculiar and very fragile natural ecosystem, which provides natural process formation of the purest waters. For Siberia, the climate of the Baikal coasts is comparatively mild. For example, the number of sunny days a year here is higher than in many Black Sea resorts.One of the richest and most unusual freshwater fauna in the world, which is of exceptional value for studying evolutionary processes, has formed in the isolated Baikal depression since ancient times.

Of the more than 2,630 species and subspecies of animals and plants found so far in the lake, more than 80% are found nowhere else in the world. Who has not heard of the famous Baikal omul or Baikal sturgeon? Two unique species viviparous fishes, representatives of the family endemic (2) for Baikal - the big and small golomyanka - are known to ichthyologists all over the world. The pyramid of the lake ecosystem is crowned by a mammal of typically marine origin - the seal, or the Baikal seal.

Unfortunately, the unique nature of Baikal is under threat (3).

FROM Have you heard about the actions that the public is taking to protect Lake Baikal from pollution by the pulp and paper mill?

Another danger for Baikal is the planned development of deposits, illegal logging, forest fires, poaching, and oil spills.

Volcanoes of Kamchatka

The Kamchatka Peninsula is located at the junction of tectonic plates in a zone of active volcanism, where modern natural processes and the history of our planet are inseparable. Video 65.

Here, in a limited area, 30 active and about 300 extinct volcanoes are concentrated, as well as more than 150 groups of thermal and mineral springs. Dozens of geysers, hot springs, fumaroles (4), cascades of waterfalls, sharp peaks of ridges, mud pots and turquoise lakes, carpets of colorful algae give a fabulous look to the famous Valley of Geysers

The richest life is represented in the seas washing the coast of Kamchatka. Here are the growth zones of king crab larvae, salmon spawning places and their juveniles rolling into the sea. From summer to the beginning of winter, an amazing natural phenomenon can be observed on the rivers of the peninsula: millions of salmon in a continuous mass move along the rivers against the current to their spawning grounds.

Golden Mountains of Altai

The nature of this mountainous territory, located at the junction of Central Asia and Siberia, is distinguished by its bright originality. There are few places in the world with such a contrasting combination of different landscapes in such a small space. Video 66.

The flora and fauna of the region are diverse and in many ways unique. Here, the most significant subalpine and alpine meadows in terms of area in the mountains of Siberia. The color of the vegetation of the Southern Altai, where semi-deserts, steppes and tundra coexist, is also unique. The diversity of landscapes contributed to the emergence and preservation of endemics in Altai, often occupying very small areas. Among the rare species of mammals, the snow leopard should be singled out; this is one of the most beautiful cats in the world fauna. Very few of these animals have survived in Altai.

The geological history of the region is unique, “recorded” in the rocks of different ages that make it up and imprinted in unusual landforms. Such, for example, are the high terraces of the Katun River, striking in their grandeur. The grandiose Mount Belukha is the highest peak in Siberia (4506 meters). The Altai river valleys are narrow deep canyons.

The diversity of nature has left its mark on the culture and religion of the indigenous population of this territory - the Altaians. The achievements of Altai traditional medicine are highly valued. As the outstanding philosopher, writer, traveler H.K. Roerich, "many peoples passed through Altai and left traces: Scythians, Huns, Turks." Gorny Altai is called an open-air museum.

Western Caucasus

The western part of the Greater Caucasus in terms of the diversity of flora and fauna, their preservation is unparalleled not only in the Caucasus region, but also among other mountainous regions of Europe and Western Asia. Video 67.

This is an area where a large number of endangered rare, endemic and relict species of plants and animals are concentrated. It is especially important that the little-altered habitat of the most vulnerable large mammals has been preserved here: bison, Caucasian red deer, Western Caucasian tur, chamois, Caucasian subspecies of brown bear, wolf and others.

The Caucasian reserve is practically the only habitat of the mountain bison in the world; outside this territory, it is almost completely exterminated by poachers.

The territory is rich in picturesque objects: powerful waterfalls, pointed mountain peaks (up to 3360 meters), turbulent mountain rivers with clear water, clear mountain lakes, huge trees (majestic firs up to 85 meters high and more than 2 meters in diameter), rare plants (orchids, etc.). .) and many others. An invaluable unique natural complex has been preserved in the Western Caucasus.

curonian spit

The relief of this territory, located in the Kaliningrad region, is unique. A continuous strip of sand dunes 0.3 - 1 km wide, some of which are close to the highest in the world (up to 68 m), stretches along the peninsula for 70 km. Video 68.

Due to its geographic location and orientation from northeast to southwest, the spit serves as a "guide line" for birds of many species migrating from the northwestern regions of Russia, Finland and the Baltic countries to the countries of Central and Southern Europe. Every year in spring and autumn 10 - 20 million birds fly over the spit, a significant part of which stops here for rest and feeding. Among the birds flying here are many rare and endangered species listed in the Red Books of Russia, Europe and the world.

It is especially interesting that the spit is rich in objects cultural heritage. These are defensive structures unique in their scale, extremely valuable from the point of view of history, science and art; fishermen's settlements harmoniously integrated into the landscape; archaeological sites and monuments of religious architecture. The many-sided dune relief of the Curonian Spit in combination with the greenery of forests, white sandy beaches and the boundless blue of the Baltic Sea has a high aesthetic value.

Central Sikhote-Alin

This territory, located in the south of the Far East within Russia, is one of the largest and least human-modified centers of preservation of communities of ancient coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests. Video 69.

It presents a lot of rare and endangered animal species, a significant part of which is preserved only within its boundaries. The mountainous country of Sikhote-Alin is the last large integral territory in the world inhabited by the Amur tiger. Many other rare and endangered plant and animal species endemic to the region also need protection.

Picturesque landforms, full-flowing rivers, combined with an exceptional variety of flora and fauna, the presence of exotic plants and animals reminiscent of the tropics, give the nature of Sikhote-Alin completely unique features. There are many objects of aesthetic and recreational value here: rock massifs, picturesquely standing out among the taiga, waterfalls, lakes and rapids, reefs, sandy bays of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Ubsunur basin

The Ubsunur basin, located on the territory of Mongolia and Russia, is one of the most original and unusual places in Central Asia. Video 70.

This region has preserved a unique complex of neighboring, closely interacting, extremely contrasting ecosystems - from the taiga to the desert. Glaciers, snowfields, mountain tundra of the alpine belt and subalpine meadows turn into a vast mountain taiga belt, which gives way to forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and even loose sandy ridges, creating a natural phenomenon of exceptional beauty and diversity. It is impossible to see such diverse landscapes in such close proximity anywhere else in Eurasia. An unusually high species richness for temperate latitudes reigns in this territory.

Relative sparsely populated territory, lack of industrial facilities make it possible to preserve the basin as a natural laboratory for the study of biospheric processes

However, the value of the territory lies not only in the unique nature of the Ubsunur basin. Of great importance are the objects of cultural heritage located here - archaeological monuments, many of which have not been studied so far. Nowhere else in Central Asia are barrows found in such a concentration as here (according to a rough estimate, there are up to 20 thousand of them); most of them are older than the Egyptian pyramids. Thousands of rock paintings and stone sculptures, the remains of medieval settlements and Buddhist chapels form a unique natural and cultural landscape.

The natural system of the reserve "Wrangel Island"»

The Wrangel Island Reserve is located on the border of the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas on the Wrangel and Herald Islands with a 12-mile sea area adjacent to them. Video 71.

The 180th meridian passes through Wrangel Island, so that the island lies in both the Western and Eastern hemispheres. The relief is predominantly mountainous, strongly dissected, with coastal lowlands in the north and south. There are 1400 rivers and streams on the island, about 900 small lakes. A unique combination of natural-historical and landscape-climatic conditions, as well as inaccessibility, have led to a large number of endemic, rare and relict plant species on the islands. On the islands, as parts of the ancient land that once united the Eurasian and North American continents, both Euro-Asian and American species of flora and fauna are widely represented.

Putorana Plateau

The plateau is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is a large basaltic plateau, located on the northern limit of the taiga and almost completely unaffected by human economic activity. Video 72. Unusual and extremely interesting are the trap relief forms (5), crossed by huge canyons. The scale and number of waterfalls are impressive (the highest concentration in Russia). Here is a 108 m high waterfall - one of the highest in our country. There are many lakes on the plateau with depths up to 400 m, lake fjords are very picturesque.More than 1300 plant species have been recorded on the Putorana Plateau. Here is the northern limit of the distribution of flying squirrel, lynx, sable, stone capercaillie. The migration route of the world's largest population of wild reindeer, the Taimyr one, runs through the plateau. A little-studied, extremely interesting local form of the bighorn sheep also lives here.

Lena Pillars

The Lena Pillars Natural Park is located in Central Yakutia, in the middle reaches of the Lena River. Video 73.

The park got its name because of the unique ridge of rocks - fabulous stone sculptures in the form of pillars and towers stretch along the banks of the Lena for tens of kilometers. Some are up to 100 meters high. This natural monument is composed of Cambrian limestones - a rock that was formed more than 500 million years ago.

In addition, in the park there are small areas of the desert landscape - unique permafrost ecosystems, as well as waving sands-tukulans - isolated and independently developing sandy ridges with slopes practically not fixed by vegetation. In the area of ​​the Lena Pillars, scientists discovered burials of bone remains of ancient fauna: mammoth, bison, Lena horse, woolly rhinoceros.

21 species of rare and endangered "Red Book" plants grow in the park. In the basin of the middle reaches of the Lena River, the fish fauna includes 31 species. Nesting of 101 species of birds has been established in the park. Animals such as sable, brown bear, squirrel, elk, red deer, chipmunk, musk deer, mountain-forest form of wild reindeer are common here.

Work to continue the inclusion of new areas in the World Heritage List continues. According to the rules, nominations for consideration by the World Heritage Committee must first be included in the national Tentative List. They are presented on the World Natural Heritage map of Russia (see above).

Obviously, the effective protection of such territories is impossible without the active involvement of public organizations, as many citizens of the country as possible. Let us remember that we have an individual and collective responsibility for the preservation of natural complexes.

Read the resolution of the International NGO Forum on World Heritage Sites (6).

What can we, the people of Russia, do to support the conservation and development of specially protected natural areas?

Each of these places is unique in its own way, and all together they function, making up the unity and integrity of the life support system on the Planet. They create its unique, still far from fully unraveled and known appearance.

To be inscribed on the World Heritage List, a property must be an outstanding global asset and meet at least one of ten criteria. The criteria are explained in the "Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention", which, together with the Convention itself, is the main working tool in the application of the World Heritage concept. The criteria are regularly reviewed by the World Heritage Committee to reflect developments in the concept of World Heritage.

Until the end of 2004, World Heritage Sites were selected based on six cultural and four natural criteria. With the adoption of the revised Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, a unified list of ten criteria emerged.

An object proposed for inclusion in the List must:

I. Be a work of human creative genius;

II. Reflect the importance of the relationship of human values ​​existing over a period of time or within a particular cultural area and the development of architecture or technology, monumental art, urban planning or landscape planning;

III. Be a unique or at least exceptional evidence of a cultural tradition or civilization that exists or has disappeared;

IV. Represent an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape, illustrating an important stage (s) in the history of mankind;

V. Represent an outstanding example of traditional human settlement, land use or sea use characteristic of a particular culture (or cultures), interaction between man and the natural environment, especially if there is a risk of destruction due to irreversible changes;

VI. Be directly or significantly associated with events or traditions, ideas or beliefs, works of literature and art, which constitute an outstanding global asset. (In the opinion of the World Heritage Committee, this criterion should preferably be used in combination with other criteria);

VII. Include unique natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic value;

VIII. Represent outstanding examples of the reflection of the main stages of the history of the Earth, including traces of ancient life, significant geological processes that continue to occur in the development of the forms of the earth's surface, significant geomorphological or physiographic features of the relief;

IX. Represent outstanding examples of important ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;

X. Include natural areas of greatest importance and importance in terms of their conservation of biological diversity, including areas of endangered species that represent outstanding global heritage from the point of view of science and nature conservation.

Also, the object must be protected, have a management system, and meet the criteria of authenticity and integrity.

Since 1992, significant examples of interaction between humans and the natural environment have come to be defined by the term "cultural landscape".

Machu Picchu, which is translated from the Inca language as "Old Peak", is a legendary city built by the Incas in a lush mountainous area, on the peak of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. Machu Picchu is recognized as one of the new wonders of the world, it is one of the most stunning places in the world. Dthe ancient city of the Incas cascades down the steep slopes on each side of the mountain, in separate terraces. HThe incredible ruins of Machu Picchu have been partially restored and are well maintained, giving visitors a good idea of ​​what the city might have looked like in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Thousands of ancient temples, stupas and monasteries stretch endlessly in Pagan, the ancient capital of the kingdom of the same name. Here, the silhouettes of the temple spiers against the backdrop of sunrise or sunset are a magical sight, worth the trip to this unexplored land. The area is known for having the largest concentration of Buddhist temples in the world, many of which were built in 1000 and 1100 when Bagan was the capital of a pagan kingdom, the first kingdom to unify the regions that later became modern Myanmar. According to the Burmese chronicles, Pagan was founded in the second century AD, and in 849 became the capital of the kingdom under King Pingby, the 34th successor of the founder of early Pagan. Some temples and stupas have been restored, while others are just ruins. They vary in size and levels of architectural complexity, creating an intriguing mix of structures that compel travelers to scrutinize every temple they see.

In a unique jungle setting, not far from the city of Siem Reap, is another historic UNESCO World Heritage Site - Angkor Wat, which is known as the largest religious monument in the world. angkor watwas built by the Khmers in the 12th century and its architecture is stunning.Huge stone carved faces peer in all directions.Extensive and intricate bas-reliefs line the walls and doorways.Destructive passages and steep stone stairs require scouting before traversing them.Until its fall in the 15th century, Angkor Wat was the largest city in the world.

Stretching for a fantastic 8,800 kilometers through thick forests and steep mountain slopes, across the rivers and lakes of northern China, this is the Great Wall of China, deservedly listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Great Wall of China is one of those undeniable sights that has been inspiring great adventures for travelers from all over the world for centuries. The construction of the wall began in the 3rd century BC, and the most popular section of the Great Wall of China is Badaling, which is located just 75 kilometers from Beijing.

One of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, the Roman Colosseum is the largest building left from Roman times.Its imposing presence in the heart of the modern cityRomeis a testament to the incredible history of the city and the achievements of the Roman Empire. Travelers who saw the Colosseum for the first time are amazed at the huge size of this structure, given that they began to build itin 72 AD Today, the Roman Colosseum is still one of the largest and most popular tourist attractions in the world.

Rising aboveAthenson top of a hill, the Acropolis stands like a proud monument Ancient Greece. Structures5th and 4th centuries BC dominate the Acropolis, but the most famous is the Parthenon, the largest and most recognizable monument of ancient culture, it symbolizes amazing story this country.A few steps from modern Athens, the Acropolis is a powerful sight, sparkling under the Mediterranean sun during the day and spectacularly lit at night.


This incredible prehistoric monument is one of England's most visited attractions and is certainly a unique destination, attracting large numbers of tourists from all over the world every year. This huge prehistoric megalithic structure is located 130 kilometers northwest of London.It is assumed that this monument was erected between 3000-1500 BC, but there is no information about its origin or purpose of construction, which leads to various speculations and myths, some of which indicate religious or astronomical significance.As a result, a ring of Bronze Age stones has an almost mystical charm, especially during the summer and winter solstices when the light from sunrise and sunset is aligned with the stones. stonehenge, located near the citySalisbury.

A dramatic, narrow mountain gorge allows access to the ancient city of Petra, a stone city with residential buildings and temples carved into the sandy rocks.This ancient Nabatean capital has roots that can be traced back to the 5th century BC.Discovered at the beginning of the 18th century, it was called the "pink city" because of the color of the rocks and for obvious reasons, the "carved city".Located in a mountainous area with limited access, it occupied a strategic position on an important trade route in the region.Today, Petra is the main attraction of Jordan.

Borobudur is one of the most important Buddhist sites in the world and by far the most famous landmark in Indonesia.Set in lush tropical surroundings, with mountains and volcanoes, Borobudur looks stunning and calming.This massive temple complex, located on the island of Java, near the city of Yogyakarta, it was built in the 700s, but after 200 years abandoned and forgotten for many centuries due to volcanic eruptions in the area, it has remained relatively serene for centuries. Borobudurwas discovered in the 18th century by the British and later restored.

10. Tikal, Guatemala

The ancient Mayan city of Tikal is one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world.Central America. Located in the northernGuatemala, insurrounded by impenetrable jungle, this ancient city consists of over 3000 buildings. The Maya inhabited Tikal between 600 B.C. and up to 900 AD. Ancient pyramids, temples, plazas and foundations of all kinds of buildings show a complex society that once had hundreds of thousands of people. Tikalwas reopened in the middle of the 18th century and opened to tourists in the 1950s.Part of the city has been restored, but work continues, and some areas are still in the impenetrable jungle and are waiting in the wings.The ruins are in Tikal national park, a biosphere reserve protecting the forest and wildlife in the area.

In our world, there are many objects that are unique in their kind and make up world heritage humanity.

World heritage sites included in the special list of UNESCO are of great interest to the entire population of the planet. Unique natural and cultural objects make it possible to preserve those unique corners of nature and man-made monuments that demonstrate the richness of nature and the possibilities of the human mind.

The list of this organization contains objects among which there are separate architectural structures and ensembles, for example - the Acropolis, the cathedrals in Amiens and Chartres, the historical centers of the cities - Warsaw and St. Petersburg; and there are whole cities - Brasilia, Venice, along with the lagoon and others. There are also archaeological reserves - for example, Delphi; national parks - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Yellowstone (USA) and others. The states on whose territory the World Heritage sites are located undertake obligations to preserve them.

It is worth noting that UNESCO World Heritage Sites are places and objects on the planet, in different countries, which are selected by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in accordance with the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The Convention is designed to protect and preserve the outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind. The first three places in terms of the number of objects are occupied by Italy, Spain and China.

In this photo collection you will see places from different corners our planet, which are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Tourists look at Buddhist sculptures at the Longmen Grotto (Dragon Gate) near Luoyang, China's Henan province. There are more than 2,300 caves in this place; 110,000 Buddhist images, more than 80 dagobas (Buddhist mausoleums) containing relics of the Buddhas, as well as 2,800 inscriptions on the rocks near the Yishui River, a kilometer long. For the first time Buddhism in China was introduced in these places during the reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Bayon Temple in Cambodia is famous for its many giant stone faces. There are over 1,000 temples in the Angkor region, ranging from nondescript piles of brick and rubble scattered among rice fields to the magnificent Angkor Wat, considered the world's largest single religious monument. Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored. More than a million tourists visit them every year.

One of the parts of the Al-Hijr archaeological site - also known as Mada'in Salih. This complex, located in the northern regions of Saudi Arabia, was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List on July 6, 2008. The complex includes 111 rock burials (I century BC - I century AD), as well as a system of hydraulic structures dated to the ancient Nabataean city of Hegra, which was the center of caravan trade. There are also about 50 rock inscriptions dating back to the Donabatean period.

The waterfalls "Garganta del Diablo" ("Devil's Throat") are located on the territory of the Iguazu National Park in the Argentine province of Misiones. Depending on the water level in the Iguazu River, the park has from 160 to 260 waterfalls, as well as over 2,000 varieties of plants and 400 species of birds The Iguazu National Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984.

The mysterious Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure, consisting of 150 huge stones, and located on the Salisbury Plain in the English county of Wiltshire. This ancient monument is believed to have been built in 3000 BC. Stonehenge was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986.

Tourists stroll by the Bafang Pavilion in the Summer Palace, Beijing's famous classical imperial garden. The Summer Palace, built in 1750, was destroyed in 1860 and rebuilt in 1886. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1998.

Statue of Liberty at sunset in New York. "Lady Liberty", which was presented to the United States by France, stands at the entrance to New York Harbor. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984.

"Solitario George" (Lonely George), the last living giant tortoise of this species, born on Pinta Island, lives in the Galapagos National Park in Ecuador. She is now approximately 60-90 years old. The Galapagos Islands were originally inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978, but in 2007 they were marked as endangered.

People skate on the ice of the canals in the Kinderdijk mills area, a UNESCO World Heritage site near Rotterdam. Kinderdijk has the largest collection of historic windmills in the Netherlands and is one of the top attractions in South Holland. Decoration with balloons of the holidays passing here gives a certain flavor to this place.

View of the Perito Moreno glacier located in the Los Glaciares National Park, in the southeast of the Argentine province of Santa Cruz. This place was listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 1981. The glacier is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the Argentinean part of Patagonia and the 3rd largest glacier in the world after Antarctica and Greenland.

Terraced gardens in the northern Israeli city of Haifa surround the golden-domed Shrine of the Bab, the founder of the Baha'i faith. Here is the world administrative and spiritual center of the Baha'i religion, the number of professing which in the world is less than six million. This site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 8, 2008.

Aerial view of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. According to the World Heritage website, within this small state is unique collection artistic and architectural masterpieces. The Vatican was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984.

Colorful underwater scenes of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This thriving ecosystem hosts the world's largest collection of coral reefs, including 400 coral species and 1,500 fish species. The Great Barrier Reef was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1981.

Camels rest in the ancient city of Petra in front of Jordan's main monument, Al-Khazneh, or the Treasury, believed to be the sandstone tomb of a Nabataean king. This city, located between Red and dead seas, is located at the crossroads from Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia. Petra was added to the World Heritage List in 1985.

Sydney Opera House - one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world, which is a symbol of Sydney and one of the main attractions of Australia. The Sydney Opera House was listed as a World Heritage Site in 2007.

Rock paintings made by the San people in the Dragon Mountains, located in eastern South Africa. The San people lived in the Drakensberg area for thousands of years until they were destroyed in clashes with the Zulus and white settlers. They left behind incredible rock paintings in the Dragon Mountains, which were inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2000.

General view of the city of Shibam, located in the east of Yemen in the province of Hadhramaut. Shibam is famous for its incomparable architecture, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Program. All houses here are built of clay bricks, about 500 houses can be considered multi-storey, as they have 5-11 floors. Shibam is often referred to as "the oldest city of skyscrapers in the world" or "Desert Manhattan", it is also the oldest example of urban planning based on the principle of vertical construction.

Gondolas along the Grand Canal in Venice. The Church of San Giorgio Maggiore is visible in the background. Island Venice is a sea resort, a center of international tourism of world importance, a venue for international film festivals, art and architectural exhibitions. Venice was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1987.

Some of the 390 abandoned huge statues of compressed volcanic ash (moai in the Rapa Nui language) at the foot of the Rano Raraku volcano on Easter Island, 3,700 km from the coast of Chile. Rapa Nui National Park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Program since 1995.

Visitors walk along the Great Wall of China in the Simatai area, northeast of Beijing. This largest architectural monument was built as one of the four main strategic strongholds in order to defend against the invading tribes from the north. The 8,851.8 km long Great Wall is one of the largest construction projects ever completed. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987.

Temple in Hampi, near the South Indian city of Hospet, north of Bangalore. Hampi is located in the middle of the ruins of Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Hampi and its monuments were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986, notes

A Tibetan pilgrim turns the prayer mills on the grounds of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet's capital. The Potala Palace is a royal palace and Buddhist temple complex, which was the main residence of the Dalai Lama. Today, the Potala Palace is a museum actively visited by tourists, remaining a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists and continuing to be used in Buddhist rituals. Due to its enormous cultural, religious, artistic and historical significance, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

The Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian city of Cusco. Machu Picchu, especially after receiving the UNESCO World Heritage status in 1983, has become a center of mass tourism. The city is visited by 2,000 tourists per day; In order to preserve the monument, UNESCO demands to reduce the number of tourists per day to 800.

Buddhist pagoda Kompon-daito on Mount Koya, in Wakayama province, Japan. Mount Koya, located east of Osaka, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004. In 819 he was the first to settle here Buddhist monk Kukai, founder of the Shingon school, an offshoot of Japanese Buddhism.

Tibetan women walk around the Bodhnath Stupa in Kathmandu, one of the most ancient and revered Buddhist shrines. On the sides of the tower crowning it are depicted "Buddha's eyes" inlaid with ivory. Kathmandu valley with a height of about 1300 m is a mountain valley and a historical region of Nepal. There are many Buddhist and Hindu temples here, from the Boudhanath stupa to tiny street altars in the walls of houses. Locals say that 10 million Gods live in the Kathmandu Valley. The Kathmandu Valley was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979.

A bird flies over the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum-mosque located in the Indian city of Agra. It was built by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. The Taj Mahal was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. The architectural marvel was also named one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" in 2007.

Located in northeast Wales, the 18km Pontcysillte Aqueduct is a feat of civil engineering from the Industrial Revolution, completed in the early years of the 19th century. More than 200 years after its opening, it is still in use and is one of the busiest sections of the UK canal network, handling around 15,000 boats a year. In 2009, the Pontkysilte aqueduct was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as "a milestone in the history of civil engineering during the Industrial Revolution." This aqueduct is one of the unusual monuments to plumbers and plumbing

A herd of moose grazes in the meadows of Yellowstone National Park. Mount Holmes, on the left, and Mount Dome are visible in the background. In the Yellowstone National Park, which occupies almost 900 thousand hectares, there are more than 10 thousand geysers and thermal springs. The park was included in the World Heritage program in 1978.

Cubans drive an old car along the Malecon in Havana. UNESCO inscribed Old Havana and its fortifications on the World Heritage List in 1982. Although Havana has expanded to a population of over 2 million, its old center retains an interesting mixture of baroque and neoclassical monuments and homogeneous ensembles of private houses with arcades, balconies, wrought iron gates and patios.

There are many beautiful buildings, natural phenomena and other unique objects in the world that delight people. And the task of each generation is to preserve this wealth and pass it on to descendants. The most valuable sights fall into a special list.

About World Heritage Sites

It is terrible to think that the descendants will not see, for example, the Acropolis or, meanwhile, this can happen, if not in the near future, then in several generations. That is why one of the primary tasks of mankind is to preserve and increase the cultural and natural wealth of the planet.

For this purpose, a special list was created, which includes World Heritage sites located on the territory of various countries and regions. There are many, they are diverse, and each is unique in its own way.

General information about the list

The idea of ​​a list of the most valuable objects in the world was first implemented in 1978, after the UN Convention was adopted six years earlier, declaring a common responsibility for the preservation of the most significant cultural and natural monuments.

At the end of 2014, the list contains 1007 titles. In the top ten in terms of the number of World Heritage sites are Italy, China, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, India, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States. In total, there are 359 items included in the list on their territory.

There are a number of criteria according to which the list is expanded. They include the uniqueness or exclusivity of a particular place or building from different points of view: its inhabitants, structures, evidence of an important stage in the development of civilizations, etc. Therefore, sometimes in the list you can find objects that are quite unexpected for someone.

Categories and examples

All the diversity of the World Heritage is divided into three conditional groups: cultural, natural and cultural-natural. The first category is the most numerous, it includes 779 items, for example, the building of the Opera House in Sydney. The second group contains 197 objects, including Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Grand Canyon. The last category is the smallest - only 31 monuments, but they combine both natural beauty and human intervention: Machu Picchu, Meteora monasteries, etc.

For some reason, people are used to first of all admiring buildings and creations of their own efforts, forgetting about natural beauties. And in vain, because in fact it is also a World Cultural Heritage.

In Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 26 monuments included in the UNESCO list. Of these, 15 are classified as cultural, and the remaining 11 are natural. They are located all over the country and include truly unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia.

For the first time, the Russian Federation added to the list of countries on whose territory there are monuments to human and natural genius, in 1990, when the list was replenished with the Kizhi churchyard and the historical center of St. Petersburg. In the future, the World Heritage of Russia has been regularly updated and still continues to expand. The list includes reserves, monasteries, geological monuments and many other objects. So, in 2014, the Bulgar historical and archaeological complex, which is located in Tatarstan, was included in the World Heritage List of Russia.

Full list

The World Heritage Sites of Russia are mostly known to many citizens. But someone will find for themselves unfamiliar points that they may want to visit, so it is better to give a complete list:

  • the historical center and monuments of St. Petersburg;
  • Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow;
  • Kizhi churchyard;
  • Veliky Novgorod and its environs;
  • white monuments of Suzdal and Vladimir;
  • Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye;
  • Trinity-Sergius Lavra;
  • Komi forests;
  • lake Baikal;
  • Kamchatka volcanoes;
  • natural reserve Sikhote-Alin;
  • golden Altai mountains;
  • Ubsu-Nur lake basin;
  • Western Caucasus;
  • Kazan Kremlin;
  • Ferapontov Monastery;
  • Curonian Spit;
  • the old city of Derbent;
  • Wrangel Island;
  • Novodevichy Convent;
  • historical center of Yaroslavl;
  • Struve arc;
  • the Putorana plateau;
  • Lena Pillars;
  • complex "Bulgar".

Another point is related to the political events of 2014 - the ancient city of Khersones is located on the Crimean peninsula, which is also included in the World Cultural Heritage. Russia actually has something to strive for, because there are many more unique objects on the territory of the country, and each of them can eventually enter the UNESCO list. In the meantime, it is still worth learning more about those monuments that are already on this list. After all, it’s not for nothing that they were included there?


Russia is a huge country, the largest on the planet in terms of territory. 9 time zones, 4 climatic and a huge number of different zones. It is not surprising that the World Natural Heritage of Russia is quite numerous and diverse - 11 objects. There are huge forests, clean and deep lakes, natural phenomena of amazing beauty.

  • Virgin forests of Komi. They are considered the largest untouched forests in Europe. They were included in the World Heritage of Russia in 1995. Many species of rare representatives of flora and fauna grow and live on their territory.
  • Lake Baikal. It is the deepest on the planet. Listed in 1996. Many species living in the lake are endemic.
  • Volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. They are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Included in the World Heritage Sites of Russia in 1996.
  • Altai. Listed since 1998. Includes habitats of rare representatives of flora and fauna.
  • Caucasian reserve. It is located in three constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea. Listed since 1999.
  • Central Sikhote-Alin. A natural reserve located in the Primorsky Territory. In its territory there are many rare species animals. Entered the UNESCO list in 2001.
  • Curonian spit. This unique object is a sand body stretching across the Baltic Sea for almost 100 kilometers. There are a large number of interesting places on the territory of the spit, for example, the famous "Dancing Forest", and the seasonal migration route of many birds also lies through it. Listed in 2000.
  • Ubsu-Nur basin. Located on the border of the Russian Federation and Mongolia. The hollow was included in the list in 2003 according to the criteria of international scientific importance and the conservation of biological and landscape diversity.
  • Wrangel Island. It is divided into almost equal halves between the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains. Rare plants grow here, which, among other things, was the reason for the inclusion of the object in the UNESCO list in 2004 under the number 1023.
  • It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2010. Here are the migration routes of large populations of reindeer, as well as a unique combination of ecosystems.
  • Lena pillars. At the moment, the last World Natural Heritage site in Russia. Was listed in 2012. In addition to its aesthetic importance, this object is valuable for the uniqueness of the geological processes taking place here.


The objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia, of course, include not only natural monuments, but the results of human labor.

  • Historical center of St. Petersburg. Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow. The hearts of both capitals entered the list at the same time - in 1990 - and immediately according to four criteria.
  • Kizhi. This unique ensemble of wooden buildings was also included in the UNESCO list in 1990. This real wonder of the world not only demonstrates the genius of mankind, but also surprisingly harmonizes with the surrounding nature.
  • In 1992, UNESCO added 3 more sights to its list: the monuments of Novgorod, Suzdal and Vladimir, as well as
  • The Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, listed in 1993 and 1994 respectively, are known for their beauty to everyone - many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region regularly visit there.
  • in the Vologda Oblast was included in the list in 2000, as well as
  • Monuments of the city of Derbent in Dagestan - 2003.
  • in Moscow - 2004.
  • The historical center of Yaroslavl - 2005.
  • (2 points), which helped to establish the shape, size and some other parameters of the planet - 2005.
  • Architectural and historical complex Bulgar - 2014.

As can be seen, the objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia are mostly concentrated in the European part, which is due to the peculiarities of the development of the territory.


Russia's World Heritage List may expand significantly in the coming years. The Government of the Russian Federation regularly offers the UN new applicants, unique and beautiful in their own way. Now there are 24 more objects that can be included in the main list of UNESCO.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to preserve the World Heritage. Fortunately, this does not threaten Russia yet, all of its monuments included in the list are in relative safety. UNESCO regularly edits and publishes a special list of unique sites in danger. Now it consists of 38 items. Natural and cultural monuments are on this “alarming” list for various reasons: poaching, deforestation, construction and reconstruction projects that violate the historical appearance, climate change, etc. In addition, the worst enemy of World Heritage is time, which is impossible win. And yet, from time to time, monuments are removed from this list, most often due to an improvement in the situation. But there are also sad examples when the situation has deteriorated so much that the objects simply ceased to be included in the World Heritage. Russia has nothing to fear yet, although the ecological situation in some parts of the country may affect many natural monuments. And then, perhaps, for the Russian Federation, the “alarming” list will become relevant.

UNESCO action

Inclusion in the list is not only and not so much prestige, but first of all increased attention to the safety and condition of certain objects from a larger number of organizations. UNESCO also stimulates the development of eco-tourism and increases people's awareness of the uniqueness of monuments. Among other things, there is a special fund that finances the maintenance of facilities.