The creation of man's world heritage abroad list. The natural heritage of Russia, marked by UNESCO

  • 30.09.2019

There are many beautiful buildings, natural phenomena and other unique objects in the world that delight people. And the task of each generation is to preserve this wealth and pass it on to descendants. The most valuable sights fall into a special list.

About World Heritage Sites

It is terrible to think that the descendants will not see, for example, the Acropolis or, meanwhile, this can happen, if not in the near future, then in several generations. That is why one of the primary tasks of mankind is to preserve and increase the cultural and natural wealth of the planet.

For this purpose, a special list was created, which includes World Heritage sites located on the territory of various countries and regions. There are many, they are diverse, and each is unique in its own way.

General information about the list

The idea of ​​a list of the most valuable objects in the world was first implemented in 1978, after the UN Convention was adopted six years earlier, declaring a common responsibility for the preservation of the most significant cultural and natural monuments.

At the end of 2014, the list contains 1007 titles. In the top ten in terms of the number of World Heritage sites are Italy, China, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, India, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States. In total, there are 359 items included in the list on their territory.

There are a number of criteria according to which the list is expanded. They include the uniqueness or exclusivity of a particular place or building from different points of view: its inhabitants, structures, evidence of an important stage in the development of civilizations, etc. Therefore, sometimes in the list you can find objects that are quite unexpected for someone.

Categories and examples

All the diversity of the World Heritage is divided into three conditional groups: cultural, natural and cultural-natural. The first category is the most numerous, it includes 779 items, for example, the building of the Opera House in Sydney. The second group contains 197 objects, including Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Grand Canyon. The last category is the smallest - only 31 monuments, but they combine both natural beauty and human intervention: Machu Picchu, Meteora monasteries, etc.

For some reason, people are used to first of all admiring buildings and creations of their own efforts, forgetting about natural beauties. And in vain, because in fact it is also a World Cultural Heritage.

In Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 26 monuments included in the UNESCO list. Of these, 15 are classified as cultural, and the remaining 11 are natural. They are located all over the country and include truly unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia.

For the first time, the Russian Federation added to the list of countries on whose territory there are monuments to human and natural genius, in 1990, when the list was replenished with the Kizhi churchyard and the historical center of St. Petersburg. In the future, the World Heritage of Russia has been regularly updated and still continues to expand. The list includes reserves, monasteries, geological monuments and many other objects. So, in 2014, the Bulgar historical and archaeological complex, which is located in Tatarstan, was included in the World Heritage List of Russia.

Full list

The World Heritage Sites of Russia are mostly known to many citizens. But someone will find for themselves unfamiliar points that they may want to visit, so it is better to give a complete list:

  • the historical center and monuments of St. Petersburg;
  • Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow;
  • Kizhi churchyard;
  • Veliky Novgorod and its environs;
  • white monuments of Suzdal and Vladimir;
  • Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye;
  • Trinity-Sergius Lavra;
  • Komi forests;
  • lake Baikal;
  • Kamchatka volcanoes;
  • natural reserve Sikhote-Alin;
  • golden Altai mountains;
  • Ubsu-Nur lake basin;
  • Western Caucasus;
  • Kazan Kremlin;
  • Ferapontov Monastery;
  • Curonian Spit;
  • the old city of Derbent;
  • Wrangel Island;
  • Novodevichy Convent;
  • historical center of Yaroslavl;
  • Struve arc;
  • the Putorana plateau;
  • Lena Pillars;
  • complex "Bulgar".

Another point is related to the political events of 2014 - the ancient city of Khersones is located on the Crimean peninsula, which is also included in the World Cultural Heritage. Russia actually has something to strive for, because there are many more unique objects on the territory of the country, and each of them may eventually enter the UNESCO list. In the meantime, it is still worth learning more about those monuments that are already on this list. After all, it’s not for nothing that they were included there?


Russia is a huge country, the largest on the planet in terms of territory. 9 time zones, 4 climatic and a huge number of different zones. It is not surprising that the World Natural Heritage of Russia is quite numerous and diverse - 11 objects. There are huge forests, clean and deep lakes, natural phenomena of amazing beauty.

  • Virgin forests of Komi. They are considered the largest untouched forests in Europe. They were included in the World Heritage of Russia in 1995. Many species of rare representatives of flora and fauna grow and live on their territory.
  • Lake Baikal. It is the deepest on the planet. Listed in 1996. Many species living in the lake are endemic.
  • Volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. They are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Included in the World Heritage Sites of Russia in 1996.
  • Altai. Listed since 1998. Includes habitats of rare representatives of flora and fauna.
  • Caucasian reserve. It is located in three constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea. Listed since 1999.
  • Central Sikhote-Alin. A natural reserve located in the Primorsky Territory. Many rare species of animals live on its territory. Entered the UNESCO list in 2001.
  • Curonian spit. This unique object is a sand body stretching across the Baltic Sea for almost 100 kilometers. On the territory of the spit is located a large number of interesting places, such as the famous "Dancing Forest", also through it lies the seasonal migration route of many birds. Listed in 2000.
  • Ubsu-Nur basin. Located on the border of the Russian Federation and Mongolia. The hollow was included in the list in 2003 according to the criteria of international scientific importance and the conservation of biological and landscape diversity.
  • Wrangel Island. It is divided into almost equal halves between the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Most of its territory is occupied by mountains. Rare plants grow here, which, among other things, was the reason for the inclusion of the object in the UNESCO list in 2004 under the number 1023.
  • It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2010. Here are the migration routes of large populations of reindeer, as well as a unique combination of ecosystems.
  • Lena pillars. At the moment, the last World Natural Heritage site in Russia. Was listed in 2012. In addition to its aesthetic importance, this object is valuable for the uniqueness of the geological processes taking place here.


The objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia, of course, include not only natural monuments, but the results of human labor.

  • Historical center of St. Petersburg. Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow. The hearts of both capitals entered the list at the same time - in 1990 - and immediately according to four criteria.
  • Kizhi. This unique ensemble of wooden buildings was also included in the UNESCO list in 1990. This real wonder of the world not only demonstrates the genius of mankind, but also surprisingly harmonizes with the surrounding nature.
  • In 1992, UNESCO added 3 more sights to its list: the monuments of Novgorod, Suzdal and Vladimir, as well as
  • The Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, listed in 1993 and 1994 respectively, are known for their beauty to everyone - many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region regularly visit there.
  • in the Vologda Oblast was included in the list in 2000, as well as
  • Monuments of the city of Derbent in Dagestan - 2003.
  • in Moscow - 2004.
  • The historical center of Yaroslavl - 2005.
  • (2 points), which helped to establish the shape, size and some other parameters of the planet - 2005.
  • Architectural and historical complex Bulgar - 2014.

As can be seen, the objects of the World Cultural Heritage of Russia are mostly concentrated in the European part, which is due to the peculiarities of the development of the territory.


Russia's World Heritage List may expand significantly in the coming years. The Government of the Russian Federation regularly offers the UN new applicants, unique and beautiful in their own way. Now there are 24 more objects that can be included in the main list of UNESCO.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to preserve the World Heritage. Fortunately, this does not threaten Russia yet, all of its monuments included in the list are in relative safety. UNESCO regularly edits and publishes a special list of unique sites in danger. Now it consists of 38 items. Natural and cultural monuments are on this “alarming” list for various reasons: poaching, deforestation, construction and reconstruction projects that violate the historical appearance, climate change, etc. In addition, the worst enemy of World Heritage is time, which is impossible win. And yet, from time to time, monuments are removed from this list, most often due to an improvement in the situation. But there are also sad examples when the situation has deteriorated so much that the objects simply ceased to be included in the World Heritage. Russia has nothing to fear yet, although the ecological situation in some parts of the country may affect many natural monuments. And then, perhaps, for the Russian Federation, the “alarming” list will become relevant.

UNESCO action

Inclusion in the list is not only and not so much prestige, but first of all increased attention to the safety and condition of certain objects from a larger number of organizations. UNESCO also stimulates the development of eco-tourism and increases people's awareness of the uniqueness of monuments. Among other things, there is a special fund that finances the maintenance of facilities.

Emblem of the project World Heritage World Heritage (Eng. World Heritage, French Patrimoine Mondial, Spanish Patrimonio Mundial) outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Heritage. Emblem of the World Heritage project World Heritage (Eng. World Heritage ... Wikipedia

There are 27 sites on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India (as of 2008). Contents 1 List 2 Candidates for inscription on the World Heritage List ... Wikipedia

Outstanding natural and cultural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, to which most countries of the world have acceded. States, on ... ... Financial vocabulary

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world heritage- WORLD HERITAGE, outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (entered into force in 1975). Convention ratified... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Outstanding cultural and natural values ​​that constitute the heritage of all mankind. In November 1972, the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (entered into force in 1975, when the number ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

There are 8 names on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ethiopia (as of 2008). The total World Heritage List includes 878 sites. Thus, the proportion of objects in Ethiopia in the world is approximately 1%. In this table ... ... Wikipedia


  • World heritage of Russia. Book 1. Architecture, Sirotkina Alla. The book tells about the cultural monuments of Russia included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Their description and history is given. Each object is represented by at least 25-30 photographs,…
  • World heritage of Russia. Book 2. Nature. Photoalbum, Sirotkina A.. The books tell about the cultural and natural monuments of Russia, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The first volume - 14 architectural, the second volume - 12 natural objects. They are given…

World heritage sites included in the special list of UNESCO are of great interest to the entire population of the planet. Unique natural and cultural objects make it possible to preserve those unique corners of nature and man-made monuments that demonstrate the richness of nature and the possibilities of the human mind.
As of July 1, 2009, there are 890 objects in the World Heritage List (including 689 cultural, 176 natural and 25 mixed) in 148 countries: individual architectural structures and ensembles - the Acropolis, the cathedrals in Amiens and Chartres, the historical center of Warsaw (Poland) and St. Petersburg (Russia), the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square (Russia), etc.; cities - Brasilia, Venice along with the lagoon, etc.; archaeological reserves - Delphi, etc.; national parks - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Yellowstone (USA) and others. The states on whose territory the World Heritage sites are located undertake obligations to preserve them.

1) Tourists inspect the Buddhist sculptures of the Longmen Grottoes ("Dragon Gate") near the city of Luoyang in the Chinese province of Henan. There are more than 2,300 caves in this place; 110,000 Buddhist images, more than 80 dagobas (Buddhist mausoleums) containing relics of the Buddhas, as well as 2,800 inscriptions on the rocks near the Yishui River, a kilometer long. For the first time Buddhism in China was introduced in these places during the reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty. (China Photos/Getty Images)

2) Bayon Temple in Cambodia is famous for its many giant stone faces. There are over 1,000 temples in the Angkor region, ranging from nondescript piles of brick and rubble scattered among rice fields to the magnificent Angkor Wat, considered the world's largest single religious monument. Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored. More than a million tourists visit them every year. (Voishmel/AFP - Getty Images)

3) One of the parts of the archaeological site of Al-Hijr - also known as Madain Salih. This complex, located in the northern regions of Saudi Arabia, was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List on July 6, 2008. The complex includes 111 rock burials (I century BC - I century AD), as well as a system of hydraulic structures dated to the ancient Nabataean city of Hegra, which was the center of caravan trade. There are also about 50 rock inscriptions dating back to the Donabatean period. (Hassan Ammar/AFP - Getty Images)

4) The waterfalls "Garganta del Diablo" ("Devil's Throat") are located on the territory of the Iguazu National Park in the Argentine province of Misiones. Depending on the water level in the Iguazu River, the park has from 160 to 260 waterfalls, as well as over 2000 varieties of plants and 400 Iguazu National Park was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984. (Christian Rizzi/AFP - Getty Images) #

5) The mysterious Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure, consisting of 150 huge stones, and located on the Salisbury Plain in the English county of Wiltshire. This ancient monument is believed to have been built in 3000 BC. Stonehenge was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

6) Tourists stroll by the Bafang Pavilion in the Summer Palace, Beijing's famous classical imperial garden. The Summer Palace, built in 1750, was destroyed in 1860 and rebuilt in 1886. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1998. (China Photos/Getty Images)

7) The Statue of Liberty at sunset in New York. "Lady Liberty", which was presented to the United States by France, stands at the entrance to New York Harbor. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984. (Seth Wenig/AP)

8) "Solitario George" (Lonely George), the last living giant tortoise of this species, born on Pinta Island, lives in the Galapagos National Park in Ecuador. She is now approximately 60-90 years old. The Galapagos Islands were originally inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978, but in 2007 they were marked as endangered. (Rodrigo Buendia/AFP - Getty Images)

9) People skate on the ice of the canals in the Kinderdijk Mills area, a UNESCO World Heritage site near Rotterdam. Kinderdijk has the largest collection of historic windmills in the Netherlands and is one of the top attractions in South Holland. Decoration with balloons of the holidays passing here gives a certain flavor to this place. (Peter Dejong/AP)

10) View of the Perito Moreno Glacier located in the Los Glaciares National Park, in the southeast of the Argentinean province of Santa Cruz. This place was listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 1981. The glacier is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the Argentinean part of Patagonia and the 3rd largest glacier in the world after Antarctica and Greenland. (Daniel Garcia/AFP - Getty Images)

11) Terraced gardens in the northern Israeli city of Haifa surround the golden-domed Shrine of the Bab, the founder of the Baha'i faith. Here is the world administrative and spiritual center of the Baha'i religion, the number of professing which in the world is less than six million. The site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 8, 2008. (David Silverman/Getty Images)

12) Aerial photography of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. According to the World Heritage website, within this small state is unique collection artistic and architectural masterpieces. The Vatican was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1984. (Giulio Napolitano/AFP - Getty Images)

13) Colorful underwater scenes of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This thriving ecosystem hosts the world's largest collection of coral reefs, including 400 coral species and 1,500 fish species. The Great Barrier Reef was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1981. (AFP - Getty Images)

14) Camels rest in the ancient city of Petra in front of Jordan's main monument, Al-Khazneh, or the Treasury, believed to be the sandstone tomb of a Nabataean king. This city, located between Red and dead seas, is located at the crossroads from Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Phoenicia. Petra was added to the World Heritage List in 1985. (Thomas Coex/AFP - Getty Images)

15) Sydney Opera House - one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world, which is a symbol of Sydney and one of the main attractions of Australia. The Sydney Opera House was listed as a World Heritage Site in 2007. (Torsten Blackwood/AFP - Getty Images)

16) Rock paintings made by the San people in the Dragon Mountains, located in the east of South Africa. The San people lived in the Drakensberg area for thousands of years until they were destroyed in clashes with the Zulus and white settlers. They left behind incredible rock paintings in the Dragon Mountains, which were inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2000. (Alexander Joe/AFP - Getty Images)

17) General form on the city of Shibam, located in the east of Yemen in the province of Hadhramaut. Shibam is famous for its incomparable architecture, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Program. All houses here are built of clay bricks, about 500 houses can be considered multi-storey, as they have 5-11 floors. Shibam is often referred to as "the oldest city of skyscrapers in the world" or "Desert Manhattan", it is also the oldest example of urban planning based on the principle vertical construction. (Khaled Fazaa/AFP - Getty Images)

18) Gondolas near the Grand Canal in Venice. The Church of San Giorgio Maggiore is visible in the background. Island Venice is a seaside resort, a center of international tourism of world importance, a venue for international film festivals, art and architectural exhibitions. Venice was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1987. (AP)

19) Some of the 390 abandoned huge statues of compressed volcanic ash (moai in the Rapa Nui language) at the foot of the Rano Raraku volcano on Easter Island, 3700 km from the coast of Chile. Rapa Nui National Park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage Program since 1995. (Martin Bernetti/AFP - Getty Images)

20) Visitors walk along the Great Wall of China in the Simatai area, northeast of Beijing. This largest architectural monument was built as one of the four main strategic strongholds in order to defend against the invading tribes from the north. The 8,851.8 km long Great Wall is one of the largest construction projects ever completed. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1987. (Frederic J. Brown/AFP - Getty Images)

21) Temple at Hampi, near the South Indian city of Hospet, north of Bangalore. Hampi is located in the middle of the ruins of Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Hampi and its monuments were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1986. (Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP - Getty Images)

22) A Tibetan pilgrim rotates prayer mills on the grounds of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet's capital. The Potala Palace is a royal palace and Buddhist temple complex which was the main residence of the Dalai Lama. Today, the Potala Palace is a museum actively visited by tourists, remaining a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists and continuing to be used in Buddhist rituals. Due to its enormous cultural, religious, artistic and historical significance, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994. (Goh Chai Hin/AFP - Getty Images)

23) The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian city of Cusco. Machu Picchu, especially after receiving the UNESCO World Heritage status in 1983, has become a center of mass tourism. The city is visited by 2,000 tourists per day; In order to preserve the monument, UNESCO demands to reduce the number of tourists per day to 800. (Eitan Abramovich/AFP - Getty Images)

24) Buddhist pagoda Kompon-daito on Mount Koya, in the province of Wakayama, Japan. Mount Koya, located east of Osaka, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004. In 819, the Buddhist monk Kukai, the founder of the Shingon school, an offshoot of Japanese Buddhism, was the first to settle here. (Everett Kennedy Brown/EPA)

25) Tibetan women walk around the Bodhnath Stupa in Kathmandu - one of the most ancient and revered Buddhist shrines. On the sides of the tower crowning it, "Buddha's eyes" inlaid with ivory are depicted. Kathmandu valley with a height of about 1300 m is a mountain valley and a historical region of Nepal. There are many Buddhist and Hindu temples here, from the Boudhanath stupa to tiny street altars in the walls of houses. Locals say that 10 million Gods live in the Kathmandu Valley. The Kathmandu Valley was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979. (Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

26) A bird flies over the Taj Mahal, a mausoleum-mosque located in the Indian city of Agra. It was built by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. The Taj Mahal was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. The architectural marvel was also named one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" in 2007. (Tauseef Mustafa/AFP - Getty Images)

27) Located in northeast Wales, the 18km Pontcysillte Aqueduct is an Industrial Revolution civil engineering feat completed in the early years of the 19th century. More than 200 years after its opening, it is still in use and is one of the busiest sections of the UK canal network, handling around 15,000 boats a year. In 2009, the Pontkysilte aqueduct was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as "a milestone in the history of civil engineering during the Industrial Revolution." This aqueduct is one of the unusual monuments to plumbers and plumbing. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

28) A herd of moose grazing in the meadows of Yellowstone national park. Mount Holmes, on the left, and Mount Dome are visible in the background. In the Yellowstone National Park, which occupies almost 900 thousand hectares, there are more than 10 thousand geysers and thermal springs. The park was included in the World Heritage program in 1978. (Kevork Djansezian/AP)

29) Cubans drive an old car along the Malecon in Havana. UNESCO inscribed Old Havana and its fortifications on the World Heritage List in 1982. Although Havana has expanded to a population of over 2 million, its old center retains an interesting mixture of baroque and neoclassical monuments and homogeneous ensembles of private houses with arcades, balconies, wrought iron gates and patios. (Javier Galeano/AP)

For a long time, people did not think about what they would leave to their descendants. Rulers were replaced, entire cultures were destroyed, there was not a trace of them left. Later, people became smarter and preserved works of art, buildings of stunning beauty, interesting monuments, etc. In the end, mankind came to the conclusion that the most valuable objects should be included in a special list. Today, tourists visiting certain countries are interested in World Heritage Abroad. The UNESCO project has long been more than successful.

world heritage

At some point, people were distracted from the consumption of resources and realized the need to protect natural and flora and fauna. This aspiration is expressed in a special list, the idea of ​​which was implemented in 1972 within the framework of the Convention "On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage", which proclaimed universal responsibility for the preservation of the most significant sites.

Today, the list includes more than a thousand items, and all these monuments are located on the territory of 161 states. Among them there are picturesque corners of nature and amazing creations of human hands, but some objects may surprise those who do not know what principles this list is based on.


World heritage abroad and in Russia is not just buildings and natural monuments. Each object is unique in its own way and is included in the list with certain criteria. Conventionally, they are divided into two parts.

For artificial objects, criteria such as reflecting the relationship of human values, the development of architecture, uniqueness or exclusivity, connection with ideas that are in the public domain are important. Of course, beauty and aesthetics are also taken into account. There are six key factors.

As for natural monuments, they must include phenomena or areas of exceptional aesthetic qualities, represent an example of the main stages of history, geological or biological processes, or be important in terms of preserving the diversity of flora and fauna. Only four criteria are presented.

Those located abroad or in Russia, which can be attributed approximately equally to one or the other group, are called mixed, or having cultural and natural significance. So, what exactly is on the UNESCO list?

Record countries

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are very unevenly distributed around the world. The states with the largest number of monuments are Italy, China, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, India, Great Britain, Russia and the USA. In total, more than 350 objects are located on their territory, which is more than a third of the entire list. Almost all of these countries can be said to be the heirs of great civilizations and have natural wealth. In any case, such a beginning of the list is not at all surprising.

man-made objects

In this category for 2014, there are 779 objects. This includes the most famous and significant buildings and structures in the world, many of which are symbols of their countries: Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Easter Island, the Great Abu Mena in Egypt, Versailles, the Athenian Acropolis, the Taj Mahal, Prambanan and Borobudur temples in Indonesia, ancient Samarra, located on the modern territory of Iran, Petra in Jordan, Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan in Mexico, Cusco in Peru, Kizhi churchyard, church in Kolomenskoye, Stonehenge, statue of Liberty, building the entire historical center of certain cities falls - this is especially often observed in Europe. All the most popular attractions among tourists will certainly fall into this list. But sometimes, if there have been some major changes, the object "leaves" the World Heritage. Two such cases are known abroad: the Elbe river valley near Dresden was excluded in connection with the construction highway; The reserve of white oryx - a special kind of antelope - in Oman was removed from the list due to the reduction of its territory and ineffective fight against poaching. This will probably change over time, but even if not, every year a special committee considers more and more proposals for the inclusion of various properties in the World Heritage Abroad.

natural monuments

The most interesting and beautiful monuments in the category "World Heritage Abroad" - the Creation of man, that is, buildings, structures, etc., are also curious, but it is much more interesting to observe what was created without the help and intervention of people. The list of such monuments (for 2014) includes 197 items. The objects are located in 87 countries of the world. 19 of them are endangered (for one reason or another). By the way, the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites begins with a natural monument - the Galapagos Islands, which received this honor in 1978. And, perhaps, this can be called quite fair, because many very rare animals and plants live here, the archipelago is also known for its stunning views. And, ultimately, nature remains the most valuable wealth of mankind.

mixed category

Some man-made structures are so closely connected to the landscape and environment that it is difficult to unequivocally call them man-made. Or, on the contrary, a person only slightly changed what appeared as a result of geological, biological and other natural processes. In any case, the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage, represented by objects from this category, is truly unique.

There are relatively few such objects - 31, but it is simply impossible to even briefly talk about each one, they are so diverse and interesting in their own way. This includes the national parks of Australia and New Zealand, Mount Athos, Machu Picchu, the monasteries of Meteora, the wildlife of Tasmania, the scenery and life of Lapland and much more. It is a real miracle that all this wealth has come down to our time in this form, and common task humanity - to preserve this heritage for posterity.

Russia and CIS countries

On the territory of the former USSR there are a large number of monuments included in the UNESCO list. Some are nominated as candidates. In total, there are 52 objects, including the Struve geodetic arc, located on the territory of several states.

The list includes such names as the Moscow Kremlin, Samarkand, Tauric Chersonese, Bukhara, Lake Baikal, the Lena Pillars, the Putorana Plateau, Mount Sulaiman-Too, etc. Having carefully studied the UNESCO World Heritage List located on the territory of the CIS countries, you can even to decide never to travel to foreign countries without exploring their native lands - such diverse and interesting objects are presented in it. Well, and then it is already possible to look at the neighbors, and go beyond the three seas - there will be something to compare with.

UNESCO World Heritage in Ukraine is 7 objects at the moment, and 15 more are under consideration. Of the CIS countries, this country ranks second in terms of the number of items included in the list we are considering. These include, for example, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and in Kiev, the historical center of Lviv, the beech forest of the Carpathians.


It may seem that World Heritage listing abroad is just a nice bonus, making it easier for tourists and travelers to choose where to go and what to see. But this is absolutely not the case, because many objects are under the threat of partial destruction or disappearance and need special treatment. Their inclusion in the UNESCO list allows to additionally guarantee their safety. In addition, adding certain attractions to this list raises their prestige and popularity, which, in turn, attracts more tourists to the country. The development of this sector of the economy makes it possible to obtain more funds at the disposal of which it is possible to restore those very cultural monuments that are on the UNESCO list. So this project is useful in every way.

Objects under threat

Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. There is a special section of the list, which lists those natural and cultural monuments that are threatened with critical changes or complete disappearance. The reasons can be different: various kinds of catastrophes and incidents, wars, the negative impact of climate and time. Not all of this can be controlled, so that soon humanity may lose some of the objects included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage. Now this "alarming" list contains 46 items. None of them are included in the World Heritage in Russia. Abroad, such situations, unfortunately, are not rare. But the committee is working in this direction.

The list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Danger includes those that appeared a very long time ago - in the 3-5 millennium BC, so their importance can hardly be overestimated. And yet, numerous problems, plans for construction and reconstruction, wars, floods, poaching, etc., do not yet allow us to say that these places are safe.

Committee activity

UNESCO is a huge organization dealing with a wide variety of issues, World Heritage Abroad is just one of them. And all issues related to this topic are decided by a special committee. It meets once a year to make a decision on the objects applying for inclusion in the list. In addition, the committee initiates the creation of working groups that deal with the problems of individual objects. It also acts as a financial institution, highlighting cash countries parties to the Convention upon their request. The committee has 21 members in total. Most of them expire in 2017.

Similar Listings

Of course, cultural and natural monuments are extremely important and valuable, but humanity seeks to preserve not only them. In contrast to material objects, lists have been created containing the most significant examples of creativity, areas of expertise, etc. Since 2001, UNESCO has kept records of masterpieces of oral and intangible creativity. But don't think it's about literary works- this list is much wider and more diverse than it seems. This includes the culinary traditions of various countries of the world, the unique skills of individual peoples, characteristic chants and dances, even falconry!

Another project designed to preserve UNESCO World Heritage Sites is called "Memory of the World". And it really is something akin to a repository of various knowledge - after all, this list contains the most important documents of mankind of all times that have survived to this day. This includes films, photographs, sound recordings, paintings, manuscripts and archives of famous people.

UNESCO projects aimed at drawing attention to cultural monuments and phenomena of all kinds allow us not to forget that each person is capable of creating something great, worthy of forever remaining in history. They also help sometimes to stop and think about how much beauty was created by ancestors and nature, and how terrible it would be to lose it.

Russia has a lot of monuments and cultural heritage recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Now we will introduce you to some of them.

All these monuments and places are under the strict protection of the UN, UNESCO and a number of other organizations related to culture, science and education.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Any resident of Russia knows what the Kremlin and Red Square are. Any tourist and resident of our vast country first of all when he comes to Moscow visits these memorable places. UNESCO took these sites under protection in 1990.

This monument reflects the entire centuries-old history of Moscow and Russia in general. Also on the territory of the Kremlin there are unique objects of the foundry art of Russia: the Tsar Bell, which weighs more than 200 tons and is 6.6 m in diameter, and the Tsar Cannon with its mass of 40 tons.

Lake Baikal

Baikal, a unique natural monument of Eastern Siberia, was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996. The lake is the deepest in the world and contains 19% of the planet's fresh water reserves. When viewed from a height, the lake resembles a crescent moon, covers an area of ​​​​over 3 million hectares and is fed by more than 300 rivers and streams.

Lake Baikal is one of the most picturesque

The water in the lake has a high oxygen content, and due to its transparency, it is possible to see a depth of up to 40 m. The age of the ancient lake is especially impressive - more than 25 million years, the complete isolation of which contributed to the development of a unique ecosystem in it.

Natural Park "Lena Pillars"

Included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 2012, Lena Pillars Park is a place where priceless finds of the inhabitants of the Cambrian period were discovered. The park is located in the center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) near the coast of the Lena River, occupying 1.27 million hectares.

"Lena Pillars" - a unique natural monument

The park is inhabited by 12 species of fauna listed in the Red Book. Due to its antiquity, the park is of particular interest for geology: the natural monument is distinguished by its relief, dotted with caves, stone spiers, towers and niches.

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

The unique architectural complex of wooden architecture of the 18th-19th centuries was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990 and is an ensemble of two wooden churches and a bell tower in Karelia.

Kizhi churchyard is the epitome of Russian architecture

It houses the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum with many objects of wooden religious architecture, including an eight-winged windmill from 1929 and the Church of the Transfiguration, built without a single nail.

Novgorod historical monuments

The architectural complexes of Veliky Novgorod and its environs were included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 1992. The cultural objects include such significant Orthodox buildings of antiquity as the Znamensky, Antoniev, Yuryev, Zverin monasteries, as well as the churches of the Nativity of Christ, the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, the Novgorodsky Detinets Kremlin.

Monuments of Veliky Novgorod - UNESCO heritage site

Nature Reserve Wrangel Island

The reserve was included in the UNESCO list in 2004. The unique protected area is known for its almost untouched natural ecosystem with the predominance of the largest population of polar bears, walruses, more than 50 species of birds.

Wrangel Island is famous for its pristine ecosystem

The territory of the reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle, including Wrangel and Gerald Islands and the waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas. Despite the harsh conditions of the waters of the Arctic, more than 400 species of plants predominate.

curonian spit

The famous sand spit stretches for 98 km with a maximum width of up to 3.8 km, located on the dividing line between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The natural attraction was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 2000 and is interesting for its unique anthropogenic landscape, which is represented by a variety of reliefs - from deserts to swampy tundras.

The Curonian Spit serves as a resting place for migratory birds

The spit is of great importance during the migration of 10 to 20 million birds and serves as a haven for them during their rest. Only here you can find dunes up to 68 m in height, the width of which sometimes reaches 1 km.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Since 2004, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO list, which since 1524 has been one of the defensive structures of Moscow. In 1926, on the site of the monastery, a historical and household historical Museum, and in 1980, the residence of the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna was placed. In 1994, the convent was officially approved.

Previously, the Novodevichy Convent housed a historical museum.

Komi Forest

Recognized as the most virgin forests in Europe with a total area of ​​32,600 sq. km, which belong to the territory of the Pechero-Ilychsky Reserve and occupy part of the YugydVa National Park.

The forest area of ​​Komi is famous for its virgin forests.

Protected by UNESCO since 1995. Forests are distinguished by the diversity of flora and fauna, and many plant species are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

Kamchatka volcanoes

Volcanoes of Kamchatka are considered part of the Pacific volcanic ring of fire of the planet and have been under the protection of UNESCO since 1996. Particularly impressive are the surrounding landscapes with unique nature and biological diversity.

The number of volcanoes in Kamchatka is more than a thousand