Cereals in danger: how to get rid of food moths. How to get rid of moths in the house forever: the best and most effective remedies for food and clothes moths in the kitchen and in the closet How to deal with moths in cereals

  • 15.06.2019

Sometimes in the apartment it is not clear where small moths of an indistinct color appear from. This is a reason to be wary and immediately arrange an audit in the kitchen cabinets and pantry. Most likely, you have a kitchen moth (that's what it looks like), and the stocks have been significantly damaged.

"Food moth" is a collective popular name for several species of insects of the butterfly family, in the larval stage feeding on cereals, fruits, nuts and flour.

Getting moths out of the kitchen is not easy. This will take a lot of time and effort. Due to the fact that it starts in food, certain methods are unacceptable.

Even the ideal household is not immune from the fact that moths will not appear in the kitchen.

Where does food moth come from? She flies badly. She probably wound up in an apartment from eggs and larvae brought from the store along with purchases. Give up the habit of buying food in opaque packages.

Perhaps she flew in from the neighbors through the ventilation.

One adult female in your kitchen can cause harm by laying eggs in such numbers that it will be almost impossible to stop the breeding process. Eggs are not afraid of the lack of light, clean air, the tightness of the container.

Fighting food moths by exterminating butterflies is useless. They don't eat anything at all. The main damage is caused by larvae. They must be taken out.

Harm inflicted

What kind (granary, cereal, flour, nut, fruit moth) settled in your kitchen does not matter, the harm is the same. In any case, you need to get rid of it as soon as you notice the first butterflies.

Almost everything is eaten by food moths - the larvae are planted in cereals, sugar, flour, bread, dried fruits, nuts, dried mushrooms, tea, pasta, seeds, pet food.

In addition to food, the larva spins cocoons of silky threads resembling cobwebs. They look like woolen lumps and spools. She sheds several times, changing her skin. Don't forget faeces and dead larvae.

All this makes food unsuitable for eating, if you do not want to earn severe intoxication, severe allergic reaction, problems with the immune system or cause other harm to the body.

Adult butterflies, constantly flickering before their eyes, have the unpleasant property of falling into cups with drinks and pots when cooking.

The longer you wait, the harder it is to get them out later.

Where to start the fight

The food moth seen in the apartment is a reason to immediately review all the containers where the foods that it eats are stored. Having seen small dark worms in them (this is what a larva looks like), ruthlessly throw everything away. Take out the trash can as soon as possible.

If you store food in store-bought packages and find larvae in at least one of them, you will have to throw away everything that is in this locker. Polyethylene is not a barrier for them.

What seemed untouched, bake in the oven at a temperature of 50-60ºС (15-20 minutes is enough) or place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Pour into airtight containers.

Then you can start fighting the remaining butterflies. Sticky fly tape, a fly swatter, or a classic newspaper gives a good result.

Fighting methods

How to get rid of food moth:

To get it out, start with a general cleaning. Cupboards and containers where food moth was found, vacuum, then wash hot water, finely planing laundry soap there. Wipe joints, hinges, corners with a cloth soaked in 9% vinegar and do not close until it has completely evaporated. You can drip a couple of drops of mint, eucalyptus, lavender essential oil. Another food moth does not like tea tree and bergamot.

Obtain a moth-specific insecticide and treat your kitchen according to the manufacturer's instructions. When spraying aerosol, wear gloves and a respirator, do not let the product come into contact with food, remove children and pets from the kitchen. After the specified period, ventilate the room well. The funds are valid for about a year or until the first wash of the kitchen set.

Plant-based repellents are a means to repel food moths, not expel them.

Set up several traps with a glue surface. Pheromones mixed into the sticky composition attract butterflies. Scatter mixture in cupboards boric acid with flour or semolina (1:3), if it is flour, cereal or grain moth.

The chemical industry produces products in the form of balls or crystals. They work well in a sealed space, but the fumigant gas released is harmful to people and pets. Carry out processing for containers where food was stored not in the apartment. Take them out of the kitchen, for example, to the garage. Put everything in a box, seal it with tape in several layers and wait as long as indicated in the instructions. You can also process the cabinets by gluing all the joints and doors with tape.

Folk remedies

Any folk remedy for food moths is more of a prevention. They don't kill butterflies, they scare them away. What is the food moth afraid of:

  • Bay leaf.
  • Peeled garlic.
  • Lavender, mint, rosemary, tansy and wormwood. Arrange fresh or dried inflorescences, leaves in cabinets, or drip a couple of drops of essential oil.
  • Dried peel of any citrus fruit.
  • Bar of laundry soap.
  • Carnation.
  • Mint flavored chewing gum sticks. The smell scares her off, but the food moth will eat the gum itself.

Food moth adapts well. If only to fight it folk remedies, after 2-3 generations, butterflies will develop stable immunity.


Do not ask the question how to get rid of food moths. It will not have to be fought if preventive measures are taken in a timely manner.

Carefully inspect the products you buy. Be wary of promotions and special offers. Perhaps in this way the store is trying to sell damaged goods. Do not take cereals in a torn or opened package. Do not buy products in bulk - buy as much as you need for 1-2 weeks.

Store anything that grain moths can eat in glass, tin, or ceramic containers with tight-fitting lids. Immediately pour cereals, nuts, flour, sugar, dried fruits, tea into these containers.

They can be pre-heated in the oven or frozen in the refrigerator. The procedure will not affect the taste in any way.

Your brownie.

Food moth repellents are used to keep food safe. Small butterflies seem harmless, only in practice it turns out that this is quite dangerous insects. If you do not get rid of the food moth in time, it will undermine the available reserves. Eventually they will have to be thrown away. You can save products that are affected to a lesser extent.

If a mole is wound up, it is probably a representative of one of the species:

Such insects are more common in private housing within the kitchen. Wingspan - up to 8 mm. The color is pale: from beige to brown. The upper wings are darker than the lower ones.

In length, the pest reaches 1 cm. When the wings are folded, representatives different types insects are similar to each other, since the color is difficult to see.

Larvae in length reach 1.5 cm, are characterized by a light color. If adults differ in appearance, then young offspring are sometimes difficult to distinguish.


It is imperative to remove the moth in the kitchen, otherwise it will destroy most of the products. Insects feed on cereals and flour, nuts, dried fruits, as well as seasonings, tea, chocolate products and seeds. They spread through the air (fly through windows, through ventilation), enter the apartment with products brought from the store. Accordingly, it is impossible to completely protect yourself.

Eating insect-tainted foods can lead to a severe allergic reaction.

It is recommended to start insect control immediately after the appearance of signs of infection: dust at the bottom of containers with bulk products; change in the structure of flour and cereals (they become lumpy). On the nuts appear moves that caterpillars make. Appearance the product deteriorates, cocoons and cobwebs are visible, larvae are found. Especially unpleasant when they are inside chocolates, because in this case it is difficult to notice the caterpillars.

A butterfly can start suddenly, even if the house is kept clean and not stored. a large number of stocks. You can get rid of food moths in the apartment different ways, but first you need to find the source of infection. To completely exterminate all individuals and offspring, it is necessary to clean the kitchen.

To destroy the larvae and eggs, certain means are used, since not all drugs have an effect on the young offspring of butterflies. In addition, it is necessary to decide what to do with moth-infested products.

We find the source of infection

Before getting rid of the moth itself, you should find the source of its appearance. Butterflies leave offspring in different places, where after a week the larvae will appear and begin to destroy the product. In habitats, a cobweb is noticeable, caterpillars with a large black head. Moth eggs are difficult to spot, as they small size(no more than a grain of semolina) and white.

Close-up photo of a food moth larva

First you need to inspect the ceiling and cabinets for the presence of butterfly cocoons. They are usually found on ceiling plinths, wallpaper joints, at the base of lamps, in crevices and in corners. Pest cocoons are also found in the upper part of the cabinets.

The first step is to inspect the products. You should look for sticky grains, larvae.

Room cleaning

Pest control involves cleaning the entire kitchen. It is necessary to get rid of traces of insects. First, heavily contaminated products are thrown away. Having got rid of the source of pests, they move on to cleaning the furniture from the inside. To do this, the contents are pulled out, the shelves are also taken out of the cabinets if possible.

Using a vacuum cleaner, you need to go through the nozzle in all corners, crevices and surfaces. The air flow will suck in the insects. The dust bag is best thrown away, but you can leave it in the freezer for a few days. This will kill the insects.

Surfaces inside cabinets should be treated with a solution of vinegar or insecticides (Antimol, etc.). Containers for storing bulk products must also be washed with vinegar solution or laundry soap.

Chemical preparations and folk methods

An aerosol is suitable for treating cabinets and other surfaces, but only if there is no food stored inside. This remedy for food moths is not used for spraying products. Popular options: Raptor, Raid, Armol, Combat Super Spray.

Of these drugs, only Armol destroys exclusively adults. If the task is to bring out the young (larvae and caterpillars), then Raptor, Kombat, Raid should be used.

Special sections allow you to get rid of butterflies: Globol, Raptor, Moskitol. They are located in the corners of the room, not far from the source of infection. Do not store this product near products.

If the moth is wound up in cereals, then glue traps should be considered. They use a pheromone to attract males. Butterflies will not reproduce without males.

You can also fight the pest with folk remedies:

  • Dried lavender or essential oil
  • Laundry soap. It is cut into pieces and laid out around the room.
  • Zest of lemon, orange
  • Strong-smelling herbs: tansy, wormwood, cloves, rosemary, thyme, or mint.

Home methods repel pests, but do not lead to death. For this reason, they are considered only as an auxiliary moth control measure.

Video tips: We fight food moth with home remedies

How to handle contaminated products?

Disastrous temperature for the butterfly and offspring: more than -10 and above +30 degrees. For reliability, the products are processed in the oven at a mode of +60 degrees and above, or by putting them outside if it is hot outside.

Freezing is an effective way to control pests.

This is a small light gray butterfly, up to a centimeter long. She moves very quickly and chaotically, and it is extremely difficult to catch her with her hands. Most likely, in your kitchen you will not find it immediately.

Firstly, because it flies at night, in the dark, and secondly, because it hides perfectly. Food moth larvae damage food stocks, while the butterflies themselves do not feed, but only leave clutches.

The larvae are very voracious. They gnaw on food and leave traces of their vital activity.

How to get rid of food moth? Food moth can spoil almost any dry product: cereals, dried fruits, dried vegetables, dry animal feed, confectionery, nuts or even tea. In contaminated products, you will find clumps of cobwebs and small white worms. Of course, you cannot eat such foods.

Where does it come from? Usually, the pest enters the house along with purchased products that were improperly stored before being sold. Less often, a mole can fly in from a neighboring apartment in the warm season.

How to be saved

What to do if your place of residence and got to the kitchen:

How to get rid of food moths in cereals?

If you see small worms with black heads or adult butterflies in cereals, flour or dog food, then throw these foods away without hesitation. If you see only a small amount of "cobweb" in a bulk product, then such a product can be saved.

If the moth has slightly poisoned flour, cereals or beans, then pour the product onto a plate, baking sheet and heat in the microwave for 15 minutes. You can also use the oven at a minimum temperature (50 - 70 degrees). Freezing is considered the same reliable method. To do this, place a hermetically sealed bag of products in the freezer for a couple of days. In the future, you can process all dry products that you buy for future use in this way. This good idea for prevention.

How to get rid of food moths at home? Internal surfaces cabinets should be washed with vinegar and water, and then dried. Carry out the same simple processing with all the banks and other bulk containers that you have in your house.

Needless to say, in the future, dry foods should be stored in glass, plastic and tin cans with tight-fitting lids, and not in open store packages.

For the future, set up a trap like the Raptor or the lesser known but very effective Aeroxon. Place it between the jars with those products that especially attract the pest. Such a trap works by attracting butterflies. They fly into the trap and stick to the sticky tape.

So later you can control the presence of moths in your home: if you see a new pest on the trap,.

Another way: do not lure, but rather scare away. In this case, the main thing is a pungent smell that the insect cannot stand.

How to get rid of food moth folk remedies? There are a number of time-tested tips to help keep moths off your supplies and out of your home:

  • garlic. Lay the peeled cloves between the jars with the products you want to protect. When the teeth are dry and stop smelling, replace them with fresh ones.
  • geranium. Put it on the kitchen window, where adults are supposed to fly into. The specific smell of this plant will not allow them to linger in your home.
  • bay leaf and other spices. You can try oregano, pepper or cloves. Place them in potentially dangerous places.

Use sachets for spice packaging: fabric pouches that keep your shelves from clogging and keep the pungent smell of spices from deepening in the kitchen.

  • strongly smelling herbs: lavender, thyme, sweet clover and others. This is not only a help in the fight against moths, but also a cute decorative element: tie dry fragrant herbs into small bunches and hang them inside and outside the cabinets.
  • citrus fruits, or rather their dry crusts. This is a well-known pest repeller, and also a neutralizer. Crusts can not only be laid out on shelves, but placed directly in a jar of dried fruits, cereals, flour. In any case, they will not be redundant there.

If the moth doesn't disappear

What if the mole appears again and again? Many housewives, tired of endless attempts to bring out an uninvited neighbor, resort to insecticides and other poisons.

I don't think it's worth doing this. But if you started using an insecticide, do not abuse it, spend more often wet cleaning and sometimes change the drug.

Let's say you do everything possible for prevention: warm up or freeze the products that you bring into the house, use a trap, often ventilate the shelves and wipe them with vinegar, but the moth still appears often and stubbornly?

Then we can assume that there is some way that the pest constantly gets into your kitchen. Try to find and neutralize this "channel".

You may be helped by mosquito nets, which must be installed not only on the windows, but also on ventilation and any other exits leading to neighboring apartments. Glue, coat all the smallest cracks through which the pest can enter the kitchen. Together with others simple ways fight it will certainly help you get rid of the kitchen moth for a really long time.

The fight against such a pest as a moth is a difficult task. best method- make it a habit not to neglect simple preventive measures. Geraniums on the window, a bouquet of lavender, a reliable grate on the ventilation, orange peels and garlic cloves in jars ...

Food moths are a serious pest in the kitchen. It spoils the products and makes them unusable. It is very difficult to get rid of moths, but it is possible with the help of household or folk remedies.

Some people are very familiar with such an insect as food moth. Such a mole could be different sizes and visually it resembles a small butterfly.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that most moths look the same, they have their own characteristics, depending on the species.

Whatever kind of moth is wound up in your house, it requires mandatory withdrawal. Simple aerosols will not help here. First of all, food can suffer from this (if you make large stocks). Any poisons are also prohibited (their remains can then be mixed with food).

Butterfly food moth, start up in the kitchen

Discover food moth larvae and caterpillars very easy - they are all "on the same face". Their length, as a rule, does not exceed one and a half centimeters. Caterpillar color white, milky, yellow, beige (light). Less common are pink caterpillars.

The caterpillar looks completely smooth., without villi and antennae. Caterpillars actively eat groceries, where, in fact, their nest is located. They need active nutrition for growth and development.

Most often, caterpillars do not seek to “attract attention to themselves” and hide in groceries, but before pupating (turning into a butterfly), they often crawl out onto walls and any surfaces.

Food butterfly caterpillar, starts in food

It is important to know that food moth reproduces very quickly. If the atmosphere (humidity, temperature) favors the insect, it immediately lays eggs.

The moth is capable of laying eggs every six weeks (from one to one and a half hundred eggs). The butterfly tries to lay its eggs where they can eat and survive - in human food. Room temperature of 20-25 degrees has a positive effect on moth eggs and contributes to their rapid development.

It is interesting to know that it is the moth caterpillar that destroys groceries. The butterfly does not feed at all. She does not have a complete digestive system. An adult moth lives no more than a month (maximum one and a half).

Food moth lays eggs in human food

Delayed larvae eat Literally everything that they can meet:

  • Any cereals: millet, semolina, buckwheat, wheat
  • Cereals: oatmeal, bran, seeds
  • Bread, cookies, flour, crackers
  • whole grain
  • Cocoa, spices(not spicy)
  • Sugar
  • Any nuts: walnuts, peanuts, almonds
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins

Each type of food moth has their food preferences but absolutely everything is eaten to survive (this is often the case in apartments). If a very large number of moths start up in the house, then the first time removing it completely is very difficult..

The bad news is that besides the larva feeds on human food, she braids the territory around her with a cocoon. Eventually, food is covered with a thin silk web and looks like lumps. If the nest starts in nuts, the moth forms small nests on their surface.

IMPORTANT: Food moth does not get into the house from neighbors, and also not from the street. A person himself brings insect larvae with low-quality cereals and purchases from the store (often a mass producer does not carefully check his workshops, barns for the presence of moths). The harm of food moths is huge. It spoils food and makes it impossible to eat.

Food moth in bread, cereals, dried fruits, cereals

Does the food moth eat clothes and what kind?

Food moth is capable of destroy the vast human food supply but it's an insect does not touch clothes. Such a butterfly is not dangerous for the wardrobe. However, do not relax, because together with the food moth can live and clothes moth. This moth is visually very similar to a food butterfly.

Often in the struggle for the removal of food moths, a person does not pay attention to clothes. The food moth also does not lay larvae in clothes, and the larvae do not harm fur, sheepskin, cotton and other types of fabric.

Food moth does not harm human clothes at all

Moth in the kitchen: how to find a nest

In order to bring out the mole, first of all, should find her nest. Of course, this insect is not as unpleasant as a cockroach, but it can do a lot of harm.

The moth nest is the very place where the maximum number of butterfly caterpillars is concentrated. Visually nest if formed in grits or flour, resembles lumps and spools. Pieces of cereals or groceries wrapped in silk. Between the lumps are larvae. Walls and surface dishes in which cereals are located, strewn with white caterpillars.

Moth nest can be placed in the cereal package

Pay attention to exactly where you meet moths most often:

  • On the shelves where cereals are stored
  • In the bread box
  • In the spice box
  • Sugar sack, flour sack and so on

If you find nest in the grocery, carefully check each package of cereals and pasta. But the best - throw away all stocks to accurately lime the insect. Even one or two larvae can contribute to the reproduction of moths in the future.

Food moth nests in human food

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen in products: remedies

kill moth should already when you find a nest of larvae or caterpillars. Of course, butterflies should also be killed, because they are capable of laying about a hundred eggs. Only complex breeding of insects can get you out of the problem completely.

The moth should be destroyed starting from the nest:

  • If a nest is found in food, it should be throw away all food from a drawer, cabinet, cabinet. Do not try to leave something, any product can contain an egg or a larva.
  • If you want to keep visually undamaged products, you need to or warm up in the oven(no more than 60 degrees for about half an hour) or freeze overnight. So you save the product and completely kill the insect.
  • Completely free furniture from products. Treat lockers with special moth sprays. Leave the furniture in this state for several days (at this time you can sort out the products). Thereafter wash cabinets thoroughly with soapy water. Return processed foods to their place.
  • You can get rid of moth butterflies with the help of special adhesive tapes. The insect sits on the tape and is no longer able to move, and therefore live. In addition, such a tape can be saturated with poison.

If you treat furniture with a chemical agent, try to avoid even the slightest hit on food. Otherwise, you may receive severe poisoning.

Adhesive tape that can get rid of moths

How to remove food and fruit moths in the kitchen with folk remedies?

If you don't want to use chemicals in order to lime the mole, you should use folk methods. In progress are:

  • Plants with a strong scent
  • dried herbs
  • Fruits: fresh and dry
  • Essential oil
  • Technical means

Each of the above funds efficient in its own way. They are good because they are perfectly able to fit into the atmosphere of an ordinary city apartment. But the minus of each means is that it is capable of exerting an effect of different strengths, sometimes weak.

Household moth remedies:

  • Sections from the moth. This special means, which are filled with substances that are loved by the moth, but also poisonous to it. This section has the appearance of a hook, which is convenient to hang in any furniture. Such a tool is not mass-produced, it is rarely found on sale.
  • Lime mole will help unfavorable environment for its reproduction. For example, food moths are afraid of bright light (which is why they breed inside lockers) or humidity. As a preventive measure, you can periodically open the doors in the cabinets or take out the products to “ventilate” on the balcony. The larvae are not able to live in such conditions and die underdeveloped.
  • Help also special moth tablets. You can buy them in the department household chemicals. The principle of operation is simple: you put a poisonous pill in a locker that emits bad smell and a substance that causes the insect to die.

Reliable remedy- moth pills

Folk remedies for food moths - plants:

  • Lavender - popular folk remedy, proven for centuries. The strong smell of grass and inflorescences “scares away” the moth and “drives” it out of the place where you place the bunch.
  • Tansy, wormwood - also effectively repels moths with a strong aroma. The advantage of tansy is that other insects are also removed along with the moth: ants, spiders, beetles
  • Rosemary, dill - fragrant herb capable of "chasing away" moths. The disadvantage of rosemary is that it quickly loses its strong smell. The grass should be constantly changed, every few days.
  • Geranium - the moth does not like the smell of geraniums, but only fresh leaves or flowers

Lavender is an effective remedy for any moth

Other improvised means that can get rid of moths:

  • orange peel - a good tool that is capable of harassing food moths. It is worth knowing that fresh peel is effective. Therefore, you need to put a fragrant citrus peel as often as possible.
  • Essential oil - has a strong aroma that the moth simply cannot bear. It is best to use patchouli, lemongrass, rosemary or fir oil.
  • Vinegar - this is an effective and radical way to deal with moths. This tool is able to remove moths from the kitchen, since the moth is really “afraid” of it.
  • Laundry soap- such a remedy acts on the principle of household moth pills and it is able to "scare away" the insect.
  • Chestnut- for this, the chestnut fruits, harvested in September and October, should be spread over all the furniture in the kitchen.

Orange peel is an effective remedy for moths

How to get rid of food moths forever?

Get rid of food moths will help only thorough check of all products that you bring into the house, as well as moth prevention. If you buy cereals in a store or supermarket, do not be too lazy to carefully consider the packaging. Even under a layer of polyethylene, you can see the corpses of moths or larvae.

TIP: Buy only quality groceries from reputable brands. As a rule, such products differ not only in taste, but also in quality.

regularly about look at your "bins", sort out the cereal, air the lockers. Healthy wash furniture inside and out once a month with a solution of laundry soap and vinegar.

Cleaning the kitchen and washing cabinets is an effective moth prevention

How to store dried fruits and cereals so that moths do not start?

The best thing buy groceries in small quantities: per kilogram and immediately eat it. This way you don't give the insect a chance to spread and harm your food.

Store your grits, cereals, grains and flour in plastic containers with hermetic lids or glass jars.

Video: "Fighting food moth: 4 ways"

A dangerous pest is the barn (mill) moth and its caterpillar.

Big Trouble with Small Wings

For many millennia, food pests have accompanied a person through his life and harm him as best they can. They are so arranged that they feed on the reserves that a person prepares for himself. And not only eat, but spoil them.

Few of the housewives are not familiar with this burning problem.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, small gray butterflies begin to fly around the house. You open the door of the cabinet with the cereals stored there, and a new portion of greywings flies out of it.

Such a nuisance happens not only to negligent and sloppy, but also to ideal housewives in which everything in the kitchen shines and pleases the eye.

Before you understand how to get rid of food moths in the kitchen, you need to figure out how harmful it is and whether it has accomplices.

Pests - you need to know the enemy in person

The fact is that the food moth enters our house with cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products brought from the store.

Pests live and breed in granaries, warehouses and other places where food stocks accumulate.

And not only flying. For example, pests such as barn mites number up to two hundred species worldwide. Yes, and flying moths are not harmful themselves, but their larvae are harmful, such small caterpillars.

It's hard to list all known to man insect pests that encroach on food supplies, here are some of them:

  1. caterpillars of the barn moth, damage cereals, bran, crackers, cookies, dried fruits;
  2. caterpillars of the barn moth, preferences, as in the caterpillars of the barn moth;
  3. a bread grinder, this bug, or rather its larvae, love cookies and pasta, cereals, sculpt lumps of flour;
  4. granary weevil, this bug likes to eat grains of wheat, rice, barley, buckwheat and corn from the inside;
  5. rice weevil, here the name speaks for itself, it can eat all grains, but prefers rice;
  6. Suriname flour-eater - a bug, a lover of flour, cereals, dried fruits.

So, we understand that it is necessary not to catch moths, but to look for methods of dealing with those who do not fly, but sit quietly in our reserves and eat them, pollute and infect.

We start a war with moth larvae and other pests.

Prevention is our main weapon

As you know, it is always better to play it safe than to lose all the products.

To control pests in our kitchen that encroach on family stocks and prevent their occurrence, it is necessary:

  1. store all products in special, preferably glass containers with a tight-fitting lid in a dry place;
  2. every month to view the containers in which the products are stored;
  3. if a small infection is detected, the flour should be sifted through a sieve, and the cereal should be sorted out and dried in an oven with a temperature of 60-70 degrees;
  4. in case of severe infection, food is not suitable for food and should be thrown away;
  5. wash kitchen cabinets for food storage regularly with a soap and soda solution;
  6. v winter time you can periodically take food to the balcony, as a temperature of -2 degrees kills pests.

Advice. How to get rid of moths in the kitchen cabinet? For prevention purposes, sheets of paper with a mixture of equal parts borax, crushed millet and powdered sugar.

But what if the moth is already there, prevention did not help, how to get rid of the kitchen moth, by what means?

Getting rid of food moths is not so easy. But you should not give up in the fight against her.

Advice. Protect your kitchen from the penetration of moths from neighbors, stick a fine mesh on a large ventilation grill, you can use a nylon stocking.

Applying traps

Of course, you can try to use various chemicals, such as anti-moth. But the instruction to them says about their toxicity and incompatibility with products.

You can use special food moth traps. They are harmless to humans, but they cannot completely save us from the problem, since they only act on flying subjects, but do not get rid of the larvae in the products.

The price of such traps is not very high and you can hang them in places where moths accumulate, but you will have to deal with the larvae by other means.

There are a lot of natural substances, the smell of which repels moths.

No wonder our older generation was so fond of growing geraniums in their homes. Geranium bloomed on all window sills, including in the kitchen, and the housewives did not have a question about how to get rid of moths in the kitchen, since it was not there. The smell of geranium repelled pests.

Fresh air is good for everyone except moths

Doesn't like moth Fresh air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate all rooms, especially the kitchen. Arrange cross-ventilation, just do not catch a cold for your household.

And the moth is afraid of fresh newspapers, but it’s bad for her not from the news, but from printing ink. You can cover the shelves on the mezzanines where food is stored with newspapers. But do not forget to change them to fresh ones.

Lay out

Most actionable advice associated with the dislike of pests for garlic. And we can say thank you to this wonderful savior.

Put a clove of garlic in each jar of bulk products, arrange the cloves on the shelves. This is a very effective tool.

You can also lay out the skins of mandarin, orange, lemon on shelves and cabinets. Essential oils help to get rid of pests.

Tobacco, dry lavender, Dolmatian or Caucasian chamomile flowers can also be scattered on shelves or placed in corners in open containers,

We wipe

Another tip on how to get rid of kitchen moth folk remedies by wiping surfaces.

It is useful to wash all shelves and cabinets regularly various formulations that repel and kill pests, but are not harmful to humans and pets.

These compounds are easy to make with your own hands, they are not dangerous to humans:

  • formulations of geranium or lavender oil and water(for 1 liter of water - 25 drops of flavor);
  • compositions of lemon juice and water(per liter of water - the juice of one lemon);


Food moth is a real disaster. Mankind has been fighting with it for many years, but success in this struggle is variable.

Take preventive preventive measures and she will bypass you. And we have attached a thematic video on this issue, in which you will find a lot of useful information.