Glue for partitions from tongue-and-groove plates. What to glue tongue-and-groove plates on

  • 13.05.2019

Installation of tongue-and-groove slabs is carried out according to a technology that has been used more and more often by professional builders and home craftsmen lately. These products have low weight, reliable locking and convenient dimensions. All this allows you to install them without special efforts, carrying out redevelopment of premises, as required by personal preferences.

Varieties and features of tongue-and-groove products

Before you begin the installation of tongue-and-groove plates, you need to figure out what types of these products are on the market today. They are silicate and gypsum, the latter are made from the material of the same name, to which a plasticizing admixture is added. For the manufacture of silicate, lumpy and quartz sand are used, which are pressed and kept in an autoclave.

Which plates to choose

If you want to give the walls thermal insulation qualities, then it is better to prefer gypsum boards, they do not miss sounds. However, silicate ones are able to withstand higher mechanical loads, and also absorb moisture less. Tongue-and-groove slabs, the installation of which by one's own hands is quite realistic, are environmentally friendly, so they can be used for arranging residential premises. Materials are non-flammable, do not rot, do not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances and do not deform. On sale you can find full-bodied and which are able to reduce the weight of the masonry by 25%. If we talk about the dimensions of gypsum boards, then they are 500 x 667 x 80 mm. But silicate ones are more compact: 250 x 500 x 70 mm. Once you have dealt with all the supporting structures, you can begin to lay the tongue-and-groove products, however, this must be done before laying the finish coating on the floor and finishing work.

Preparation of tools and materials

Installation of tongue-and-groove plates is carried out after the preparation of a certain set of tools and materials. These products can be installed in the center of the room, as well as right next to a wall that goes outside the building or into a cold room. By forming double partitions, you can hide wiring, other systems and communications.

To divide a room into separate zones, you can use partitions, the height of which starts from 80 cm. For installation you will need:

  • building level;
  • adhesive composition;
  • anchor dowels;
  • gypsum mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • cement-sand mortar;
  • Staples;
  • felt seal;
  • primer;
  • hacksaw;
  • rubber mallet.

Site preparation

Installation of tongue-and-groove plates begins with site preparation. To do this, check the evenness of the walls and floor where the products will fit. If there are defects by the type of sagging, then they should be eliminated by grinding. The walls and floor should also be freed from cracks and depressions, filling up the errors with a cement-sand mixture.

Once the bases are dry, they should be covered with a primer. If during the process of in-line repair you decide to install a partition, then the fit lines should be marked on the floor and walls. After the finish coat is cut along the markup so that you can see the base. For paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster it is impossible to install plates, this applies to laminate, parquet and linoleum. If the surfaces are decorative coating as ceramic tiles, then it can not be removed, however, the surface is first checked for strength.

The installation of the tongue-and-groove plate must be carried out correctly, for this, a cord should be pulled between the walls over the entire area, removing it from the floor surface by 30 cm. This will allow you to control the vertical location of the products. A sealant must be glued along the contact line, the width of which must correspond to the thickness of the plate. Bitumen-impregnated felt or cork backing can be used as this material.

Working on the first row

Installation of the tongue-and-groove plate cannot be called hard work However, this issue needs to be approached with the utmost care. To install the starting row of plates, it is necessary to cut off the lower ridges using a hacksaw. Glue is applied to the seal, which must be on a vertical and horizontal surface. The first plate is installed on the side where it will adjoin the wall. The perforated bracket is inserted into the groove. For a few centimeters, the bracket should protrude above the plate part. It is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws, or which is true when you are working with a concrete base.

The plate should be turned with the groove up, it is leveled and pressed against the bases, tapping with a mallet. In the place where the second plate will adjoin, it is necessary to install a piece of the bracket and fix it with dowels to the floor. If it turned out that this product was installed unevenly, then the rest will repeat the angle of inclination. In this situation, it will not work to align the masonry, the lock joints will interfere. This explains the need to align the first slab of the bottom row. The composition is applied to the side grooves and ridges in such a way that the seams between the plates are not thicker than 2 mm. Excess mixture should be removed with a spatula, checking the masonry building level. A bracket is installed in the lower part and fixed with anchor dowels to the floor. Each next product must be installed after the adhesive composition has set on the previous one.

Installation of the next rows

The installation of walls from tongue-and-groove plates involves the displacement of the seams in the second and subsequent rows. To ensure this condition, the plate must be cut in half. Staples should be fixed at the end and beginning of the row on the sections. This must be done in the place where the cuts are adjacent to the wall. The glue should be more liquid, it will have to be applied to the lower and side grooves of each product. It is important at this stage to check the vertical and horizontal masonry. The next row is installed only after the glue has set in the second row.

Formation of the last row

Usually not accompanied by difficulties. However, it is important to pay special attention to the whole process. For instance, top row should not be attached to the ceiling. About 1.5 cm should be left between the plates and the horizontal surface. To do this, staples are installed in the upper grooves of the final row with glue and screwed to the ceiling with dowels. After the installation is completed, the gap can be filled with foam, the excess of which is cut off after solidification.

Features of the installation of plates brand "Knauf"

Knauf tongue-and-groove plates, the installation of which implies the need to comply with certain nuances, can be installed by the home master on their own. For example, when preparing, it is important to make sure that the base of the floor where the work will be carried out is motionless, level and stable. If there are irregularities that exceed more than 10 mm, then it is necessary to form a leveling layer, this can only be done under the partition.

The surface before starting manipulations is cleaned of dirt and debris, as well as oil stains. To prepare the mixture, pour the dry composition into a clean plastic container with water. The liquid must be at room temperature. The composition is mixed with a drill with a nozzle or an electric mixer. The solution is left for a few minutes, and then mixed again. It is recommended to cook it in portions, one of which you can work out in the next half hour.

Such a gypsum tongue-and-groove slab, the installation of which is carried out quite often independently, can be installed in one of two ways. The first involves the use of glue, which is applied to concrete base. This method allows you to get a rigid mount. The composition is applied to the floor and walls in an even layer, and the average consumption for an 80 mm slab will be approximately 2 kg per square meter. If the thickness of the partition increases to 100 mm, then the consumption of glue will be 2.5 kg.

The second method involves fastening to walls, ceilings and floors through a cork elastic gasket. This method allows to achieve a higher sound insulation, especially for impact noise, such as slamming doors and knocking. Such products are stacked with a ridge or groove up. It is more practical to mount it from above with a groove, since in this case it is more convenient to lay the glue than to try to spread it on a comb. If the comb is located on top, then it should be removed with a hacksaw with large teeth. Sometimes the elements are removed with a peeling planer until a smooth surface can be obtained.

Features of installation of tongue-and-groove plates of the brand "Volma"

The tongue-and-groove plate "Volma", the installation of which is carried out according to the same technology as described above, is a product with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200b0.33 m 2. The plate is made from hydrophobic and plasticizing additives, which are supplemented in the manufacturing process using lithium technology. Products are intended for the formation of partitions in rooms and buildings for various purposes with a normal and dry microclimate.

You can control the resulting plane by applying a rule or a regular rail to the wall at different angles. If necessary, the plane can be adjusted until the adhesive sets. It is important to ensure that the plates are glued together along the four ends. The excess of the composition that has come out must be rubbed with a spatula until the seam is sealed. You should not start laying the second row until you measure the remaining gap for which the segment is being prepared. The additional element will be the beginning of a new row. This will allow you to achieve a run-up of vertical seams.

You can easily carry out the installation of tongue-and-groove plates with your own hands, the tips presented in the article will help you with this. From them you can find out that it is necessary to upset the plates from the side and from above, it is necessary to use for this only so as not to damage the blocks. This rule should not be neglected, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a tight connection between the tongue and groove.

Glue for tongue-and-groove plates "Fugen"

If you decide to purchase glue for mounting tongue-and-groove plates, then you can pay attention to the Fugen mixture, which is offered by Knauf. Approximately 1.5 kg should go per square meter. If the joints between the sheets of drywall are sealed, then the consumption will be 0.25 kg. This mixture is a dry composition, which is made on the basis of gypsum and polymer additives.

The solution is intended for sealing seams and cracks. For preparation, the dry mixture is poured into a container with cold water. For 1.9 liters of water you will need 2.5 kg of the composition. After uniform distribution of the dry mixture, it is necessary to withstand it for 3 minutes and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.


If, when laying a partition, you plan to make a window or doorway, then you need to think about the technology for attaching plates above it. If the opening will have a width not exceeding 80 cm, then the product can be installed on a box or temporary support. This is true on the condition that there will be one row of blocks per opening. If the width is greater than the specified value or there are several rows, then a strong jumper must be formed.

Tongue-and-groove slabs are presented on the market today in a wide range. However, Knauf products are one of the most popular. This is due to many factors.

Reviews about tongue-and-groove plates

Grooved slabs "Knauf" are blocks rectangular shape, whose dimensions are 667x500x80 mm. To connect the elements together, a thorn-groove lock is used, which is made of building gypsum and binders.

The described products are used for the construction internal partitions and wall cladding. The versatility is very popular with consumers. Among the additional advantages of the described plates, buyers highlight the ability to reduce the cost and laboriousness of laying partitions when using such products. Confirmation can be specific example: the tongue-and-groove slab replaces the red brick in the amount of 20 products or 14 pieces of silicate one and a half bricks.

Among other things, gypsum boards provide excellent thermal insulation. Consumers emphasize that 40 cm can boast the same thermal insulation parameters. concrete wall. Buyers quite often choose these boards for the reason that they provide an economic benefit. Installation can be carried out by gluing or using dry technology.

Plastering works are excluded, the front surface of the products is of high quality. It is only necessary to seal the seams and sand the base. During installation, there is no need to use special equipment. Consumers emphasize that nails can be easily hammered into Knauf tongue-and-groove plates. In general, this material is easy to process: it can be planed, milled, and also sawn. Therefore, the issue of laying pipelines and electrical wiring disappears. The wall after installation, according to consumers, is immediately ready for painting, wallpapering and tiling. The partition occupies a smaller area compared to brick.

Why choose a tongue-and-groove plate from Knauf

If you are still undecided if the described stoves are right for you, then you should consider their additional advantages. Among others, we can distinguish a high sound insulation coefficient, which reaches 41 dB. When arranging openings within 0.9 m, there is no need to reinforce the upper part with a lintel beam. The formed walls are able to reflect noise waves, in addition, they act as a dielectric.

Knauf tongue-and-groove plates have the same acidity as human skin, and the material has no smell. It can be used to build single and double partitions, the latter of which require a 4 cm air gap. Everything will depend on the requirements for noise protection.

Plates are installed with high precision and are interconnected as firmly as possible. Internal walls able to bear the weight of kitchen cabinets, shelves and plumbing devices. In this case, the surface does not need to be strengthened. Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs have additional advantages, among which are:

  • fire resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

Specifications of moisture-resistant solid board 100 mm

As an example, before buying, you can consider Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs that are moisture resistant. Among others, a 10 mm product should be distinguished, which has a gray or green color. G-5 gypsum acts as a raw material.

The compressive strength is 5 MPa. The thermal conductivity coefficient can reach 0.29 W / m ° C. As for the flexural strength, it is equivalent to 2.40 MPa. Fire resistance limit - 2.5 hours. The plate size is 667 x 500 x 100 mm. Soundproofing is kept at 41 dB. Such solid tongue-and-groove plates "Knauf" are manufactured according to specifications 5742-007-16415648-98. Wholesale price is 250 rubles. a piece.

The mass of the plate is 38 kg. Its density is 1250 kg/m³. The volume of one block is 0.03 m³. The aforementioned sound absorption coefficient is one of the best indicators among all categories of this material. Partitions erected from the described slabs are most often used in rooms with high humidity. Among these are:

  • kitchen;
  • toilet;
  • bathroom.

Key Features

The increased thickness of the product allows you to hide pipes, communications and wires of impressive diameter inside. This feature is relevant for bathrooms and other rooms where there is a large number of plumbing communications.

Using such Knauf tongue-and-groove plates, the price of which was mentioned above, you can no longer worry that the sounds from the toilet or bathroom will disturb you in your living space. And the shelf will not collapse if you install it on such a surface. Partitions can be erected up to a height of 3600 mm, while an additional support frame is not required. The manufacturer refers these plates to the premium class.

Glue for PGP "Bolars"

If you decide to install Knauf tongue-and-groove gypsum boards, you should worry about the presence of special glue. As an example, consider the Bolars composition, which is sold in 20 kg bags. You will have to pay 215 rubles for such a volume of material.

It is a special mixture for the installation of plasterboard and gypsum-fiber sheets, gluing mineral wool boards to vertical surfaces. Joints can be sealed with this adhesive. It has a gypsum base and is made on the basis of highly effective additives.

Adhesive Benefits

The application of adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates is carried out manually. Among the advantages of this composition should be highlighted:

  • quick fixation of plates;
  • acceptable cost;
  • highly elastic structure.

Thanks to the latter property, the glue is very convenient to use. It is sold dry and packaged in paper bags. The composition is made in Russia, therefore it has an affordable cost for the consumer. The material has a wide area of ​​​​use, because it can be used to install not only tongue-and-groove plates, but also plasterboard, as well as gypsum-fiber sheets.

Adhesive characteristics

Adhesion is 1 MPa. The operating temperature varies from +5 to +40 °C. It is recommended to use the composition in bathrooms and living rooms. It is suitable for fixing insulation and gypsum tiles.

Before purchasing glue for tongue-and-groove plates, it is recommended to calculate the required amount of material. Using the volume of one bag, you can install 35 plates, which is true for products with dimensions that are equal to 66 x 78 x 5 cm. The thickness of the seam should be 2 mm. You should prepare such an amount of solution that you can work out in 40 minutes. The time for correcting the product in place is 15 minutes.


PWP "Knauf" can be used not only for the formation of traditional wall partitions, but also for fastening products to ceilings. These canvases quite often act as acoustic barriers and are attached using direct suspensions, combined and vernier clasps, you can use the technology that is convenient for you. If load-bearing wooden floors act as the basis, then Knauf self-tapping screws should be used. In the presence of reinforced concrete floors you will need ceiling dowel-nails from the same Knauf manufacturer.

Material Description
Mounting Adhesive - Dry gypsum mixture gray color, based on gypsum and chemical additives, designed for mounting and sealing joints of gypsum tongue-and-groove boards, gluing decorative elements and products based on gypsum. Glue is well suited for eliminating flaws and pits on the walls.

Material consumption

Installation of tongue-and-groove plates - 11.5 kg / m²

Terms of work

The temperature of the air and the base during the work should not be lower than +5˚С. Temperature mortar mixture should be from +10˚С to +30˚С.

Mortar preparation

Pour the contents of the package into a container with a pre-measured amount. pure water room temperature. Mixing ratio: 25 kg of dry mixture requires 15 liters of water. Mix everything slowly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let the mixture stand for 2-3 minutes for better dissolution, then mix again. With repeated mixing, it is allowed to add water to the desired consistency.
It is necessary to use only clean containers and tools to avoid deterioration and change in the properties of the solution. It is forbidden to introduce additional water into the finished mortar mixture.

Operating procedure

The finished solution must be worked out within 30 minutes. When performing work, it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity. After the mounting adhesive has been applied to the work surface, it can be re-applied if necessary, but only after the first layer has completely dried. Immediately after the solution is completely used up, the container and tools should be thoroughly washed with water.

Storage conditions

Store bags with dry mix in covered dry rooms on wooden pallets.
Manufacturer's Warranty
Guaranteed shelf life in undamaged manufacturer's packaging is 6 months from the date of manufacture.

In this article we will talk about glue for tongue-and-groove plates. How to choose the right glue, which brands are the most popular and how to use the glue.

Mounting adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates

The name itself, mounting adhesive, gives an idea of ​​its purpose. Glue for tongue-and-groove slabs is used to fasten PGP slabs together when laying them for the construction of partitions and other building structures. Feature of the mounting adhesive in use, both in wet and dry rooms.

The second purpose of the mounting adhesive is the frameless installation of drywall. Let me remind you that frameless installation is gluing GKL (GKVL) plates to the wall, without assembling the frame.

The adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates is distinguished by its high adhesion, combined with high plasticity. Due to this, assembly adhesive is used not only for fastening plates, but also for sealing joints between plates and repairing the plates themselves.

The binder of the mounting adhesive is building gypsum. To increase adhesion and plasticity, the composition includes special plasticizers and polymeric substances.

Approximate "lifetime" of the adhesive solution is 3 hours, drying time is 5 hours, and the possibility of adjusting the masonry is only 30 minutes.

Mounting adhesive is sold in dry form, in bags. To prepare the glue, it is diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package. Usually it is 0.35-0.60 liters of water per 1 kg of the mixture.

Glue Types for GWP

The main difference in the types of mounting adhesive is its frost resistance. According to this parameter, the glue is divided into ordinary glue and frost-resistant glue. Frost-resistant glue, thanks to frost-resistant additives, can be used at sub-zero temperatures, even below 15˚C.



Surfaces on which mounting adhesive is used must be dry, clean and free of dust. For better adhesion, the surface must be treated with a primer and allowed to dry.

PGP boards themselves do not require additional processing and wetting with water.

Glue is diluted in a clean container according to the instructions on the package. The dry mixture is poured into the water, and not vice versa.

When installing partitions, glue is applied with a spatula to the adjacent grooves (end sides) of the plates. When installed on the slab, pressure is applied so that the adhesive is squeezed out of the seam. Excess glue is removed. The thickness of the joints between the tiles is more than 2 mm.


The following brands of mounting adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates are the most popular:

  • Volma, glue "VOLMA-Installation" and "VOLMA-Installation Frost";
  • Knauf Perlfix, for installation of PGP and gluing GKL (GKVL);
  • Perfecta "PLASTER";
  • "Rusean Plaster Block", from the manufacturer Rusean.
  • High-strength "Forman41" from the Forman company.
  • "PALADIUM PalafiX-403" from the company Paladium.


It is not recommended to replace the adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates with other mixtures. However, in extreme cases, you can use tile adhesive instead of mounting adhesive. This assumption does not apply to gluing drywall.

You are given the opportunity to overhaul a house or apartment with minimal cost working hours and material investments? To do this, it is enough to buy PGP boards and build light, strong and durable partitions that do not require floor reinforcement and preparation for applying surface decor.

Gypsum polymer partition panels are characterized by correct geometry and exact dimensions, the tongue-and-groove connection gives the structure an additional margin of rigidity.

Single-layer walls and partitions significantly reduce the internal or external background noise. To equip a “quiet zone” comfortable for rest, the structures are mounted in a two-layer version, and as a filler of the internal volume, mineral wool. Moisture-resistant plates fully develop the designated 20-year service life in rooms with high humidity.

  • In the process of natural selection in the construction markets, a consistently high demand for high-quality moisture-resistant Knauf tongue-and-groove blocks has formed. The price of these materials is considered too high by many developers, so the interest in similar products from other manufacturers is understandable.
  • Judging by the materials of construction forums, the more affordable Volma tongue-and-groove plates begin to successfully compete with the products of the Knauf company. Reviews for this product are mostly positive. There are comments on the quality of packaging, it is not always possible to find a dry mix recommended by manufacturers for the preparation of assembly adhesive.

What is the best glue for mounting gypsum panels?

Leading manufacturers of gypsum-panel materials have taken care of the production of modern adhesive compositions that have maximum compatibility with branded products.

The basis of almost all dry mixes is ordinary gypsum. As for the amount and dosage of mineral and polymer additives, such information has reason to be called inaccessible.

In the range of auxiliary materials there are several brands that have positively proven themselves in all respects over the past time.

Additional properties have affected the increase in cost, selling prices for Fügenfüller dry mixes in relation to Volm's adhesives are significantly higher.

In the absence of these materials, you can use Weber cel gips glue, which differs from analogues in increased strength. The working properties of the adhesive apply to the installation of GWP, plasterboard panels, some heat and sound insulating linings.

Work with gypsum-panel adhesives "IVSIL PLAST" or "BOLARS Gypsum Contact" is not excluded. To a lesser extent, the so-called universal adhesives, as well as those produced by small semi-handicraft enterprises, are recommended.

Buy from us today high-quality gypsum adhesive Volma Installation for tongue-and-groove plates!