How to open an auto parts business from scratch (business plan). How to open an auto parts store and keep profit

  • 16.10.2019

Every day there are more and more motorists on the roads of our country, some people have two or even three cars. Cars tend to break down, and if this happens rarely, then annually you need to change the oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and the rest.

It happens that there is a need for more frequent replacement than once a year. Also twice a year it is necessary to "change shoes" car. Based on this, it becomes clear to us that any commercial activity related to cars will be a success, including the opening of a car shop. But if you do not know some of the nuances and do not study the features of this activity, then the company will work at a loss.

Where to begin?

So, how to open a car shop, where to start? First of all, it is necessary to conduct a marketing research and identify what is most relevant today and what is in great demand. This will help to identify weaknesses and strengths competitors.

After that, you need to draw up a business plan for a car dealership. Do not neglect this point. The plan is an important aspect when opening a store, everything must be carefully thought out and written down so that nothing is forgotten later.

Recall that no crisis will affect the success of the automotive business, because a car is a means of transportation, and people never sit still. Every summer they go to the sea, from spring to autumn - to the country, and throughout the year for guests and business. After all, it is easier for a person to repair an old car than to buy a new one.

In the car shop you can buy spare parts for the car - various components, assemblies, as well as expendable materials and many other automotive products and accessories. An individual entrepreneur (IP) in the case of opening such a business is the most convenient form.

If the owner of the auto parts store has the opportunity to cooperate with large automotive organizations (cargo transportation companies, taxis or car depots), then it is necessary to additionally register entity. The success rate of the automotive business is growing every year, today the auto parts market is about $ 25 billion.

An auto parts store business plan should include a detailed description of the auto parts store market in your locality. Having dealt with this section, you should draw up the final strategy for introducing to the market. It should be noted that in modern days the car dealership market is divided into several groups:

Auto parts for domestic cars;
- auto parts for cars of the European or American assembly;
- spare parts for Japanese cars.

There are also specialized stores selling spare parts for a particular brand of car.

How to implement a business plan?

After the business plan of the car dealership is drawn up, you can proceed to its implementation. First of all, we are looking for and select the premises in which the auto shop will be located. Its area must be at least 60 square meters. m. Next, we must select the equipment that the store will be filled with - these are racks, racks, cash desk, showcase, computers.

At the same time, you can also start purchasing goods. Depending on the city in which the car shop is located, you can order spare parts both from abroad and through Russian online stores. If all the parameters are met, and the store is ready to open, it is necessary to find employees.

The minimum set is a salesperson, manager, director and accountant. The risk that is present in this case is the shortage of spare parts. To avoid such a situation, you need to make sure that the delivery time is minimal, and the price is acceptable. To do this, it is necessary to conclude profitable contracts from the very beginning of doing business.

How to take care of demand in advance?

How to open a car shop and where to start if you do not have access to the traffic police database? You need to find out what brand of cars in your city is the most, what parts break down most often. Then you yourself should know what and at what time of the year is in great demand, which oil people prefer. By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to manage sales.

What is relevant today?

People wondering how to open a car shop for foreign cars are on the right track, because modern society on by and large gives preference to foreign-made cars. Therefore, an auto parts store for foreign cars is exactly what you can earn on. After all, no machine and no mechanism is immune from breakdowns. The idea to go into the auto business is quite relevant in our time, it is a stable and constant profit. In order to open a car dealership, it is necessary to correctly complete all the documents - this can take a long time.

What determines the success and profitability of a car dealership?

A person who opens an auto parts store must understand that the success and income of his activities depend on the prices that the owner puts on parts, on the choice of goods, on the number of people who visit the store, and also on the location of the store.

In order for the prices to suit the buyer, it is necessary to make a small margin, you can also sign a profitable agreement with some organization that, under certain conditions, they will give a discount on their products. To have a wide selection of goods, you need to invest a lot of money. You don’t need to buy everything the same, take all the expensive parts one at a time, the cheap ones three, five at a time, so you will understand what sells better and what worse.

How to attract clients?

To attract customers, you can first give out business cards or do some kind of promotion on the opening day. When choosing a location for your store, consider your type of business and try to locate near a tire shop, service station, or anywhere near a car wash.

The number of cars on the roads is constantly growing, which means that the need for auto parts stores is also increasing. Where to start and how to open an auto parts store? You need to start by determining what you want to sell. Parts, accessories, chemicals, oils. If you want to sell everything at once, then the investment, respectively, is greater.

If this is, for example, auto chemical goods, then you need to find someone who understands it and find out what you need to buy first. If these are spare parts, then you need to know which cars you want to sell spare parts for.

How to complete the warehouse of spare parts? Firstly, all consumables must be available: brake discs, pads, suspension parts - ball, tie rods and tips, all filters. There is no point in taking something global, like a roof for a car.

Be sure to know the sore spots of the cars for which you sell parts. You can easily find this information on online forums where owners share their experiences with car breakdowns and maintenance. Each car has its own “sores” that you need to be aware of.

When you know about the weak points of cars, you can order parts in advance. The longer the delivery of parts from the dealer to you, the cheaper it will cost. If you place an order “for tomorrow”, then you will be given a spare part from the warehouse that has lain there for a long time, and they will charge one price for it, but if you order a part, say, 2 months in advance, then it will not stay in the warehouse, as it passes, as it were in transit, so the markup is lower.

As a result, you get parts cheaper and in stock so when customers call, you can offer them to come and buy right away, which may even be cheaper than if they buy a part to order with a 2-week lead time in a regular parts store.

How are spare parts selected? There are original catalogs of automakers, in which each spare part has its own number. There are also special catalog programs that extract numbers of identical non-original spare parts from the original number.

Many car owners already have their own established preferences, while others, on the contrary, trust the choice of the seller.

Be sure to have at least two options for spare parts - expensive and cheap. Three are even better - expensive, average, cheap. Start with the most expensive offer and end with the cheapest. The shock of a large price will make the middle option more preferable to buy. If there are three options, then they will often buy the middle one.

The mark-up depends on how the spare part was received by the seller, and on the spare part itself. The trend is as follows: the more expensive the spare part, the lower the margin. On average, it is 25-30%.

Clients often do not know what they need. Will have to consult. For the seller of spare parts, the main thing is to learn how to work with catalogs. Without a computer, this is by itself unrealistic. And on a computer, you can find the desired part in the catalog in real time.

Accounting for goods in the store

You need to keep track of applications. If customers come and ask you for something you don't have, often, be sure to stock it. In the end, the nomenclature will form by itself at the request of customers. It is very important to keep a record of not only actual, but also lost sales. If 5 people wanted to buy a certain spare part from you within a month, then it makes sense to have this spare part in stock.

In order to quickly replenish stocks in the warehouse, you must have a debugged accounting system. Critical parameters of safe balances must be determined, and if the next sold spare part reduces the balance to a level below the critical one, then it should automatically fall into the next order.

The main task is to find a balance between the breadth of the range and turnover. Spare parts in the warehouse are frozen money pulled out of the general circulation. The lower the demand for a spare part, the longer the money is frozen.

The specifics of the auto parts trade

The volume of demand for various positions is subject to fluctuations. The main demand is for mechanical parts, that is, those that are subject to the greatest wear.

Approximate ratio of spare parts groups in total demand:

  • electrical - about 23%;
  • bodywork - about 20%;
  • mechanics - about 57%.

The specifics of the spare parts trade is such that 50-60% of sales come from 5-10% of the range. If a working capital are limited, you should focus on the most popular positions.

Supplier selection

Remember that you should always have a "fallback", and preferably two. One main supplier and two backups, in case there are any problems with the main one. Schemes for the supply of rare spare parts under the order should also be worked out.

Do you like cars and understand them well? Check out how to open an auto parts store from scratch. With the right approach, this case will give good income.

♦ Capital investments – 400,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 6–10 months.

A business related to cars can be safely called masculine, because not every woman dares to open a car shop or a service station, because she will doubt what kind of commercial equipment needs to be purchased, how to correctly form a customer base and a range of goods.

If you love cars, have a good understanding of them and are looking for a startup to launch, then be sure to check out how to open an auto parts store from scratch.

With the right approach and due diligence, this business will give you a good income and pay off in a short time.

How to open an auto parts store: preparatory stage

It's not enough to just say to yourself, "I want to open an auto parts store."

Needs to be done first preparatory work to understand how profitable this business is in your locality and whether it makes sense to invest in commercial equipment, renting premises for an auto parts store, and so on.

So, you can properly organize the preparatory work of a car dealership if:

  1. Learn the theoretical background. Even if you have experience with cars, it will not be superfluous to fill in the knowledge gaps.
  2. Decide what exactly your auto parts store will do:
    • sell spare parts for domestic cars or foreign cars;
    • sell specialized equipment or something lighter: detergents, mats, seat covers, stickers, etc.;
    • your auto shop will serve one brand of car, for example Peugeot, or you will supply equipment for different foreign cars.
  3. Analyze the products and prices of competitors whose outlets are located in the area in which you are going to open an auto parts store in order to avoid their mistakes.

If you decide to open a car shop from scratch and do not have experience in this type of activity, then for sure you will need some advice from those who have profitable auto parts stores:

  1. If in doubt where to start, start by drawing up a business plan for an auto shop with specific calculations, according to real estate prices, salaries and shop equipment in your area.
  2. Do not wait for buyers in the auto parts store, because such tactics are ineffective.
    It is necessary to establish contacts with taxi drivers, service stations for the supply of spare parts to them, which many entrepreneurs do not want to do.
  3. Do not immediately fill your car shop with spare parts for different foreign cars.
    Let you always have universal goods (oils, antifreeze, glass washers, lubricants, etc.) in stock, and bring everything else only by prior order.
  4. It is necessary to establish close cooperation with suppliers.
    If you fail to get the customer the parts he needs two or three times, then he will go to another auto shop.
  5. Learn to perfectly understand car spare parts in order to be able, just by looking at the part, to understand what exactly the buyer needs to order.
    Often, motorists (especially female representatives) bring some kind of screw with the words “I want to order the same one” and you must immediately name the part shown to you.
  6. You should not be limited only to servicing foreign cars.
    Selling parts for models of the domestic auto industry is a very profitable business.
    Spare parts for domestic cars are bought much more often, because they are cheaper, and foreign cars break down much less often.
  7. The auto parts market is a business area that is constantly changing.
    You need to keep up with these changes in order to offer customers only the most modern and high-quality products in your auto parts store.
  8. Consider a name for your establishment.
    “Autoshop” is too trivial, but it’s not worth coming up with something exotic and hard to remember.
    Remember that your main clients are men, and they will not appreciate the creativity.
  9. If you do not have enough funds to open a real car shop, you can start an online car parts store.
    If you offer customers spare parts and universal products at a price lower than in regular stores, you will quickly create a customer base.
  10. The competition in this business is quite high, therefore, even at the initial stage of launching a startup, it is necessary to form competent competitive advantages your auto parts store.
    It could be:
    • reasonable prices for auto parts and accessories (even if your spare parts cost 20–30 rubles lower than those of competitors, you will quickly be able to build a reputation as “the cheapest auto shop in the city”);
    • speed of delivery of ordered parts;
    • work with official suppliers;
    • high quality products;
    • various promotions. For example, “Buy the most expensive oil, get a free interior fragrance”, etc.

How to open an auto parts store: advertising

If you are going to open a modest stall in the local market, then you do not need to spend money on a large advertising campaign.

But large car dealerships that dream of conquering the market and attracting as many wholesale customers as possible (taxi services, road carriers, etc.) in a short time cannot do without a serious advertising campaign.

To quickly notify the townspeople about the opening of a new auto parts store:

  • advertise in newspapers, on radio and television;
  • order a poster in the newspaper for free ads on the appropriate page, for example, “buy-sell a car”;
  • print business cards and promotional brochures to distribute in the area where you decide to open an auto shop.
  1. Satisfied customers who will tell their acquaintances, friends and relatives that such a wonderful store has opened.
  2. Your acquaintances with potential clients: taxi drivers, auto repairmen, service station owners, etc.
    Go to meet them instead of waiting for them to randomly drop by your auto shop.

How to Open an Auto Parts Store: Schedule

Since the owners of car dealerships do not have to obtain special licenses for doing business, and you don’t have to buy special trading equipment for the shop, your main concerns will be: finding a room that would be located in a place with high traffic, contracts with suppliers, forming an assortment.

All this can really be done in 4-5 months.

Building search and repair
Personnel search
Purchase of the first batch

How to open an auto parts store: the main steps

Opening an auto shop is not too different from starting a hardware store.

You have to go through the same steps: registration, search suitable premises, buy commercial equipment, recruitment, assortment formation, search for suppliers and customers.

Auto shop registration

In order to open a car shop from scratch, you need to officially register.

Choose one of the two forms of business that suits you: IP ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (company with limited liability).

If you are going to sell auto parts, equipment, etc. only to individuals, then IP is enough.

If you want to work with legal entities, for example, supply your goods to a trucking company, you will have to register as an LLC in order to be able to do this.

If you already have experience in entrepreneurial business and enough money to open a large-scale business, then fix yourself as an LLC.

If you are new to this business and have decided to start a modest business, then it is better to limit yourself to an individual entrepreneur and simplify the registration procedure for yourself.

Auto parts store

Fun fact:
In Havana, one of the attractions offered to tourists is to drive a Ford or Cadillac from the 50s. But tourists don't see what's under the hood of a "classic American car." And there are parts from the Volga, Zhiguli and the Belarus tractor.

It is very important to open an auto shop in a high-traffic area and locate it so that you do not have to look for your shop for a long time.

A good profit is brought by auto parts stores located in markets, near bus stops, etc.

When choosing a place, make sure that there are no other auto shops nearby, otherwise you will have to fight for each client.

It is also important to remember that your customers are motorists, which means that parking is indispensable.

But the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises depends on the size of the store that you want to open. Both small stalls and premium-class establishments located on 100 sq.m. successfully operate on the market.

Ideally, the area of ​​​​an auto parts store should be at least 30-40 square meters. meters to accommodate not only a trading floor, but also a warehouse, a service room and a bathroom.

You do not need to invest a lot of money in repairs.

Male clients will definitely not appreciate the frills of the interior, and women will come to you infrequently.

The main thing is that the necessary equipment is located in the auto shop in order to demonstrate your product in the most favorable light.

Auto parts store equipment

Depending on the area of ​​the auto parts store that you want to open, choose equipment so that the product looks attractive and the customer can immediately find what he needs.

You can't do without such a minimum:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:100 000 rub.
Shelves and racks
20 000
Glazed showcase
15 000
Cash register
10 000
Computer with printer
25 000
Other30 000

Auto shop staff

Owners of small car dealerships, more reminiscent of stalls, prefer to do without outside help, performing the functions of both the seller, and the cleaner, and the accountant, and the manager.

You can follow their example, but be aware that it is quite difficult.

Also, ideally, your store should be open on both Saturday and Sunday to improve sales.

It’s better to hire a seller with whom you will work in shifts (for example, 2/2 days), and in the free days to order goods, bookkeeping, and perform managerial functions.

You should also consider hiring a cleaner who comes once a day.

Suppliers for auto parts store

Finding suppliers in the Internet age is easy.

You should do this as soon as you decide to open an auto parts store in order to determine the direction of your business.

You should not try to cover all possible car models, because you will not succeed.

It is better to limit yourself to serving several brands and be sure to expand the range with universal products: rugs, covers, oils, antifreeze, glass washers, interior flavors and more.

Deal only with licensed auto suppliers, otherwise sooner or later you will face dissatisfied customers who will complain that you sold them a low-quality product.

Do not buy a lot of spare parts, agree to work with suppliers "on order" and with deferred payment.

Break off relations with those suppliers who often let you down (they promise to send the ordered spare part and do not do it), because your business depends on the speed of deliveries.

For those who are interested in starting a startup dedicated to the automotive business,

We invite you to watch the following video:

How much does it cost to open an auto parts store?

This business is one of those start-ups that do not require huge sums to launch.

You won't have to pay for licenses that allow you to conduct business, renovate your store or buy expensive equipment.

If you try, it is quite possible to meet the 350,000-400,000 rubles.

This amount can be much higher if you decide to open a large auto parts store, the area of ​​​​which is from 50 sq.m. and higher.

In this case, only for the purchase of goods, in order not to leave the windows empty, you will have to spend half a million or more.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:380 000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair and equipment of the store*90 000
Trade software100 000
Purchase of the first batch of spare parts100 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses60 000

*You can save if you do not purchase new furniture, and the one that was already in use, but in good condition.

True, this is not all the expenses that businessmen expect when they decide to open an auto parts store.

Every month, in addition to profits, you will face expenses, without which it is impossible to imagine any business:

*The amount you will spend on renting a room can be significantly higher. It all depends on the region in which you live and the attractiveness of the area in which you decide to open your auto shop. This should be taken into account when

Download a ready-made business plan for an auto parts store with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

If I decide to open an auto parts store, how much can I earn from it?

Profits for auto shop owners are highly individual.

The markup on a product that you sell in your auto parts store can range from 30% (for especially expensive parts) to 100-120% for inexpensive generic products.

Do not overcharge, otherwise your customers will be lured to other auto shops. But it is not worth trying to expand the customer base by dumping prices.

So you will work at a loss.

For an auto parts store to make a profit, you need at least 20 customers to visit you daily, making purchases in the amount of 400 rubles or more.

Of course, these are very arbitrary indicators, because someone will visit you to buy a Christmas tree fragrance for a salon for 50 rubles, and someone will need a part at a price of 10,000 rubles.

But even if we take the minimum figures, then it turns out to be a very good amount of monthly earnings for an auto shop: 400 rubles x 20 people = 8,000 rubles a day.

For a month with such indicators, an auto parts store will earn about 250,000 rubles. 150,000 of the specified amount will be spent on the purchase of the next batch of goods, rent, staff fees, taxes and other expenses, but 50,000 - 100,000 will be the profit of the auto parts store owner.

You will be able to demonstrate similar sales figures when you form a customer base.

It will take you at least six months, and then, if you independently begin to establish contacts with taxi drivers, truckers, ordinary motorists, you will promote your own business in every possible way.

If before launching a startup you study everything related to the topic " How to open an auto parts store”, then you can avoid unpleasant surprises that beginner entrepreneurs suffer from.

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It is from this example that you will find out what costs are necessary for initial stage and in the future existence of the store, what is the range of products sold that you are going to sell, the number of employees, a suitable taxation system, future income and the time frame in which this project should recoup the costs and begin to make a profit. We present to you a concise but very informative auto parts store business plan for free. Taking it as a basis, you can easily create your own, in which you will present all the actions in a consistent and clearly defined way, which will help you learn how to open an auto parts store for foreign cars and / or domestic cars.

auto parts store business plan

We present you a free finished example auto parts store to help you open it.

Purpose of discovery

Nowadays, almost every family has a car and (or) a motorcycle, so the supply of the necessary spare parts is simply necessary. In this case, our auto parts store is designed for the most a large number of presented models (without specialization in spare parts or specific brands).

Brief Summary

In order to open an auto parts store, you need about $ 36,000, and in 1-1.5 years the money invested will return to you. And the net profit will be from $5,000 to $8,000 per month.


This business plan describes the establishment of a trading enterprise based on minimum investment, whose buyers are ordinary motorists who prefer to make repairs themselves without contacting a service station. In order to open such an auto parts store, you need a premise, rented or owned, but not less than 50 square meters. The location of the store also plays an important role. It is desirable to locate an auto parts store near a garage cooperative, with TSOs, with car washes, but you must not forget that it is located where there is a good transport interchange and parking.

Subject area

The auto parts market is a highly volatile area. It is influenced by many external and internal factors. The main task in managing an auto parts store is to track changes in the market, change and diversify the range offered. But it is necessary to take into account the quality of the goods offered, and build a pricing policy based on it. All these steps allow us to adequately hold on to this very competitive market.

The target audience

As mentioned above, the target audience of an auto parts store is ordinary motorists. Although in further development trade there will be regular customers, for example, professional drivers, and it is also possible to conclude agreements with the owners of service stations.


The competition in this branch of the auto parts market is quite severe, so everything needs to be carefully thought out, especially the marketing policy, and not only for the first time, but also for a longer period, so that you are doomed to success. As a competition for a novice entrepreneur, you also need to remember about the level of service, sellers must be professional in this service area (even advice on repairs or on the selection of spare parts is possible). You also need to consider the opening hours of the auto parts store. Auto parts stores that are open late or around the clock are more popular.

In the future, develop the business to a whole network of auto parts stores, which will be united by one brand, and create their own website, where buyers can view all the information they are interested in and find out in which particular store this or that part is located.

Additional opening of an online store

This stage can go a long way in attracting additional buyers and also makes it easier to find profitable suppliers to do business with. To do this, you need to create a well-made website. Next, you need to create one single database of auto parts and indicate prices for them, link them to brands, car models, indicate the years of their production and, perhaps, even engine ranges. This information needs to be constantly kept in order so that it is relevant for every day.

It may be easier to buy a ready-made database. If you decide to create it on your own, you will need to scan manufacturers' catalogs, recognize the text and translate it into the format required for the database.

The group of risks in the sales business can include interruptions in the supply of spare parts, so one of the critical factors when creating a store are established relationships with suppliers. It is best to reduce the intermediaries between the store and the parts manufacturer altogether, as this will increase the profits of the auto parts store, as well as reduce the delivery time to the goods store.

Trade Feasibility Study

Here are the approximate figures for calculating the costs, profits and economic activity of the store:

  1. rent a room: approximately $1000 (it is better to pay for 6 months at once - $6000);
  2. full repair and decoration of an auto parts store for opening - $ 2000;
  3. buying the right commercial equipment — 2000$;
  4. furniture - $ 1000;
  5. purchase of spare parts - $ 8,000 per month (first purchase - $ 16,000);
  6. salary - $ 3000 (for 2 months - $ 6000);
  7. utility bill and internet - $500;
  8. marketing expenses - $ 1000;
  9. outdoor advertising and store decoration - $ 2000.

The necessary equipment of an auto parts store is racks, a cash register and a computer with programs installed on it and an Internet connection, which make it easier to find the parts that the client needs.

The staff of an auto parts store is usually built from: a director and one or more sales assistants who are good at cash registers.

The planned revenue in such stores is up to 75% of the funds spent.

Organizational and legal form

The simplest organizational and legal form of an auto parts store is the "Individual Entrepreneur" form.

The registration process takes place in the tax office and is quite simple, because:

  1. does not take much time;
  2. package necessary documents minimal.

Store taxation system

The activity of an auto parts store can exist on a preferential tax regime. A single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (the main physical indicator is the area).


Keeping accounting and tax accounting for an auto parts store is a simple task, therefore, in order to reduce the costs of this process, it is best to outsource it.


This type of business can be implemented both with the help of own funds and with the help of an investor-borrower.

If you want to open a highly specialized auto parts store, that is, dedicated to a certain brand of car or, for example, only for foreign cars, then you can.

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2.2. Each of the Parties will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least using the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform their official duties for the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of a state authority, other state body, or local government in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as defined in federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User related to the Services, to protect the Services and Users, and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Insales Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the operation of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The user acknowledges that the equipment and software, used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under account of the User, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data for access to the User's account to third parties on any terms (including under contracts or agreements). At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User, except for cases when the User notified Insales about unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details: