The ban on Russians from traveling abroad is an official check. How to find out if traveling abroad is allowed

  • 21.10.2019
One of the measures to deal with debtors is a ban on traveling abroad. About what features this measure has, who can be subject to it and how to remove this restriction, we will tell in our article.

Not so long ago, rather severe measures were taken against people who have debts to financial organizations or to the state - imposing restrictions on leaving the country. A temporary restriction on leaving the Russian Federation, as a rule, is applied until the debtor fulfills the requirements contained in the executive document, in accordance with which this restrictive measure was introduced, or until an agreement is reached between him and the recoverer.

How to Apply a Restriction

In accordance with applicable law, a citizen has only a debt or a court decision to recover Money is an insufficient aspect to restrict exit. The travel restriction comes into effect at the request of a person interested in the immediate collection of the debt. To do this, the bailiff must necessarily issue a decision approved by the senior bailiff or a separate judicial act establishing such a fact. At the same time, the decision on temporary restriction on departure comes into force from the moment the bailiff was able to prove that the debtor does not fulfill his obligations for an unexcused reason. That is, the imposition of a restriction is preceded by a thorough investigation of the situation. The bailiff sends a copy of the issued decision to the debtor, as well as to the relevant authorities:

  • department of the migration police;
  • territorial executive body;
  • border service.

Validity period of the decision on the restriction on exit

The validity period of such a measure as a temporary restriction of a citizen's right to travel abroad is determined by the bailiff, but this period should not exceed 6 months. At the same time, after six months, if the debtor continues to ignore its obligations, the relevant decision may be issued again.

Conditions for canceling the temporary restriction on the debtor's travel abroad

The debtor's travel ban may be lifted in the event of the termination or termination of the enforcement proceedings, which contain the relevant restriction requirements. If the enforcement proceedings are terminated by the court, an appropriate ruling is issued, which is sent to the debtor, the recoverer and the bailiff. The debtor's travel ban may be lifted in the following cases:

  1. if the debtor has fulfilled the requirements of the enforcement case;
  2. the executive document was returned to the recoverer at his request or due to the inability to establish the location of the debtor;
  3. the court approved a settlement agreement between the debtor and the recoverer;
  4. the executive document was invalidated or canceled;
  5. the claimant-organization is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The procedure for canceling the measure to restrict the departure of the debtor

The bailiff must issue a decision on the termination or termination of enforcement proceedings, where all the restrictions established for the debtor are canceled, including the restriction on travel outside the Russian Federation. Also, the bailiff may issue a decision to cancel the temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation. At the same time, the document necessarily stipulates that the restriction on exit will be lifted after the receipt of the relevant decision by the Border Control Department of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In this regard, even the presentation by the former debtor at the border control point of supporting payment documents or a copy of the decision to lift the restriction will not be the basis for passing it across the state border. Copies of the resolution on the termination or termination of the enforcement proceedings, as well as the resolution on the abolition of enforcement measures, are sent to the recoverer, the debtor, to the court and to the bodies executing the resolution on the establishment of restrictions within three days from the date of the issuance of the resolution to terminate the proceedings or no later than the day following the day of issuance of the resolution on the completion of proceedings. These resolutions are immediately sent to the Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. After receiving the information, the border service authorities of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation process the information and send it to the border authorities for amendments. Thus, it should be noted that several days may pass from the moment the debt is repaid until the relevant information is received by the border authorities, and, therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to this fact when planning foreign trips.

When can a travel restriction be challenged?

According to the law, the application of a restrictive measure for the debtor to travel abroad requires strict adherence to the procedure and the existence of appropriate grounds provided for by the current Russian legislation. In case of violations of these rules by the bailiff, the restriction on exit can be challenged in the manner prescribed by Russian law. So, you can challenge the restriction of travel abroad:

  • In case of improper notification of the debtor about the initiation of enforcement proceedings against him.

The Law on Enforcement Proceedings clearly regulates the procedure for notification of initiation of enforcement proceedings. The bailiff, after issuing a decision to initiate enforcement proceedings, must send the document to the debtor. If the order is sent to the wrong address, not sent on time, or not sent at all, then the order to restrict exit must be canceled, regardless of other circumstances.

  • Imposition of restrictions before the expiration of the period for the voluntary execution of a judgment.

You should read the fact that the period for voluntary execution is of two types: established by bailiffs and the court. If the writ of execution is presented after the expiration of the period established by the court, then the bailiff sets a 5-day period from the date of receipt of the decision. An order to restrict exit issued earlier than this period is subject to cancellation under any circumstances.

  • Failure to comply with the requirements for the content of the executive document.

If the amount of the debt is equal to or less than 30,000 rubles, the restrictive measure for traveling abroad cannot be applied to the debtor.

  • Failure to comply with the requirements of the law on individual entrepreneurs on the proportionality of the applied coercive measures.

There are cases when the bailiff restricts travel abroad, despite the fact that the deadline for voluntary execution is slightly violated, or the debtor has taken all necessary measures to pay off the debt (for example, partially repays the debt). In this situation, the court may recognize the application of the measure as disproportionate and cancel the decision of the bailiff.

How to challenge travel restrictions

The procedure for challenging the actions of a bailiff is regulated by the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, as well as the CAS RF. The legislation provides for the possibility to challenge the decision to restrict travel abroad in the following order of subordination:

  1. the decision made by the bailiff can be appealed to the senior bailiff;
  2. the decision of the senior bailiff - the chief bailiff of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  3. the decision of the chief bailiff of the subject - the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation;
  4. The decision of the chief bailiff is appealed only in court.

The legislation of administrative proceedings provides for the possibility of appealing against the decision of a bailiff in court - in a federal court of general jurisdiction for citizens and in an arbitration court - for legal entities.

Important! The decision to restrict travel can be appealed within 3 months from the moment when the debtor became aware of its issuance, however, this period may be extended if there is a good reason.

Article 220 of the CAS RF establishes a number of requirements that must be met when preparing an administrative claim in court, here are some of them: Thus, the statement of claim must include:

  • body, legal or natural person, endowed with state or other public powers and made the challenged decision;
  • data on the contested decision - name, number and date of adoption;
  • information about what the contested action or omission is;
  • other known data in relation to the contested decisions, actions / inactions.

An application to challenge the decision to restrict travel is considered by the court within 10 days from the date of its receipt by the court, but this period may be extended if there are grounds for it. The court, when considering an application to challenge the decision to restrict exit, may take one of the following decisions:

  1. on satisfaction in full or in part of the stated requirements for the recognition of the decision as illegal;
  2. on the abolition of the decision on restriction;
  3. to refuse to meet the stated requirements.

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts - any person who has any debt should check their status before traveling outside Russia. Otherwise, a surprise may be waiting for you right at passport control. Every year, thousands of Russians get turned away from the gate because they do not know the law and did not take care of a carefree vacation in advance. From the article you will learn how to check whether they will be released abroad with debts, whether there is a difference between housing and communal services and alimony debt, and also how much debt limits travel abroad.

If you plan to travel abroad with debts, you can check their presence or absence in several ways. I’ll tell you about everyone below, but first, let’s figure out which law contains restrictions on traveling abroad on debts.

Traveling abroad with debts, or rather not leaving the country, is regulated by several laws, including the federal laws “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation” and “On Enforcement Proceedings”. They are written in a dry kondo language and sometimes it is more difficult to understand them than the language of aliens who arrived from the constellation Alpha Centauri. Therefore, I will explain everything on the fingers.

Temporary restriction of the right to travel outside Russia is considered an effective measure and the Federal Bailiff Service (FSPP) successfully applies it, but many do not know exactly how such a process is launched.

The very fact of the occurrence of debt, whether it be a loan, traffic police fines or alimony, does not automatically make a person restricted to travel abroad. To do this, the amount of debt must exceed a certain threshold, but even after that, a particular citizen can be included in the list of debtors who are prohibited from traveling abroad only after a few months or even years.

Most Russians do not know how much debt limits travel abroad. In 2017, its size has changed, the confusion has become even greater. Although in reality everything is simple.

  1. If we are talking about the recovery of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health or compensation for harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, then I can restrict a person from leaving Russia if the total debt recognized by the court exceeds 10 thousand rubles.
  2. For all other claims (debts for public utilities, bank loans, loans from microfinance organizations, traffic police fines, etc.) the amount of debt at which the exit from the country can be closed is from 30 thousand rubles.

Bailiff statistics show that most often, decisions to ban travel are issued against Russians who are in debt.

  • Bank for a loan.
  • loan MFI.
  • To the state on traffic police fines.
  • Management companies for utilities.
  • Former / mu spouse / gu with a child on alimony.
  • State for taxes.

Any of the above categories of debtors does not automatically become restricted to travel abroad, even if the amount of his debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles. A temporary restriction on traveling abroad does not always arise even after a court decision has been issued. Here, too, there are nuances. For example, the arisen debts on fines of the traffic police of the courts do not concern in any way, they are immediately transferred to the FSSP. But in most cases, the process goes like this.

  1. The debt case goes to court.
  2. The court makes a decision on enforcement.
  3. This decision is sent to the bailiffs, who must collect the debt, using various measures to influence the debtors, including making a decision to restrict travel abroad.

How quickly is the travel ban enforced?

Restrictions on traveling abroad on debts are not automatically introduced, therefore, in each individual case, the period for introducing such a restriction may be different. Next on concrete examples we will analyze situations with debts on loans, fines, alimony, utility bills and so on.

Traveling abroad with utility debts

Debt for utilities and going abroad have nothing to do with each other. Some Russians do not pay their utility bills for months and travel the world calmly. So going abroad with debts on a communal apartment is quite possible, unless the house management company or the homeowners association of your home has decided to seek debt collection through the courts.

Practice shows that public utilities go to court only if they have large debts. The very fact of the trial is also not a reason for imposing a temporary restriction on travel abroad. Only after the issuance of a court decision on enforcement, the bailiff service will be able to open enforcement proceedings, within which it is possible to use restrictive measures.

Where to check the housing and communal services debt and will they release it abroad with it in the presence of enforcement proceedings? If it is less than 30,000 rubles, then no one has the right to restrict you from leaving. But it is quite difficult to check the existence of debt on utility bills. More precisely, you yourself know him very well if you receive receipts and do not pay on them. If the house management company goes to court, you should receive a notification. If the court made some kind of decision, the service nevylet.rf will help to find out about it. There you can get all the relevant data at the time of the request. Not only on court decisions, but also on traffic police fines, credit debts and so on.

Traveling abroad with debt on alimony

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts on alimony? Definitely possible if the debt on them is less than 10,000 rubles. In other cases, there is a high risk of becoming temporarily restricted to travel abroad. Alimony lawsuits are usually resolved fairly quickly, and bailiffs make a decision to restrict travel even faster. Therefore, if you ask if alimony people who do not pay are released abroad, I will answer that with reluctance and alimony debt is one of the most problematic.

Will they be released abroad with a loan debt

Surprisingly, there are Russians who are interested in more knowledgeable people on the Internet, whether they will let you go abroad if there is a loan. The answer is one: 1000 times "Yes." Even if you have 10 loans, but you pay them regularly, you can safely go to any country - border guards will not grab your hand, wag your finger and turn back for having a loan.

Another thing is when debtors going on vacation are interested in whether they let them go abroad with unpaid loans. It is important to understand what the phrase “unpaid loan” means to the people asking the question. If it’s just the very fact of having a loan, then see the paragraph above. If you have a debt on a loan, then whether they will release it abroad or not, it depends on the stage at which your relationship with the bank is. But I emphasize once again that without a court decision and open enforcement proceedings, neither collectors nor representatives of the bank's security service have the right to restrict your exit from Russia.

The presence of debt on the loan and the recognition of this debt by the court significantly reduces your chances of going abroad. Again, if the loan debt is less than 30,000 rubles, even the bailiffs on duty at the airport will not be able to stop you.

Therefore, to the question “Will they be released abroad if there is a loan?”, The answer is unambiguous “They will be released”, and to the question “Is there a loan debt, will they be released abroad?”, everything is not so clear.

It doesn't matter what type of loan you owe. It can be a personal loan, mortgage debt or credit card debt. Without FSSP enforcement proceedings or with a loan debt of less than 30,000 rubles, all Russian airports are open to you.

Abroad with debts on fines

Are they released abroad with traffic police fines? Catch a fine from traffic cops in our time as easy as shelling pears. There are so many video recording cameras and violations that you just have time to get “letters of happiness”. Of course, someone will say, follow the traffic rules and sleep peacefully. But situations are different and sometimes committing a minor offense is simply unavoidable. On the other hand, if there is a threshold of 30,000 rubles, you have to be a very persistent violator of traffic rules in order to get on the list of non-travelers.

Perhaps you consider yourself one of these, and you are planning to go abroad with debts? You can check all unpaid traffic police fines different ways, including through the portal of public services, but the Nevylet.rf service will help to identify all your debts at once. Since on federal sites the relevance of the data is 2 weeks, and on the Nevylet.rf service the data is up-to-date on the day of the request.

You must remember that 60 days are given to pay administrative fines, including traffic police fines. Two months after the issuance of the fine, the debt, bypassing the court, is transferred to the FSSP. For the debtor, this is bad, but there is positive moment. Bailiffs cannot restrict a citizen who has unpaid administrative fines from leaving the country. The need to establish such a ban is established by the court, where the FSSP employees must apply.

How and where to find out about the ban on traveling abroad

Will they be released abroad? How to check? Where to see? This question is asked by everyone who feels the potential opportunity to be on the travel list, even if temporarily. There are several options for checking the presence of debts, which may be the reason for the introduction of travel restrictions. I'll tell you about them all, their pros and cons.

Website of the Federal Bailiff Service

The FSSP website is located at and immediately on home page offers to find out about your debts. It is enough to enter the last name and first name or IP number and also indicate the territorial body (your region). Then the system will ask you to enter a letter code and display the search results.

Your personal data may coincide with the personal data of another debtor, so use the advanced search for clarification, indicating the middle name and date of birth.

The system shows enforcement proceedings that have been opened against a citizen over the past few years. including already closed ones. There is an opportunity to pay the debt, but note that a commission is taken.

The FSSP website explains: “The entry in the Data Bank will be deleted or changed (in case of partial repayment of the debt) within 3 to 7 days from the date of payment, since the funds must be received on the deposit account of the bailiff department, distributed, transferred to the recoverer.”

Government Services Website

If you are registered on the public services website, you can check the availability of debt here. The site shows debts not only for the bank of enforcement proceedings, but also for other bases: traffic police fines, tax debts, court debts.

You need to search in the relevant sections of the public services catalog (in the screenshot below, I marked where to click). Traffic police fines are searched in the "Transport and driving" section, tax debts in the "Taxes and finances" section, court debts in the "Security and law and order" section.

I will not do instructions on finding debts on the public services website, since everything is quite simple and understandable there. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

The main advantage of the above two sites is that the verification is absolutely free. The main disadvantage is that the information may be outdated, and the delay in updating data can be up to two weeks. That is, it is quite possible that the base on the FSPP website will show the absence of enforcement proceedings, and at the border they will tell you the opposite. And prove to the border guards that "I'm not me and the coat is not mine."

Service Nevylet.rf

The Nevylet.rf service was created for the same purpose. You will be able to assess the possibility of going abroad with debts and check the presence of debts by:

  • Loans.
  • Taxes (transport, land, property, etc.).
  • Bailiffs.
  • Alimony.
  • traffic police.
  • Administrative fines.

In relation to Russian citizens, a ban on the right to travel abroad may be imposed. This measure is taken by authorized bodies for various purposes, but the most common reason for establishing a ban is the debtors' evasion from fulfilling obligations. Many do not repay debts, forgetting about their existence, and therefore, before planning a trip abroad, everyone should check whether they are not subject to a ban on crossing the border of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, not many are aware of how to find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad in 2019.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, approved the list of countries where employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are allowed to travel in 2019. The list lists 13 states that are considered safe for police officers. Among them: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and South Ossetia. According to the approved list, civil servants can also go on vacation. I would like to recall the fact that Russian police officers were banned from going on vacation in the spring of 2014 due to the international political situation.

Grounds for a travel ban

The current Russian legislation provides for a number of cases when residents of the country may be restricted from traveling abroad. This may be due to the person's belonging to special categories of citizens or the fact that the authorities suspect him of trying to avoid responsibility and obligations.

The restriction on travel abroad for debtors is temporary. Moreover, in the case of the presence of unfulfilled obligations, debts are important not only to the state, but also to legal entities and individuals.

Refusal to provide the opportunity to travel abroad may follow due to the lack of any important documents or indications of knowingly false information in them. It also implies compliance with certain requirements, in case of violation of which it will be impossible to leave the country.

Categories of persons subject to a ban on traveling abroad

The list of persons for whom travel abroad of the Russian Federation may be temporarily restricted is given in the text of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation”. Among those who are prohibited from traveling abroad are the following categories of citizens:

  • declared insolvent (bankrupt);
  • employees and employees of the FSB;
  • who knowingly provided false information about themselves when preparing documents for traveling abroad;
  • convicted of a crime;
  • suspected of committing a crime or involved as defendants in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • or sent to alternative civilian service;
  • admitted to top secret data and information of particular importance and who have entered into an employment contract prohibiting temporary departure from Russia.

Let us consider each case in more detail and see what conditions must be met in order for the restriction of the right to leave to be imposed legally.

Officials and employees of the Federal Security Service

Persons who provided false information about themselves

If, when checking the documents required for traveling outside Russia, information is found that does not correspond to reality, a person is restricted in his rights to travel abroad for providing false information about himself. When drawing up papers, all citizens sign the authenticity of the data they reported, and therefore it is not possible to prove the absence of malicious intent.

Persons with debts and unfulfilled obligations

The most common reason why Russians cannot travel abroad is evasion of obligations imposed by the court. The procedure for imposing a temporary restriction on debtors traveling abroad is set out in the text of Article 67 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”. Citizens may intentionally or inadvertently not repay debts for:

  • payment of taxes and fees;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • traffic police fines;
  • credits and loans;
  • payment of alimony.

A restriction on the departure of a person outside Russia may be imposed if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. There is an executive document (a judicial act or a document issued on its basis) indicating the reasons for the restriction on exit.
  2. A copy of the resolution was handed over to the debtor himself and to an employee of the border service and the territorial body of the tax service no later than next day from the date of the decision.
  3. The judicial act entered into force (the existing complaints were rejected, the deadlines for appealing expired).
  4. The writ of execution is not overdue: at the time when it was submitted for execution, the three-year period from the date of entry into force of the judicial act had not yet expired.
  5. The writ of execution does not imply the fulfillment of property obligations, or the amount of debt under this document exceeds 10,000 rubles.

If the recoverer decides to file an application, the restriction on the debtor's departure may be imposed at the same time as the commencement of enforcement proceedings, regardless of whether the second one fulfills its obligations or continues to evade them. The ruling may also be issued before the expiration of the time limit set for voluntary execution.

In such cases, the restriction on travel abroad will be lifted only when:

  • obligations will be fulfilled in full;
  • the parties reach an agreement;
  • enforcement proceedings will be terminated;
  • the proceedings on the case will be completed (if the end of the proceedings on the case is connected with its transfer to another division of the bailiffs, the decision not to leave the place may continue to be valid).

In all of the above cases, the bailiff issues a ruling according to which the citizen is no longer restricted from traveling outside the country. The document indicates that the obligations of the citizen were fulfilled; if they were not fulfilled, the reason will be indicated, which must be valid. The travel ban will be finally lifted on the day when the decision is received by the Border Control Department of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Suspected of committing a crime, involved as an accused, convicted

Citizens are suspected if one of the following occurs:

  • after the inquiry, a notification was received about the suspicion of a person in criminal acts;
  • preventive measures were applied;
  • the person was detained on suspicion of criminal acts;
  • a criminal case was initiated.

Citizens are recognized as accused if:

  • there is a decision to bring a person as a defendant in the case;
  • At the end of the inquiry, there is an indictment.

Convicts have the right to leave the Russian Federation only if they have been released from punishment under any of the legal grounds. Parole does not give the right to travel abroad, despite the fact that it was possible to avoid the punishment itself. The same applies to persons sentenced conditionally. You can find out more about this.

Conscripts and called up for alternative civilian service

Representatives of the male part of the population of Russia may be restricted in leaving the country from the date the draft commission makes a decision on their conscription for military service or about assignment to alternative civilian service.

If a person of draft age is not in the reserve, his call for service may occur in the periods from October 1 to December 31 and from April 1 to July 15. Cannot be restricted in leaving Russia:

  • men of military age who received a deferment or exemption from conscription;
  • contracted employees who have permission to leave from their command.

Persons admitted to state secrets

It is allowed to restrict travel abroad only to citizens who had access to state secrets of the degree of “special importance” and “top secret”. The third degree - "secret" - does not give the right to establish a requirement not to leave, if there are no other grounds for this.

Access to a secret should not be formal - a person should really be familiar with the composition of the secret. The fact of signing an employment contract or contract does not play a role - the law allows restriction of the citizen's right to leave even in the absence of these documents.

In order not to find out at the last moment whether border guards are closed to travel abroad, when everything is ready for the trip, it is better to use all accessible ways checking debts before planning to travel abroad, especially since citizens have the opportunity to check debts online for free.

Where and how can I find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad

Online verification of the ban on traveling abroad through the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not possible. It is possible to find out through this department about the presence or absence of a ban on crossing the country's border only if a person applies for. If the restriction was imposed, the document will not be issued to him at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (former FMS).

Checking for the presence of a surname in the list of persons restricted to travel abroad is offered by many commercial Internet resources, but entrepreneurs are not provided with access to the database of the Border Guard Service, and therefore information on unofficial sites cannot be trusted. You can check for free a ban on leaving Russia only through official sources.

People know about their belonging to special categories of citizens for whom travel abroad is limited. There remain citizens who doubt whether they have the opportunity to leave Russia because of unfulfilled obligations. In such cases, you can personally contact the nearest tax office and get information about debts to the state.

In the territorial office of the Federal Bailiff Service, you can find out whether a case has been initiated against the applied citizen. Even if the paperwork is ongoing, you can find out if the exit is allowed, since there may not be a protocol on the imposition of a temporary ban.

You can find out if the ban on leaving Russia has been lifted from you after you have paid off your debts and fulfilled other obligations, you can contact the Border Guard Service. Temporary restriction of the right to travel abroad is imposed by the bailiff. A copy of his decision will be received by the Border Guard Service of the FSB, after which the debtor's data will be entered into the database of “travel restricted” citizens.

When the obligations are fulfilled and there are no other grounds for restricting travel abroad, the bailiff closes the enforcement proceedings and again sends the decision to the FSB, now to lift the ban. Only then the information is removed from the database and the citizen gets the opportunity to cross the Russian border.

To make sure that after paying the debts you were removed from the database, before planning a trip, you should contact the FSB:

  1. Open the official website of the FSB, go to the section "Public services", then to "Consideration of appeals and requests".
  2. Select the How To Receive tab and click on Web Reception. Specialists can respond within 30 days.

Checking the travel ban online can be done in three ways:

  • through the official Internet resource of the FSSP;
  • through the official website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the portal of the State Service.

How to check the travel ban through the FSSP website

The official website of the FSSP does not provide electronic services for checking citizens for a ban on leaving Russia. The maximum that can be done is to leave a request at the Internet reception, but you will have to wait up to 30 days for a response. But here you can see if a person has outstanding debts or other unfulfilled obligations established in court. It will take a couple of minutes to clarify these circumstances, so the method is suitable for those who urgently need to know about their own recognizance.

Follow the algorithm of actions below:

  1. Open the official portal of the Federal Bailiff Service. Before you will be the form "Find out about your debts." In an empty line, enter the last name (be careful with the letters “e” and “ё”), first name and patronymic or IP number in the specified format. Select the appropriate local authority from the drop-down list.
  2. Another form will open in which you can search the database of individuals and legal entities, as well as the IP number. Middle name and date of birth can be omitted, but then all namesakes will be selected, so it is better to immediately indicate all the requested information.
  3. Click the "Search" button - the download will begin. Then, above the form you filled out, a table called “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” will appear - this means that there are enforcement proceedings against you.
  4. Or you will see the inscription “No results were found for your request” - in this case, you have no unfulfilled obligations and you can leave the country at any time.

How to find out about the presence or absence of debts on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Previously, any citizen who knew his individual taxpayer number (TIN) could use the service of the official website of the Federal Tax Service. At the moment, it is possible to register on the portal only after a personal appearance at the tax service.

You can apply to any branch of the Federal Tax Service, not necessarily at the place of residence. An employee of the service will offer to fill out a questionnaire, after which the applicant will be given a temporary password for registering in the system.

When the registration procedure is completed, you must set your password. You can also log into your account using account portal of the State Service, an electronic signature key, an account of the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIAT).

Now that you know your username and password, you can check tax debts and fees:

or here:

Checking the travel ban through the State Services website

Whether travel abroad is limited can also be checked through the popular State Services Internet resource. The portal is available to registered users. Here you can find out at the same time about the presence or absence of debts to the tax service, as well as about the initiation of enforcement proceedings.

If you need to find out if you have unpaid taxes or fees, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your personal account. On the page that opens, find the button labeled “Checking tax debts”, click it.
  2. Read, if necessary, the information about the requested service, then click the “Get Service” button.
  3. Next, you will see a notification about the need to enter personal data that will be required to search for information in the FTS database. Check the box next to "Agree".
  4. Click "Next".
  5. In the window that opens, you will be asked to enter the details of the taxpayer - TIN, last name, first name (patronymic - optional), and also select the region of residence from the drop-down list.
  6. It is possible to search for all or several regions, but it is better to specify the subject of the Russian Federation. The form has the ability to search for a region by the first letters - start typing a word, and you will be offered options.
  7. When you're done entering your details, click "Apply".
  8. You do not need to specify anything else - the search result will be presented on the page that opens. All data that does not constitute a tax secret will be displayed on the computer screen.

How long is the restriction

The terms during which citizens cannot travel abroad are established by the above law on the prohibition of travel abroad. They depend on the reason for the restriction.

In any case, a person will receive a notification from the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs (or its territorial body) indicating the grounds and time of restriction. The document will also include the date and registration number the decision to impose a travel ban, the name and legal address of the agency that initiated the restriction.

Category of citizens for whom it is impossible to leave the territory of the Russian FederationExpiry date of travel restrictions
Persons admitted to top secret data and information of special importance and who have entered into an employment contract that implies their temporary abstinence from traveling abroad.The period of time specified in the employment contract. The validity period of the restriction cannot be more than 5 years from the date of the last acquaintance with classified information. The term may be extended by the Interdepartmental Commission, but must not exceed total 10 years, including the period established by the employment contract.
Persons called up for military service or sent to alternative civilian service.Period of military or alternative civilian service.
Persons suspected of committing a crime or involved as an accused in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation.The period until the decision on the case or the entry into force of the court verdict.
Persons convicted of a crime.The term until release from punishment or the entire period of serving (execution) of punishment.
Persons evading the fulfillment of obligations imposed on them by the court.Until the fulfillment of the obligation in full or until an agreement is reached by the parties.
Persons who knowingly provided false information about themselves when preparing documents for traveling abroad.The time during which the body issuing the document will resolve this issue. The term should not exceed one month.
Persons who serve or work in the federal security service.The period of the employment contract.
Persons declared insolvent (bankrupt).The term until the issuance of a ruling on the termination or completion of bankruptcy proceedings by the arbitration court (including upon reaching a settlement agreement).

The validity of the ban on leaving Russia is six months. If after 6 months there are still grounds for keeping a citizen in the country, the restriction will be extended for a similar period. The process will be repeated until the grounds for imposing a ban disappear.

After the relevant decision on the cancellation of travel abroad is adopted, it is sent to the Border Guard Service. The ban will be finally lifted when the order is received, and on its basis the name of the debtor will be deleted from the database. The process may take 1-2 weeks.

In the case of debtors, the following events will occur during this period:

  • funds will go to the account of the FSS;
  • enforcement proceedings will be closed;
  • information about the repayment of the debt and the removal of the travel ban will be forwarded to the Border Guard Service;
  • the debtor's personal data will be deleted from the database.

Presenting payment receipts and any other supporting documents to border control officers will not help you leave Russia faster - the border guard is not authorized to accept such documents from individuals, and the citizen will still not be released abroad.

How can I get rid of the travel ban

With the restriction on the exit of special categories of citizens, there are no difficulties - the reasons for entering the “travel restrictions” into the database are clear. If the ban on traveling abroad applies to a person who has debts, you can leave the country at any time, as soon as the enforcement proceedings are closed.

The ban may be lifted on the following grounds:

  • the citizen's debt has been fully repaid;
  • the debtor has received an installment plan or a deferral of payment of the debt;
  • the debtor and the creditor have come to an amicable agreement;
  • the judicial act, after the adoption of which the enforcement proceedings were initiated, was canceled.

To be completely sure that the travel ban has been lifted, the following steps must be taken:

  • contact the bailiff, meet with him and present a photocopy of the receipt for payment of the debt;
  • take from the bailiff a photocopy of the decision to lift the ban on leaving Russia (it is necessary to certify it with the signature of the senior bailiff and the seal with the coat of arms);
  • request information about sending a copy of the decision to the Central Division of the Border Guard Service and the waiting time for the removal of the travel ban.

If a citizen is sure that he was undeservedly credited with debts and that he always paid his bills on time, he has the right to challenge the ban on leaving the country at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in court. A complaint can be written to the prosecutor through the official website of the regional prosecutor's office.

If a refusal to issue a permit to cross the border was received by a person admitted to state secrets, he may file a claim with the court at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place where the negative decision was made. Military personnel who wish to challenge the decision of the command regarding the issuance of permission to travel abroad can apply to the military court.


In order not to spoil yourself and not to violate other plans related to traveling abroad, you should be attentive to the timely fulfillment of obligations to state bodies, individuals and legal entities. Debts to the state will be discussed in official letters from judicial and tax authorities.

Information can be clarified by using one of the Internet resources of public authorities for free. This is the only way to be sure that there are no unpaid bills. If payments were made, but there was no confirmation of payment, it is always possible to notify the interested authorities about the repayment of the debt.

How to avoid a travel ban: Video

Many Russians prefer to spend their holidays abroad, some have relatives and friends living abroad, some are connected with foreign countries on business matters. But not everyone knows that in some situations it can be very difficult to leave the Russian Federation for a number of reasons - from late loan payments to working with secret data.

When a travel ban is imposed, how to find out about existing restrictions and what to do if it is vital to leave the borders of the Russian Federation - we understand these issues in detail.

General reasons for travel ban

There are a number of grounds for imposing a restriction on leaving the Russian Federation:

This is common causes allowing border guards to prohibit leaving the country. Important nuance- a restrictive sanction is always temporary and no one is deprived of the right to freely leave the country for life. In most cases, the citizen is aware of the existing restrictions. Such moments become known when being called up for military service, brought to criminal responsibility, entering the civil service, when the impossibility of traveling abroad is reported under the personal signature of the employee.

The banning procedure

Things are a little different when restrictions are imposed by a court decision if there are debts for different kind payments, taxes, material obligations to the child or loans . An unpaid fine or credit by itself is not a reason for an automatic travel ban. This is a lengthy procedure. You need to miss a payment without a good reason, for example, on a loan. Then the debtor's case must be referred to the court, which will issue a decision on the collection of the debt. After the trial, the case is transferred to the Bailiff Service and the debtor has 5 days to voluntarily pay off the debt, of which he is notified in the prescribed form.

If a citizen evades paying the debt, then the bailiff may decide to seize the property, withhold the required amount from the salary, and so on. Also, the bailiff has the right to discretion or the claimant's application to impose a restriction on travel abroad. As an executive document, a court decision or a court order is usually issued.

Judgment is delivered in the courtroom, while the presence of the defendant is possible, but not necessary, if all regulatory rules are observed and the person has been properly notified of the process. The court order does not imply the personal presence of the debtor: the document is sent to the object in a ready-made form in a notification manner. After receiving it, you can dispute it.

Both documents, both the decision and the order, which become the reason for imposing travel restrictions, have one goal - to recover a specific amount of money from the debtor. On their basis, a writ of execution is prepared. It is sent either immediately to the debtor, or transferred to the FSSP. Next, the bailiff sends his decision to the debtor. It contains the amount of the debt, details for its payment and the period during which the debt must be repaid. Usually, 5 days are allotted for voluntary payment, sometimes more. If the money is not received within the specified time, the bailiff prepares a new resolution, which he sends to the debtor, to the Migration and Border Services. It is clear that the document contains a restriction on traveling abroad.

Important point- the minimum amount of debt to establish a ban since 2013 is 10,000 rubles. If you have an unpaid speeding ticket, then this is unlikely to be the reason for the borders to be closed in front of you.

Travel ban for underage citizens of the Russian Federation

Underage citizens leave the country subject to certain conditions. They must be accompanied by parents or persons on whom a notarized power of attorney (or more correctly, notarized) is issued. Independent travel child abroad is possible, but again with the permission of the parents. In some cases, a ban is imposed on the departure of a minor. This happens when one of the parents expresses his disagreement with the departure of the child from the country and submits an official letter to the relevant authorities.

Travel ban for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and civil servants

Some government agencies restrict their employees' right to travel. Such prohibitions are due to the preservation of state security and existing legal norms. Due to the aggravation of the international shutdown, a possible provocation by local special services The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in early 2015 issued an order to temporarily restrict travel on personal business Total management team. The ban also affected ordinary police officers: a decision on a possible departure to a foreign country is made only in exceptional situations.

Due to the difficult situation in Ukraine, a temporary restriction has also been introduced on the travel to this country of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, judges, some deputies and government officials.

For more complete information You should contact the Human Resources Department at your place of employment.

Video: which security officials are not allowed to go abroad and how is the ban handled?

How to check if a travel ban has been set?

First of all, find out if you are a court debtor. To do this, visit the official website of the Bailiffs at the link: The search is carried out on the basis of enforcement proceedings. You need to select the subject of the Russian Federation, enter your data and the system will provide information on whether enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you. If the search did not give a positive result, then you can safely go on a trip, of course, if there are no other restrictions for leaving. But if the debt is confirmed, then this is already a cause for concern, since the debt can become a reason for restricting the right to leave.

How to pay off debt?

The debt can be paid on the same website or through any bank, such as Sberbank (in the terminal or online, select the payment to the FSPP of Russia). Payment can also be made through ATMs mobile phone and in some other ways.

The record of the debt is deleted from the database within 7 days after the receipt of money. After paying the debts, you should contact the bailiff. His details and contact information are contained in the inquiry form. Ask the bailiff if a decision was made to restrict travel. If the bailiff sent the document to the Border Service, then it will take some time to lift the ban.

Other Internet Resources

Another site where you can get a certificate of debt, but already for taxes, penalties and fines - This is a resource of the Federal Tax Service. To obtain information, you need to know your TIN.

In addition, every citizen can find out if he is a debtor on the Gosuslugi website!_description. Here you can get information not only about the presence of judicial or tax debts, but also about traffic police fines. You need to register, then enter the SNILS number and password.

Important point: impose travel restrictions the right of the bailiff, but not the duty. Therefore, if you are on the "black list" of debtors, it does not mean at all that the road abroad is closed for you. To get reliable information and find out exactly whether it is installed or not, visit the nearest branch of the Bailiffs. You must apply in person, presenting your passport.

How long is the restriction?

AT federal laws it is not mentioned for how long the ban is imposed. The only normative act where such information is available is the order of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. It includes a period of 6 months - this is the maximum period during which the restriction is valid. But six months later, the bailiffs can again impose a ban by preparing the relevant documents. Thus, leaving the country will, in principle, be impossible until the full repayment of the debt.

In the event of a travel ban, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation may be seized by authorized bodies. This is the first very Border Guard Service, whose employees can seize a passport and transfer it to the agency that issued the document - the Federal Migration Service of Russia (since April 2016 - the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). The FSP has no authority to do so. The same debtors who only apply for a passport will be denied its issuance.

When can the ban be lifted?

The restriction on leaving is completely removed after the execution of the court decision and the repayment of the debt in full. The period during which the ban is lifted is not set by law. Usually this The process takes from 7 days to 2 weeks. After paying off the debt, the restriction on leaving is not removed immediately, since information about payments must be received by the Border Guard Service, and this, of course, takes some time, since the databases of state authorities are not updated every day.

Therefore, if you plan to travel abroad, payment should be made in advance, taking into account the time frame for the lifting of the ban. There is no point in presenting payment receipts at the checkpoint and any documents confirming the lifting of the ban: border guards are not entitled to accept such papers from private individuals.

How to go abroad with debts?

What if there is a debt, but you still need to leave the country? Let's figure out how to bypass the established prohibitions. The access control at the state border belongs to the powers of the Border Service, and at all checkpoints there are so-called "black lists" of citizens who are not allowed to leave the country. As noted above, there are several reasons for this. This and professional official duties, and appearing in the criminal process as a suspect, and unpaid debts.

For citizens with outstanding debt, travel restrictions are sometimes imposed. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that you can become restricted to travel abroad under certain circumstances:

  • The presence of a debt has been proven in court, there is a court decision restricting departure;
  • The debt was not repaid on time;
  • The amount of debt is more than 10,000 rubles.

There are two ways to go to a foreign country, having a ban: legal and not quite legal.

First option: emergency lifting of the ban

The legislative norms provide for such a procedure as the emergency lifting of the travel ban without the obligatory repayment of debts. But there are good reasons for this. For example, a trip abroad is necessary for urgent treatment, solving important business issues, a close relative fell ill or died in another country. Each individual case is considered on an individual basis. The bailiff decides the possibility of an emergency removal of the ban, which proceeds from legal norms, current instructions and your own convictions.

Option two: abroad through friendly countries

You can leave the Russian Federation through neighboring countries, for example, the Republic of Belarus or Kazakhstan. There is virtually no border control at the entrance to these states. The debtor can freely leave Russia by buying a ticket, for example, to Gomel, and from there, where there is no Russian Border Service, go to the desired country. Of course, this method involves some risk, and sometimes documents are checked by Russian border guards, but if you urgently need to leave the Russian Federation, then you can use it. In principle, a citizen does not commit criminal acts, and it is obvious that there are some gaps in the legislation. Belarusian or Kazakh border guards can check whether a Russian is on the international wanted list, and his material obligations in the Russian Federation are of no interest to them.

A brand new passport in hand, and maybe even with an open visa, but a trip abroad may not take place. Border guards won't let you through. In what cases should you be wary of this and how to find out if you personally have a ban on traveling abroad in 2019?

At the beginning of January 2019, the head of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev approved the list of countries for the rest of the police, as well as civil servants. The list includes the following states: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Reasons for the ban

According to the law, several categories of citizens can become restricted to travel abroad. And if for some such a restriction in rights is not news, then others may not even guess that they are included in the “stop list” of border services.

  • employees of various organizations with access to classified information; removal of the travel ban for them is possible five years after the dismissal;
  • those who are serving in the military;
  • persons under investigation or

How to earn a ban

But the very fact of having old debts does not mean that you will have trouble when checking documents at the border. Imposing a ban is a lengthy procedure, and it all starts in court.

Stage one - court

If your creditor is desperate to get his money peacefully, he goes to court with a statement, the court considers the case and issues its verdict. If the court decision is not voluntarily complied with, the plaintiff turns to the bailiffs. But even at this stage, the process does not end.

Stage two - bailiff

The bailiff must notify the defendant that he can pay the bills voluntarily. Within five days, it could still end well for both parties, and the travel ban law would not affect the debtor. Five days pass, but the debt is not paid, and the bailiff gets the right to impose his own restriction on the debtor, for example, to arrest his property or prohibit him from traveling abroad.

Stage three - border service

The decision in three copies is sent to the debtor himself, as well as to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and border guards. An important point: the bailiff has the right to choose such a measure only if the amount of the debt is equal to or more than ten thousand rubles.

As you can see, a lot of time can pass from the moment the application is written to the court to the transfer of the decision to the border guards. It must also be remembered that the ban is not for life, but lasts until you still pay your debts. Six months later, it loses its force, but if the debtor persists, the bailiff has the right to renew the ban, and so on ad infinitum.

Checking ourselves

How can I find out if travel abroad is closed? The bailiff must notify you of the injunction by mail. But the letter may get lost, especially if you do not live at the registration address. Therefore, it becomes necessary to check the restrictions on traveling abroad on your own.


How to find out if there is a restriction on traveling abroad without leaving home, online? The first step is to use the website of the bailiff service.

In a special service, enter your region and personal data.

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you, the search engine will find you, otherwise it will display a message that no information was found at the request.

You can, of course, use the advanced search located right on the main page of the site.

But there is no way to enter a date of birth in it, and you will become the proud owner of a list of enforcement proceedings established for your namesakes.

Note that even if the answer is positive, this only means that such a measure can be used.

But on the main page there is an interactive assistant.

With it, you can ask a question that interests you about enforcement proceedings or get a certificate of no debt.

How do I know for sure if there is a travel ban? You will most likely have to visit the local branch of this service, and then do not forget to take your passport. Whether it is worth looking for a personal meeting with the bailiff who is conducting your proceedings is up to you. However, your visit may well provoke a sanction if it has not yet been applied, and there are grounds for it.

Tax authorities

How can I find out if traveling abroad is allowed? Another resource that you can use is the tax service website. Here in your personal account you can find out if you have an underpayment of taxes. To do this, you first need to contact any branch of the tax service with an identity card and take a username and password.

In your personal account, go to the "Overpayment / debt" section.

By enabling the filter, get a list of taxes for which you have unpaid debts.

We remind you that the presence of debts through this department also means only the likelihood of a ban.

public services

How to check the ban on traveling abroad from Russia online on the State Services website? This method is the most convenient. Especially if you already have a registration on this resource. The fact is that the process of creating personal account takes some time.

But here you can find out not only about the presence of enforcement proceedings and tax debts, but also the number of unpaid fines from the traffic police.

All these services are among the most popular, they can be found right on the main page of the site.

At the border guards

Check with border guards for a ban on traveling abroad - not the best good idea. The border service is not authorized to give any information and explanations, so you can only encounter it directly when leaving the country. Thus, you can empirically find out that the restriction still exists.

However, this will cost you wasted money on tickets, visas and more. It is possible to return the losses incurred only through the court if you can prove that the FSSP employees did not properly inform you or that the ban was unreasonably issued to you.

By the way, many debtors used to go abroad through Belarus: there are practically no border controls between our countries, and Belarusian border guards had no information about the lists of Russian debtors. Now the situation has changed, because a corresponding agreement has been signed between our countries, and both border services can use a common database.

How to fix the situation

So, you are convinced that there is a debt, and a vacation or a business trip abroad looms ahead. Just looking at the ban on traveling abroad is half the battle. How to fix the situation? You need to pay your debt urgently. This can be done directly through the website of the bailiffs or at any bank.

After that, contact the bailiff and show him the payment receipts. It is in your interest to act without delay. The bailiff must draw up another resolution canceling the ban, send it to the border service. A copy of the decision, certified by the seal of the department, is desirable to have for the former debtor.

In order to speed up the process, do not be lazy and check with the bailiff whether your documents have been sent to the border guards. It makes no sense to show paid receipts at the border, because border guards are guided solely by data from internal sources. It may take about two weeks to transfer communications between departments and update databases. And only after that the way to other countries will be open to you.