Igor Rachkovsky biography. Chained dog of the regime

  • 11.04.2021
Rachkovsky, Igor Anatolievich

Born in 1968 in Smorgon, Grodno region.

In 1990 he graduated from the command and engineering faculty of the Riga Higher Military-Political School, in 1996 - courses of the Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus, in 2001 - Belarusian State Economic University with a degree in Jurisprudence. Major General.

He served in various officer positions in the Armed Forces and state security agencies.

In the border troops since September 1998. Since 2004, he headed the Separate Service of Active Measures of the Border Troops (OSAM).

Since April 2007 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Border Troops of the Republic of Belarus.

Since September 27, 2007 - Chairman of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus. On July 31, 2012, he was removed from his post and placed at the disposal of the State Border Committee for improper performance of official duties to ensure the national security of the Republic of Belarus. The incident occurred on July 4, 2012: a Swedish plane crossed the borders of Belarus, from which bears with notes were scattered over Ivenets and Minsk. allegedly descended to Belarus in support of freedom of speech.

Married. Has five children.

A source:website of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus

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Lukashenka considered Rachkovsky guilty of flying a Swedish plane over Belarus and dismissed him.

Chairman of the Border Committee of Belarus Igor Rachkovsky was found guilty of overflying a Swedish plane. Photo by Radio Svaboda.

Five facts from the biography of the former chairman of the Border Committee of Belarus:

1. Commander of Viktor and Dmitry Lukashenko

Before being appointed to the post of chief border guard of Belarus, Igor Rachkovsky headed the Separate Active Measures Service (OSAM) of the border troops, the same one where Viktor and Dmitry Lukashenko served. “They were both in the rain and in the cold. In a word, they served like everyone else. I know them well. And these relationships are maintained. But there is no need to talk about excessive closeness to the presidential family,” Rachkovsky said about his relationship with Lukashenka's sons.

2. Head of Zaitsev

Before being promoted to the KGB, Vadim Zaitsev was for some time Igor Rachkovsky's deputy in the border committee. At the same time, Rachkovsky was only a colonel, and Zaitsev was a major general. Following Zaitsev, many border guards left for the KGB.

Rachkovsky was appointed to the Border Committee at the age of 39. He had a brilliant career up to the case with the Swedish "plush landing".

3. Made the border guards smile

In his work at the Border Committee, Rachkovsky strove for European standards. He modernized the work of the border guards. He even made them smile when interacting with citizens. “It is unlikely that there will be opponents to the fact that the borders of Belarus have become more efficient, more convenient, friendlier and kinder,” Rachkovsky noted. By the way, he called the border with Russia the most difficult part of the work, which "as if it does not exist."

4. Once I used the Belarusian language

Few Lukashenka officials use the Belarusian language. Rachkovsky used it during a report in the lower house of the Belarusian parliament in 2010. It was in this way that the Belarusian language was heard in the Belarusian parliament for the first time in a long time. “My position is clear. As you noticed, when entering the Republic of Belarus, the first entry with the name of the country is in Belarusian. After all, it is our identity. If we want to be respected, we must respect ourselves,” the border guard explained his decision.

5. Father-in-law and children

There were various rumors about the relationship between Rachkovsky and Viktor Sheiman. Some said that Sheiman opposed the appointment of Rachkovsky, others that the father-in-law of the chief border guard was Sheiman's deputy. They even considered it necessary to refute the last speculation: “This is not true. My father-in-law is a doctor of science, he teaches at the Academy of Management under the President, he is an economist.” By the way, once they remembered the family, Igor Rachkovsky has five children.

"Belarusian partisan" continues to publish portraits of those who provide power cover for the regime of Alexander Lukashenko. This time we will talk about the chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus, Igor Rachkovsky, who for some time was the commander of Viktor Lukashenko, and since then has the right to dance with his wife.

We talk about the most influential people in modern Belarus, mainly generals. We have already published portraits of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the chairman of the KGB, the head of a new special service - the Operational and Analytical Center under the President, and spoke about the head of the presidential administration. How did the head of the Belarusian border guards get on this list?

Indeed, in most civilized countries, the head of the state border protection service is a rather ordinary official and, as a rule, he does not appear as a major political figure. In many states, border protection is not even managed by a separate department; this function is often included in the competence of other law enforcement agencies. But today's Belarus differs from developed countries not only in this...

The unusually high position and importance of the Belarusian border committee is due to several purely subjective reasons.

First of all, let us recall that President Lukashenko himself once served in the border troops. The number 1 border guard in Belarus is the AHL. Since then, he has a special relationship with this military department. After graduating from the university, he also sent his eldest sons - Viktor and Dmitry - to serve where he himself had once been, almost to the same outpost. The Belarusian president has already explained the reason for such a decision - supposedly the sons should go the same way as their father. Normal desire of any father. Only in this case it is not a single family that suffers, but the whole state.

In the 90s, it was nothing more than a nostalgic memory of Lukashenko, young border guard officers Viktor and Dmitry added additional shades to this paternal attitude. The sons also imbued the border troops with a special feeling.

It was from this moment that the story of the personnel success of the young officer Igor Rachkovsky began, and the growth of the influence of the Belarusian border guards, whom colleagues call "kefirs" because their caps match the color of the caps of the Soviet fermented milk product.

Viktor and Dmitry Lukashenko did not serve at the God-forgotten Polissya outpost, these young and promising officers served in the elite, most prestigious unit of the border troops - OSAM (Separate Service of Active Measures). This is a special squad of border troops, their special forces.

Initially, Igor Rachkovsky was the most ordinary colleague of Vitya and Dima, but the young and ambitious intelligence officer quickly caught the huge prospects for friendship with the sons of the head of state. For the first time, Rachkovsky came to our attention as the deputy head of OSAM. He was instructed to take care of the presidential children.

He coped with the task, and soon went on promotion, becoming the head of OSAM - the reconnaissance and power special forces of the border troops. How exactly this happened is still not known for certain. However, among the border guards, they tell a famous story when Rachkovsky, being the deputy commander of OSAM, treated and gave his boss cognac to drink at the workplace, and then he himself urgently called the KGB military counterintelligence in the person of Valery Vakulchik, well-known to us, now the head of the Operational Analytical Center . A few days later, Rachkovsky took the vacant seat. Probably, these are just rumors, and Rachkovsky deserved a promotion with his military combat work.

Igor Anatolyevich quickly realized that with such support - friendship with Viktor and Dmitry Lukashenko - he has a real chance to get the coveted general's stripes. For a long time he waged an interdepartmental struggle with the irreplaceable chief border guard Alexander Pavlovsky, whom the Pope President loved, and eventually managed to outplay him.

Lieutenant General Pavlovsky was dismissed with some kind of odor. The long-term commander of the border guards was suspected of some kind of corruption fraud. Someone successfully leaked some materials to journalists, caught up with the fog and cast shadows on the weaving. Pavlovsky flew down from his post and almost ended up behind bars, and on April 10, 2007, Alexander Lukashenko appointed Igor Rachkovsky, head of the OSAM special unit, chairman of the State Committee of Border Troops.

This personnel decision sounded among the border guards as "a bolt from the blue." Many were perplexed not so much because of the resignation of Pavlovsky, but about the appointment of Igor Rachkovsky as the new commander. In the presence of active border generals, the appointment of a colonel with a dubious reputation did not fit into the usual army traditions. Not only subordinates murmured, even security officials loyal to Lukashenka from other departments doubted the correctness of this personnel decision. The former main contender for this position, the first deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Border Troops, General Vadim Zaitsev, who has his personal relationship with Viktor Lukashenko, tactfully kept silent at that moment. The young team of the president's eldest son has already developed a detailed plan to seize power in the country.

In order to calm the murmur that had begun, Lukashenka hastily made Colonel Rachkovsky a general. Igor Rachkovsky, who received general epaulettes right on his 39th birthday, outstripped the previously youngest Belarusian general, the infamous Leonid Glukhovsky. Only in 2011, in the list of the youngest generals, the young and loyal 37-year-old prosecutor general Andrey Shved intercepted the championship from Rachkovsky.

The sudden career rise of Igor Rachkovsky was only the first personnel decision of Lukashenka Sr., made at the request of his son Viktor. Over time, Lukashenka Sr. will increasingly listen to the opinion of his national security assistant, and the State Border Committee will turn into a forge of Belarusian leadership.

In a few months, the new (now almost the main) secret special service of Belarus - the Operational and Analytical Center under the President - will be headed by the head of counterintelligence of the border guards Valery Vakulchik. This is a close friend of Rachkovsky, who more than once helped to get out of difficult and unpleasant situations.

Then the first deputy chairman of the State Border Committee, General Zaitsev, will take the place of the chairman of the KGB. Following him, many border guards will change their green epaulettes for cornflower-blue gaps of state security.

A year later, border guard Grigory Veremko will become the key deputy chairman of the State Control Committee, the head of the financial police of the republic.

Almighty and devoted to Lukashenko for many years, Colonel General Sheiman will be discredited, and the group of Viktor Lukashenko's closest associates, the so-called "young wolves", will turn into the most powerful and influential nomenklatura group in the country.

A close friend of Viktor Lukashenko, Igor Rachkovsky, was only the "first sign", and for many years the chief border guard of Belarus has been discussing with the presidential assistant for national security not only the protection of the state border of Belarus.

They are family friendly. At corporate parties of the Belarusian generals, family friend Igor Rachkovsky always dances with Viktor Lukashenko's wife Lilia. Others, even tipsy generals, do not dare to do this.

So who is this family friend Igor Rachkovsky?

His biography is quite ordinary. Born in 1968 in Smorgon, Grodno region. In 1990 he graduated from the command and engineering faculty of the Riga Higher Military-Political School, in 1996 - courses of the Institute of National Security of the Republic of Belarus, in 2001 - Belarusian State Economic University with a degree in Jurisprudence. He served in various officer positions in the armed forces and state security agencies, which is also noteworthy.

According to official data, in the border troops - since September 1998. He was the head of the department of the military unit 1250, worked as the deputy head of OSAM (Separate Service of Active Measures of the Border Troops), whose task is to combat organized forms of smuggling and illegal activities, illegal migration, human trafficking, transit terrorism on the state border and crime in the border department. Since 2004, he headed the OSAM. Since April 2007 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Border Troops, since September 2007 - the State Border Committee, Major General.

Igor Rachkovsky is always smiling and cheerful in public, but when he reports to the Belarusian Commander-in-Chief, he has a very serious look. But he never forgets to show Kolya Lukashenka the trained German Shepherds, which faithfully feed the paw. The child laughs with joy, and dad smiles.

"Young wolf" Rachkovsky in a sense is the personification of this team of Viktor Lukashenko. Occupying a formally insignificant position, Igor Anatolyevich has unlimited influence on Viktor Alexandrovich.

Friendship with Lukashenka's eldest son many times rescued both Rachkovsky personally and the State Border Committee as a whole from major scandals. Belarusian television and other state media do not write about the suicides of soldiers in the border troops, and even more so about corruption scandals in the border agency. Corruption in the State Border Committee is a different story altogether.

In 2008-2009 law enforcement agencies tried to understand the peculiarities of the work of the Belarusian border guards. Billions of embezzlement of budget money were established. The deputy chairman of the CPC Komarnitsky and a number of his subordinates were arrested. Although some of the fictitious contracts that became the subject of the investigation were signed not only by Komarnitsky, but also by Rachkovsky and his first deputy Zaitsev. However, the initiator of these investigations, Interior Minister Naumov, was dismissed, and the criminal case was limited to already proven episodes and bringing only General Komarnitsky to criminal liability.

They say that at that time Rachkovsky was not engaged in protecting the Belarusian borders, but literally did not climb out of the office of the Belarusian military prosecutor, Mr. Dranitsa, and they found a common language. At that time, no one could or did not want to conduct further investigation.

Igor Rachkovsky celebrated his victory and thanked Viktor Lukashenko for his assistance.

Today, Igor Rachkovsky is no longer afraid of anything, he enjoys the unlimited confidence of Viktor Lukashenko and the favor of Lukashenko Sr.

There is more and more evidence that a military junta is being formed in Belarus - a system of power in which at the top of the administrative pyramid are people from the same family and the same power structure. The law in this case ceases to play any role, and everyone who is outside the family or the military fraternity automatically arouses suspicion.

The team of "young wolves" has its own contradictions, the role of the "right hand" of Viktor Lukashenko is being challenged by both the chairman of the KGB, Zaitsev, and the head of the OAC, Vakulchik. However, they say that Viktor Alexandrovich still believes in his former commander and close friend Igor Rachkovsky. At least no one else dances with Viktor Lukashenko's wife during the holidays.