Dermographism is normal. Red dermographism: causes and treatment

  • 06.11.2020

Despite the relative harmlessness of the disease, it cannot be ignored. Especially if it causes discomfort and malaise in young children.

Varieties of dermographism

There are 4 types of dermographism:

  1. Urticarial dermographism , which is also called edematous, is characterized by the appearance of a blistering rash, similar to the features of the manifestation. However, rashes are not accompanied by itching and burning, so they can be ignored by a person for a long time.
  2. Red dermographism , characterized by the appearance of pink or red stripes on the surface of the skin after a blunt object is passed over them. Sometimes hyperemic areas of the epidermis may have white contours. The strips do not last long - only 2-3 hours, then they disappear on their own.
  3. White dermographism in which white stripes appear on the body. They persist for several minutes.
  4. Reflex dermographism , which occurs after a sharp object is passed over the skin. The stripes are bright red and vary in length.

If the state of human health is normal, then doctors allow the development of red skin dermographism. The most severe (in terms of treatment) is the urticarial type of the disease.

Causes of dermographism

Persistent red dermographism, accompanied by hyperemia of the skin, as in atopic dermatitis, is not dangerous to humans. Redness of the epidermis, which has arisen in response to mechanical damage, is an absolutely normal phenomenon, unless it is accompanied by itching, burning and peeling.

The reasons for this deviation lie in the abnormal activity of the parasympathetic division of the ANS, and may be associated with a violation of the metabolic process caused, for example, by thyrotoxicosis.

The causes of white dermographism are angiospasm. This type of reaction can occur in anyone, but people suffering from hypertonicity of the sympathetic division of the ANS are most susceptible to it.

Edematous dermographism develops against the background of allergic reactions, when tissue edema occurs when allergens penetrate through the membranes of mast skin cells.

Factors predisposing to the development of white, edematous, reflex and red dermographism are:

  • nervous strain, stress;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • alcoholism;
  • prolonged exposure to chemical elements on the body;
  • frequent cases of hypothermia.

Red dermographism may not be an independent disease, but one of the signs of pathologies of the nervous system, and even meningitis. For this reason, only a doctor should deal with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Symptoms of dermographism

Features of the clinical picture of dermographism are manifested due to such symptoms:

  • redness of the skin (or the formation of pink spots);
  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • swelling of the epidermis.

White dermographism manifests itself due to similar signs, only the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin acquires a whitish tint.

Which doctor treats dermographism?

All forms of dermographism are treated by a dermatologist.


Diagnosing dermographism is much easier than any other skin disease. To fix the fact of a sharp reaction of the epidermis to mechanical stress, it is enough for the doctor to draw a medical spatula over it.

If small vesicles have formed on the surface of the skin, the dermatologist may additionally scrape their tissues for serological examination. This is a differential diagnostic method that is carried out in order to distinguish dermographism from other diseases accompanied by the formation of watery vesicles.

Features of the treatment of dermographism

Treatment of a disease such as dermographism should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. But the therapy used will not help to completely cure the pathology if its causes have not been established. And since in the vast majority of cases this is exactly what happens, the attending physician can prescribe remedies that will only temporarily remove unpleasant symptoms.

Medical treatment involves the use of:

  • antibiotics (rarely);
  • antiseptics;
  • antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs;
  • hypertonic or hypotonic drugs.

Only a doctor should treat dermographism with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, since it is almost impossible to choose the right remedy on your own. More precisely, this should not be done so as not to cause a more aggressive reaction of the body.

Oral administration of medications (except for antihistamines) in the fight against dermographism is not advisable. In this situation, only topical agents (ointments, creams, gels) can help.

Possible Complications

If dermographism is accompanied by severe itching, then when combing the areas of the epidermis affected by rashes, there is a high risk of a bacterial or viral infection. It can be herpes, human papillomavirus, streptococcal or staphylococcal microflora, etc.

Prevention measures

To avoid the development of dermographism, it is necessary:

  • wear comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • try to rub the skin with a washcloth as little as possible while taking a shower or bath;
  • use hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  • do not overcool, and do not overheat;
  • keep the skin clean;
  • walk outdoors more often.

To restore the skin after an illness, it is necessary to enrich the menu with products containing vitamins. In particular, the body needs vitamin C, which activates the immune system, giving it the strength to fight pathological processes.

The use of liquid (adults - 2 liters per day, children of preschool age - 1 liter) restores the structure of skin tissues and moisturizes the epidermis.

Proper skin care significantly reduces the risk of developing dermographism and other dermatological diseases. That is why the rules of hygiene of the child must be taught from early childhood.

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Dermographism is an abnormal reaction of the skin to mechanical irritation, in which pronounced stripes remain on the body from the slightest impact, often with swelling and surrounded by an itchy rash. Depending on the color of these stripes, red or white skin dermographism is distinguished. It is almost impossible to determine the exact cause of the development of pathology. In most cases, it is considered a type of urticaria caused by external or internal provoking factors.

The term "dermography" comes from the words derma - skin and grapho - I write. Translated from Greek, it means "skin writing" or "writing on the skin." In a person suffering from dermographism, the skin is indeed constantly “painted” with various symbols, similar to mysterious inscriptions. They form even from the slightest impact of seams in clothes, folds in bed linen, or a dashed touch with a blunt object. These can be stripes of different sizes and shapes, characterized by slight swelling and redness or blanching of the skin.

Important! Similar manifestations occur in every person. But if dermographism is normal, then with increased pressure on the skin, the site of exposure first turns pale, and then acquires a natural color or a slightly reddish tint, which quickly disappears.

With dermographic urticaria, the pressure mark differs not only in a more pronounced change in color, but also in swelling of the skin with itchy rashes on it. These symptoms persist for several hours or days.

Species classification of dermographism

The division of this pathology into types is carried out according to the clinical picture of its manifestations at all stages of the disease. Depending on this, 4 types of dermographism are distinguished:

In addition to these types of dermographism, there are 2 forms of its course - acute and chronic. In the first case, due to the hypersensitivity of the epidermis to pressure, not only the superficial, but also deeper layers are involved in the inflammatory process. This leads to long-term preservation of traces and the development of extensive inflammation that spreads to non-injured adjacent skin areas. Chronic dermographism, regardless of the "color" variety, is characterized by a lesser severity of the process, which is manifested by irritation of the skin only at the site of pressure on it.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Despite the well-defined characteristic manifestations that accompany dermographism, the causes of the pathology are rather difficult to determine. But a certain relationship has been found between a nonspecific skin reaction and some pathological conditions. The most common of these experts include:

  • constant stress;
  • prolonged neuropsychic stress;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • impact of negative environmental conditions (critical temperatures, chemicals, etc.).

Each of these provoking factors can cause any kind of dermographism.

In addition, the presence of an atypical skin reaction often becomes a symptom of serious diseases, in particular the visceral nervous system. Therefore, with its manifestations, it is necessary to immediately undergo a diagnostic examination.

If we talk about the mechanism of development of external manifestations, then skin dermographism is caused by the reaction of the vessels of the epidermis to the irritant: red - their expansion, white - a sharp narrowing. Any physical impact becomes an irritating factor: friction, pressure, impact.

Diagnostic value of the disease

The direct definition of dermographism as a diagnosis is not difficult - this is easily done by pronounced characteristic manifestations on the skin during a visual examination and testing of the skin for mechanical impact. However, this dermatological pathology is rarely an independent disease - most often it is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which doctor treats dermographism. This may be an allergist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, neurologist, dermatologist or other specialist. In order to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment, it is extremely important to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Important! Dermographism in children requires special attention, since in childhood the risk of disease progression, the development of complications and side effects from treatment is significantly increased.

Of particular danger to the child are diseases that have caused dermographism. They can lead to the development of such negative consequences:

  • damage to various internal organs;
  • decrease in motor ability;
  • changes in hormone levels;
  • metabolic disorders at the cellular level;
  • change in the blood formula;
  • disability, asphyxia, death.

Therefore, when the first signs of dermographism appear in children, it is necessary to immediately contact a pediatrician. It is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. Only qualified medical care can provide quality treatment and prevent the development of complications.

Before treating dermographism, a child or adult patient is first of all subjected to a differential examination to identify or exclude the most likely diseases:

To identify the cause of dermographism, the following are prescribed:

Based on the results of diagnostic studies, the root cause of skin hypersensitivity is established and a course of treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of dermographism

An atypical skin reaction to a slight external influence largely depends on the functionality of the nerve endings concentrated in the dermis. Therefore, if the main diseases that caused dermographism are not established during a diagnostic examination, then it is correlated with a violation of the activity of the nervous system.

Most often, an atypical skin reaction is due to psycho-emotional overstrain and is eliminated without the use of strong medications. In the absence of serious comorbidities, a few simple lifestyle changes may be enough to treat dermographism. It is necessary to streamline the daily routine, ensure proper rest, eliminate stressful situations and drink a course of sedatives. Such recommendations are given by all psychiatrists, linking the appearance of dermographism with dysfunctions of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the tactile sensitivity of the skin. This is also confirmed by statistics, according to which 20% of patients with mental disorders against the background of organic brain damage have symptoms of dermographism.

With more severe stages of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient is isolated in a room where there are no sharp corners or hard objects.
  2. Internally, antihistamines are prescribed to eliminate the skin reaction and sedatives to prevent or relieve stress.
  3. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Antibiotics are prescribed if necessary.

For most patients with dermographism, such a treatment plan helps to quickly improve well-being, reduce skin sensitivity, eliminate redness and prevent the development of an extensive inflammatory process.

If the causes of the pathology, including neuropathic ones, cannot be established, all that can be done is to eliminate its manifestations. For this, drug therapy and home remedies are used.


For the treatment of dermographism, drugs of 3 groups are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • vasoconstrictor or vasodilator - in accordance with the type of reaction.

Most often, internal medication does not give almost any effect. Therefore, preference is given to topical agents that eliminate itching and inflammation. Excellent for these purposes are Claritin, Cetirizine, Zyrtec, Brikanil and other drugs aimed at getting rid of the effects of allergies, insect bites, relieving inflammation and irritation.

Folk remedies

Herbal infusions are highly effective in the treatment of dermographism. They are prepared from celandine, succession, chamomile, mint, coltsfoot, oak bark. These plants can be used singly or in combination. To prepare a healing infusion 2 tbsp. crushed vegetable raw materials are steamed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and allowed to brew.

Treatment of the affected areas can be carried out in any convenient way - wipe, make compresses or douche after a shower. Baths with the indicated infusions or with salt (preferably with sea salt, but without chemical additives) will be useful. With daily use of such recipes, positive results will be visible in 10-15 days.

Disease prevention

Since the root causes of dermographism are not clearly defined, it is also difficult to determine the necessary preventive measures. Given the fact that the skin is susceptible to damage, it will not be superfluous to observe the following precautions:

  • choose loose clothing made from natural materials;
  • do not rub the skin during water procedures, especially with a hard washcloth;
  • purchase only hypoallergenic personal hygiene products and cosmetics;
  • avoid exposure of the skin to too low or high temperatures;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • treat any diseases in a timely manner.

But the main thing is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, good rest and lack of stress. Under such conditions of life, it is possible to prevent the development of not only dermographism, but also many other serious diseases.

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, consequences and treatment of dermographic urticaria: video

Dermographism is an abnormal reaction of the skin to mechanical stress, manifested as white or red stripes. The skin of each person with pressure, friction and other effects first brightens and then reddens. After a few minutes everything is back to normal. But in some cases, white or red stripes appear on it and persist for a long time, sometimes accompanied by swelling and inflammation. This symptom is called dermographism.

Types of dermographism

Depending on the clinical picture, several types of the disease are distinguished:

  • White dermographism. In the corresponding zone of skin irritation, whitish stripes appear in 3-5 seconds after a slight impact on it, which disappear in a few minutes.
  • Edematous dermographism. At the site of physical irritation, oblong edematous rollers 5–15 mm wide and 1–2 mm high appear. Edema increases gradually, sometimes over several hours, and disappears very slowly.

  • Red dermographism. Characteristic signs are the formation of red hyperthermic stripes in the zone of direct skin irritation. They appear 15 minutes after mechanical action. In the chronic course of the disease, traces remain for an hour or two. The acute stage is characterized by an increase in the time of manifestation of the disease up to 1-3 days.

  • Urticarial dermographism. It is the most common type of dermographism, accounting for 15% of all skin diseases. With urticarial dermographism, in addition to stripes and spots, an itchy rash appears on irritated skin.

Causes of dermographism

All types of the disease have a different etiology. The cause of white dermographism is angiospasm. This form of skin response can occur in any person, but most often develops in asthenic people, in whom the tone of the sympathetic nervous system predominates.

Red dermographism, the causes of which lie in the predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, is a response to irritation in the form of capillary expansion.

Edematous dermographism develops due to allergies. As a result of mechanical action, the integrity of mast cell membranes is disrupted. They release histamine, heparin, serotonin, which cause an allergic reaction. Under their influence, the walls of blood vessels become more permeable, which provokes tissue edema.

Reflex dermographism is the action of a reflex arc that passes through certain segments of the spinal cord.

Signs of dermographism

With white dermographism, after passing a stick with a blunt end over the skin, a white strip immediately appears, disappearing after a few minutes. If the wand is held with great pressure on the skin, then a red stripe is visualized, which will disappear only after a few hours, which is a manifestation of red dermographism.

Strong mechanical irritation of the skin with a stick with a blunt end can provoke edematous dermographism. In this case, at first, a red stripe forms in the zone of direct contact of the skin with the stick, which after 2-3 minutes turns white, swells and swells.

Increased permeability of vessel walls leads to urticarial dermographism. As a result, even a slight irritation of the skin, for example, with an elastic band of socks or a trouser belt, leads to the formation of a red strip surrounded by blisters and a rash.

If you draw a sharp needle over the skin, after half a minute a wide red stripe will appear on the surface of the skin. After a few seconds, she turns pale and disappears. This is a manifestation of reflex dermographism.


Dermographism is not a disease, but only one of the signs of pathology, which can be considered as a symptom in its complete absence or with a strong manifestation.

With pronounced dermographism, one can make an assumption about the presence of meningitis, thyrotoxicosis, autonomic neurosis. The absence of a skin reaction to irritation or its weak manifestation is observed with intoxication of the nervous system or general exhaustion of the body. Therefore, when skin patterns are detected, the patient is sent for examination to differentiate these diseases.

First, a reaction test of the skin is carried out for exposure to a solid object, as well as for cold, water, and heat. If, after the initial examination of the epidermis and the test, there is a suspicion of dermographism, the following studies are shown:

  • immunodiagnostics;
  • encephalogram of the brain for diagnosing the work of the central nervous system.
Dermographism is not a disease, but only one of the signs of pathology, which can be considered as a symptom in its complete absence or with a strong manifestation.

Since dermographism may indicate a number of diseases, it may be necessary to consult with highly specialized specialists - an immunologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist.


Treatment of dermographism is carried out only in case of its strong manifestations, accompanied by itching. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating local symptoms and treating the underlying disease.


  • antiallergic drugs (to reduce skin irritation);
  • tranquilizers and antidepressants (Diazepam, Phenazepam, Doxepin, Paxil);
  • drugs with a sedative effect, including vitamin B;
  • ascorbic acid, flavonoids (vitamin P, Rutin) (to reduce the permeability of the vascular walls);
  • vasoconstrictors (with red and vasodilators with white dermographism);
  • antipruritic ointments;
  • Ketotifen (in the presence of urticarial dermographism);
  • choleretic drugs;
  • lactobacilli and bifidobacteria;
  • external antiseptics based on camphor and salicylic acid.

Sometimes a positive effect is exerted by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

With the help of timely identification of the causes that provoke dermographism, and their elimination, it is possible to achieve stable remission, and in some cases completely get rid of such manifestations.

Possible Complications

If you do not pay attention to the manifestations of dermographism, this can lead to the development of complications. These include:

  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • damage and thinning of the dermis;
  • infection and the development of inflammatory processes at the sites of skin rashes and blisters;
  • angioedema, anaphylactic shock (in rare cases).

Prevention measures

Primary preventive measures to prevent dermographism have not been developed, since the causes of its occurrence may be different. As secondary measures, there are activities that are aimed at preventing relapses.

Doctors recommend wearing loose clothing that does not allow friction or pressure on the skin. It is useful to remove all chemicals and personal care products with fragrances from your everyday life, replacing them with hypoallergenic products.

With the help of timely identification of the causes that provoke dermographism, and their elimination, it is possible to achieve stable remission, and in some cases completely get rid of such manifestations. After treatment, most patients note an improvement in their general condition and a decrease in skin sensitivity.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Dermographism (artificial urticaria) is an abnormal reaction of the skin that occurs as a result of a slight mechanical impact and is characterized by the appearance of red or white stripes.

Manifestation of dermographism


According to the characteristics of the skin reaction, several types of dermographism are distinguished:

  1. White dermographism - the appearance on the skin of pale stripes corresponding to the area of ​​​​irritation. They usually occur under the influence of light mechanical stress and persist for several minutes.
  2. Red dermographism. It is characterized by the appearance of hyperemic bands in the affected area, which may be surrounded by a pale halo. These bands begin to appear 15 seconds after exposure and persist for 1-2 hours.
  3. Edematous dermographism. Mechanical irritation of the skin causes the appearance of itchy, edematous red stripes on it, around which rash elements appear, resembling a rash with urticaria. The edematous form includes urticarial dermographism, in which the appearance of stripes is accompanied by the formation of blisters.
  4. Reflex dermographism. Irritation of the skin with a thin sharp object leads to the formation of wide (up to 6 mm) red bands on it.
The phenomenon of dermographism can be observed by passing a blunt stick over the skin. After 10-20 seconds, a white stripe (white dermographism) forms on the skin, which disappears after a few minutes.


The causes of dermographism are various. The pathological mechanism of white dermographism is based on angiospasm. This form of skin reaction can occur in any person, but it is most pronounced in asthenic patients with a predominance of the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

The main cause of red dermographism is the predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which is accompanied by the expansion of blood capillaries in response to mechanical irritation. Also, red dermographism may be the result of some metabolic diseases, such as thyrotoxicosis.

In the pathogenesis of edematous dermographism, the main significance belongs to an allergic reaction. Mechanical action entails a violation of the integrity of the membrane of mast cells of the skin and the release of mediators of allergic reactions (histamine, serotonin, heparin, eosinophilic chemotactic factors) from them. Under the influence of these substances, arterioles expand, the permeability of the vascular wall increases, which leads to tissue edema. The exact causes of mast cell membrane instability in the skin are unknown. Presumably, some metabolic and genetic factors are involved.

Reflex dermographism is essentially a vasomotor reflex, the arc of which passes through the corresponding segments of the spinal cord.


The phenomenon of dermographism can be observed by passing a blunt stick over the skin. After 10-20 seconds, a white stripe (white dermographism) forms on the skin, which disappears after a few minutes.

If you apply more force when holding the wand, then after 5-15 seconds a red stripe (red dermographism) will appear on the skin, which can last up to two hours.

If you draw a blunt stick over the skin, you can observe the phenomenon of dermographism

Significant irritation of the skin with a blunt stick leads to the manifestation of edematous dermographism. In this case, initially a red stripe appears in the area of ​​​​irritation of the skin. After 1-2 minutes, it turns white, swells and rises above the level of the skin.

With an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall, even mild skin irritation (for example, with a seam of clothing or a belt) leads to the development of urticarial dermographism, which is characterized by the formation of itchy blisters.

Increased manifestations of dermographism are usually observed in patients with meningitis, thyrotoxicosis, autonomic neurosis.

You can cause reflex dermographism by passing a sharp needle across the skin. After 10–30 seconds from the moment of exposure, a wide band (up to 5–6 mm) of bright red color appears on the skin. Gradually, it turns pale and after a few minutes disappears.


The study of the features of dermographism is of great diagnostic importance. Thus, the study of white and red dermographism allows us to assess the reactivity of capillaries. It should be borne in mind that their tone is influenced by many factors (in particular, ambient temperature, body temperature). Therefore, as a diagnostic symptom, dermographism is of value only if it is significantly increased or absent.

An increase in the manifestations of dermographism is usually observed in patients with meningitis, thyrotoxicosis, autonomic neurosis. With severe intoxications of the nervous system, general exhaustion of the body, the phenomena of dermographism, on the contrary, are weakly expressed, and sometimes it is not possible to cause them at all.

The absence of reflex dermographism in a certain area of ​​the dermis makes it possible to determine the localization of the lesion in the spinal cord.

The phenomena of dermographism can occur against the background of a number of internal diseases, therefore, consultations of narrow specialists (neurologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, helminthologist, etc.) are indicated for patients with this symptom.

Treatment of dermographism

The need for treatment of dermographism arises only in the case of intense skin manifestations, accompanied by itching. For their relief, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.

If dermographism is accompanied by severe itching, the patient scratches the skin intensively, which is fraught with infection and the development of an inflammatory process.

Patients with urticarial dermographism are treated with ketotifen for 2-3 months. Against its background, stabilization of mast cell membranes occurs, as a result of which abnormal skin reactions in response to irritation occur much less frequently.

In some cases, a good, but short-term effect is exerted by ultraviolet irradiation of the skin.

Puffiness and itching can be reduced by lotions from infusions of medicinal plants (oak bark, chamomile, sage).

With the identification and treatment of provoking diseases, it is possible to achieve a long-term remission of dermographism, and in some cases, a complete recovery.


Since the causes of dermographism are diverse, and some are not fully understood, primary prevention measures have not been developed.

Secondary prevention consists in measures aimed at preventing recurrence of severe skin manifestations. Patients are advised to avoid squeezing or rubbing the skin, to give preference to loose-fitting clothing made from soft tissues.

Consequences and complications

If dermographism is accompanied by severe itching, the patient scratches the skin intensively, which is fraught with infection and the development of an inflammatory process.

It is always unpleasant to get sick, especially if the disease has external manifestations. In this article, we will understand the concept of "red dermographism", what it is, for what reasons it occurs, how to get rid of it. This disorder is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the body that do not disappear for a long time. These changes on the skin are formed as a result of exposure to the skin by physical means, with changes in ambient temperature, with nervous overstrain.

In some cases, such a manifestation on the skin may be a symptom of the pathology of any organ or body system. But more often the spots are the result of a prolonged and intense physical impact or other factor on the skin area. The main manifestation of this disease is the appearance of red spots on the skin at the site of mechanical damage. And in some cases, swelling, itching, blisters and other unpleasant symptoms may appear. An external examination, anamnesis of the patient and laboratory tests help to make the correct diagnosis. The treatment is carried out by conservative methods, surgical intervention is not required.

Causes of red dermographism

Mechanical urticaria is characterized by hereditary predisposition. It can also manifest itself against a background of extremely weakened immunity. During a visit to a specialist, other pathogenic factors may also emerge that affect the appearance of red dermographism. At the appointment, the doctor collects anamnesis data, recommends the patient to undergo a detailed diagnosis and take tests.

Here are examples of factors that can aggravate the clinical manifestations of red dermographism:

  • emotional instability;
  • prolonged stress;
  • mechanical effects on the skin;
  • change in ambient temperature;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • disorders in the digestive tract;

  • mental illness;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food poisoning;
  • helminthic invasions, giardiasis;
  • persistent alcoholism;
  • intoxication effects of chemicals;
  • bad ecology;
  • allergic reactions that have arisen against the background of a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of the manifestation of red dermographism

Even by the name of the disease, it can be determined that the main clinical symptom is red spots on the skin. With mechanical action on the skin of a healthy person, some changes are visible on it. First, the skin at the site of exposure turns white, then reddens, and after some time it acquires a normal color. And there are cases when the patient has persistent redness or blanching of the skin. This condition is called white or persistent red dermographism. The majority of patients no longer notice other pathological symptoms. However, in isolated cases, patients complain of severe itching at the site of redness, when combing this area, a slight pain syndrome, blisters, wounds and rashes of unclear etiology are added. Often, patients are not so concerned about skin manifestations as psychological discomfort. They are embarrassed by the very fact that they have a similar pathology. The causes of red dermographism in children, adolescents and adults have not been fully elucidated. Rashes and redness on the skin persist from several hours to several days. Disappear, as a rule, independently and without a trace, unless, of course, there is no influence of additional factors. Complications have not been identified with such a disease as red dermographism (the photo is presented below).


To make a correct diagnosis, a dermatologist should carefully read the patient's medical history, collect the most complete anamnesis of him and his immediate family. Sometimes on the basis of these data it is possible to find out the causes of the disease. And then conduct a set of diagnostic measures and laboratory tests.

The doctor must conduct a thorough study of the condition of the patient's skin. Conducts a specific test, the essence of which is the impact of a solid object on the skin. Then, after two, twelve and forty-eight hours, the doctor evaluates the condition of the affected area of ​​the skin. Similar tests are carried out with other influence factors, such as cold, heat, water. After diagnosing and identifying the cause of red dermographism, treatment begins, which is carried out in different ways.

Additionally, the patient is asked for the presence and intensity of other symptoms.

What tests are needed?

Laboratory diagnostics include:

  • blood tests - general and biochemical;
  • general urine analysis;
  • feces for I / worm and Giardia;
  • analysis for thyroid hormones;
  • immunogram.

Additional studies of specialists from different fields of medicine will help to differentiate the causes of red dermographism and pathologies of other internal organs.


For the treatment of red dermographism, conservative therapies are used, such as:

  • taking medicines;
  • dieting;
  • use of public funds.

Taking medications is aimed at relieving concomitant symptoms: antihistamines, vasoconstrictors, choleretic agents, topical ointments and creams that relieve severe itching, have a decongestant effect, and take biological preparations (lacto- and bifidobacterin). But not only this is the treatment of red dermographism.

diet therapy

The selection of nutrition for each patient is individual and should be carried out by a dietitian. Although there are general rules, for example, you should stop eating spicy and fatty foods, smoked, salty foods, do not abuse spices, alcohol and carbonated drinks. To enrich the diet in food, you should introduce more greens, vegetables, fresh fruits. Add fermented milk products containing biobacteria and probiotics to your daily diet. It is most useful to cook food for a couple, you can also stew, boil, bake. Do not forget about the abundant drinking regimen.

To eliminate the causes and treatment of red dermographism (see photo below), folk remedies are also suitable. The most effective proved to be: raw potatoes, nettles and raspberry roots; olive oil; sage and string; valerian and celandine; St. John's wort and chamomile. From herbs, roots and leaves, decoctions are prepared, which are taken orally or used as lotions (especially potatoes).

Treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of red dermographism, especially its mild form, you can not use specific techniques. It will be enough to use the products of traditional medicine, in which case they can provide significant assistance. Below are the recommendations of healers to combat dermographic urticaria.

Morning tea and coffee for patients with urticarial dermographism should be replaced with a decoction of a string. The herb is brewed like regular tea. You can drink a decoction during the day, and not just in the morning. In addition to the series, for such patients, teas brewed on the basis of blackcurrant leaves and garden raspberries, rose hips, mint and yarrow herbs are suitable.

Fresh celery juice will help get rid of the symptoms of dermographic urticaria. You can cook it using a juicer, or just rub the root on a fine grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. For maximum effect, drink at least 1/3 cup of this juice per day. You can also make vegetable smoothies by adding carrot, cucumber or beet juice to celery.

Removal of scars after dermographism

To remove scars and unbearable itching caused by mechanical effects on the skin with urticarial dermographism, nettle infusion with lemon juice will help.

Fresh licorice root has proven itself effective for the treatment of dermographic urticaria. The root is washed, cleaned, divided into small pieces. Take licorice root twice a day, chewing thoroughly and drinking plenty of water.

To cleanse and soothe the skin with urticarial dermographism, it is useful to take baths using marjoram infusion. The infusion is prepared as follows: 200 grams of grass is poured with 2 liters of boiling water, infused for an hour. Then a bath is taken (the water temperature should be about 37 degrees), strained infusion is added. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes.

Prevention and prognosis

To avoid the manifestation of symptoms of dermographic urticaria, you should follow simple rules: exclude possible contact with allergens, avoid stressful situations, try to avoid the influence of cold and hot temperatures on the skin, adjust your daily routine, normalize sleep and wakefulness, avoid tight-fitting styles in clothes, do not neglect hygiene procedures.

For preventive purposes, several times a year, you need to undergo examinations by specialists, monitor the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system.

The prognosis for the course of red dermographism is favorable in most cases. It is possible to achieve complete recovery and avoid complications by using only conservative treatment and folk remedies.

We examined such a pathology as red dermographism (pictured). The causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease are described in detail above.