The script for the birthday of a woman 45 is cool and long. Why do we need envelopes and pies? Congratulations from children

  • 21.09.2019

Before the celebration, you should take care of decorating the room. To do this, you can use hand-made garlands made of paper and foil, assembled from multi-colored rings or flags. As a festive decoration, posters with cheerful and comic congratulations for the birthday girl. They will make the room elegant and create a holiday atmosphere with flower bouquets.

At the appointed time, the hostess and the owner of the house meet guests at the doorstep. The guests are seated at the table. The leader enters the room.

Leading: Hello dear birthday girl! Good evening, dear guests! Bot for the umpteenth time we are going to this house in order to honor our respected and beloved (calls the name and patronymic of the birthday girl). But today the celebration is not quite ordinary. We are celebrating the anniversary of the owner of this house, a caring mother, a faithful and attentive wife and a wonderful woman.

Anniversary... For young people, this word is synonymous with old age. However, look at the hero of today's celebration. Is it possible, looking at her, to say that an ancient, decrepit old woman is sitting in front of us? Of course not." Our birthday girl has not changed at all over the past (so many) years. She is just as cheerful, good-natured, sympathetic as in her youth. Yes, she has become wiser now. But wisdom cannot be considered a synonym for old age!

Accept from us, all those present here, dear and beautiful (gives name and patronymic), the warmest and most sincere congratulations on your holiday. On this day, the eyes of relatives, friends and colleagues are focused only on you. We never cease to admire your youth, kindness, professionalism, warmth that you radiate. On behalf of those present, I would like to wish you creative and professional victories, family happiness, prosperity, health and good luck! Let troubles and misfortunes bypass your home!

And now congratulations from your girlfriends will sound.

To the accompaniment of music from the song "Snowfall", close friends congratulate the birthday girl on the holiday. Then everyone raises their glasses for the happiness and health of the hero of the occasion.

Leading(referring to the birthday girl): Girlfriends said so many kind words to you. Do you know that they are not good at keeping secrets? .. Although you should not shame them for telling me about your favorite songs. Yes, your girlfriends have solved the mystery. Now I know that you like the song (names the song). So, a musical pause is announced.

All guests sing the favorite song of the birthday girl in chorus.

Leading: Was or was not... Once... No, no, this is not the beginning of a children's fairy tale. I want to tell you the life story of our birthday girl. It was in (such and such) year. A thin girl entered the director's office (he names the institution where the birthday girl works). She entered and was embarrassed, tormented by doubts: did she get there, would she be hired? Then she was taken to the position (calls) with a fantastically huge, as it seemed to her then. salary in (names the amount) ... no, no, not American dollars, but rubles. From the very first salary, she proudly presented her parents with a gift - Electric kettle.(Telling the story, the presenter shows photographs of the birthday girl dating back to the time of the story.)

Years have passed. The girl gradually gained experience and grew professionally. Now she no longer (names the first position of the birthday girl), but (names her next position), and colleagues, turning to her for advice, respectfully call her not (for example, Katya), but ... (Ekaterina Ivanovna). At the same time, there were changes in personal life. She became a wife (shows a wedding photo of young spouses), and after a while - a mother (shows a family photo).

By now, the children have grown up: the eldest son has become (names the profession), and the youngest (names the profession). On weekends, the birthday girl babysits her grandchildren (points to her grandchildren) and grows vegetables and flowers in the dacha (shows photographs). And to the question: “What is happiness?”, our (gives name and patronymic) invariably answers: “Happiness is my life!”.

Throughout all these years, despite the hardships and troubles, the birthday girl was able to maintain the sparkle of her eyes, her quickness of mind, fun and enthusiasm. And this, you see, is a lot. Other representatives of the younger generation are unlikely to be compared with our dear birthday girl in terms of wit, cheerfulness and self-confidence. Keep it up, dear (name and patronymic of the birthday girl)] Dear guests, let's raise our glasses to the health of the hero of the day and her loyalty to herself!

Congratulations again.

Leading: Oh, and who came to us for a holiday? No Crocodile Gena and his faithful companion Cheburashka?

Guests or relatives, dressed up in the costumes of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, enter the room and sing the pesso "Let them run clumsily ...".

Crocodile Gena: Hello guests! Hello birthday relatives! Good evening, dear hero of the occasion! We have come to congratulate you on your anniversary! We wish you to remain as beautiful as today, not to surrender to years, to easily overcome difficulties!
Cheburashka: We wish you never grow old, do not lose heart, always remain cheerful, kind, sweet, beautiful, attentive to others and patient! We wish that you never know grief and misfortune!

Leading(turns to Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka): Thank you for your congratulations! Please take a seat at the table! We are glad to see you! (Turns to the guests.) Today, words have already been uttered about human qualities and high professionalism (calling the name and patronymic of the birthday girl). However, colleagues and, of course, the boss know about the latter better than all of us present at the holiday. So, let's give the floor for congratulations to the director (names the institution where the birthday girl works, and the name of the head).

sound congratulatory words on behalf of colleagues and supervisors.

Leading: Dear our birthday girl! On this solemn day, let me wish you even more prosperity, good health for many years, may life bring you only pleasant surprises, may good luck and happiness come to your home, and troubles and sorrows remain beyond its threshold. And now the floor is given to the wife of the birthday girl. But before we know how well the husband over the years was able to get to know his wife? I have questions prepared for which the spouse of the hero of the occasion must answer. I also know the answers. Upon completion of testing, we will be able to determine how attentive (gives the name and patronymic of the birthday girl's husband) to his wife. There are three possible answers for individual questions. The contestant must choose the correct one. So the questions are:

1. Give the exact date and time of your spouse's birth.
2. What school number did she attend?
3. What was her favorite school subject?
4. What dress did your spouse wear to the prom?
5. What institute (school, technical school, university, etc.) did your spouse graduate from?

6. What marks were given in the spouse's diploma?
7. When was the first child born? State the date, time and day of the week.
8. What spirits does the spouse prefer? Their name?
9. What kind of flowers does your wife like more than others?
10. What is your wife's favorite dish?

11. Where would your spouse like to go on a trip: a - to the country; b - in Sochi; c - to the Canaries.
12. After retirement, she will: a - engage in floriculture; b - breed rabbits in the country; c - to raise grandchildren.
13. What TV series does your wife prefer to watch?
14. What movie character (or actor) does your spouse consider the ideal man?
15. How long does it take your wife to prepare a set meal? Answer options: a - in 15 minutes; b - per hour; in - in 24 hours.

Leading: We bring to the attention of friends and relatives present here the results of the quiz. As it turned out, not all the secrets of the soul of our birthday girl are still available to her husband. Many secrets are yet to be uncovered. However, the test result cannot be called low. For vigilance and attentiveness, the husband of a respected birthday girl is awarded the diploma of the “Ideal Spouse” and the medal “The Most Attentive Husband”. Applause, friends!

Applause sounds to the spouse of the hero of the occasion and toasts in her honor.

Leading: Something the guests sat up! It's time to loosen up a bit. We are holding a dance competition. To complete the task, you need to take a newspaper sheet, lay it on the floor, stand on it and dance when the music is turned on. After the music stops, the sheet must be torn or folded in half, stand on it again and continue dancing to the accompaniment of music, etc. The winner of the competition will be the one who can dance on the smallest piece of paper.

At the end of the competition, the winner should be awarded the medal "For dexterity and professional performance of the dance."

Leading: Well, I suppose the birthday girl was convinced that her friends and colleagues can dance well. Now let's test your intellectual and creative abilities. The task of the next competition is to compose a song dedicated to the celebration and its hostess. "All guests must first be divided into two teams.

All those present are divided into two teams and perform the task given by the leader. At the end of the competition, the jury, represented by the host and the hero of the occasion, sums up the results. As a rule, friendship wins and commemorative medals "The Best Writer" are awarded to all guests.

Leading: Good songs presented to our respected and beloved birthday girl by her guests. All ended up with medals. Now the time has come to give a memorable prize - a festive medal - to the hero of the holiday herself. So, let me, on behalf of the guests, acquaintances, friends, colleagues and relatives, present the medal to our esteemed (gives the name and patronymic of the birthday girl) as a token of reverence, admiration and love! Congratulations on your anniversary!

Congratulations again.

Festive feast, dancing, congratulations.

Soap opera
Congratulations on the 45th anniversary with a set of toilet soap.

Leading: Almost all modern women they watch television series with enthusiasm, forgetting for a while about their endless household chores and worries. Now we will all together present the general plan of the "soap opera", the leading role of which will be our birthday girl. I think the Academy Award for Best Leading Actress is in our pocket. So, our heroine is still only at the very beginning. life path
(given soap "Children's"), she gradually grows up, blossoms and carefully enters the time of love (soap "Flowers of Love").
Filled with juice and finding the necessary life experience, it becomes inimitable. Naturally, the one and only appears on the horizon, which offers our heroine a hand and heart ("Family").

A little time passes, and the newlyweds realize that life without children is quite monotonous. ("My baby").

Family life is full mutual love ("Favorite"), but don't you think, dear viewers, that our series turns out to be too "insipid", for the sharpness of the plot, let's add a small amount of tar to the barrel of honey ("Tar"). Every good mom tends to be a good grandma. ("Grandma's Soap"). And, finally, in a woman's life there is a stage when the main problems are already behind, and there is more than enough unspent strength and energy.

This age is indicated by the round number "45", i.e. our woman is a berry again ("Berry"). And then ... everything is just beginning!

(At the end of the congratulations, you can attach a cash gift for the purchase of a television program for the coming years, so that the birthday girl does not miss a single soap opera.)

berry extravaganza

The birthday girl is Elena.

The hall is decorated with artificial berries and flowers
Fanfare sounds. The leader comes out.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to the anniversary of dear Elena, which bears such a charming name - "Berry extravaganza".
What a beautiful berry season! Enchanting scents all around ripe berries. There is a desire to live and enjoy this magic. And how delightful is the woman entering this season! However, it is very easy to be convinced of this when looking at our birthday girl, for whom this time is just beginning.
Please welcome with applause - our beautiful Elena!

The birthday girl comes out to applause. Her husband meets her and escorts her to a place of honor.

August stood serene over the world, (any month)
An angel flew over the earth at that moment.
That angel descended to earth from heaven,
And gave us you - the best gift of miracles.

Child of love, child of dreams
Fortunately, that angel brought it to us.
Elena grew up as a smart girl
And she gave her spark to everyone.

In fun and games, everything grew up,
And now she's grown up
Graduated from school, went to work
Friends on the fate of the most faithful found.

Helens of our magic hands
They did not know fatigue, laziness and boredom.
How much strength and will in fragile shoulders!
And what an impressive wingspan!

Finely honed exquisite taste
(Let Yudashkin smoke on the sidelines).
And time has no power over Lena -
Still slim, smart and beautiful.

Everything is just as fresh - just a socialite!
She smiles and faces light up.
All the words for her still will not be enough.
Let's raise our glasses to Lena!

First birthday toast

Wonderful Elena! Looking at you, you understand why, for the sake of possessing a woman with the same name, men once started a war. You deserve the very best in the world!
Today, all those who are dear and close to you have gathered for your Berry extravaganza. People who are infinitely happy that you brighten their lives with your presence. Who are happy to be with you. These are your family, friends and colleagues. And each of them will have warm, kind and sincere words to assure you of my love.
Now I give the floor to the people who gave Elena to the world, warmed her with their love and affection, were wise mentors and remain best friends - ____________ and _____________, mom and dad.

Congratulations from parents

How much tenderness, love
In your eyes, hands. Oh mom!
My steps are always towards you.
And in life there is no sacred temple.

Oh dad! With his wisdom,
Always forgiving me for everything
Strength did not spare his soul,
Protecting from all misfortunes.

I propose to raise glasses to the health of these holy people! God bless you many years!

Second toast

The happiness of a woman is in her family. We all know well how boundless are Elena's feelings for her husband (name) and children. But how did it all start?

Park, disco. Come on, youth!
Grannies clamored: "Moral failure."
That's where fate brought them together forever -
Goodbye, romance, happiness, the moon.

So before the wedding they met,
And "Bitter!" from relatives, friends it was distributed.
In warmth, understanding, consent, love
They gave birth to two wonderful children.

And _________, dear bloodlines.
How mother blew off dust particles from both!
Beauty, smart, right, as it should -
Elena's life is love and reward!

Let's give this wonderful family a round of applause and give the floor to the husband and children.

Congratulations from the family. In conclusion, a slide film about Elena's life, made by children, is shown on the projector. During the show, they comment on the frames.

Elena, here's what I wanted to tell you:
You won't find another like you!
To create such a family
You need to have great talent!

About your pies the glory goes,
Well, for borscht - everyone will fall at their feet.
But, most importantly, your big soul.
With you comfort and inside the hut.

Let's raise our glasses to our wonderful wife, mother and hostess - our incomparable Elena!

Third toast

Tell me, who of those present, except for the parents, is aware of Elena's childhood pranks? Who remembers the most important events her life and, moreover, was present at the same time? Well, of course, they are her family. But how good they are with memory, we will now find out.

All relatives (adults) are welcome. A quiz is held for them on events from the life of the birthday girl (when she took her first steps, when she began to read, whether she was a pioneer (Komsomol member), when she fell in love for the first time, what she was fond of, what she dreamed about, favorite song, etc.)
After the quiz, everyone (optionally) is given a word for congratulations.
During the congratulations, the presenter prepares an entertaining moment (congratulations from the cat).

What wonderful words! And how wonderful that our extravaganza cannot have many of them!
But before you take your seats, I would like to ask you one last question. Tell me, you remembered a lot about events in Elena's life, about her hobbies. But the main hobby at the moment has not been mentioned. I hint: alive, furry and tailed. Yes, of course! The favorite of all families is the cat Barberry, who, alas, stayed at home ...
I hear some noise. Looks like we have guests!

One of the guests in the form of a postman enters with a large box in his hands. On the box is the inscription: "To a beautiful berry." With the help of the guests' tips, the postman finds the birthday girl and calls her to him. Asks to sign, hands a postcard and a box. The host, with permission, takes a card and asks one of the guests to read it.

Congratulations from the cat

Well hello hostess!
You, I see, are a little arrogant:
Invited everyone to the party
And she forgot me.

And I sit like an orphan
Like some kind of cattle
And no one will comfort
Let the belly not scratch ...

I hope you understand?
Have you already taken a low start home?
Kohl took - cool, relax,
Sit down and stay.

Well, I'm just like that, for the sake of it,
For show-off, not for offense.
For you my best friend
I will be dumb, and blind, and deaf!

I won't tell anyone
About addictions to revelry,
About obscene rampage ...
I have feelings for you!

And you, my you zaya,
I won't change for anything!
I will forgive and understand everything
(I'll take compensation).

The main thing is to be healthy
Always ready for my "meow"
Relax and have fun -
Your favorite, Barberry!

P.S. And so that you do not relax
And out of the way, so as not to stray,
Get my message
Reminder about me!

The birthday girl opens a box in front of everyone, from which balloons filled with helium emerge. At the bottom of the box is a cup (vase, picture) with images of a beloved cat surrounded by berries.

Dear Elena, allow me to proclaim a toast on your behalf to all your large, friendly and strong family, in which even shaggy pets love and appreciate you so much!

fourth toast

What is a true friend? The one who is known in trouble? Not only. One a wise man said that true friends are best known in those moments when a person is happy. After all, not everyone can sincerely share the joy. Dear Elena, you can be congratulated! Because these are the kind of friends that surround you. And today they are here, next to you. By the way, where are they? I think I hear someone's voices.

To the sounds of fanfare, friends (5 people) enter the hall, wearing attributes - caps, scarves (for men) and bibs - with images of berries.

Raspberry Who walks together in a row?

Together Ripe Berry Squad!

Raspberry One, two, three, four, five

Together To congratulate Elena!

Squad, stay where you are! One, two. Nale-e-evo!
Our squad:

Together Berry!

Raspberry Our motto:

Together, the more years, the more better color!

Raspberry Get ready for the name-calling of the newborn Yagodka!

Together Always Ready!

Raspberry Raspberry I - the main sweetness.
I do not know the word old age.
I wish you flowering in joy
So that life seems to you like me!

Strawberry And I'm a strawberry. All the people know
I am the most erotic fetus in the world.
I wish without fuss and without snobbery
Healthy such eroticism.

Cherry I ripened in Uncle Vanya's garden.
Now I'm Cherry, like Armani.
And on you, Elena, there is my fragrance -
You will put checkmate and checkmate on all men!

Currant Currant berries cannot be found more useful:
Stems, leaves, berries are treated for diseases.
You are now one of us and, without being hypocritical,
We appoint the main one - you will be the Panacea!

Passion fruit (male) Do you want exotic? So take me!
What am I? Passion fruit me!
Feijoa, papaya, they all suck.
I will take you, Elena, with me!

Together And you from the generous berry soul
We welcome you to our ranks!

The birthday girl is put on the neck and head wreaths of berries. Friends become around the birthday girl and dance to incendiary music, involving all those present.
Musical pause.

Decorated Banquet hall with flowers, balloons and posters. We offer one option for your hero of the day. Poster"Happy anniversary! 45, Baba berry again"

At the entrance, in a conspicuous place is jar with sticker:
"Bank for happiness"

A jar rolled up with a tin lid, and a round fool, 10 mm in diameter, was made in it. A stack of cut pieces of paper, also print and cut out.

These papers are notes designed so that invited guests can leave congratulations and wishes to the hero of the day. Then twisting them into a tube and sticking them into the hole in the jar. But the interest is that the birthday girl could read them in a year and remember whether the wishes for the past year were fulfilled, at the same time this cheerful last year's anniversary will be remembered.

Introduction, the host reads the poems.

Forty-five is the most beautiful date!
She has countless advantages:
Life is rich in all colors,
There is both experience and health.
Femininity, and intelligence, and charm,
Pure soul and intellect,
Full recognition in the team...
And there is no limit to perfection!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
And let me wish now
Happiness to you, health and luck
And bloom, as in these forty-five!

The birthday girl accepts further toasts and congratulations from her guests, relatives and friends.

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
You are still a flower with us,
The most color and the most juice!
Happy Anniversary!
You are at your peak today
admiring attention
And full of charm.
Glorious deeds can not be counted!
Experience already for twenty-five.
And in the family everything is gleam and smoothness.
Well done! Keep it up!
What is an anniversary?
Clink of glasses, noise of speeches...
Everything is quieter on weekdays, more modest,
But lives among people
Big soul man
All deeds are good:
It brings so much good
And care, and warmth!
And we are only on the anniversary
We say "thank you" to her.
So let's be generous
And appreciate these people.
Congratulations with all our heart!
Be forever young!
Be happy forever
Our favorite person!

When all the guests congratulated the hero of the day and gave her gifts, it's time for Entertainment.
The best contests for the anniversary evening

"Point, dot, comma" ....
Two sheets, drawing paper, felt-tip pens, scarves, for blindfolding.
For two teams, the task is given to draw a little man with closed eyes.
Saying the words:
Period, period, comma
A crooked face came out,
Handles, legs, cucumber,
It turned out to be a man.
The team that draws at least approximately the little man wins.
Losers give forfeits

Competition "Mustache and ears"

Another fun competition for the anniversary feast. This time we will transform the hero of the day himself.
It is necessary to make two posters with a photo of the hero of the day. Marker.

Participants must, blindfolded, draw mustaches or ears, or hair to the Anniversary.
The winner is the participant who coped better with the task and embellished the appearance of the hero of the day

Competition for adults "Burn the balloon"

Couples are called for this competition (it is better if there are a man and a woman in the team).
They are given an inflated balloon and, on command, standing facing each other, it is necessary to crush this balloon (i.e., the balloon should burst)
The team that pops the balloon the fastest wins.

Competition for adults "Fire, Water and Copper pipes"
This competition is mobile and it will need a little more space to run a little distance.
Those who wish are invited, divided into 2 teams.
4 chairs are placed, 2 for each team. One at the beginning of the race, the second at the end. On the near chair is a prop-lighter, water pipes and a disposable cup on the far chair-a candle, and a bottle of mineral water.

The first player takes the lighter and runs to the candle, lights it and returns to the team with it.
The next and the rest of the players must take a straw from the nearest chair and, having run to the bottle, take water into their mouths with the help of a straw and, without removing the straw from their mouth, transfer the water into a glass.
The team that will quickly transfer all the water and shed as little as possible wins.

Competition for a fun feast: "Ode to the hero of the day"

Requisites: pens sheets of paper. Prize bottle of champagne

The host announces the next competition - "Ode to the Anniversary". This is the familiar game "Burime", when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. "Ode to the Anniversary" can be composed on the following rhymes: hero of the day, fire, gift, schoolboy, painter, blow, case, radar.

To inspire the poets, the presenter demonstrates the main prize of the competition - a bottle of champagne.

The winner is the participant whose verse will be the best according to the results of voting by all guests. The best verse is entered on the label of the prize bottle and the medal "Best Poet" is awarded.

Label for champagne to the winner

Winner of the contest "Ode to the hero of the day"

Further design is up to you, tie a satin ribbon through the hole in the medal and the anniversary medal is ready for gifting.
You can end the holiday with warm, beautiful poems.
Let the holiday come to an end
But wishes remain
A smile here suits you all,
You all really laughed here!
Let me tell you more
A couple of words at the end:
Work to go to "5",
And to be inspired!

On her 45th birthday, a woman expects something special from loved ones! Traditional feasts are already boring her, and a dinner party with the family does not seem good option to celebrate the round date.

Try to please the hero of the day with something special - write the scenario of the event yourself so that this birthday will be remembered for a long time good mood and soulful atmosphere.

Preparing for the celebration

To make the party 100% successful, consider not only activities for guests and the main character, but also the theme of the evening. For example, you can remember the saying that at the age of 45 ladies become berries again, and, starting from this topic, prepare sketches, congratulations, wishes, even decorations. Arches and vases with flowers and sprigs of berries will be a wonderful decoration for a banquet hall.

Think about the concept of the script: cool, official, soulful, or something else. And do not forget that guests should be fully involved in the festive evening - it will be pleasant to entertain only the hero of the day, but dishonest with respect to the guests.

The best of the best

A universal option for celebrating such an event would be fun party: with contests, poems, jokes, compliments and gifts!

In the first part of the holiday, pay attention to the hero of the occasion as the hostess of the evening and the situation. According to the script, Carlson flies into the room. In his hands - air balloons with rolled-up congratulations.

With Carlson, you can dress up your husband, parent, or any other person close to the birthday girl. Then this scene will be even more pleasant for the hero of the day.

Carlson: “Hi-r-r-equal to everyone from the most colorful man of all times and peoples! I was told that my Baby is somewhere around here today, and he has a holiday - rr-birth day! Where is he???"

(Looks for the hero of the occasion in the hall, finds and leads to the center of the hall)

Carlson: "Here! My baby! I want to wish you that life is as sweet as jam! So that you always have enough funds to "indulge in buns"! May all your wishes come true, and Freken Bock does not come across on the way!

(Puts the birthday girl in her place).

Carlson: “And now let's congratulate the Kid together! Now I will give you a ball-r-r-riki, which symbolize Bad mood. Together we will burst them like a bad mood, and we will get everything only good !!!

Guests take turns receiving balloons, bursting them and reading congratulations for the birthday girl.

Personal achievements

You can use contests that will show which of the guests knows the main person at the event better. Use the quest "Ideal". For it you will need a couple of items:

  • clean sheets;
  • pencils or pens.

Give each guest a pen and clean slate. Invite guests to write a poem in the appointed time (for example, 5 minutes), which will include 3 main qualities that the hero of the day has.

The winner is the one whose poem will be the funniest and most enjoyable for the hero of the occasion.

Time for fun

Main good qualities anniversaries you have already discussed. Now it's time to draw her memorable portrait, which will be worthy of being framed and remembered for a long time.

  • Challenge two contestants.
  • Place a large canvas in front of them and give each a pencil or pen.
  • Explain that each of them must draw a perfect portrait of a lady in 2 minutes… blindfolded!
  • Moreover, the main secret of the portrait is the quantity - it must be drawn from 45 parts, according to the number of years of the hero of the day.

One option would be to have the participants draw the same portrait with their eyes open and unlimited details, but in just 45 seconds. The winner is the one whose portrait is more like the hero of the occasion. The winner can be awarded a sweet prize, and the loser must say a toast in honor of the holiday.

Think about how you feel about the hero of the day, remember the joyful moments associated with your joint pastime, remember her main qualities. All this will help you create the perfect scenario for your anniversary.

This scenario is suitable for celebrating the Anniversary in a banquet hall or in a spacious room.


Props: cards with the image of berries (for 2 competitions), cards with toast lines, cards with numbers, small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons, songs for the competition, gifts for participating in competitions.

The guests are seated.

presenter (starts):
Berry, beauty, Goddess,
The extraordinary beauty of the soul,
Congratulations on your Anniversary today
Your family, friends, friends!
And on this day, the lights shine bright
And the music is heard in all houses,
(name of the Anniversary) I wish myself happiness
And so that the soul always bloomed!

Dear guests, today's event is entirely due to the beautiful, delightful, breathtaking (name of the Anniversary). The right of the first toast, I would like to pass it to the parents (if there are no parents, then you can start with the next of kin).

(Parents pronounce their)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Berry holiday, berry day,
And it's not too lazy to have fun today,
Congratulations, songs, poems sound,
And dreams come alive today!
And to make us all happier,
Dear guest, do not regret your strength,
Our first competition I will announce
And I'm asking for volunteers!

Competition "You are our berry".
The presenter selects several men and gives them cards with the image of berries. Their task is to compare the hero of the occasion with the berry that they got. Whoever comes up with the most comparisons wins. You can't repeat.
Props: cards with the image of cards.

Perfect! You see what a diverse Anniversary we have, just a real berry!

For the berry to bloom
Sweet for her to be
To shine in the sun
I admired everyone in the world,
This is what I wish
And also good, warm!

I think he wants to join your congratulations (says guest's name) maybe he/she has berry toast!

(Guest says)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

I continue our evening
I announce a new competition
Berry, lovely,
Joyful, wonderful!

Competition "Berry poems".
The host invites 4 guests to her place. They are handed cards with the image of berries. The task of the participants is to do what the verse says when it comes to their berry.

Raspberry and strawberry,
Something was discussed
And new clothes
We chose together.

And strawberries with blackberries,
Standing aside
Beautiful manicure
They look at theirs.

And here they are, elegant
Everyone goes to the holiday
Strawberries and raspberries
Songs are sung.

And the strawberry thinks
Composing a toast
Blackberry side by side
Carries a bouquet of roses!

Strawberries for the Anniversary,
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Kiss her beautiful
She flies, she flies!

And strawberries in the dance
All already found
And the style is special
Got it instantly!

And the blackberry too
Wants to kiss
With our Anniversary,
Hug tight!

Raspberry with expression
Reads poetry to her
Kisses gently on the cheek,
And give her flowers!

This is where I end
berry verse,
Everything turned out great
End of beautiful lines!

Props: cards with the image of berries.

We raise the third toast,
And love we praise
We pass the word to the half,
We are waiting for cherished congratulations!

(The toast is made by the partner of the Anniversary. If this is not the case, you can skip the toast or pass the word to one of the guests)

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

Dear guests,
I invite you to sing
And berry songs
You need to be able to sing!

Competition "Berry Songs".
The host divides the guests into two teams and alternately asks questions about songs that talk about berries. Each team should not be easy to guess, but also sing a song. The one who guesses the most songs wins.

Questions for the song quiz:
1. A berry that blooms by a stream? ("Oh, viburnum blooms")
2. Berry, which is so loved by Varum? ("Winter cherry")
3. In this song, K. Orbakaite sings about the sky, and about love, and about the fact that some kind of bush leaned ("Currant")
4. Where did Friske and Disco Accident go? ("Malinki")
5. Igor Nikolaev really praised the wine from this berry ("Raspberry Wine")
6. What berry beckoned to itself ("Raspberries").

You are all such good fellows
I'm surprised, I admire
And your talent, gentlemen,
I bow to the floor!

Everyone knows, and I know
What is most important friends
We can't live without them
Let's find trouble!

I give the word
Well, you understand who!
But, I will complicate the task,
I'll give them the cards!

Hands out cards with a line from the toast written on them. The task is to collect and. Time to complete minute.

Props: cards with toast lines.

Toast option:
Berry you are our dear,
We drink for you today
And we wish you happiness
We will always find time for you!
We've known you for so many years
We are grateful to fate
that became our friend,
Earthly blessings, we hasten to wish you!

(After that, you can announce a dance break, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Game "Berry Dance".
2 pairs of participants are selected. For this game, you need to pick up musical cuts of songs about berries. The task of the participants is to dance in pairs to the rapidly changing music. The task is complicated by the fact that the host sets certain movements, for example, raise your hands up, dance on one leg. The couple that does it better will win.

Need to rest a little
Remember the past, dream a little,
And for this I propose,
Guess the anniversary date!

The game "Fragments of the past."
Before the start of the holiday, some guests receive cards with numbers. The guests alternately raise the cards, and the hero of the occasion calls the events related to the numbers. For example, the number 3 is shown on the card, which means that at this age the hero of the day went to Kindergarten etc.
Props: number cards.

(After this game, the host offers to drink for memories)

(A 5-10 minute banquet break is announced)

But I wonder how smart and skillful our guests are?

What do you mean?

And now you will see!

Competition "Picking berries".
The host invites 4 participants, who are divided into 2 teams. Each team gets one laundry basket and the team leader drops small balloons for them to collect. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants are attached to each other. The competition is held to rhythmic music.
Props: small balloons, 2 laundry baskets, 2 ribbons.

(After this competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 20-25 minutes)

Everyone in the world loves poetry
And (the name of the Anniversary) is no exception,
Let's read them to her
As a congratulations!

Game "Berry rhymes".
The host sets the first line and passes the word to one of the guests, who must continue. He, in turn, passes the word to the next one, who goes astray, performs the task of the Host (sing a song, squat, etc.). First line: You are like a sweet raspberry.

(After that, the guests make a toast, and a banquet break is announced, lasting 5-10 minutes)

And there is a competition in stock,
Very interesting,
Clockwork, he is cheerful,
Joyful, wonderful!

Contest "Guess the song".
The facilitator chooses 2 participants. Headphones are put on each in turn, and he must show the song without words. Display time 45 seconds. The one who guesses the most guests wins.
Props: Songs for the competition.

(Banquet break 5-10 minutes)

What's a holiday without cake?
So bad, so impossible
There will be a treat
Candles, happiness, congratulations!

While the cake is being brought out
I give the word to our Anniversary,
She is madly loved by everyone around,
And with her, life is much sweeter!

(The hero of the day says thanks to the guests, after which they take out the cake)

Our evening is coming to an end
It's time for us to say goodbye
Berry day is over
Goodbye friends!

It was sweet, it was loud
We laughed heartily
Lastly, I wish
Let dreams come true!

If desired, you can add several