Metropolitan John of Belgorod: “I love you, Life!”. Metropolitan of Belgorod and Stary Oskol John

  • 29.09.2019

The country: Russia


Born on September 1, 1960 in Irkutsk in a family of employees. After graduating with honors from secondary school No. 1 in Shelekhov, in September 1977 he entered the Faculty of History of the Irkutsk State University. A. Zhdanova.

After graduating from the university, he taught at the institute and entered the graduate school of the Novosibirsk state university, however, in 1983, according to own will, left teaching at the institute and was accepted into the Znamensky church choir cathedral Irkutsk.

In 1984, he combined the obedience of the subdeacon of the Archbishop of Irkutsk and Chita Yuvenaly and the director of the candle factory of the Irkutsk diocesan administration.

In 1985, in connection with the transfer of Archbishop Yuvenaly to the Kursk See, he moved to Kursk, where he carried out the obedience of the Archbishop's cell-attendant, and then personal secretary.

In September 1985 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and in 1988 the Leningrad Theological Academy.

In December 1989, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod, the future His Holiness Patriarch, he was sent to the diocese of Kursk, where on March 30, 1990 he was tonsured a monk with the name John, in honor of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk and All Siberia, the miracle worker.

On April 4, 1990, he was ordained a deacon, and on April 7, on the day of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God was ordained to the priesthood.

In June 1990, he was appointed rector of the resurgent Kursk Theological School and elevated to the rank of abbot, and in December 1991, in connection with the transformation of the school into a theological seminary, he was appointed rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary.

In 1993 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Decision Holy Synod On February 22-23, 1993, Archimandrite John (Popov), rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary, was appointed Bishop of Belgorod, Vicar of the Kursk Diocese, retaining the duties of a rector.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of April 4, 1993, he was ordained a bishop with the title of Belgorod.

By decision of the Council of Bishops in 1994, he was appointed chairman working group planning the revival of the Orthodox mission in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On July 18, 1995, by the determination of the Holy Synod in connection with the formation of the Belgorod-Starooskol diocese, he was appointed Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskol.

In December 1995 he created the Missionary Orthodox charitable foundation Russian Orthodox Church, which as founders included RAO "Gazprom", Bank "Kremlin", etc.

By decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the newly formed Missionary Department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was relieved of the post of rector. By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 17, 1996, the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation) was formed. His Grace John, Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskol, was appointed rector of the educated seminary.

Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol is a full academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences, the International St. Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, and an honorary professor at Belgorod State University.

Since December 2004, he has been the head of the spiritual security commission under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President Russian Federation in the Central Federal District.

Since March 22, 2011, a member of the Supreme Church Council Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of June 7, 2012 (magazine No. 49), he was appointed head of the newly formed Belgorod Metropolis and temporary administrator of the Valuy diocese.

On July 18, 2012, he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.


  • 1982 - Irkutsk State University.
  • 1988 - Leningrad Theological Seminary.
  • 1992 - Leningrad Theological Academy.

Place of work:

  • Belgorod Theological Seminary, with a missionary focus (Rector)

Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol noted that the majority of young people spend their time in the information space, in in social networks, while it is necessary that they communicate with the clergy there.

“Why is this so important today? In a discussion concerning topical issues about the meaning of life, family, issues of the future, it is important to make sure that the voice of the clergyman is always present at the same time. It is important for us to create such platforms, because there will not be enough of us all to meet, say, with a student audience. Knowing that many young people are now in this virtual reality, we need to participate in shaping the direction of the discussion on this or that issue. I know clergymen who successfully carry out these programs. It seems to me that the dean should be stimulated when one of the clergy leads the forum. It is necessary to help him, to identify the problems that need to be discussed at this forum, then we could solve many of the problems that we face today,” Vladyka said. (IA "")

About baptism at the conscious age of a person

Vladyka is sure that if baptism takes place at a person's conscious age, then it is necessary to have an appropriate conversation with him before the sacrament.

“Just to baptize today is destructive. Because people, not knowing the faith, in the future fill their minds with some kind of surrogate, ”said Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol (IA“)

About visiting the cemetery on Easter day

According to the head of the Belgorod Metropolis, the tradition of visiting the cemetery on Easter day was especially strengthened during Soviet Union because it was the only way to celebrate a holiday. Initially, it comes from the first Christians. They celebrated Easter in the catacombs and performed Divine Liturgy on the graves of martyrs.

“I think there is no ban on visiting the cemetery at Easter. There is a ban on performing funeral services. Because Christ is risen. When people gather for Easter and put in order the graves of their ancestors, there is no sin in this,” Vladyka said. (IA "")

About morality and the foundations of Orthodox culture

“In society, there are a lot of moral demands for purity, openness in relationships, and the rule of law. And now, if the teaching of the fundamentals of Orthodox culture were restored, then the children could quite calmly perceive those values ​​that we talk about a lot. Let's make sure that these are our life values, and not just reasoning. My opinion is that Orthodox culture is in demand today more than ever.” (IA "")

“Every year, due to the new law on education, we are losing the potential of an established system of teaching the basics of Orthodox culture, and sometimes no one understands that the peaceful situation in our region is largely provided by those young people who have been trained in the basics of Orthodox culture. who spoke about peace, about reconciliation, about the need to honor God, parents, and traditions. This is a huge educational role. And when we talk about creating a solidarity society, then on what basis can we create it if our children do not know true values, moral values?” (IA "")

about love and family values

Metropolitan of Belgorod and Starooskolsky John, that the demographic problem begins with a responsible attitude towards the family.

“The main thing is that love as a gift of God needs constant education. Family, relationships within the family, attitude to traditions. Most great achievement Russia now is the protection of the family. We need to uplift and protect the family. Help the young so that they have a role model. Learn to love, to sympathize like crowned martyrs. (IA "")

About love and fanaticism

What is the difference between true love and fanaticism? Just as globalization standardizes, so do fanatics. For example, Sharia law will be replaced by secular laws. What the main problem? These people absolutely do not see in another person an image like God's. They believe that everyone should walk like them. And this fanaticism lies in making external forms the main ones, so that everyone is the same. There is no love here, there is only a desire for genuine imposition under the guise of religious blessings, therefore the Church always says that true love is enlightenment, unity and diversity. Love does not seek its own, but fanaticism always seeks its own in absolute obedience. (IA "")

About the talk show

See what's happening on TV channels. They are rude to each other. They spit, they curse. They bully as they please. And it's all broadcast. And then they say: why are we so impatient.

I think you should turn off the TV when any talk show starts. Nothing good will be said there. All roles are assigned. They receive money in one cash desk. Why should I watch this performance, boorish, absurd? (IA "")

Pro Parallel Worlds

We do not know where, on what planet there is still life. planets with reverse side the sun is not visible to us, some kind of life, civilization is possible there. But, like Voznesensky, I think there are parallel worlds. (IA "")

About neopaganism

Neo-paganism, unfortunately, is now spreading in various structures related to the protection of the state. This is convenient: a person is not responsible for his actions, is capable of a crime, justifying it with a victim. In Russia, we are responsible for a huge territory, we are under enormous pressure, and if we collide with each other, this can lead to the death of civilization. Neo-pagans are the destroyers of Russia. (IA "")

About barriers to the development of volunteering

Two reasons that stand in the way of the development of our volunteer movement. This is politicization, from which most young people run away, and the total commercialization of these projects. Yevgeny Stepanovich correctly raised the question: where to invest in the development of volunteerism? From my point of view, it is important to have resource centers where some programs will be prepared, where volunteers can invest their knowledge, effort and time. (IA "")

About religious graffiti in Belgorod

“If these graffiti are not blasphemous, they are an expression of the sincere feelings of young people, then this should be welcomed. Because such an impulse to portray Mother of God or an angel, if he was born to a young man, then his heart is filled with these images. It is important that this be done with dignity, love and good taste.”

The main thing is that it should be legal, Vladyka noted.

“Here it is also very important to observe some measure so that it does not bring inconvenience to people, say, on the facade of a private house - this will be a violation of the law. This must be done in some separate place. Maybe the authorities should think about setting aside such a place before the holidays and organizing a competition for this type of contemporary art.” (IA "")

About fortune telling

I must say that on Epiphany evenings they prepare for Epiphany. But this [fortune-telling], as in “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”: all evil spirits rise there before Christmas, as Herod the Great rebelled. Divination is a service to Satan, so many people who have been subjected to various spiritualistic experiences - evocations of the spirit, fortune-telling where the betrothed should appear - then turn out to be spiritually crippled. A person comes to confession, and he is a weak-willed person. It takes a lot of effort to restore this will to him. (IA "")

About beard fashion

In Russia there was such a tradition: the beard emphasized, first of all, that a person lives independently, that he is a family man or a monk. That he had already chosen a certain way of life. Also, the beard is a symbol of belonging to the Orthodox Church. This is our natural state, this is what is from our body. Not what we bring into our body. (IA "")

Date of Birth: September 1, 1960 Date of consecration: April 4, 1993 Shearing date: March 30, 1990 Day Angel: June 23 The country: Russia


Born on September 1, 1960 in Irkutsk in a family of employees. After graduating with honors from secondary school No. 1 in Shelekhov, in September 1977 he entered the Faculty of History of the Irkutsk State University. A. Zhdanova.

After graduating from the university, he taught at the institute and entered the graduate school of Novosibirsk State University, but in 1983 he left teaching at the institute of his own free will and was accepted into the church choir of the Znamensky Cathedral in Irkutsk.

In 1984, he combined the obedience of the subdeacon of the Archbishop of Irkutsk and Chita Yuvenaly and the director of the candle factory of the Irkutsk diocesan administration.

In 1985, in connection with the transfer of Archbishop Yuvenaly to the Kursk See, he moved to the city of Kursk, where he carried out the obedience of the Archbishop's cell-attendant, and then personal secretary.

In September 1985 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and in 1988 the Leningrad Theological Academy.

In December 1989, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod (the future His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia), he was sent to the diocese of Kursk, where on March 30, 1990 he was tonsured a monk with the name John in honor of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk and All Siberia, the miracle worker.

In June 1990, he was appointed rector of the resurgent Kursk Theological School and elevated to the rank of abbot, and in December 1991, in connection with the transformation of the school into a theological seminary, he was appointed rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary.

In 1993 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

By decision of the Holy Synod of February 22-23, 1993, he was elected Bishop of Belgorod, Vicar of the Kursk Diocese, while retaining his duties as Rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary.

By decision of the Council of Bishops in 1994, he was appointed chairman of the working group for planning the revival of the Orthodox mission in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 18, 1995, in connection with the formation of the Belgorod diocese, he was appointed Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskolsky.

In December 1995, he created the Missionary Orthodox Charitable Foundation of the Russian Orthodox Church, which included RAO Gazprom, the Kremlin bank, and others as founders.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the newly formed Synodal Missionary Department.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was relieved of the post of rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 17, 1996, he was appointed rector of the newly formed Belgorod Theological Seminary (with a missionary focus).

He is a full academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences, the International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, and an honorary professor at Belgorod State University.

Since December 2004, he has been the head of the spiritual security commission under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District.

On July 18, 2012, he was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 26, 2012 (magazine No. 79), he was approved as rector (priest archimandrite) of the Holy Trinity Kholkovsky Monastery in the village. Chernyanka, Belgorod region


1982 - Irkutsk State University.

1988 - Leningrad Theological Seminary.

1992 - Leningrad Theological Academy.

Diocese: Valui diocese (Temporary manager) Place of work: Belgorod Theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation) (Rector) Place of work: Belgorod Metropolis (Head of the Metropolis) Place of work: Synodal Missionary Department (Chairman) Diocese: Belgorod Eparchy (Ruling Bishop) Awards:


  • 2010 - Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree;
  • 2008 - Order of St. blgv. book. Daniil of Moscow II Art.;
  • order of st. Sergius of Radonezh II degree;
  • order of st. Innocent of Moscow.

John, Metropolitan of Belgorod and Starooskolsky (Popov Sergey Leonidovich)

The country: Russia


Born on September 1, 1960 in Irkutsk in a family of employees. After graduating with honors from secondary school No. 1 in Shelekhov, in September 1977 he entered the Faculty of History of the Irkutsk State University. A. Zhdanova.

After graduating from the university, he taught at the institute and entered the graduate school of Novosibirsk State University, but in 1983, of his own free will, he left teaching at the institute and was accepted into the church choir of the Znamensky Cathedral in Irkutsk.

In 1984, he combined the obedience of the subdeacon of the Archbishop of Irkutsk and Chita Yuvenaly and the director of the candle factory of the Irkutsk diocesan administration.

In 1985, in connection with the transfer of Archbishop Yuvenaly to the Kursk See, he moved to Kursk, where he carried out the obedience of the Archbishop's cell-attendant, and then personal secretary.

In September 1985 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and in 1988 the Leningrad Theological Academy.

In December 1989, with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad and Novgorod, the future His Holiness Patriarch, he was sent to the diocese of Kursk, where on March 30, 1990 he was tonsured a monk with the name John, in honor of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk and All Siberia, the miracle worker.

On April 4, 1990, he was ordained a deacon, and on April 7, on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, he was ordained a presbyter.

In June 1990, he was appointed rector of the resurgent Kursk Theological School and elevated to the rank of abbot, and in December 1991, in connection with the transformation of the school into a theological seminary, he was appointed rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary.

In 1993 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of February 22-23, 1993, Archimandrite John (Popov), Rector of the Kursk Theological Seminary, was appointed Bishop of Belgorod, Vicar of the Kursk Diocese, while retaining the duties of a rector.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of April 4, 1993, he was ordained a bishop with the title of Belgorod.
By decision of the Council of Bishops in 1994, he was appointed chairman of the Working Group for planning the revival of the Orthodox mission in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On July 18, 1995, by the determination of the Holy Synod in connection with the formation of the Belgorod-Starooskol diocese, he was appointed Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskol.

In December 1995, he created the Missionary Orthodox Charitable Foundation of the Russian Orthodox Church, which included RAO Gazprom, the Kremlin bank, and others as founders.

By decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the newly formed Missionary Department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was relieved of the post of rector. By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 17, 1996, the Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation) was formed. His Grace John, Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskol, was appointed rector of the educated seminary.

Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol is a full academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences, the International St. Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, and an honorary professor at Belgorod State University.

Since December 2004, he has been the head of the spiritual security commission under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of June 7, 2012 (magazine No. 49), he was appointed head of the newly formed Belgorod Metropolis and temporary administrator of the Valuy diocese.


1982 - Irkutsk State University.

1988 - Leningrad Theological Seminary.

1992 - Leningrad Theological Academy.

Place of work:(Rector) Place of work:(Chairman) Diocese:(Ruling Bishop) Diocese:

Valui diocese

(Interim manager) Place of work:

Belgorod Metropolis

(Head of the Metropolis)



  • 2010 - Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree;
  • 2008 - Order of St. blgv. book. Daniil of Moscow II Art.;
  • order of st. Sergius of Radonezh II degree;
  • order of st. Innocent of Moscow.


  • State Order of Friendship;
  • medal "For Merit to the Land of Belgorod" 1st class;
  • badge of the collegium of chief editors of regional newspapers of Russia “The Fourth Power. For services to the press.

In a day St. Sergius His Holiness the Patriarch elevated to the rank of Metropolitan Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, Chairman of the Synodal Missionary Department. Metropolitan John told Pravmir about his path to Orthodoxy and priesthood.

Metropolitan of Belgorod and Starooskolsky John (Popov)

Born in Irkutsk, September 1, 1960. Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Irkutsk State University. A. Zhdanova. In September 1985 he entered the Leningrad Theological Seminary, and in 1988 the Leningrad Theological Academy. On March 30, 1990, he was tonsured a monk with the name John in honor of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk and All Siberia, the miracle worker. On July 18, 1995, in connection with the formation of the Belgorod diocese, he was appointed Bishop of Belgorod and Starooskol. By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 26, 1995, he was appointed chairman of the newly formed Synodal Missionary Department.

He raised two adopted sons, one works in the diocese, the second - after the army - goes to college.

Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk


Irkutsk is a city with unique nature: Lake Baikal, the Angara River. Baikal is, as it were, in a stone bowl, and from there, from this bowl, the Angara breaks out. The difference between this bowl at the top and the Angara in the area of ​​the hydroelectric power station is 300 meters, so the current of the Angara is colossal.

On the other hand, Irkutsk is a cultural center. This is the city of the Decembrists - despite their views and closeness to Freemasonry, they made their contribution to the formation of Irkutsk. Irkutsk University produced such powerful writers as Alexander Vampilov and Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin.

By the way, Valentin Rasputin is my father's godfather.

Very high level creative relations, despite the pressure of Soviet ideology, formed a heightened sense of freedom. During the repressions, Irkutsk was one of the centers where professors were exiled, mainly from Leningrad. After the end of the term of settlement or after rehabilitation, they remained and taught at universities.

There were many missionary schools in Irkutsk. Saint Innokenty Veniaminov (John Popov) was born and graduated from the Irkutsk Seminary. When he studied at the seminary, for his merits in his studies, for his good performance, he was given the surname Veniaminov - in honor of the famous bishop.

The warmth of a cold city

The climate of Irkutsk largely determined the relationship between people. For example, when you walked down the street in winter, cars stopped and offered to sit down.

It was safe. People were able to appreciate human life. And she was, oddly enough, the measure of many relationships in Siberia. People mistakenly think that the taiga hides all traces. On the contrary, it is easiest to find traces of a crime in the taiga. Get lost faster in metropolitan areas.


Parents were busy with work and, unfortunately, dispersed. I received the strictest upbringing from my grandmother. I remember coming home from school, dusting off, then doing my homework. Coming home from work, my grandmother first checked the dust, then checked the lessons, and then I could safely play. There was tight control, and I had practically no free time.

Hiking trips were outlets in my childhood. When you can walk through the mountains, see our wonderful open spaces, picking berries, cones, mushrooms ... Everything is like in the famous song: "Nature for the people is a free store."

Somehow we created musical group started playing at school parties. We were recognized and invited to the house of culture. It happened that on Saturday evening they played somewhere, and in the morning I went to the Olympics.


I often visited Valentin Rasputin's house, we still meet. There was communication with Vladimir Vysotsky, I respect him very much. There is a memorial plaque on the house where my father used to live: when Vysotsky arrived here, he somehow went out on the balcony to smoke, took a guitar, and began to sing. A crowd has gathered.

Absolutely amazing concerts were given by L. Filatov, V. Vysotsky, V. Zolotukhin took part.


After graduating from the university, I taught at the department of social sciences, as I graduated from the history department. Then I was sent to graduate school in Novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk is a powerful scientific center. There I joined samizdat, we carried it from Moscow in suitcases. Viktor Trostnikov - his wonderful work "Thoughts before Dawn", a book by Father Sergiy Zheludkov "Why I'm a Christian." And Alliluyeva's letters, Spektovsky's book "Technology of Power".

Many well-known journalists came to visit my father. Norbert Kuhinke is one of the first to raise the topic of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. He was a staff correspondent for Stern and Spiegel, and also starred in the film Autumn Marathon, playing a Danish professor. In the mid-80s, he published the album God in Russia in Germany. It was unthinkable at the time.

An amazing space in its saturation with outstanding people. On the one hand, there are famous academicians in the Novosibirsk city, very talented people, free in their thoughts. When we had tea parties, we thought about everything, including the gospel.

Change the topic!

I came to the Church in my second year when I was writing a paper about the church. Then the dean of the history department called me and said that they decided to change the subject for me. Like, you wrote in your work that Russian Orthodox Church was the only source of enlightenment for all peoples. But it really was!

I went to church to sing. My friend, with whom we once played in an ensemble, became the regent. I sang in the choir, and my students started going there.

Apparently, someone came in, saw it, and immediately rumors spread, everyone started walking around, watching me sing in the choir. The relevant authorities found out about this and attributed religious propaganda to me. I had to voluntarily leave the department, writing a statement. The consequences also affected my parents. My father went to the artel, my mother was “asked” from work.


I had friends in the construction business, and we organized a team. Roofs were repaired soft roofs and I sang quietly in the church choir.

Then Vladyka Yuvenaly (Tarasov) appointed me the director of a candle factory. I remember that I managed, in spite of everything, to knock out some raw materials.

No way out

After some stage, you understand that if you rely on the will of God, then the Lord will never leave you. My university classmates split up: some stayed with me, while others, “triple students” or those who copied, and then became lecturers in the knowledge society, began to compose what kind of student I was. When all this collapsed, they had the audacity to say “Oh, buddy!” to me when they met. The most important question that interested them was: "Tell me, you knew that everything would collapse, why didn't you warn us?". Some thought it was some kind of special operation.


In 1984, by decision of the Synod, Vladyka Yuvenaly was transferred to the Kursk cathedra. He leaves and says that I need to leave too. I waited for the arrival of Vladyka Chrysostomai and left for Kursk. There he was a subdeacon, then Vladyka's personal secretary, then he entered the Leningrad Theological School and then the Academy.

The current Vladyka Manuel of Petrozavodsk went eight times to the commissioner for religious affairs so that I could enter the seminary.

I don't understand you, but I love you

The seminary changed everything. I remember that various figures came home, even the prosecutor came to influence my parents. I am grateful to my mother who said: “I don’t understand you, but I love you and will be with you, not with them.”

The house where we lived was near the school. I graduated from school very well, I was the first student. And when this whole story with the seminary began, they asked for a reference from the school and discussed it at the teachers' council. Mom was leaving work, and teachers were leaving the teachers' council. Then the face of each of them was revealed. Some said: “Yes, what did he do, it would be better if he was a drunkard or sat down, why would he disgrace everyone, he went to church!”. And other teachers came up and quietly said: "Hold on, Lyudmila, and tell him to pray for me." I thanked these teachers later. But some did not forgive categorically.

We met the history teacher when I was already an archbishop and came to some anniversary to congratulate the school. I arrived, read a letter from the Minister of Education, and she said: “Well, how could you, I taught you differently!” I say: " You taught me to look for the source of the whole story. Here I found».

parenting lesson

The main thing that my parents taught me is not to consider a person statically, always give a chance, always know that a person can change for the better. Parents always said that a person changes with time. My parents also knew how to inspire people. They always knew how to unite people and through this association good deeds were born.

And yet - on the example of my parents, I saw that love conquers fear. The more difficulties there were, the more love there was.


Most of all I fear Godlessness. This state largely depends on the actions of a person. If a person moves away from God, he can be left alone with himself. It's very scary.


It's so hard to immediately say which song is your favorite ... But I think that if in the song "I love you, Life" - Life if you write Life with a capital letter! And Life is Christ - then this will be the most beloved song!


From fiction? I often re-read "Eugene Onegin" and "Doctor Zhivago". There is just a need. And of the holy fathers, very simple works of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt are very close to me internally. And from the theologians - Simeon the New Theologian. The desire for knowledge of the mysterious and explanation is in the soul of every person.

The Challenges of Modern Pastoring

We live among the chaos of feelings, the chaos of emotions, the chaos of foundations. The measure of life according to the Gospel has to be determined in modern world, which represents the Brownian movement of ideas, emotions, events. It is important for a shepherd not to be carried away by the world. The world opens doors to wide opportunities, but everything ends with secularization and emasculation of the spirit of asceticism. This is manifested in the assessments that the shepherd gives to this or that phenomenon.

The culture of confession needs significant adjustment. We often allow unprepared priests to perform the Sacrament of Confession, who have no spiritual experience, no worldly experience, and the priest retells only well-known things read from the holy fathers, not guided by concrete reality. He dismisses the person with general phrases and formulas “Pray and it will open to you!”. But he says this without participation, but simply because he has nothing more to say. This leads to the undermining of confidence on the part of the confessor.

We in the cathedral are trying to make a small screen of icons so that people feel at least a little separated from others during the time. It often happens that many people stand for confession and not far from the person confessing. For many, it is a great temptation when a priest, without measuring his voice, gives instruction very loudly, and those around him hear. I still remember from the time of my studies at the seminary - confession on Great Wednesday .. The clergy confessed at the altar, the seminarians in the temple. And suddenly, from the altar, the confessing priest exclaims to the whole temple, “How could you, after all, you are a monk!” Of course, everyone began to carefully watch who would come out of the altar.

The priest himself must go to confession regularly. If a priest has not confessed for a long time, how can he help another? Here, Father Seraphim (Tyapochkin) confessed to Elder Gregory, and this experience was passed on to the flock.

If offended in the temple ...

Every person has the right to choose. If an offense is inflicted, then he has the right to refrain from an active relationship with the priest.

But we must always remember one thing, that we are not going to the priest, we are going to God. And the Lord is unchanging. The Lord will always accept us in the temple as we are, regardless of our moods and our temptations. It is important to go to God, and not to a particular priest. The priest is the conductor. Remember the parable of the donkey on which the Lord rode into Jerusalem? When Christ was riding on a donkey, the donkey was delighted: “Well, wow, there are palm branches, clothes are being thrown, so I am so important.” But the Lord left him. The donkey walked a few meters and immediately a man came out and deafened his rake.

The priest must remember this, that without Christ we are a little of ourselves.

To the laity, I would like to wish that they do not fall into temptation when the image of the shepherd distorts image of Christ!

About the mission

Need to, so that each parish becomes missionary. Our task is much more difficult than just to conduct a formal missionary action and report on the number of distributed Orthodox books or crosses. Every clergyman needs to instill a taste for missionary work.

The first feature of a good missionary parish - the most important - is the friendliness of the parishioners. Our parishes suffer from indifference. A man came, donated something, lit a candle and left - like visiting a museum. Inherent in many parishes, this feature does not bring people closer to God, and sometimes even moves them away. In temples there is rudeness, shouting, grandmothers guarding candlesticks, they establish new rules, but for how many years has this grandmother herself been going to church? Maybe she once, tied with a red scarf, destroyed churches, and now, with gray hair, she stands and guards a candlestick, with the same Komsomol intemperance and with the same Komsomol intransigence towards those who do not yet know how to behave in temple. This intransigence must be eliminated from parishes.

In the parish, catechetical courses should be constantly running, for both children and adults. Why? Because a lot of problems are solved through such courses, which imperceptibly, but very effectively, create this thin fabric of the community. The parish must necessarily show its faith to the world in good deeds - faith without works is dead, and the parish without works of mercy will not grow.

The parish should actively testify to its faith, and this activity should not be rude and intrusive, aggressive, it can have different manifestations. For example, on the week of the myrrh-bearing wives, give a flower to a parishioner or, as we did in Belgorod, give flowers to all mothers. A mother walks with a child, our seminarians come up with flowers: “Thank you for being a mother! Congratulations on the day of myrrh-bearing women! For many, this was a great joy. Especially if this mother is raising a child alone, something absolutely incredible for her. We've received a lot of positive feedback on our forums.

What pushes people away from the Church

Most repulsive is the coldness and functionality of many clergymen who do not understand and cannot even share all the problems. Young priests do not have the same experience as those who began their lives in the Church during the period of persecution. Now everything is possible, so a young priest often comes with ambitions and requirements for the parish, without creating anything yet. He does not understand how the parish lives. This is the most terrible situation, this is what puts up an impenetrable wall. Because of this impenetrable wall between the clergy and parishioners, it was 1917. I really care how ruling bishop. I can't stand swagger. This is very ignoble.

Wish to readers

In the words of the Apostle John: Don't trust every spirit, but, experience spirits, from Are they God” (1 John 4:1). This is very important these days!