How to make a stretcher from a barrel. Construction stretcher: main types

  • 24.05.2019

This type of transportation is one of the most difficult and difficult both to carry out and to organize. However, it is used most often, as it is convenient if you need to quickly move the victim from the place of injury (accident, catastrophe) to a safe place. This method can be both intermediate (up to more advanced Vehicle), and the only possible one. All victims who can endure such transportation can be conditionally divided into:

lightly injured, who, although injured, can move independently or with little support; victims with a moderate injury - they cannot move independently, but are conscious, and the severity of the injury allows them to be transported in any position; seriously injured - they can only be carried in a certain position.

Thus, depending on the severity of the injury and the condition of the victim, various improvised improvised means for transportation are selected.

The most accessible items that can be used to make vehicles can be wooden sticks, ski poles, ice axes, geodesic slats, ropes, backpacks, jackets (storm coats), sleeping bags, raincoats, large pieces of durable fabric (tarpaulin, parachute, tents, awnings from them, etc.). That is, those items, equipment and equipment that the group either has or can be taken from the crashed vehicle.

Carrying to a close distance (leaving the scene of an accident or injury to a safe place) can be carried out without the involvement of any auxiliary means directly on the hands in one of the following ways.

Carrying a lightly injured one person on the back. The victim is seated on an elevation so that the porter is somewhat lower and can freely take him on his back. The victim hugs the porter with his arms over his shoulders and crosses them over his chest (do not put pressure on the neck). The porter puts his hands under his knees, holding the victim on his back. When it needs to be lowered, everything is done in the reverse order. On level ground, the porter drops to one knee and, leaning on his hands, rolls over on it, gently lowering the victim to the ground.

Carrying in two hands. The hands are clasped in a square, on which the victim sits. Two porters take each other by the wrists and bring the "seat" under the victim. He sits down and holds on to the shoulders of the porters with his hands (do not put pressure on the neck).

Carrying on a bay of rope alone. The rope is marked into a bay a few more than a meter long (depending on the height of the porter). Having unfolded the bay (the knot should be in the middle), they bring it under the victim’s hips, and the porter puts his hands in the upper forked part of the bay, puts them on like the straps of a backpack on his shoulders and gets up.

Carrying the victim on the bay of the rope together. The rope is marked into a bay with a diameter of 1.5 m (taking into account the growth of the porters). The forked bay (knot at the bottom) is put on the shoulders of the porters like a roll. The victim sits down on the weave of the bay (preferably a soft lining) and holds his hands on the shoulders of the porters, or they hold him over his back with their own hands. It is necessary to prepare the bay so that, under the weight of the victim, it does not hang below the line of the porters' belt.

Carrying on an inverted backpack. The straps of the backpack (if small, then increase with something) are fixed in buckles for the entire length, the victim’s legs are threaded into the straps so that he sits on front side backpack turned upside down. The porter puts his hands through the straps, stands on the other leg through one knee and rises to full height. It is better to do this next to some kind of support - a stone, a tree, etc.

Carrying in a backpack with slotted sides. Cut the seams of the backpack, leaving at least 10 cm to the bottom, and on top - almost close to the strap of the neck of the backpack. The victim's legs are threaded through the incisions,

and the backpack itself is completely let down under the victim. Then the porter gets to his feet.

Carrying the victim on a stick. The stick is taken about 60 cm long and about 8 cm in diameter. It is fastened with ropes or straps (slings) on the back of the bearer so that it is slightly below the belt line. Under the loops on the shoulders you need to put soft things. The victim is put on a stick, after wrapping it with something soft. The victim passes the legs over the hips of the porter, who supports them with his hands under the knees.

Carrying the victim on a seat made of a stick (possible from two ski). The ends of the sticks are threaded into the straps of the carriers' backpacks or the loops of the coil of ropes so that it is not lower than the carriers' belt. Soft things are placed under the victim.

Making drags from skis or soft branches. Volokushi knit from two or four skis. The ski toes are superimposed on each other and connected with a semi-grasping knot or stirrup. Two ski poles are also tied to them, which will serve as traction. From the ski attachment point, the binding rope or sling is taken to ski bindings and with the help of a short jumper made of a stick or something else, tightly connect everything together. Then a headboard is attached to the ski attachment point, which can be made from a backpack, rolls of things, etc.

From tree branches (preferably large spruce paws), drags are knitted according to the same principle as from skis. In this case, butt branches serve as traction, and in both cases the victim is placed on a drag fan with a bedding from a sleeping bag, blanket, warm clothes, and if none of this is available, an additional layer of soft parts of the branches is placed on the drag and fixed.

Transportation of the victim in a tent, polyethylene film, a piece of tarpaulin, raincoat and other improvised means. This method is applicable on snow, sand or grass, if it is impossible to make a simple stretcher.

To the cloth of the tent, tarpaulin or a large piece of polyethylene (thick and folded 2-3 times) loops of rope or slings are tied in the corners. Then, warm or (if in summer) soft things are laid out on the transport panel in an even layer. The victim is placed in a sleeping bag, and then on a prepared vehicle, after which he is tightly wrapped in it and tied into a cocoon. Previously, a soft roller of clothes or a backpack is placed under the head. When tying, the loops must be blocked with independent knots so that the ligament does not tighten the victim. Pulling ropes are tied at the feet of the victim, and safety ropes are tied at the shoulders. Porters (from two or more people) pull, and one or two secure the "cocoon" and do not allow it to deviate from the line of motion.

When descending the slopes, where the need arises, choose one of the techniques indicated in the figure. With this method of transportation, it is necessary to choose the most even and safe path - without bumps, bumps and potholes.

Making a rigid stretcher from improvised means. The simplest rigid stretcher can be made from the hood, door, or trunk of a car that has been in an accident, simply steel sheet. But it is inconvenient and difficult to carry such an impromptu stretcher - they can only be used for carrying over short distances - a maximum of 0.5 km, i.e. up to safe place or places where you can find material to make a normal and comfortable stretcher.

The most convenient for transportation are stretchers made of skis or two wooden poles about 3 m long and 4-5 cm thick. In addition, two jackets with a fastener in the middle are needed. Poles or skis are threaded into the sleeves of the jackets so that they are worn at both ends, that is, towards each other. Jackets are fastened only from above, because when fastening from below, under load, the buttons can come off, and the zipper can disperse. A roll of things is placed under the head. During long-term transportation, the victim is wrapped in warm clothes, wrapped in a blanket or tent (tarpaulin) or placed in a sleeping bag (depending on what is at hand at the moment). If necessary, the victim is tied to a stretcher.

If you have a rope, you can make a stretcher from two poles with crossbars and a braided rope frame. For knitting a stretcher, two poles about 3 m long each, 5-6 cm in diameter, and three crossbars about 60 cm long and 3 cm in diameter are prepared. Or in extreme cases, just waist belts. The strands of the ties go in a cross with intermediate fixation with a semi-grasping knot or stirrup.

At the head of the victim, two crossbars are tied to the crossbars, as shown in the figure, and where the legs are one. Then a stretcher is braided with a 20-meter piece of rope.

The victim is placed in a sleeping bag or wrapped in a tarpaulin, tent, blankets. A roll of things is placed under the head. Can

first make a warm bedding, laying it on the stretcher braid and tying it so that it does not slip. In the absence of a long rope, impromptu braiding can be done with jackets, shirts, trousers, etc. On such stretchers, transportation is carried out in a semi-sitting position.

Construction stretchers have been used for repair, household and domestic purposes since the time of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, and at the same time they have not lost their relevance in the era of space flights, innovations and microelectronics.

Stretcher - basic definitions

No matter how rapidly technological progress develops, it is not able to completely abolish the manual carrying of goods. Perhaps this will happen in the distant future, when there will be a place for robots in every household, but today such a prospect looks fantastic. And ordinary stretchers are more than realistic and quite versatile.

Stones are carried with the help of a stretcher, ceramic tile, cinder blocks for building walls and in general any piece building materials. They are convenient for transporting various bulk cargoes - from cement and sand to pebbles and crushed stone. On a stretcher, you can take out garbage from the construction site, foliage, grass and roots from personal plots. They are used for unloading compound feed, fertilizers and as a mobile container for many other household chores.

The use of any stretcher involves the work of two people with relatively similar strength and endurance.. If there is no partner, you will have to use a garden cart or wheelbarrow as widely as possible - it is simply impossible to use a stretcher alone. Is it possible to wear them in an unloaded state and rearrange them from place to place, which is unlikely to help in repair or construction.

Varieties of construction and utility stretchers

According to the material of manufacture, construction stretchers are distinguished: plastic, metal and wooden:

  • Plastic stretcher - strictly speaking, only the main container is made of plastic, and the handles of many models are made of wood. They are usually used for carrying bulk cargoes, since they do not wake up from such stretchers.. The maximum load capacity reaches 100-120 kg. Unfortunately, the most durable plastic can split or crack from one careless blow, and you will have to purchase the tool again;
  • Metal stretcher. Their container is made of sheet metal (on steel frame or without it), the handles can also be upholstered with metal. They have maximum strength and load capacity up to 200 kg. However, the cost of a tin body is very significant, and the suitability for repair is low. About such a stretcher it is easy to cut or injure yourself in the process of work;
  • Wooden stretcher. Convenient for any construction, repair and household purposes, they are easy to make on your own and easy to repair if necessary. Among the shortcomings can be noted big weight– moving even an empty device will require more effort than carrying a metal or plastic “colleague”.

The standard dimensions of the construction stretcher relate to the dimensions of the cargo container and are 20-30 cm deep, 50-60 cm wide and 70-90 cm long. The total length of the handles is in the range of 150-160 cm, so that it is possible to deploy the stretcher in a loaded state on flights of stairs.

Why do self-manufacturing ordinary stretcher, if this product is not in short supply for hardware stores? Firstly, because retail chains usually offer plastic and metal stretchers. The former have an unacceptably short service life, while the latter have a very tangible cost.

Secondly, it often becomes necessary to make a stretcher of a specific size, and it is difficult to select the entire complex of dimensions in finished form. Thirdly, with the personal manufacture of wooden stretchers, you can build a transforming device (which no store will offer you). Let me lay out the guide to such construction in full detail.

How to make a wooden construction stretcher with your own hands?

From the materials we need a board with a thickness of 25-30 mm, thin sheet galvanized metal and an extended set for woodworking - a hacksaw, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a drill and mounting hardware.

How to make a wooden construction stretcher with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Cut out the handles

Figured handles are cut out of a board 10-12 cm wide and 3-4 cm thick, which will serve as the basis for all stretchers. The middle part of the board remains unchanged, and a small chamfer is removed from the edges from above, and a deep cut is made from below, for a length of 35-40 cm on each side. This reduces the overall weight of the handles, giving them a comfortable grip shape.

It is best to apply the pattern of future cutouts on both boards according to the template and adhere to it exactly when processing. The more accurate the size of both handles, the more convenient it is to use ready-made stretchers, since they will have an equilibrium balance. Cut the handles on, securely securing them in a vise or wedges.

Step 2: Assembly of the stretcher base

Taking two boards of exactly the same width as the uncut handles, we fix them at a distance of 50-65 cm from each other, constructing the frame of the future stretcher. The length of these transverse boards determines the width of the stretcher and is 50-60 cm. flat surface, with checking the squareness of all nodes.

When the transverse boards are fixed, they must be reinforced with four steel corners from the inner (invisible) side of the frame. It is better to choose corners with long "shelves", which have 3-4 mounting holes on each side. Additional fittings will give the entire structure high strength and allow you to carry a load weighing more than 100 kg.

Step 3: Build the deck

Boards with a thickness of 25 mm or more are laid on the finished frame, and this is done according to a strictly defined procedure. On the one hand, the floorboards are exactly "flush" with the dimensions of the stretcher, but on the other hand, they should protrude about 5 cm beyond the dimensions.

The first two boards are attached from the ends of the flooring - they rely both on the handles themselves and on the transverse boards. Fasteners are made with self-tapping screws with a length of 50 mm or more, with a high mounting pitch frequency - at least 3 cm between self-tapping screws. The following flooring elements are attached only from the end parts, where the handles lie under them. The middle board will have to be precisely cut to length and laid in the resulting groove, secured with at least one screw on each side.

Step 4: Raise the sides and equip the bottom

Now you can fix two short sides and one long one - the one on the leveled side of the deck. For boards use a board with a thickness of 20 mm. It is most convenient to mount the sides on steel corners, and from the outside - if the fittings are located inside the stretcher, it will be clogged with bulk cargo, it is easy to damage it with massive bricks, etc.

A sheet of galvanized metal is laid on the bottom, cut exactly to its size. Galvanized fasteners are carried out with short mounting nails with wide caps, with a step of 10-12 cm. At the same stage, it is convenient to put special rubberized nozzles on the handles with a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends, so as not to damage the hands if the loaded stretcher accidentally hits an obstacle .

Step 5: Making the flip side

The final stage of independent "stretcher construction" is associated with the manufacture and fastening of the folding side. This part is useful when transporting light and bulk cargo, especially over long distances. A board of small thickness (from 15 mm) and length is tried on to the open side of the flooring, its width may slightly exceed the height of our stretchers. Swivel hinges are attached to the protruding end of the flooring and the mobile side. Along the edges of this side, it is worthwhile to provide fittings for fixing it in the tilted state - latches, hooks, etc.

This is an approximate "recipe" for how to make a universal stretcher from wooden planks. If carrying bulk cargo is irrelevant for you, then stage 5 can be omitted - bricks, cinder blocks and bags of cement can be moved with one open side, which even facilitates their loading and unloading.

During the spring cleaning period garden plot, have to use a large number of inventory. Stretchers are no exception, however, not everyone has them. Thus, it is better to make a stretcher.

If you need a service such as, then you can call online a special transport with trained personnel. In order to make a stretcher yourself, you can use the available materials at hand: boards and a sheet of iron.

These items will definitely be found on the farm, of which we will make a stretcher for the garden. It is advisable to trim the boards a little so that they turn out to be in the shape of handles. If possible, then process with a planer, and then carefully sand.

It is recommended to round them to make it easier to hold in your hands. Using nails, it is necessary to nail a sheet of iron at the base. When working in the garden, you can, for example, use a bucket in order to carry from place to place what is needed for gardening. However, wearing them is not very advisable, it may happen that it will take all day to rake out foliage and old grass. And many people forget to get a cart. That is why stretchers are made.

When making a stretcher, the boards can be slightly cut on the sides, where you will drive nails. When the stretcher is already ready, then, using them, it must be remembered that the earth does not need to be pulled out from the site. Let it remain in the garden, as it makes up a fertile layer of soil. Stretcher for gardening, so you have prepared.

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After providing first aid to victims who cannot move independently, it is necessary to take out and remove from the lesion. For many of them, first aid will be only preliminary, as they need the subsequent assistance of medical personnel (nurse, paramedic, doctor) at the medical center. There are various ways pulling and carrying out without a stretcher, on a stretcher and with the help of improvised means.

The entire civilian population must be able to drag and carry out the victims on a stretcher, without a stretcher and with the help of improvised means.

Blockages and destruction will require the ability to drag the victim out. It can be pulled on its side, as shown in Fig. 27.

Rice. 27. Pulling the victim on his side.

A very convenient method in which the victim is placed on his back, his hands are tied at the hands. The assisting person kneels, spreading his legs over the body of the victim, and puts his bound hands on his neck. Leaning on his hands, the assisting person lifts and gradually pulls the victim away, as shown in Fig. 28.

Rice. 28. Pulling the victim when moving on his knees.

Rice. 29. Carrying the victim on a strap or belts folded in a ring.

Rice. 30. Carrying the victim on a strap folded in a figure eight.

If it is possible to move in height, it is easiest to carry the victim with the help of a stretcher strap or two waist belts connected together, folded in a figure of eight or a ring, as shown in Fig. 29 and 30. For a long distance, it is most convenient to carry the victim on the shoulder (Fig. 31), if there is no strap or belts. It is much easier to carry the victim together. A very common way of carrying out together with the help of a “lock” from the hands (Fig. 32).

It is most convenient to take out the victim on a stretcher (Fig. 33), they allow you to carry two or four people. If two people are carrying the stretcher, they must be out of step. When carried by four, two walk along the sides of the stretcher, supporting them by the bars. As you move, the couples change. On level ground, the victim is carried feet first so that the person walking behind can observe his face (Fig. 34). A stretcher can also be made from improvised means (Fig. 35).

Rice. 31. Carrying the victim on the shoulder.

Rice. 32. Removal on the "lock" from the hands.

Rice. 33. Sanitary stretcher in expanded and folded form.

Rice. 34. Carrying on a stretcher for four.

Rice. 35. Stretcher from improvised means:
a - from two poles and straps;
b - from two poles and a mattress pillowcase;
c - from two poles and two bags.

For laying the victim on a stretcher, two methods are mainly used. Of the four rescuers, three kneel facing the lying victim and, bringing their hands under him, at the same time lift him up and put him on the open stretcher, which the fourth brings under the victim. Two rescuers can apply a little-known method, but, as can be seen from fig. 36, light and comfortable.

A chair can be used instead of a stretcher. The victim sits on a chair, one porter walks behind and holds the back of the chair, and the second goes in front and holds the chair by the upper part of the front legs, placing his torso between the legs of the victim.

Rice. 36. Laying the victim on a stretcher together.