How to develop your left hand if you are right-handed? How to learn to write with your left hand? How to draw with the left hand.

  • 15.06.2019

How to learn to write with your left hand? This question is often asked by people who want to constantly improve, learn something new. Lefties make up approximately 15 percent of the total population. In Russia, the number of such people is about 17 million inhabitants. And gradually the number of lefties is increasing. And all thanks to the fact that public education has ceased to retrain them. However, there are still more right-handers. And some of them are wondering how to learn to write with your left hand? Some want to get such a skill just out of curiosity, others know that in this way it is possible to develop the right and, accordingly, thinking, memory, and so on, while others believe that it will be useful to them in Everyday life.

No matter why you are wondering how to learn to write with your left hand. The main thing is to do it. And not everything is as simple as it may seem to the ignorant. So, watch someone who is used to writing with his left hand from birth. Please note that the hand of such a person is likely to be strongly bent at the wrist while writing. The whole problem is that right-handed people see what they depict on paper. But for left-handers, such a review is very problematic. And from childhood, no one taught them to write in a way that was convenient, so they are forced to excel in every way. But you can follow some advice.

Pay attention to the location of the paper on the table. Imagine that an axial line passes through it, dividing it into two halves according to your position. Moreover, this line should divide your body into equal parts. For writing with your left hand, the half that is located, respectively, on your left side will be intended.

What else is so important in the layout of the paper? The top left corner of the sheet should be placed above the right. As a result, your hands will not get very tired. In addition, everything written will be in your field of vision. Because of this, the writing process go where easier.

What else do you need to learn to write with your left hand? It is correct to take a pencil or pen in your hand. Left-handers should do this higher than right-handers, that is, at a distance of about 3 centimeters from the paper. In the process of writing, you do not need to strain your hands and fingers excessively, as your strength will soon run out, and it will become difficult to study.

You will have to purchase such notebooks in the stationery store, in which elementary school students usually write, that is, lined. After all, your lines should be straight. Please note that it is better to make letters large enough in the first weeks of training, so it will be more efficient to develop

If you want to know how to learn to write with your left hand, you must know exactly why you need it. Motivation is the key to success in any business. If you are going to learn just for the sake of the process itself, then you are unlikely to achieve anything.

If during the lesson you realize that your fingers are aching, you don’t need to be a hero. Give yourself some rest. You need to take breaks between workouts.

In order to achieve results, you need practice - regular and constant. Whenever possible, you should try to take notes with your left hand. But this does not mean at all that if you need to sign on important document, you should experiment. But you may well fill out your own diary with your left hand. Attention should also be paid to its overall development. Try doing something you are used to doing with your left hand, like brushing your teeth or dusting. At first, the movements will be clumsy, but over time it will pass. With the left hand, you must try not only to write, but also to draw.

As you can see, if you set a goal, you can achieve a lot. As a result, you will be able to write equally well with both your right and left hand.

Any of us can become ambidexter, that is, a person who equally owns the left and right hand. Einstein, Michelangelo, Tesla, da Vinci, Fleming and Franklin were ambidexters. Of course, in order to wake up the other hand (in the case of this article, the right one), you will need a lot of time and patience, but this goal is still quite achievable! And this article will tell you what to do.


Practicing writing skills

    Write something with your left hand every day. You can’t want today, and wake up ambidexter tomorrow - you have to work, and for quite a long time - several months or even years. So, if you really want to learn how to use your left hand at 100%, then you have to train daily.

    • Set aside time in your schedule to write with your left hand. Just 15 minutes a day is enough.
    • The main thing is not to force yourself through force - disappointment and fatigue ruined many great undertakings.
    • Practice regularly and you will succeed.
  1. Hold your hand correctly. When you're trying to train yourself to write with your left hand, it's important to hold the pen comfortably in it.

    • Many of us hold the pen too tightly, squeezing it in an almost death grip, which makes the hand tire quickly. A tired hand, in turn, worsens the quality of writing.
    • So that your hand does not get tired, hold the pen with your left hand as you would hold it with your right, but mirroring everything. And do not deny yourself breaks for rest!
    • Writing on good paper with a good pen will be much more convenient and easier.
    • Tilt the paper 30-45 degrees to the right - at this angle you will be more comfortable.
  2. Practice writing alphabet characters. Use your left pen to write down the entire alphabet of your language, both lowercase and uppercase. Take your time, focus on making the letters even remotely resemble themselves. So far, quality is important to you, not speed.

    • For the sake of comparison, do the same, but with your right hand. Accordingly, continue to work with this role model.
    • Keep your drafts in a folder somewhere. So, it will be more convenient and easier for you to track progress and, accordingly, it will be easier to deal with a lack of motivation.
  3. Practice writing sentences. Having worked out the alphabet, it's time to move on to the text, more precisely, to the sentences.

    • Start with something simple, like "I'm writing this sentence with my left hand." Remember, there is no need to rush, we must try to do everything qualitatively.
    • Then try to write some sentence from those that contain all the letters of the Russian language.
    • And then another one like it.
  4. Work with prescriptions. You remember them, you yourself learned to write from them, even if long ago and with your right hand. However, neither the situation as a whole, nor the rules for writing letters have yet to change. With the help of copy-books, you will hone your skills in writing letters with your left hand.

    • Strictly speaking, you are not just learning to write with your right hand, you are learning to write again and accustoming your brain to it. Namely, for such cases, prescriptions were created.
    • Remember your lined notebooks with slanted lines? They will come in handy again - it will be easier to ensure that the letters have similar proportions.
  5. Try writing backwards. In Russian, as in many other languages ​​of the world, the text goes from left to right, "from the thumb to the little finger."

    • For right-handed people, this is not surprising. In addition, so, they also do not accidentally smear the ink when writing.
    • For left-handers, in turn, this state of affairs looks less natural. It is really easier for lefties to write from right to left.
    • For example, da Vinci was left-handed and wrote that way - from right to left, mirroring the letters when writing. This created a kind of cipher, which could only be read by reflecting the text in a mirror.
    • Practice writing text from right to left with your left hand, and you will be surprised at how quickly and easily letters will get. However, to really write backwards, you need to write the words themselves backwards too!
  6. Draw. This, of course, is not quite the same, but still the ability to draw with your left hand will come in handy - you will learn how to control your hand more precisely, and also make it stronger.

    • Start with something simple, like basic geometric shapes like squares, circles, and triangles. Then move on to more complex figures- trees, chairs and so on. When this will be easy for you, start drawing people and animals.
    • Draw from top to bottom with your left hand. This is a great exercise to start training your brain to use your left hand as well as your right.
    • Many great artists were ambidexters and often, when one hand got tired, they simply took the brush with the other and continued to paint. Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, a famous artist, was famous for being able to draw with both hands at the same time.
  7. Be patient. As mentioned earlier, learning to write with your left hand takes a lot of time and effort. So be patient and don't give up!

    • After all, it took you years to learn to write with your right hand! Yes, you were a child, but that doesn't make much of a difference. Moreover, this means that you will wake up the left one even faster! However, even with this in mind, you should not expect quick results.
    • Don't worry about writing speed at first. You must learn to control your hand, write letters accurately, and not write quickly. Speed ​​is the next step.
    • Motivate yourself that the ability to write with your left hand for a right-hander is cool and spectacular. Something, and motivation will come in handy for you ...

    Making the left hand stronger

    1. Do everything with your left hand. In general, everything. This is the easiest way to accustom her to various loads. If you're doing something with your right, now start doing it with your left..

      • Brush your teeth with your left hand. Comb your left. Stir the sugar in the cup with the left. Butter for bread - left. Open the door - left. All left!
      • Throw darts - left. Hold the cue - left. Bowling - also left.
      • Yes, at first it will be difficult, you will accidentally break loose and start doing everything right. In this case, there is one sure remedy - tie your fingers right hand. Everything, the hand is useless, you have to do everything with your left!
    2. Lift weights with your left hand. This will help you correct the difference between the dominant and non-dominant hand.

      • Dumbbells, carpal expanders - all this will serve you faithfully.
      • Start with small weights gradually increasing the load.
    3. Learn to juggle. Juggling three or four balls is perhaps one of the better ways enhance left hand and improve coordination. Moreover, it is also spectacular in itself!

      Practice with the ball. So, one of the great exercises for non-dominant hands is working with a ball bouncing off some surface. Take two tennis rackets and two balls, then start bouncing them off the floor - simultaneously and with both hands.

      Learn to play a musical instrument. Many musicians whose instrument requires two hands are somewhat ambidexter.

      Take up swimming. Another activity for two hands at once, developing overall coordination of movements and, as a result, the brain.

      • Sign up for a pool, swim a couple of tracks, and you will not only begin to develop your left hand, but in general, you will do a useful thing for the body. Cardio never hurt anyone!
    4. Wash dishes with your left hand. Washing dishes regularly with the left hand is simple and reliable way develop her dexterity. This is both exciting and useful for the future, and not only for washing dishes.

    5. Start doing tasks with your left hand that require more precision. Write in mirror image, play pool or darts, peel shrimp with your non-dominant hand, which you have already trained for more simple tasks. It will also develop your overall ability to automatically transfer any action in a mirror image to the other hand. The next time you take on a new task with your left hand that you usually do with your right, you will be a little more dexterous from the very beginning than if your left hand had not been accustomed to such exercises. It may take years for the left hand to equal the right hand, but in two months it will come close to it. Once you've got the hang of it with your left hand, you don't have to wait impatiently for it to catch up with your right hand. If you're in a hurry to get ambidexterous and are willing to take it slow at first, you can skip steps 2-7.

      • Practice writing with your left only at home. At school or at work, write with your dominant hand until you can write with your left quickly and accurately enough.
      • When you start doing everything with your left, try not to use your right.
      • Do daily tasks with your left hand - hold the plug, remote control, etc. in it.
      • Be patient and don't rush.
      • Whatever you have done with your right hand, now do with your left hand.
      • When learning to write with your left, do not forget about posture.
      • Pay special attention to writing sentences containing all the letters of the alphabet.
      • When writing with your left hand, look with your right eye.

In this article, you will learn how to learn to write with your left hand. Why do you need to ask?

You probably know or heard out of the corner of your ear that the left hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the right side of the body, and vice versa, the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. So, for example, the left hemisphere receives most of the information from the right arm and leg, the right eye and ear. Therefore, it is quite natural that the development of the actions of one of the parties leads to the development of the hemisphere responsible for it. Therefore, the left side of the brain is more developed in the right-handed person, and the right side in the left-handed person.

Now briefly about what the left and right parts of the human brain are responsible for. The left hemisphere, which until recently was considered predominant by many doctors, "specializes" in logical thinking. In fact, it dominates and prevails only in the performance of the following functions:

The left hemisphere is responsible for analytical thinking, for logic and analysis (it verbalizes conclusions and identifies cause-and-effect relationships). It is also responsible for verbal information, controls the speech and language abilities of a person. It is thanks to the left side of the brain that we remember various names and dates, mathematical symbols and just numbers, facts and events, as well as their order.

Unlike the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere studies the problem (object, event) entirely and from different angles, often without even using analysis. Here is the main role played by intuition. Left-handers have better developed imagination, creativity, they are better oriented in space. In addition, convolutions right side The brain is responsible for a sense of humor, the ability to dream and fantasize.

Why write with the right hand with the left hand?

To develop left-handed abilities and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain, one of the real ways to achieve this is precisely to acquire the ability for a right-handed person to write with his left hand.

In a person who writes with both the right and left hand, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. And if you want to develop your creativity, develop intuition, then you should definitely learn to write with your left hand.

By learning to write with your left hand, you will be able to discover in yourself talents that were not characteristic of you before. In addition, by developing the motor skills of both hands, we develop coordination of movement.

Performing unusual actions with the left hand (for the left-hander with the right) is one of the neurobic exercises, as you know, being a charge for the mind.

But you never know what other advantages the ability for a right-handed person to write with his left hand promises:

  • Want to impress? Someone will definitely find this "fun".
  • Love being in the minority? In Russia, the left hand is “working” for only 17% of the population (by the way, left-handers used to be retrained starting from school, now it is recognized as harmful), and those who equally use both hands are even less.
  • God forbid you break your right arm... I'm sorry, it's a bad example, albeit a life one))), tfu, tfu, tfu.
  • If your future profession assumes that you will write a lot (I'm at a loss what kind of highly paid profession such, because today basically all the text is driven in on the keyboard), in order to prevent the right hand from drying out, one should still learn to write with the left.
  • ... and in general it is interesting!

The first thing to do before you start learning to write with your left hand is to decide on the purpose of this lesson. I think you should have enough of the advantages that I described above. The main thing is to clearly realize this, otherwise the result may not be obtained. No goal, no result. Here I think everything is clear.

For starters, you better take a notebook with markings, in a box or in a ruler. This will make it easier to keep the stitches straight.

Next, choose a handle. This choice will be easier to make when there are a dozen different pens and the method of selection in the learning process, you will definitely find the right one. Do not think that this is a trifle. After all, if there is a favorite instrument for the right hand, why not choose one for the left. Those who have had to write a lot will find that a comfortable pen makes writing easier and less stressful.

Sit comfortably. Clear the table of unnecessary things. If possible, make sure that the light falls from the top right.

It is very important to correctly determine the slope of the notebook, so your hands will not tire quickly, and there will be less stiffness in movement. It is clear that the usual slope will not be convenient for you. The upper left corner of the notebook (sheet) should be higher than the right. This will make the writing process much easier.

It is better to hold the handle in the way that is comfortable for you at the moment. In any case, during the learning process, the comfort of holding will constantly change.

Then the question arises: what exactly to write? Write whatever you want. You can make a plan for tomorrow or describe in detail the idea that has arisen, or you can also do mindfulness exercise- Restore the last lecture, meeting, etc. in your memory. Of course, you can use the tips " How to write with your left hand”, which are given in articles devoted to this topic, namely - “In order to learn to write with the left hand, it is necessary, as in the first grade, to draw letter by letter in a row.” You can start with this exercise, just do not delay with it. And then the monotony will bore you so much that you decide to quit this activity altogether.

Follow the evenness of the letter, not the speed, do not rush.

Practice more often. Whenever possible, try to write with your left hand rather than your right. It's not about signing a contract or writing a letter of resignation. In these cases, experiments are not appropriate. However, you may well fill out a diary or make a list of products for going to the store, write down the name of a book or phone number. Also pay attention to the general development of the left hand and its motor skills. Take a spoon at dinner or a toothbrush in your left hand, try to work on the computer without using your right hand. And if you are learning to write with your left hand, try to draw with it.

Learning to write with the left hand: the nuances

At first, it is better to print letters large, so it will be much more efficient to develop muscle memory. And do not be upset if, after several attempts, the handwriting is still crooked, and the letters are “drunk”. You will definitely learn, the main thing is regular classes. Speaking of regularity.

It is better to give this lesson a little time, but every day, than ten hours, but once a week. Otherwise, every time will be like the first time.

Take breaks. If, while writing, you realize that your hand is tired, rest. And so that fatigue does not come quickly, do not strain your hand and fingers while writing.

Now that you know how to write with your left hand, the tips in this article will help you learn how to hold a pen in your left hand confidently over time. You just need to practice regularly! Good luck!

Everyone knows that development is an indispensable part of every person's life. The development of the brain plays a special role, because it is thanks to it that a person is able to do something, make decisions, think, that is, it contributes to the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole. In order for both hemispheres of the brain to work while writing, you need to know how to develop your left hand if you are right-handed.

Do I need to develop my left hand?

Before you begin training, you need to understand whether it is useful to develop the left hand. Hands are a very important "tool" for brain development. That is why it is very useful to work with two hands, because in this way a person can develop both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. A person who can write with both his right and left hand can discover a lot in himself. Also, thanks to the development fine motor skills a person develops coordination of movements.

How to develop the left hand?

The ability to write with your left hand helps not only to discover new ones, but also to coordinate the work of each hemisphere of the brain. Through the ability to write with the left hand, one can develop intuition, creativity, sense of humor, etc. In order to develop the left hand, it is necessary to follow the instructions below clearly.

Most people during their lives train and develop only the right hand, and the left is given only a supporting role. But if our hands are the same, why not try to learn how to perform the same actions with your left hand, and why is this necessary?

The answer to this question lies in the features of the work. human brain. The left hemisphere controls logical thinking, speech, writing and is responsible for the work of the right half of the body, while the right hemisphere is the focus of intuition, creative perception, and coordinates the left half.

According to the observations of art therapists, the drawings made by the left hand are distinguished by extraordinary figurativeness, emotionality and realism. This is typical for artists, and those who have never been involved in drawing. In addition, people who have managed to develop the left hand along with the right, note how their life has changed with the inclusion of intuition in it and the activation of creative perception of reality.

According to one of the theories classical psychology, the human personality is a set of subpersonalities - different internal images: Parent, Adult, Child. The first two are critical, reasonable and rational. They live in the left hemisphere. And the third, the Inner Child, spontaneous, irrational, creative - in the right.

Therefore, the development of the left hand is the establishment of contact with the creative essence of oneself.

By developing the left hand, a person makes the brain work more productively, connecting intuitive, creative channels to logic and rationalism.

There are several effective ways development of the left hand, and regular training will certainly lead you to achieve.

Learn to write with your left hand

This is an exciting, albeit difficult, activity. To be successful in this endeavor, For a person striving for self-development, the goal will be enrichment logical thinking creative potential.

To make training enjoyable, you need to comfortably equip for yourself workplace. Desk lamp is now on the right, and the left side of the table remains free, since there is now a hand and a writing pad.

A stylish pen and a bright notepad with a notebook will create the appropriate emotional mood so that when looking at them there is a desire to work. You will need lined paper for writing, as you will have to learn to write again. The main thing is that the process of writing with the left hand brings joy, otherwise the training will soon get bored and become ineffective.

How to arrange the notebook? To make your hands less tired during work, the upper left corner should be placed slightly higher than the right, and the left elbow should be conveniently placed on the table.

For writing with the left hand, you will need writing utensils longer than usual, since the left-hander holds the pencil a little higher than the right-hander, the distance from the sheet of paper to the grip of the pen is 3-4 cm.

For the development of writing technique, left-handed copybooks will be needed in order to display letters first, and then phrases, as first-graders do. So the technique of writing will develop and develop. If such activities are not to your liking, then you can write down your thoughts or write out your favorite quotes from books, catch phrases.

In the early stages of training, it is better to write block letters, then change to uppercase. You need to start by writing the alphabet. You can also use the technique of tracing text written in pencil with a pen. For fun, the method of mirror writing is suitable. The letter on the contrary, with a turn of letters by 1800, will help to achieve the desired result. So did Leonardo da Vinci, in whom both hands were equally developed. In addition, writing from right to left is natural for left-handed people with a dominant right hemisphere.

To achieve success, you need to practice regularly for several minutes. This will bring more benefits than infrequent but long workouts.

Training is not limited to a specially allotted time for this. The left hand should be loaded at every opportunity. For example, write down phone numbers, prescriptions, and other useful information.

Training the left hand requires a lot of patience, time and effort.

And it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately achieve visible quick results, so on the way to self-development you will have to stock up on patience and endurance. You should not expect a good writing speed at the first stages of training, the quality of writing, that is, a practiced skill, control of a previously naughty left hand, will be more important. The speed of writing will develop in the next stage of work.

Draw with your left hand

Most good way workout. After all, the right hemisphere of the brain develops, where the creative potential is laid. Drawing allows you to better develop the motor skills of the left hand. First you need to put dots on paper, then connect them, make a schematic drawing. It is useful to start synchronous drawing by using both hands, gradually leaving the left hand in the work.

Use your left hand in daily work

Constantly use the left rather than the right hand in everyday situations: brush your teeth, comb your hair, use a fork, spoon and other cutlery. When the skills have not yet been worked out, you can not use sharp objects: a knife, a needle, a straight razor, so as not to injure yourself.

The left hand must be constantly used, bringing the movements to automatism. Do not forget about the goals of developing the left hand, reinforce the work with positive motivation so that the classes do not get bored and bring benefits.

The following tips will help you remember to exercise. For example, write on the palms: "Right", "Left". Performing this or that action, use not the right, but the left hand. Visual memory will definitely work. It is useful to wear a watch not on the left, but on the right hand. An unusual sensation will remind you that everything is now done by the left hand. You can stick stickers with the inscription: "Left" on various household items (door handles, telephone, refrigerator, electric kettle).

Make your left hand stronger

In addition to writing, physical exercises are necessary to train the left hand.

  1. Ball exercises. Throw a tennis ball up and catch it with your left hand. After hitting the ball against the wall, catch it with your left hand. It is advisable to use rackets and, as the skill improves, change large ones to small ones. Classes in the gym with a basketball court will help improve the actions of the left hand. Stand to the right of the basketball basket and throw the ball into it with your left hand. Make 10 - 20 throws. In addition, it is useful to learn to dribble as easily with the left hand as with the right. To achieve the result, keep your right hand behind your back.
  2. Playing badminton with your left hand will bring tangible results.
  3. Weight lifting. It is necessary to shift the power loads from the right hand to the left. For this, manual expanders, dumbbells are suitable. Weight should be increased gradually.
  4. Juggling. This is a useful, exciting and spectacular activity that develops dexterity and coordination of movements. You need to juggle three to four balls.
  5. . Majority device musical instruments requires both hands to work equally. Yes, you can learn how to play the guitar. Guitarists pay great attention to the development of the fingers of the left hand. For this, a whole system of exercises has been developed. It will be useful to learn how to beat out a drum roll.
  6. Swimming lessons. Perfectly develops coordination and, accordingly, the brain. In all types of swimming, both hands are equally involved.
  7. Spinning eating. Another good way develop the left hand. For the lesson you will need balls on the ropes. Holding the ends of the ropes with your hands, perform rotational movements.

The list of exercises can be supplemented by anyone who wants to engage in self-development, in accordance with own fantasy and hobbies.

The development of motor skills has a positive effect on the work of the brain, makes the reaction faster, thinking becomes flexible. However, at first, you should not expect a quick result. Available opposite effect. Due to the increased load on the brain, the speed of thinking and concentration slow down significantly, but as soon as the brain adapts, it will begin to work much more efficiently than before.

Skeptics are wondering: is this not a myth? And is it worth the effort? However, scientists have long proven the connection between manual development and brain function. When exposed to reflex points located on the hands, impulses are sent to the central nervous system. Acupressure massage affects internal organs. For example, when massaging the thumb, an increase in brain activity is achieved.

The development of the left hand improves not only brain activity, forcing the “gray cells” to work more actively, but also encourages sports, makes you move more, improve the body. And as a result - the achievement of the next step on the path to self-improvement.

Acquiring the skill of using both hands to the same extent is the development of new thinking, the transition to a qualitatively new level life, enrichment of the logical, rational beginning with creativity and intuition.