Made from fruits: what is pectin and what is it for. Pectin: benefits, harms, recipes

  • 19.10.2019

I dedicate one more article to the substance, which is one of the components of marshmallow preparation.

pectin substances(from other Greek "pektos" - curdled, frozen) - polysaccharides formed by residues mainly of galacturonic acid. They are present in all terrestrial plants (especially in fruits) and in some algae. They contribute to the maintenance of turgor in tissues, increase the drought resistance of plants, the stability of vegetables and fruits during storage. They are used in the food and pharmaceutical industries as gelling agents. Pectin substances are obtained from apple pomace, sugar beet pulp, etc.
Pectin is a purified polysaccharide obtained by extraction of citrus or apple pulp. It is a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, water-retaining agent, clarifying agent, filter aid and encapsulation agent, registered as food additive E440. Pectin is used in the production of sweets, the production of fruit fillings, confectionery jellies and pastilles, dairy products, desserts, ice cream, combined butter, mayonnaise, ketchup, marmalade, marshmallows, jelly fillings for sweets, marshmallows, juice drinks, and activated carbon.
Pectin substances, obtained from various plant sources by various methods, are odorless powders and mucous in taste from light cream to Brown. Citrus pectins are usually lighter than apple pectins. In a humid atmosphere, pectins can absorb up to 20% of water. They dissolve in excess water. Unlike granulated sugar, which immediately begins to dissolve after entering the water, a particle of pectin powder, once it enters the water, sucks it up like a sponge, increasing in size several times, and only after reaching a certain size begins to dissolve. If the particles of pectin powder, when in contact with water, are close to each other, then, sucking in water and swelling, they stick together, forming one large sticky lump, which dissolves extremely slowly in water.
Pectin is important for fruit gelling in the manufacture of jam, jam, confiture or marmalade. Therefore, it is part of the gelling sugar.
Gelling is a process in which a hot pectin-containing solution containing certain compounds, when cooled, forms a dense body that has its own shape. The long spiral-shaped pectin molecules in the mass of jelly form an evenly distributed three-dimensional network, while binding a large amount of liquid. It is the jelly-forming ability of pectin that has become the determining factor in its widespread use in the confectionery industry.
Additional Information
As a substance, pectin was discovered over 200 years ago. Pectin is very important for stabilizing metabolism, it lowers cholesterol in the body, improves peripheral circulation, as well as intestinal motility. But, its most valuable property is that it has the ability to purify living organisms from harmful substances. Moreover, this natural "cleaner" works very diligently and efficiently, without leaving behind any; "garbage" and at the same time without disturbing the bacteriological balance of the body. Many experts call pectin the orderly of the human body for its unique ability remove harmful substances such as radioactive elements, toxic metal ions and pesticides from the body. Due to the mass of positive properties, pectin has found wide application in the pharmaceutical industry. And for domestic use, this substance is specially produced industrially.
Pectin was first isolated from fruit juice. Now for the production of pectin using vegetable raw materials with a high content of pectin. Now four main types of raw materials are processed: apple pomace, sugar beet pulp, sunflower baskets and citrus peels. The content of pectin in these materials is 10-15.10-20.15-25 and 20-35%, respectively.
Apple pectins are especially highly valued by confectionery manufacturers around the world. And for the dairy and canning industries (production of fruit juices), citrus pectins are mainly used.
For a wide consumer, industrial conditions produce pectin in 2 forms - liquid and powder. These two forms are not interchangeable in recipes. The rules for mixing products depend on the form of pectin used: powdered pectin is mixed with fresh cold fruits or juice, and liquid pectin is added to the cooked hot product. Packaged pectin powder has a wider scope.
With its use, you can cook: jelly from apples, blackberries, currants, elderberries, grapes, mint, peaches, plums, raspberries, rhubarb and strawberries;
jams from apricots, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, currants, figs, gooseberries, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, rhubarb, strawberries;
as well as citrus marmalades.
Benefits of making sweet preserves using pectin
Cooking jellies and jams, with the addition of pectin, takes less time and gives a greater yield of the finished product. Pectin blanks have a richer fruity aroma. In addition, during cooking, there is no need to check the hot product for the degree and ability to set.
Unripe fruits and berries contain more pectin than mature fruits, so jellies and jams prepared without the addition of pectin should contain about 1/4 of the unripe fruits and berries. And when preparing jelly or jams with the addition of pectin, only fully ripened fruits are used.
The largest amount of pectin is concentrated in the peel and core of fruits, which is why in some recipes without pectin it is recommended not to remove them, and in jellies and jams with pectin you will never come across seeds.
Since the products, when preparing canned food with pectin, do not undergo heat treatment for a long time, they retain the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients.
As a rule, when cooking jams with pectin, less sugar is taken, so they turn out to be less high-calorie than jams without pectin.
Basic rules for making jams, jellies and marmalades using pectin
1. Industrial pectin differs in its gelling properties, therefore, in order for the finished product to be homogeneous and good quality, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations indicated on this particular package.
2. It is not recommended to use expired pectin industrial production, because over time, its gelling properties disappear.
3. When preparing jelly, jam or marmalade, it is better to take fruits or berries in the amount indicated on the package, an increase in the number of fruits leads to a softer consistency of the finished product.
4. It is impossible to digest jelly or jam prepared with industrial pectin, as it loses its gelling properties from prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Dishes with pectin are cooked quickly and over high heat. And so that the product does not burn, during cooking it is necessary to stir it constantly.
5. You can add 1/2 teaspoon to jelly or jam butter or margarine, this will significantly reduce the amount of foam during cooking, but at the same time, if stored for a long time, this will lead to the loss of a pleasant fruity smell.
6. Do not store jellies and jams made with pectin in too large containers, as this will soften the product. Such products must be stored in a cool and dry place, so they better retain their gelling properties.
Preservation advice. The content of pectin in berries and fruits
Here is a little data indicating the content of pectin in the most used fruits and berries. The data is divided into three parts to show which category your favorite fruit and berries fall into, how to cook it to make jam, jam or jelly.
"A lot" means that during the preparation of this product, you can not add pectin or sugar with pectin, as the high content of pectin in this product will allow it to turn into jelly.
“Medium” - you can not add pectin for long cooking, but if you want to cook less, then add both acid and pectin or partially sugar with pectin.
"Little" - when cooking jam or jelly from these fruits, it is advisable to add sugar with pectin, pure pectin for a shorter cooking time and preserve part of the color and vitamins. However, be sure to add some kind of acid - lemon juice or citric acid.
Lot: Sour or unripe berries, Hard black currants, Cranberries, Gooseberries, Garden grapes, Quince, Hard plums, Citrus fruits TOGETHER with skins (medium for the fruits themselves), Red currants, Aronia, Lingonberries
Average: Ripe apples, Ripe black currants, Sour cherries, Elder, Rowan, Blueberries, Blackberries, Citrus fruits without skins
Few: Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Apricots, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Plums, Pears, Figs, Cloudberries

Information taken from the Internet

Often the word "pectin" is found in Everyday life, it is all the time on hearing and especially often it can be found in cookbooks that are on my mother's old dusty shelf, or in the recipe section on trendy culinary sites.

Regardless of the frequency of its use, until now, not every young girl can answer the question of what kind of "beast" and what it is eaten with. Let's try to figure it out.

What does it consist of?

Pectin, or, in more scientific terms, a polysaccharide, is found in all fruits and berries, sometimes it can even be found in some vegetables. When sugar is added and the mixture is subsequently heated, this substance forms a jelly-like consistency. In other words, this product is a natural supplement that is used to create a jelly-like mass. Jelly is the simplest example of the use of pectin in food products.

The substance obtained by the factory method from fruits or berries looks like a fine powder. Its color, depending on the source of its receipt, can vary from white to light brown. Most often, what is sold under brand names in stores is derived from apples.

When buying any product, carefully study the packaging and read the composition. If you come across an incomprehensible and frightening name E440, do not be afraid and immediately put the product aside with horror, as this is just a natural additive - pectin. Without it, jams and jams would be an absolutely unattractive and incomprehensible mass. It is also often added to yogurts, cakes, pies, etc.

Hard (unripe) fruits contain the highest concentration of pectin and sometimes, when making jam, it is not even necessary to use sugar. Experienced housewives know about this little secret.

The secret to perfect jam

To get the perfect consistency of the product, it is important to know two tricks:

  1. Pectin effectively manifests itself in an acidic environment.
  2. Sugar is the polysaccharide's best friend for the formation of a jelly-like substance.

That is, in other words, to make the perfect jam, you need a high sugar content and the addition of only a small amount of acids; Lemon is perfect for this. In this case, the acid acts as a catalyst for a reaction that can proceed without it, but much more slowly.

There are three groups into which fruits and berries are divided when making jam:

  1. to which you need a small addition of sugar;
  2. to which you need the addition of sugar and acid;
  3. to which you need the addition of sugar, acid and pectin.

Fruits and berries are divided into groups according to their polysaccharide content.

Table - List of some products by pectin content

Lot Low maintenance Very little
Apples overripe apples apricots
Blackberry overripe blackberry Blueberry
Cranberry Cherry Pear
Currant bird cherry figs
Gooseberry Elder Blueberry
Grape Raspberry Peaches, nectarines
Plum Strawberry

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, have a high polysaccharide content in the peel, but not enough in the pulp.

If we talk about vegetables, then a greater content is observed in beets, cabbage, cucumber, potatoes, carrots.

The benefits and harms of the product

Many experts agree that pectin is a kind of orderly for our body. When using the E440 additive, it removes all harmful substances from the tissues, which include:

  • pesticides;
  • radioactive elements;
  • heavy metals, etc.

During the experiments, it was found that the addition of E440 significantly reduces the level of cholesterol in human blood. It is impossible not to note the positive effect of this substance on metabolic processes, i.e., metabolism, which contributes to the process of losing weight. Pectin also helps to improve digestion and the work of the stomach as a whole.

This product practically does not dissolve and is not absorbed in the digestive system. It can be called soluble fiber, which absorbs all the most harmful on its way.

But just like in everything else, when using pectin, it is necessary to maintain a balance of the norm. A sufficient amount for the average person will be a dose equal to 15 grams per day. In case of a severe overdose of a substance, negative reactions of the body should be expected. Possible development of diarrhea, painful colic and, in case of individual intolerance, a rash on the body.

How to choose and store

As with any other product, read the ingredients carefully. Many manufacturers cheat and get pectin synthetically by mixing dextrose, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and more.

Depending on the purpose for which you purchase the supplement, you must also determine the type of polysaccharide. Some of which can only be bought in specialized stores. On sale you can find three types:

  • Yellow pectin is an irreversible type that cannot be reheated and dissolved. Used to prepare products with a viscous structure, such as marmalade.
  • Pectin NH - is thermoreversible, which allows you to experiment with its texture. It is used in the preparation of dessert sauces and jellies.
  • Pectin FX58 - this type is used to combine with products containing calcium. For example, you can prepare a milk layer for a cake.

Yellow pectin
Pectin NH

Powdered pectin is stored in a tightly closed container for no more than 12 months, since after that period it begins to lose its properties. Yellow - store no more than six months.

Also, if you decide to cook pectin yourself, then it can also be stored for six months in the freezer.

Where can I buy

Pectin is a fairly common supplement. It can be found in almost all grocery stores. If you are faced with the problem that all the proposed options are a synthetic analogue, then you have a direct path to the eco-market.

Improved varieties of pectin can be purchased at pastry shops. There, depending on your goals, you will find perfect option just for you.

The easiest way to purchase pectin is an online store. Just go to the site or call the phone number, indicate what exactly you need and the courier will deliver this product.

Purchased pectin example

The average price of pectin for 200 grams is 280–300 rubles. The price directly depends on the properties of the substance, its ability and the time it takes to react, etc.

If you think that purchased pectin is not for you, then we hasten to please! Exist simplest way making pectin at home.

pectin at home

For the preparation of this product, it is not necessary to use whole apples, you can collect the cores and peel for the required time until the right amount has accumulated. Don't forget to store them in the freezer and remember to use unripe fruits as they contain the highest amount of pectin.

The preparation of the product is as follows:

  1. You will need: 1 liter of apples if you are using the cores and peel, or whole, coarsely chopped apples, which must be placed in 2 liters of water. You can top up as needed to cover everything.
  2. The next step is to bring to a boil, after which the gas is reduced and the apples are further stewed until they become soft. This may take about an hour.
  3. Put gauze in a colander and place the resulting slurry there, leave to decant for the whole day or night.
  4. Congratulations! Ready! This is what homemade pectin looks like.

E440 in cosmetics

Another advantage of this additive is its use in cosmetics. Traditionally, it is used only as an auxiliary agent - a thickener. But modern scientists have discovered its more useful properties.

Pectin, as it turned out as a result of the study, helps fight age-related changes in the skin and has a positive effect on its barrier function, due to the thickening of the epidermis. But it is necessary to pay attention to the calcium content in the preparation, since it is in combination with it that one should expect good results.

Products with pectin are indicated for use by people with acne, oily and problem skin. It is also used for delicate skin cleansing.

If you dream of shiny and shimmering hair, then you should use this product when rinsing.

Soothing Pectin Face Mask:

  • 2-3 cabbage leaves;
  • small cucumber;
  • cold chamomile tea;
  • mint;
  • 2 tsp pectin.

The recipe is quite simple. It is necessary to mix all the products in a blender, strain and then add pectin until thickened. Apply the mixture on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse and moisturize the skin.

You can experiment with the use of pectin, add it to hair masks, products. Thanks to him, you can create culinary masterpieces, make light diet cakes and much more.

For the first time, pectin molecules were derived from fruit juice about 200 years ago. With the advent of high-tech devices on an industrial scale, the substance is extracted by extraction from such raw materials:

  • Sugar beet cake
  • sunflower baskets
  • Fruit pomace
  • citrus peel

AT Food Industry and at home use two types of pectin:

  1. liquid extract
  2. dry powder

Depending on the type of substance, it must be used correctly. Dry powdered pectin dissolves perfectly in cold liquids, while liquid pectin is used exclusively for hot mixtures. The nutritional value of pectin is low - 100 g of the substance contains only about 50 kcal. However, it should be remembered that when the product is added to desserts and sweet drinks, their calorie content increases.

The nutritional purpose of the substance is wide. It is mainly used as:

  • clarifier
  • Thickener
  • gelling agent
  • Stabilizer

This natural polysaccharide is added in the manufacture of marmalade, Turkish delight, fruit fillings, ice cream. It gives the product a good consistency and compacts their structure. Pectin can also be found in cosmetics (as part of creams and gels). Pectin analogues are agar-agar, gelatin or corn starch, however, the benefits of pectin in its natural form are much higher than those of its substitutes.


Is pectin harmful?

Since pectin is a natural substance and is part of everyone's favorite vegetables and fruits, it only benefits the body. Is pectin harmful to the body? Negative influence this polysaccharide can only be in case of individual intolerance and oversaturation of the body with pectin.

When abused, the following manifestations are possible:

  • Severe flatulence, fermentation
  • Allergy
  • Violation of microflora small intestine
  • Colic
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash, feeling unwell

Is pectin in its natural form harmful? Certainly not. It is impossible to eat so many fruits or vegetables that the concentration of pectin in the body exceeds the norm. However, you can easily face an overdose of a substance if it is part of food supplements (BAA).

Abuse of the polysaccharide is fraught with malabsorption of such useful substances as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and can lead to their deficiency in the body.


Pectin: benefits

Due to the naturalness and harmlessness of this substance, its use does not cause side effects and pectin can be included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. The polysaccharide is not harmful to children either - however, children under 6 years of age should consume it exclusively in its natural form, as part of fruits and vegetables.

The benefits of pectin are explained by its composition - it does not contain fats and organic acids. This substance contains:

  • Alimentary fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins of the PP group
  • disaccharides
  • Sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron

In the people, pectin is called "the orderly and purifier of the body." It gently affects the digestive system and frees from the accumulation of harmful substances. Pectin is not absorbed into the digestive tract, but gently passes through it, freeing the intestines from toxins and radioactive metals. That is why pectin is recommended for people living in polluted regions and in contact with harmful substances.

The benefits of pectin for the body are in the following properties:

  • Activates disturbed metabolism
  • Improves intestinal peristalsis
  • Removes toxins, heavy metals and harmful compounds
  • Improves the blood circulation process
  • Reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Rejuvenates body cells
  • Removes cholesterol
  • Reduces blood glucose levels

Due to its astringent and enveloping properties, pectin is used for ulcers, gastritis as an anti-inflammatory agent and for mild pain relief. The substance is widely used in pharmaceuticals - soluble capsules for medicines, as well as suppositories, gelatin tablets are made on its basis.

Where is pectin found?

Eating about 15.25 g of natural pectin daily helps to cleanse the body of harmful deposits and bring the metabolism in order. It is known that this substance is contained in many foods beloved by all, but its maximum concentration is found in beets, peaches, apples and oranges.

Pectin is also found in the composition of such products: apricot, cherry, melon, potato, pumpkin, carrot, cranberry, currant, gooseberry, lemon, cabbage, fig, persimmon.

It is important to remember that the maximum concentration of this substance is in the pulp and peel of the fruit. The benefits of pectin in the preparation of jam and jam from fruits remain high level even after heat treatment. However, to extract maximum benefit their complete, waste-free processing is recommended.

In the food industry, pectin is used to prepare:

  • Fruit preserves, fillings
  • Marmalade, cakes, marshmallows, marshmallows
  • Some types of bread and pasta
  • Margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup
  • Juices with pulp, fruit drinks
  • Dairy products
  • ice cream
  • Syrov
  • Dietary and baby food

Also, pectin can be seen in the composition of cosmetics, toothpastes and deodorants. Often the substance is used as a thickener and stabilizer in the manufacture of shampoos and lotions.

The substance pectin is often called the orderly of the body. It is able to absorb toxins and harmful substances, while maintaining the intestinal microflora. A large number of positive properties have made this additive a sought-after product in the pharmaceutical industry and for domestic use.

What is pectin

For natural cleansing of the body, many experts advise taking the food supplement E440 or pectin, the beneficial properties of which have long been used for culinary recipes and in the medical field. From the Greek language, the substance is translated as "frozen". This feature determined the use of this product in cooking. many modern people interested in the question, pectin - what is it and how can it be used?

First time description useful properties the food additive was made by the French scientist A. Braconno. Pectin is a polysaccharide (chemical complex connection) that some plants contain. Especially a lot of the substance in fruits and seaweeds. For the food industry, this additive is actively used as a thickener for gelling products. Marmalade, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly, jelly - all these delicacies contain pectin.

Pectin - benefit and harm

Additive E440 is a purified hydrocarbon, thickener, stabilizer, sorbent. Pectin is used for the production of fruit fillings, jelly confectionery, desserts, dairy products. In medicine and pharmaceuticals, the polysaccharide is used as an active substance that is useful for digestion and is necessary for drug encapsulation.

Many versions have been put forward about what pectin is - the benefits and harms of this product, but they all boil down to the fact that the supplement brings a triple benefit to a person, having a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

What is useful pectin

In medicine, the active additive E440 is used for the production of capsules. It is often included in many medications that cleanse the body. In cosmetology, the substance is used to make creams and masks that can be bought at any pharmacy. This polysaccharide is indispensable for the production of jelly, marshmallow, jam, jam, marmalade, ketchup and mayonnaise. It is recommended to take the pectin substance separately (in the form of a preparation) - the benefits for the body will only be higher, since this supplement can:

    improve peripheral circulation;

    stabilize metabolism;

    reduce cholesterol;

    normalize intestinal motility;

    act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent for peptic ulcers, and also as a mild pain reliever;

    cleanse from harmful substances (antidote for poisoning);

    bind heavy metals (removes mercury, copper, iron, lead ions from the body);

    remove anabolics, biogenic toxins, metabolic products, bile acids, urea;

    reduce the risk of developing cancer, diabetes;

    activate the microorganisms responsible for the production of vitamins;

    help the natural rejuvenation of the body (especially in women), thanks to the galacturonic acid found in the polysaccharide;

    promote the breakdown of fats, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Today, apple pectin is especially famous, which is the most useful and of the highest quality. For widespread use, this product is produced in two forms - powder and liquid. A pure substance, when consumed with food, does not create an energy reserve in the body, it is neutral. This additive is functionally different from many other polysaccharides.

Pectin - harm

This polysaccharide can have a harmful effect on the body if a person has abused the substance. At the same time, the assimilation of such important trace elements as magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium is noticeably reduced. A person may be allergic to pectin, but products containing a natural substance cannot cause it, because there is very little of it in fruits, berries and vegetables. Dangerous are only those products where there is an additive obtained artificially. If an overdose of pectin occurs, the harm from it can significantly affect the entire body:

    cause severe flatulence;

    provoke fermentation in the colon and intestinal obstruction;

    reduce the digestibility of proteins and fats.

Where is pectin found?

If you need to cleanse the body with the popular additive E440, you can buy a special drug at a pharmacy, but it is better to focus on the level of the substance content in plant products. Having learned a detailed list, you can significantly increase the daily use of such products, thereby improving your well-being. Here is a small list of what contains pectin:

  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • gooseberry;
  • black currant;
  • cranberry;
  • raspberry;
  • peaches;
  • strawberry;
  • plums;
  • apples;
  • cherry;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • lemons;
  • grape;
  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • melons;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • watermelons;
  • potato.

Pectin production

The polysaccharide was first isolated from apple juice. Now for the production of substances used vegetable raw materials with a high content of pectin. The resulting active additive is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic industries, as well as for home cooking recipes. The polysaccharide can be found on the shelves of the store, it is perfectly capable of replacing gelatin. As a rule, there are four main types of raw materials from which I make pectin:

    citrus peels;


    sunflower baskets;

    sugar beet pulp.

Pectin - instructions for use

You can buy special pectin sorbents containing the additives you need at any pharmacy. In addition to regular, active use with food, pectin can also be taken in its pure form. Many overweight people are interested in the question, what is pectin - how to use the substance for weight loss? Pay attention to the recipe for fat burning drink. You will need:

Cooking method:

    The powder must be poured into a container and dissolved hot water.

    Mix everything thoroughly.

    Cool down a bit.

    Take the drink should be 200 ml twice a day between meals.

Video: pectin at home

Apple pectin - nature's benefits for your health

Pectin is a gel-forming substance related to polysaccharides, formed from galacturonic acid. It is a moisture-retaining element and is responsible for the long-term storage of the fruits in which it is contained.

In apples, pectin accumulates most of all in the peel and near-seed box, and the concentration of this substance reaches its peak in unripe fruits.

Benefits of apple pectin

The benefits of apple pectin for the body are invaluable. Being a sorbent, with its surface, the soluble fiber of this substance collects toxins from the intestinal walls and gently removes them. It is for this property that he was nicknamed "the orderly of the body."

Also, pectin perfectly copes with the following tasks:

  • removes bad cholesterol, heavy metal ions, pesticides from the body
  • relieves the condition of gastric ulcer, gently enveloping the affected areas and helping to reduce pain
  • promotes the growth and reproduction of bacteria beneficial to the intestinal flora
  • normalizes stool
  • reduces appetite by slowing down the digestion process

Important: the daily dose of apple pectin is 15 g.

Apples needed and useful product for the body

  • More

Moreover, it should be obtained from fruits and berries, and not from artificially synthesized dietary supplements. By the way, pectin from apples is taken in a tablespoon or a third of a glass before each meal.

Apple pectin: application

This gelling agent is used in pharmacology (as a substance that binds the composition of some drugs, as the main raw material for the preparation of shell capsules), in medicine (for the extraction of substances that exhibit physiological activity and their inclusion in the composition of drugs).

In the food industry - for the preparation of marmalade, jams, preserves, fillings for pies, sweets

Apple pectin is used in two forms - liquid and powder. Moreover, the liquid form requires dissolution at high temperatures, and the powder - at low.

How to make apple pectin at home

It will not be difficult to prepare pectin from apples at home. All you need is apples, water, a little time and patience.

Here is the simplest and most affordable recipe for 1 kg of apples and 120 ml of water:

  • wash apples, dry, cut into 6-8 slices with peel and seeds
  • put in a pot or saucepan with a thick bottom and cover with water
  • put on a slow fire for 25-30 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula
  • cool the resulting mass and strain through gauze or a nylon sieve. The expressed liquid is pectin