How, when, and is it possible to consecrate apartments (houses) on your own. How much does it cost on average to call a priest to bless an apartment

  • 14.10.2019

The consecration of the house is performed by the priest according to a special order, containing prayers, calling on the house and living in it the blessing of God. At the same time, the image of the cross is applied to the walls, they are anointed with consecrated oil, and the whole dwelling is sprinkled with holy water.
The church word "sanctification" in this case has a different meaning than the consecration of water or an icon. In relation to this order, the word “blessing” is more appropriate: when they are performed, we prayerfully call on God’s blessing on the house and those living in it for their Christian life and the performance of good deeds. Therefore, such sanctification is not some kind of automatic action: its effectiveness directly depends on how much those who ask for the Church’s blessing with their lives themselves correspond to the holiness of the grace of God given by the Church.

To consecrate the house, it is necessary to bring the house into proper shape: it is necessary to remove or remove, or rather, throw away all pagan things (for example, the “Turkish eyes” amulets brought from Turkey, various images and figures of the signs of the Zodiac, and so on). If these things are in the house, then you will most likely be denied consecration. You should also prepare holy water and special stickers with crosses, which the priest will stick on all four sides of the house to be consecrated (such crosses can be bought at a church shop). It is necessary that there be a table, preferably covered with a clean tablecloth, where the priest could put the holy objects. It is necessary to have icons in the house, the icon of the Savior is obligatory.

It is necessary to explain to your family the essence of what is happening, set them up for reverent behavior, for the fact that upon the arrival of the priest, you should take his blessing, as well as after the rite of consecration, venerate the cross.

The priest in front of the icons will invite you to pray with him. Pray with him, if you know icons and hymns, then sing along, make the sign of the cross over yourself.

After the exclamation "Blessed be our God ..." and the initial prayers, the ninetieth psalm is read. It was written by the prophet David on the occasion of deliverance from a three-day pestilence. In the Greek Psalter it has a title that indicates both the author and the nature of this psalm: "David's Laudatory". The main theme of the psalm: God is the Intercessor and reliable Refuge of all who trust in Him. The ninetieth psalm has been tested by many generations of Christians as a powerful weapon against demons.

Then the troparion is sung or read. The priest prays to the Lord Savior: “Just as with Your entrance came salvation to the house of Zacchaeus, so now, with the entrance of Your priests and Your holy angels with them, send Your peace to this house and mercifully bless it, saving and enlightening everyone who wants to live in it ". Having taught "peace to all", the priest calls on all those present to bow their heads to listen to the words of the prayer. Turning to the Lord, who blessed the house of Laban with the settlement of Jacob in it and the house of Potiphar with the settlement of Joseph in it, blessed the house of Abeddar by bringing the Ark of the Covenant into it and granted salvation to the house of Zacchaeus in the days of the coming in the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ, the priest asks: “Bless yourself and this house, and in it protect those who want to live in Thy fear, and preserve them unharmed from the resisters, and send down Thy blessing from the height of Thy dwelling, and bless and multiply all the good things in this house.
Next, the priest reads a prayer for the consecration of oil, with which the images of crosses on the walls will be anointed (often the priest already brings the consecrated oil with him). According to Holy Scripture, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (see: Zech. 4; 2 Cor. 1: 21 et seq.; 1 John 2: 27). The abundance of oil was perceived as God's blessing (see: Deut. 7:13). The Orthodox Church has accepted the biblical meaning of oil as a symbol of light (see Matt. 25:1-13), mercy, healing (see Luke 10:34) and blessing.

Having consecrated the oil, the priest sprinkles the whole house with holy water, saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling this sacred water, let all the evil demonic action be put to flight. Amen". It has a spiritually cleansing value. Both the balcony and the sanitary facilities are being sprinkled.

Then the priest anoints with oil on the four sides of the wall of the house, where crosses were inscribed or pasted before the start of the prayer service. Anointing, he says: “This house is blessed by the anointing of this holy oil, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". This is the most important part of the rite of blessing the house. The crosses depicted on the walls, respectively, to the four cardinal points, are, as it were, the spiritual guardians of the dwelling. These crosses must be preserved even when the apartment is being renovated.
After the anointing, the Gospel of Luke is read. At the same time, he can lay the Gospel on your bowed heads, as in a prayer service for the blessing of water. The story of the Savior's visit to the house of the publican Zacchaeus is very instructive. Every Christian should strive to have the Lord visit his home. To be worthy of this joy, one must correct one's life and strive to live according to the gospel commandments. Then the priest will sprinkle the inhabitants with holy water and let them kiss his pectoral cross. First for men, then for women.
After reading the Gospel, the whole house is incensed (but not always). It has not only symbolic meaning. Burning is a real cleansing action. The consecration of the house is not repeated. God blessed the house. The desire to receive a second blessing will be a manifestation of our lack of faith.

In Russia there was a pious custom to burn their houses incense. In this case, it is necessary to use not a censer, which is used by the clergy, but a kacea - a censer with a handle. Now this custom is being revived. Going around the rooms in the house and making the sign of the cross with a censer, they usually pronounce the 20th and 100th psalms, and also read the prayers “Our Father”, “O Heavenly King”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “Victorious Chosen Voivode”, “May God rise again”. Those who live in the house can regularly sprinkle the dwelling with holy water.

At the end of the prayer service, the priest prays to God to send to each of those living in the house “his merciful angel, observing and preserving them from all evil and instructing them to do all the virtues and to fulfill the holy commandments of Christ.” Then the priest will bless the living: first the men, then the women. Blessings must be asked.
It will be of considerable spiritual benefit to you and your family if you invite the priest to stay for a cup of tea. Remember that a visit by a priest to your home is an excellent opportunity for the whole family to resolve some spiritual issues, to take an important step in spiritual life, which they may not decide to take in a different environment. Therefore, spare no effort to prepare your loved ones, do not allow the fulfillment of the requirement to turn into an exotic "event" for your household.

You can consecrate the apartment on any day, at any time, when it is convenient for you and the priest. Go to the temple, explain to the servant at the candle box your desire. You will be prompted when it is convenient to talk with the priest. You can leave your phone “behind the box” in the temple for transfer to the priest. You can simply go personally to the priest, for example, to the one who confesses you. The duration of the rite of consecration is about thirty minutes, sometimes less. As for the payment, the services are generally performed free of charge, the money is your donation to God, as well as gratitude to the priest for spending his time on you. The amount of the donation also depends on your wealth. It is a shame for a rich family to give the priest a hundred rubles, but for a poor family even a hundred is too rich a gift.

Lighting drives out demons from the house, which are called "barabashki", "brownies". Those who have all sorts of otherworldly phenomena at home must definitely consecrate the house.

Even among the churched people there is an opinion that consecration is not necessary. Many believers try to replace it by going around the house with an Easter candle, splashing holy water at Baptism, burning incense, lighting lamps and candles, placing icons in all rooms. These, of course, are pious and necessary customs, but they will not replace the rite of consecration.

May God bless your homes!

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The Orthodox Church calls consecration rituals, according to which religion enters a person's life in a divine way. The main task of such rituals is the indulgence of God's grace on the fate of those who became their participants. When a Christian seeks to sanctify a dwelling, this indicates that a person is ready to trust in the Almighty and believe in providence, which takes place according to Heavenly will.

Preparation for the ceremony

At the base of every church prayer service is the desire to spiritualize the activity of this or that person. A Christian asks God to direct things in the right direction, benefiting not only the individual, but also his environment. Orthodox believers receive a divine blessing through the rite of consecration, helping to create a loving world around them.

The rite of consecration of housing protects from dark energy

Sanctification is a ritual through which the Church enters into the personal or ecclesiastical life of a Christian. The rite brings protection from dark energy, instilling in the hearts of people a feeling of closeness to the Lord.

It is customary to perform this ritual after moving into a new home or when repairs have been completed. The rite is allowed to be done independently, but for the first time it is better to entrust it to the holy father. The tradition of consecration has existed since ancient times, when Christianity was just beginning to spread throughout the world. Adherents of Jesus knew that holy water is an attribute that can protect the home and personal space from the interference of unclean matters.

The priests are endowed with special rights that allow them to perform consecration. A layman just needs to go to the nearest temple and discuss with the holy fathers the time of the ceremony.

Before inviting a clergyman to the house, you must do the following:

  • The home must be in perfect order.
  • It is necessary to throw away the superfluous and useless, taking up space in the house.
  • The apartment must have an iconostasis, as well as a lamp or a few candles.
  • The Holy Father, who came to perform the ritual, needs to make room for his church attributes.
  • The consecration ritual takes about one hour, the movements of the priest can be observed from the side. The most important thing is not to distract him from work.

The rite of consecration

Without the divine blessing and help of the Creator, nothing truly valuable and truthful will happen in a person's life. The Russian Orthodox Church sanctifies dwellings in the same way as it is done in churches.


If it is not possible to invite the holy father, the ritual can be performed personally. But before that, you must visit the temple and receive a blessing, without which the ceremony will not be valid. To carry out, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book with the most important texts. Holy literature is purchased only in temples, it is not available in other places.

To conduct the rite of consecration, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book

Before, during and after the ritual, a Christian must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When reading a prayer, one should mentally turn to the Almighty, the Mother of God, Christ, Guardian Angels or other saints. Thoughts about the empty and meaningless can damage the ritual. One should concentrate the consciousness on God and clearly pronounce each word of prayer, seeing the true meaning in these actions.
  2. The way of life of the believer should approach the spiritual. Negative energy should be removed from oneself and one's own environment, the manifestation of bad emotions attracts troubles of varying degrees to the house. Temple visit is necessary conditions for a Christian seeking to get rid of the invasion of passions.
  3. A person must show sincere faith in the Lord and forget about selfishness. He needs to learn how to give love to everyone, even the enemy, and be able to rejoice in the achievements of others. A person needs to keep the sacred commandments and stay away from bad thoughts.

Compliance with these rules allows you to conduct a ritual at the level of a clergyman. The very same process of consecration contains some features.

  • The cup with holy water brought from the church is in the left hand, while the right Christian sprinkles drops on the walls of the house.
  • It is customary to start the ceremony from the corner located on the east side, the movement takes place clockwise.
  • The most famous "Our Father" is suitable as the main prayer. In addition, the rite can be supplemented with others: “Let God rise again” and the 90th psalm.
  • Consecration is allowed to take place on any day except Friday.
Important! Apartments in which they were engaged in debauchery, drunk, cursed and fought, the church calls unclean. It is these dwellings that should be consecrated in the first place, because such houses are shrouded in negative energy and are the receptacle for dirty demons. People who are in such conditions experience constant troubles, face great problems, and there is no peace in their souls.

The meaning of the rite of consecration

This ritual is a complete protection against disasters provoked by lust and unbelief. The consecration of the house blesses the people living in it for righteous deeds, and also protects from the attacks of all evil. The ritual encourages people not to be separated from the Heavenly Father and to direct life in line with the justice and law of God.

Life and well-being to a large extent depends on the surrounding nature and spiritual environment. The indicator of the religiosity of the people affects the state and behavior of people. The moral order deteriorates as a result of the fact that a person loses faith in the Lord and moves away from Him, changing eternal life for the fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

After the disobedience of the first people in the originally clean world sickness, suffering and death entered. The rituals of consecration are caused by the need of nature itself and the need of mankind. The Church extends a helping hand in the matter of spiritual healing and cleansing from filth and corrupting sins.

At this time, it is extremely important to perform such rituals, because the devil dominates the air that pervades space. The apartments are filled with negative information from television, radio and the press. The unclean force attracts lost souls, promising pleasure, but deceives and bestows only disappointment. Countless legions of demons penetrate houses through the subtle worlds, bringing aggression, anger, revenge and other passions.

Important! The Church grants true believers the grace that delivers from the destructive activity of impure energy.

It must be understood that the divine energy coming from icons, holy water, relics and other church attributes, bestows power only on those who really deserve it with a righteous life. Otherwise, no rituals will help, they do not act as talismans and are useless for the wicked and hypocrites.

Sanctification does not work if empty and idle thoughts about the pleasures of the flesh fill the apartment. A depraved and blasphemous person personally denies God and His help, remaining in the grip of false prejudices and big trouble.

Video about prayers for the consecration of an apartment

In Orthodoxy, Christians call consecration the rites, according to which the church introduces into the life of a person his temple and personal life. So that through all these rites the blessing of God descends on a person's life.

The consecration of a dwelling, a car, or something else is evidence of our hope in the Lord and our faith that what happens to us happens only with the permission of God and for good.

Do I need to sanctify my apartment (house)?

The main question is whether you want to consecrate the place where you live or not. This is decided by each person according to his spiritual desire. Man himself chooses with whom to live - with God or with his enemy. If you want to bless your home, you must understand that sanctification will not save you from domestic and family problems.

  • Sanctification is intended to set people on the right track so that the family lives according to Christian commandments. And if you decide to consecrate the place where you live, then this is your confirmation that you want to live according to the laws of God, in a Christian way. After all, a consecrated dwelling is considered almost like a temple. And the people who live in consecrated houses must adhere to God's laws and live spiritually. It is very important.

The rite of consecration also helps to get rid of negative energy in your home. This is especially true if you have purchased another property and you do not know what kind of people lived there and what happened there. Were these people believers, did they sanctify their home, did they adhere to spiritual rules.

Rules and superstitions

You need to call a priest to bless the house.. Always remember that the consecration of a dwelling is a common prayer of the family and the priest that people live holy in this dwelling, adhere to Christian rites: prayer, visiting the temple, etc.

You can consecrate your apartment at any time and on any day, when it is convenient for you and the priest. There are various beliefs that it is impossible to consecrate the place where you live during fasts. This is not true. This rite can be performed in any of the posts, and in great post too.

It is also said that during critical days» A woman cannot be present in the temple or perform any Christian ceremony. This is also not true. During menstruation, a woman cannot only two things: take the anointing or take the rite. All other rituals are permitted.

During the rite of consecration, all female residents of the house must cover their heads with a scarf according to the charters Orthodox Church. Men, on the contrary, should be bare-headed.

Any apartment (house) is consecrated once for all time. The only thing is that you can periodically clean your home with the help of burning candles or by sprinkling holy water with prayers. Since in our life there are still quarrels in the family, and some kind of unrest, worries, tears, stress, all this accumulates negative energy. And so that there is no stagnation and a large accumulation of this energy, you can do a “cleansing” of the house from time to time.

It is recommended to regularly maintain spiritual energy purity in your home by sprinkling all its rooms with holy water crosswise with the pronunciation of a holy prayer. This is usually done by women. At the same time, it is necessary to open the doors and windows, so that as you sprinkle your home with holy water and read prayers at this time, all bad energy leaves your home.

What do you need to perform the rite of consecration of your home?

It is important that your home is clean. And since after the consecration of the house, a new stage of life begins, then you need to start this life in purity, without old sins and dirt.

You must choose a place where you can put a small table covered with either a clean, never used tablecloth or towel, or any piece of new material on which the priest will lay out everything necessary for the ceremony. Beforehand, you need to purchase four stickers with the image of an Orthodox cross intended for consecration, and 4 small candles in the temple. You will also need holy water, if you do not have a home, you can also take it in the temple. It will take a little more vegetable oil or oil from the lamp (St. fir), (preferably the icon of the Savior) and the Gospel.

First of all, you need to explain to all your relatives living in this house the essence of what will happen, set them up for reverence.

The priest will invite you to pray with him. Pray and be baptized.

Rules for the rite of consecration

Rite of consecration of your home is conducted by the priest according to a special church rite, which contains various prayers that call on your house (apartment) and the people living in it the blessing of God.

The priest applies stickers with the image of an Orthodox cross on the walls above the entrance and in each of the rooms so that one cross is formed, which means covering and solid fencing, deliverance, preservation by the power of the cross of the home from all evil, misfortune, from all enemies, both visible and invisible .

After the priest proclaims "Blessed be our God ..." and the reading of the initial prayers, the reading of the ninetieth psalm begins. Then the troparion is read. Next, the priest makes a prayer for the consecration of the oil, stickers depicting crosses on the walls will be anointed with this oil. Having consecrated this oil, the priest will sprinkle the entire dwelling, every room, absolutely all rooms with holy water. Subsequently, the priest anoints with oil on 4 sides of the wall of the house (apartment), where the images of the cross were pasted. The anointing of these crosses is the most important part of the rite of consecrating the dwelling. The crosses depicted on the walls correspond to the 4 cardinal points; these Orthodox crosses are the spiritual guardians of the apartment (house).

These crosses must be preserved even then when will the apartment be done various repairs: wallpaper changes, wall painting, etc. These images with a cross will need to be carefully peeled off and, after the repair is completed, glued to the very place where the priest pasted them. Next, the priest will sprinkle the people living in this house with holy water and give each of those present to kiss the pectoral cross. First, the cross is kissed by men, then by women. After reading the Gospel, the priest will burn the whole house (but not always). Incense has more than just a purely symbolic meaning. Burning is a real cleansing action.

The ceremony of consecrating your house (apartment) is not repeated again. God has already blessed this house. If people desire to receive the blessing of the dwelling again, it will show your lack of faith, it is unworthy of God. The duration of the rite of consecration lasts about 30 minutes.

The consecration of the place where you live is desirable for all Orthodox Christians, even if not everyone who lives in your house believes in God. You can perform this ceremony secretly so that unbelieving relatives do not know this.

What do you need for the consecration of the apartment yourself?

In life, there are times when it is impossible to invite a priest to conduct a ceremony due to some unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the church may allow sanctify your home. So how to sanctify the apartment yourself? First of all, you need to get a blessing from the priest in the church. As for the rite of consecration itself, it is proposed to do this on Sunday. Then we need to put a little effort and knowledge to conduct this ceremony on our own. There are several ways to perform this ritual.

Method number 1

Many people are always interested in the question of how you can still consecrate your apartment yourself with the help of church candles? This ritual is recommended to be performed on the nearest of Thursdays. Buy a few candles in the church in advance: Three candles for and 2-3 candles for your home. When you put candles in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the church, you need to make the sign of the cross on yourself and read the prayer: “Wonderworker Nicholas, bless me to cleanse the apartment and expel demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

And then, when you return home, you need to light 1 candle by heart, take it into your right hand and go clockwise starting from front door, in all corners of the rooms with a prayer. Do not forget to baptize the corners and walls of the rooms.

  • It is necessary to carry out such a ritual for three times, on Thursdays, with a mandatory preliminary trip to church every Thursday in order to enlist the blessing of St. Nicholas to perform the ceremony on your own.

Method number 2

There is also a ritual of consecrating the dwelling with holy water, which we can do on our own. This ritual should be performed on Sunday. To prepare for this ritual, on Saturday it is necessary to put all the rooms of the house in order and stock up on holy water. On the day of consecration, pour holy water into any container that you like best, dip three fingers in holy water, folded as if you are about to make the sign of the cross on yourself. After that, begin to sprinkle your dwelling with these folded fingers, each time dipping them in holy water.

  • It is necessary to start sprinkling the house from the red corner with icons (and even if you don’t have them), you always need to move in the direction of the sun (i.e., clockwise), go through all the rooms in turn until you return to the starting point. During the entire sprinkling of the house, it is necessary to read prayers that you know by heart. The most important, of course, is "...".
  • All of these rituals, which you can do yourself, can be done as many times a year as you wish.

Each new thing carries the energy of other people. Before the item was with us, it passed through the hands of the creators and sellers. As a result, illness and possible losses await you if the energy of the purchase is with a minus sign. Only a prayer for the consecration of any thing can eliminate the negative influences of extraneous energy.

It will take a single touch for matter to remember you. Remember how psychics read information from objects on TV - that's the proof. By the way, they may not even touch the subject, interacting only with its energy field.

Surely you at least once had the feeling that the thing is someone else's? This happens when you wear clothes with energy that is incompatible with yours. In addition, objects are able to store information about the person who touched them.

It was touched by people whose seal of anger and problems you may now need to get rid of.

And then what can we say about a thing that has already managed to be in use! How much foreign energy is on it? The latter concerns used cars and real estate.

The breviary will tell you which prayer for the consecration of a thing (including an apartment and a car), which makes the object your own, will suit you. The prayer text contains a sound code that releases absorbed energy. Someone calls it neurolinguistic programming, and believers will call it prayer.

How to consecrate a new thing?

For centuries, clergy have been collecting prayers for the consecration of a new thing. They are aimed not only at charging the object with positive energy, but also at cleansing it. Think, after all, the people who took part in the manufacture of this item could have an "evil eye" and even without wanting to put a negative into the finished product.

And buyers who have an increased sensitivity to reading other people's energy messages and weak protection will feel uncomfortable touching their “alien” thing. Prayers reduce discomfort in these circumstances.

The Treasury will tell you which text is better to choose. The thing taken by a layman is deprived of alien energy by reading the following text for the consecration of the thing.

Prayer "For the consecration of things"

“To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession to those who want to use it, it will be helpful to bodily salvation and intercession and help, about Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen."
than against God.
I repent and pray for protection. Intercessor from damage and slander. Don't let bad people destroy my soul and harm my body. But I am simple unthinkable, the Lord will also forgive. You save me from the look and the word, about which I pray you, bright angel. Amen."

Consecration is carried out to let the blessing of God into the personal life of the owner of the item. Use this prayer service to bless anything. Although, if we are talking about a car or an apartment, it is better to invite a priest for these purposes. To do this, come to the church, go to the priest and agree to meet when it suits you. The clergyman will definitely help you consecrate the item.

Faith Is the Key to Effective Prayer

The text found in the breviary for the consecration of any thing gives a feeling of pleasure when using it. Handle it when you buy an item or accept it as a gift. Treat it also when you buy an item that has already been used. But any prayer requires unquenchable faith from the speaker, only then will it be effective.

Sometimes you need to turn to the services of a clergyman. This applies to serious, large purchases. People associate special hopes with them, focusing on long-term use of them. And so that these acquisitions are protected from negative impact surrounding, you need to contact the clergy.

Orthodox prayer will work, the main thing is to know that what you want will come true.

It will be possible to strengthen faith if you often pray, go to church. Where, if not in the Temple of God, is it possible to truly believe? Prayers are important to pronounce and listen to. Retire, tune in to the good, renounce today's problems. God will help you resolve issues. Everything is His will. Breathe calmly. Remember - His love, his concern for his children will not leave you.

How many times have you noticed the onset of a certain feeling, a pleasant and blissful state, when reading a prayer service or visiting a temple? This happens because pure thoughts live here, excluding any evil. In the church they pray for souls, for the Earth, for the righteous and sinners - for everyone. That's why it's so easy here. If you say a prayer for the consecration of a purchase in a church, it will have a special power, filled, in addition to your personal energy, with the energy of the entire Orthodox egregor.

Previously, people came to church every week on Sundays to rest.

Being there, you will understand why this happened. Here you actually relax, finding peace of mind, renouncing worldly worries. Now the role of the church is downplayed, however, this is not a reason to forget where the storehouse of clean energy is located. Turning to the Lord in the temple with a request to cleanse a thing, you concentrate on the Heavenly world, gaining a connection with God. Imagine how holy prayer fills you amazing strength inspiring you to achieve. Now anything is available to you, thanks to the power of prayer!

The pectoral cross is a thing that a Christian should not part with under any circumstances. Usually pectoral cross(or, as it was traditionally called in Russia, a vest) is put on a baby at baptism, and a person does not part with this thing until death. The priests say that it is best to never take off and change the vest, because every Orthodox believer must carry his own cross. But there are situations when the cross still has to be changed.

This may be the case when man lost his old vest or received a new one as a gift, for example, with inlay from precious stones. How to consecrate a cross bought in a store? Do I need to light the chain for the cross? Priests unanimously affirm that it is necessary. However, it all depends on the particular store. If the cross was bought in a store belonging to a particular temple, it is most likely that all goods were originally consecrated (this must be clarified with the seller when buying).

If the vest is purchased or made to order in jewelry store, then it is most likely not yet consecrated. Only the clergy know how to consecrate this important subject for a Christian.

The main functions of the pectoral cross

Christian under no circumstances should he take off his cross, because:

  • The cross is a reliable protection against the attacks of enemies and evil spirits.
  • A person who wears the main symbol of the Christian faith on the body, thereby openly confesses Jesus Christ and preaches his faith to other people.
  • The vest protects a person throughout life, helps to overcome temptations, fight diseases and troubles.
  • A Christian who wears a cross thereby likens himself to Jesus Christ, who also carried his cross to Golgotha. And the one who does not wear a vest denies the Lord and openly demonstrates the weakness of faith, disregard for God and Orthodox traditions.

When the believer wears a vest and treats him with respect (kisses at night, does not take off while washing and bathing), this indicates that a person takes his faith seriously and treats it informally. And one who refuses to wear a cross cannot be considered a believer, even if he regularly visits the temple. Priests say: those who do not wear a vest sometimes many temptations and troubles, such a person can be openly acted upon dark forces . Not without reason, even in Ancient Russia about people who were distinguished by a crazy and violent disposition, they said: There is no cross».

Many believers on Orthodox websites and forums ask the question: is it possible to consecrate a cross at home? Of course, in our time the rhythm of life is very intense, not everyone has the opportunity to attend church regularly. In many churches, priests, by prior arrangement, go to homes to bless apartments and cars, to receive communion and unction for the sick and the elderly. But how to consecrate a cross at home and is it possible to do this at all?

The Church unequivocally answers this question: such an opportunity cannot be provided to believers, since in order to consecrate some things and accessories, it is required to bring the consecrated product into the temple. Do I need to consecrate the chain for the cross? Not necessary. But if the vest is already attached to the chain, the priest brings it to the altar along with the chain. This is much more convenient than consecrate a small cross without chain. Here is how the vest is consecrated:

  • The believer comes to the temple, after the end of the service he goes to the priest and shows the cross that needs to be blessed.
  • If necessary, the owner of the vest makes a feasible donation or pays for the service of consecrating the cross in a candle shop (this is negotiated with the priest in advance).
  • The priest inspects the product and informs the believer about whether this cross corresponds to Orthodox canons. If the product is made according to Catholic canons, the priest has the right to refuse consecration.
  • In the event that the vest is made in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, the priest brings it to the church altar and consecrates it. Sanctification consists in reciting special prayers appropriate to the occasion. Then the cross is sprinkled with holy water and blessed. After that, the believer can wear it without removing it until death.

It is necessary to consecrate not only the vests bought in the store, but also the crosses found on the street. It should be borne in mind that the product that was found on the street must certainly be picked up and taken to the temple. The cross is the main shrine of Orthodoxy, and this thing should not be allowed to be trampled under foot.

Only the priest can consecrate the vest, no one else has the right to do so. But a believer, if desired, can attach a consecrated cross to the relics of a beloved saint in order to ask this saint for help, intercession, and strengthening in faith. Many people do this when they go on pilgrimages to holy places.

Buying a product: important points

How much does it cost to bless a cross? It should be borne in mind that all products that are sold in church shops on the territory of temples have already been consecrated, so it is best to purchase a cross in such places. If the vest, which was found on the street or bought in a store, needs to be consecrated, the price for this service may be different depending on the temple. It should be noted that in most churches, the priest renders such a service to parishioners for a "feasible donation." When purchasing a pectoral cross in a church shop or in a jewelry store, you should keep in mind the following:

  • According to Orthodox tradition, one nail is nailed to the feet of Jesus Christ on the crucifix. V Catholic tradition it's two nails.
  • The crucifix depicted on the cross must also comply with other Orthodox canons of the image of Jesus Christ.
  • On products made of precious metals, there must be a sample.
  • If the cross is purchased for a child, it must be small size and with rounded ends, without sharp corners. This is very important from a safety point of view so that the child does not get hurt. When choosing a children's vest, you need to pay special attention to the reliability and quality of the chain. And it is best to choose an ordinary thin rope, because many chains, especially those made of low quality metal, contain nickel. This metal is a strong allergen, its use in products for children is unacceptable.

Do not chase expensive products. It is best to choose the simplest cross, because the vest is not an ornament. This is a thing that symbolizes the Christian faith.

How to wear

You need to wear a pectoral cross correctly. The priests unanimously affirm that under no circumstances should one exchange vests with each other. This custom used to be quite common in countryside. Especially often men who consider themselves close friends exchanged crosses with each other. People believed that in this way they "brotherhood", that is, they become relatives. However, the clergy categorically forbid this. Each believer has his own cross, and it is he who must be carried, literally and figuratively.

Under no circumstances should the vest be removed. Before taking your child to school or Kindergarten, the mother must definitely check if the baby has a cross. Many young mothers do not put this important symbol of Christianity on their newborn child, as they are afraid that the baby might suffocate himself with a string. The solution to this problem is very simple: you need to shorten the rope so that it becomes safe.

Only baptized people have the right to wear a pectoral cross. An unbaptized person is not considered a member of the Orthodox Church, so he cannot wear a vest, even as an ornament. It is also forbidden to wear Orthodox cross people who have a different religion (Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims).

Before going to bed, a pious Christian reverently kisses his vest before reading prayers for the coming dream. The cross must be worn in such a way that its reverse side is hidden, and the front side (with a crucifix) is visible. You should not flaunt a vest, even if it is a unique work of jewelry art. The cross is best hidden from prying eyes.

It is necessary to consecrate a pectoral cross bought in a store or found on the street. This should be taken very seriously, because the cross accompanies a person all his life, from the moment of baptism until his death. But the easiest way is to purchase already consecrated products. This can be done at any church shop in the territory. Orthodox church. A properly consecrated vest is not only reliable protection and patronage of God, but also proof of a strong Orthodox faith person.