Can pregnant women eat boiled corn. Is boiled corn good for pregnant women?

  • 02.07.2020

Corn is considered one of the oldest grain crops in the world. Today it ranks third in popularity and prevalence. This became possible not only due to the taste, but also some useful properties of the product, which are especially appreciated by women during pregnancy.

  • iron, which prevents anemia and normalizes the thyroid gland;
  • vitamins of groups A, B1, B3, B9 and C, which strengthen the immune system, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • magnesium, which is involved in supporting the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • potassium and sodium, which restore water and acid-base balance.

The benefits and possible harm of corn for pregnant women

Corn during pregnancy is useful in that:

  • eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, weakness and malaise);
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances, thanks to which it allows you to cope with constipation, diarrhea and restore the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • prevents swelling;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood;
  • helps to form and develop the fetus.

Despite the huge amount of benefits, this is a high-calorie product. For example, depending on the method of preparation, 100 g of corn porridge can contain more than 300 kcal.

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • increased blood clotting.

How to choose and cook corn?

During pregnancy, you can eat boiled and canned corn, as well as cereals from it. The latter is mainly used for making porridge.

When choosing fresh corn, you should pay attention to its appearance, lack of black grains and mold. Cereals and canned food must have a valid expiration date.

Fresh and cooked on the cob

When choosing a fresh product, a woman must follow the following rules:

  • Buy cobs with leaves. Then you can be sure that the corn is less damaged during transportation.
  • Pay attention to the color of the leaves. They should be green, as they are yellow and dry, indicating that the corn was picked a long time ago.
  • Pay attention to grains. They should be small, pale yellow in color. Such grains easily come off the cob and taste good.

Also, you should not buy boiled corn from your hands in the markets, because it is not known whether hygiene rules were followed during its preparation. It's better to do everything yourself. To do this, the corn must first be washed, and large cobs cut in half and only then put in already boiling water without salt and spices. You need to cook for 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of maturity of the product.

Cereals for porridge

Pregnant women are advised to use whole grains rather than buy cereals fast food. Suitable grits, both coarse and fine grinding. You can boil it in water or milk. The last ingredient will give the corn porridge a rich yellow and mild taste.

The finished dish is served with both vegetables or mushrooms, as well as dried fruits. Corn porridge goes well with cheese, bacon and eggs, as well as pumpkin.

Canned corn

When choosing canned products, you need to pay attention not only to the expiration date, but also to the date of manufacture. If it was packed not in summer or autumn period, and in winter or in early spring, then the grains will not be as fresh. Before packaging, they are first dried, wetted, and then boiled. In this case, there is no question of any beneficial properties of corn.

In addition, you should buy products made according to GOST or international standards. In this case, you can be sure that all the rules and requirements for preparation and packaging are observed by the manufacturer.

As mentioned earlier, canned corn is most often added to salads to make them satisfying and nutritious, but it is also used to make soups or pizza. It all depends on the imagination and culinary abilities of the expectant mother.

A balanced and vitamin-rich diet is one of the most important elements of health and well-being.

To the question of nutrition expectant mother should be approached with particular care. A baby that develops in a woman's womb needs complete proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals. All this the baby receives from the mother. And if there are usually no questions regarding the usual sources of useful elements, then what about slightly less popular, but no less useful and tasty products, such as corn. Is it possible to eat corn during pregnancy, and what kind of cereal - canned or boiled - is it better to give preference?

Corn during pregnancy - nutritional value and calorie content of cereal

Corn is not only tasty, but also extraordinary useful product. The undeniable advantage of corn is its environmental friendliness. It is one of the few cereals that does not accumulate harmful chemical fertilizers that may be present in the soil on the cob. Yellow grains are rich in vitamins and minerals, including:

  • Vitamins K, E, A, vitamins of group B.
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
  • Salts of calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Starch (plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system and the “building” of muscle fibers).

Corn is a high-calorie product, while it should be noted the high nutritional value of cereal, so it can also be used as a snack. Even after heat treatment, the grains of the product retain their shells.

Corn during pregnancy: in what form to eat the product

Such a cereal rich in vitamins and minerals as corn is simply obliged to take its place in the diet of the expectant mother (of course, if there are no contraindications from the health side). For women “in position”, corn is useful both in boiled and canned form, because even heat treatment does not deprive the product of its useful properties. Successful "companions" of cereal are:

  • Vegetables - Chinese cabbage, tomatoes cucumbers.
  • Protein foods - low-fat cheese, boiled meat, squid.

The inclusion of cereal in salads will diversify the diet, saturate it with the necessary elements. At the same time, you should not combine corn with flour products, as well as potatoes, as there may be a problem of excessive weight gain.

boiled corn during pregnancy

The consumption of a fresh seasonal product is always preferable to its canned, pickled and other analogues. However, as far as corn is concerned, this statement is not so unambiguous. It's all about such product features as high calorie content, as well as the ability to provoke bloating. If the inclusion of boiled cereal in the diet does not lead to discomfort, it is, of course, better for a pregnant woman to opt for this particular form of product.

canned corn during pregnancy

Corn season is summer, but what if a woman wants to eat delicious grains in winter or autumn-spring? There is a solution - canned corn. It should immediately be clarified that among the large variety of jars of canned grains that you see on store shelves, preference should be given to corn in glass jars. Cobs in tin containers retained a smaller amount of nutrients, and you can store the product in such a container for no more than a day (after opening the can). The indisputable advantage of canned cereal (over its boiled counterpart) is its easier digestibility - the consumption of grains does not cause bloating. This factor is especially important during the period of bearing a baby, because. discomfort in the abdomen of the expectant mother is completely useless. Yes, there are fewer calories in canned grains than in boiled cobs, which also cannot but please a pregnant woman.

Corn during pregnancy: the benefits and harms of the product

Corn, no doubt, is a useful product. What effect does it have on the body of a woman "in position"?

Useful properties of corn during pregnancy

  • The inclusion of corn in the diet of a pregnant woman normalizes the body's metabolism, cholesterol levels in the blood, improves digestion (being a good prevention of constipation).
  • Consumption of corn during pregnancy early dates reduces such a common and unpleasant manifestation of toxicosis as nausea - bowel cleansing occurs by improving digestion, as well as slowing down fermentation processes.
  • Corn components help eliminate the feeling of fatigue, which is especially important for working pregnant women.
  • Eating corn helps control appetite.
  • The high content of fiber stimulates the excretion of toxins and radionuclides from the body.
  • The inclusion of corn in the diet helps to cope with swelling.
  • The consumption of cereals during the period of bearing crumbs is a good prevention of iron deficiency (anemia) - it increases the level of hemoglobin.
  • The components of corn help to strengthen blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.
  • In the later weeks of gestation, as well as after his birth, yellow grains stimulate the production of breast milk.

Potential harms of eating corn during pregnancy

In some cases, even such a useful cereal as corn can be harmful.

  • First of all, it is excessive consumption of cereals. Passion for any product does not benefit the body. A sufficient amount will be the consumption of one corncob or a serving of the porridge of the same name.
  • Insufficient heat treatment of corn.
  • An illiterate combination of cereal with other products can also lead to negative consequences.
  • Use only a quality product - corn should not have bad smell, any impurities (if we are talking about canned cereal). Poisoning during the period of bearing a peanut can have serious negative consequences for the normal course of pregnancy.

Of course, if there are medical contraindications, eating corn is also not worth it.

Corn during pregnancy: restrictions on the use of the product

Despite the obvious benefits of cereal, some pathological conditions are a contraindication to the use of corn:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Gastritis, as well as other pathological conditions of the stomach.
  • Threateningly underweight woman.
  • Increased blood clotting, as a result - a tendency to develop blood clots, thrombosis.
  • Individual intolerance to cereals.

The subtleties of choosing canned corn during pregnancy

As you have already found out, the assimilation of canned grains is more gentle, and such a cereal contains no less benefits than boiled. How to choose the most safe and useful product?

  • First of all, pay attention to the container in which the corn is placed. Preference should be given to grains in glass. Tin cans are often internally treated with BPA plasticizer, which has a Negative influence on health (including hormonal levels). If you have only tin containers in front of you, look among them for those that are labeled “Do not contain bisphenol-A (BPA)”.
  • Next, study the information printed on the bank. Everyone knows about the dangers of genetically modified foods. Make sure that the packaging is marked "non-GMO" (or "does not contain GMOs").
  • The recommendation to eat seasonal vegetables, fruits and other foods also applies to corn. Pay attention to the date of production of canned corn. The choice should be made in favor of the grains that were collected and rolled up in the summer.

What kind of corn to eat - boiled or canned - each woman decides for herself. The only thing that the expectant mother should categorically refuse is fried grains (popcorn).

Eat sweet corn - many remember this gastronomic pleasure from childhood.

During pregnancy, it will not be superfluous to resume a long tradition, because corn for expectant mothers is a very healthy dish.

Did you know that corn practically does not accumulate harmful substances from the soil? This is an ecologically clean product, like, for example, buckwheat, and such food is the most desirable in the diet of a future mother.

General information about corn

After wheat and rice, corn is the third most common and popular cereal. And not only the taste qualities helped her to deserve such a high position, the beneficial substances of corn need to be considered in detail.

Corn is especially rich in the following elements:

  • B vitamins (B1 and B2);
  • ascorbic acid;
  • , D, K;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • nickel and copper;
  • salts of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and;
  • amino acids (lysine and tryptophan).

In 100 g of corn, there are just over 44 kilocalories, 60 g of carbohydrates, just over 10 g of protein, almost 10 g of fiber and about 27 g of sodium.

Such a rich composition makes the cereal useful, healing, attractive for the menu of every person who seeks to maintain the optimal state of the body.

Corn during pregnancy

Now consider a tasty and healthy cereal in the context of pregnancy.


First and very important property corn - heat treatment does not affect the vitamin composition of the cereal. That is, boiled corn does not lose its beneficial properties.

And here are the top 5 other attractive properties of corn for the future:

    1. Helps with toxicity. Indeed, one boiled cob, and a small one, and the manifestations of toxicosis will recede. Cereal also helps after a hearty dinner. Fatty foods, which pregnant women sometimes sin, cause discomfort, heaviness in the stomach, seizures. Corn will reduce the risk of such unpleasant consequences.
    1. Corn helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and this is especially important during the period of bearing a child.
    1. The cereal is effective for anemia and exhaustion, it is also reduces fatigue. - a frequent companion of pregnancy, signs of exhaustion can be observed in the first trimester due to severe toxicosis, fatigue is often found in many working mothers.
    1. Regular consumption of corn kernels help the mom-to-be cope with. By the way, this cereal can rightfully be considered female: it alleviates the pain of menstruation and helps a woman cope with the negative manifestations of the menopause.
  1. Corn normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even these five reasons are enough not to pass by the counter with ripe corn. But the cereal has many other noteworthy qualities:

    • corn is an excellent cleaner, it easily removes toxins and radionuclides from the body;
    • cereal is considered a preventive product, it prevents oncological diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, corn prevents premature aging of the body;

  • unsaturated fatty acids in corn help regulate cholesterol levels;
  • corn promotes the absorption of other foods;
  • people with, corn is shown;
  • cereal is considered an excellent prevention of diseases of the central nervous system;
  • improves immunity;
  • prevents muscular dystrophy.

Due to the lack of calcium and some other elements, young mothers are most prone to fractures, dental problems, etc.


Corn should not be eaten by women with:

    • thrombosis, increased blood clotting (after all, corn improves blood clotting, that is, it speeds up this process);
    • gastritis, other stomach problems;
    • diseases of the duodenum;
    • ulcer;
  • lack of weight.

Methods of use

boiled corn- the most favorite state of cereal, tasty, sweet and very healthy. All vitamins are preserved, and what could be more important?

Canned corn also does not lose many of its useful properties. But if you make a salad with it, let it not be a multi-component dish seasoned with mayonnaise. Your stomach won't say "thank you" for sure, and excess weight will not keep you waiting.

By the way, almost any salad can be seasoned with corn oil- but healthy and tasty, and certainly not to be compared with fat mayonnaise.

Corn flour has not yet taken root in our kitchen, but in vain. It makes wonderful pies, cakes and delicious diet cupcakes.

Corn - the program "Live healthy!"

Precautionary measures

Never eat unfamiliar corn

Corn is considered one of the oldest grain crops in the world. Today it ranks third in popularity and prevalence. This became possible not only due to the taste, but also some useful properties of the product, which are especially appreciated by women during pregnancy.

  • iron, which prevents anemia and normalizes the thyroid gland;
  • vitamins of groups A, B1, B3, B9 and C, which strengthen the immune system, prevent the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  • magnesium, which is involved in supporting the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • potassium and sodium, which restore water and acid-base balance.

The benefits and possible harm of corn for pregnant women

Corn during pregnancy is useful in that:

  • eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, weakness and malaise);
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances, thanks to which it allows you to cope with constipation, diarrhea and restore the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • prevents swelling;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood;
  • helps to form and develop the fetus.

Despite the huge amount of benefits, this is a high-calorie product. For example, depending on the method of preparation, 100 g of corn porridge can contain more than 300 kcal.

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • increased blood clotting.

How to choose and cook corn?

During pregnancy, you can eat boiled and canned corn, as well as cereals from it. The latter is mainly used for making porridge.

When choosing fresh corn, you should pay attention to its appearance, the absence of black grains and mold. Cereals and canned food must have a valid expiration date.

Fresh and cooked on the cob

When choosing a fresh product, a woman must follow the following rules:

  • Buy cobs with leaves. Then you can be sure that the corn is less damaged during transportation.
  • Pay attention to the color of the leaves. They should be green, as they are yellow and dry, indicating that the corn was picked a long time ago.
  • Pay attention to grains. They should be small, pale yellow in color. Such grains easily come off the cob and taste good.

Also, you should not buy boiled corn from your hands in the markets, because it is not known whether hygiene rules were followed during its preparation. It's better to do everything yourself. To do this, the corn must first be washed, and large cobs cut in half and only then put in already boiling water without salt and spices. You need to cook for 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of maturity of the product.

Cereals for porridge

Pregnant women are advised to use whole grains rather than buying instant cereals. Suitable grits, both coarse and fine grinding. You can boil it in water or milk. The last ingredient will give the corn porridge a rich yellow color and a mild taste.

The finished dish is served with both vegetables or mushrooms, as well as dried fruits. Corn porridge goes well with cheese, bacon and eggs, as well as pumpkin.

Canned corn

When choosing canned products, you need to pay attention not only to the expiration date, but also to the date of manufacture. If it was packed not in summer or autumn, but in winter or early spring, then the grains will not be so fresh. Before packaging, they are first dried, wetted, and then boiled. In this case, there is no question of any beneficial properties of corn.

In addition, you should buy products made according to GOST or international standards. In this case, you can be sure that all the rules and requirements for preparation and packaging are observed by the manufacturer.

As mentioned earlier, canned corn is most often added to salads to make them satisfying and nutritious, but it is also used to make soups or pizza. It all depends on the imagination and culinary abilities of the expectant mother.

The most crucial period in the life of every woman is pregnancy. It is during the bearing of the fetus that it is necessary to be as reverent as possible about your physical and emotional state, since the health and proper development of the child largely depends on this.

Future mothers should pay attention to their diet. It is important to exclude from it those products that can harm the body. As a rule, food components that contain a lot of calories are of particular concern. But is it worth denying yourself the pleasure? Let's see if corn is possible during pregnancy, and consider its beneficial properties.

Nutritional value and composition of cereal

The nutritional value of corn is determined by a number of useful trace elements, minerals and vitamins. These include:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A).
  2. Niacin (vitamin B3).
  3. Folacin (vitamin B9).
  4. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  5. Thiamine (vitamin B1).
  6. Potassium.
  7. Magnesium.
  8. Iron.

All these minerals and vitamins are essential for the body of any person, especially when it comes to expectant mothers. From this we can conclude that corn during pregnancy is an incredibly useful cereal that can have a positive effect on both the woman and the fetus developing in the womb. By including it in your diet, you can greatly facilitate the course of pregnancy, improve health.


As for the calorie content, we can say that it really is on high level, but not on the beyond. There are about 123 kilocalories per 100 grams of boiled. daily rate for a pregnant woman is 2000-2500. Moderate consumption of the product is allowed within the allowable diet.

Excess weight

It is also possible to include corn in the diet during pregnancy for those women who are afraid of extra pounds. Even with a great desire, it will not be possible to gain weight, since this cereal contains a minimum of carbohydrates. Feel free to enjoy the pleasant taste and do not worry about possible obesity.

Benefits for the body

Eating corn during pregnancy has a positive effect on women Health. Let's reveal one more advantage of the product: the delicacy is quite easy to prepare, which will help save a lot of time and effort.

Consider the beneficial properties of boiled corn. During pregnancy, it is important to consider the composition of food.

  • Vitamin A, responsible for the creation of protein compounds, as well as visual pigments. This vitamin is extremely important for the body of any person, as it normalizes blood clotting and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B1, which is extremely important during the period of gestation. It is on this element that the health of the unborn child depends. Vitamin deficiency can cause developmental delay. It also has a beneficial effect not only on nervous system mother, but also on the formation of the neural tube of the baby.
  • Vitamin B3, which plays an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. It is an excellent antidepressant, quickly relieves nervous tension, increases the level of stress resistance. It normalizes blood circulation in small vessels, from which the fetus receives all vital substances. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to miscarriage.
  • Vitamin B9, which regulates the most complex process of cell division, preventing the appearance of anemia. It is also responsible for the physical development of the fetus.
  • Vitamin C, able to quickly remove toxic substances from the body, strengthen the immune system. He contributes correct work intestines, helping to absorb the resulting iron. Significantly reduces capillary permeability.
  • Magnesium. Extremely important element needed for bone formation. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and also strengthens the nervous system. During pregnancy, the body's need for magnesium increases by about a third.
  • Potassium. It is directly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. Deficiency of this element can lead to the formation of edema.
  • Iron. His role is hard to overestimate. This element is key in the process of formation of the brain and bone marrow, hematopoiesis.

The benefits of corn during pregnancy are obvious. However, this does not mean at all that you need to buy cereals as soon as they appear on sale. The best option is corn grown in your own garden. You will be completely sure that it is not impregnated with various chemicals that are added to fertilizers of dubious quality. If you don't have land plot, feel free to demand a quality certificate from sellers.

Corn during pregnancy: in what form is it most useful?

The simplest and most common recipe for cooking is boiled corn. It can be consumed on its own or added to salads. But in our case, it is better to avoid adding mayonnaise and other unwanted ingredients. The most useful salads made from corn and fresh vegetables. For example, you can take a couple of boiled eggs, one medium-sized fresh cucumber, corn kernels (one cob is enough), sour cream, herbs and salt. Cut everything into small pieces, mix and let it brew a little.

Such a salad will be not only tasty, but also healthy. Cucumbers and corn will help get rid of edema, as they have a diuretic effect. Eggs will give vitality because they contain a lot of proteins. From the greens the body will receive the necessary vitamins.


Corn during pregnancy is useful only fresh or frozen. Try to avoid canned cereals, as they contain a lot of sugar, which can cause rapid weight gain and pancreatic failure.


If you eat boiled corn grown without the addition of nitrates, you don't have to worry about the consequences. However, it is worth remembering that in everything you need to know the measure. The optimal portion that will saturate your body with all the useful elements should not exceed 150-300 grams per day. The consumption of corn in large numbers extremely dangerous for the health of the fetus due to the high concentration of retinol.