Types of trade. Criteria for retail trade for the purposes of applying UTII

  • 10.10.2019

Trade is an important component of the economy of any state. Since time immemorial, trade routes have connected cities and countries, bringing together culture, science and progressive ideas. different peoples. And today, the success of the development of trade relations between Russia in general and individual republics in particular directly depends on the professionalism of everyone involved in the organization of the trade process. It is the enterprises of the trade sector that create a developed infrastructure of services, make a significant contribution to the creation of favorable conditions for its further development. Thanks to efficient work, the trade sector rises to a new qualitative level from year to year.

Trade is one of the largest sectors of the economy of any country, both in terms of the number of people employed in it, and in terms of the volume of activity and contribution to the overall economic potential.

The era of trade is rooted in the distant past. With the development of transport communications, more and more territorially isolated regions with various resources, both natural and man-made, were involved in trade. With the development of production, new sectors of the economy and the emergence of unique technologies and products, differentiation between individual regions inevitably increased. Differences in provision natural resources, the inability to produce a product within the region, including by a single person for personal consumption, gave rise to the need to obtain resources "on the side" for the purpose of consumption. It is clear that it is impossible to obtain a resource for free in a legal way, therefore, the paid acquisition of resources ensured the emergence of the concept of trade, the acquired resources began to be called a commodity.

The condition for the formation of the world trade market was the technical and scientific progress of transport and communications, which, combined with trade relations, turned the world into a single economic space.

Trade is a link between the producer of resources - goods and the consumer - the buyer, providing the production chain of transformation "money-goods-money".

Often, the manufacturer does not always have the opportunity, both physical and economic, to convey his product to the end consumer. At the same time, producers are consumers of resources for the purpose of further reproduction, therefore they themselves are buyers and acquire resources - goods not only from suppliers-producers, but also in most cases through a wholesale distribution network.

The concept of trade can be found in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, according to which trade is understood as a branch of the national economy that ensures the circulation of goods, their movement from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption. Moreover, trade can be conditionally divided into the following types:

Foreign trade - involving the circulation of goods of one country with other countries. Trade between different countries in its totality is international trade.

Domestic trade - involving the circulation of goods within one country. Within one country, trade performs a socially necessary function - bringing goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Domestic trade, in turn, is divided into wholesale and retail trade. In addition, one of the channels of distribution in trade can be considered commission trade, when goods are sold with the help of an intermediary.

From the point of view of entrepreneurship, trade is a type of activity aimed at generating income, where the object of action is the exchange of goods, the sale of goods, as well as related additional services for servicing buyers in the process of selling goods and ensuring the delivery of goods, their storage and preparation for sale. .

The object of any trade is a commodity. An integral feature of the product is its qualitative characteristics, aimed at meeting various needs and requirements. Another feature goods - the ability to dynamic civil-legal turnover. That is why, as a rule, real estate that does not have the ability to actively move in space is not recognized as a commodity.

In fact, such buyers are individuals - the final consumers of the goods. The relationship between the seller and the buyer in retail trade is always in the nature of a contract of sale.

Retail trade is classified depending on the features of the trade service for customers and the availability of retail space:

retail trade through a stationary network;

retail trade through a mobile trading network;

retail trade by mail, through the Internet store (delivery of goods on orders).

Retail trade can also be carried out in various forms, for example, the sale of goods with customer service at a trading facility (at the point of sale of goods), the sale of goods by samples, the sale of durable goods on credit, and more.

Thus, the main criterion that makes it possible to distinguish between wholesale and retail trade is the ultimate goal of using the goods purchased by the buyer: in wholesale trade, the goods purchased by buyers are intended for further use in entrepreneurial activities; if the goods are purchased for personal, family, home or other use not related to entrepreneurial activity, then retail trade takes place.

The retail trade turnover includes data both for organizations for which this activity is the main one, and for organizations of other types of activity that sell goods to the public through trade establishments that are on their balance sheet, or with payment through the cash desk. The turnover of retail trade, in addition, includes the sale of goods by individual entrepreneurs and individuals (including clothing, mixed and food markets).

The retail trade turnover is formed according to the continuous statistical observation for large and medium-sized organizations, which is carried out on a monthly basis, as well as quarterly sample surveys of small organizational structures and clothing, mixed and food markets, sample surveys of individual entrepreneurs in retail trade with the dissemination of the data obtained to the general set of objects of observation.

Wholesale trade turnover - proceeds from the sale of goods previously purchased on the side for the purpose of resale legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for professional use (processing or further sale). It is formed according to the data of continuous statistical observation of large and medium-sized organizations, which is carried out on a monthly basis, as well as quarterly sample surveys of small enterprises with the distribution of data to the general population.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the system of national accounts, the turnover of retail trade of trading organizations and the turnover of wholesale trade are accounted for by the volume of hidden activities.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, carrying out commercial business activities, should be guided by the provisions of civil, tax and labor legislation.

Trade has a significant impact on the development of production, since it reacts most quickly to any changes in the economic and political situation in the country. Being a branch of the economy closest to the end consumer, trade regulates the production process in terms of the volume and range of products, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it allows you to analyze the structure of consumer preferences and opportunities, as well as the dynamics of the standard of living of the population. In particular, through the economic component of the product - the price, one can judge the economic development and dynamics of inflationary processes in the state.

Despite the general statistical indicators, the lack of own financial resources and high interest on loans remain one of the main factors limiting the business activity of retail trade.

Evaluation of the index of entrepreneurial confidence of retail organizations allows us to note a trend towards stabilization and resolution of problems associated with external factors. However, in this situation, the issue related to real estate becomes more acute, most retail organizations are located in premises on a leasehold basis, and in order to save financial resources in rental payments, they limit themselves to retail and warehouse premises.

According to the results of a survey conducted in 2005, 54% of retail trade organizations identified insufficient effective demand as the main factors limiting business activity, 52% - a high level of taxes.

The importance of the issue in the search for a compromise solution to the urgent problems that hinder the development of trade organizations is confirmed by their role in the system of social reproduction.

The main function of trade is the sale of goods. However, to ensure competitiveness with the development of the market, trade organizations must provide a number of additional services related to the sale of goods related to bringing goods to the end consumer. These functions include the following: marketing research, the study of consumer demand for goods, consulting services for buyers in choosing goods, the provision of additional services for the delivery of purchased goods "at home" to the buyer, taking orders for goods that are not on sale, and others. The volume and nature of the functions performed by a trade organization depends on its isolation, type, size, technical equipment, location and other factors.

Being a form of commodity circulation, in the reproduction process, trade performs two main functions inherent in circulation. The first is to satisfy the solvent needs for products produced for the purpose of exchange and therefore taking the form of a commodity, namely: the needs of enterprises in products for industrial and technical purposes, if we are talking about the circulation of means of production and the personal needs of all members of society, when it comes to on trade in articles of personal consumption. Through the circulation of means of production, the formation of the material and technical basis of production takes place (raw materials, semi-finished products, components are purchased, equipment is purchased) necessary to compensate for the consumed funds and expand the scale of production activities. The peculiarity of the sphere of circulation of goods for personal consumption in the reproduction process is expressed in the fact that at the stage of purchase and sale it does not depend on production. Goods pass into the sphere of consumption to meet the personal material needs of people, the reproduction of labor power.

Another function of trade is the reimbursement in money of the cost of goods involved in the sphere of commodity circulation (the costs of enterprises are covered and the possibility of resuming production is provided). At the same time, it is important to note that both functions of trade are manifested simultaneously: in each act of the exchange of goods, both the satisfaction of a solvent need and the reimbursement of the cost of funds consumed are carried out. Acting as a whole, the above functions are not without contradictions. This contradiction is expressed in the fact that the first function reflects the interests of consumers, and the second - of producers of goods, acting respectively as carriers of demand and supply.

However, goods cannot themselves be sent to the market and exchanged. The exchange of goods is carried out by people through the acts of purchase and sale performed by them. Therefore, both things (goods and money) and people (sellers and buyers) participate in the exchange. Thus, the market is primarily represented by economic relations between producers and consumers in the process of movement of the results of labor obtained not for their own consumption, but to satisfy social needs. It is through buying and selling that separate commodity producers and consumers come into contact with each other. Thus, exchange relations in the form of a set of exchange acts between two subjects represent market relations. The market connects people, forcing them to enter into certain relationships with each other.

With the development of the social division of labor, commodity production and circulation, trade is separated into an independent branch, the purchase and sale of goods is carried out through third parties. One of the signs on the basis of which trade is singled out as an independent branch is the separation of commodity circulation into an independent sphere of activity. As an industry, trade has its own specifics, which is expressed in the trade and technological processes inherent only to it (when performing work on the purchase, transportation, storage, preparation of goods for sale, trade services, provision of services); in the material and technical base (warehouse and distribution network, special equipment, vehicles etc.); in the organization of trade services.

The isolation of trade also leads to the formation of a special group of workers in the sphere of circulation, who specialize in carrying out the operations of buying and selling goods. Thus, new subjects of market relations appear in addition to producers and consumers of goods.

The most important reproductive significance of trade is also to satisfy the effective demand of the population for goods. When buying and selling goods are distributed among buyers in accordance with their income and individual needs.

Studying the state and prospects of customer demand, as well as actively influencing this demand through advertising, manufactured and new products, expanding the volume and improving the quality of services for buyers, in particular, after-sales service, providing short-term discounts, etc. occupies a significant place in the activities of commercial enterprises.

Thus, the analysis of the essence of trade as a form of commodity circulation makes it possible to determine its place in the system of a market economy. Since, under the conditions of commodity production, direct contact between production and personal consumption is carried out through commodity-money exchange and the market, trade is an intermediate link in the process of reproduction.

Among the characteristic features of trade, the following should be noted:

  • 1. Completion of the commodity production cycle, sale of goods to the final consumer (retail trade).
  • 2. The results of trading activities determine the state of money circulation in the state.
  • 3. Accumulation of cash Money, the need to organize strict control over compliance with existing norms and rules for organizing cash circulation
  • 4. Provision of additional services related to the sale of goods in bringing the goods to the consumer.
  • 5. High adaptive ability of management.
  • 6 High level of capital turnover, dependence of the results of trading activity on the speed of turnover of funds.
  • 7. The absence of a production process as such causes the absence of work in progress in accounting.
  • 8. The price and range of goods sold are largely dependent on the nature of demand, the characteristics of the socio-economic composition of the population served.
  • 9. Income from trade is subject to seasonal fluctuations depending on the time of year, days of the week, hours of the day, for example, increased demand and against the backdrop of rising prices during the New Year holidays.
  • 10. Personal responsibility of employees of trade organizations for the safety of material and financial resources.

Thus, great importance should be attached to enhancing cooperation between producers and trade, optimizing economic relations between trade structures and buyers in the current conditions of some stabilization and economic growth. In the system of commodity circulation, trade occupies a key position, performing a transit role from producer to consumer, in providing the entire population with the necessary resources, which confirms the undeniable importance of improving management in the trade sector in the context of the formation of the Kazakhstani economy.

The essence of trade and its mission is realized through the functions:

The role and importance of trade:

  • 1. The volume of trade turnover is the most important indicator of the development of the country's economy as a whole. Since after the sale of goods, the costs of producers are reimbursed and the basis for further reproduction is formed.
  • 2. In the course of trade, goods may or may not receive public recognition, and producers may or may not be encouraged to continue to produce them.
  • 3. The turnover of trade characterizes the well-being of the population and its standard of living (80% of the material needs of people are satisfied with the help of purchased goods).
  • 4. Trade is an important link in the implementation of distribution according to work.
  • 5. Trade contributes to the convergence of the living standards of the population of different social groups, different regions and countries.
  • 6. Trade contributes to the rational circulation of money.
  • 7. Trade is a payer of taxes and therefore participates in the formation of state revenues.
  • 8. Trade actively influences people's consumption, determining the set of consumer goods, their quality and influencing the way of consumption.
  • 9. Trade actively contributes to the country's integration into the world economy.
  • 10. Trade stimulates progress in production and consumption.

Trade is an ancient species economic activity a man who has been known since the Stone Age. Even though it wasn't called that at the time. The beginning of trade was laid by the exchange of values ​​that people have. However, as in cave times, so now, the basis of trade has always been the exchange of commodity and material values. The parties involved in the exchange always try to benefit from it. The truth is not always and not everyone succeeds.

Trade arose with the advent of the division of labor, as a result of the exchange of surpluses of manufactured products and products. At first, the exchange was of a natural nature, and with the advent of money, conditions appeared for the establishment of commodity-money relations. Trade is among the most powerful factors influencing historical processes. Not a single period of history is known when it would not have any impact on the life of society.

Thus, trade is a type of activity that is aimed at the sale and purchase of goods, the exchange of goods, as well as the processes associated with this - storage of goods, preparing them for sale, delivery of goods, customer service.

In short, trading is a process of negotiation leading to an agreement on the terms of a deal.

Trade exchange is most often carried out through money, but there is also non-monetary trade, when there is a direct exchange of goods. An example of this is the well-known barter, which was successfully imposed on us in the dashing nineties.

As a type of activity, trade refers to intermediary services. This is an auxiliary link in the promotion of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. But nevertheless, a significant share of tax revenues to the country's budget comes from trade.

Distinguish between wholesale and retail trade.

Wholesale trade is the sale of goods and services for further use (processing, tailoring) or resale. Therefore, in wholesale trade, goods are purchased in large quantities in large quantities.

Retail trade has become one of the most important engines of economic growth in the country's economy since the start of economic reforms and market liberalization in the late 1980s.

Now retail trade is the main occupation of the whole country, especially in small provincial towns, where there is no industry and nothing else to do. Since the early 2000s, retail growth has been driven by growth consumer demand in the domestic market of the country.

Any inhabitant of the planet has encountered retail trade, since everyone, to one degree or another, has to buy certain things necessary for life in a store, stall, market.

Main functions of trading:

1) sale of goods;

2) bringing goods to the consumer;

Trade is the movement of goods from producers to consumers.

3) adjusting the balance between supply and demand. At the same time, trade has an impact on production in terms of the range of goods produced and their volumes.

4) reduction of costs accompanying the trading process (this reduces the cost of buyers for the purchase of goods).

5) Conduct market research, determine prices, create services, develop products.

This is all theory, however, do not forget one very important thing. In fact, in modern world trade rules. And management is its most important function. Some may argue that it is not the merchants who rule, but the banks. And who are the banks? Merchants! Their only commodity is money. That's all.

And in the Arab world, trade is a part of life, not just an exchange of values. The bazaar is teeming with people sorting through something, noisily swearing, crowding, gesticulating animatedly, and, of course, bargaining. If someone buys at the oriental bazaar without haggling, he will thereby offend the merchant. For this reason, it is so noisy there, this is not a boring European supermarket, which, to be honest, makes you sick. And the oriental bazaar is poetry, history, and even a fairy tale, remember the tales of a thousand and one nights!

I remember well those times when even here, if it was necessary to find a person (when there were no mobile phones and the Internet), you could go to the bazaar on the weekend, hustle among the stalls there, walk around the back streets, and there was a high probability of meeting someone who you need, and even those whom you have not seen for a long time. The bazaar was something like an antique forum. Alas, those days are long gone, and the market has become boring, nauseating supermarkets have appeared, burying the old days.

But in the Western world, trade is a kind of monster that kills everything around. There, life is subordinated to trade, and huge supermarkets “devour” everything: nature, small shops, and human souls, exposing them to the temptations of greed. In this they are helpfully helped by banks and the media. As a result, everything comes to the fact that people have only an irrepressible desire to consume and huge debts.

As we can see, trade is a multifaceted phenomenon that can bring both good and evil. And that means you have to be careful with it.

The final product in its natural content consists of two groups of goods: material resources (means of production) and consumer goods. Roughly speaking, from those goods that are not eaten and that are eaten. Marketing channels are a system for exchanging or marketing the final product.

The resource market satisfies the social need for values ​​necessary for the implementation of not just production, but expanded reproduction, or an increase in production. The level of socio-economic development of the country depends on this.

The consumer market is individualized, it must bring the product to the individual, satisfy his personal needs and promote the reproduction of the labor force.

But in any case, a whole chain of sales agents is built from the producer to the consumer. The sphere of their activity is wholesale and retail trade, to which we now turn.

Wholesale trade is the supply of goods in large quantities.

It comes in two forms:

  • 1) direct distribution of goods from manufacturers to retailers;
  • 2) distribution through commodity exchanges.

Direct distribution of merchandise from manufacturers to retailers is when wholesalers purchase huge volumes of goods from manufacturers and split them into small lots for delivery to retailers.

To this end, they perform a number of important services to effectively solve the problem of distribution of goods - this is the storage of stocks and information.

By keeping large inventories, wholesalers enable retailers to receive goods as needed. Frequent deliveries (usually daily) allow retailers to meet customer needs without having to pay for overstocking.

Storing large quantities of goods can be quite a risky business. Changes in fashion, the introduction of a more modern product, or in some cases physical deterioration can seriously devalue goods from wholesalers. However, if the price of goods rises, the value of inventory will also rise, and the wholesaler will make more profit.

The wholesale warehouse is an important source of information for retailers. They can come to the wholesale warehouse, examine the available products, get product recommendations and keep abreast of changes in the situation.

Product distribution through commodity exchanges is the wholesale trade in large quantities of standardized goods according to samples. For example, grain, cotton, metal, sugar, etc. The advantage of stock trading is that it helps to capture the market. The goods that are the object of an exchange transaction may not pass directly from hand to hand: the seller may act without real goods, the buyer without cash.

The manufacturer can wholesale his products to all trade enterprises known to him. There are different ways here:

  • 1) you can choose several specialized trading firms working with manufacturers and buyers that are necessary for the firm;
  • 2) you can focus on only one trading company.

The decision on the form of marketing (or on the distribution of products among trading firms) is made depending on the information collected.

Retail - all activities related to the delivery of goods directly to the general public.

The retail system covers shops, bars, cafes, street markets, home sales, etc. In this chapter, we will only consider the main types of retail and mail order.

Private petty trade - these are private traders or firms with one store. In developed countries, their share in retail trade is steadily declining, while in a transitional economy, say, in Russia, it is growing. Due to their large numbers, independent retailers provide consumers with the best possible convenience by opening stores close to their home, i.e. “right under their noses”. These stores operate longer than others, often around the clock, and provide customers with a lot of small services that are sometimes absent in large stores.

Company stores. They belong large companies. They are easy to distinguish from one another in the centers of large cities. In developed countries, branded stores are gaining a growing share of the retail market. This success is mainly built on the economies of scale that large firms can gain.

Companies that own large department stores typically have the following advantages:

  • * purchase a large number of goods and pay for their delivery at a lower price;
  • * are engaged in wholesale trade;
  • * hire marketing specialists;
  • * trade under their own brand;
  • * carry out extensive advertising campaigns;
  • * control the work of their stores from the central office.

Department Stores. Usually a general store is a number of specialty stores under one roof. In most major cities, you can usually see more than one department store. In specialized departments of such stores, a wide range of goods is sold. For example, you can find specialty departments for furniture, bedding, carpets, electrical goods, food departments, etc. Do department stores also provide a wide range of services to customers? there are cafeterias, bank branches, hairdressers, offices for booking tickets to theaters and holidays. The variety of services provided attracts buyers; they can do most of the necessary shopping in one place.

Supermarkets. A supermarket is usually a self-service grocery store with a fairly large selling area. Self-service and self-selection methods used in such stores allow retailers to significantly increase the efficiency of trade. Today, supermarkets are no longer just grocery stores, as they were in the beginning. It sells a wide range of household items. And the actual food trade in them can occupy no more than half of the trading floor.

Such giant stores are usually located on the outskirts of the city, where a suitable parking area can be equipped.

Self-service department stores that sell at a discount are nothing more than a retail warehouse store. They trade on a buy-and-take basis. They sell durable goods. In such stores, there are almost no specialized individual services, which can significantly reduce labor costs. The construction, equipping and maintenance of such stores-warehouses are relatively inexpensive compared to large stores in the city center.

Parcel trade. Mail-order firms sell a wide range of goods, very similar to those found in department stores. All transactions, payments and receipts of goods are made by mail. Local agents, who are temporarily hired to collect orders, send out colorful, attractive catalogs from which goods can be purchased on installment. Agents receive commissions, that is, a certain percentage of the value of the orders they have collected. Buyers are given the opportunity to conveniently make a purchase right at home. And although the mail order business? rather expensive pleasure, the firms engaged in it profit from economies of scale in purchasing goods from wholesale suppliers and then selling it on retail prices. Such firms use warehouses outside the city, the purchase or lease of which is much cheaper than premises in the city center.

Retailing has changed over the past two decades in developed countries due to:

  • 1) participation of retailers in price competition;
  • 2) expansion of self-service trade and by increasing the number of car owners: one car trip is enough to provide a family with food for a week or even more; this became especially convenient when families also acquired large refrigerators with capacious freezers.

The traditional basis for the classification of forms of sale of goods is the place of trade service. On this basis, store and out-of-store forms of sale of goods are distinguished.

Already based on the name, the store form of sale involves trading services in the store - in one of the most stationary shopping facilities. For Russia, and for the whole world, this form is traditional.

In the store form of selling goods, various methods of customer service are used, including the following:

  • 1. Self-service method. This means that buyers have open access to the goods located on the trading equipment, allowing them to independently select goods. The buyer himself determines which product he needs to select. Payment for goods is made at a single cash center of the shopping facility.
  • 2. Service method over the counter or manual feed. When selling using this method, buyers do not have direct access to goods - it is limited to a counter, tray, and other commercial equipment. In this case, buyers can sample the goods through service personnel. Buyers indicate to the seller which copy they want to purchase. The calculation is made either in a single cash center (the goods are issued on the basis of a cash receipt), or directly through the cash register adopted on the counter.
  • 3. Method of open display. With it, the goods are laid out not in the middle of foam on the shelves, counters-refrigerators, in baskets, and the buyer has the right to select the goods with the help of the seller. The buyer, after getting acquainted with the characteristics of the goods, indicates it to the seller, and the latter either transfers the selected copy or another copy to the buyer, carries out curtains (if the goods are by weight), measuring, packing, packing, calculating the cost and processing the purchase.

Among the methods of customer service at the trading facility can be attributed to the sale of samples. In a stationary trading network, the most common this method takes place in the sale of furniture. This method of sale involves placing samples of all available goods on special trading equipment, choosing the desired sample by the buyer, concluding a sales contract and transferring to the buyer a copy of the goods similar to the sample.

Out-of-store form of sale means that the sale is carried out outside the stationary trading facility. In turn, it can be divided into the sale of goods at the location of a non-stationary trading facility and at the location of the buyer.

The sale of goods at the location of a non-stationary trading facility is, first of all, the sale of goods through a mobile trading network (shops, tank trucks, trays, counters, etc.). Despite its mobility, it still has clear administrative guidelines - trade can only be carried out in the place for which the relevant permits. As a rule, such trade is called street trade, since the sale of goods is carried out on the street, without the buyer entering the trade facility.

As already noted, retail trade involves the sale of goods outside a stationary retail network through direct contact between the seller and the buyer at home, in institutions, organizations, enterprises, transport or on the street. Trade in goods from trays, baskets and other portable commercial equipment also refers to street trading, and therefore, is carried out at the location of a non-stationary trading facility.

Pawning the place of trade service as the basis for classification, we established a link to the place of transfer of goods to the buyer, and not to the place of conclusion of the retail sale contract. With this reservation, we will consider trading at the location of the buyer.

This type is implemented in the following forms:

  • 1. Direct sale of goods at the home of the buyer.
  • 2. TV trade
  • 3. Electronic commerce.
  • 4. Trading through catalogues, brochures, booklets, etc.

Let us explain what is meant by the direct sale of goods at home. Individual, regardless of how he is called in Russia (traveling salesman, sales agent, etc.), refers to an apartment, house, office space etc. with an offer to purchase the goods he has. If in the USA and Europe it is mainly perfumes, jewelry, Appliances, kitchen appliances and dishes, then a couple of years ago, the sale of stationery and books was more common in Russia. At present, the buyer is offered to purchase buckwheat, potatoes, granulated sugar, etc. in this way, i.e. Food. At the same time, commodity volumes are rather wholesale (bags, boxes, etc.) than retail.

At the same time, both the offer to purchase the goods and the direct transfer of the goods take place at the location of the buyer.

However, there may only be an offer of goods and a demonstration of the characteristics of its sample, and the transfer of goods is conditional on the preparation of an order and, possibly, an advance payment. Since the domestic buyer is a cautious person, after an offer to make an advance payment, he, as a rule, refuses both to pay and to conclude a contract. With this in mind, agents or traveling salesmen are limited only to making an order, determining delivery times and delivering the goods to the buyer themselves, after which payment for the goods follows.

Here already appear features of the sale of goods by samples, which are predominant for the next three forms. What is Sample Sales? The essence of this concept is revealed in Art. 497 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in the Rules for the sale of goods based on samples, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 918 (as amended on December 7, 2000). As follows from the provisions of these documents, the sale of goods by samples means the sale of goods under a retail sale contract concluded on the basis of the buyer's acquaintance with the samples of goods offered by the seller or their descriptions contained in catalogs, brochures, booklets, presented in photographs and other information materials, as well as in advertisements for the sale of goods.

Consider television trading. Although it has a small share in the entire retail sector, its turnover deserves respect. Unlike foreign television trade, which exists in the form of special trade channels, the domestic one occupies "terrestrial niches" on television channels - the so-called "television stores". The viewer is given the opportunity by demonstrating a sample of the product and getting acquainted with its characteristics. Order the item you like by phone, which will be delivered to his home. We are currently dominated by television trade jewelry, cosmetics, sports equipment, kitchen utensils and, to a certain extent, clothing.

Now about e-commerce. Here we should rather talk about trade carried out through the resources of the Internet. Currently, e-commerce in Russia is gaining more and more development. In order to purchase goods, the buyer must have a computer, telephone and modem. The emergence of new virtual stores determines the good pace of computerization of the Russian population. Today, the sale of books, computer equipment, household electrical appliances, etc. is widespread. The benefit of organizing trade in this form lies in the fact that a busy buyer or a buyer who does not want to spend his time searching for the right product is given the opportunity to get a little more expensive, but to purchase the right product without leaving his home or office. In turn, the seller can organize his work in such a way that he does not need large warehouse areas for storage - he only needs a few units of each item of goods and a staff of couriers. If the goods run out, and orders are received, the couriers first call at the supplier, and then at the buyer. But it should be noted that this is more typical for small firms, and therefore the difference in prices can be quite significant. At the same time, as they say, "to each his own" - the buyer always has the opportunity to view prices from different sellers, compare them and decide in favor of one or the other.

Finally, the last form - trade in catalogs and with the help of prospectuses, booklets. Sales tools in this case are printed publications, which most often contain photographs, less often - drawings and schematic images of the goods offered. Catalogs are reference books that provide a list of products, photographs of samples (often several colors, colors or models), their description ( specifications, medical indications, test and research data, etc.), unit price, possible discount schemes, etc. The same can be said about the prospectus or booklet, with the difference that the catalog, as a rule, is devoted to larger group products, as opposed to brochures or booklets, on the pages of which one to a dozen products can be presented. The catalogs are accompanied by coupon books or inserts, which are filled in by the buyer and sent to the seller. It may also be possible to order goods by phone. The goods will either be delivered to the buyer by courier service or by mail. Phone numbers are also given in the prospectuses, or tear-off coupons are “cut in”.

Another form of sale is by phone. In the early and mid-nineties, attempts to organize trade by telephone were made by many trade and pseudo-trade organizations. The latter, as well as the distrust of the Russian buyer to this form, predetermined the almost complete disappearance of this form of sale in Russia.

Television, e-commerce and catalog sales can be classified as mail-order sales. Having chosen one or another product on the basis of information communicated through television, the Internet or a catalog, the buyer, who lives in a point remote from the head trading organization, has the opportunity to receive the ordered product by mail.

From the foregoing, it follows that retail trade, being the final stage of the complex process of product distribution, is an indicator of demand, i.e. reveals the goods of production and technical purpose and consumer goods necessary for the price and needs.

Category: Fiqh

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Salawat and salam to His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, companions and all.

The main goal of Islam is the improvement, improvement of human life in both worlds. Therefore, for trade, Islam has established certain rules and norms, the observance of which guarantees success and benefit to people, just as their failure to comply is harmful to people.

The virtues and significance of trade

The Holy Quran says (meaning): "Allah allowed trade and forbade usury - riba". The Holy Qur'an also says (meaning): “Disperse over the earth and look for food, i.e. Rizk of Allah".

The noble hadith says: "The fair trader on the Day of Judgment will be resurrected along with the siddiquns and martyrs". Another hadith says: "The just merchant on the Day of Judgment will be in the shadow of 'Arsh". Another hadith says: "A fair trader will not be prevented from entering through any gate of Paradise." Another hadith says: "You engage in trade, verily, it contains nine-tenths of food, inheritance."

sincerity of intention

The intention of a person engaged in trade or other work, who is in some kind of service, is busy improving the material condition of his family, should be good, pure. The noble hadith says: “Indeed, actions are judged according to intentions”. If a person, while performing such permissible deeds as eating, sleeping, approaching his wife and other worldly deeds, has a good intention, then they turn into ‘ibadat, i.e. considered worship. The intention of the merchant should be to fulfill the collective duty - fard al-kifaya, which Allah Almighty imputed to us. After all, if all people abandon trade and no one engages in it, then the people will perish. Also, his intention should be that he does not have to engage in begging, for it, except in extremely necessary cases, is a forbidden (haram) act. An authentic hadith says: "For the one who has opened for himself one gate of begging, the Almighty will open seventy gates of poverty." A trader should have the intention to support himself, his family, children and parents, provide them with the necessary and provide all possible assistance to neighbors, the poor and the needy.

Once, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sitting with his Companions, they saw how a certain strong, strong and energetic young man in early time hurrying about his business. Those present said: “Oh, what would be the use if this guy used his strength and energy and spent it in the way of Allah!”. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) remarked: “You do not say that. If he is in a hurry in search of a livelihood in order to save himself from begging, then he is in the path of Allah. Or if he went on a journey in search of food for his weak parents, then he is also in the path of Allah. Or if he went on a journey in order to obtain funds for the maintenance of his weak family - his wife and children, then he is also on the path of Allah. And if he went out in search of property with the intention of becoming richer than others or out of pride, arrogance, then in this case he is on the path of shaitan.

Acquisition of the necessary knowledge about the rules of trade

The hadith says: "The pursuit of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim" .

In our time, trade in markets and shops has become widespread. Therefore, every seller and buyer must know the arcana (components) and shuruts (conditions) of trading activity. A person engaged in trade, without having studied its basics, falls into sin, and he, without knowing it, uses the forbidden (haram) and engages in usury (riba).

Components of trade

In order for a trade to be considered valid, it is necessary to comply with all of the following mandatory components:

The first component trade is the presence of a seller and a buyer. They must both be of legal age and mentally sound. A transaction made with a minor or with a mentally retarded person, according to Shariah, is considered invalid, and the money received in this way, like the purchased goods, is also sinful (haram). According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, it is possible to conclude a trade deal with shrewd, quick-witted, but underage children, if they have the permission of the guardian (wali). Otherwise, such a transaction is prohibited. Therefore, as far as possible, try not to trade with children. If someone is forcibly forced to make a trade transaction, then the proceeds from this are not permitted (halal).

The second component is the availability of goods. This hand has six conditions (chart):

The first condition is so that the very basis of the subject of trade is pure, permissible. If its basis is not pure, for example, associated with a dog, pig, dung, blood, liquor, etc., then the transaction as such will not work at all. The money received from their sale is also forbidden. Today, unfortunately, even among Muslims, there is a widespread trade in sausages containing pork fat, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes made from pigskin, drugs, cigarettes and other mind-stupefying substances. Having trade relations with such people, buying such things from them and using them is also forbidden (haram).

In the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, it is said: “Verily, Allah has forbidden alcohol and the money received for it, a dead animal and money received for it, a pig and money received for it.” Another hadith says: "The most worthy for the flesh, enlarged on the human body due to the use of unlawful things, is the fire of Hell."

Many hadiths say that the curse of Allah falls on everyone who transports alcohol, on the seller and the buyer, the manufacturer and the user, as well as on the one who offers to use it. Nowadays, many people sell animal dung as fertilizer. This is permitted by the madhhab of Abu Hanifa. Therefore, those who sell it and who acquire it, let them follow his madhhab.

Second condition A: The item of sale must be useful. For example, you can sell beneficial insects, snakes, birds, cats, animals, bees. However, you cannot sell musical instruments, sculptures and monuments to animals, their portraits and paintings. That is, what of them is forbidden to use is also forbidden for purchase and sale. But you can sell dolls for little girls.

Third condition: the item of trade must be bought or sold by its owners or their authorized representatives. Other people's property (for example, a house, real estate, car, etc.) is prohibited to sell or buy without its owner, or without his permission. Having discovered its owner, it is necessary to return this property to him if it was sold or bought without his knowledge, and if this acquired property is lost, then it is necessary to reimburse him for the amount corresponding to its value (for example, for a stolen car).

Fourth condition: The item being sold must be legal for the buyer. For example, a thing lost or forcibly taken from someone cannot be sold to another without returning it back to the owner.

Fifth condition: it is necessary to find out the measure of the subject of trade by weighing on the scales, counting, measuring with a sahom (a measure of loose bodies), a meter, or seeing with your own eyes. If the product, the state and position of which does not change over time, has been seen before, then there is no need to re-look at it when buying.

Sixth condition: when buying and selling, you need to beware of getting into the riba, i.e. usury. People involved in currency exchange, gold and silver jewelry or food trade should thoroughly study everything related to riba by reading about it in the relevant literature or asking theologians. Otherwise, they, without knowing it, will engage in riba, and the Almighty does not accept excuses that they supposedly did not know about it. Riba is one of the most serious sins, and Allah has cursed anyone who has to do with it. Almighty Allah and His Prophet  declared war on the one who engages in riba in the Quran, the hadith even says that the sin for usury is more serious than for a person committing adultery with his mother. Riba, in particular, includes people who give money to others at interest, as well as those who work in banks.

Also, the seller and the buyer need to say "I sold" and "I bought" respectively. But you can not specify, stipulate the term and put any conditions. Today, the most common vice among merchants is weighing on scales, measuring, in particular, at gas stations they do not add combustible fuel, i.e. subtracting from others, they add to themselves. This is gravest sin and violence, which are prohibited by the Qur'an and Hadith. The Holy Quran says (meaning): “Great woe and the abyss of Hell to those who give weight, who take in full when they measure and weigh for themselves, and when they measure and weigh for people, they reduce in weight. Do they not think that after death they will be resurrected again on the great day of Judgment?!” . (Sura Al-Mutaffifina, verses 1-6).

The great day of which the Qur'an narrates is the day when people will be in unbearable crowding, experiencing great hunger, thirst and fear, when the sun will be near and people will be drowning in their own sweat, the day when people, being unable to endure his torments, they will scream to be sent at least to Hell as soon as possible. Almighty Allah during the time of the Prophet Shu'aib destroyed an entire nation, among which it was customary to underweight and deceive people in trade. One someone else's penny can be worth billions of dollars in the next world. The spinners are cheating thousands of people, and that's the worst thing they do. If they want to ask for their forgiveness, then how will they do it and how will they find these people?! In the old days, pious people, when buying something, took a penny or a grain less than it was supposed to be sure, while selling they gave a little more than it was supposed to. They said that they do not sell Paradise for a seed and do not buy Hell for it. Another common deception in our time in trade is the concealment of product defects: shoes, clothes, fruits, vegetables are exposed better side up, and the damaged side of the product, its shortcomings are hidden. They sell gasoline mixed with ethyl, diesel fuel, sell counterfeit dollars, etc.

Once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached out his hand for bread, about to buy it. And the bread was raw on the bottom. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked the seller about this, and he replied that the bread was wet because of the rain. The Prophet asked: “Then why don’t you put the bread with the wet side up?” Then he said, "Whoever deceives us is not one of us." (Muslim). The hadith says: "If a person sells something, hiding his shortcomings, flaws, then he will be under the wrath of Allah Almighty, and the angels will constantly curse him." (Ibn Maja). It is possible to describe the merits of a product, but it is not (haram) to praise it by attributing qualities that are not inherent in it. A false oath is especially unacceptable. The hadith says: "A false oath promotes the sale of goods, but also deprives him of barakah." (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

A person engaged in trade is obliged to study the conditions for paying obligatory zakat on trade goods. Zakat is a pillar of Islam. The payment of one dirham as obligatory zakat is better than a voluntary donation (sadaqa) of gold the size of a mountain. Zakat protects the property of a person from troubles, saves him from stinginess, grace descends on the property of the person who paid the zakat. On the Day of Judgment, the property from which a person did not pay zakat is turned into large poisonous snakes that wrap around his neck and bite him. The gold and silver of a person who did not pay zakat on them are thrown into the fire on the Day of Judgment and heated, just as iron is heated, applied to his face, forehead, sides,back and thus torment him. Pets on which he has not paid zakat are turned into the largest animals that butt and trample him. Zakat not paid in this world is taken from a person in the next world.

This is what the Qur'an and Hadith say.

The merchant is also not allowed to hide the value of the goods he sells.

Some guidelines and ethical standards for trading

The guidelines and ethical standards that we list below are not obligatory to follow according to Shariah. However, the one who fulfills them will receive the pleasure of Allah, His grace, as well as a great reward in the next world.

1. When buying and selling something, it is not approved to strictly insist on one’s own and persist, it is better to make small concessions, because there is a hadith in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asks for mercy from Allah Almighty for such a person.

2. It is not recommended for a trader to sell goods for more than twice the price for which he bought this goods. Some theologians say that the surcharge should correspond to one third of the value of the goods, but it is allowed to sell for more.

3. Goods purchased for resale must be good quality for such a commodity sells well, and there is more grace in it.

4. Trade must be carried out in goods that benefit people. For this, a person, in addition to worldly profit, will also receive a reward in the next world according to his intention. And such useless things as cigarettes, explosives, images of animals are even forbidden to be sold.

5. Even if you make a small profit, do not reject buyers, because this will favor your trade and bring you more profit.

6. One cannot envy other brothers in faith because their goods are sold out. On the contrary, make a good prayer for them so that their profits increase even more.

7. Do not be one of those who rejoice in gain, but grieve in loss, for you do not know in which one of them lies good for you.

8. If the person who made a trade deal with you came to you saddened, with a desire to terminate the agreement, then do not reject him, for in this case, the Almighty will also forgive your sins.

9. You should not swear in the name of Allah for the sake of trade, even if you are right, for worldly wealth is not worth swearing for him in the name of the Almighty.

10. Whenever you enter the market, read: “La ilyagya illallagyu wahIdagyu la sharka lyagyu, lagyul-mulku wa lagyul-khIamdu, yuhIyi va yumitu, va gyuva hIayyun la yamutu biyadigil khairu, va gyuva gIala kuli shay.” The hadith says that the one who reads this prayer will be recorded with thousands of good deeds, forgiven thousands of sins and elevated to thousands of levels before Allah. (Tirmizi).

11. During your stay in the market, gradually try to get used to remembering Allah Almighty. The hadeeth says that a person who remembers Allah among those distracted from Him is like a living person among the dead. One should not allow omissions in prayers, fasting, etc., while being busy with trade.

12. Being engaged in trade in the worldly market, do not forget about the market of eternal life and its trade. The market for eternal life is the mosques, and its trade is the worship of Allah. Know that you are more in need of the Ahirat market and its trade.

13. Do not be greedy for worldly wealth, for even if all the inhabitants of heaven and earth come to the rescue, you still will not receive more than prescribed for you.

14. Do more trade with the poor. Have also the intention of making donations for them if they are unable to pay you, for Allah Almighty loves the poor and the needy.

15. Try your best not to look at the forbidden in the market. The hadith says that the fire of Hell will not touch the eyes, which, out of fear of Allah, were taken away from the forbidden. If your eyes fell on such a thing, then immediately repent, for the one who repents of his sins is like the one who did not commit them, ifeven he commits sins 70 times during the day and repents of them the same number of times.

16. If you notice that someone is deceiving another, then try to gently instruct him, for this is a duty.

17. Seeing how a brother in faith is being deceived, give him your support, and the Almighty in the next world will protect you.

18. Do not rely on people, do not be afraid of them and do not be proud of them. Trust only in Allah Almighty, for He is sufficient for you as a Protector.

19. It is not proper for a Muslim to be the first to enter the market and the last to leave it. The hadith says that the bad places on earth are the markets. (But even worse are saunas, casinos, strip bars, etc.).

20. Believing that your inheritance, subsistence is decreasing and late, do not try to get it in a forbidden way, because the hadith says that through the forbidden it is impossible to get the blessings of Allah.

21. After returning from the market, always try to go to the mosque and meetings (majlis) where religious knowledge is acquired. After all, you cannot do without religious knowledge about Iman (faith), Islam, prayer, related to trade, etc.

22. While in the market, try to sincerely and delicately command the good and forbid the reprehensible. The hadeeth says that other good deeds compared to this indicated are as small as saliva is insignificant compared to the sea. (Dailami).

23. Help your colleague at work or work in your neighborhood and do not show treachery. Hadith says that betrayal is a sign of a hypocrite.

24. Recently, such a very bad and shameful custom has spread as the sending of women for trade to other cities and even countries. It is forbidden for a woman to travel without a mahram (father, husband, son, brother, etc.) accompanying her. If women do not agree to stay at home, then why don't men go along with their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers to accompany them?! Why do they stay at home sending their women to places like this?! Or why are they not told to stay at home, content with the worldly wealth that they have?!

25. If someone receives from his business a large profit permitted by Shariah and that part of which he does not need, he donates to the poor and needy, for mosques and madrasahs, then it is better for him to engage in this activity than desirable (sunnah) worship. Allah loves more such an act of a slave, which benefits the people, than that which is useful only to himself. However, if someone works with the intention of becoming richer than others, or out of arrogance, then such a person, according to the hadeeth, is on the path of Satan.

May Allah help us to know the beauty of Islam. Amen!

1.2. Modern forms and types of trade

1. State trade is based on state ownership and is the leading form of trade (but in terms of its share in the turnover in favor of other forms of trade). All funds of enterprises and organizations of state trade are the property of the state. Through state trade enterprises they sell consumer goods in cities and towns. At the same time, it is necessary to single out the process of formation of a municipal form of ownership in trade as a new and real process of its separation from the state (the property of representative local authorities).

According to press estimates and current data in trade, the role of municipal property is significant: in terms of the number of enterprises - up to 40%, in terms of trade turnover - up to 30%. Municipal authorities own trade enterprises as shareholders with a share of up to 50-60% of shares. This allows local authorities to keep these merchants up-to-date with the requirements for trade services.

2. Consumer cooperation continues to play a significant role in servicing agriculture. At the same time, the reduction in its share in trade shows the emerging transition from state cooperative trade to work in market conditions: the expansion of production activities, the organization of trade in food products in cities.

The consumer society is the primary cooperative organization.

The lower level of consumer cooperation are regional unions of consumer societies. In relation to the Law "On consumer cooperation in the Russian Federation", new organizational structures are being created - trading houses, wholesale markets, auctions, commodity exchanges, wholesale and retail associations. The supreme body of consumer cooperation is Centrosoyuz, which also carries out international relations, representing Russia's consumer cooperation in the international cooperative alliance.

3. Market trading- this is the trade in surplus agricultural products of own production, carried out in urban markets. The material basis of market trade is the agricultural production of collective farms, state farms, personal subsidiary plots of collective farmers, workers and employees.

Market trade constitutes an unorganized market: goods are sold at prices that are formed on the market under the influence of supply and demand.

Market trade is an important additional channel for supplying the population of cities with food.

The state supports market trade, since it enables collective farms to sell part of their marketable products on the market without intermediaries, and for collective farmers to sell surplus products and receive additional income. Local authorities pay attention to the development of collective farm trade: the material and technical base of collective farm markets is being expanded and improved, the delivery of products under contracts is organized, and conditions are created for storing products. Trade service bureaus are being set up in large markets to assist collective farmers in transporting and selling products.

4. Private form of trade based on private property. This is a new, modern form of trade in a market economy. Private ownership of commodities (often referred to as personal property) and private ownership of the means of production are two interrelated components of the business relationship system. Without one, there can be no other, and vice versa. From this form, other modern forms of non-state property have also grown - family, group, collective. Private property in its classical form - as the property of one private person - is widespread only in small businesses (trade, services).

In recent years, the share of private trade has increased significantly. Thus, the volume of trade amounted to 40%, and the share of officially registered private enterprises accounts for approximately 60% retail trade, and taking into account unorganized trade (from hands), the private sector provides 75% of retail turnover.

Mixed forms of ownership in trade(partnerships, joint-stock companies, trading houses, etc.) are in the stage of formation and development. Their insignificant share testifies to the organizational and economic problems of their development. The process of denationalization and privatization in trade took place in such a way that it was impossible to get an object of trade into private ownership, since there were almost no joint-stock and competitive bidding.

Lease and privatization on the basis of labor collectives practically did not change the form of ownership. As these problems are solved, the share of mixed forms of ownership will increase, especially due to the increase in the scale of their activities.

The diversity of socio-economic forms of ownership leads to growth various types trading enterprises. So, for example, small and smallest enterprises are usually private or collective enterprises with unlimited liability (partnerships, cooperatives). Medium and large enterprises are most often joint-stock companies (JSC) and limited liability companies (LLC).

In countries with market economies, and hence in Russia, the activities of all forms of trade are protected by law to varying degrees and are recognized as beneficial to society.

Modern views trade

The production and consumption of goods are an integral part of a single continuously repeating process of reproduction. two others constituent parts this process are distribution and exchange. In the process of social reproduction, production and trade are called upon to ensure the solution of problems related to meeting the needs of the population, taking into account the existing division of labor. Moreover, the division of labor exists both between manufacturers and trade enterprises, and within trade enterprises, which led to the existence of various types of trade.

Currently, there are four main types in trade.

1st type - wholesale trade- any activity for the sale of goods or services for their further resale or industrial use. Wholesale trade ensures the appropriate accumulation of goods and moves them in space and time.

Wholesale trade enterprises act in the market as an intermediary between industry and the retail trade link. They transform the production assortment of industrial enterprises into a developed sales assortment. World experience and domestic practice show that wholesale trade enterprises specialize in commercial intermediation in establishing economic relations between enterprises producing goods and retail trade enterprises or other wholesale buyers, on the one hand. On the other hand, they specialize in the purchase and sale of goods from warehouses and the provision of related services. Trading and intermediary firms are legally and economically independent of the producer and consumer of goods. They are mainly engaged in commercial activities and receive profit in the form of remuneration for the services provided in promoting goods to the market.

Through a network of wholesale warehouses and markets, wholesale trade large consignments of goods (20, 30, 40, 60 tons) to wholesale buyers for further retail trade.

Wholesale development goals:

■ creation of a developed structure of distribution channels;

■ maintaining the necessary intensity of commodity flows;

■ formation of reserve sources of financial support for trade turnover processes.

2nd type of trade - small wholesale trade- sale of significant consignments of goods (up to 1 ton) for small-scale retail trade or for personal non-commercial consumption.

The main functions of wholesale and small wholesale trade:

■ collection and processing of information about demand, buyers and supply; marketing research of the market and organization of advertising campaigns;

■ Purchase of the production range and transformation, formation of the product range. The wholesaler has the opportunity to purchase goods of the widest range and in large quantities from different producers; to transform the production assortment into a trade one;

■ formation inventory;

■ warehousing and storage of goods;

■ revision, bringing goods to the required quality;

■ selection, sorting and formation of supply lots most acceptable for the buyer, that is, small consignments of goods are formed, they are sorted, packaged, and so on;

■ participation in the promotion of goods on the market;

■ transportation of goods. Sometimes wholesalers provide direct delivery of goods to the places of their sale;

■ risk sharing. Wholesalers take the risk of theft, damage, and disposal of inventory;

■ financing of supplies and sales. This can be either an advance payment to the manufacturer for the delivered goods, or a credit to the seller or buyer;

■ provision of advisory services. The number of functions depends on the form of wholesale trade services.

3rd type of trade - retail trade- trade in food and non-food products by the piece or in small quantities for the personal (non-commercial) use of the consumer. Activities for the sale of goods and services to end customers are carried out.

Retail trade in consumer goods at the core of its activities is designed to organize the consumption of goods and services by the population. To realize its purpose and functions, it performs a number of tasks. The main task of retail is to bring goods to the population and organize trade services for customers, provide them with services (home delivery, order desk, cafeteria, packaging of goods, etc.). In the implementation of retail trade and customer service, the second important task is to change the form of ownership. Consumer goods and rendered services belonging to one owner (state, joint-stock, private), upon retail purchase and sale, pass into the hands of another owner - the buyer (private or personal property). Retail also performs social tasks, consisting in reducing the time spent by customers on purchasing goods and staying in service channels. The population spends billions of man-hours a year in the service sector; According to experts, up to 40% of this time is spent irrationally.

To implement these basic tasks, it is necessary to widely use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in trade. The most important areas of scientific and technological progress in trade include:

■ improvement of the existing trade network and construction of modern trade enterprises;

■ mechanization and automation of labor-intensive work;

■ widespread use of batch and container systems for cargo processing of commodity flows;

■ electronization of trading operations;

■ introduction of progressive technologies for trade services;

■ automation of cash register operations and the introduction of retail plastic cards in settlement transactions;

■ automation of goods sales processes;

■ automation of refrigeration processes: products.

With the development of market relations, there have been significant changes in the composition of the retail trade network. During the years of the formation of a market economy, the total number of retail trade enterprises has significantly decreased. Most of them belong to the non-state form of ownership and are predominantly small enterprises.

At present, the task is not only to reconstruct existing trading enterprises, but also to build new modern supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc. big cost require loading and unloading operations, which are associated with the involvement of a large number of workers and cause transport downtime. In this regard, one of the main tasks is to equip wholesale depots, stores modern means for transportation, warehousing, loading and unloading and other technological operations with goods. Stores should be equipped with high-performance equipment, lines for cutting and vacuum packaging of gastronomic products.

The use of progressive technologies of trade services for the population, which should be based on the widespread use of modern methods of selling goods that are convenient for the buyer, has an important socio-economic significance. This primarily applies to the sale of goods by the self-service method, according to samples, catalogs, on orders and at home with buyers, etc.

Purchases in retail trade can be made by both individuals and various enterprises, organizations, institutions. In this case, the purchased goods are used for collective consumption or household needs.

Retail trade is carried out through a network of retail trade enterprises - stores occupying a separate building or premises and having a trading floor for buyers (sales space). The trade area is understood as the area for trade and service of buyers. The retail area does not include the areas of premises for storage, acceptance and preparation of goods for sale, auxiliary, administrative and amenity premises.

Any purchase can be made if there is a seller. It is the seller who has direct contact with the final buyer (consumer), regardless of where and how he sells his goods.

4th type of trade - small retail trade- this is the sale of goods through a stationary and mobile small retail trade network. The stationary small-scale retail trade network includes pavilions, kiosks, tents, stalls - trading enterprises that occupy separate premises, but do not have a trading floor for buyers. The mobile small-scale retail trade network is represented by specially equipped devices for delivery and peddling - car shops and mobile shops, hand carts, trays, baskets and others.

Retail and retail trade functions:

■ determination of real needs and requirements for goods;

■ formation of a wide range of goods and services;

■ implementation of technological operations for the acceptance, storage, labeling and preparation of goods for sale, setting prices for them;

■ participation in the promotion of goods on the market, which is provided through advertising, sales promotion and direct work with the buyer;

■ creation of the most favorable conditions for the sale of goods;

■ after-sales service for buyers.

Major Retailers

Specialty stores- retail trade enterprises engaged in trade in an assortment group of goods of a certain depth. The depth of the range allows you to select independent groups of stores. For example, the clothing store can be considered a specialized full-range store. If it will sell only women's clothing, it is a specialty store with a limited range. If a store sells, for example, only women's skirts, then it is highly specialized.

department stores- large retailers offering a wide range of goods (clothing, footwear, perfumery, haberdashery, fabrics, electrical household goods and cultural goods, that is, a universal assortment of all commodity groups of non-food products).

In department stores, as a rule, the most fashionable products of high quality are sold, the most favorable conditions for shopping are created, and various services are provided (sale of individual goods on credit, home delivery of purchased goods, personalized service).

supermarkets- large retailers established to meet the primary needs of customers in food and household goods. The range of goods sold in them is constantly expanding: many of them sell a wide variety of goods and have a large sales volume.

Supermarkets- retailers that have a large sales area and offer, along with a full range of food products, other various non-food products that do not require special attention to customers from the sales staff. These stores have self-service as well as over-the-counter sales departments. In terms of selling space, supermarkets are about twice as large as supermarkets.

Convenience stores are small in size and sell a limited range of goods, mainly (or only) food products. They are located close to potential buyers and offer consumer goods.