The image of the Mother of God of Vladimir helps in what. Icon of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya

  • 29.09.2019

From ancient times Vladimir icon The Mother of God worked miracles and is rightfully considered one of the most revered and famous in the Orthodox world. In honor of her, several big holidays are celebrated: May 21, June 23, August 25. In memory of the salvation of Moscow from: Mohammed Giray, Akhmat and Tamerlane, respectively. These days it is customary to read the troparion to the Vladimir icon.

The meaning of the Vladimir icon

Prayers before this icon are able to protect people from adversity, they turn to her for help in the most different situations. There are very difficult periods in a person’s life and then they resort to prayers. Every believer who sincerely asks for the help of higher powers receives it. Our Lady of Vladimir is a protector and guards houses from adversity, helps in various everyday situations.

Every Orthodox person is simply obliged to have this image at home. Many different stories have been written about the meaning and miraculousness of the icon, miracles happened hundreds of years ago, and the same thing happens at the present time.

Miraculous icon

Throughout time, miracles related to the Vladimir icon have happened.

  • Three times the prayers of people for the salvation of their own land were heard. Aliens left the Russian land for various reasons.
  • When the icon was in Vyshgorod, unauthorized movements of the icon were noticed. Three times the image appeared in different parts monastery.
  • The water that washed the shrine had medicinal properties, parishioners were repeatedly healed of various bodily ailments.
  • The wife of one of the clergy was expecting a child, she often prayed in front of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, and once miraculously her life was saved from a mad horse.
  • The abbess of the monastery was healed of blindness. The girl simply drank water from the holy face and said a prayer.
  • Once, in the city of Vladimir, the Golden Gate collapsed on twelve people, all these people suddenly found themselves under the rubble. One of them read a prayer in front of the image of the Virgin, then all these people managed to escape. None of them received serious injuries.
  • The baby was washed with holy water, and he was saved from evil spells.
  • The woman had suffered from a serious heart disease for many years, she gave the priest all her gold jewelry and sent the priest with them to the temple where the icon was located. He brought the woman holy water, she drank it and prayed, and after a while the woman turned out to be completely healthy.

It's still far from full list miracles associated with the Vladimir icon. Moreover, miracles happened not only associated with the original icon, but also with its numerous copies.

What helps the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

This shrine has witnessed almost all important events in the history of Russia. She saw military campaigns, how the coronation of monarchs took place, as well as the appointment of many patriarchs. Prayer addressed to the icon helps to calm enmity, reduce the level of anger and passions.

A large number of parishioners turned to the monk for help in order to make a fateful decision, strengthen their own spirit and gain vitality during illness. To the question of how the Vladimir icon helps, you can answer this way:

  • comes to the rescue when making an important decision, shows the true path;
  • strengthens faith and gives strength that is almost running out;
  • helps in healing diseases, especially people with blindness and various heart ailments are often healed;
  • delivers from evil intentions and sinful thoughts.

The Mother of God also helps in the formation of a happy marriage, since a happy and strong family is the key to a strong and successful country.

What does the Vladimir icon look like?

This icon belongs to the type of "caressing". This image is considered the most lyrical of all the images of the Virgin.

Each person can see the face of the Virgin, with her left hand she holds her little son.

They affectionately clung to each other, thereby opening up another side of the Virgin's communication with her son. The original of the icon was painted on a wooden table top.

Throughout the canvas, only two figures are depicted: the Virgin and her son. Her head is bowed to the Infant Christ, who, with his left hand, embraces his Mother by the neck.

A distinctive feature of this icon from all the others is that the leg of Christ is curved so that his foot is visible.

miraculous lists

Throughout time, a very a large number of various lists of the Vladimir icon. Some of them also acquired miraculous properties and received special names:

  • Vladimirskaya-Volokolamskaya, which was founded in 1572;
  • Vladimirskaya-Seligerskaya, founded in 1528;
  • Vladimirskaya-Oranskaya, dated 1634.

All these images also have miraculous properties, and all Orthodox often come to them to read the akathist to the Vladimir Icon of God.

History of the Vladimir Icon

The legend says that this icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke, the cover was used as the basis dining table. Behind him, the Blessed Mother and Joseph the Betrothed took food. And when the Mother of God saw the image, she became very joyful and said the following words: “From now on, all birth will please Me.”

Initially, the icon was in Jerusalem, later it moved from this city to Constantinople, long time she was there. Then, Yuri Dolgoruky received this icon as a gift from one influential patriarch.

In the city of Vyshgorod (not far from Kiev), a monastery was recently built, and the image was placed there. Almost immediately, the icon began to be glorified different kind miraculous deeds. The son of Yuri Dolgoruky very much desired to have such an icon and brought it to the city of Vladimir, where she found new house. Since then, it has received the name - Vladimirskaya.

This icon very often saved the soldiers who went to war. In the battle against the Volga Bulgarians, the icon of the Mother of God helped the prince to win a difficult victory in battle.

Thirty years later there was a terrible fire, then the cathedral in which the icon was located burned down, but it remained completely unharmed. In 1237, Batu attacked the city of Vladimir and completely ruined it, but this time the icon managed to survive.

The further history of the icon is completely connected with Moscow, where it ended up only in 1395, when Khan Tamerlane attacked Russia. The conqueror completely plundered Ryazan and sent his army to Moscow, they destroyed everything in their path. The prince, without wasting a minute, gathered a large army and ordered them to go on the attack to meet the invaders. The Metropolitan at that time called higher power to help them. Then the prince and metropolitan decided to transfer the icon to Moscow.

When the shrine came to Moscow and was brought into the cathedral, incredible things began to happen. As the chronicle says, the conqueror simply stayed in one place for several weeks, he did not go on the offensive, but he did not retreat either. But suddenly he was enveloped in fear, he turned back and left Moscow.

A little later, when the invasion was not even expected in Moscow, suddenly appeared in front of the walls of the city huge army invaders. The then prince realized that he did not have enough time and skills to assemble a worthy army to resist foreigners and simply left the capital with his family. Vladimir the Brave, who suddenly had to rule Moscow, was an experienced commander and gathered a large army, but such that the horde did not dare to storm Moscow. However, they began to plunder the neighboring cities.

At this time everything Orthodox people they prayed before the Vladimir icon, calling on the Mother of God to help their people. And again, the prayers were heard, Edigey (the leader of the Horde) received news of the coup and was forced to leave the Russian land. So the Mother of God once again saved her people from enemies.

Prayer to the icon of Vladimir

O Most Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, Omnipotent Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking You for all the great blessings, in the generations of the Russian people from you who were, before Your most pure image, we pray to You: save this city (this whole; this holy monastery) and your coming servants and the whole Russian Land from gladness, destruction, land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife! Save and save, Lady, the Great Lord and our Father (name), His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Russia and Our Lord (name), His Grace Bishop (Archbishop, Metropolitan) (title), and all His Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Orthodox Bishops. Give them good governance of the Russian Church, keep the faithful sheep of Christ indestructible. Remember, Lady, and the entire priestly and monastic rank, warm their hearts with zeal for Bose and, worthy of your title, strengthen each and every one. Save, Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly field to pass without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for the enemy, prosperity in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensitivity, on the terrible day of Judgment, vouchsafe us with Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.


This is a very ancient and strong icon, it is one of the most revered faces of the Virgin. Three times with the help of the icon it was possible to stop foreign invaders. A huge number of people received spiritual and physical strength by praying in front of her.

The holy image more than once helped the Russian army to win decisive battles - this is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church, which established a three-time celebration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

How the Holy Image ended up in Russia

According to legend, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Mother of God on the board of the table at which the Savior ate with the Most Pure Mother and righteous Joseph.

The Virgin Mary, seeing Her image, said: “From now on, all births will please Me.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaplun

The icon of the Mother of God remained in Jerusalem until 450, then it was transferred to Constantinople. At the beginning of the 12th century, Patriarch Luke Chrysoverg of Constantinople sent a special list (copy) of it to Kiev as a gift to the Holy Prince Mstislav.

After arriving in Russia, since 1131, the icon was in the Bogorodichny Monastery, which was located in one of the northern suburbs of Kiev - Vyshgorod. Rumors about her wonderful creations circulated throughout Russia.

How did the icon get its name?

Vyshgorod became the inheritance of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, son of Yuri Dolgoruky, in 1155. Deciding to move to his native Suzdal land, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon with him and fervently prayed before it on the way.

After a rest in Vladimir, the prince was about to continue moving, but having driven quite a bit from the city, his horses stopped. All attempts to force them to go further were unsuccessful. Even after changing horses, nothing has changed.

The surprised prince began to fervently pray to the Mother of God, and during the prayer, the Mother of God appeared to him, who ordered him to leave the miraculous icon in Vladimir and build a cathedral that would become her home. The prince placed the icon in Vladimir and since then the image has been called the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

Patroness of the Russian people

The icon was first brought to Moscow in 1395, when the conqueror Khan Tamerlane (Temir-Aksak) with his hordes invaded Russian lands, took the city of Yelets and headed for Moscow.

Moscow prince Vasily Dmitrievich, who ruled from 1389 to 1425, went out with an army to Kolomna and stopped on the banks of the Oka.

Grand Duke prayed to the Saints of Moscow and Saint Sergius about the deliverance of the Fatherland and wrote to the Metropolitan of Moscow, St. Cyprian, so that the upcoming Dormition Fast would be dedicated to fervent prayers for mercy and repentance.

© photo: Sputnik / Ivan Shagin

Clergy were sent to Vladimir, where the glorified miraculous icon was located. After the liturgy and prayer service on the feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God The clergy accepted the icon and carried it to Moscow with a procession. Countless people on both sides of the road, on their knees, prayed: "Mother of God, save the Russian land!"

According to legend, at the very hour when the inhabitants of Moscow met the icon on Kuchkovo Field, Tamerlane was dozing in his tent - in a dream he saw a great mountain, from the top of which saints with golden rods were walking towards him, and above them in a radiant radiance appeared the Majestic Wife , which ordered him to leave the borders of Russia.

Waking up in awe, Tamerlane asked about the meaning of the vision, to which those in the know replied that the radiant Wife is the Mother of God, the great Protector of Christians. Then Tamerlane ordered the regiments to turn back.

In memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from Tamerlane, on the Kuchkov field, where the icon was met, the Sretensky Monastery was built, and on September 8, a celebration was established in honor of the Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

One of the greatest shrines of Russia

The icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir has always taken part in important events of the Russian state and is considered one of the greatest shrines in Russia.

So, during the attack of the Tatars on Moscow in 1451, Metropolitan Jonah carried the icon in procession along the city walls. At night, the attackers heard a loud noise and decided that Prince Vasily Dmitrievich was coming to the aid of the besieged with his army, in the morning they lifted the siege and retreated from the city walls.

And in 1480, the battle of the Russian troops with the Tatar-Mongols was to take place - the opponents stood on different banks of the river and prepared for the battle, but it never took place.

This "great standing on the Ugra River" ended with the flight of the Tatar-Mongolians, into which the Mother of God turned them through her Vladimir icon, which was in front of the Russian army.

Once again, the enemy hordes approached Moscow in 1521, began to burn the settlements, but unexpectedly moved away from the city without causing significant harm to the capital. This event is also associated with the protection of the miraculous icon, in honor of which its third feast was established, which is celebrated on June 3.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

With the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, the people went to the Novodevichy Convent to see Boris Godunov in order to install him as king. With this icon, the troops of Minin and Pozharsky met, who in 1613 expelled the Polish invaders and so on.

The most important events of the Russian church history also happened before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Including the election and installation of St. Jonah - Primate of the Autocephalous Russian Church (1448), St. Job - the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1589), His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon (1917).

On the day of the celebration in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, His Holiness Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Russia was enthroned on June 3, 1971.

Moving to a new home

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was transferred for permanent storage to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral in 1480. In Vladimir, there was an exact list from the icon, written Reverend Andrew Rublev.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Bushkin

Horse of the artist Andrei Rublev "Vladimir Mother of God" (1408)

In 1918, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin was closed, and the miraculous image was transferred to the State Tretyakov Gallery. On September 8, 1999, the miraculous icon was transferred from the Tretyakov Gallery to the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, connected to the museum by a small corridor.

Description of the Holy Image

According to art historians, the icon was painted in the 12th century, presumably in Constantinople. The icon belongs to the ancient type of images of the Virgin, which is called "Eleusa", that is, "Merciful, Tenderness".

These are the most tender icons of the Mother of God, on them the Blessed One clung to her Son, and He to Her. They seem to be leading some internal dialogue among themselves, and the one who prays becomes, as it were, a participant in this conversation between the Mother and the Divine Infant.

Double-sided icon: on front side- the image of the Mother of God with the Child, on the back - the throne and the instruments of the Passion of Christ. The background is light ocher, the manure is lilac, with marbling brown stains, the margins are dark ocher, the inscriptions (IC XC. NI KA) are red.

Lists were often written from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, some of which received special names and are miraculous.

An exact copy of the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is also located in the Sameba Cathedral ( Holy Trinity). The gift of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia was delivered to Georgia in September 2009.

What helps

The Mother of God of Vladimir helps every believer who turns to Her with sincere prayer - She is an intercessor and protector, protects the house and helps in many everyday needs.

The Blessed Virgin Mary helps to find the true path, make the right decision, gives strength to overcome the difficult period of life, strengthens faith, protects from enmity, delivers from sinful thoughts and confusion.

The Mother of God also heals from physical ailments, especially often they pray to Her for the healing of diseases of the heart and eyes, which symbolizes insight not only bodily, but also spiritual.

Our Lady also contributes happy marriage because strong family ties, without quarrels and strife, are the key to a strong country.


Prayer one

Oh, the All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, the Heavenly Queen, the Almighty Intercessor, our shameless Hope!

We thank Thee for all the good deeds that have been from You by the Russian people, from ancient times to the present day from Your miraculous icon of perishable. And now, favoring the Lady, look upon us sinful and unworthy Thy servants, show us Thy mercy and pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that we be delivered from all evil and be saved to every city and village, and to our whole country from gladness, destruction , coward, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. ask Orthodox Christian prosperity and peaceful life, health, long life, good haste and salvation in everything. Preserve and make wise the pastors of the Church, who are worthy to shepherd the flock of Christ and the right to rule the word of truth; strengthen the Christ-loving All-Russian army, give the spirit of advice and reason to the military commander, the mayor and everyone who is in power; Send down Your holy blessing to all Orthodox Christians who worship Thee and pray before Your whole-bearing icon. Be our Intercessor and Intercessor before the Throne of the Most High, where you stand. To whom shall we resort, if not to Thee, O Lady? To whom shall we bring tears and sighs, if not to Thee, Most Holy Theotokos? Not imams for other help, not imams for other hope, except for You, Heavenly Queen. We flow under Your protection, with Your prayers send down to us peace, health, fruitful land, good air dissolution, deliver us from all troubles and sorrows, from all ailments and diseases, from sudden deaths and from all the embitterment of enemies visible and invisible.

Enlighten and teach us, O All-Merciful Intercessor, how sinlessly to pass the path of this earthly life; You are all our weakness, weigh and our sins, but you also weigh faith and see hope; grant us the correction of sinful lives and soften our evil hearts.

Strengthen the right faith in us, put in our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, patience and love, in good deeds prosperity; deliver us from temptations, from pernicious soul-harming teachings, from unbelief, corruption and eternal death. We ask you, Most Pure Lady, and bowing down before Your holy icon, we pray, have mercy on us and have mercy on us, on the terrible day of judgment, by intercession and intercession by Your, we are worthy to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, and all glory, honor is due to Him and worship, with His Father without beginning, and His Most Holy and Good and Consubstantial Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

To whom shall we cry, Lady? To whom shall we resort in our sorrow, if not to Thee, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive our weeping and sighing, if not You, immaculate, the hope of Christians and the refuge of us sinners? Who is more in mercy to You? Incline Your ear to us, Lady, Mother of our God, and do not despise those who demand Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, enlighten and teach us, Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us, Your servant, Lady, for our grumbling, but be our Mother and Intercessor, and entrust us to the merciful protection of Your Son: arrange for us, as it pleases your holy will, and bring us sinners to a quiet and serene life let us weep over our sins, let us rejoice with you always, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Our Lady of Vladimir is the most beloved, revered and oldest of the Mother of God icons. The people in Russia have long been perceived as their intercessor before God, her veneration has always been of great importance, it was a vivid manifestation of Russian piety.

The Russians have constantly turned and are turning to the intercession of the Mother of God through her images. Only miraculous icons with the image of the Mother of God, whose days the church annually celebrates, there are more than 150. But Vladimirskaya is the first among them all.

Coming to Russia

From ancient times

The icon was brought from Byzantium together with another significant shrine - the Mother of God Pirogoscha. The very one to whom he will later come to bow, returning from captivity, main character Words about Igor's regiment.

This event took place in the XII century, around 1130. A stone temple was built for the Mother of God Pirogoshcha in Kiev, and Our Lady of Vladimir, which, of course, no one has yet called, was placed in the Theotokos Monastery not far from Kiev.

After Prince Yuri Dolgoruky captured Kiev, his son Andrei Bogolyubsky, without the consent of his father, secretly decided to bring the shrine to Rostov.

Passing by Vladimir, the horses carrying the relic stopped, could not budge. An attempt to change them did not bring results, and the prince realized that he had received a sign: the icon wished to settle in Vladimir.

The prince erected the Cathedral of the Assumption, declared the city of Vladimir the first throne. An image richly decorated according to the Byzantine tradition was transferred to the temple. There was about one and a half kilograms of gold in the riza, not counting stones, pearls, fragments of silver casting.

Already in the time of Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir Mother of God began to be revered as a talisman and talisman of the Russian lands. The chroniclers gave the icon increased attention. Extensive records are devoted to her, explaining many events of history by the influence of the Vladimir Icon.

In 1237, the soldiers of Batu set fire to and plundered the cathedral, the precious salary disappeared., but the miraculous icon survived. The cathedral was soon restored and prayers continued.

A series of marvelous miracles

The history of the icon is full of miracles. Having defeated Khan Tokhtamysh near the Terek in the summer of 1395, Timur Tamerlane, the Great Emir of the Timurid Empire, pursued the defeated ruler of the Golden Horde all the way to Muscovy.

He ruined the Ryazan lands, conquered Yelets, approached Moscow. And then Metropolitan Cyprian decided to call for help the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. miraculous icon delivered from Vladimir. She was carried for ten days in her arms without stopping reading prayers.

On August 26, 1395, Muscovites met the icon at their walls. With continuous prayers, she was brought to the Kremlin. A miracle happened. Timur unexpectedly deployed troops and left the Moscow principality.

Eyewitnesses said that a beautiful woman appeared to Tamerlane during his sleep at the head of an army of many thousands, which, at her command, rushed to the ruler of Samarkand. On the brave man found a terrible horror and Timur decided not to tempt fate.

Since that day, the icon has been revered as the patroness of Moscow. She was returned several times to Vladimir, again transported to Moscow, until she took her place for many years in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

In 1451 another miracle happened. Moscow was surrounded by the Crimean steppe Tatars. The Nogai prince Mazovsha led a huge army.

Metropolitan Jonah organized a procession with the icon along the walls of the city, and the besiegers left. Hearing an unusual noise, the Nogais thought that a well-armed and numerous army of Prince Vasily was moving towards the city and retreated.

In 1480, the shrine was brought to the Russian camp in the area of ​​the Urga River. The victory on the Ugra of Moscow Prince Ivan III over the army of Khan Akhmet eventually led to the fall of the rule of the Golden Horde.

In 1521, thanks to the intercession of the miraculous image, Khan Mahmet Giray left Moscow along with the army, which gave rise to establish another holiday in honor of the icon.

In total, the church annually celebrates three holidays dedicated to the icon: May 21, June 23 and August 26 according to the Julian calendar.

With the image of the Mother of God of Vladimir, Boris Godunov was called by the people to the kingdom. In 1613, the Moscow Metropolitan Arseniy overshadowed with it the winners of the Poles of the militia of Kozma Minin and Prince Pozharsky.

From recent history

Until now, the story of how, during the war years, obeying the oral order of the Father of the Nations, Joseph Stalin, causes controversy, the sky over Moscow flew around the plane with the icon that defended the capital Soviet Union from treacherous invaders.

Different versions of the legend attribute the honor of saving the capital of the USSR to different icons. They point to the image of the Tikhvin Mother of God, the legendary Kazan Mother of God.

But many enthusiasts who are trying to find at least some documentary evidence of this miracle are inclined to believe that Moscow, like hundreds of years ago, survived not without the help of the Vladimir Icon.

One of the possible eyewitnesses told a year after the war that as soon as the Douglas transport with the miraculous image of the Mother of God on board circled the capital three times, the weather instantly changed: thick snow began to fall, the air temperature dropped sharply.

Nature itself came to the aid of the defenders of Moscow.

Where is the image now?

In the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was located until the revolution itself. Before her, emperors were crowned and patriarchs were elected, they prayed for her to grant victories, they took a military oath.

After the legendary robbery of the Patriarchal Sacristy in 1918, it, along with many Kremlin valuables and relics, was confiscated from the cathedral. The icon was placed in storage in the Armory.

According to another version, it was undergoing another restoration in the workshop of Igor Grabar. In total, the icon was repainted more than four times, not counting minor repairs to the image.

According to the description, the icon that has come down to us is absolutely not similar to the original work of the Byzantine master. In 1926, the Historical Museum became her refuge. In 1930, the leadership of the Tretyakov Gallery managed to convince the authorities to transfer the icon to the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Today, the icon is constantly in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi. It is a house church at the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In addition to this icon, there are other exhibits from the gallery's collection.: liturgical utensils, icons, crosses. Every year on the feast of the Holy Trinity, Andrey Rublev's "Trinity" is given to the Temple for temporary storage.

The kiot for the Mother of God of Vladimir was made by the Belgorod carver V. Aksenov and V. Panteleev. The temple is open to visitors, services are held in it.

On patronal feasts, the image is transferred to the Kremlin and exhibited in Moscow's Assumption Cathedral for general veneration.

How does an icon help?

Its miraculous power is manifested not only in protection from enemies. Since the time of Prince Bogolyubsky big number people receive spiritual and physical healing sincerely asking the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir for help.

    Protects against accidents.

    When Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon to the Rostov lands, a full-flowing river stood in his way. The prince sent a man to search for a ford, but finding himself in the middle of a stormy river, he sank to the bottom like a stone.

    The prince prayed to the icon, and a miracle happened - the man got out of the water unharmed.

    Facilitates childbirth

    Chronicles claim that the wife of Prince Andrei suffered greatly and could not be relieved of her burden for more than two days.

    The prince defended the service and when it ended he washed the icon with water, and sent the water to the princess. Having taken a single sip, she immediately gave birth healthy child and recovered on her own.

    Treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels

    It shows the greatest strength in the treatment of diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart. There is a mass of evidence of this from the time already almost forgotten to the present day.

    There is a story about a woman from Murom who suffered from a heart disease. Having sent all her jewelry to Vladimir, she asked for holy water from the icon of the Virgin. And when she drank the brought water, she was immediately cured.

    Saves from fatal accidents

    Prince Bogolyubsky built the Golden Gate in Vladimir. Many people came to see them. But suddenly, with a large crowd of people, the gate separated from the walls and fell.

    The reason for this was the dry lime. As many as 12 people remained under the rubble. Having learned about the tragedy, Prince Bogolyubsky began to pray before the icon of the Virgin.

    Sincere prayer was heard. The gates were raised and all the people were alive, no one was found to have any injuries.

And even in front of the icon it will help to understand yourself, your experiences. Lets see the right one life path The Mother of God will strengthen faith and soften malice. We miss the goodness so much.


O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, Omnipotent Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings, in the generations of the Russian people from You who were, before Your most pure image, we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy abode) and your forthcoming servants and the whole Russian Land from gladness, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, Madam, our Great Lord and Father (name of the rivers), His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Grace Bishop (or: Archbishop, or Metropolitan) (title), and all the Most Reverend Metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops.

Give them good governance of the Russian Church, keep the faithful sheep of Christ indestructible. Remember, Lady, and the entire priestly and monastic rank and their salvation, warm their hearts with zeal for God and, worthy of your title, strengthen each one. Save, Lady, and have mercy on all Your servants and grant us the path of the earthly field without blemish.

Establish us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in misfortune, abstinence in prosperity, love for neighbors, forgiveness for the enemy, prosperity in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensitivity, on the terrible day of Judgment, vouchsafe us with Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, and He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever . Amen.

Among Russian believers, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the most beloved and revered. Its significance for Russia is enormous. She saved the country from enemy attacks more than once, thanks to her the Russians escaped enslavement.

History of the icon

Church tradition says that the Holy Face was written by the apostle and evangelist Luke after the Ascension of the Lord to Heaven on an ordinary board from the table at which Mary, Joseph and Jesus ate. Until 450, the image rested on Jerusalem land, and then was transferred to Constantinople. In the 12th century, the icon was presented as a gift by Patriarch Luka Khrysoverkh to Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In the monastic monastery in the city of Vyshgorod, Lik became famous for many miraculous events. But in 1155 Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, moved the icon to Vladimir. On this occasion, the shrine became known as Vladimirskaya. The image was decorated with gold and silver, pearls and precious stones.

In 1164, during the military campaign of Prince Andrei against the Bulgarians, the Mother of God helped the Russians defeat the enemy. Her Face was preserved even in the strongest conflagration that raged in the cathedral. She remained safe and sound during the ruin of the city of Batu in 1237.

In 1395, the icon began to be kept in Moscow, so that it would survive during the invasion of Tamerlane. He invaded the Ryazan lands, devastating them, and soon went to Moscow, destroying and ruining everything that was on his way. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich gathered troops, at the same time Metropolitan Cyprian was blessed for the post and ministry. The Moscow prince and the metropolitan decided to use spiritual powers, so the image of the Blessed Virgin was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow. The icon was kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. A miracle happened and Tamerlane left Moscow. As it turned out, during the procession with the Vladimir Mother of God to Moscow, pilgrims and people standing on both sides of the road along the path of the procession prayed to the Mother of God for the granting of peace to the Russian Land.

In turn, Tamerlane had a vision: he saw a huge mountain, from its top saints descended, holding golden rods in their hands. The radiant Virgin towered above the saints, commanding him to leave the Russian borders. Later, he realized that the Wife is the Mother of God, the Christian protector and intercessor. He understood everything and ordered his army to go back. In memory of this event, a church celebration of the icon was established.

In 1480, the Mother of God saved Russia from the invasion of the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde Akhmat. Russian troops met with the Tatars near the Ugra River. The fighters settled down on both sides of the river and waited for the attack to begin. Russian soldiers held the Vladimir icon in their hands and the Queen of Heaven put the Horde horde to flight. In honor of the miraculous event, a second celebration of the image was established.

In 1521, the Kazan Khan Makhmet Giray moved to Moscow. The area through which the Tatars passed was a terrible sight: ruins could be seen on the site of cities and villages, the property of the inhabitants was looted, old people and children were mercilessly beaten, and then killed or sold into slavery. The attack was unexpected and people were very afraid that Moscow would also be ruined. Meanwhile, the khan reached the limits of Moscow and began to burn the city. But suddenly a miracle happened and the enemy troops began to retreat from the capital. And again the Mother of God helped. On this occasion, the Church established a third celebration.

Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir

Before the Vladimir face were performed important events Russia:

  • election of patriarchs;
  • taking an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland;
  • prayers before military campaigns.

And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War people day and night begged the Queen of Heaven for the intercession of Christ. Even Stalin himself at night, furtively from prying eyes, came to the temple and prayed to the Mother of God for help, and then gave the order to load the Holy Face on a plane and personally flew with him around the capital.

Iconography of the image

The icon depicts the tender "communication" of the Mother of God with the Son - the human side of family relationships. The Mother of God and the Child are in close contact, Jesus hugs Mary by the neck.

A feature of the Vladimir icon is the image of the heel of the Infant.

The icon has two sides, the second depicts the throne and the symbols of passions. This idea is not accidental and means the forthcoming sacrifice of Christ and the mourning of the Son by the Mother.

It is interesting! Ancient icons similar to the Vladimir one have not survived to this day. Over the centuries, the image has been restored several times, several layers of paint have been applied to it. But what is surprising - the faces of Christ and the Virgin Mary still remain in their original form.

During the entire existence of the image, none of the icon painters dared to tint or correct them.

What helps Vladimirsky Lik

The main thing is sincere faith in the power and mercy of the Queen of Heaven, which She reveals to humanity through the icon-painting. The Blessed Virgin helps:

  • prayer before the icon affirms the Orthodox spirit and gives it steadfastness;
  • saves the prayer book from heretical attacks;
  • protects Russia from enemies, instilling courage and courage in the hearts of warriors;
  • protects from military conflicts, external threats and internal unrest;
  • promotes reconciliation with the enemy;
  • admonishes before making a difficult decision;
  • relieves uncertainty and doubt;
  • gives peace and tranquility;
  • protects marriage and family from contention;
  • grants spouses love, unity, understanding and respect;
  • heals diseases;
  • grants spiritual and physical insight;
  • helps in difficult childbirth;
  • protects mothers and their children in a special way;
  • heals from infertility and ailments of the female genital organs.

Image Our Lady of Vladimir- this is the greatest fruit of thinking about the life of Christ on earth, the great humility of His Most Pure Mother, the earthly path they have traveled and sacrificial love.

Important! The Miraculous Face is kept in the Moscow church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is commemorated annually on June 3, July 6 and September 8.

Video about the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

One of the most ancient and revered sacred images in Russia has always been the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir. It is believed that it was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board that once served as a table at which Jesus, the son of God, ate with his parents, the Virgin Mary and the elder Joseph.

The image is written in the lyrical iconographic type "Tenderness". A similar style of depiction of the Mother of God with the Child personifies the tenderness, love and affection that the Immaculate Virgin shows to her Son. The infant Jesus sits on the right hand of the Mother of God, clinging to the face of the Queen of Heaven. The son of the Blessed Mary reaches out to her right hand, the other gently hugging the neck. Vladimirskaya is the only image on which the heel of the Infant Jesus is turned outward so that it is clearly visible.

On the image you can also see two inscriptions - monograms, which mean those depicted on the icon - Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

Journey Through the Ages

The icon of Our Lady of Vladimir dates back more than 2000 years. For all the time of its existence, this image has repeatedly saved the Russian people. Until the 5th century A.D. e. the icon was in Jerusalem, then transported to Byzantium. And only in the 12th century she came to the Russian land, being donated Patriarch of Constantinople In turn, the prince placed the icon in one of the monasteries, located not far from Kiev. It is believed that since that time the image has performed real miracles - at night the icon changed its location, and even flew through the air. Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, soon learned about this. It was then that the young prince decided that this needed its own, separate place.

Andrei takes the image of the Mother of God and goes to the Suzdal land. On the way, the prince serves a prayer service before the icon. In response, the image of the Blessed Virgin shows many miracles: the servant of Andrei Bogolyubsky, having fallen into the abyss, remains unharmed, and the priest, who went on the road with him, survives after he was trampled by a horse.

The path of the prince lay through the Vladimir land, having passed which, he could not go further. The horses, as if rooted to the spot, stood up and did not move. When the prince and his travelers tried to harness other blacks, the same thing happened. Andrei Bogolyubsky took this as a sign from above. The prince began to earnestly pray to the Mother of God, who descended to him with a scroll in her hand, commanding him to leave the icon in Vladimir, and to found a church on the site of Her appearance.

Thus, the Queen of Heaven herself chose the place of residence of her image - not far from the city of Vladimir, since then the icon has become known as Vladimirskaya in honor of miraculous phenomenon Mother of God.

Assumption Cathedral

The construction of the temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos was completed in just 2 years. The erected cathedral amazed everyone with its splendor and surpassed even the St. Sophia Cathedral in its beauty.

During the construction of the Golden Gate in Vladimir, a misfortune happened: when laying stone wall fell on the workers. The prince, having learned about this, began to pray earnestly before the Vladimir icon, which saved him more than once. And then the Mother of God did not leave Andrei Bogolyubsky: when all the rubble was dismantled, the people under them turned out to be safe and sound.

This accident turned out to be a harbinger of future events that awaited the Assumption Cathedral - the temple burned to the ground 25 years later.

Campaign of Andrei Bogolyubsky

The further history of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir is very interesting and full of miracles. She protected the prince until his death. So, once Andrei Bogolyubsky went on a campaign against the Volga Bulgars, taking with him a holy image. Before the battle, the prince and the soldiers performed a prayer service. Spiritualized, they went into battle, where they were able to win. After the battle, the prince and the soldiers read - and a miracle happened: from the icon and the Cross of the Lord a light descended, illuminating everyone. On the same day in Constantinople, Emperor Manuel saw the same divine phenomenon. After a miraculous vision, he was able to defeat the army of the Saracens. In honor of this manifestation heavenly powers a holiday was established in honor of Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, celebrated on August 14.

When Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed in 1175, a rebellion broke out in Moscow. It was possible to stop him only by the grace of the Almighty forces: the rector of one of the temples took the image of the Vladimir Mother of God and carried it around the city, after which the unrest subsided.

Patronal feast - September 8

The memory of this image is celebrated 3 times a year. The first date is September 8 according to the new style. On this day, the monastery was founded and began to be erected in honor of the meeting of the Vladimir Icon by the Russian troops. At that time, Russia was subjected to Tatar raids. Tamerlane, who led them, was a strong opponent. Russian troops could only hope for a miracle. Grand Duke Vasily asked the Metropolitan of Russia to transfer the sacred image from Vladimir to Moscow. While the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir was on the road, Tamerlane, confident in his victory, had a dream: as if a shining maiden was coming at him with 12 angels piercing him with a sword. In fear, waking up from what he saw, the warrior told about his dream to the wise men who were with him on the campaign. They explained to Tamerlane that the dreaming Virgin is the Mother of the Christian God and the Intercessor of the Russian land. At that moment, the Tatar commander realized with horror that his campaign was doomed to failure. He ordered to leave Russia and left with his troops.

"Silent" victory

The next holiday dedicated to the Vladimir Icon is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on July 6. On this day, an event occurred that was long awaited - hordes of Tatars fled after 9 months of standing on the river. Acne. As you know, before the battle, Russian troops came ashore with the Vladimir icon. On the opposite side were the Tatars, who did not dare to move. So for a long time, both sides were inactive. As a result, the Tatars fled. The Russian people attributed this "quiet" victory not to themselves, but to the Queen of Heaven, thanks to whom the last battle with the Tatar hordes cost no casualties.

Amazing dream of a nun

But the enemies did not calm down for long. Already 40 years later, in 1521, the Tatars again rushed to Moscow. Tsar Vasily went with his army to the Oka River. In an unequal battle, the Russians began to retreat. Tatars besieged Moscow. On the same night, one of the nuns of the Resurrection Monastery had an amazing dream - as if Saints Peter and Alexei rushed through closed door Assumption Cathedral, taking the icon with him. Having overcome the Kremlin gates, the metropolitans met on their way Sergius of Radonezh and Varlaam Khutynsky. The saints asked where Alexei and Peter were going. They answered that they needed to leave the city along with the Vladimir icon, since the inhabitants of Moscow had forgotten the commandments of the Lord. Hearing this, the saints fell at the feet of the saints, tearfully begging not to leave the city. As a result, Alexei and Peter returned to the Assumption Church through the closed door.

In the morning, the nun hurried to tell everyone about the dream she had seen. People, having learned about the prophetic vision, gathered in the temple and began to pray incessantly, after which the Tatar troops retreated. The great day of saving Moscow is now imprinted for centuries - Orthodox Church celebrates this day on June 3 in a new style.

What to pray for in front of the Vladimir Icon?

It is believed that this image should be in every home. Praying before the Vladimir icon, we ask for the reconciliation of enemies, the strengthening of faith, protection from the split of the country and the invasion of foreigners.

Akathist before the icon

In prayer before the Vladimir Icon, we ask for peace in our country and in all cities, for the strengthening of Orthodoxy and deliverance from wars, hunger and disease. “Be our Intercessor and intercede for us before the Lord,” we say, reading the akathist. In prayer we acknowledge that Holy Virgin- our only Hope and Salvation, whose requests are always heard by Her son. Before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, we ask you to soften our evil hearts and deliver us from sin. At the end of the prayer, we glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal God.

Lists from the image

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has come a long way in time. At the moment, she is in the Tretyakov Gallery, and only on holidays she is taken out to perform procession. However, during its existence, the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, the photo of which you can see in this article, was used to create miraculous lists, each of which received an additional name. For example, the Vladimir-Volokolamsk icon was presented to the monastery of this city by Malyuta Skuratov. Now the image is in the Andrei Rublev Museum. Also among the miraculous lists can be noted Vladimir-Seligerskaya, transferred to Seliger by Nil Stolbensky.

Temple in honor of the Vladimir Icon

This cathedral is located in Moscow, in the village of Vinogradovo. This building is unique because the temple has a triangular shape. Many attribute the creation of the cathedral to the famous Russian architect Bazhenov.

The Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was erected in 1777. An interesting fact is that even during the years of persecution, the cathedral was never closed.

During the Great Patriotic War, the temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God protected within its walls a genuine shrine - the head of Sergius of Radonezh. After the victory, she was returned to the monastery of the saint, where she remains to this day. For the preservation of the relic, the Temple of the Vladimir Mother of God was presented with a particle of the relics of the reverend.

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon in St. Petersburg

This temple was built in the 18th century on the site of a former wooden church. The main shrines of its decoration today are the image of Our Lady of Vladimir, the icon of Seraphim of Sarov with a particle of his relics and the image of our Lord "Savior Not Made by Hands". The Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God functions to this day. A few centuries earlier, F. M. Dostoevsky was its regular parishioner.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, whose history goes back to distant centuries, has always protected Russia, and now Russia, from enemies and troubles. After all, that is why our country is sacred and God-chosen.