How to get rid of couch grass creeping sparing and radical methods. How to get rid of wheatgrass without chemicals How to clean the garden from wheatgrass

  • 17.06.2019

The scourge of all summer residents is a weed called Wheatgrass. It is difficult to get rid of it, especially when there is a lot of it, but not so much as to do nothing at all. Creeping couch grass is very resilient, it is weeded out, and it begins to grow again. After rain, it instantly grows to the waist, clogs all crops and damages root crops. One small thin root that has fallen into your garden is able to fill the entire space.

You can get wheatgrass out of the garden different ways, sparing the soil or herbicide Roundup, Tornado or Glyphosate. Once on the leaves and shoots, the drug descends into the roots and destroys the plant. Chemical method fast, efficient and does not take much effort, but do not forget that then you have to grow vegetables in the beds. Therefore, in order to remove the wheatgrass weed, we still recommend using folk methods.

1. If there are several bushes in the garden, then you can quickly get rid of it by picking out the roots. To do this, carefully pull out the bush and all its smallest particles with a pitchfork, remove it from the site. You can’t use a shovel, because if you cut at least a small piece of the root, the wheatgrass will grow again. In this place, plant dahlias, alfalfa, buckwheat or squash, increasing the seeding rate. Thus, the thickened root system of plants will displace the remnants of the roots.

2. A dark-colored film helps very effectively in the fight against wheatgrass. It is covered with a weed-inhabited area for the whole season, the edges are fixed with stones, and peat or straw is applied on top. Thus, the wheatgrass does not get access to light and its growth stops. This method is also effective for killing another evil weed! It is better to use a double film so that precipitation or a dog / cat cannot immediately damage the material. Such a film is more expensive than a single one, but there is more confidence in it. Do not use covering materials (spunbond, lutrasil) in the fight against wheatgrass, they can let in air and partially light, and this is strictly prohibited for wheatgrass. AT modern world the environmental friendliness of cardboard is questionable, it is possible that some chemical impurities are added during its manufacture.

3. An exhausting way to get rid of the wheatgrass in the garden will be cutting the roots. In the spring, cut the roots with pruning shears a little deeper into the soil. You will have to do the procedure far more than once, but each time the plants will weaken more and more, until at one fine moment growth stops.

4. You can get rid of wheatgrass with the help of. They have a beneficial effect on the soil and at the same time kill the wheatgrass. First you need to dig up the site and then sow rye, beans, corn. Quickly cope with the weed oats and enrich the soil with nitrogen. After digging, make grooves at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Sow oats. Before the seeds ripen, mow by turning the soil layers down and sow again. During the season, you can have time to make 3 crops.

5. Make an artificial flowerbed on the wheatgrass. To do this, lay a dark film or cardboard on the wheatgrass (just carefully examine it so that there are no holes on it), put a layer of branches and leaves on top. Cover with soil and plant flowers or greens (dill, parsley), outline the boundaries with boulders and stones. As a result, wheatgrass is hatched, and the flower bed pleases!

The area in which the couch grass was removed is sprayed with vinegar (6%) twice: in spring and autumn after harvest. Vinegar will quickly corrode the remnants of the roots, while decomposing into carbon dioxide and water will not harm other crops.

Which of them is the most effective is difficult to say, each of them has a place to be. Try, experiment and remember that any impact on wheatgrass will definitely reduce or stop its growth. If there is a lot of couch grass, then divide the garden into sections, insert pegs with the name of the method of struggle and try each of the following. The results can then be reported in the comments.

A hot topic for all gardeners is weeds. How much time is spent on them. It seems to have weeded everything recently, you see, they climbed out again, especially after the rain. The most unpleasant and tenacious of all weeds is wheatgrass. Nature endowed him with a special vitality. Its roots seem thin and fragile, but this does not prevent them from growing even through thick wood. If the site is covered with wheatgrass, then removing it is quite difficult, very time consuming. How to get wheatgrass out of the garden if it has been growing for many years and has become like a carpet. Is it possible to stop his “invasion and get rid of this wheatgrass forever?

Brief description of wheatgrass

First, let's get to know the weed. Creeping couch grass is a grass that has a creeping branched root that can go as deep as 20 cm. It very quickly occupies large areas, thanks to its roots, since the root system of the plant captures an area of ​​​​about 3 meters. Wheatgrass grows on any soil, it propagates by seeds and pieces of roots, is resistant to dry and frosty weather, and is unpretentious. Its seeds can germinate in March. For this, only +3 degrees C is enough. Here are all his “merits” that allow us to consider this weed malicious.

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How to get rid of wheatgrass on the site with agrotechnical means

Often, gardeners are looking for ways to do without herbicides. Multiple ways to get rid of wheatgrass grass in the garden are aimed at weakening its growth and reproduction intensity. For example, couch grass does not tolerate shading: if the area where it grows freely is covered with a dense black film, a layer of earth, peat, straw is poured on top so that its sprouts are further oppressed, by autumn this plot can be cleared of weeds.

Some plants help to get rid of wheatgrass, next to which it simply cannot grow. After plowing a plot with wheatgrass and sowing it:

  • corn;
  • peas;
  • sunflower;
  • beans.

Sowing oats on a plot will help not only destroy wheatgrass in the garden, but also significantly fertilize the soil that it depletes:

  1. Dig overgrown area, cut furrows every 15 cm, sow oats.
  2. Give the oats the opportunity to grow, mow, leave on the surface of the site. After a couple of days, dig, cut the furrows again, sow the grass again.
  3. Mow the grown oats, and sow in the same place a third time. This number of procedures is enough to get rid of couch grass and, by planting cut oats in the ground, fertilize it with organic matter.

The benefit of this method is also that it helps to get rid of the wireworm that inhabits areas with wheatgrass. You can try to sow oats with vetch or peas, which gives very good results.

How to get rid of wheatgrass on the site with chemicals

Chemical control agents green pest proven to be effective and fast acting. Systemic chemicals penetrate the entire plant when sprayed and are detrimental to the weed. The choice of herbicide should be based on the goal of achieving an effect: complete removal of all plants in a given area or selective application. If you need to remove all the plants on the path or between paving slabs- apply herbicides of continuous action. Lawns, large areas horticultural crops drugs of selective action on certain types of weeds are used.

Online stores and specialized horticultural centers offer a large selection of chemicals to combat wheatgrass:

  • Roundup;
  • Hurricane Forte;
  • Agrokiller;
  • Glyphos;
  • Tornado;
  • ground;
  • Fusilad Forte.

Chemical methods of influencing wheatgrass are effective, but one should not forget that by removing the "annoying" weed from the garden with the help of herbicides, a person causes irreparable damage to the living soil and its inhabitants. Plants planted on such land will be under the influence of these reagents for a long time. According to scientists, herbicides in one area should not be used more than once every three years. When working with chemical herbicides, use personal protection: goggles, respirators, gloves, tight clothing that does not allow herbicide to come into contact with the skin.

How to get rid of wheatgrass on the site with folk remedies

All means are good to destroy the creeping couch grass, and the measures to combat it are different. These are modern drugs, and folk remedies, which include:

  • Baking soda is sold in all stores. It is quite aggressive and can destroy individual bushes of couch grass, thistle thistle and other weeds on the paths between the tiles. All you need is to make a strong solution of soda and pour grass over it.
  • A blowtorch effectively burns wheatgrass in the garden on the entire surface of the earth, but, unfortunately, the root system suffers little from its impact.
  • Vinegar is a well-proven vinegar solution. This mixture is called herbicidal soap. To prepare it, you should take:
  1. vinegar (15-20%) - 4 liters (maybe a little less);
  2. table salt - ½ cup;
  3. detergent (any) - 1 teaspoon (with it the solution will stick better).

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All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and grass is generously sprinkled. Processing should be done in the morning in dry weather. If there is no vinegar of the desired strength, then you can spray it with the usual 9% table vinegar. This also leads to the death of the above-ground part of the plant.

  • Lemon acid. In 1 liter hot water dissolve 3 tablespoons citric acid. Weeds are sprayed with a solution in sunny calm weather.

Measures to prevent the appearance of wheatgrass

Articles for gardeners and gardeners

To maintain the dacha in a well-groomed form, along with the methods of struggle, it is necessary to adhere to some preventive measures for the appearance of weeds: Sow a strip of earth with bluegrass or clover along the perimeter of the site. Cover the paths with sawdust from straw or mulch. Weed rhizomes should not be added to the compost heap - even when completely dry, they retain the ability to germinate throughout the year. The roots must be dried and burned. Clogged soil should not be brought into the garden and into the garden. It is undesirable to use fresh manure as a fertilizer - it is highly likely that it contains the remains of roots and seeds of unwanted plants. Close plantings reduce the amount of weed germination. However, berry crops should not be planted too close to each other. Wide aisles are recommended to be covered with polypropylene mats. To prevent the entry of weeds from neighboring dachas along the fence, you can dig a trench 30-40 cm deep, cover one wall with polyethylene and cover it with earth.

It should not be forgotten: to achieve effective results in the fight against the most malicious weeds is possible only with a systematic struggle, and not in their episodic destruction.

How to get rid of wheatgrass

Creeping wheatgrass is one of the most tenacious perennial weeds, a real gardener's nightmare. The roots of the plant reach 1.5 m in length and lie at a depth of 10–40 cm. In abandoned areas where wheatgrass is not fought, the total length of the roots reaches 10 km per hundred square meters, and the weight is 40 kg. Every two to three centimeters there is a bud on the root, from where, under favorable conditions, an shoot sprouts (the so-called awl).

At the same time, wheatgrass consumes twice as much water and nutrients as most cultivated plants. Its roots release phenolic compounds into the soil, which slow down the growth of neighbors in the garden. The weed is frost-resistant, not afraid of either drought or flood. There are cases when shoots sprouted from roots that had been under water for two months. But wheatgrass also reproduces by seeds that remain viable for 5 years.

Creeping couch grass and potatoes do not coexist peacefully on the same bed: long thin roots of weed cereal pierce young tubers through and through. In addition, couch grass thickets attract worst enemy potatoes - wireworm.

Mechanical methods for the destruction of wheatgrass

The simplest, but very time-consuming method of dealing with wheatgrass is ordinary weeding. The plot is plowed or dug up, then the roots of the weed are removed from the ground with a pitchfork. True, with this method, many scraps of roots remain in the soil, from which young awls sprout. But if you weed the site regularly and carefully, then each time the weed sprouts will be weaker and weaker, until after 3-4 years they will completely disappear. The extracted roots are burned compost heap they cannot be thrown.

Site treatment taking into account the life cycles of wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is gaining strength in autumn, starting from the end of September. In spring, strong young shoots grow intensively, but by mid-summer this process slows down. In addition, the weed does not like shade, and in June - July, the potato tops are so sprawling and thick that they completely obscure the ground in the garden.

By August, wheatgrass ripens, and the plant weakens. It is during this period that it is best to destroy it. After harvesting potatoes, the released soil is loosened by pulling out the roots of wheatgrass. In small areas, rakes and pitchforks are used. Large gardens are treated twice with disc cultivators: first along, then across. In dry weather, the crushed wheatgrass roots remain on top and dry out. Once again, this procedure is recommended to be carried out in October, before the snow falls: then most of the weed roots will be on the surface and freeze.

If there are poultry on the farm, in the fall you can use a home-made "herbicide": shed areas especially clogged with couch grass with a concentrated solution of litter (about 1: 4). Such a tool is able to burn out any vegetation, and before spring it will decompose and turn into a first-class fertilizer.

In the spring, the site is again passed by the cultivator up and down: young shoots of wheatgrass are easier to destroy. In small areas, weed germination can be stimulated. To do this, future beds immediately after the snow melts, fall asleep with ash or peat and cover with a transparent film. The soil warms up, and the wheatgrass immediately begins to grow. Shoots are weeded out, and the procedure is repeated a week later. By the time the potatoes are planted, the weed roots remaining in the ground are weakened and do not pose a serious danger. Subsequently, up to the closing of the tops in a row, weeding is recommended to be carried out with a flat cutter.

Areas completely freed from weeds can be fenced off with dahlias: these flowers drown out the wheatgrass.

Landing green manure

One of the main rules of organic farming: the land should not be empty. Immediately after the autumn harrowing, green manure is sown on the site. In the southern regions, watercress, spinach, dill, even carrots will still have time to rise and ripen before the snow.

But if there is a lot of couch grass, then it is best to plant plants that can drown it out as green manure: rye or clover. In the spring, green manure is mowed and used for livestock feed or for mulching.


Good results can be achieved if the loosened earth is covered with black spunbond, cardboard or old linoleum. In the heat, the wheatgrass shoots will reach the surface, but without light and air they will begin to rot, beneficial microorganisms and earthworms will join the process. During the year, most of the weed roots will rot in a protected area.

Another option: cover the beds after the autumn loosening, and remove the covering material in the spring. Some of the wheatgrass roots will pereperet, and the rest will be much easier to extract from soft soil.

In the fight against wheatgrass on potatoes, mulching with straw, hay, sawdust, weeded and dried weeds also helps. Some experienced gardeners even advise not to loosen the soil deeply, but to periodically treat the beds with a trimmer, while simultaneously mowing and chopping weed shoots. The roots of weeds, not receiving photosynthesis products, gradually weaken, and mulch is obtained from the green crumb.

Biopreparations against wheatgrass

To completely destroy the roots of wheatgrass on a potato bed, the soil under a layer of organic mulch or spunbond is shed with a solution of the Baikal-EM1 preparation. The effective microorganisms contained in it perceive any damaged plant as a nutrient medium. Therefore, the agent is used immediately after loosening the soil with a disc cultivator, when wheatgrass roots appear on the surface. With a strong contamination of the garden with wheatgrass per 1 m², at least 2 liters of a solution at a concentration of 1:500 are needed (a 40 ml bottle is designed to treat a plot of 10 acres).

"Baikal-EM1" is especially effective in cases where potatoes are planted in virgin lands. A thin layer of turf is cut from the beds, folded in layers with grass down, watered with a solution of the drug and covered with polyethylene. Bare areas of soil are dug up and planted with potatoes. After a few months, the removed turf decomposes to a state of compost.

"Baikal-EM1" is best used in the fall. Even if you just pour the agent on loosened soil and do not cover it with mulch, microorganisms will still process damaged wheatgrass roots. In the spring, the agent in such a concentration is allowed to be used no later than 15 days before planting potatoes. "Baikal-EM 1" can be replaced with the drug "Tamir".

Herbicides against wheatgrass on potatoes

Large plantations have to use pesticides. The most famous herbicide for couch grass on potatoes is Roundup (the active ingredient is glyphosate). This systemic drug destroys all vegetation, but quickly decomposes in the soil. It is used either in autumn, after harvesting, or in spring, 3-4 weeks before planting potatoes.

The drug is most effective at a time when the height of the couch grass shoots reaches 10–15 cm: the plants begin to bloom, the outflow of photosynthesis products to the rhizomes increases. To achieve mass shoots, the plot is harrowed shallowly (up to 5 cm). The grown couch grass is sprayed with Roundup (a solution of 10–25 g of the drug in 10 liters of water is needed for 1 weave). According to the well-known domestic theorist of organic farming N. I. Kurdyumov, with such a dose of a pesticide, beneficial soil bacteria almost do not suffer.

Processing is carried out in calm weather, beds with cultivated plants are covered with foil, trees and bushes are fenced off with boards or sheets of corrugated board. Glyphosate, getting on a wheatgrass leaf, penetrates deep and gets to the roots through the vessels. After 8-10 days, the weed dies.

It is forbidden to use "Roundup" or other herbicides containing glyphosate ("Smersh", "Hurricane", "Tornado") in the fall "to dry" potato tops, since in this case the active substance enters the tubers.

There are also specialized herbicides for the destruction of cereal weeds, including wheatgrass on potatoes:

  • "Antipyrey" (active ingredient - chizalofop-P-tefuril) - is applied once a season;
  • "Lazurit Super" (a.i. - metribuzin) - it is allowed to use it once per season, when the potatoes have already sprouted, but the height of the shoots does not exceed 5 cm;
  • "Centurion" (a.i. - cletodim) - one-time use is allowed at any time;
  • "Titus" (a.i. - rimsulfuron) - is intended for processing potato beds after hilling;
  • "Fusilade Super" (a.i. - fluazifop-P-butyl) - is used in any phase of potato development.

All these drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions. When processing potato plantings, be sure to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Of the many types of weeds, the most common is the creeping wheatgrass. Measures to combat it must be carried out constantly, otherwise it is able to flood your entire site. It is not for nothing that it is called creeping, its rhizomes are able to spread in different directions, capturing more and more new areas for themselves. Ways to get rid of this weed have been developed since ancient times. The peasants “combed” fresh arable land with harrows, thereby dragging its roots to the surface and taking them to the roadside, whole shafts were obtained from the uprooted roots. That is why wheatgrass was also called harrow.

Since then, nothing much has changed, and gardeners are still trying to remove creeping wheatgrass from their plots. Of course, new control measures have appeared, but also old way is also actively used. It must be said that the presence of weeds also entails. Firstly, due to weeds in the soil, the consumption of natural moisture decreases, which means that cultivated plants require additional watering. Secondly, soil fertility is depleted - additional top dressing is required. And, of course, weeds are carriers of diseases and pests that infect

Weeds are characterized by high seed productivity, which can long time be stored in the ground. In addition, they are able to reproduce vegetatively and with the help of rhizomes. The last of the listed methods of reproduction uses the photograph below, which is a confirmation of this.

Wheatgrass loves to settle on moist, loose and humus-rich soils. On them, it multiplies rapidly, especially during the autumn rains and wet spring. In the hot period, when the summer is dry, it slows down its vital activity, at this time, favorable conditions are waiting for the creeping couch grass. The control measures for this weed are as follows:

In places with a large accumulation of this weed, sowing rye helps well. But it will have to be sown for two years in a row, but the soil will completely get rid of wheatgrass.

If you use a lawn on your site, then follow the density of planting, you can not leave bald spots, this is where weeds appear. Try to buy quality planting material, without admixture Well, if wheatgrass appeared on the lawn, then systematic short mowing will help. The weed has grown by 5-6 cm, the lawn should be mowed immediately, usually this happens once a week.

It is easiest to remove wheatgrass in the spring, when seedlings are just emerging, especially if the weed has grown from seeds. The fact is that the rhizomes appear only after 2 months.

Here is another way to remove couch grass. Control measures that suppress the weed are planting plants that will gradually survive it. Dahlias are often used for this.

Well, the last way is a chemical effect on the weed. Preparations such as Roundup Ultra and Roundup Ultragan help get rid of weeds by 90%. They are quickly absorbed by plants, moreover, they can be applied in dew, and in the soil they are through a short time decompose. It is especially effective to use herbicides during the period of active growth of wheatgrass. The optimal time is the period after harvest, when the weed shoots grow back and reach 15-20 cm in height. But remember that herbicides should be applied carefully so as not to harm cultivated plants.

I would like to note that wheatgrass, the photo of which is presented in the article, is endowed with healing properties. AT folk medicine it was used as a blood purifier and in diseases of the urinary organs and respiratory tract. Its roots contain essential oil, polysaccharide triticin, organic acids, saponins and carotene. And confirmation medicinal properties this weed are our cats and dogs. Of all the plants, they choose wheatgrass to improve their health.

Absorbing all the nutrients, they drown out the cultural plantings, so it’s not as easy to get rid of some species as we would like. Today we will talk about creeping, let's get acquainted with its description and methods of getting rid of the aggressor plant.

What does it look like

How harmless at first glance the creeping wheatgrass looks should not be misleading. This bright green is able to take root almost 20 centimeters deep, while occupying up to 3 meters in width.

Did you know? In difficult lean years, our ancestors used the weed for food purposes. From the rhizome of wheatgrass they ground flour, baked bread, cakes. It is still used today: fresh roots go to soups, salads and side dishes, even a coffee-like drink is prepared from dried and roasted roots.

As a preventive measure on an undeveloped area can be used. Lay a layer of hay 35 cm thick on the surface of the beds for a year. This method will not kill the wheatgrass, but as it pushes its way into the light, the roots of the plant will leave the soil layer stuck in the mulch. This will allow you to easily and quickly

Fighting methods

As stated above, the weed is alive therefore, it is important to get rid of wheatgrass on the site forever, otherwise it will sprout at the most inopportune moment, drowning out and oppressing cultivated plants.

Agricultural practices

One of the most famous methods is plotting and then picking out all the root shoots of the plant. it is necessary not with a pitchfork: this way there are more chances not to leave the roots cut with a shovel blade, in addition, it is difficult to dig a layer of earth dotted with plant roots. The method is costly both in time, because each inverted layer will have to be sorted out, and in terms of effort if you have a large area.

The second method: go through the site to a depth of 20 cm, and then plant plants - :. In this case, the aggressor will be drowning out the weed. The method is also good in that it improves the quality of the soil on the site, saturating it with oxygen and nutrients. Mowed cultivated grass close up in the soil, as


To kill the weed garden paths can be used soda solution or salt. Soaking into the soil with irrigation, these funds will destroy the wheatgrass along with the root system.

AT foreign countries a popular way is the waste from the processing of grain crops, the so-called feed grain. It is necessary to wait until the planted cultivated plants are well rooted, and carefully sprinkle this grain around them. When decomposed, the biomaterial releases gluten, which inhibits the growth of weeds.