Who fought alongside Hitler? European allies of Hitler's Third Reich.

  • 25.09.2019

April 16th, 2016

MG 08 machine guns on the Ai-Sofia minaret in Istanbul, September 1941.

But the reality was completely different - during 1941-1944. Turkey actually took the side of Hitler, although the Turkish soldiers did not fire a single shot towards the Soviet soldiers. Rather, they did, and not one, but all this was classified as “border incidents”, which looked like mere small things against the background of the bloody battles of the Soviet-German front. In any case, both sides - the Soviet and Turkish - did not react to the border incidents in any way and they did not cause far-reaching consequences.
If anyone showed an example of skillful maneuvering and subtle diplomacy in World War II, it was Turkey. As you know, in 1941, Turkey declared its neutrality and strictly observed it throughout the war, although it experienced tremendous pressure from both the Axis countries and the anti-Hitler coalition. In any case, Turkish historians say so.

However, this is only the official version, which is very different from reality.

Although for the period 1942-1944. skirmishes on the border were not so uncommon and often ended in the death of Soviet border guards. But Stalin preferred not to aggravate relations, since he was well aware that if Turkey entered the war on the side of the Axis countries, then the position of the USSR from unenviable could instantly turn into hopeless. This was especially true in 1941-1942.

Turkey did not force events either, remembering well how participation in the First World War on the side of Germany ended for it. The Turks were in no hurry to rush headlong into the next world massacre, preferring to watch the fight from afar and, of course, extract the maximum benefit for themselves.

Relations between the USSR and Turkey before the war were quite smooth and stable, in 1935 the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation was extended for another ten-year period, and Turkey signed a non-aggression pact with Germany on June 18, 1941. Two months later, already after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the USSR declared that it would continue to comply with the provisions of the Montreux Convention, which regulates the rules of navigation in the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. It also has no aggressive plans towards Turkey and welcomes its neutrality.

All this allowed Turkey, on completely legal grounds, to refuse to participate in the world war. But this was not possible for two reasons. Firstly, Turkey owned the Strait Zone, which was strategically important for the warring parties, and, secondly, the Turkish government was going to remain neutral only up to a certain point. What it, in fact, did not hide, at the end of 1941, approving the law on conscription for military service older conscripts, which is usually done on the eve of a big war.

In the fall of 1941, Turkey transferred 24 divisions to the border with the USSR, which forced Stalin to reinforce the Transcaucasian Military District with 25 divisions. Which were clearly not superfluous on the Soviet-German front, given the state of affairs at that time.

With the beginning of 1942, the intentions of Turkey were no longer in doubt among the Soviet leadership, and in April of the same year a tank corps, six air regiments, two divisions were transferred to Transcaucasia, and on May 1 the Transcaucasian Front was officially approved.

In fact, the war against Turkey was to begin any day now, since on May 5, 1942, the troops received a directive about their readiness to launch a preemptive attack on Turkish territory. However, things did not come to hostilities, although the withdrawal of significant forces of the Red Army by Turkey significantly helped the Wehrmacht. After all, if the 45th and 46th armies were not in Transcaucasia, but participated in battles with the 6th army of Paulus, then it remains to be seen what “successes” the Germans would have achieved in the summer campaign of 1942.

But much more damage to the USSR was caused by Turkey's cooperation with Hitler in the economic sphere, especially the actual opening of the Strait Zone for the ships of the Axis countries. Formally, the Germans and Italians kept up appearances: naval sailors changed into civilian clothes when passing through the straits, the weapons were removed from the ships or disguised, and there seemed to be nothing to complain about. Formally, the Montreux Convention was respected, but at the same time, not only German and Italian merchant ships, but also combat ships sailed freely through the straits.

And soon it came to the point that the Turkish navy began to escort transports with cargo for the Axis countries in the Black Sea. In practice, partnership with Germany allowed Turkey to make good money on the supply of Hitler not only products, tobacco, cotton, iron, copper, etc., but also strategic raw materials. For example, chrome. The Bosphorus and the Dardanelles became the most important communication of the Axis countries fighting against the USSR, who felt themselves in the Strait Zone, if not at home, then certainly as visiting close friends.

Inönü, Ismet

But the rare ships of the Soviet fleet went through the Straits in fact, as if to be shot. Which, however, was not far from the truth. In November 1941 four Soviet ships- an icebreaker and three tankers - it was decided to transfer from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean due to their uselessness and so that they would not become victims of German dive bombers. All four ships were civilian ships and were unarmed.

The Turks let them pass without hindrance, but as soon as the ships left the Dardanelles, the tanker Varlaam Avanesov received a torpedo from the German submarine U652 on board, which is a coincidence! - turned out to be exactly on the route of the Soviet ships.

Either the German intelligence worked quickly, or the "neutral" Turks shared information with their partners, but the fact remains - "Varlaam Avanesov" to this day lies at the bottom of the Aegean Sea, 14 kilometers from the island of Lesvos. Icebreaker "Anastas Mikoyan" was more fortunate, and he was able to get away from the pursuit of Italian boats near the island of Rhodes. The icebreaker was saved only by the fact that the boats were armed with small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, with which it was quite problematic to sink the icebreaker.

If German and Italian ships roamed through the Straits, as if through their passage yard, carrying any cargo, then the ships of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition could not smuggle into the Black Sea, not only weapons or raw materials, but even products. Then the Turks immediately turned into evil Cerberus and, referring to their neutrality, forbade the Allied ships to go to the Black Sea ports of the USSR. So it was necessary to carry goods to the USSR not through the Straits, but through distant Iran.

The pendulum has swung in reverse side in the spring of 1944, when it became clear that Germany was losing the war. At first, the Turks reluctantly, but still yielded to British pressure and stopped supplying the German industry with chromium, and then began to more carefully control the passage of German ships through the Straits.

And then the incredible happened: in June 1944, the Turks suddenly “discovered” that not unarmed German ships, but military ones, were trying to pass through the Bosphorus. The search revealed weapons and ammunition hidden in the holds. And a miracle happened - the Turks of the Germans corny "wrapped" back to Varna. It is not known what phrases Hitler used to address Turkish President Ismet İnönü, but for sure they were all clearly not parliamentary.

After the Belgrade offensive, when it became clear that the German presence in the Balkans was over, Turkey behaved like a typical scavenger, sensing that yesterday's friend and partner would soon expire. President Inönü severed all relations with Germany, and on February 23, 1945, the warlike spirit of Sultans Mehmet II and Suleiman the Magnificent clearly descended on him - Inönü suddenly took and declared war on Germany. And along the way - why be trifles, to fight like that to fight! - War was declared on Japan.

Of course, not a single Turkish soldier took part in it until the end of the war, and the declaration of war on Germany and Japan was an empty formality that allowed Hitler's partner, Turkey, to perform a cheating trick and cling to the victorious countries. Avoiding serious problems along the way.

There is no doubt that after Stalin had dealt with Germany, he would have had a good reason to ask the Turks a number of serious questions that could end, for example, in the Istanbul offensive operation and the Soviet landing on both banks of the Dardanelles.

Against the background of the victorious Red Army, which has colossal combat experience, the Turkish army did not even look like a whipping boy, but like a harmless boxing bag. Therefore, it would be finished in a matter of days. But after February 23, Stalin could no longer take and declare war on his "ally" in the anti-Hitler coalition. Although, had he done this a couple of months earlier, neither England nor the United States would have strongly protested, especially since Churchill, at the Tehran Conference, did not object to the transfer of the Strait Zone to the USSR.

One can only guess how many ships - both commercial and military - of the Axis countries passed through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles in 1941-1944, how much raw materials Turkey supplied to Germany and how much it extended the existence of the Third Reich. Also, one will never know what price the Red Army paid for the Turkish-German partnership, but what soviet soldiers paid for it with their lives, there is no doubt.

For almost the entire war, Turkey was a non-belligerent ally of Hitler, regularly fulfilling all his wishes and supplying him with everything possible. And if, for example, Sweden can also be reproached for supplying iron ore to Germany, then Turkey can be reproached not only for trade cooperation with the Nazis, but for providing them with the Strait Zone - the most important world communication. Which in wartime has always acquired and will continue to acquire strategic importance.

World War II and Turkish "neutrality" once again proved what was well known since Byzantine times: without possession of the Strait Zone, not a single country of the Black Sea-Mediterranean region can claim the title of great.

This fully applies to Russia, which collapsed in 1917 largely due to the fact that the Russian tsars did not take control of the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles in the 19th century, but in the First world war badly - if you can call it that - a landing operation was planned in the Bosphorus.

In our time, the problem of the Strait Zone has not become less urgent, and it is possible that Russia will face this problem more than once. One can only hope that this will not have such fatal consequences as in 1917.

Intelligence fight.

Few people now guess: in 1941-1945, Turkish cities became the scene of a fierce struggle between the secret services of the USSR and the Third Reich. Everything was used - the theft of secret documents, the recruitment of agents in embassies, the physical elimination of "particularly objectionable" persons. The apotheosis of the confrontation was the bombing on February 24, 1942 on Ataturk Boulevard, in the very center of Ankara. A young man (Bulgarian by nationality) tried to kill Hitler's envoy to Turkey, Franz von Papen, but the diplomat and his wife were only knocked down by an explosive wave. True, even now it is not clear whose "order" it was. Von Papen himself after the war in his memoirs transparently hinted at the virtuoso operation of the Gestapo: the Germans thus simply "set up" Soviet intelligence in front of Turkey.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, says Turkish historian Mustafa Kelarim. - The secret services behaved in the same way as in neighboring Iran - the police often found undocumented dead people with a European appearance at the bottom of the Bosphorus. Once (shortly after Paulus surrendered in Stalingrad) a group of Germans attacked a coffee house in Istanbul where the Russians were celebrating the triumph of the Soviet army: an SS officer was killed in a shootout. Germany set a goal - to persuade Turkey to war against the USSR, and Moscow tried to prevent such an option. It is characteristic that most of the archival documents on this topic are still classified.

This is true, even now the Russian Embassy in Ankara flatly refused to comment on the events of that time for AiF. Meanwhile, it is not known whether we would be celebrating the Victory now if in the summer of 1942, at the very height of the German onslaught on Stalingrad, the Turkish army invaded the Caucasus ...

The Germans did quality work, - says Ahmet Burey, Doctor of Historical Sciences from Ankara. - On the one hand, they promised Turkey a "European path" of development, the inclusion of Azerbaijan in its composition. And on the other hand, a rumor spread in the villages: Hitler was marked by Allah, he was born with a “green belt around the waist” and ... secretly converted to Islam, taking the name Heydar.

“Our work in Turkey was not a sinecure,” Ludwig Moisisch, press attache of the German embassy, ​​wrote in his memoirs. “On the contrary, she was the most responsible that the diplomatic service of the Third Reich could offer.” By the summer of 1942, the Germans had achieved excellent results: after the assassination attempt on von Papen, relations between the Turks and Moscow became worse than ever. Georgy Mordvinov, a resident of Soviet intelligence in Ankara, was arrested, and 26 selected divisions of the Turkish army concentrated on the border with the USSR. It seemed that a war with a new enemy could not be avoided ...

Hauptsturmführer called for jihad

After the arrest of Mordvinov, the residency in Ankara and Istanbul was headed by State Security Captain Mikhail Baturin. In fact, in a couple of months, he should have convinced Turkey that the war against the USSR was a disaster. Work unfolded in all directions. Baturin himself later recalled in his memoirs: for meetings with agents, he often changed clothes, disguising himself as a beggar, as a wandering monk - a dervish, and as a street seller of sweets. Our reconnaissance post in Kars transferred its agents to the Kurdish regions under the guise of mullahs - in which case they had to raise an uprising in the rear of the Turks. This method was not new. For example, one of the residents of Nazi intelligence, SS Hauptsturmführer Julius Schulze, also disguised himself as a mullah in Iran: having grown a beard, he held prayers every Friday, in excellent Persian, calling on the faithful to jihad against the Russians and the British. Now the position of a scout is boring and technical, but then, on top of everything else, he had to be an actor.

The success of Soviet intelligence was in disinformation, says Ankara-based British historian Stephen Curling. - Fantastic information was planted in the General Staff of Turkey month after month. For example, that the USSR transferred 50 divisions from the Far East to the Caucasus, and in which case the Russians would be in Ankara in two days. In reality, there was no such transfer. A hundred times (!) The number of Soviet agents in the southeast of Turkey, who were ready to raise the Kurds in revolt, was exaggerated. There is a version that the Turks were given a fake war plan (allegedly stolen in Moscow from the office of Stalin himself), including the landing of an amphibious assault in Istanbul, the invasion of the Soviet army from Iran. The Turks understood - the game is not worth the candle.

As a result, Turkish President Ismet İnönü did not dare to start a war with the USSR in the summer and autumn of 1942, despite Hitler's pressure. After the defeat of the German army at Stalingrad, this completely lost its meaning. Two years later, Georgy Mordvinov and other Soviet intelligence officers accused of organizing an assassination attempt on von Papen were released from prison. After the Victory, Mikhail Baturin also left Ankara with the rank of colonel - his goal was achieved. He lived a long life and died in 1978.

... Thanks to the popularity of the film "Tehran-43", everyone in Russia knows about the confrontation between the intelligence services of Germany and the USSR in Iran. Now "AiF" told our readers about Turkey. However, the invisible front also existed in other neutral countries, such as Afghanistan and Egypt. Gathering information bit by bit, we will try to tell about it. Even if the archives are never declassified.

by the way
In the autumn of 1943, British and Soviet intelligence in Ankara went off their feet trying to figure out the spy: he photographed and then handed over to the Germans secret documents about the meeting of the "Big Three" (Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt) in Tehran. However, the "mole" was never found. What a surprise it was when in 1954 he showed up himself, filing a lawsuit ... against the government of Germany! The Nazi agent turned out to be the valet of the British Ambassador Elyas Bazna, who worked under the nickname Cicero. The Germans paid him £300,000 for the information. The banknotes turned out to be counterfeit, and Bazna demanded that "honestly earned money" be returned to him. Cicero sued Germany for another 16 years until he died without getting anything.


For most Russian citizens, the Second World War is a confrontation between the Soviet Union, the United States and Great Britain on the one hand, and Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan on the other. The more advanced will be able to remember a few more countries that fought on one side or the other.

Meanwhile, in fact, the participants in the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind were 62 states out of 73 that existed at that time, in which more than 80% of the world's population lived.
We decided to recall several little-known countries participating in the Second World War. In this part of the material, we will talk about the states that spoke among the Axis countries, that is, on the side Nazi Germany.

It is unlikely that many of the Russians who come to Thailand know that in World War II, the Thais took the side of the Axis, who opposed the anti-Hitler bloc.

Back in 1940, the Thai army invaded French Indochina, capturing a number of border areas. The French, at that time defeated in Europe by the Wehrmacht, could not provide proper resistance in their colonies.

The country's prime minister, Luang Plek Pibunsonggram, negotiated with both the UK and Japan. In December 1941, Japanese troops landed on the coast of Thailand, and after a short period of hostilities, Pibunsonggram decided to conclude a truce with Japan. As a result of this agreement, Japan was able to use the territory of Thailand to invade Malaya. On January 25, 1942, the Thai authorities declared war on the United States and Great Britain. In May 1942, Thai troops, together with the Japanese army, occupied northeastern Burma, and on August 20, 1943, Japan transferred four North Malayan and two Tang principalities to Thailand.

Domestic opposition to the Japanese-Thai alliance was strong, and in July 1944, Parliament passed a vote of no confidence against Phibunsonggram, and he had to resign as prime minister.

The new Thai government entered into negotiations with the anti-Hitler coalition, ceasing to participate in hostilities. The peace treaty was signed on January 1, 1946: according to it, Thailand renounced the territorial seizures of 1941-1943 and paid an indemnity to Great Britain.


The "Munich Agreement" of 1938 led not only to the transfer of the Sudetenland to the Third Reich, but also to the proclamation of an independent Slovak state on March 14, 1939. At the head of that movement was the Glinka Slovak Party, which considered the regime of Adolf Hitler to be its ally. The independence of Slovakia was granted at the request of Germany.

In September 1939, the Slovak army, together with Germany, attacked Poland. With the outbreak of war with the USSR, the Slovak Expeditionary Force was sent to the Eastern Front.
However, Slovak soldiers and officers cannot be called loyal allies of Hitler. Part of the military from the units that fought on the Eastern Front went over to the side of the Red Army or went to the partisans.

In 1944, the Slovak National Uprising broke out in the country against the Nazis. The uprising was suppressed by the Wehrmacht, many of its participants died, some crossed the front line, ending up in the territory controlled by the Red Army.

In the spring of 1945, with heavy fighting, Soviet troops liberated the territory of Slovakia. On May 8, 1945, Slovak Prime Minister Stefan Tiso signed the surrender of the Slovak Republic in World War II at the Kremsmünster Abbey.

For collaboration with the Nazis, Tiso was sentenced to 30 years and died in prison. Slovakia returned to Czechoslovakia and remained in a single state until January 1, 1993.

The fighting during the Second World War affected Europe, Asia, Oceania, they did not bypass Africa.

Back in 1911, Italian troops occupied the territory of today's northern Libya. In 1927, separate colonies of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania were created, and in 1934 they (as well as the territory of Fezzan) were merged into Libya.
Despite the struggle of the local population with the colonialists, Italy not only retained control over Libya, but also pursued an active policy of resettlement of native Italians to these lands. In the early 1940s, they accounted for up to 12% of the country's population.

In 1940, hostilities began in North Africa. Italy formed two Libyan colonial divisions, these were lightly armed formations of 7,000 people. They were defeated in the very first year of the war, but separate colonial units took part in patrolling the southern borders of Libya until the end of the African campaign.

The fighting in North Africa and on the territory of Libya continued until 1943 and ended in the complete defeat of the Italian forces. Libya came under the control of Great Britain and France, and in 1951, by decision of the UN, it was granted independence.

How Thailand seized French territories, did the Slovaks want to fight for the Germans, and how long did the divisions from Libya last.

For most Russian citizens, the Second World War is a confrontation between the Soviet Union, the United States and Great Britain on the one hand, and Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan on the other. The more advanced will be able to remember a few more countries that fought on one side or the other.

Meanwhile, in fact, the participants in the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind were 62 states out of 73 that existed at that time, in which more than 80% of the world's population lived.

Consider a few little-known countries participating in the Second World War. In this part of the material, we will talk about the states that spoke among the Axis countries, that is, on the side of Nazi Germany.

The Axis countries are highlighted in blue. Source: commons.wikimedia.org


It is unlikely that many of the Russians who come to Thailand know that in World War II, the Thais took the side of the Axis, who opposed the anti-Hitler bloc.

Back in 1940, the Thai army invaded French Indochina, capturing a number of border areas. The French, at that time defeated in Europe by the Wehrmacht, could not provide proper resistance in their colonies.

Thai Prime Minister Luang Plek Phibunsongram. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

country prime minister Luang Plek Pibunsongram negotiated with both Britain and Japan. In December 1941, Japanese troops landed on the coast of Thailand, and after a short period of hostilities, Pibunsonggram decided to conclude a truce with Japan. As a result of this agreement, Japan was able to use the territory of Thailand to invade Malaya. On January 25, 1942, the Thai authorities declared war on the United States and Great Britain. In May 1942, Thai troops, together with the Japanese army, occupied northeastern Burma, and on August 20, 1943, Japan transferred four North Malayan and two Tang principalities to Thailand.

Domestic opposition to the Japanese-Thai alliance was strong, and in July 1944, Parliament passed a vote of no confidence against Phibunsonggram, and he had to resign as prime minister.

The new Thai government entered into negotiations with the anti-Hitler coalition, ceasing to participate in hostilities. The peace treaty was signed on January 1, 1946: according to it, Thailand renounced the territorial seizures of 1941-1943 and paid an indemnity to Great Britain.


The "Munich Agreement" of 1938 led not only to the transfer of the Sudetenland to the Third Reich, but also to the proclamation of an independent Slovak state on March 14, 1939. At the head of that movement was the Glinka Slovak Party, which considered the regime Adolf Hitler your ally. The independence of Slovakia was granted at the request of Germany.

In September 1939, the Slovak army, together with Germany, attacked Poland. With the outbreak of war with the USSR, the Slovak Expeditionary Force was sent to the Eastern Front.

However, Slovak soldiers and officers cannot be called loyal allies of Hitler. Part of the military from the units that fought on the Eastern Front went over to the side of the Red Army or went to the partisans.

In 1944, the Slovak National Uprising broke out in the country against the Nazis. The uprising was suppressed by the Wehrmacht, many of its participants died, some crossed the front line, ending up in the territory controlled by the Red Army.

Motorcade of the rebels. Summer 1944. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

In the spring of 1945, with heavy fighting, Soviet troops liberated the territory of Slovakia.

President of Slovakia Josef Tiso(1939-1945) and Prime Minister Vojtech Tuka were sentenced and executed in 1947.

Slovakia returned to Czechoslovakia and remained in a single state until January 1, 1993.


The fighting during the Second World War affected Europe, Asia, Oceania, they did not bypass Africa.

Back in 1911, Italian troops occupied the territory of today's northern Libya. In 1927, separate colonies of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania were created, and in 1934 they (as well as the territory of Fezzan) were merged into Libya.

Despite the struggle of the local population with the colonialists, Italy not only retained control over Libya, but also pursued an active policy of resettlement of native Italians to these lands. In the early 1940s, they accounted for up to 12% of the country's population.

In 1940, hostilities began in North Africa. Italy formed two Libyan colonial divisions, these were lightly armed formations of 7,000 people. They were defeated in the very first year of the war, but separate colonial units took part in patrolling the southern borders of Libya until the end of the African campaign.

Italian airfield in Libya, destroyed by Allied aircraft. December 1942. Photo: RIA Novosti

The fighting in North Africa and on the territory of Libya continued until 1943 and ended in the complete defeat of the Italian forces. Libya came under the control of Great Britain and France, and in 1951, by decision of the UN, it was granted independence.

"Small" countries participating in World War II

Where the Mexican pilots fought, why the Germans were mortally afraid of the Tuvan cavalrymen, and how the Brazilians opposed Mussolini's troops.

P-47 fighter-bomber of the Mexican 201 squadron. © /commons.wikimedia.org

Not everyone knows that not only the “big” countries of Europe and the USA took part in the Second World War.

In the most terrible military conflict in the history of mankind, 62 states out of 73 that existed at that time were involved, in which more than 80% of the world's population lived.

Now we will talk about the countries that were part of the huge anti-Hitler bloc.


Brazil is the only country South America, which not only formally entered the Second World War, but also took part in hostilities.

Despite the developed economic ties with Germany during the 1930s, Brazil was guided in politics by the United States.

In January 1942, a meeting of the foreign ministers of the American states was held in Rio de Janeiro. It was recommended to break off relations with the countries of the Nazi bloc and stop all trade relations with them. Brazil has implemented this recommendation.

In February 1942, the Germans began sinking Brazilian ships. In mid-August 1942, after German submarines torpedoed six Brazilian civilian ships, anti-fascist rallies were held in many cities of the country. On August 22, 1942, Brazil declared war on the Axis.

Members of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force in Italy. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

In 1943, by agreement with the United States, it was decided to send the Brazilian Expeditionary Force to Europe. It included more than 25,000 soldiers and officers, from which an infantry division was formed, as well as an aviation group. The Brazilian division fought as part of the Fourth Corps of the US Fifth Army on the Italian front from September 1944 until the surrender of German troops in Italy in April 1945.

Brazil's losses in the war were 1,889 soldiers and sailors, 3 warships, 22 fighters and 25 commercial ships. Today in Brazil there are two museums dedicated to the country's participation in World War II.

Monument to the Brazilians who participated in World War II in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Photo: commons.wikimedia.org


By the beginning of World War II, Mexico declared neutrality, which greatly worried Washington, who feared pro-German forces would come to power in the country. The diplomatic efforts of the United States were not in vain: by 1941, the Mexican authorities headed for rapprochement with the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. In November 1942, after Mexico entered the war, diplomatic relations with the USSR were restored, interrupted in 1940 after the assassination of Leon Trotsky.

The immediate reason for entering the war was the repeated sinking of Mexican ships by German submarines in Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of the United States.

May 28, 1942 President of Mexico Manuel Avila Camacho declared war on Nazi Germany and its allies.

The Mexicans patrolled the coastal waters, and the Expeditionary Force of the Mexican Air Force was also allocated to participate in the war.

Antonio Cardenas Rodriguez - Commander of the Mexican Expeditionary Air Force. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

It consisted of 201 Squadron, which consisted of 38 pilots and about 260 ground personnel.

Direct participation in the fighting in the Pacific Ocean for Mexican pilots began in May 1945. Initially, the Mexicans supported the offensive of the American army on the island of Luzon, then bombed Japanese targets on the island of Formosa (now Taiwan) and provided cover for American convoys from Japanese aircraft.

After the cessation of hostilities in November 1945, the pilots returned to Mexico, where they immediately became national heroes: the president himself personally awarded them with medals specially minted for this occasion.

The Mexican Air Force Expeditionary Force lost 5 aircraft and 5 pilots. However, only one pilot Fausto Vega Santander, died from enemy fire, the rest became victims of accidents.


At the beginning of World War II, the Tuva People's Republic was an independent state, an ally of the USSR. Therefore, immediately after the German attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941, Tuva entered the war on the side of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

At the beginning of the war, the TPR army consisted of 489 people; by the end of 1941, its strength was increased to 1136 people.

The proposal of the TPR government to send Tuvan volunteers to the front in 1941 was rejected by the Soviet Union. In Moscow, they replied that the population of the TPR was small, therefore, the USSR could not accept this assistance.

Tuva helped the Soviet Union by supplying horses for the cavalry, as well as by raising funds for the construction of military equipment.

From June 1941 to August 1944, the TNR supplied the USSR with 50,000 war horses, as well as more than 700,000 heads of cattle, of which almost 650,000 were free of charge.

During the war years, Tuva supplied 52,000 pairs of skis, 10,000 sheepskin coats, 19,000 pairs of mittens, 16,000 pairs of felt boots, 67 tons of wool, 400 tons of meat, rye, barley flour and ghee, as well as tens of tons of honey, for the needs of the Soviet army. fruit and berry preserves and concentrates, fish products, tons of bandages, traditional medicine medicines, wax and resin.

In 1943, the Soviet authorities agreed to accept TPR volunteers into the army. 11 Tuvinian tankers were enrolled in the 25th separate tank regiment, which since February 1944 was part of the 52nd army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and participated in battles in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

Bust of Churgui-ool Khomushka in Kyzyl by T. Ch. Ondar Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org/ Anatoly Terentiev

The volunteer squadron, which included about 200 Tuvan cavalrymen, became part of the 31st Guards Cavalry Regiment of the 8th Cavalry Division.

In Western Ukraine, the Tuvans terrified both the Germans and Bandera, since the brave cavalrymen, due to their appearance were for the enemy a clear personification of their own myths about the "Bolshevik-Mongolian hordes". Tuvan cavalry took part in the liberation of about 80 settlements in Western Ukraine, including the city of Rivne.

In addition, part of the inhabitants of Tuva, who had citizenship of both the TNR and the USSR, were called up during the war to serve in the Red Army on a general basis. As a rule, this concerned the Russian population of Tuva.

Thus, in total during the war years, up to 8 thousand Tuvans served in the Red Army, more than 5500 of them were awarded various awards.

Tuvan Churgui-ool Namgaevich Khomushku, who was a member of a group of volunteer tankmen, for courage and heroism shown in the battles for the liberation of Ukraine, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On August 17, 1944, the 7th session of the Lesser Khural of the TNR adopted a declaration on the entry of the Tuva People's Republic into the USSR, having filed a corresponding petition with the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council dated October 11, 1944, the petition was granted, and Tuva became part of the RSFSR as an autonomous region. In this regard, the Tuvan People's Revolutionary Army ceased to exist and was transformed into the Separate 7th Cavalry Regiment of the Red Banner Siberian Military District.

http://www.aif.ru/ - link

Everyone forgot that from 1940 to 1944 the FRENCH industry worked for Hitler, and almost all bearings were from "neutral" Sweden. In short, all of Europe, except for the Greeks, Serbs and insular Great Britain, fought on the side of the fascists.

And this happened five times in three hundred years! Now, it seems the sixth time begins. The result will be the same, all RUSSIANS are READY to defend themselves. Paris, Berlin, Brussels - what difference does it make to us when a foreign civilization is rushing at us!

The USSR, just like ALL European countries and America in the 30s, had commercial and industrial relations with Germany. Stalin was not an empty balabol and was always guided by pragmatic interests in favor of his country. This cooperation greatly helped the industrialization of the USSR and the technical equipment of its army. If third-rate ore, flax, furs, etc. came from the USSR, then technologies, machine tools, etc. went to the USSR. And this is to be welcomed.

The conclusion of a non-aggression pact is also a positive thing, it made it possible to delay the outbreak of war with Germany, and the Russians were well aware that it was inevitable. The beginning of World War II was laid by the Hitler-Pilsudski Pact (the Poles played a very sinister role in unleashing the war), fuel was added to the fire by the Munich Agreement and secret negotiations between England and France with Germany, which the Russians knew about and took retaliatory steps. England and France refused to cooperate with the USSR. What was ours to do? All Stalin's steps were CORRECT.

The pact signed by Molotov did not give a united Europe the opportunity, as France and Great Britain wanted, to fight against the USSR. For the USSR, he played a positive role, and punished the Western countries for their duplicity.

Our planet has known many bloody battles and battles. Our whole history consisted of various internecine conflicts. But only the human and material losses in World War II made mankind think about the importance of everyone's life. Only after it did people begin to understand how easy it is to unleash a massacre and how difficult it is to stop it. This war showed all the peoples of the Earth how important peace is for everyone.

The Importance of Studying the History of the 20th Century

The younger generation sometimes does not understand how the history differs over the years that have passed since their end, it has been rewritten many times, so the youth is no longer so interested in those distant events. Often these people do not even really know who took part in those events and what losses humanity suffered in the Second World War. But the history of your country should not be forgotten. If you watch American films about World War II today, you might think that it was only thanks to the US Army that victory over Nazi Germany became possible. That is why it is so necessary to convey to our younger generation the role of the Soviet Union in these sad events. In fact, it was the people of the USSR who suffered the greatest losses in World War II.

Background of the bloodiest war

This armed conflict between the two world military-political coalitions, which became the biggest massacre in the history of mankind, began on September 1, 1939 (in contrast to the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from June 22, 1941 to May 8, 1945 G.). It ended only on September 2, 1945. Thus, this war lasted 6 long years. There are several reasons for this conflict. These include: a deep global crisis in the economy, the aggressive policy of some states, the negative consequences of the Versailles-Washington system in force at that time.

Participants in the international conflict

62 countries were involved in this conflict to one degree or another. And this despite the fact that at that time there were only 73 sovereign states on Earth. Fierce battles took place on three continents. Naval battles conducted in four oceans (Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic). The number of opposing countries changed several times throughout the war. Some states participated in active hostilities, while others simply helped their coalition allies in any way (with equipment, equipment, food).

Anti-Hitler coalition

Initially, there were 3 states in this coalition: Poland, France, Great Britain. This is due to the fact that it was after the attack on these countries that Germany began to conduct active hostilities on the territory of these countries. In 1941, such countries as the USSR, the USA, and China were drawn into the war. Further, Australia, Norway, Canada, Nepal, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Belgium, New Zealand, Denmark, Luxembourg, Albania, the Union of South Africa, San Marino, Turkey joined the coalition. To one degree or another, countries such as Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Panama, Mexico, Argentina, Honduras, Chile, Paraguay, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Nicaragua became allies in the coalition. , Haiti, El Salvador, Bolivia. They were joined by Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Liberia, Mongolia. During the war years, even those states that had ceased to be allies of Germany joined the anti-Hitler coalition. These are Iran (since 1941), Iraq and Italy (since 1943), Bulgaria and Romania (since 1944), Finland and Hungary (since 1945).

On the side of the Nazi bloc were such states as Germany, Japan, Slovakia, Croatia, Iraq and Iran (until 1941), Finland, Bulgaria, Romania (until 1944), Italy (until 1943), Hungary (until 1945), Thailand (Siam), Manchukuo. In some occupied territories, this coalition created puppet states that had virtually no influence on the world battlefield. These include: Italian Social Republic, Vichy France, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Philippines, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. On the side of the Nazi bloc, various collaborationist troops, created from among the inhabitants of the opposing countries, often fought. The largest of them were RONA, ROA, SS divisions created from foreigners (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, Estonian, Norwegian-Danish, 2 Belgian, Dutch, Latvian, Bosnian, Albanian and French each). Fought on the side of this block volunteer armies such neutral countries as Spain, Portugal and Sweden.

Consequences of the war

Despite the fact that during the long years of the Second World War the alignment on the world stage changed several times, the result of it was the complete victory of the anti-Hitler coalition. This was followed by the creation of the largest international United Nations Organization (abbreviated - UN). The result of victory in this war was the condemnation of fascist ideology and the prohibition of Nazism during the Nuremberg trials. After the end of this world conflict, the role of France and Great Britain in world politics significantly decreased, and the USA and the USSR became real superpowers, dividing new spheres of influence among themselves. Two camps of countries with diametrically opposed socio-political systems (capitalist and socialist) were created. After the Second World War, a period of decolonization of empires began throughout the planet.

theater of war

Germany, for which the Second World War was an attempt to become the only superpower, fought in five directions at once:

  • Western European: Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France.
  • Mediterranean: Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Italy, Cyprus, Malta, Libya, Egypt, North Africa, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq.
  • East European: USSR, Poland, Norway, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Austria, Yugoslavia, Barents, Baltic and Black Seas.
  • African: Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, Kenya, Sudan, Equatorial Africa.
  • Pacific (in commonwealth with Japan): China, Korea, South Sakhalin, Far East, Mongolia, Kurile Islands, Aleutian Islands, Hong Kong, Indochina, Burma, Malaya, Sarawak, Singapore, Dutch East Indies, Brunei, New Guinea, Sabah, Papua, Guam, Solomon Islands, Hawaii, Philippines, Midway, Marianas and numerous other Pacific Islands.

Beginning and end of the war

They began to be calculated from the moment the German troops invaded Poland. Hitler had been preparing the ground for an attack on this state for a long time. On August 31, 1939, the German press reported on the capture by the Polish military of a radio station in Gleiwitz (although this was a provocation by saboteurs), and already at 4 am on September 1, 1939, the Schleswig-Holstein warship began shelling the fortifications in Westerplatte (Poland). Together with the troops of Slovakia, Germany began to occupy foreign territories. France and Great Britain demanded that Hitler withdraw troops from Poland, but he refused. Already on September 3, 1939, France, Australia, England, New Zealand declared war on Germany. Then they were joined by Canada, Newfoundland, the Union of South Africa, Nepal. So the bloody World War II began to quickly gain momentum. The USSR, although it urgently introduced universal conscription, did not declare war on Germany until June 22, 1941.

In the spring of 1940, Hitler's troops began the occupation of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Then she went to France. In June 1940, Italy began to fight on Hitler's side. In the spring of 1941, she quickly captured Greece and Yugoslavia. On June 22, 1941, she attacked the USSR. On the side of Germany in these hostilities were Romania, Finland, Hungary, Italy. Up to 70% of all active Nazi divisions fought on all Soviet-German fronts. The defeat of the enemy in the battle for Moscow thwarted Hitler's notorious plan - "Blitzkrieg" (lightning war). Thanks to this, already in 1941, the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition began. On December 7, 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States also entered this war. The army of this country for a long time fought with its enemies only in the Pacific Ocean. Great Britain and the United States promised to open the so-called second front in the summer of 1942. But, despite the fiercest fighting on the territory of the Soviet Union, the partners in the anti-Hitler coalition were in no hurry to engage in hostilities in Western Europe. This is due to the fact that the United States and Britain were waiting for the complete weakening of the USSR. Only when it became obvious that it was rapidly beginning to liberate not only its own territory, but also the countries of Eastern Europe, the Allies hurried to open a Second Front. This happened on June 6, 1944 (2 years after the promised date). From that moment on, the Anglo-American coalition sought to be the first to liberate Europe from German troops. Despite all the efforts of the allies, the Soviet Army was the first to occupy the Reichstag, on which it erected its own. But even the unconditional surrender of Germany did not stop the Second World War. For some time there were hostilities in Czechoslovakia. Also in the Pacific, hostilities almost did not stop. Just after the bombing atomic bombs cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945), carried out by the Americans, the Japanese emperor understood the futility of further resistance. As a result of this attack, about 300 thousand civilians died. This bloody international conflict ended only on September 2, 1945. It was on this day that Japan signed the act of surrender.

Victims of the global conflict

The first large-scale losses in World War II were suffered by the Polish people. The army of this country could not resist a stronger enemy in the face of the German troops. This war had an unprecedented impact on all of humanity. About 80% of all people living on Earth at that time (more than 1.7 billion people) were drawn into the war. Military operations took place on the territory of more than 40 states. For 6 years of this world conflict, about 110 million people were mobilized into the armed forces of all armies. According to the latest data, human losses are about 50 million people. At the same time, only 27 million people were killed on the fronts. The rest of the victims were civilians. Most human lives lost countries such as the USSR (27 million), Germany (13 million), Poland (6 million), Japan (2.5 million), China (5 million). The casualties of other warring countries were: Yugoslavia (1.7 million), Italy (0.5 million), Romania (0.5 million), Great Britain (0.4 million), Greece (0.4 million). ), Hungary (0.43 million), France (0.6 million), USA (0.3 million), New Zealand, Australia (40 thousand), Belgium (88 thousand), Africa (10 thousand .), Canada (40 thousand). More than 11 million people were killed in fascist concentration camps.

Losses from international conflict

It is simply amazing what losses the Second World War brought to mankind. History testifies to 4 trillion dollars that went to military spending. The warring states material costs accounted for about 70% of the national income. For several years, the industry of many countries was completely reoriented to the production of military equipment. Thus, the USA, USSR, Great Britain and Germany during the war years produced more than 600 thousand combat and transport aircraft. The weapons of World War II have become even more effective and deadly in 6 years. The most ingenious minds of the warring countries were busy only with its improvement. Many new weapons were forced to come up with the Second World War. The tanks of Germany and the Soviet Union were constantly modernized throughout the war. At the same time, more and more advanced machines were created to destroy the enemy. Their number numbered in the thousands. So, only armored vehicles, tanks, self-propelled guns were produced more than 280 thousand. More than 1 million various artillery pieces left the conveyors of military factories; about 5 million machine guns; 53 million submachine guns, carbines and rifles. The Second World War brought with it the colossal destruction and destruction of several thousand cities and other settlements. The history of mankind without it could go according to a completely different scenario. Because of it, all countries were thrown back in their development many years ago. Colossal funds and forces of millions of people were spent on eliminating the consequences of this international military conflict.

USSR losses

A very high price had to be paid for the fact that the Second World War ended faster. The losses of the USSR amounted to about 27 million people. (according to the last count of 1990). Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will ever be possible to obtain accurate data, but this figure is most consistent with the truth. There are several different estimates of the losses of the USSR. So, according to the latest method, about 6.3 million are considered killed or died from their wounds; 0.5 million who died from diseases, were sentenced to death, died in accidents; 4.5 million missing and captured. The total demographic losses of the Soviet Union amount to more than 26.6 million people. In addition to the huge number of deaths in this conflict, the USSR suffered huge material losses. According to estimates, they amounted to more than 2600 billion rubles. During World War II, hundreds of cities were partially or completely destroyed. More than 70 thousand villages were wiped off the face of the earth. 32 thousand large industrial enterprises were completely destroyed. Almost completely destroyed Agriculture European part of the USSR. It took several years of incredible efforts and huge expenses to restore the country to the pre-war level.

It is generally accepted that Great Britain and the United States were allies of the USSR in World War II. In any case, it is written in all school textbooks. However, to justify such an approach seems to be a very doubtful matter, especially since Russia has its own history, in many respects unlike Western "democracies." "Russia has only 2 allies: the army and the navy" - this aphorism, suffered through all Russian history, was formulated by Alexander III.

It turns out that the image of the Anglo-Saxons as allies of Russia is nothing but a territory of delusions. For it was they who were the true initiators of the First and Second World Wars: Britain and the United States. It is already known for a long time that Hitler was financed precisely by Anglo-Saxon banks, where the Swiss, in turn, acted as an intermediary providing the Fuhrer with these same loans. It was from overseas banks that he took a loan for World War II, and it was they who unleashed both world conflicts with the hands of Germany.

Britain and the United States in many ways themselves contributed not only to the post-war recovery that began with the end of World War I, but also to the rise to power of Hitler. Both of them had vast capital reserves, which they poured into the German economy. They set the vector for the development of Germany during the Weimar Republic, which lasted 13 years. The US Federal Reserve and the National Bank of England played a special role in this. The tactics of raking in the heat with the wrong hands was worked out by the Anglo-Saxons to the smallest detail. Germany, as the Center of Europe, was used as a European foothold for the implementation of the plans of the Anglo-Saxon financial elite.

There are 4 stages of such a strategy of the West:

From 1919 to 1924 - preparing the ground for massive American financial injections into the German economy;

From 1924 to 1929 - establishing control over the financial system of Germany and financial support for National Socialism;

From 1929 to 1933 - provoking and unleashing a deep financial and economic crisis (Great Depression) and ensuring the Nazis came to power;

From 1933 to 1939 - financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy aimed at preparing and unleashing a new world war.

The problem of German reparations became one of the key ones at its first stage. They were directly linked to Europe's war debts. The United States, after its formal entry into the First World War, provided the allies with a huge loan of about $ 9 billion. The amount of debt of the European allies amounted to about 11 billion and it was decided to pay off the problem at the expense of Germany. And what is very convenient - they decided. Such measures provoked frenzied inflation in Germany itself. The massive outflow of their capital overseas led to the fact that the workers of the enterprises simply sabotaged the reparations measures. In January 1923, the "Ruhr crisis" broke out - the main industrial German vein was occupied by the French and Belgians.

The Anglo-Saxons only needed this. France got bogged down in another Anglo-Saxon adventure, showing its inability to resolve the problem. US Secretary of State C. Hughes ("good" surname, there is nothing to say: all the time the Pindos were engaged in "yuzan" in every sense of the word, and you want me to respect them? No way!) said: "We need to wait for the right moment when Europe will agree to our proposal."

The new project was developed in the bowels of JP Morgan & Co at the direction of the head of the Bank of England, Montague Norman. It was based on the ideas of the representative of Dresdner Bank, Hjalmar Schacht, formulated by him back in March 1922 at the suggestion of John Foster Dulles (both brothers: John Foster and Allen Welsh were directly connected with financing the Nazis), legal adviser to President W. Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference. Dulles handed over this note to the main confidant of J.P. Morgan and Co., after which J.P. Morgan recommended J. Shakht to M. Norman, and the latter to the Weimar rulers.

Let me digress a bit from the topic and tell a dark anecdote:

Why was Kennedy assassinated in Dallas?

In those years, the most prominent role in German economic policy was played by Hjalmar Schacht, head of the Reichsbank. At the Nuremberg Tribunal, he, along with 2 other Nazis, Franz von Papen and Hans Fritsche, will be acquitted, despite the objections of the Soviet judges. The mine will be able to bring together the financial circles of the Anglo-Saxons and the Germans. As a result, in the summer of 1924, at the London Conference, the so-called. "Dawes Plan", which will halve the amount of reparations payments and solve the issue of their coverage.

In August 1924, the old brand was replaced with a new one, and after the financial stabilization of Germany, American financial blood poured into its veins.

It turned out interesting scheme: firstly, due to the fact that the annual reparations payments went to cover the amount of debts paid by the allies, the so-called "absurd Weimar circle" developed. The gold that Germany paid in the form of war reparations was sold, pawned and disappeared in the United States, from where it was returned to Germany in the form of "aid" according to the plan, which gave it to England and France, and they in turn paid them the US war debt. The latter, having overlaid it with interest, again sent it to Germany. As a result, everyone in Germany lived in debt, and it was clear that if Wall Street called off its loans, the country would suffer complete bankruptcy.

A significant role was played by Morgan's banks, which provided 70% of all financial receipts. Leading German prom. enterprises sniffed with American TNCs: "IG Farbenindustrie", the brainchild of G. Krupp, was given into the hands of "Standart Oil", owned by the Rockefellers. The Opel concern in Rüsselsheim was transferred to Du Pont's General Motors, and Henry Ford himself controlled the shares of the VW concern.

As a result, by the beginning of the Great Depression, almost the entire German economy was under the control of American capital.

At the same time, the political force that was called upon to play a decisive role in the implementation of the Anglo-American plans was being prepared. We are talking about financing the Nazi party and A. Hitler personally. As former German Chancellor Brüning wrote in his memoirs, starting in 1923, Hitler received large sums from abroad through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is no wonder why Hitler did not attack Switzerland, let alone Sweden. The former offered him profitable loans, the latter sent their volunteers to the foreign legions of the SS (the Norwegian, Danish and Baltic legions, respectively), provided him with high-quality ore, and also worked closely in the field of racial politics. It was from the Swedes that Hitler borrowed the Lebensborn program, designed to create a new race. The program included the search for true Aryans in the territories of the occupied countries - children who were given to Nazi families. For girls, there were even boarding houses of Lebensborn, where they were prepared for motherhood, conducting a complex of necessary racial procedures long before marriage with the Nazis. The Czech film "Spring of Life" (Pramen żivota) is dedicated to the theme of Lebensborn.

It is also important that among the Nazi entourage was the protege of the United States, Ernst Franz Sedwick Hanfstaengl (Putzi), a graduate of Harvard itself. He managed to play an important role in the formation of Hitler as a politician and established important connections with high-ranking British people.

Since the autumn of 1929, after the collapse of the American stock exchange provoked by the FRS, the third stage of the Anglo-Saxon financial circles strategy was carried out, during which the FRS and the Morgan banking house decided to stop lending to Germany, inspiring the Great Depression.

In September 1931, England abandoned the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international payment system and completely cutting off the financial oxygen of the Weimar Republic. But a financial miracle happens with the NSDAP: in September 1930, as a result of large donations from Thyssen, “I.G. Farbenindustri and Kirdorf, the party receives 6.4 million votes, takes second place in the Reichstag, after which generous injections from abroad are activated.

J. Schacht becomes the main link between the largest German industrialists and foreign financiers. On January 4, 1932, the largest English financier M. Norman met with A. Hitler and von Papen, at which a secret agreement was concluded on financing the NSDAP. This meeting was also attended by American politicians, the Dulles brothers, which their biographers do not like to mention. In vain: since they do not want it themselves, we will do it for them. Therefore, calling the Dulles Nazis, this definition will not be an exaggeration. In other words, the Dulles themselves laid the foundations of the Nazi order in the United States itself immediately after the Second World War. Moreover, fertile ground for Nazism in the United States was formed back in the 30s, and most ordinary "Americans" supported Hitler even then.

And on January 14, 1933, Hitler met with Schroeder, Papen and Kepler, where Hitler's program was fully approved. It was here that the issue of the transfer of power to the Nazis was finally resolved, and on January 30, Hitler became Chancellor of the Reich. Implementation of the fourth stage of the strategy begins. The attitude of the Anglo-American ruling circles towards the new government became extremely benevolent. When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which, of course, called into question the payment of war debts, neither England nor France presented him with claims regarding payments. head.

Moreover, after the trip of J. Schacht, who was put back at the head of the Reichsbank, to the USA in May 1933 and his meeting with the president and the largest bankers from Wall Street, America allocated new loans to Germany totaling $ 1 billion. During his trip to London and meeting with M. Norman, Schacht seeks the provision of a British loan of 2 billion dollars and the reduction, and then the termination of payments on old loans.

The aged President Hindenburg for a long time did not want to appoint Hitler to the post of Reich Chancellor. However, that January day became fatal for him: he himself did not suspect which dog he had unleashed.

The Hindenburg decision changed the fate of Germany for 12 years: it led the world into the fire of World War II, which claimed the lives of 80 million people, 30 of whom were Soviet citizens.

But only the Americans benefited from such sacrifices. For this, they needed and needed Hitler in order to draw the USSR into the war, and to cash in on someone else's grief (the United States lost 0.5 people on the fronts of World War II, Britain - 1 million). The collapse of the British Empire was very beneficial to America; he only strengthened her position. After all, after the war, the United States owned 50% of all world resources. This once again proves that the US and Britain were Hitler's allies in World War II, and the Soviet Union became a power that single-handedly defeated Hitler's German machine. Just for the simple reason that the USSR was forced to pay gold to the West because of Lend-Lease supplies and stopped paying only when the enterprises of the Union evacuated to the Urals began to regularly and uninterruptedly supply assistance to the front for the Victory. That is why we are obliged to secure forever the exclusive role of the USSR as the only victorious power in the Second World War and the Second World War as a whole (which I am doing to spite Obama!).

How has the fate of the United States itself changed?

Close cooperation with the Nazis played a very cruel joke on the Americans themselves. Not so long ago the news spread around the world: Detroit is dead. The automobile capital of the USA from a powerful auto center, from where Fords, Chryslers and other brands left the assembly lines, turned into a complete corpse in the truest sense of the word. GM went bankrupt, the treasury was empty, many people quit their jobs as a result of dismissal and dispersed in all directions. Modern Detroit is nothing more than a homeless shelter: it has the highest crime rate in the United States today, windows are broken in most buildings (including the GM building), there is practically not a soul on the streets. Wherever you look, somewhere you run into a homeless black man (Detroit is a city with a high number of blacks). In a word, the gentlemen on the Potomac and Wall Street "played enough Maidans" that brought down their own auto industry. Well, in no case should Russia relax, because the United States, as a complete bankrupt, is the most dangerous terrorist today.