Why hit with the right elbow? Sign or injury? Why hit with the right knee.

  • 26.09.2019

- This is a closed traumatic injury of soft tissues in the knee joint. It is one of the most common injuries, belongs to the category of minor injuries. The cause is usually a fall or blow at home or while playing sports. Less common is a bruised knee due to accidents at work, traffic accidents, and falls from a height. It is manifested by pain, bruising, swelling of the joint, limitation of support and movement. Often accompanied by hemarthrosis. Diagnosis is confirmed by radiography, MRI and arthroscopy. Treatment is conservative.


S80.0 Knee injury

General information

A knee injury is a closed soft tissue injury in the area of ​​the knee joint, in which there are no obvious damage to the intra-articular structures. It can be detected in patients of any age and gender, but children and young people who lead an active lifestyle are more likely to suffer. Bruises received at home or while playing sports, as a rule, are isolated. With high-energy injuries, combinations with damage to the chest, pelvic fracture, fractures of the bones of the upper and lower extremities, fracture of the spine, TBI and other injuries are possible. Treatment of knee bruises is carried out by orthopedic traumatologists.


A knee injury occurs when a heavy object falls or hits the knee joint. In the vast majority of cases, it is a domestic injury, while the number of adult victims increases in winter time(due to ice), and the number of children - during the summer holidays. In addition, a knee injury quite often becomes the result of a sports injury in athletes, football players, hockey players, and speed skaters. Less often in traumatology and orthopedics, knee bruises are diagnosed due to high-energy injuries: traffic accidents, industrial accidents, natural disasters.

Symptoms of a knee injury

For severe bruises and bruises of moderate severity, accompanied by hemarthrosis or synovitis, a plaster splint is applied, it is recommended to limit the load, analgesics and UHF are prescribed. With hemarthrosis and synovitis, puncture of the knee joint is indicated, during which fluid is removed and the joint is washed with a novocaine solution. If necessary, the puncture is repeated after a few days. After stopping acute events and removing the splints, rehabilitation measures are prescribed to restore the range of motion, strength and muscle tone.

With intense hemarthrosis and intense arching pain, arthroscopic revision and sanitizing lavage of the joint can be performed. In some cases, surgical hemostasis is performed during knee arthroscopy. In the process of treating professional athletes, sometimes damaged hyaline cartilage is treated: exfoliated fragments are cut off, then the surface of the cartilage is polished. After the manipulation, plaster is applied, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, and after immobilization is stopped, the patient is sent to exercise therapy.

It is hardly possible to find even one person in the world who, at least occasionally, would not want to look into his own future in order to be able to prepare for trouble and avoid mistakes. Unfortunately, only a few are endowed with such abilities, and everyone else has to rely on "maybe" or folk signs.

Fortunately, our ancestors left us a wealth of superstitions for all occasions. Thanks to them, we know that a broken cup predicts happiness, and spilled salt predicts conflicts. And what promises the victim of his own awkwardness a bruised knee joint?

The knees are most often "responsible" for the cardiac sphere, so their injuries will predict changes in this area. But whether they are good or bad will depend on the side of the body that was injured.

Hit with left knee

Evil entities always hover behind the left shoulder of a person, striving to spoil life as much as possible. Therefore, most signs associated with the left hand or foot are negative, and the knee is no exception.

  • If a young girl hit her left knee, then fate will present her with an unpleasant surprise in the form of parting with her beloved. To a family man to experience the bitterness of betrayal of the second half.
  • For lonely creatures, a sign predicts unrequited love or unrequited passion.
  • Pay attention to what you hit. The bedside table became the unwitting culprit of the bruise? Be more attentive to a close friend or girlfriend. After all, they will be the reason for leaving loved one.
  • Other pieces of furniture are not prone to heart omens. A bruise on a table or chair promises monetary losses, and an aggressive door - the appearance of unwanted visitors in the house.

Hit with right knee

The right side of the body, guarded by the guardian angel, predicts its owner only positive changes in fate.

  • When the right knee suffers from a meeting with a solid object, then a lonely girl will have to meet her fate. For spouses, such a sign will be a harbinger of a newly flared passion.
  • Did your right knee get bruised because of the wrong bed? Be prepared to rekindle past relationships.
  • The bedside table became the cause of pain? A friend or girlfriend will introduce you to a new love.
  • It's great if you hurt yourself on a table or chair. After all, this furniture predicts a salary increase, an unexpected bonus, a win, or other options for improving your financial situation.
  • Don't get upset when you kneel into the door. The sign promises the appearance of long-awaited guests in the house.

There are various signs of accidental injuries - to hit with the right, left elbow, another part of the body. Depending on the many subtleties, such an incident can have different meanings.

In the article:

Signs - hit with the right elbow

A blow with the right elbow indicates that someone remembers you. It can be the thoughts of a friend or a mention in a conversation - Nice words, praise, approval of actions or views. You are admired by others, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about here.

For a young girl, the sign of hitting her right elbow means that a guy who is attractive to her thinks or says about her. He has a good opinion of this girl, wants to meet her, and his memories and thoughts are positive. At the same time, the longer and stronger the hand hurts, the more the thoughts of a loved one could please you.

If you have not yet met a soul mate, but really want to, you can follow the advice from the past. Immediately after hitting with the right elbow, you need to shout the first thing that comes to mind man's name. Previously, the girls believed that the future husband would be called that way.

Sign - hit with the left elbow

A sign for those who happened to hit with their left elbow has a far from such a pleasant interpretation.

Such a bruise also means that they are talking or thinking about you. But this is negative. Most likely, someone is dissatisfied with your actions, scolds or is jealous. Maybe you have enemies.

Perhaps you are suspected of committing an impartial act. Someone suspects that you are hiding your sins, and now you will have to take action related to this.

For a young girl, this superstition means that the guy she likes doesn't have a very good opinion of her. Perhaps he has a habit of discussing it in a negative way with his friends. You should be careful not to trust this young man until you can get to know him better.

Hit with an elbow - a sign and its general meaning

Far from all regions of the country believe that the belief can be divided into two opposite in meaning, based on which hand was injured - right or left. Sometimes they say that an elbow bruise is a nuisance. In order to soften this meaning, the hand should be rubbed while reading any known to you.

For men, the sign has a slightly different meaning, exclusively negative. If it's allowed for a girl positive interpretation, then the man expects a showdown with the enemy. Perhaps you will be set up by an imaginary friend or you will have to deal with a false accusation of an unpleasant act. In order to avoid at least some of the problems, rub your hand and read a prayer.

If the blow occurred on a table or other furniture, resulting in a plate or other utensils, expect a quarrel with loved ones. Dropping food, especially bread, with or without utensils, will have serious consequences.

This sign came to us from those times when scolding for such awkwardness awaited every young housewife. Then new dishes were a more significant acquisition than they are today, and food was more expensive and was obtained by hard work throughout the summer.

In the old days, it was believed that if a young girl hurt herself while sleeping, she would soon get married.

In general, this sign can not only tell you something about your surroundings or about upcoming events, but also smooth out the pain if you are distracted by finding out its meaning.

In contact with

If you are unlucky enough to hit something with your elbow, this event will not go unnoticed - who hit, he knows how painful it can be. But if the realist frowns, rubs the bruised place and, as if nothing had happened, goes on, then the superstitious person will see a warning in it. And if he not only pulls out the necessary interpretation from memory, but also analyzes relations with others, then the beliefs were not in vain. What just does not help to understand the injured elbow!

Folk signs about elbow strikes

Among mystics, any injury or just a painful sensation in any part of the body is explained by a warning from the Universe (“You are doing something wrong! Stop, otherwise it will get worse”) and an insistent sign calling to look around in order to notice the lurking danger in time . No one is safe from sudden bouts of clumsiness, but you should not think that unknown forces have taken up arms against you because of an accidental elbow strike, especially since sometimes a bruised elbow brings good news.

Depending on gender

When the girl got hurt

Signs about elbow strikes among girls prophesy events related to representatives of the opposite sex. And what else did our ancestors have to think about in those distant times, when signs were born?

  • If a woman hits her right elbow, her beloved remembers her with tenderness.
  • If the left one was hurt, the young lady was at the epicenter negative thoughts. Maybe someone scolds her, or the young man suspected of infidelity. Or an insidious tempter hatches plans for seduction. Alas, with the most ignoble goals.
  • When a girl hits her right elbow, a married man remembers her. To the left - a bachelor indulges in dreams.

If there is no boyfriend and is not yet expected, you can take the opportunity to hasten the appearance of the prince:

If a man hit

  • A bruised right elbow does not bode well for a guy. A meeting with an enemy, an unpleasant conversation, a showdown… But all this can be avoided if you quickly rub the bruised place and read a prayer.
  • The left elbow promises vague problems: they will come, but where, from whom, in what area is unknown. The recipe is the same - we vigorously rub our bruised elbow and hope for the best.

What does the force of injury mean?

It is traditionally considered: the stronger the blow and the longer pain, the more serious future events. If the left elbow received a tangible injury, it means that you have to solve big problems and even ask friends for help. Has a huge bruise bloomed on the right? Either you are praised very loudly, or the young man got ardent. On the one hand, it hurts, on the other, it's nice. You can also be patient.

In rare cases, out of nowhere clumsiness that appears may indicate a neurological disorder. Have you begun to count the furniture in the room with your elbows too often? Visit a neurologist and make sure everything is in order. Other than that, there is nothing to be afraid of. Rub bad omens diligently, rejoice in good ones and often rely on your intuition. Then just do not miss anyone - neither the enemy, nor your soul mate.

In esotericism, it is commonly believed that the knees are responsible for unfulfilled dreams. Therefore, itching in this area should alert you and make you think. After all, if you ignore such signs of fate for a long time, then they will be followed by diseases of the joints. To prevent this, you need to remember your most cherished desires and immediately begin to fulfill them.

However, this is not the only superstition associated with knees. Let's try to figure out why the left knee itches, why the right one itches, and also what a knee bruise can warn us about.

To the question of why the left knee itches, signs give an unambiguous answer - you will have to overcome some difficulties.

If you are going on a trip, prepare in advance for unforeseen situations on the road. A series of small delays will make you pretty nervous. However, the result of the trip will still be positive. If this is a vacation trip, then you will be satisfied with the time spent. If you are planning a business trip, then it seems quite productive.

For men, this sign is mainly associated with the professional or business sphere. It is possible that soon an emergency will begin at work or the authorities will call you on the carpet. If you decide to arrange own business and you have overcome the itching of the knee on the left - many obstacles await you. Whatever you do and whatever business you have in mind, you will have to make every effort to succeed.

The girl's left knee warns of bad news. If you have planned any trips or meetings, then the itching of the left knee encourages you to cancel your plans for the time being.

Elderly people's knees may itch before the change of weather.

But if it was itching under the left knee, this means that someone coveted your property. Be on your guard. Do not leave things unattended, do not trust your property to unfamiliar people and check the reliability of the locks on the doors.

Why does my right knee itch

The right knee, in turn, itches to a favorable resolution of the situation. You do not need to take any active actions - everything will work out for you in the best way.

If the right knee itches - expect good news from relatives. Fate gives you time to catch your breath, gain strength and positive emotions.

The sign has one more interesting interpretation. An itchy right knee warns you to postpone serious negotiations, speeches and presentations for a while. Now it will be quite difficult for you to convey your thoughts and ideas to other people. To do this, you need to choose a more appropriate moment.

Why does the right knee itch in women and men? For a woman whose right knee suddenly itches, this could mean that her husband will soon be promoted. For girls and women, this sign also portends joyful meetings and good news.

If a man has an itchy right knee, then soon his affairs will go uphill, and his financial situation will improve. There is also the possibility of establishing a personal life.

Itching under the right knee tells you that it's time to start implementing your plans. The main thing is to take it seriously and not make rash decisions. If you didn’t make plans, then the omen promises you an unexpected journey.

Knee scratching by day of the week

If your knees itch, fate clearly wants to reach out to you and warn you about something. By the day of the week, you can also interpret this sign in more detail.

On Monday itching in the knees may portend a date with a lover or unexpected news from a loved one. Moreover, if the right knee itches, events will have positive value, and if left - the news will be bad, the meeting will end in a quarrel.

On Tuesday this itch symbolizes the longing for you of a close relative or loved one.

On Wednesday knees itch for guests or new acquaintances. Meeting with interesting people can develop into a strong friendship.

On Thursday- v personal life and changes are planned in the professional sphere. Unfortunately, these changes are not better side. Difficulties, misunderstandings and conflicts await you.

On Friday knees itch before a long journey. If you are planning a trip on a business trip and your right knee suddenly itches, the trip will be very fruitful. If the knee itches on this day, the trip will not bring the desired result.

On Saturday such an itch speaks of stability and calm. change and important events until expected.

And if the knees itched on Sunday- a sign encourages you to listen to the advice of other people and think about your future.

Hit your knee

Knee injury is an extremely unpleasant situation. The sign about what to hit with the knee has several meanings. The interpretation of the sign depends on which side the blow fell on.

Hitting your left knee is a doubly bad omen, as it is associated with future troubles, strong feelings and negative emotions.

For a young girl, such a bruise may portend parting with her beloved. For lonely young people, a sign promises unrequited feelings. And family - betrayal and even divorce.

If the heart of a man or woman is still free, then a blow with the left knee may be a harbinger of a quarrel with a close friend (girlfriend).

Hitting your left knee on a table or chair - to unforeseen expenses and losses. bruise about front door- a bad person will come to you or uninvited guests will come to you.

If you hurt your right knee, you can prepare for auspicious events in life. This is a good omen.

Bruising a lonely girl with her right knee promises a meeting with her fate. Relationships will be strong and sincere. A single young person will also find new relationships that may lead to marriage in the future.

If you happened to hit your right knee on the bed - a sign portends a resumption of past relationships. To hit the right knee on the front door - to the arrival of a loved one or a long-awaited guest.

Hit your right knee on a table or chair - expect a pay rise or other profit. In the near future you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation.