Childbirth is dreamed of for what - why the birth of a child is dreamed of. Why dream of having a baby: a positive (and not so) interpretation of a dream

  • 21.10.2019

Why dream that a child was born? The dream interpretation promises: ahead of success in business, positive changes, improvement in life circumstances, receiving an inheritance, but some plots in a dream warn of difficulties, disappointments and failure of plans.

All expectations will be met

A dreamed vision, especially if it is a newborn boy, promises a successful course of affairs, making good profits.

To a pregnant woman to dream that she had a child, and a boy, means: a healthy son will really be born.

For the representative of the stronger sex, the plot of the birth of a boy portends: the wildest expectations will come true, and the reward for the work done will be very high.

Why dream of the birth of a girl? The dream interpretation explains: if the sleeper is lonely, he will soon meet his soul mate. A family dream, where a newborn girl was present, promises happy life, well-being.

Trouble, health hazard

Had a dream about how he turned out to be sick? In reality, your undertaking expects an unforeseen and probably negative outcome.

Did you see in a dream that a child was born sick and died? The dream interpretation recommends taking care of your own health: there comes a period when the risk of getting sick is high.

The baby lived a couple of days and died? A business that starts well will soon fail. Analyze errors.

Your deal will be a failure, and the event will be unsuccessful

Why dream dead birth babies? The dream interpretation warns: you can make a failed deal.

Had a dream - was he born dead? The event you are planning will be very disappointing. The funds invested in it will not pay off, and the losses cannot yet be returned.

Don't give in to worries, learn new responsibilities

For a pregnant woman, a dream that the baby she gave birth to is dead reflects her worries about future births, and does not bode well.

Why dream: a friend had a baby? The dream interpretation suggests: new worries or responsibilities are coming at work, and it will be impossible to entrust them to someone.

Plot details

The interpretation of sleep takes into account who has the baby:

  • a friend has good news and favorable changes;
  • from a friend - he wants to implement interesting idea and you will help;
  • mom - someone is trying to manipulate her;
  • at ex-husband- you can not yet establish a personal life.

The partner will not return to you, move forward

Did you dream that your ex-husband had a son? The dream interpretation states: stop dreaming about your reunion, this will never happen.

If the plot about the birth of a baby in a dream concerned an unmarried boyfriend with whom you broke up, he left your relationship in the past, but you didn’t. It's time to move forward, make friends and meet men.

Miller's dream book: circumstances will improve

Why dream that you have a baby? A dream promises an improvement in affairs and life circumstances. Perhaps in reality a son or daughter will soon appear.

The birth of a child is always a joyful event, which is long awaited and anticipated every moment of it. And if a similar plot is found in night dreams, then the dreamer in reality can count on success and good luck in any field.

For couples who dream of having a baby, such a dream prophesies the fulfillment of their desire in the future.
For creative individuals, such a vision promises the implementation of the planned project and its undoubted success.

The dream interpretation claims that the birth of a child in a dream symbolizes good news in reality. So, you may be pleased with the arrival of unexpected guests. One way or another, the birth of a child in most cases is usually associated only with positive changes in the life of the sleeping person.

Why dream that an unhealthy baby was born? Get ready for real life to trouble, anxiety and stress. After all, night vision warns of their imminent appearance.

According to Miller's interpretation of sleep, the birth of a child predicts a favorable set of circumstances in the future.

Why does an unmarried girl dream about the birth of a baby? To the fact that in reality she should be extremely careful. Her reputation and dignity could be seriously damaged.

Moreover, similar dream can guarantee an unexpected inheritance in the future.

The dream book of European peoples claims that the birth of a baby, even in night dreams, is a sacred event. That is why such a plot, in accordance with Azar's dream book, portends true family happiness to the sleeping man. The Jews, in turn, assume that such a dream confirms the strength of the dreamer's family ties in reality.

Sivananda's dream book offers a not so pleasant interpretation of sleep. So, if an unmarried girl sees, then most likely in reality she leads an unworthy and dissolute lifestyle. But if a married lady had a dream, then she can be firmly confident in the successful outcome of her own pregnancy and childbirth.

Other interpretations of sleep

The birth of a baby is happiness for parents, which will radically change the life of the family, adding new worries, difficulties, and worries. But after such an event, laughter, joy and smiles will surely settle in the house. Why dream about the birth of a child, we will find out in proven dream books.

The birth of a child is frequent sleep pregnant women who are very worried about the upcoming event in their lives. Emotional imbalance and anxiety are deposited on the subconscious and are reflected in a dream. Such a scenario portends a completely successful resolution of childbirth. future mother. The baby will grow up strong and healthy.

In other cases, the birth of a child in a dream symbolizes the internal rebirth of the individual. The events that will take place and involve the dreamer's participation will radically change his life attitudes, principles, and views. After such a scenario, you can change your lifestyle, get carried away by what you were absolutely not attracted to before. You may be visited by desire and inspiration to receive additional education, mastering a new profession.

It will be possible for those who had to participate when the baby appeared to reveal their talent and show their creative abilities. You will reveal your potential and successfully realize all the ambitions accumulated over the years. A positive and unique experience will be given to people who in a dream gave birth without having any skills for this.

A business woman dreamed of giving birth to a son - in reality she expects large cash receipts, but provided that she mobilizes all her strength, energy, opportunities, she will become as active and efficient as possible.

The birth of several babies marks bright and impressive events in the life of the sleeper. The moment when you need to seize the opportunity and implement all the plans. Success will affect all areas of life: work, family, friendships.

For a man who is in search of his destiny, to see a woman in labor in a dream and help a little baby be born is a sign of the birth of new ideas that will definitely develop into promising projects that bring fabulous income. Material stability and well-being is expected in this case and the dreamer's family.

A married woman dreamed of giving birth - harmony in family life awaits her. You have done enough to ensure that peace, tranquility, joy and happiness reign in your family.

What else does the birth of a child mean in a dream

  • a girl was born - there will be harmony and prosperity in the family;
  • a boy was born - expect chores that will certainly bring a lot of good and good for the dreamer;
  • healthy baby - all life circumstances will be very positive;
  • a sickly child or with pathologies - a dream warns of the danger that threatens in the event of rash actions and actions of the sleeping person;
  • premature - to unexpected profits from an accidental lottery win, bonuses, salary increases.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The woman dreamed of how she was given birth - which means that in the near future she will have a long-awaited pregnancy. For a man, a dream about his pregnancy hints that there are children from his extramarital affairs and they will soon come to him with a demand to accept paternity.

Participate in the birth of a baby, help medical workers- in reality, get to know the person who will make you an ideal couple. But your taste and prevailing opinion about male beauty will not make it possible to immediately pay attention to this person. Only after some time, thanks to the actions of the boyfriend, you will believe in a possible relationship.

For a man to watch a woman give birth, marks profit, capital accumulation, the acquisition of large real estate. You will feel like a very wealthy and wealthy person, for whom it will not be difficult to drag the beauty you like into bed. But sex will be of sporting interest to you. At the moment, you are not ready for a serious relationship and conception of offspring.

The girl dreamed of giving birth to a boy - good sign. This promises an early marriage with a wealthy and influential person. At the same time, sex will not be of paramount importance for you, since your mercantile interests will be fully satisfied.


I saw a difficult but successful birth - a sign that difficulties should be expected along the way, which you will successfully cope with. Events will be significant for you in that you will decisively get rid of something, completely changing your existence. You will be able to raise the standard of living to a higher one, attracting the attention of very influential people who want to support your endeavors.

The easy and quick birth of a child indicates that you will be able to shift some of your duties and responsibilities onto other shoulders. Thus, you will have time for rest and self-education.

I dreamed of my own birth - a significant dream. This speaks of an inner rebirth. You will want to improve yourself, discarding all barriers and obstacles. It will be possible to get rid of fear at the moment when you start to succeed and you will see the result of the transformation.

A nightmare that someone close dies during childbirth speaks of internal contradictions in the family. You will not be able to make peace with this person, on the contrary, the conflict will only intensify.

To take birth with a neighbor in a dream - in reality to participate in events that, at first glance, will seem very boring and mundane to you, but they will greatly affect your future.

Yuri Longo

To pick up a newly born baby means to take on a great burden of responsibility. The case you undertake will be difficult, but worthy of your experience, knowledge and qualifications. Your future career and material well-being will depend on how much you show yourself. The project may turn out to be new and very unusual for you, so the unique knowledge that you will receive in the process will make you known and in demand in your field of activity.

Gustov Miller

The birth of a baby in a dream marks the dreamer's cash receipts. Seeing the birth of your own child suggests that circumstances will develop for you in the most prosperous way. For women, this scenario portends a future pregnancy.

To give birth to a child in a dream for a young lady is a sign that you need to take your own reputation more seriously and not give rise to evil gossip and gossip.

Dream Interpretation Childbirth, birth This symbol is associated with important changes in life, the solution of significant matters for you, and the release from any difficulties. If in a dream you saw your own birth, this dream predicts that fate gives you a chance to start your life anew. You should reconsider your life values ​​and try to comprehend your purpose. If you dream that your child is born, then you will experience a significant improvement in life circumstances. It is possible that soon you will really give birth to a beautiful child. Such a dream warns a girl of the need for a more careful attitude to her reputation, to maintaining her own dignity in all situations. A dream can also portend good news, inheritance, etc. If you dreamed of an easy and quick birth that causes you a feeling of great relief, you can calmly and without remorse be able to shift your affairs onto other people's shoulders. A painful birth with a happy ending portends temporary difficulties in solving your affairs. The dream in which you are giving birth predicts participation in an event that at first seems insignificant to you. The consequences of this event, however, will be fateful for you. Seeing in a dream how one of your loved ones dies in childbirth means unsuccessful attempts to improve relations with relatives. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Birth For a married woman to see that a child is born to her is a sign of great joy and a huge inheritance. A lonely woman has a similar dream: portends a loss of virtue and a break with her lover. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Birth Birth images: can be ambivalent and hide the idea of ​​death, but can be unambiguous. Thus, in the course of dreams, an individual can crawl out of small openings, passages, caves, or, conversely, crawl into cavities, move away from the sea or come to it, enter or exit a tunnel, etc. These dreams are often colored with anxiety, which is connected with the fact that the idea of ​​death is close to the idea of ​​birth. The birth that happened or the situation of childbirth and birth itself. Rebirth: the desire to change life or start it over again, eliminating mistakes. This theme becomes especially significant towards the end of life and appears in dreams when the young becomes old, the beautiful withered. Such dreams occur during critical periods of individuation. Embryo: life that is still missing or repressed. Psychoanalytic dream book

Interpretation of sleep Birth A girl who, even before marriage, had a dream that she had a child, should take care of her reputation and not get involved with dishonorable people. If a girl dreams that she cuts roses, in reality she will receive a marriage proposal that will bring her joy. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

The meaning of sleep Birth The birth of a child, seen in a dream, portends a happy improvement in life circumstances. Or maybe you really expect the birth of a beautiful baby. If a girl dreams about having a baby before marriage, she should be more careful about her reputation. In general, a dream about the birth of a baby can portend good news and changes. Big universal dream book

Dream Birth Childbirth: a bright symbol of renewal and rebirth. They can symbolize a new stage in your life, both external and internal. Birth may signify: a spiritual awakening or the release of a powerful creative force that has been hidden within you. Isn't it time to give life to a new project or ideal of your life? Isn't it time to start all over again? With the birth of something new: usually associated with the death of something old. It may be old ideas or old stereotypes that limit your horizons. Do not stop on your way, even if it means saying goodbye to a lot. Birth marks: beginnings, but it can also symbolize vulnerability and defenselessness. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream to give birth, the birth of a child BIRTH OF A CHILD, BIRTH - for a man to see - new successful plans, undertakings, deeds, ideas, opportunities. For a woman, the desire to have a child. To give birth herself, to give birth is a dispute for a girl, joy and achievement of a goal for a woman. Seeing your birth is a happy outcome, life successes. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Why dream of Birth The birth of a child seen in a dream portends a happy improvement in life circumstances. Or maybe you really expect the birth of a beautiful baby. If a girl dreams about the birth of a child before the wedding, she should be more careful about her reputation. In general, a dream about the birth of a baby: it can portend good news and changes. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Birth The birth of a child of other parents: a reflection of the powerful impact on awareness on the part of this person. Own child: a reflection of a powerful change in awareness. Reflection of beginning, renewal and rebirth. Dream Interpretation 2012

Dream Interpretation Birth We often associate birth with new beginnings, but before an idea is born, it must be born. If in a dream you witnessed a birth, this is a sign of the climax in your long work. Perhaps you have experienced new idea, concept or project? Naturally, if you are pregnant or want to get pregnant: a dream reflects your condition or is an expression of desire. If you are not going to start a family or give birth to a child: such a dream can symbolize a new round in a career, a new relationship, or a change of residence. Who gives birth? And what? Is the child in a dream cute, playful and healthy or sick and weak?: this will determine your attitude towards what has been created in your life lately, whether it be relationships, a career or something else. In a dream, did you have an image of a partner who participated in conception? How is the attitude towards birth related to the attitude towards this person?: Perhaps you think that this person could become your partner in life. If this is a birth famous person: a dream, perhaps, speaks of the creation of something important and outstanding. Universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Childbirth, birth This symbol is associated with important changes in life, the solution of significant matters for you, and the release from any difficulties. If in a dream you saw your own birth, this dream predicts that fate gives you a chance to start your life anew. You should reconsider your life values ​​and try to comprehend your purpose. If you dream that your child is born, then you will experience a significant improvement in life circumstances. It is possible that soon you will really give birth to a beautiful child. Such a dream warns a girl of the need for a more careful attitude to her reputation, to maintaining her own dignity in all situations. A dream can also portend good news, receiving an inheritance, etc. If you dreamed of an easy and quick birth that causes you a feeling of great relief, you can calmly and without remorse be able to shift your affairs onto other people's shoulders. A painful birth with a happy ending portends temporary difficulties in solving your affairs. The dream in which you are giving birth predicts participation in an event that at first seems insignificant to you. The consequences of this event, however, will be fateful for you. Seeing in a dream how one of your loved ones dies in childbirth means unsuccessful attempts to improve relations with relatives.

Many people believe that dreams have a hidden meaning and predict the future in real life. Why the birth of a child is dreamed of may be of interest to many ladies. After all, such a dream at least once visited almost everyone.

The context of a dream can be both kind and unpleasant.. Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways. Variations of possible meanings depend on many aspects of the dreaming situation.

If you dreamed about the birth of a child-girl

A dream in which you give birth to a daughter is usually considered a positive sign.. It is considered to be a harbinger of the imminent onset of prosperity and happiness. For a young married lady, this means receiving unexpected good news, or just good news.

But for the girl unmarried dream the birth of a daughter is not considered a good omen. In this case, the vision means that events are approaching that can tarnish the dreamer's reputation. And it is likely that the trouble will be the maximum share of her own fault.

It may be that married woman who saw such a dream, and in real life dreams arise about a similar course of events. The subconscious mind speaks of the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a girl. Or that she is already expecting a baby. For a pregnant woman, the birth of a girl in a dream is a wonderful sign that promises easy childbirth and the absence of health problems for herself and the baby.

If the birth of a child in a dream took place at home, in reality, difficulties and problems should soon be safely resolved. And also, this vision can mean close pleasant chores and joyful surprise in reality. Having given birth to a very beautiful baby, you can expect great success in life.

For a woman whose child is actually already an adult, a dream about the birth of a girl can promise a second wind to romantic relationships in life. Passion and desire will return to marriage or come from the beloved.

Dreamed childbirth can be very easy and quick. They mean that in reality it will be possible to shift the solution of one's own problems to another person, and not to take care of it herself. But with the painful process of childbirth, which nevertheless ended successfully, one can expect great difficulties in resolving one's affairs. But, in the final, a positive result and family well-being awaits.

Freud's dream book promises that the birth of a girl in a dream, the subconscious mind warns of imminent profit. Or about the imminent completion of the once started business, which should bring a well-deserved reward.

Dreams with the presence of childbirth can also carry a negative meaning. For example, if you happen to experience the birth of a dead girl, a disease awaits in reality. Or there will be a painful experience of loneliness. It may seem that one of the relatives died in childbirth. This means that in life it is unlikely that it will be possible to resolve relations in the family - quarrels or a split are possible.

In a dream, to be an obstetrician for someone, accepting a child - to participate in reality in some minor event that will have unexpected consequences. It also predicts the fulfillment of desires.

If you dreamed about the birth of a boy child

It is recommended to remember such a dream in detail.. Why dream about the birth of a child, you must first think for yourself. Think about the emotional coloring of the picture you see. And only then study the dream books. Usually, if the impression of night visions remains pleasant, and their meaning should be considered in a positive way.

For a young woman, this indicates the imminent receipt of a proposal for marriage.. And, perhaps, it means a carefree life filled with fun and joy.

The birth of a son in dreams promises a stable financial condition. Maybe wealth or income, profit. Having given birth to a boy in a dream, a woman can expect success in reality in her business. For a novice business woman, such a dream means rapid advancement, expansion of the business. There is also a possibility that the lady will be promoted in her career, an increase in salary. Perhaps the social status of the dreamer will increase in the near future.

If you dreamed that a son was born at home, there will be peace and tranquility, as well as financial well-being. And the more children were born, the more significant the real achievements will be.

Having an unwanted child- in life there will be vanity and empty chores. If the baby is sick, one must prepare for family squabbles, minor troubles.

See how a boy was born by another woman- too auspicious sign. Pleasant news, useful unexpected meetings are coming. And to take birth with your own hands - to soon receive news from an old and almost forgotten acquaintance.

Everything is probably in the arms of Morpheus. The birth of a child can also be dreamed of by a man. If this happened, and the sex of the baby is male, this is a good sign. Wealth and prosperity are foreseen. And the more children were born, the larger the positive phenomena in life will be. Although if you believe erotic dream book, for the stronger sex, this means success, given by serious efforts. But to see a man how he gave birth to a girl is a warning of the subconscious about the possible risk of going broke, or parting with finances.