What is the dream of a green snake. Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

  • 20.09.2019

Why do snakes dream of a woman? Interpretations, in fact, there are a huge number. And in order to find the most correct one, one should consider as much as possible more values. Fortunately, there are a lot of dream books, and they all make it clear why snakes dream of a woman, a man, or someone else.

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About the meaning of the symbol

So, the first thing I would like to say about the interpretation of this sign. The snake is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, if a person dreamed of her, one should expect important information. Miller's dream book, for example, explains in great detail why a woman dreams of snakes. This is a harbinger of the fact that she will soon have to face the anger of the people around her. Gossip, betrayal - everything can be expected. Moreover, it is possible that all this will come from fairly close people. It can be friends or colleagues. But another dream, in which a girl sees this creature biting her, suggests that it is worth preparing for trouble at work. Probably, there will be a serious conversation with the boss or a pay cut. In general, if possible, then we should try to correct any mistakes made earlier.

Interpretation of Vanga

You should also talk about why snakes dream of a woman according to Vanga's dream book. I must say, this is a negative dream. After such a vision, a girl should prepare to sort things out with those people who never wished her well. By the way, most likely everything will start with discontent - and from the open. It is possible that then it will all develop into a real war. Such unpleasant news promises such a dream. The snake is large, slowly crawling away to the side - this, by the way, is a good sign. This means that hostility, if it starts, will be stopped fairly quickly and with little or no effort. All in all, big trouble it won't come from it. But it’s worth taking a closer look at those around you - it won’t be superfluous.

Freudian meaning

What does such a dream mean in this book of interpretations? The head of a snake, for example, is considered a good omen. If a girl had such a vision, it means that some pleasant event will happen to her soon. It will probably be unexpected. You can even say that there will be some fabulous changes in ordinary life. The most important thing is to pay attention to what people say in everyday life, especially strangers. Otherwise, you might miss something important. Sometimes a little thing can change a life.

By the way, the more snake heads there are in a dream, the better the news will be and the more good changes will occur.

Muslim dream book

According to this book of interpretations, the snake is a symbol of power and protection. It is believed that this creature conveys the protection of the Almighty to a person. Such positive value bears this dream. A snake in the hands is a harbinger of an improvement in the situation at work. Probably the girl who dreamed about this will receive a bonus, or her salary will be increased. And if the snake was obedient and completely tame, then this is a promotion. So you should listen to the meaning of this vision and prove yourself at work. It is likely that soon she will expect material wealth, and quite a lot. But being stung by this creature is a bad sign. You should prepare for the fact that life will disappoint the girl. We must be vigilant and be more careful with our frankness. Do not trust your secrets to someone unfamiliar. Otherwise, they can take advantage of this credulity and use the information received for their own, not very good purposes.

Reptiles of different types what do they mean?

To understand what is the interpretation of this or that vision in which snakes appear, it is necessary to take into account what they were. It is very important to recognize the specific species of snake. A lot depends on that. Poisonous yellow snakes in a dream are a signal that it's time to pay more attention. family relations. Perhaps the husband or boyfriend of the girl who dreamed of this is hiding something from her. If there are any suspicions, then you should try to find out by talking what is really happening. The most important thing is not to provoke a scandal and not to shout. You need to be wary even if you dreamed of a poisonous cobra.

A fat and large snake - too interesting character. We must try to remember our feelings during this dream. If the dreamer felt despair, then this is to heartfelt feelings, joy, new acquaintances, a comfortable existence. In general, the sign is extremely positive. But a reptile, seeking to suffocate, promises health troubles. Therefore, it is worth listening to this vision and, just in case, being examined by a doctor. It won't be redundant.

green snakes

A dream in which a girl saw bright green reptiles promises something good. Such a symbol is a harbinger of getting rid of all troubles and bad habits. Also, all the problems that previously bothered the dreamer will disappear. A dream in which a small snake was green is a symbol of new life. It is possible that the girl will undergo some internal changes: her worldview will become different, vital energy will appear, her working capacity will increase. All in all, green snake is a sign of rebirth. But if it wraps around the girl's neck, you need to beware. Probably, some factor prevents her from continuing to develop, improve, switch to new level. But a ball of green reptiles means a quick visit from relatives. Most likely, the girl has a bad relationship with them. But here is the chance to reach reconciliation.

White snake in a dream - what does it mean?

Such a reptile is a pretty good warning. The white snake is a harbinger of good changes in life. Most likely, the girl will suddenly become rich, or, in any case, wealthy. This may be a big win or a jackpot in an event that seemed initially doubtful. In addition, this sign can promise great luck. If there are any abandoned cases that seem “dead”, you should try to complete them. It is quite possible that everything will turn out unexpectedly.

But Freud's dream book, which was already mentioned above, claims that the reptile white color warns the girl about obtaining useful, but dangerous knowledge. Seeing a snake shed its skin is good. So, soon all problems will be resolved. But in order to speed up the process, it is necessary to change the approach to business. Seeing nimble white snakes is a danger. Probably, the girl will meet with an unpleasant, bad person or a serious illness. But the white snake, which is visible in a ball, is good luck. The farther she is from the dreamer, the greater the luck will be.

Interpretation of circumstances

In order to accurately determine the meaning of the vision, it is necessary to recall the circumstances. A snake in the water - why is this sign dreaming? Very curious. To understand what to prepare for, the girl needs to pay attention to the behavior of the reptile. If the snake behaves very aggressively and tries to attack the girl, then this means that evil opponents will soon appear in her life, who will immediately begin to plot something against her. To see how she curls up into a ring while in the water - to the emergence of some kind of confusing situation. It will not be easy to get out of it, you will have to try. Probably, the girl's reputation will suffer greatly. But in this case, you need to show patience and be strong. Soon everything will pass. And it’s best to “disappear” for a while, hide and observe the behavior of ill-wishers and enemies.

Modern dream book

A dead snake in a dream is an unpleasant symbol. However, despite this, significant. If a girl killed a snake, this is a harbinger that she will soon have to meet face to face with difficult situation. And it will be possible to get out of it only by showing your firmness and confidence. Without determination, nowhere. It is she who will force the surrounding people, finally, to reckon with the opinion of the girl.

By the way, for men, this vision means something else. If he killed a creeping creature, then this means that soon temptation will arise on his way. Probably, there will be a desire to have sexual relations on the side. The temptation will be high, but the man will stand and remain faithful to his soulmate. But to follow a snake means to commit the sin of adultery. And if a person is sick, by the way, this is an excellent sign. So he will be healed soon. As you can see, the interpretations are different, and in order to determine the most accurate one, it is necessary to listen not only to dream books, but also to your own feelings. So, for example, a killed snake in a dream for a lonely girl means family happiness. She will probably meet her love soon.

Details of the death of a reptile

It is also important to consider how the snake was killed. If the dreamer stabbed her with a knife, then this is a skirmish with a malicious enemy. Due to disputes and conflicts, by the way, other, absolutely innocent people may suffer. So the girl should be prepared for the fact that others will begin to condemn her and blame her for her own problems or failures. So, perhaps, you should try to avoid quarrels - no matter what provocations come.

If the dreamer shot a snake, this is to easily overcome an opponent or competitor. Strangling her is a bad sign. So the girl has strong enemy or an opponent with whom you should not start a fight. And underestimate her too. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a bad position. But to cut off the head of a reptile - to overcome your own fears and emotions. This means that the character of the girl will be strengthened, and she will be able to resist her base desires and feelings. Psychological maturity - that's what this vision promises.

Swimming with snakes - why would it?

The interpretation is rather unusual. Why do snakes dream of a woman with whom she bathes? If a girl sees how she swims in the lake, and around her there are a lot of creeping reptiles, then this is gossip, confusing situations and complex intrigues. By the way, often such a vision is the personification of relations in a work or educational team. She probably didn't have much luck with the people she had to work with or study with. It is possible that they are trying to harm her in some way. So it is better for a woman to pay attention to the existing relationship. Often, such a vision means a meeting with an old friend who, unfortunately, has gone over to the bad side - to enemies or competitors. An offensive sign, but this is often the case - in any case, the modern dream book says so. And, by the way, the more snakes in this dream, the more trouble there will be. It's worth being prepared for this. But if a woman saw how a snake stung her painfully, this is a disaster. It is necessary to be very careful in the near future, so that, God forbid, not to let misfortune happen.

Snake interaction with humans

If the dreamer (be it a girl or a guy) is in any way in contact with a reptile (himself!) - this is a rather weighty interpretation. Catching a snake - to possible problems with skin. It is likely that acne or allergies will appear on the face. Experts advise to consult a professional doctor - otherwise the number of problem areas on the skin will increase. In particular, it is not advised to hesitate if a person already has problems. But to eat a creeping creature is, on the contrary, to good health. No infections or illnesses should be expected. Everything is fine.

But to fight with a snake - for a long trip (if the vision was dreamed in spring or autumn). Seeing this in winter is parting with someone close and dear. To bite a snake - to emotional experiences, most likely associated with the departure of the second half. And to swallow it - to joy, hope and faith. In life, everything will soon return to normal and come peace of mind and appeasement.

Mystical dream book

And finally, it is worth saying a few words about what the snake dreams of in a mystical dream book. If she was kind, then this is a sign from above. So, you should quickly start communicating with that person who was once close, but then contact with him was reduced to a minimum.

To see a snake with a cat in the same room is a friendship, and a rather strong and strong one. But a cat with a reptile - to gossip and rumors. If they start to fight among themselves, most likely, the dreamer will have his honest name defamed. A pregnant snake - to sad thoughts that don't really mean anything.

In general, as you can see, there are actually a lot of interpretations of dreams in which reptiles appear. And in order to understand what to expect from such a vision, you should listen both to what the dream books say and to your feelings.


The thick emerald beauty anaconda reminds of unresolved affairs and the dreamer's pending problems. The vision warns - it's time to resolve controversial issues, otherwise they will not be resolved in favor of the person. If the reptile is of a bright green hue without aggression towards the sleeping person, then new interesting acquaintances and adventures await him. Do you hold a green reptile in your hands? Miller's dream book warns: minor events will bring trouble and worries. Dream Interpretation of David Loff interprets your dream in two ways. Details of a dream.

How your dream is interpreted by David Loff's Dream Interpretation

The dream book calls the dreaming green snake a sign of temptation. Soon a situation will occur that will lead the sleeper into temptation. You should try to keep your composure. But when in a dream she stung a sleeping person, he would not be able to resist, and as a result he would suffer.

Why is a bright green snake seen? It is considered an omen of new meetings with fascinating people and eventful events. dream interpretation green snake.

Did you catch a snake? In the near future, you will find a close friend, patron. Why dream of a snake with green eyes, interpretation of sleep green snake.

Sleep symbols:

see a small snake turquoise color in a dream means: minor difficulties will soon arise, in connection with which you will need to quickly make a decision. With maximum effort, the dreamer will easily overcome them. In the Bible, this reptile came to a person as a tempter, therefore, if the dreamer kills him, then in reality he will escape temptation. Wangi's dream interpretation interprets the situation as positive changes at the state level that will raise public morale. The great Freud correlates the reptile with the reproductive organ, therefore, if a man dreams of killing a snake, this means that he will have the opportunity to prove his fidelity to his wife and avoid sin. The dream promises recovery to the sick, and a high position for those who want to build a career. It is possible that the dreamer pays too much attention to such dreams, it is important to remember if the animal bit you after the fight

Sometimes a dream sign is interpreted as a symbol of restoration, new vitality, self-confidence. Seeing one or more green snakes in a dream promises a period of serious updates.

According to the psychologist's dream book, a snake in a dream is a negative symbol that portends problems and troubles.

Often dreams about her indicate: external attractiveness (of a person, thing or situation) is deceptive. To kill a reptile means a great temptation, against which the sleeper will still resist.

What does Vanga think about sleeping with a green snake.

Why dream that you are holding a green snake in your hands? Imperceptible incidents will bring you a lot of trouble. Symbol of deceit: why the green snake is dreaming.

The interpretation of a dream about an emerald reptile can be based on its color. Therefore, many dream books say: vision is quite favorable. Ahead of getting rid of bad habits, positive changes, a new way of life.

Many small snakes in a dream embody a circle of enemies. Even though they won't harm you, your nervous system will suffer greatly.

Miller's interpretation of sleep. If a reptile crawls over a woman's body, and then attacks, but does not bite, then she may have an early pregnancy. When I dreamed that the reptile pounced and squeezed the neck, then the dreamer was unhappy in marriage. From point of view Eastern dream books- an attacking cobra brings wisdom to a person, so such a dream promises a new period of life. The closer the reptile is to you, the closer is the good moment that you should try not to miss.

Dream interpretation green snake.

Why dream that you are holding a green snake in your arms? Seemingly insignificant events will cause a lot of trouble. Green snake interpretation of the dream book.

According to the Muslim dream book, the reptile personifies an outstanding mind and wisdom. The interpretation of this image changes the color of the reptile in different ways. When a snake is dreaming of a green hue, this promises positive changes in personal life. A person will be able to get rid of his addictions and bad habits. If a creature in a dream changes its color to blue, then this is interpreted as the unwillingness or unpreparedness of the sleeping person for a new way of life.

What is the dream of a yellow snake. A rarely dreamed dream is interpreted as a sign of rebirth, the acquisition of energy in life, self-confidence. Seeing in a dream a single snake or a ball of snakes means a time of major changes in life.

Why dream of a snake with green eyes in other dream books

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dreams portending wealth


In a dream, sometimes you can see something that is not easy to compare with reality, and many are puzzled over where such dreams come from? We all would like to believe that dreams come true only positive ones and their meanings are only of a good nature, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a dream can warn against any action and bring information that cannot be known in real life. So why is the green snake dreaming?

There are a huge number of dream books today, and each of them interprets such a dream differently. But the meaning of the interpretation is always close to the other, and in some moments they are even somewhat similar. Think about it, green is the color of life, and the snake is like the energy of this life and some kind of rebirth. The green snake itself is considered a sign of the beginning of a new life.

Positive interpretation of dreams about a green snake

Most dream books claim good value such a dream, because it is not always possible to see a snake, and even more so a green one, even in reality. Most likely, having seen such a dream, in reality there will be changes in personal life And they will be positive. A person can get rid of bad habits or attachments. After all, the snake, as you know, sheds its skin, changing it to a new one. It is possible that a dream promises prospects in a new way of life. Here it will be important how the green snake dreamed, if it wraps around you, then most likely old bad habits do not allow you to fully relax and get rid of them. If it changes its color, then this can be interpreted about your indecision, which is very difficult for you to overcome. And yet, the snake is a symbol of life, and therefore if she had a dream and she is green, then this means self-confidence.

Negative interpretation of a dream about a green snake

On the negative side, there are also interpretations of such a dream. Still, in many cultures, the snake is a symbol of evil, betrayal and death. Envy on the part of a loved one can also be an interpretation of such a dream, but only if the snake does not crawl close to you. If the snake is trying to bite you, then you need to beware of betrayal and betrayal that loved ones can bring.

In whatever image you dream of a snake, you should not be very upset, but still it is better to be on the alert. Treat sleep with positive side, and then it will bring you only favorable values.


All signs of fate must be taken into account, especially if they are harbingers of bad things, because it is the correct interpretation of what you dreamed about that will help you avoid adversity. Dreams are interpreted in which snakes dream in different ways, it all depends on the details.

What are snakes in a dream

dreams- these are the harbingers of our future, they help us and warn of possible dangers.

Most prophetic dreams - from Thursday to Friday. If in a dream you saw a bad omen, then the first thing to do, waking up, is to go to the window and say three times: “Where the night is, there is a dream.”

When the snake dreamed, in all dream books - this is a bad omen.

dreaming, snakes crawling around the house- it means that in your absence there will be some kind of trouble.

Catching a snake crawling around the apartment the dream book is interpreted as exposing the enemy entering your house - a two-faced friend who does dirty tricks behind your back.

If she is in a dream bitten on the finger- It is worth being more economical and not wasting money.

Why do snakes dream of a woman

The snake to which in a dream you feel fear, means - fear for one's life and health.

If dream of creeping bastards in pursuit- potential hidden danger. It is worth taking a closer look at the people close to you.

Snakes dream of a woman to the threat and slander from loved ones, you need to be more careful in your statements and not succumb to provocations.

married woman i dreamed of a pair of vipers, which, according to the dream scenario, are familiar and nearby, promise future problems in sexual life, if they are not nearby and unfamiliar - indicates two ill-wishers.

The snake bit the leg y - there is a possibility of losing a job, depriving the main income.

What does it mean if a pregnant woman dreams of wriggling vipers on her head instead of hair? According to Miller's explanatory dictionary, this suggests that a woman needs to devote less time to trifles.

Why do snakes dream of a girl

  • Seeing rattling reptiles in a dreambad sign, which warns us of surrounding enemies or are harbingers of disease.
  • Vanga tells that the girl who had a dream in a nightmare creeping viper will soon face the enemy.
  • If poisonous- the fight will be unequal and the enemy has many trump cards, with the help of which he will win.
  • non-poisonous symbolizes winning.
  • When dreaming that creeping reptile bitten- in fact, there will be deep disappointment in a loved one.

If a man dreams of snakes

Apostle Simon Canannit interpreted that men who have nightmares with snakes - have enemies among the female half.

killed the creature that the man dreamed of is interpreted by the dream book as a solution to protracted everyday problems.

Keep in hand slippery cold-blooded, for a man- to great turmoil and running around.

bitten cobra - a messenger of an imminent illness.

By Freud's dream book if a man in a vision enjoys watching the actions of a reptile, it is time for experiments in bed. Freud is the only scientist who, in a dream with this animal, sees only sexy character. He believes that most often such dreams overcome the male half of humanity, especially in adolescence.

Why dream of a snake bite

  • If you dream attempts to bite a venomous reptile, according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea, this is an omen of betrayal or deception of a loved one.
  • After bitten finger came out blood- Beware of hidden enemies.
  • If she bitten on the leg- the upcoming dispute will be lost.
  • If a nightmare with the tempter's bite dreamed of a woman for a young month- we should expect the appearance of the second half; married woman - to pregnancy.
  • IN interpreters of the XXI century on the contrary, the bite is interpreted as gaining wealth.

See a lot of snakes what is it for

If a woman dreamed of a lot of snakes in a nightmare, when there are many envious people around her who do everything to destroy a career or family ties; to a man - portends him the collapse of the anger and anger of envious people.

According to the Muslim book of interpretation, if a large number of reptiles are collected in one place and do no harm - a person will dominate people, a promotion is coming.

Numerologist Longo says that the accumulation of crawling reptiles personifies the struggle against the public. If a cobra has bitten another person or child, expect unpleasant news about the illnesses of relatives.

If you dream of black, green, red

  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer says that if you dreamed of a white reptile, it means getting to dangerous knowledge that will inflict destructive power.
  • white viper- a symbol of insight and personal growth, as the version in the Tarot dream book says.

Feelings during vision are also very important, because in the case when in a sleeping state, it seems to you that the reptile is very beautiful, for example, with a crown on its head or with shimmering skin, then hidden possibilities will wake up in you, a gift will open.

  • For what dreaming yellow the meaning in the dream book explains the approaching global changes in life.
  • Black- in a man's dream, to the betrayal of the second half; for a woman - a signal for making important decisions. If she bit you- do not trust strangers.
  • Red- symbolizes the acquisition of strength.
  • Green- the dreamer will be able to overcome bad habits.

Big snake in a dream dream book

Size reptiles also have a significant meaning, a big one dreams of something global, significant all over the world.

Based on Vanga's book- a prophecy of the coming of Satan to Earth, who will tempt with his sinful gifts, the onset of an era of theft, violence and betrayal.

Snakes in the water or on a tree, why dream

water vipers dream to warn of danger from the distant past. If the viper has bitten - a warning of the water element.

If the little reptiles dreamed wrapped around tree branches- you will be told or punishment is coming for past misconduct.

Observation in a dream of a fight two reptiles in the water - victory over enemies.

If you dreamed of a dead

Kill a snake in a dream dream book of Medium Hasse interprets as a way out of a difficult life situation. The bite of a dead cobra is a betrayal of a loved one.

Vanga she said that, having killed a giant reptile, the dreamer prophesies the realization of humanity's extremely necessary faith in God, which will help expel Satan from the human mind and that people will soon come to their senses and become kinder.

Dream interpretation green snake

From time immemorial, the snake was considered a symbol of resourcefulness, deceit and danger. It is worth remembering the story of Adam and Eve, where the main role is assigned to the snake tempter. Needless to say, that such a symbol, having appeared in a dream, a priori cannot portend good. To see a snake in a dream means to face deceit, meanness and lies.

In addition, all of the above snake is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, you will have to face a strong opponent. But at the same time, green color is the color of rebirth, a new beginning. He is able to muffle the negative influence.

This means that a green snake in a dream is not so scary, and if the dream is read correctly, it can even have a positive interpretation.

I dreamed of a green snake

Let's see what the green snake is dreaming of. Seeing a green reptile in a dream is a positive dream. He promises the beginning of a new life and getting rid of past wrong habits. Not unimportant for the correct interpretation of sleep are the actions of the snake, its size, as well as the gender of the person who dreamed of it.

snake action

If you dreamed of a green snake

What just does not dream in night dreams. Snakes can crawl, swim, fly, talk. Every action matters.

The snake wraps around the body

Such dreams are given to warn you that some person or certain circumstances are interfering with your development. Thanks to them, you cannot move to a higher level.

Think about the people or habits that are holding you back from reaching your goals, and say goodbye without regret.

A dream means that soon you will be cleansed of unnecessary ballast and gain confidence.

Reptile rings wrapped around the neck - trouble in the family, says Nostradamus' dream book.

Creeping reptile attacks

If in a dream a snake tries to attack, you will face betrayal and lies. Whether you can cope with this and become a winner depends both on the end of the dream and on yourself.

Do not give up. Night vision just gives a signal, the color of the creeping creature says that you will get out of these troubles with the least losses. It is worse if you dream of snakes of other colors: red, yellow, black.

snake biting

It is possible that in a dream a snake tried or bit you. A great disappointment awaits you in a loved one, at least that's what the seer Vanga's dream book says. Also, the seer does not exclude that magic was not applied to you. Bitten by a snake - a person made you a magical ritual.

But the dream book of the 21st century claims that if you are bitten by a lot of small snakes, it is an opportunity to suddenly get rich.

A modern dream book interprets a dream in which you happened to see how a snake bit another person as your intemperance towards friends and relatives. In reality, you will ridicule and insult them.

To see how a reptile has bitten a person, and he is dying from her poison - succumb to the wrong persuasion of loved ones and get into a mess. So says the dream book from A to Z.

Bitten by a snake - make a strategy. Soon the enemy will enter into an open struggle. Get ready to defend.

It is not so important whether a snake has bitten you or only bites - troubles cannot be avoided, but you can prepare.

Size matters

What size was the snake

As in real life, snakes in dreams can be small or large. A large snake represents an enemy, a small one - gossip, intrigue, quarrel.

see a big snake

Seeing a gigantic reptile in a dream is a great danger. Do not make important decisions soon, refuse to travel, be careful while driving.

To see a big snake in your house means that a tragedy will happen in your home during your absence.

A large viper attacks you, and you enter into a duel with it - you will face open hostility. If you defeat her, it will soon be decided difficult situation that has been tormenting you for a long time. Perhaps you can dispel false rumors to the wind and restore a good name.

small reptile

There are dreams in which a small snake attacks you - small problems. Perhaps it will be a quarrel, or an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Many small snakes symbolize several enemies who cannot do much harm. Still, they will tarnish your reputation and shake your nerves, says Vanga's dream book.

If during sleep, the same snake changes its size, then you cannot soberly assess the extent of the problem.

Message from a higher power

It is simply impossible to foresee all the nuances of a dream about creeping reptiles. Dream Interpretations give an interpretation of the most common dreams. If you dream of something out of the ordinary, then you should contact a specialist.

Who is dreaming

If held in hand

Every action of the snake means something. Much depends on who is dreaming.

For example, what portends a dream filled with reptiles to a girl:

  • it is worth taking a closer look at your chosen one - he can be two-faced like a snake;
  • fabulous changes in life, the dream book of Sigmund Freud promises, the girl will be able to feel like Cinderella;
  • an obedient snake in your hands, to increase in a robot or academic success, interprets the Muslim dream book;
  • you may suffer for your frankness. Do not be "open-hearted", not all people have come to you with kindness.

What to expect from such a dream for a woman:

  • pregnant - means the birth of a daughter;
  • face hypocrisy from acquaintances;
  • a snake bite promises a woman problems on the robot.

For a man, a dream means his sexuality and magnetism.


The snake may dream in bed. What does sleep mean? The most common interpretation is theft. Try to take better care of your property.

Troubles in personal life are possible, especially with regard to bed.

It is a dream that you are lying in bed, and a snake is crawling towards you - an unexpected blow of fate.

Even the great seer Vanga believed that a dream in which there is a snake in bed is a betrayal.

Death of a reptile

A dead reptile means that you should be careful with new acquaintances.

A creeping reptile attacks you, but you kill it, signals a conflict, as a result of which there may be victims.

To kill snakes - in order to achieve your goal, you are ready for anything.

Many dream books say that killing reptiles in a dream is a success, you will win and make others respect you.

It is a dream that you are swimming in a pond and there is a dead snake near you - to great joy. At the same time, you already know about the approach of the white stripe, but you are afraid to believe it.

To see that someone is trampling snakes is to victory in some area of ​​life.

Lots of reptiles

There are too many ill-wishers in your environment. If at least one of them has bitten you, they will soon declare themselves.

Seeing reptiles in the water - you are too trusting of others.

A lot of creeping, falling on you from heaven - an influential person will want to harm you. If you step over them - concern for your physical condition.

A large number of hissing reptiles - an event will soon occur that will affect the state of mind.

Your mark:

A person can wake up in a cold sweat: we, as a rule, are afraid of snakes - both in reality and in the kingdom of Morpheus. Although in the latter case, our fears may turn out to be in vain, especially if the dreaming reptile is green.

Interpreters of dreams, reflecting on what the green snake is dreaming of, speak of the inconsistency of what they see, but they unequivocally perceive the green color as a good sign. They also recommend memorizing the details of the behavior of the animal, because this is the main key to solving the dream.

Symbol meaning

Many interpreters of dreams speak of a green snake seen in a dream as about the symbol of spiritual healing.

When a snake wraps around the body in a dream, it seems to make it clear that the moment has come for renewal, forward movement, which is impossible until a person is freed from old principles, conservatism of views. Get rid of them - and you will have a second wind.

Another popular interpretation of a dream involving a bright green snake is promise of new acquaintances with extraordinary people, trips, adventures, vivid impressions.


If the green snake in your dream showed aggressiveness, do not rush to panic. Being a symbol of novelty, the reptile, ready to stand up for you, may warn you that you have taken up some unfamiliar business too zealously and risk breaking firewood. that bites will cool your ardor and protect you from rash acts.

If your loved ones (including children) were bitten, be especially careful: those who are especially dear to you can become victims of your hasty decisions and drastic changes. Protecting them is within your power, this is how the interpreters of dreams interpret the situation.

Here's what else a green snake bite could mean:

  • disappointment in man whom you trusted as yourself.
  • The likelihood of being at the center of a scandal and take advantage of it.
  • The danger of becoming a victim of temptation, which for a long time managed to resist, although, perhaps, this should not have been done.
  • victory if bitten by a snake you caught.
  • Trouble, which, unfortunately, can not be avoided, but (thanks to sleep) you can meet them fully armed.
  • unexpected wealth if bitten by several small snakes at once.
  • The need for a defensive strategy, because your ill-wishers will try to "bite" you.

If in a dream you watch from the side how a green snake bites some person (it doesn’t matter if you know it or not), this means that in real life you allowed yourself to ridicule or humiliate a relative or friend.

Try to correct the situation. If a person bitten by a snake dies, it means that in real life you can succumb to the persuasion of people you trust, but you will get into a mess. Be careful.

Special mention should be made of the bite in the leg. Dream Interpretations claim that this method of attacking an animal speaks of traps being prepared against you.. The goal of unkind people is to collect compromising evidence on you, to force you to commit careless acts, and as a result, to knock the ground out from under your feet. A bite in the hand indicates a “smoldering” long conflict with colleagues, which at any moment can go into an acute stage.

The peculiarity of such dreams is that they help to understand what is happening around.. Do not avoid trouble (this most likely will not work), but have time to develop the necessary tactics of behavior.

Your actions

An important, but delayed in time, prediction was made by the Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: if in a dream a person sees a snake crawling next to him on the ground, he should beware of the years that are under the influence of this reptile.

What trouble can he bring to the seer similar dream man? Loss of home, money. At the same time, there will not be those around who can lend a helping hand, which means that it will be necessary to solve the problems that have piled up in “proud solitude”.

And here is how other dreams involving a person and a green snake are interpreted:

  • Combat with a snake- in real life, you will have to deal with outright hostility.
  • Take the snake in hand- You have a lot of different plans.
  • A snake wrapped around your neck like a scarf- prepare for the fact that some problems will arise in the family.
  • The snakes writhing, intertwining with each other- a person who sees this in a dream will suffer from remorse.
  • We saw a snake basking in the sun- it means that in reality you, without knowing it yourself, help a person who wishes you harm and spreads evil fables about you.
  • A snake eats frogs in a dream- become dependent on an influential person.
  • The reptile sheds its skin before your eyes- you will meet a person who will change your worldview and life for the better.
  • Watching snake games in a dream- in real life you feel the inferiority of your sexual relations dreaming of something more.
  • The snake crawls your way- someone in your immediate environment is stealthily acting to your detriment.
  • The snake got into your bed- beware of theft and various unpleasant surprises.

Lots of reptiles

If there are a lot of snakes in a dream, this does not mean at all that the list of your troubles will increase exponentially. A few small reptiles seen in a dream mean that there are ill-wishers in your environment, but all they are capable of is small injections that will fray your nerves, but will not harm you.

However, if one of the snakes managed to bite you, the situation will be somewhat more complicated - one of the ill-wishers will dare to take decisive, problematic actions. But if all the reptiles have bitten, in reality you have a chance to suddenly get rich.

If in a dream you see several snakes swimming in or some other body of water, take the dream as a warning: you are too gullible to people who do not deserve such an attitude.

Do snakes literally fall from the sky? If you saw this in a dream, it means that in real life you fell out of favor with an influential person, from whom you can expect any trouble. Reptiles have occupied the branches of a tree - you are at the very beginning of a new path that opens up interesting prospects for you.

If snakes hiss in a dream, get ready for something important event in your life.

death of the snake

A dead snake seen in a dream means that a person is not very picky in choosing his acquaintances and can pay for it. If a snake attacked a person and he, defending himself, killed her, this may be a harbinger conflict situation in the real life.

Moreover, the dismantling will be serious and victims are possible. After such a dream, it is desirable for a person to control his behavior.- do not get involved in disputes, avoid any proceedings, refrain from alcohol so that the head remains bright.

If in a dream a person killed a snake without defending himself from it, but just like that, then in real life, he is ready for a lot, even for a deal with his own conscience, just to achieve the desired goal. Some dream books interpret the situation more gently: the person who killed the snake in a dream won a kind of victory, which means that success and respect from others await him in life.

Good sign - to see in a dream a dead snake in a body of water. If you discovered it during a swim, you can expect that in real life a bright streak of pleasant, positive events awaits you.

The green snake is a very controversial symbol. Many interpreters believe that these reptiles dream of positive life changes: getting rid of painful habits, changing lifestyles, gaining self-confidence. But not all dreams can be interpreted in a good way. Very often they are warnings of impending troubles, the outcome of which depends on the actions of the sleeper.

You can get an accurate transcript of a dream by remembering all the details of what you saw. And then turning for help to the most authoritative dream books

According to the famous soothsayer, a green snake in a dream warns of upcoming problems, conflicts or danger. The actions of the reptile will tell you which side to expect trouble.

Hidden snakes (both one and a whole ball) promise a meeting with envious people, which do a lot of damage. Negative influence can spread to all family members, as well as not to the most in the best way affect the business life. You should be careful in choosing the circle of communication.

A similar interpretation is given to a dream in which a snake crawls towards.

This means that people who are nearby are ready to do anything to cause harm. Starting with the dissolution of rumors, they will soon enter into an open fight.

The bite of a green snake indicates the need to think over a strategy for getting rid of ill-wishers. Also, such a vision promises quarrels or even parting with the second half due to revealed omissions and deceit.

A positive sign will be a dream in which a green snake crawls away. Such a vision speaks of the resolution of the conflict in the near future.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

According to the psychologist's dream book, a snake in a dream is a negative symbol that portends problems and troubles.

The killing of a green reptile portends a loss of faith in yourself and your strengths when trying to cope with the difficulties that have arisen. Failures will knock you out of your usual way of life for a long time and force you to withdraw into yourself.

For a woman, a snake bite promises an unfavorable period, full of suffering and mental anguish. A difficult emotional state will come due to the betrayal of the second half, which will entail a loss of faith in one's own attractiveness or distrust and hatred towards all men. For a young man, such a vision will be a warning about the intention of colleagues to remove him from his position.

Green snake in Freud's dream book

A non-standard interpretation, completely different from those offered by other dream books, is given to Freud's vision with a green reptile. According to the psychoanalyst, the snake is a symbol of the male genital organ, so the meaning of such a dream will be somehow connected with it. Thus, admiring reptiles speaks of a willingness to bring novelty into sexual life, a desire for experiments and previously unknown pleasure.

An attempt to escape from a snake in a dream means unwillingness or fear to solve problems that have long been in sexual relations. A kiss with a snake indicates a desire to experience oral sex.

Modern interpretations of sleep with a green reptile

A dream with a green snake appears positive precisely in modern interpretations. It portends pleasant changes and development.

But this interpretation is not correct in all cases. So, if you dream of a snake attack, the changes will not be the most joyful. If the reptile wraps itself around the body, this is an indication of the presence of prejudices that prevent further development. Get rid of them and look at the world with new eyes.

Some dream books also see a warning of impending problems in a vision with a snake. So, the bite of a reptile portends disappointment in a loved one. A large reptile promises serious trouble. If in a dream you manage to escape from a snake, the consequences of the problems that have arisen will be insignificant and few.

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign.

In a dream, snakes mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures.

If it is aggressive or wriggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you.

Try to take the necessary precautions.

A snake grinning at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for the offense you have caused.

If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself around you in a ring and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to get rid of the snake in a dream. In life, this will help you get out of a serious mess.

If a snake has bitten you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful.

A dream in which you saw that a snake has bitten someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and disease. If your conscience is not clear, then you face imprisonment.

The dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning.

If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and escape, then in life you will pass the ordeal with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally get out of the water dry. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness.

Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of an early and successful victory over ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that close person can betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it.

The dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend, from behind whom snakes are visible, warns: beware of a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from trouble.

If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should better look after them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise, they are in great danger.

The same means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. One of them may betray you.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, fulfillment of desire and great honors.

A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they use your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed.

If you are bitten in a dream dead snake, then hypocrisy will grieve you, and your enemies will triumph.

To see a viper in a dream and treat it quite normally portends that you will enter into a marriage of convenience, but you will not be happy. If you dream that the viper scared you, then beware of the revenge of the enemy.

The dream in which you saw that the snake relentlessly follows you warns that you will be tormented by remorse.

To see that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the intrigues of a person in authority.

To see a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will have disputes with partners or discord in the family.

Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Seeing an anaconda (sea boa constrictor) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight for the achievement of the intended goal.

Dreams about snakes include a rare dream about Medusa Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character from Greek mythology. Her image has always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could handle. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. Nobody could defeat her.

Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you.

To be Medusa Gorgon yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over enemies.

Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten at the same time is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash acts.

Not Poisonous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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