Is it possible for pregnant women to drink soda for heartburn. Is it possible to take soda for heartburn during pregnancy? Recipe, correct proportions

  • 02.07.2020

Most pregnant women in the first months suffer from hormonal changes. One of the consequences is heartburn, which occurs after meals and can last for some time. The most used treatment for it is baking soda.

Women in "position" can use soda to eliminate burning in the stomach, as a gentle remedy.

Use of soda

Soda for heartburn during pregnancy is a universal remedy. It is non-toxic, so it is used in the household. This folk remedy works effectively: once inside, it interacts with gastric juice, neutralizing the acid that creates heartburn. Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. When it enters the stomach, it prevents one heartburn, giving life to the next, as it helps to increase the amount of gastric juice.

Recipe, correct proportions

A woman in position can use soda for heartburn, while always observing the proportions

It is important for a woman in position to adhere to the recipe and not change the proportions. You will need 1 teaspoon of soda diluted in half a glass of water. Add a couple of drops to the mixture citric acid or half a spoonful of vinegar. If you use vinegar, then by all means it is necessary to pour it into a spoon with soda and lower it into water. To prevent the sediment from entering the body, you should not drink the liquid completely: leave a little at the bottom. Expectant mothers, whose body is more vulnerable, should drink fizz in smaller proportions. Use a quarter of a spoon of soda, do not extinguish it with vinegar. The amount of alcohol you drink can also be reduced: just a couple of sips.

For severe heartburn, take 200 ml of milk, pour a little soda into it. Drink this solution immediately. You will soon feel better. It is better not to use this method often.

Is it possible to drink soda for heartburn during pregnancy?

Using it, pregnant women are not always fully aware of full properties. It is important to know that there are a couple of reasons why it is not recommended to drink this solution:

  1. It does not cure, but temporarily numbs the symptoms of heartburn. The fizz for a while will ensure the absence of an unpleasant burning sensation. Gastric juice will be released as a reaction to drinking soda and provoke even more heartburn than before.
  2. Remember that soda contains sodium, which accumulates in the body and contributes to swelling. In the last months of pregnancy, this is a big risk.

Heartburn is familiar to many people firsthand. Especially often with a burning sensation behind the sternum, accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, expectant mothers face. Trying to use a minimum of drugs, pregnant women replace pills with folk remedies. Older relatives and friends are advised to use soda for heartburn during pregnancy. The motivation is as follows: it does not affect the health of the fetus, and therefore can be used without fear and restrictions.

If you extinguish each attack with a soda solution, this can have undesirable consequences. Soda is considered harmless, but its excess in the body is fraught with such consequences:

  • accumulation of sodium salts in the blood;
  • pH shift to the alkaline side;
  • increased risk of kidney and gallbladder stones;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • irritation of the walls of the stomach;
  • puffiness.

Heartburn during pregnancy can torment even those who did not have such a problem before conceiving a baby.

The likelihood of such consequences increases if you make the fight against heartburn with soda the norm. But as an occasionally used measure, pregnant women can drink soda for heartburn.

The nuances of soda treatment

Doctors frown on attempts to cope with heartburn with soda solution if the expectant mother uses the latter twice a day and more often. It should be remembered not only about the negative consequences, but also that regular use folk remedies reduces its effectiveness.

The peculiar taste of soda water can provoke nausea and vomiting in a pregnant woman, so it is better to dilute the powder in milk.

You can not take the medicine on a full stomach, because it reduces the amount produced by the body of hydrochloric acid thus interfering with the normal digestion of food. Soda for heartburn helps if you drink the solution before meals. It is advisable to warm it up a little, because when cold, it irritates the intestines, causing upset stools.

In what proportion to breed

It is possible for pregnant women to drink soda for heartburn, but it is better to change the proportions in which it is usually diluted. If a relatively healthy person of average build needs to take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water, then the expectant mother should limit herself to half a teaspoon. Perhaps a smaller dose will be sufficient: a quarter teaspoon per glass.

It is not necessary to drink everything to the end. Maybe a few sips will be enough for the attack to subside.

To extinguish heartburn, sometimes it is enough to take a few sips of soda water.

Instructions for use

It should be poured into a cup warm (but not hot water), pour half a teaspoon of soda into it and drink in small sips.

You can slightly modify the recipe: first, extinguish the soda with citric (malic, acetic) acid, and then combine with water. In this case, the effect will come faster, since as a result of exposure to soda acid, carbon dioxide and sodium salt are formed, and they neutralize hydrochloric acid, removing burning and unpleasant aftertaste.

Baking soda, used for heartburn during pregnancy, can be diluted in water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. So the taste of the medicine will become softer and will not cause nausea.

It makes sense to try this recipe: cut the ginger root into small pieces (about 2 cm in size), pour it into a glass with cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Then extinguish some baking soda with vinegar and mix with ginger water cooled to just above room temperature.

During pregnancy, it is best to drink soda for heartburn with warm milk instead of water. To dilute bicarbonate in order to get rid of heartburn, you need in the proportion of half a teaspoon per glass of milk.

Features of regular use

If you make the method of dealing with heartburn with sodium bicarbonate the norm, you can "accustom" the body, and the remedy will no longer help. An increase in dosage will be required.

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is necessary so that food can be digested and move on. A person who constantly tries to get rid of acid with sodium bicarbonate runs the risk of causing the body to produce less acid. As a result, the walls of the stomach will be irritated, food will not be digested properly. Results: gastritis with low acidity, flatulence, bloating. Vitamins and nutrients will be less absorbed. For a pregnant woman, this scenario is highly undesirable, because the life and development of the fetus depends on her health.

A doctor may recommend mineral water for heartburn. Choose the one that suits you!

In the expectant mother, the occurrence of:

  • dizziness;
  • jump or drop in blood pressure;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney trouble.

Therefore, if you drink soda for heartburn during pregnancy once (or use the method occasionally), nothing bad will happen, but the constant use of sodium bicarbonate solution is not recommended.

How does soda work with burning in the esophagus

Sodium bicarbonate soothes burning sensations, because when it enters the body and combines with hydrochloric acid, it releases carbon dioxide and sodium salt. The pH shifts from acidic to neutral. Therefore, heartburn passes quickly.

Note! This is a short-term effect, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, but the body immediately receives a signal about its deficiency, and after a while it begins to be intensively produced again. Drinking soda brings temporary relief from heartburn.

You threw a pinch of bicarbonate powder into the water. What's happening? An alkaline solution is formed, which interacts with hydrochloric acid in the esophagus and stomach. The latter is normally located only in the stomach, so a person does not feel its presence. If the mechanism for moving food is disturbed, part of the acid is released into the esophagus - this is what causes heartburn. An alkaline solution quickly neutralizes the acid.

Video: Dr. Boris Skachko on the treatment of heartburn with soda

Causes and symptoms of heartburn in pregnant women

A woman who has not previously had stomach problems runs the risk of experiencing heartburn during childbearing with the same probability as suffering from chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers.

The reasons are somewhat different in the early and later dates gestation.

In the first trimester, a lot of the hormone progesterone is produced, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, preventing miscarriage. At the same time, it relaxes the muscles of all other organs, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus is no longer protected from the ingress of gastric juice into it.

An additional cause of heartburn is toxicosis. In the early stages, bouts of vomiting often occur when the contents of the stomach are thrown back. The result is irritation of the walls of the esophagus.

In the later stages, the uterus increases, the stomach is displaced and somewhat compressed. Gastric juice in small quantities is thrown back into the esophagus. Hence the heartburn, manifested by a burning sensation, a bitter taste, discomfort in the epigastric region.

Contraindications and restrictions

Baking soda water for pregnant women is most often safe for a single use. But it should be noted cases when it is better to completely abandon this method of improving well-being.

If a woman suffers diabetes, gastritis or a stomach ulcer with low acidity, pathologies of the urinary system, she should not get carried away with taking a soda solution. It is also dangerous with a tendency to edema.

Soda for heartburn can be harmful (and not only for pregnant women), as it does not eliminate the cause, but only masks the problem. In addition, the body gets used to it - and soda stops helping.


An excess of sodium bicarbonate can be judged by indirect signs:

  • recurring nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • discomfort in the stomach area;
  • frequent bloating;
  • belching;
  • flatulence.

Violation of the acid-base balance further leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Pregnant women should have seeds or mints with them - they alleviate heartburn

Negative consequences for pregnant women

Strengthening the symptoms of toxicosis and swelling - these are the two points that you should pay attention to first of all if a woman often tries to eliminate heartburn with soda. In such cases, you should immediately stop using this method and consult a doctor.

There may not be a need to use soda during pregnancy if you follow the diet and move actively if possible.

  • do not go to bed immediately after eating, but walk for at least half an hour;
  • eat in small portions, but more often;
  • avoid fatty, salty, spicy, smoked.

How to replace soda

From heartburn during pregnancy, not only water with soda helps. A gynecologist may advise pharmaceutical preparations, for example, Maalox, Almagel.

Natural remedies replace soda well: a handful of pumpkin seeds, freshly squeezed carrot juice, chamomile root tincture. You should always have ordinary seeds and mints with you: they will alleviate the condition.

Gastroenterologists advise including more cereals in the diet: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Then heartburn will torment less often.

Soda solution really helps with heartburn attacks. But expectant mothers should remember: this method should be used infrequently. It would be better to review the diet, reduce the amount of food consumed at a time and have snacks a little bit every 2-3 hours. Then heartburn will cease to be a frequent guest.

Pregnancy Heartburn: Baking soda is a proven home remedy used to quickly relieve heartburn. Heartburn is common during pregnancy. Since pregnant women in particular need to be very careful when taking medications, home remedies like baking soda are popular alternatives.

Sodium is available in every supermarket and provides fast and effective relief for most people as it neutralizes the properties. But does baking soda help with heartburn during pregnancy without side effects for mother and child

Heartburn during pregnancy: How and why does baking soda help with heartburn during pregnancy?

Especially during pregnancy, many women suffer from heartburn, as the growing baby increasingly takes up space and thus puts pressure on the stomach. Especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, gastric acid reflux is more preferable.

This is partly due to hormonal changes, i.e. weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. The chemically white powder is sodium bicarbonate. This substance is slightly alkaline and therefore has the property of partially neutralizing acids and converting them into salts.

This is exactly what happens to the acid in the stomach when baking soda is taken. When dissolved sodium is swallowed, an immediate relief effect occurs as it neutralizes residual stomach acid in the esophagus.

Repeated reflux of gastric juice is less painful, as it is usually less acidic due to soda. Because of its acid-balancing properties, baking soda is also used to treat diseases caused by excess acid in the body.

Heartburn during pregnancy: What should be considered when using and dosage?

Natron, also called Kaisernatron, is an occasional use agent. You will need repeated heartburn not to use constantly, since this too frequent use of the products of gastric acid, of course, increases.

The use of soda is allowed during pregnancy, but is recommended by gynecologists and pharmacists only in small amounts and only when necessary.

Baking soda should only be used when other home remedies or dietary changes fail. Pregnant women should take natron containing tablets instead baking soda. It is easier to dose, and therefore a potentially dangerous overdose should be avoided.

When taking soda, the dosage should include approximately one teaspoon of soda or, alternatively, two soda tablets in a glass of water. Heartburn should be stopped shortly after eating

Heartburn during pregnancy: Are there side effects and risks?

Because of the longer-term intake of soda during pregnancy is strongly discouraged. Acid-base balance is not born child eventually gets out of balance. Decreased blood potassium levels, risk of cardiac arrhythmia and paralysis of the unborn child cannot be completely ruled out.

In addition, maternal sodium levels may increase and calcium levels may decrease. Too high a sodium value can contribute to the development of hypertension. Too much low level calcium, on the other hand, often contributes to muscle spasms, such as cramps, which are more common during pregnancy.

Both overdose and long-term use can increase the risk of kidney stones and disrupt the body's water balance.

In case of acute heartburn, pregnant women should prefer to use other home remedies (such as oatmeal). Your doctor may recommend other remedies that are suitable for pregnant women.

To prevent heartburn for pregnant women. Avoiding highly acidic or fatty foods and abstaining from substantial food in the evening.

Heartburn during pregnancy: video

If you have never suffered from heartburn before, then during pregnancy there is often a release of gastric juice into the esophagus, as a result of which the sensitive mucous membrane is irritated and there is an unpleasant burning sensation, which soda can help with.
You will learn how the above process occurs and whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms on the pages of this article.

More than half of all pregnant women complain of severe heartburn, especially in the second and third trimester.
Heartburn during pregnancy is most often caused by changes in the levels of the hormone progesterone, which affects the muscles in the digestive system. Pregnancy hormones can cause the muscle tissue of the sphincter (the valve between the stomach and esophagus) to relax, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus.

In addition, the enlarged uterus compresses the diaphragm and stomach, forcing stomach acids upward. In the oral cavity, this causes a burning sensation and an unpleasant sour taste, and painful sensations appear in the stomach area.

Sometimes the cause of heartburn in pregnant women is gallstones.

There are other causes of heartburn that are not related to pregnancy, but they should also be known:

  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • overweight;
  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • too fatty or sugary foods.

Can pregnant women drink soda?

One of the causes of heartburn is a child growing in the womb, occupying all more space and thus putting pressure on the stomach. Another reason, as mentioned above, is the weakening of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. But in both the first and second cases, you can fight heartburn with sodium bicarbonate or, simply put, baking soda.

Baking soda is a well-established home remedy used for quick release from heartburn. Pregnant women need to be careful when taking medication, so baking soda is sometimes a necessary alternative, since in most cases its use is without side effects for mother and child.

Sodium bicarbonate is a slightly alkaline substance that has the ability to partially neutralize acids and turn them into a salt. This is exactly what happens to the stomach acid in the body when baking soda is consumed. Ingestion of sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water results in immediate relief as it neutralizes residual stomach acid in the esophagus.

Drinking soda diluted with water can also be used to treat other diseases caused by excess acid in the body.

Gynecologists and pharmacists recommend the use of soda during pregnancy in small amounts and only when necessary. It should be used when other home remedies do not help.

Side effects and risks

Continuous intake of soda during pregnancy is strongly discouraged. There is a risk of disturbing the acid-base balance of the unborn child.

Frequent use of sodium bicarbonate reduces the level of potassium in the blood, which can lead to a risk of cardiac arrhythmia and paralysis in the child.

In addition, maternal sodium levels may rise and calcium levels fall. Too much sodium can contribute to the development of hypertension, and low calcium often contributes to the development muscle spasms such as seizures.

Overdose and prolonged use of soda lead to the risk of kidney stones and disrupts the water balance in the body.

In case of acute heartburn, you can resort to a home diet, for example, cook oatmeal. In any case, check with your doctor, as he can recommend other methods of getting rid of heartburn that are suitable for pregnant women.

Cooking method

The method of preparation is quite simple - dilute a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water, then drink the solution in small sips. Usually there is sediment at the bottom, pour it out.

For greater effect, after you drink soda diluted in water, take a semi-lying position. Relief will come in a few minutes. The intake of soda solution should not be repeated often - the daily portion should not exceed 200 ml.


Quite often, pregnant women get rid of heartburn with a cup of unsweetened herbal tea. This hot tonic drink dilutes stomach acid and reduces its harmful effects. If heartburn is accompanied by flatulence, then tea from the following plants and herbs is recommended:

  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • angelica root.

Milk is another old home remedy for heartburn. A glass of milk has a neutralizing effect on the acidic chyme.

In some cases, non-carbonated mineral water helps with heartburn.

With all the drinks mentioned, individual compatibility should be considered. While some drinks are well tolerated by some people, they cause heartburn in others.

Useful video

How to quickly get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, you will learn from the video below:

Now you know that baking soda is not only an excellent remedy for heartburn, but also has a lot of side effects for pregnant women. Therefore, do not abuse this tool. It must be remembered that heartburn is just a temporary phenomenon that will pass with the birth of a child.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of any woman. However, during this period, she is faced with changes in the body. Initially, this is toxicosis, mood swings. By the second trimester, the well-being of a pregnant woman improves. At a later date, the growing child begins to put pressure on internal organs. The stomach and bladder suffer. In addition to frequent visits to the toilet, a woman begins to experience heartburn. There are many resources available to help expectant mother deal with this condition. Is it possible for pregnant women to have soda for heartburn? The article will discuss the features of the use of the tool, its pros and cons.

Causes of heartburn

The occurrence of burning sensation in the early stages of pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body of a woman. Between the esophagus and the stomach is a sphincter that prevents acid and some enzymes from returning back. During pregnancy, progesterone levels rise. It is he who has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. Including its action affects the gastrointestinal tract, so similar changes occur with the sphincter. The occurrence of heartburn indicates early toxicosis, which usually disappears by the 12th week of pregnancy.

At a later date, this condition occurs due to the pressure of the growing fetus on the stomach. As a result, it is flattened, and the contents of the stomach penetrate into the esophagus. Such discomfort does not harm the woman and the unborn child. After childbirth, heartburn completely disappears.

In order to remove unpleasant symptoms, is it possible for pregnant women to take baking soda for heartburn? It is believed that in this case it is necessary to drink it. But it would be good to prevent such a condition, or at least mitigate its manifestations by eliminating some provoking factors.

Heartburn is caused by the following reasons:

  • overeating, especially at night;
  • smoking;
  • reception medicines;
  • wearing tight and tight clothes;
  • consumption of foods that provoke acid synthesis (soda, coffee, spicy dishes);
  • insufficient amount of fluid.

All these factors provoke the appearance of a burning sensation.

Popular remedy

Soda is always at hand. Whenever unpleasant symptoms overtake a woman, they can be nullified. Many expectant mothers know that pregnant women can drink soda for heartburn. They are sure that the remedy will not harm the body if used as little as possible.

Baking soda is called sodium bicarbonate in chemistry and is an alkaline agent.

Before taking pregnant soda for heartburn, an aqueous solution is prepared from it. It has a neutralizing effect on substances that are synthesized in the stomach. The solution reacts with hydrochloric acid and as a result several components are formed. These are sodium salt, carbon dioxide and water - completely harmless substances.

The alkaline solution instantly has an antacid effect and removes discomfort.

How to take soda

It is easy to take the remedy, but in order to get rid of burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms, you should follow some tips.

Let's take a closer look at how to drink soda for pregnant women with heartburn so that it really has its effect. The product must be fresh. The water used to prepare the solution is used warm and boiled. The optimum temperature should be 36-37 degrees. Take 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda for half a glass of water. Pour the product into the liquid gradually and mix thoroughly. This results in a cloudy solution. Drink it in small sips. The water must not be allowed to cool. Otherwise, the effect of using soda will be small.

After taking the solution, the woman needs to take a reclining position and remove tight clothing. After 10 minutes, the condition improves.

severe heartburn

At first glance, this seems to be a minor problem. However, they give women the strongest discomfort.

Therefore, some gynecologists allow you to take soda in the event of a serious attack of heartburn. To do this, it is recommended to prepare the following solution: dissolve a pinch of the product in a glass of milk. You need to drink it on an empty stomach.

Taking a solution with a full stomach is harmful, because during this period an acidic environment prevails in the body. These processes can negatively affect the condition of a woman. Soda in this case contributes to an additional release of gastric juice and an increase in acidity.

Cons of using the tool

Sometimes even the most healthy ingredients may adversely affect health. Is it really harmful to drink soda for heartburn for pregnant women? It is not recommended for use due to several reasons:

  1. One of the disadvantages folk way therapy include the fact that carbonic acid is extremely unstable. It breaks down to form water and carbon dioxide. As a result, pressure on the walls of the stomach increases, which provokes the release of a significant amount of hydrochloric acid. So the process starts again. The result is a vicious circle. The composition used to eliminate the symptoms of heartburn contributes to its recurrence.
  2. The product is sodium bicarbonate. Official medicine does not advise taking soda inside, even in the absence of pregnancy. And when carrying a child, it is generally not recommended to use it.
  3. Is it possible to soda with heartburn for pregnant women last dates pregnancy? Sodium, which is part of the product, leads to fluid retention and the development of edema. After all, many pregnant women suffer from them. They need to be especially careful at later stages of bearing a child.
  4. Soda has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa.
  5. The tool can cause allergic reaction.
  6. Frequent use of soda can lead to nausea.

Therefore, pregnant women should take soda with caution. After all, this can lead to negative consequences.

Alternative Methods

Before you drink a soda solution, you can use the following help for heartburn. TO useful ways getting rid of burning sensation and other symptoms include:

  • freshly made carrot or potato juice;
  • boiled buckwheat porridge;
  • warm milk;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • non-carbonated mineral water.

Antacids are among the most reliable means to combat heartburn. They contain magnesium and aluminum salts. Medicines have a triple effect:

  • create a film that envelops the walls of the stomach and prevents their damage;
  • reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • increase the tone of the esophageal sphincter.

The most popular drugs include: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Rennie and others. You can buy them at any pharmacy and they are dispensed without a prescription.

How to avoid discomfort

Is it possible for pregnant women to have soda for heartburn, we have already found out. However, before starting the treatment of this condition, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition. What is not recommended to eat:

  1. Fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods. During pregnancy, junk food should be avoided. It can not only increase acidity, but also provoke nausea.
  2. All spices, if possible, should be limited. Although turmeric and cinnamon can be helpful in this situation.
  3. Fast food and other street food.
  4. Carbonated drinks and packaged juices. They contain a minimum of useful substances, but they increase acidity quite easily.
  5. Flour products.
  6. Alcohol. They not only harm the unborn child, but also have a traumatic effect on the gastric mucosa.

The menu of a woman during pregnancy should be saturated fresh vegetables and fruits. It is useful to drink green tea with lemon balm and thyme, eat a small amount of nuts.

You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Food should be cooked and cooled to room temperature. After eating, a woman needs to be in an upright position for some time so as not to provoke a reverse reflux of the contents of the stomach.

Sleeping pregnant is best with a raised upper torso. small physical exercise will be able to keep all the muscles in good shape.


There is no exact opinion whether or not to drink soda during pregnancy. This is best done in extreme cases. And before that, try to get rid of heartburn with gentle methods.