The best backyard games of our childhood. Forgotten Soviet toys

  • 24.09.2019

There are fewer schoolchildren in modern courtyards. At home - iPad, computer, TV set. What about on the street? Maniacs and curfews. In the 80s, things were different. At home - mortal longing, and we disappeared all day on the street! And to us ! Let's remember?

These games are lost, perhaps forever. Now in Tula championships of yard games are held, but mostly nostalgic adults participate in them, those who are now 30-40, and then (in that wonderful "then"!) Was 7-12 years old. Alas, love for “rubber bands”, “Cossack robbers” and “classic meatballs”, alas, can no longer be instilled in children.


Perhaps the main yard hit of our childhood. It was played mainly by girls from the first to the fourth grade, some of them lingered a little, “warming up” with their younger sisters and neighbors in between school and already real dates.

An elastic band (ordinary, linen, which we simply called “for panties”) was in the arsenal of every schoolgirl. For the game, it was necessary about three meters, the ends were tied, and even better, they were sewn together (by yourself or asked your mother).

I was lucky: my grandmother worked as a cashier in the Krivoluchensky Haberdashery, so in addition to simple white rubber bands, I had both black and colored ones.

The meaning of the game: two people stood at a distance, catching an elastic band on their legs, the rest jumped through this elastic band. There were many levels (in height and complexity): from the ankles ("first") to the very neck ("seventh").

Particularly jumping surprised grandmothers-cheerleaders sitting on the benches with the “eighths”: in this case, the rubber band was held by hands at the height of the ears.

A girl who could not jump through the desired combination was considered to have “dropped” or “stratified” and became a “pillar” with an elastic band on her legs. Jump came out next. It was possible to play "rubber bands" with at least three of us. Although ... If there were no people in the yard, but it was literally impatient to play "rubber bands", they played together, attaching the edge of the rubber band to a tree or a swing.

"Classics" or "balls"

A long time ago, my dear children, when there were sidewalks in the Tula courtyards ... But seriously, in our childhood in the old courtyards of our city there really were wide, even footpaths. And they were all written in chalk. And at each entrance, rectangles were drawn, divided into numbered cells. These were the "classics".

The meaning of the game was that it was necessary to go through (or rather, jump on one or two legs) all the cells in order. And not just to jump, but at the same time to kick the puck, which was called the "bitochka".

Any number of players could participate in the game. It was possible to jump and one.

The main artifact of the "classics", of course, was the cue ball. By the way, it could be bought in the store, however, they rarely came across. Store copies were made of light metal and were decorated with a "bas-relief" of the heroes of the cartoon "Well, you wait!".

If there was no purchased cue ball, they made it themselves. First of all, they stole shoe polish from their parents in flat jars, mercilessly throwing away the remnants and filling the contents of the tin box with sand. To prevent the cue ball from opening inadvertently, its edge was cut off on the asphalt. The same beautiful meatballs were obtained from boxes from under the Montpensier.

I don’t know how it was in other areas of Tula, but in Krivoluchye there was another deposit of the most luxurious cue balls - the Vtormet scrap metal collection enterprise (we called it ferrous metal). There was a “ferrous metal” across the railroad tracks from Priupskaya Street. So it was even more interesting for us, 7-8-year-olds, to go there: so far from home, without asking, and even crawl under a standing train ... A real quest! And on the ferrous metal itself, we looked for (and found!) Chic washers, presumably lead. Smooth, smooth, heavy (you won’t miss!) - only we had such!

"12 sticks"

This game was a little different from simple "hide and seek". The same "water", the players are hiding. At the beginning of the horse, they collected 12 sticks, put them on the edge of the board, and under it - a pebble so that you could step on the other edge of the chip and destroy the structure. The sticks were installed near the “chura” wall, which the leader stood facing (“Who did not hide, I am not to blame!”). And when, during the game, the water “knocked” the hidden player, his task was to run to the chura as quickly as possible and, with a cry of “chur-sticks” (or “chur-sticks-catch!”), destroy the structure.

We played “12 sticks” with the whole yard, encouraging the driver with shouts-mantras: “He who doesn’t walk around the city leads four horses!”, “Axe-axe, sit like a thief and don’t look out into the yard!” (this meant that the driver was close to the "chure" and it was too early to run from cover), "Saw-saw, fly like an arrow!" (it's time to rush to the sticks!).


It was a game of speed and agility. Ten people gathered to play "Paints". All but two were "paints". Everyone chose their own color.

The remaining two became, by agreement, the seller of paints and the buyer, who for some reason was a monk. Probably, this had some kind of sacred meaning, but the monk was not presented in the most favorable light. He approached the seller and, as it were, knocked on the door, then - the dialogue:

Knock Knock!

Who's there?

I am a monk in blue pants. There's a hole in the head, a bottle in the f**k. I came FOR PAINT.

Why the monk looked so terrible, why he came to the store in such an indecent form, I never understood.

But when we were kids, we didn't care about that at all. They just played, that's all.

Then the shameless monk chose the color of the paint, and while the seller called the price and made a calculation with the monk, the paint went to the start. With the last ruble paid (a blow of the monk's hand on the hand of the seller), the "paint" was torn off! If the monk, despite the presence of you know where the bottles are, managed to catch up with the “paint”, he took it for himself and returned the money. Most often the paints were faster. It is understandable!

childhood artifacts

After us, these things will tell nothing to any archaeologist. But we would sell our souls for them!

Inserts from chewing gum "Love is ..." (Love is ...). Each insert contains different stories and explanations of what LOVE is.

Strikingly beautiful cue ball with a pattern under a layer of plexiglass. Now sold for collections.

Tiles. Previously, they faced the facades of houses. Children, on the other hand, used different-colored tiles for games and collections as a kind of equivalent for settlements in disputes and exchanges.

Let's remember the counting rhymes

A crocodile was walking, smoking a pipe, the pipe fell and wrote:
"Shishel-myshel, f*cked, left."
(Sorry, but you can’t throw words out of a song).
Sometimes the pipe, falling from the clumsy paws of the crocodile, wrote:
"Shishli thought, snot came out."

A truck was driving and ran over Nikolai. Nikolai shouts: "Hurrah!"
Call Dr.A.
The doctor rides on a bottle
Right on the back of the German's head.
The German thought it was war, made a cannon out of shit. I loaded a cutlet there, one-two-three, and there is no gun!

Soviet children did not have smartphones, laptops, tablets, the Internet, game consoles and other modern amenities. For those born after the 2000s, it may seem that in Soviet childhood it is boring. But this is far from true. Yes, the generation of the USSR did not have all of the above, but there was something more - a real "analog" childhood with a bunch of games that united children from all over the yard and made them truly happy!

Let's take a look at the most common and best games Soviet children...

rubber bands

The accessory of this game for girls is a linen gum. The game is played by 3 or 4 people. Each of the participants makes jumps through a stretched elastic band at different heights. The first level starts at the ankles and ends at the level of the neck.


The Classics game takes place on asphalt. This requires a small stone and crayons. Small draw cells with numbers in a certain order. The main rule in this game is to throw a stone at the cell, after which you need to jump to it on one or two legs and return in the same way.

Leader, leader, give me a pioneer!

You go quieter, you will continue - stop!

At the finish line, the driver turns his back to the participants and says: “You drive more quietly, you will continue - stop!”. While the driver is talking, the participants need to run closer to the finish line. As soon as the leader stops talking, the participants should freeze in place. In this game, victory will go to the one who first runs to the finish line and touches the driver.

The sea is worried…

The host, turning away from the participants, says the rhyme:

The sea is worried
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze!

During the counting rhyme, the participants begin to make movements, depicting all kinds of figures with their hands. At the time when the driver finishes talking, the players need to freeze in some position. After that, the leader, having touched one of the participants, must guess the depicted figure of the player.

Cossack robbers

Participants are divided into two teams: "Cossacks" and "robbers". The action of the game can take place in the entrance, in the yard, on the street. The “robbers”, guessing a code word, run away, while drawing arrows of their movement on the pavement. The goal of the "Cossacks" is to find the "robbers" by these arrows and find out their secret word.


In this game, two participants must stand on both sides of the site, the remaining participants must be in the center. The main goal of the "bouncers", throwing the ball to each other, is to hit one of the participants in the center. When one person remains in the team with the main players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old.

I know 5 names

One participant in the game picks up the ball, while saying: “I know one name of the boy,” after which he throws the ball on the ground and pronounces the name. The options can be different: “I know one city”, “I know the same name of a girl”, etc. Having used all the options, the player says the same chants, only at the expense of two. If, while hitting the ball, the participant did not name his name in a timely manner and did not hit the ball, then the course of the game is transferred to another player. The winner is the one who can reach ten.


All participants in the game sit in a row. The driver throws the ball to any player, while pronouncing some object. The participant must catch the ball if the object turns out to be "edible", if not, then must hit it. The host's goal is to confuse the player. The faster he throws the ball, the more fun the game will be.


Participants draw a circle on the ground. After that, each one after another throws a knife into the territory of the opponent, while winning back as much land from him as possible. The knife can be thrown into sand, earth, and also into wooden benches. If the legs did not hit the ground during the throw, but fell, the other player throws the knife.


The participants of this game sit in a row and connect their palms with a boat. The driver of the game should have a small object in his fist: a button, a coin, a ring. The goal of the driver, bypassing each player, quietly put a “ring” into him, while saying “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch.” The participant who had the object rises and tries to escape. The task of all other players is to catch the evader.

Are you going to the ball?

The driver of the game reads the slogan:

"Yes and no, don't say
Don't take black and white
Are you going to the ball?"

Its purpose is to confuse the participants. The participant's task is to answer the questions without using the words "black", "white", "yes", "no".

I was born a gardener

All participants must choose a name for themselves - the name of a flower and then tell it to the other players and the driver. The driver pronounces a counting rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...” and says the “name” of one of the participants. The player whose name was announced must respond. If the participant did not respond, the gardener assigns him a task (sing, dance, etc.)


This game was played by children and teenagers in every courtyard of the USSR. Her rules are quite simple. Players are conditionally divided into two teams: “elephants” and “riders”. The participants of the first team stand one after another, bending in half and hugging each other. It turns out a kind of dense system, which was called the "elephant". Members of the second team line up not far from the "elephant". Each of the “riders” runs up, leans on the last “elephant” and flies further, trying to “saddle the elephant” closer to the head so that all the remaining “riders” fit. The task of the "elephant" is not to fall under the weight of the "riders". The task of the "riders" is not to fall from the "elephant".

Before the age of home game consoles and computers, children and teenagers all over the world spent tons of change on slot machines. The popularity of the gaming halls was so great that sometimes you had to stand in a long queue to play! Many of these games have become real symbols of the 80s era, and today we will get acquainted with 10 of the most famous!

Donkey Kong (1981)

Nintendo, Japan

This game is famous for the first appearance of two of Nintendo's favorite characters - the gorilla Dunky Kong and the mustachioed plumber Mario, who is still the official symbol of the company.

However, the whole image of the hero had not yet developed, and in the game he is simply called the Jumpman, and his profession is not a plumber, but a carpenter. The fact is that, according to the idea, the heroes of the game were supposed to be the sailor Popeye, his girlfriend Olive and the strongman Bluto. Nintendo's disagreements with the King Features Syndicate gave birth to two wonderful characters at once, each of which will subsequently receive its own series of games!

The playing field is a kind of abandoned construction site with steel beams, stairs and barrels. All this is pretty much destroyed by Danky Kong, so some of the stairs are broken and lead nowhere, and the beams are bent. The hero needs to get to the top to save the princess, while the insidious Kong will throw barrels at him.

In the history of video games, Donkey Kong is known as one of the very first platform games. Before him, only Space Panic and Apple Panic were in this genre.

Galaxian (1979)

Namco, Japan

The space shooter "Galaxian" is built on the same principle as Midway's earlier Space Invaders game and was intended to be an improved competitor.

Before us appears the same armada of alien ships (space flies) that fire at our ship (by the way, its name is Galaxip). But, unlike Space Invaders, this armada is in constant motion, which creates an additional difficulty in hitting.

Also, from time to time, enemy ships begin to ram, attacking our Galaxip and firing at it furiously. As soon as an enemy ship leaves the screen, a new one takes its place.

Although Galaxian was not the first color game, its graphics had many innovations - a moving background with starry sky, animated sprites, colored fonts and, of course, very "live" explosions! In addition, it had a "double" musical accompaniment - a background melody and voice effects.

Frogger (1981)

Konami, Japan

The player controls a frog, which must pass the screen from bottom to top and get into one of his houses.

To do this, she needs to overcome the road with vehicles moving in both directions, among which there are trucks, buses, cars, bulldozers, motorcycles, bicycles and other vehicles - each with its own length and speed.

Above is a river, with logs floating along it, alligators and turtles. The game goes against the clock, and the frog needs to move faster and faster in order to cross the field before the time runs out.

To complete a stage, you need to occupy all five cells in turn with frogs, after which a new stage automatically begins with denser and faster traffic, with a faster river and with more enemies.

Asteroids (1979)

The goal of the game is to destroy asteroids and flying saucers while avoiding their debris. The player controls the triangular spaceship, which can rotate left and right, but only shoot forward. When changing course, the ship changes direction, which is maintained until the player changes course again. After leaving the screen, the ship appears from the opposite side. Like any space ship, it has a certain inertia - it is difficult for it to quickly accelerate and immediately stop.

The graphics are built only from primitives - points, lines and polygons, white on a black background. It is rather poor, but at the same time, the mathematics of the movement of figures, the ship and flying saucers is calculated flawlessly, which turns the flaws in graphics into a special concept - playing Asteroids is not at all boring! It is worth paying tribute to the high-quality voice acting - the sound of the engine is especially great when the ship is picking up speed! The shot down ship scatters on the lines of which it consists.

In addition, in the spirit of the Star Trek series, the player can move the ship into hyperspace to disappear and reappear at a random location on the screen, but there is a risk of hitting an asteroid and dying.

The game had several bugs - it slows down when the player gains 50-100 lives, and after gaining 250 lives, you can completely "lose" the game.

Q*bert (1982)

Gottlieb, USA

Q*bert is a big-nosed bun with legs that lives in parallel space. His world is made up of cubes. The game is one of the first "isometric" platformers, where pseudo-3D space was created using 2D graphics. The goal of the game is to change the color of each cube by jumping on top of it. In this case, you need to dodge obstacles and enemies: Coily snake, purple pig, gremlin and green monsters.

At first glance, the game seems simple, but with each new level, obstacles are added to it - for example, cubes that the character has already visited change color when touched again, or enemies change it. Whenever Q*bert is caught by an enemy, he "swears" - over his head, as in comics, a cloud of direct speech appears: "@! # [email protected]!».

In addition to isometric graphics, the use of a speech synthesizer has also become an innovation. However, due to the imperfection of the Vortax chip, it was still impossible to make out the words, and the developers decided to give the characters not a human, but an “alien” language, which gave the game even more flavor.

The body of the Q * bert slot machine contained a solenoid that, when a character fell from a pyramid, emitted a dull thud, simulating the sound of a fall, which added realism to the gameplay.

The crisis of the gaming industry in 1983 ended the popularity of Q*bert, and the game went out of fashion. Further attempts to release new versions did not lead to success. Q * Bert received a second life on television, as a character on a popular children's TV show.

Defender (1980)

Williams Electronics USA

The game takes place on a fictional planet where the player must fend off waves of alien invasion while protecting peaceful cities. Flying over the changing landscape, the player's ship must dodge a collision with attacking aliens, destroying enemy forces.

Although Defender was not the first horizontal scroller, it was the first horizontal scrolling shooter.

The style of the game inspired other developers and led to a lot of imitations and sequels (Defender II came out the same year!).

The game was a great commercial success: more than 55,000 machines were sold, which made the Defender machine the absolute leader in the company's sales.

Pacman (1980)

Namco, Japan

The character of this game is a real icon of popular culture of the 80s! The popularity of the Pacman game has not waned since its inception to the present day! The fact is that when Pacman was released, the world of video games was still very poor. The most popular slot machines were space shooters like Space Invaders or Asteroids. Pac-Man managed to create a completely new genre of maze chase, which was suitable not only for boys, but also for girls who were indifferent to shooting games.

The player controls Pac-Man (commonly referred to as a "kolobok" in Russia) through a maze full of edible dots (pac-dots or just dots). When all the dots are eaten, he goes to the next level. Four enemies (according to the plot they are ghosts): Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde, each have their own "character" and a special demeanor. If the enemy catches Pac-Man, the hero loses a life.

Eaten "energizer" (large granule) briefly changes roles - the ghosts turn blue and try to sneak away from Pac-Man. However, with each new stage, the duration of the energizer is reduced until it becomes completely useless.

As a bonus, fruits are given at each level - for the accumulated points, the player, over time, receives an extra life. Pacman was one of the first games to feature cut-scenes—small "cartoons" after reaching a certain milestone.

Pacman's almost perfectly thought-out algorithm has a serious flaw called the "Blind Sector". It was originally planned that there would be 255 levels, after which the hero would again get to the first level, where the ghosts would continue to behave like on high levels. However, due to an overflow error, the 256th level was half random characters and after eating all the dots, the character was left in an empty labyrinth one on one with ghosts. There is no way out of the level.

Turbo (1981)

Sega, Japan

Sega car simulator, "great-grandfather" Need For speed. The player drives a car stylized as racing car Formula 1. The circuit passes through urban and rural landscapes, where the weather and time of day change from time to time.

The realism of the game is added by a tunnel, puddles on the pavement, sometimes even snow. In addition to simple turns, the track may have slopes downhill or uphill.

Before the time runs out, the player must overtake at least 30 cars. Some of them move quite predictably, others maneuver randomly, provoking a collision.

Turbo game laid the foundation for the design of all subsequent car simulators, and also introduced a new perspective - "from a third person". Turbo slot machines were produced in different modifications. Some of them had a steering wheel, gas pedal, shift knob and a stylish analog speedometer instead of a traditional joystick!

But there was an even cooler performance, in which the machine was a full-fledged cabin with a chair, steering wheel, pedals that created the full effect of presence!

Tron (1982)

Bally Midway, USA

The plot of this game is based on the sci-fi film of the same name by Walt Disney Studios, released in the same year.

At the beginning of each level, the player is given a choice of four games, which can be played in any order, but it is impossible to advance to the next level without winning all four.

In the first game, the Input/Output tower is about destroying as many "disk bugs" as possible and getting to the flashing circle in the center. In the second - MCP Cone (Cone of the Program Control Master) you need to destroy a multi-colored cylinder descending on the player (obviously representing a FAT table) in order to penetrate into the cone through the holes.

The third game Tank Battle (tank battle) is not directly related to the film and reminds everyone of the well-known "tanks" (aka Battle City). It is necessary to destroy all enemy tanks while moving through the labyrinth, however, any hit in our tank leads to the death of the character. The fourth game is similar to the "snake", however, according to the plot, it is not a snake, but a light cycle (another reference to the film). It is necessary to avoid collisions with walls and traces of light left by the enemy, forcing the enemy to crash himself.

12 levels of the game are named after the programming languages ​​popular at that time: RPG, COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, SNOBOL, PL1, PASCAL, ALGOL, ASSEMBLY, OS, JCL, USER.

Just like the movie, the game is filled with glowing objects. Luminous stripes were also applied to the case of Tron slot machines, and in the twilight of the gaming hall they glowed, adding atmosphere to the game!

P.S. The income from the sale of the game exceeded the income from the sale of the movie!

Ms. Pac Man (1981)

Bally Midway, USA

"Female" version of Pacman from the American company Bally Midway. Apart from appearance the character, to which a bow was added and lips and eyelashes were painted, the plan of the labyrinth, its color and soundtrack changed.

The essence of the game remains the same - the player earns points by eating dots (in the original description of pellets - "pellets") and dodging ghosts. But the ghosts here move differently than in Pacman - performing pseudo-random actions, they do not give you the opportunity to memorize their behavior, which makes the gameplay more unpredictable. By the way, the orange ghost also became a girl - her name is Sue, not Clyde.

In the animated cutscenes, we see Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man's romantic relationship unfold. Excuse me, they have the same surnames, aren't they brother and sister? In the final screensaver, the stork brings them a child, which, obviously, symbolized the birth new game Jr. Pac-Man released by Midway two years later!

Based on sales results, Ms. Pac-Man named the best-selling American slot machine- its sales exceeded 115,000, which forced Namco (the developer of the original Pacman) to recognize Ms. Pac-Man part of the line!

Video version

Decided to get a little nostalgic. Dedicated to everyone born in the USSR. Very cool theme, good memories!

Blogger Aleksey Marahovets says: Recently I thought, but I feel sorry for our children. Here I look at my own - sections, circles, schools, tutors ... Education comes first. But after all, their childhood is empty, not interesting! Yes, in the summer everyone seems to be in the camps, on the seas, in the villages, doing something. But they don't have something that we had. It didn't take long to think. The answer came right away. Our children do not have a yard. The Court that we had. Not a courtyard, as a place (although even that has already turned into a parking lot a long time ago), but as a way of socialization, acquiring communicative experience, but what the hell are these Clever words- COMMUNICATION, finally! Lord, thank you that I didn’t have Odnoklassniki, thanks to this I know in real life, and not in virtual reality, a bunch of people who can really help and, if necessary, I will help them too. AND a large number of these connections originated in the Court. My beloved Yard.
Yard games are what we have deprived our children of, locking them in apartments and tying them to ourselves for the sake of safety and isolation from the corrupting influence of negligent peers.

What will be discussed in this post applies not only to the children of perestroika - entire generations played these yard games, starting from the 50-60s, and even earlier. After 25 years, it was not difficult for me to remember all our games - I remember some of them as if I had played them very recently. Let's tell our children about the good things we had.

Yard games: practically the same rules and names throughout the country. How, tell me, how did it happen that the same Square was played both in Magadan and Kaliningrad? What are secret communications? So let's go.

Remember, "tai-tai swoop in, who play war games!"? :) This barker in an instant gathered mighty armies of "Nashinsky" and "Nenashinsky", armed with short sticks-pistols and boards from boxes - machine guns. Whoever had a real toy gun, he declared himself the commander and began. From behind every corner came “ta-ta-ta! You are killed” - “No, you only wounded me in the hand!!” - "And I seem to be of the last strength ...". - "Four-four, I'm on a break" - "Five-five - I'm in the game again" and so on. The battles continued until everyone was driven home. And before entering the apartment, they hid their "weapon" behind the front door or under the stairs. Sometimes even girls took part - as nurses and bandaged the wounded soldiers with their white handkerchiefs.

In the pioneer camps, the "war" took on the scale of a powerful military-patriotic game, about which films were even made ("Before the first blood"). That was a real drive, for which it was worth going to the camps.

This game was mainly played when there were a large number of children in the yard.
Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers. Players agree on the distance between the dodgeballs and draw lines closer than they can approach each other - the greater the distance, the harder it is to kick and the easier it is to dodge the ball. The team is surrounded by a team of dodgeballs. With the help of the ball, bouncers try to knock out the drivers. Knocked out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer. The one who caught the "candle" has the opportunity to either take an extra life or return one of the previously knocked out ones back. When the last driver remains, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is full years old. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.

The Frogs were mostly played by girls. The ball was thrown at the wall, at the moment it hit the ground, it was necessary to jump over the ball without hooking it.

Hot potato
All players stand in a circle and quickly throw the ball to each other (as if it were a hot potato, not a ball). One player throws, the other must catch the ball. The one who did not catch is considered "punished" and sits on all fours in the center of the circle - the "boiler". Players can help out "sitting" in the boiler and return them to the game. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the center and hit the "punished" players. Everyone touched by the ball returns to the game. "Punished" players can "save" themselves. To do this, they need to catch the ball flying above them without getting up from all fours. However, you cannot stand up full height, you can only raise your hands or try to jump on all fours. If one of them succeeded, all the players from the center stand in a circle, and the player who threw the ball sits in the center.

A simplified version of volleyball, where the players do not hit the ball, but catch it with both hands and throw it further with both hands. Popular beach and camping game.

For the game, a large ball and a piece of brick were needed to draw a square on the asphalt, divided into 4 parts, with a circle for serving in the middle.
1. The game begins with the ball being thrown into the circle of the field in the direction of the opponent. You can only serve diagonally.
2. Touches are not limited.
3. The player may hit the ball "before" and "after" (maximum 1) the ball touches his square.
4. If a player returns the ball to his own square, he is credited with 1 goal.
5. If the ball fell on a line (between 2 players) or on a circle, the player who touched the ball last retakes.
6. If a player served the ball to the opponent's line (from the out-of-bounds), then the player who touched the ball last will resubmit the ball.
7. If the ball flew into touch (outside the common square), the player who served this ball gets 1 point.
8. If the ball fell on the player's square and hit the field 2 times, the player has 1 goal.
9. As a rule, the game continues up to 11 goals. Goals can be scored with any part of the body, except for the hands.
10. If one of the players conceded 11 goals, he is out of the game. When there are 2 players left on the playing field, they occupy two squares each and play until one of them concedes 7 goals.
In a two-on-two game - players that are diagonal to each other - are considered allies and have a common score.

Wetted the ball until it turned blue or until mom called home.

The meaning of the game was to kick the ball against the wall with the feet, and from the position where he stopped after hitting the previous player. If the ball did not hit the wall, then another letter from the word "GOAT" was hung on this player. The game continued until someone was the first to type all the letters and was declared a "goat". Aerobatics was considered the ability to spin the ball in such a way that it bounces off the wall and flies at an obtuse angle to the most inaccessible place, for example, to the basement. It's called "sneaky" :)

twenty one
Each participant had to fill the ball exactly 21 times, first on the leg, then on the knee, then on the arm and then on the head. If it turned out to fill less, then the move passed to the next player, if by chance more - all previously accumulated points burned out. The winner was the one who first went through all the stages and scored 21 points in each type of stuffing.

The players stand in a circle at a step distance from the leader (the center of the circle can be indicated in advance, for example, with chalk). In the hands of the driver of the ball. Throwing the ball high up, the driver calls the name of any player. The one he called must run to the center of the court and catch the ball. The driver takes the vacant seat. If the player catches the ball, he becomes the driver and the described actions are repeated. If the ball has time to touch the ground, the players scatter in different directions until he picks up the ball and shouts “Shtander!” or "Stop!". In this case, everyone freezes in the place where the team found them, and he must “bash” one of the players (hit him with the ball). At the same time, players do not have the right to leave the place where they stopped (it is allowed to dodge the ball). The driver also has no right to leave the center of the circle for a throw.
The one who was hit becomes the leader or drops out of the game by prior agreement. The game is repeated again.

Worms-stop (Hali halo)
The host takes the ball and makes a word. The rest of the players must guess it according to the clues - the essence (meaning) of this word and the first and last letters.
When the player calls correct word, the leader throws the ball to him and runs. The winner takes the ball, shouts to the host "Worms stop!" and names how many steps are from him to the leading one - simple, giant, midget or ant. Makes the named number of steps towards the driver. And then he tries to get into the ring from the hands of the driver. If it hits, he becomes the leader himself. In some regions, the game may have been known as "Khali Halo".

A game in which players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, trying not to give the ball into the hands of the "dog" - the person in the center of the circle. If he catches the ball, he changes places with the player who missed the ball. Variety of hot potatoes.

A school game played exclusively by boys. It's all about the projectile they played with - a dirty, smelly rag (either school board). The nastier the “shell”, the more active the game was. The meaning of the game is that the beginner picks up a wet rag and throws it at a neighbor standing next to him, shouting “Sefa!” (from the word syphilitic). The rest immediately scatter from the newly-made "sifa" in all directions. The task of the "sifa" is to rehabilitate in society by hitting another person with a rag, even if he does not want to take part in the game. And so on, until someone is resigned to the new Sifah status for the rest of the day. The peculiarity of the game is that it always started suddenly, on the initiative of only one person, without prior agreement, and often the majority played it not of their own volition, but for the sake of salvation from dirty spots on clothes.

What miracles of dodging we did not show, so as not to become a "sifak" ...

Townships, dammit.
The meaning of the game is to knock down different buildings from planks and sticks with a bat (stick).

A girlish game, the meaning of which was to bury colored bottle glasses in different secluded corners of the yard, with candy foil in the form of a substrate. The meaning of the game for boys was to find and destroy these bookmarks.

twelve sticks
A very popular game throughout the Soviet Union. Its main essence is that all players must have time to hide while the leader collects 12 sticks scattered before that into one pile. In the same way - throwing sticks - you can "rescue" not only yourself, but also already "caught" players.

hide and seek
Their simplest option. One toils, the rest hide. And then “Knock-knock, Dima. Knock-knock, Masha ... ".

The sea is rough...
Kindergarten game, where after the words of the host “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - the marine figure freezes in place!”, The participants freeze in poses that depict various words. The facilitator must guess what they represent.

The game-preparation of girls for family life :) By the way, the boys also willingly played it, portraying children and dads.

Throwing snowballs in winter. Either wall to wall, or they built snow fortresses and rushed from there.

Variant of the "war", only used as a weapon plastic bottles from under detergents(for example, "Whiteness"), filled with water and with a hole in the lid.

Very popular game boys, which consists in throwing a knife into the ground. There were many varieties of the game - "land", "tanchiki" and so on. The goal of the "land" game is to "reclaim" as much land from the enemy as possible. The players took turns throwing knives at the ground, standing on their site, and "cut off" the land from their opponents.

The most common Soviet folding knives that they played with:

No comment:)

king of the hill
The meaning of the game is to capture and hold some not very high hill - either sandy on the beach or snowy in the yard. Applicants for the king should try to throw the overstaying ruler off the mountain by all means. Once we played king of the hill on high pipes, I fell on my stomach and almost suffocated ...

A game that is very popular among girls, where squares are drawn with chalk on asphalt in a certain sequence. The players, jumping on one leg, push the cue ball (for example, a jar of shoe polish or a puck) from the square to the next square, trying not to hit it on the line and do not step on the line with your foot. All our yards were painted with these squares. Probably they are the main contender for the symbol Soviet childhood. Chalk and asphalt - all we needed for games.

Cossack robbers
A very popular game, an analogue of hide-and-seek, which was played by the whole yard. One team ("robbers") was hiding, and the other ("Cossacks") was looking for her, using the tips of the "robbers" in the form of arrows on the ground, trees, walls of houses. The game went on for a very long time.

Ring-ring, come out on the porch
Kindergarten game. Participants sit in a row and fold their palms in front of them like a boat. The leader holds some small object in his palms, usually a coin or a ring. Then he goes around all the players in turn, putting each of his hands folded in a “boat” into the “boat” with the words: “I wear and wear a ring, and I will give it to someone” and quietly puts this item in the palms of one of the players. Then he says: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!” - and the "marked" player must jump up from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the other players is to keep the escaping in their ranks, so the “chosen one” tries not to show that it was he who got the coveted item.

Edible - not edible
The leader throws the ball to the participants of the game, simultaneously naming various objects. The ball must be caught if the named item is edible and the ball must be hit otherwise.

Rock Paper Scissors
The players count together aloud "Rock... Scissors... Paper... One... Two... Three" while shaking their fists. On the count of "Three" they simultaneously show one of the three signs with the help of the hand: stone, scissors or paper. The signs are shown in the picture. The winner is determined according to the following rules:
- Stone beats scissors ("stone dulls or breaks scissors")
- Scissors beat paper ("scissors cut paper")
- Paper defeats stone ("paper covers stone")
If the players showed the same sign, then a draw is counted and the game is replayed. Usually they played on clicks and after the game the forehead of the participants was red.

Fisherman and fish
The participants stand in a circle, the leader stands inside it and spins the rope at the level of the legs. The task of the participants is to jump the rope.

rubber bands
The well-known and favorite game of all the girls in the yards. Two players become "rubber band". One player jumps (performs a series of exercises) - in turn at all levels. Usually, each exercise was performed at all levels in turn, after which they moved on to the next exercise and started jumping from level 1 - this way the game was more varied. Sometimes I jumped in a different way - all the exercises were performed at once, first at 1, then at 2.3 and so on levels. At levels 5-6-7, difficult exercises were canceled

Rubber band levels:
- the first - when the rubber band is at the level of the ankles of the holders
- second - rubber band at the level of the knees
- third - an elastic band at the level of the hips ("under the booty")
- fourth - elastic at waist level
- fifth - elastic at chest level
- sixth - elastic band at neck level
- and even the seventh - the elastic band was held by hands at the level of the ears.
I never understood how the girls managed to jump so high and lift their legs. Yes, about the elastic itself - often it was an elastic band from underpants, associated with several of the same. It was very difficult to buy a new one because of the shortage.

I didn’t specifically mention a few more well-known games here, I hope you remember them yourself :)
And what games were the most popular in your yard? Are your kids playing these games now?

In 1970, a patent was issued for a computer manipulator, without which not one player can do now. It's about a computer mouse. The man who received the patent was named Douglas Engelbart. 1975 was the year of public interest in computer games. William Crowther creates a game that is a prototype of the adventure genre and calls it Colossal Cave Adventure. This game is distributed instantly through the ArpaNET network. Since 1977, various developers have released more and more new computer games, which subsequently significantly accelerate the development of personal computers. The Video Computer System (VCS) - a console with cartridges containing a ROM chip with a recorded program. Later renamed Atari 2600. Released in 1977. Specifications: 8-bit 6507 processor, 128 bytes (0.125 KB) random access memory and no more than 4 KB of ROM in each cartridge.

Video games in the 80s of the twentieth century

The second decade of the existence of the gaming industry - the 1980s - was a period of ups and downs of video games. It began at the height of the arcade boom, when game industry giants like Atari still dominated the market. The oversaturation of the market with low-quality games and the growing popularity of personal computers contributed to the beginning of the North American video game crisis, which almost destroyed the entire industry. If it weren't for Nintendo's resurgent interest in the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), consoles would not have been able to recover from such a blow for many years to come. At the end of the decade, the struggle for market leadership between developers began

Sega and Nintendo. Worth mentioning is the release of Nintendo's Game Boy, the best-selling handheld game console the next two decades.

Video game crisis of 1983

At the end of 1983, the gaming industry experienced an even more serious recession than during the crisis of '77 (see previous article). A number of companies that made home computers and consoles from late 1983 to early 1984 filed for bankruptcy. These factors marked the end of what is considered the second generation of game consoles. The causes of the crisis could also include the release of games with low-quality design, the most famous of which are E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Pac-Man for the Atari 2600.

Pac-Man for Atari 2600.

According to some reports, the sale of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial were so low that Atari was forced to send thousands of unsold cartridges to a landfill in New Mexico. But main reason The North American crisis of 1983 is considered to be the rapid development of gaming personal computers.

Gaming computers

In 1984, computers began to dominate over the consoles, which had not yet recovered from the crisis. PCs provided the same gaming experience, there was no need to insert cartridges every time - games remained on the computer even after it was turned off. Computers became more and more popular. Following the success of the Apple II and Commodore PET in 1977, cheaper competitors began to appear. In the early 1980s, Commodore VIC-20 and 64 computers, Sinclair ZX80, ZX81 and ZX Spectrum, NEC PC-8000, PC-6001, PC-88 and PC-98, Sharp X1 and X68000, 8-bit PCs were released. from Atari, BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC and MSX architecture computers. Competition stimulated the home PC markets through advertising campaigns aimed at attracting buyers.

The Commodore 64, whose pricing was one of the main reasons for the contraction of the console market, was released in August 1982. It was actively sold - this was the reason for its initial popularity. The Commodore 64 had a built-in BASIC programming language and advanced, for those times, graphic and sound capabilities. It had the same game controller connectors as the Atari 2600, allowing gamers to use their old joysticks. Without exaggeration, this legendary device became the most popular computer of those times. Commodore 64 is the best-selling (~20 million units sold) model of a personal computer to this day.

Almost simultaneously with the release of the Commodore 64, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum was released in the UK, which quickly became popular in many countries of Western (and later Eastern) Europe. With the advent of the IBM PC/AT model in 1984, the IBM PC-compatible computer became a technically competitive gaming platform. Primitive 4-color CGA-graphics of previous IBM models lost to such competitors as C64 and Apple II. The new 64-color EGA monitor has improved the graphics. However, the sound capabilities were still limited by the low-quality speaker built into the PC, which was clearly inferior to the sound generators of many computers. It is worth noting that the relatively high price of IBM PC-compatible computers did not increase their popularity. In the same year, the first Macintosh computer from Apple was released. In it, instead of the standard command line interface at that time, a graphical interface was used.

First Macintosh

The arrival of the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga in 1985 marked the beginning of new era 16-bit devices.

Atari ST & Commodore Amiga

For many users, they were too expensive, so IBM offered users a relatively powerful and cheaper line of computers - IBM PS / 2.

IBM PS/2. Model 55SX.

They used a new standard for monitors and video adapters - VGA, which has a 256-color mode. This was a big leap forward for most 8-bit home computers. Thus, the popularity of ST and Amiga quickly faded away.

Dedicated sound cards solved the problem of the low audio capabilities of IBM PC-compatible computers in the late 80s. AdLib has approved the de facto sound card standard for IBM PC computers.

AdLib Music Synthesizer

But already in 1989 they were replaced by the Sound Blaster family of cards from Creative Labs, which became the new leader in the audio card market.

The second model of the Sound Blaster family - Sound Blaster 1.5, released in 1989

Even in the early 90s, many games still supported these standards. Also, it is worth mentioning that it was in the 80s that the first shareware games appeared, but they became really popular only in the 90s.

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