Garden collection. Gladiolus "Spartak": an engineer from Sokolniki grew flowers for great athletes

  • 14.06.2019

The flower ceremony today has become a familiar attribute of the solemn awarding of the winners of sports championships. But the tradition of presenting bouquets did not appear immediately. Fyodor Evdokimov, chairman of the club of local historians of the Sokolniki district, Fyodor Evdokimov found out that his father Alexander Evdokimov, who had lived in the Eastern Administrative Okrug for many years, stood at the origins of flower honoring in our country.

Bouquets not according to the scenario

- I knew that dad provided the flower awarding group at the Moscow Olympics-80, but I didn’t dive deep into the topic. And recently, from the stories of my mother, I learned that only the great desire and will of the father could reverse the desire of the functionaries to leave the athletes without bouquets. Then I began to look for documentary confirmation of the family legend, - said Fedor Evdokimov.

It was no longer possible to ask the father - he is no longer alive. The old contacts of the organizers of the awards and information from sports historians also did not help the local historian.

The newspaper "Soviet Sport" came to the rescue. In the issue of August 26, 1984, he read that the director of the International Olympic Committee, Madame Monique Berlu, had deleted the presentation of flowers from the Olympian awards script. Winners were entitled to only medals and diplomas. However, after the protocol part, a group of girls nevertheless handed flowers to the winners - unofficially. According to the newspaper, most of the bouquets were provided free of charge by an amateur florist, candidate of technical sciences, head of a department of one of the research institutes under the USSR Ministry of Geology Alexander Evdokimov. But where does a successful scientist get such a craving for floriculture?

Tricks with stamens and pistils

Alexander Fedorovich Evdokimov was born in 1937 in the village of Safronovo near Vyazma. He grew up in a peasant family and loved nature since childhood. After school, he went to Moscow, where he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I. M. Gubkin and became a mining engineer.

“Father said that he didn’t go to the Agricultural Academy only because of the low scholarship and the lack of a military department there,” says Evdokimov Jr.

In the capital, he settled on 9th Sokolnicheskaya Street (now 2nd Sokolnicheskaya), where his family still lives. And as soon as the opportunity arose, the family acquired country cottage area in Shcherbinka near Moscow. This is where the engineer's passion was revealed.

- According to my recollections, all 12 acres were occupied by flower beds and greenhouses. Often in our garden one could see gladioli with torn stamens and flowers wrapped in plastic bags. The father applied these tricks so that there was no accidental pollination, and one variety was pollinated strictly by another variety. So he developed new varieties.

The names were given by the winners

The Olympics was the first competition to which Evdokimov, a flower grower, brought bouquets. Then there were almost all the major events of sports life - the Goodwill Games, the Festival of Youth and Students in 1985, etc. The plants grown by his hands won more than a hundred awards at all-Union flower exhibitions, personal exhibitions were held in Moscow.

In total, from 1975 to 1989, he bred 498 varieties of gladioli! Many of them have received names associated with Moscow and sports: White Stone Moscow, XXII Olympics, Spartak, Big Arena, World Cup, Irina Rodnina, etc.

- When I was 10 years old, at one tournament my father sent me to find out from the winners what name to give to new varieties. This was one of the unofficial gifts to athletes - the right to name a flower. I pestered the winners with a pen and paper until the security service appeared: “There is nothing for children to collect autographs here,” recalls Fedor Evdokimov.

By the way, as a student, the future breeder often worked in construction teams. According to his son, one of the slabs of the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena has a bituminous painting by Alexander Evdokimov on its reverse side.

Gladiolus Spartacus. An excellent variety of selection by Valentin Fedorovich Dybov. Powerful strongly corrugated gladiolus with red-brown (brick) coloring. Throat is silvery. The texture of the petals and the stacking of flowers in a long inflorescence is very dense. Solemn cut!

Pedigree: Shokoladnitsa (592-С-81, Evdokimov) x Brown Chalcedony (598-С-95, Dybov)

For reference: Spartacus (lat. Spartacus; 110 BC - 71 BC) - Roman gladiator. Spartak (sports society) is the largest all-Union voluntary sports society of trade unions, on the basis of which sports clubs of the same name were based according to different types sports (symbol: red and white rhombus).

About the author: Valentin Fedorovich Dybov will forever remain one of the leading breeders in Russia. Gladiolus were part of his life. In 1977 he joined the Flower Growers Club. From 1989 to 2003, he was elected Chairman of the Moscow Flower Growers Club and Chairman of the gladiolus section in this club. In 2002 he was elected an honorary member of the club. It is simply impossible to overestimate the contribution of Valentin Fedorovich to the Russian selection of gladioli. He created about 150 of the most magnificent varieties. Dybov's gladioli are always recognizable and very loved by flower growers.

Gladiolus, it is also called skewer in another way - perennial flowering plant from the iris family. Want to know when to dig for winter storage?

Homeland are Africa, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, Western Siberia.

  • Arina.

The flowers are corrugated, lilac-crimson in color with a bright variegated crimson speck in the middle.

  • Snow Maiden.

The name itself speaks for itself white color small flowers.

Growing gladioli

Provided that it is hot outside, it is advisable to water it every day, but at the same time the earth must be kept loose.

Gladiolus requires self-care.

After the shoots grow 10 centimeters from the ground, the bed should be mulched with a layer of humus.

The bed is watered abundantly once a week in the morning or in the evening, when there is no heat. When if the weather is hot, it is better to water every 3-4 days.

When buds appear, flower stalks can be tied to a support, and dried flowers should also be pinched off so that the plant does not waste energy on them.

The soil for the entire summer period should also be weeded 3-4 times.

Clean the bed of weeds, because the more weeds, the more likely it is to pick up some kind of disease for the plant.

Cut gladioli with a sharp knife, the rest of the peduncle should be hidden by the remaining leaves, which should remain at least 3-4x. They provide further growth.

Dig up gladioli should be in September, 35-45 days after flowering.

Dig only in dry weather, the stems and roots of the plant are cut off, the earth is shaken off, the children are separated from the mother bulb (it is easily separated), the bulbs are placed in a sieve and washed under warm running water. After washing, the bulbs should be disinfected with a 1% solution of funazol, immersed in it for 20-30 minutes. After the solution, it is necessary to rinse the bulbs again with water, after which they are treated with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate, and the bulbs are laid out to dry for 3 days. After 3 days, the bulbs should be transferred to boxes with paper on the bottom and stored at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

After 2 weeks, the temperature is reduced to 18-22 degrees, and after a little more than a month, the corms are cleaned and sorted.

Corms are stored indoors in winter at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees, and a humidity of 60-70%.

You can put a couple of cloves of garlic in the box, changing them with new ones over time. This way you save the bulbs until the next planting.

Translated from the Latin "gladiolus" - "sword", since the time of Ancient Rome there has been a legend about how gladiolus flowers appeared. There was a war between the Romans and the Thracians. The victory went to the Romans. The Roman commander turned the captured Thracian warriors into gladiators.

Two young captives in one duel were forced to fight against each other. Friends refused to fight and then they were put to death. But as soon as the bodies of the defeated touched the ground, tall beautiful flowers bloomed from the hilts of their swords.

In honor of the noble gladiators, they were called gladioli. And until now they are a symbol of fidelity, nobility, memory. Gladiolus is one of best colors for cutting. They attract with a richness of colors, a variety of shapes. Their genus includes about 180 species. Gladiolus is a perennial, non-wintering herbaceous bulbous plant.

The gladiolus bulb can be used for flowers for 3-4 years. Gladioli are propagated by baby bulbs that appear towards the end of the growing season. Planting material should be changed regularly.

Seeds are used only for breeding. Gladioli are photophilous, so the place should be well lit by the sun.

The best soils are light loams rich in humus. Gladiolus require timely weeding and watering as needed.

The greatest need for watering occurs in gladioli during intensive growth and development of inflorescences, as well as during the flowering period. After the end of flowering, if the weather is warm, dry, watering should be continued.

In nature, there are about 250 species of gladioli and more than 5,000 different varieties that will appeal to even the most biased lovers of beautiful gladioli.

Varieties of gladioli have a wide variety: from small flowers of light colors, corrugated and ordinary, to large and lush beauties of various colors and shades.
In general, there are so many varieties that you can talk endlessly, so we bring to your attention some of the most beautiful varieties.

Slender flower, salmon-pink color and pure coloration, elegant. Heavily corrugated with small folds, the bottom is distinguished by a golden-green color. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large in diameter (14 cm and above), height 160 cm.

The flower is distinguished by an elegant sky-blue color, with blue edges of the petals. The lower petals are painted with a large shaded blue spot. The petals are dense in texture. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 145 cm. The Blue Butterfly variety is the best in its group in terms of color, grows well, is a leader in sales and exhibitions.

Variety with dark salmon-pink color, with a cherry large spot on the lower petals, corrugated structure, rich color. Inflorescence double row. The flowering period is average (85-90 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 170 cm. Good cut.

Smoky - dark - brown - red color with white moire pattern on the lower petals. The throat of the flower has a silvery coating. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 160 cm. Unpretentious in cultivation, with good growth data.

The very juicy dark yellow coloring of this variety really resembles a sun-drenched temple. The variety has a high strong stem. The flowering period is average (85-90 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 165 cm. It is one of the best varieties in color.

The flowers are light green, corrugated, the lower petals are more saturated in color. Straight, double row. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 160 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, adapts well, unpretentious in cultivation, does not fade in the sun.

The color of the gladiolus is pale pink with a large carmine-red spot. The inflorescence is luxurious, durable, densely packed. The petals are very dense texture with embossing and veins. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 145 cm. Powerful cut.

Gladiolus is pure white, strongly corrugated. Tall, densely packed inflorescence with charming flowers. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Small-flowered in diameter (6.5-9 cm), height 150 cm. Excellent cut.

Blue-violet coloration with white rays and white star-shaped spots in the throat of the flower. Bright and elegant coloring with a slightly corrugated structure makes this variety extraordinarily beautiful and looks great in bouquets. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 130 cm. It has good growth data.
Every year there are many new magnificent varieties of gladioli. It is simply impossible to list all of them. What are the names alone worth - it's just a melody of the soul, skillfully matched to each variety.

Gladiolus variety Annushka. Code 545-SR-SG-04. Author - Dybov (2004). A slender salmon pink, very pure in colour. The bottom of the flower is golden-green, strong corrugation.

Gladiolus cultivar Arina. Code 563. Author - Chuikov (2003). The flower is pale lilac-crimson with a bright dense crimson spot, corrugated. The fabrics of the petals are very dense. Buds per ear: 21 pcs. 9 flowers open at the same time. Exhibition winner.

Gladiolus variety Fringed. Code 573-R-SG-02. Author - Kiselev (2002). An exotic flower with tints of color, the upper petals are lilac, the lower ones are cream, small teeth pass around the circumference of all the petals. The flower is powerful, grows well, the ear and tissues are dense.

Gladiolus variety Burgess Lady (Burgess Lady)

Gladiolus variety Grand Duchess Elizabeth. Code 532-RS-03. Author - Kuznetsov (2002). The flower is pure salmon-pink, the color is richer towards the edges of the petals. Very strong, delightful ripples with deep tucks in the throat. Possesses magnificent exhibition and cutting qualities.

Gladiolus cultivar Vineto. Code 393-OR-95. Author - Markevičius (1994). Interesting variety with a lilac-smoky color, on the lower petals there is a bright dark crimson spot. The variety surpasses all varieties in very early date flowering, can produce up to 6 new corms from one large corm. It can be propagated by corms, and not by a baby, for a long time. A medium-sized baby by autumn gives an almost normal peduncle!

Gladiolus grade Magic flute. Code 486-RS-G-97. Author - A. Baranov. Gladiolus with velvety, deep dark purple flowers. saturated, dark flowers decorated with contrasting white arrows. Very handsome!

Gladiolus variety Meeting with the beautiful. Code 576-R-SG-95. Author - Kiselev. Intense dark purple gladiolus with strong ripples. Long 75 cm inflorescence, early cut. One of the best purples. Leader of Moscow exhibitions.

Gladiolus grade Sip of love. Code 575-SR-SSG-02. Author - Kiselev. On the lilac overflows of the flower, a bright crimson spot of the lower petal stands out against a golden background. Beautiful strong corrugation. Strong ear, beautiful bouquets, excellent cut!

Gladiolus grade Golden Fentazi (GOLDEN FANTASY). Code 416-SR. Author - Sharan (2006). Intense yellow. Excellent cut, tall, dense, powerful.

Gladiolus grade Blue topaz. Code 584-R-SG-06. Author - Kolganov. The color of the gladiolus is clean, juicy blue, very even without extraneous spots and strokes. The corrugation is strong with small tucks in the neck. Gladiolus with stunning blue flowers.

Gladiolus grade Blue snowflakes. Code 501-SR-SSG-04. Author - Dybov. Spectacular gladiolus with snow-white folded-corrugated flowers. The edges of the petals are pale blue. Excellent growth qualities.

Gladiolus grade Jo Ann (Jo Ann). Code 433-RS-SG-83. Author - Kohevar. Delicate salmon, the color thickens towards the edges. There is a golden spot on the lower petal. Beautiful corrugation. Good growth qualities.

Gladiolus cultivar George Soros. Code 473-С-СГ -99. Author - Gromov. An unusually beautiful gladiolus: the upper, slightly elongated petals are iridescent; white and lavender shades create fabulous game colors. On the rounded lower petals there are expressive raspberry-lilac monochromatic spots with blurry borders. The ear is strong, two-row of 20-25 buds, simultaneously holding up to 12 folded-corrugated flowers. Peduncle long. Plant height 160 cm. Large corms grow well. Wonderful variety!

Gladiolus grade Soul My. Code 561-S-SSG-01. Author - Samoylenko. Delicate white-crimson coloring of an even tone, on the bottom. the petal is an openwork thick crimson spot in a light green frame. Wide-open flowers in folds and tucks, petals of a dense waxy texture!
Gladiolus cultivar Eugene. Code 443-S-OSG-10. Author - Kiktev. Delicate apple-pink color of gladiolus. The lower petal is pale lemon, in the throat there is a raspberry blush hidden by strong pinches. Always a well-built ear, excellent growth qualities.

Gladiolus variety Crane Flock. Code 593-C-G-08. Author - Trifonov. Light brown gladiolus with a dark coating on the lower petal. Vigorous variety with dense packing of flowers in the inflorescence. Diploma winner of St. Petersburg exhibitions 2001, 2004

Gladiolus variety Snow-covered tenderness. Code 500-RS-SG-97. Author - Dybov (1997). Excellent white cut variety. In the neck of the flower is a soft pink highlight. Powerful, excellent growth qualities. Champion of the international exhibition in 1999.

Gladiolus variety Green Ice. Code 504-С-Г-03. Author - Vasiliev (2003). Light green flowers with a darker lower petal. The color of the petals resembles the glare of the sun reflected through the ice. A small corrugation is beautiful, wavy. The inflorescence is slender, dense. Unusual beautiful variety gladiolus!

Gladiolus variety Golden Premiere. Code 514-SR-SSG-96. Author - Dybov (1996). A flower with a dense texture of pale-golden petals, the lower petals are dark yellow. The ear is tall, slender, 2-row. Up to 10 flowers open at the same time. It breeds well. Fairly disease resistant. Included in the top five yellow varieties.

Gladiolus grade Gold of Russia. Code 514-S-SG-07. Author - Kuznetsov. The color of the flowers is rich, juicy-gold. Well-built gladiolus with beautiful ripples of rounded flowers. Even stable variety, well blooming baby with 14-15 buds. Leader of the Moscow exhibition.

Gladiolus variety Izyuminka. Code 513 -SR-SG-03. Author - Dybov. Intense, lemon yellow with a reddish-crimson radiant spot. Super strong corrugation with small folds. The baby blooms in the year of planting. Very handsome!

Gladiolus variety Emperor. Code 554-S-SG-99. Author - Trifonov. A tall inflorescence of 10 simultaneously open bright red flowers with a crimson hue. Strong beautiful corrugation.

Gladiolus variety Carnival night. Code 486-R-G-86. Author - Miroshnichenko. Velvety, very pure inky purple gladiolus, with a slight highlight at the base of the upper petal. At the base of the lower petal, it thickens to black-violet.

Gladiolus variety Katerina. Code 562-S-SG-04. Author - Kuznetsov. Light pink-crimson flowers, adorned with a delicate pattern of crimson veins, which makes the outer and lower petals appear darker. Very beautiful curly frill.

Gladiolus grade Cranberry in sugar. Code 461-RS-SG-06. Author - Dybov (2006). Creamy pink with a sparkling texture of the petals, with a bright raspberry saturation to the throat and a raspberry spot, colorful. The leader of the audience's sympathy.

Gladiolus cultivar Lace bow

Gladiolus variety Summer Garden

Gladiolus variety Lizaveta.

Gladiolus variety Admire and younger.

Gladiolus variety Margarita.

Gladiolus variety Margot

Gladiolus variety Maria

Gladiolus variety Maternal joy

Gladiolus cultivar Patrons of the century

Gladiolus grade Mlada

Gladiolus cultivar Montezuma

Gladiolus cultivar Moscow golden domes

Gladiolus grade Neva exotica

Gladiolus variety Nizhny Novgorod

Gladiolus cultivar Arbat Lights

Gladiolus cultivar Queen of Spades

Gladiolus cultivar Midnight Kiss

Gladiolus variety Bird of happiness

Gladiolus variety Early snowball

Gladiolus variety Rebeca

Gladiolus cultivar Rowan in the snow
These beautiful flowers deserve your attention and love! Grow gladioli and they will thank you with a beautiful palette of flowers in various shades in your garden.

Many gardeners who are engaged in planting flowers believe that such an activity as growing gladioli is too hard work and takes a lot of time.

But it's not! Read our material and you will understand it is not at all difficult, the main desire! Highly important point when planting gladioli is precisely proper fit and caring for them.

How to plant gladiolus? The most important point when planting gladioli is the right place for planting. Gladiolus will not fit those areas where there is little light and there are strong winds. Also, those areas in the garden where there is too close occurrence are not suitable. ground water, any irregularities, slopes or slopes. The place for planting gladioli should be flat (a slight slope to the south is allowed) and with good drainage.

Chernozems, light sandy or loamy soils are best suited for planting gladioli. It is best to prepare a site for planting gladioli in the fall - dig the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm. Pre-sowing spring digging of the soil will only improve its condition and get rid of excess moisture. In order to grow beautiful and high-quality gladiolus flowers, it is necessary to apply fertilizers - humus, manure, compost, TMAU, bird droppings, peat compost. Calculation for 1m2 - 3-5 kg ​​of manure or humus, 8-10 kg of compost, 2 kg of TMAU, 0.3-0.5 kg of bird droppings. In spring, it is recommended to apply phosphorus fertilizer (superphosphate) 50 - 70 g/m2.

To correctly determine the landing time, you first need to review your planting material: small corms or babies can be planted early to extend the growing season and allow the bulbs to gain weight well, which ultimately contributes to good planting material for the next year.

Large bulbs are planted at a depth of 8-12 cm from the bottom, if light soils are up to 15 cm, heavy and moist soils are 6-10 cm. Between plants in the same row they are planted with a distance of 15-20 cm, and between rows - 30 cm

On average, gladiolus bulbs are planted from April to mid-May.

Landing of gladioli should be carried out in dried and well-warmed up to +10 ° C ground.

It is also very important to choose the right bulbs so that gladioli grow in the garden that match the photo. Even if the bulb is large, this does not mean that you will get a huge flower.

Old corms are replaced annually by a new bulb, around which babies are formed. And every year such a bulb becomes more and more flat, reproductive qualities decrease, therefore it is not advisable to purchase large bulbs so as not to stumble upon defective material that will give small and ugly flowers. Replacement bulbs produce a crop of 3-4 years, after which the bulbs are destroyed.

In order not to lose the variety, it is recommended to grow planting material from children. In the 1st year of growing a gladiolus, when the first bud appears, the peduncle is removed so that the plant grows the bulb well and does not waste energy on the formation of the fruit, and immediately all the nutrients enter the bulb. The same thing happens when cutting into a bouquet.

After selecting the corms, they must be treated in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, dried and stored until planting. Before planting gladioli, the bulbs are cleaned of scales, the tuber-buds must be soaked in a 0.5% manganese solution for 10-12 hours, which will disinfect and serve as a good growth stimulator.

After processing, the babies and bulbs are immediately planted in a permanent place. Very often at early varieties there is an early exit to growth, but do not worry! In order to slow down the growth, it is necessary to move the bulbs to a cool place with a temperature of +1 ° C or plant the bulbs in peat pots in a cool, bright room, where they are before landing in the ground. When planting time comes, you can plant directly in pots to prevent damage to the root system.

Since the gladiolus is a delicate flower and does not tolerate transplants, be careful and attentive.

The first and most important rule for caring for gladioli is timely watering. A lot of water is especially required during the formation of the peduncle (phase 3 - 4 true leaves) and during flowering - about 10 - 15 liters / m2. Also, watering should be carried out taking into account the amount of moisture contained in the soil. After watering, the plants spud and loosen the soil.

It is also important to feed the plants.

Nitrogen fertilizers 20-30 g/m2 are added to top dressing 3-4 weeks and 6-8 weeks after planting. If areas rich in nitrogen are noted, the rate of nitrogen fertilizers can be reduced by 2 times.

In the 1st top dressing, you can apply an infusion chicken manure(1:20) or mullein (1:10). In the 2nd top dressing, in addition to nitrogen, potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied (10 g of potassium sulfate, 25 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m). The third top dressing is carried out at the beginning of budding (10-15 g of potassium sulfate, 25-30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. m).

Before and after feeding, the plants must be watered.

A good technique for gladioli is the introduction of additional extra root dressings - the leaves are sprayed with a solution of mineral micronutrient fertilizers. Good results were shown by fertilizing with solutions boric acid(0.6 g per 1 liter of water), potassium permanganate (0.15 g per 1 liter of water).

Timely weeding, soil mulched with peat or humus (3-5 cm layer) - all this will help retain moisture and provide the necessary aeration, and will also delay the growth of weeds. When the height of the gladiolus reaches an impressive size (and also to prevent tilting and damage to the flower), it is necessary to tie the gladioluses to pegs or to a wire that can be pulled along the rows.

If it is not possible to tie up, you can spud the gladiolus to a height of 10 cm.

When cutting gladioli, leave at least four true leaves. This will allow the corms to develop normally.

Gladiolus, like any plant, is susceptible to various diseases, therefore, in gladioli plantations, it is necessary to frequently and regularly inspect, identify diseased plants and remove them.

Another method of care is the prevention of gladioli during cultivation, it is necessary to treat it several times with solutions that prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Observing the results of seedlings, keeping plantings clean from weeds, taking timely measures to combat diseases and pests, you can become the owner of the most beautiful collection of gladioli and enjoy beautiful flowering all summer long!

Gladiolus - very luxurious flowers, unusual beauty. They look very good on any alpine hill, in the garden, as a fence for the house, and very inventive, they find other uses for these flowers.

In nature, there are about 250 species of gladioli and more than 5,000 different varieties that will appeal to even the most biased lovers of beautiful gladioli.

Varieties of gladioli have a wide variety: from small flowers of light colors, corrugated and ordinary, to large and lush beauties of various colors and shades.

In general, there are so many varieties that you can talk endlessly, so we bring to your attention some of the most beautiful varieties.

Variety of gladioli Annushka

Slender flower, salmon-pink color and pure coloration, elegant. Heavily corrugated with small folds, the bottom is distinguished by a golden-green color. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large in diameter (14 cm and above), height 160 cm.

Variety Blue butterfly photo

The flower is distinguished by an elegant sky-blue color, with blue edges of the petals. The lower petals are painted with a large shaded blue spot. The petals are dense in texture. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 145 cm. The Blue Butterfly variety is the best in its group in terms of color, grows well, is a leader in sales and exhibitions.

Variety with dark salmon-pink color, with a large cherry spot on the lower petals, corrugated structure, rich color. Inflorescence double row. The flowering period is average (85-90 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 170 cm. Good cut.

Variety of gladioli Spartak

Smoky - dark - brown - red color with white moire pattern on the lower petals. The throat of the flower has a silvery coating. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 160 cm. Unpretentious in cultivation, with good growth data.

Variety Temple of the Sun

The very juicy dark yellow coloring of this variety really resembles a sun-drenched temple. The variety has a high strong stem. The flowering period is average (85-90 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 165 cm. It is one of the best varieties in color.

The flowers are light green, corrugated, the lower petals are more saturated in color. Straight, double row. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 160 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, adapts well, unpretentious in cultivation, does not fade in the sun.

The color of the gladiolus is pale pink with a large carmine-red spot. The inflorescence is luxurious, durable, densely packed. The petals are very dense texture with embossing and veins. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Giant in diameter (14 cm and above), height 145 cm. Powerful cut.

Gladiolus is pure white, strongly corrugated. Tall, densely packed inflorescence with charming flowers. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Small-flowered in diameter (6.5-9 cm), height 150 cm. Excellent cut.

Variety Sky and Stars

Blue-violet coloration with white rays and white star-shaped spots in the throat of the flower.

Bright and elegant coloring with a slightly corrugated structure makes this variety extraordinarily beautiful and looks great in bouquets. The flowering period is medium-early (80-84 days). Large-flowered in diameter (11.6-14 cm), height 130 cm. It has good growth data.

Every year there are many new magnificent varieties of gladioli. It is simply impossible to list all of them. What are the names alone worth - it's just a melody of the soul, skillfully matched to each variety. These beautiful flowers deserve your attention and love! Grow gladioli and they will thank you with a beautiful palette of flowers in various shades in your garden.



Gladiolus variety Annushka. Code 545-SR-SG-04. Author - Dybov (2004). A slender salmon pink, very pure in colour. The bottom of the flower is golden-green, strong corrugation.

Gladiolus cultivar Arina. Code 563. Author - Chuikov (2003). The flower is pale lilac-crimson with a bright dense crimson spot, corrugated. The fabrics of the petals are very dense. Buds per ear: 21 pcs. 9 flowers open at the same time. Exhibition winner.

Gladiolus cultivar Fringed. Code 573-R-SG-02. Author - Kiselev (2002). An exotic flower with tints of color, the upper petals are lilac, the lower ones are cream, small teeth pass around the circumference of all the petals. The flower is powerful, grows well, the ear and tissues are dense.

Gladiolus variety Burgess Lady (Burgess Lady)

Gladiolus variety Grand Duchess Elizabeth. Code 532-RS-03. Author - Kuznetsov (2002). The flower is pure salmon-pink, the color is richer towards the edges of the petals. Very strong, delightful ripples with deep tucks in the throat. Possesses magnificent exhibition and cutting qualities.

Gladiolus cultivar Vineto. Code 393-OR-95. Author - Markevičius (1994). An interesting variety with a lilac-smoky color, a bright dark crimson spot on the lower petals. The variety surpasses all varieties in a very early flowering period, can produce up to 6 new corms from one large corm. It can be propagated by corms, and not by a baby, for a long time. A medium-sized baby by autumn gives an almost normal peduncle!

Gladiolus variety magical flute. Code 486-RS-G-97. Author - A. Baranov. Gladiolus with velvety, deep dark purple flowers. Saturated, dark flowers are decorated with contrasting white arrows. Very handsome!

Gladiolus variety Meeting with the beautiful. Code 576-R-SG-95. Author - Kiselev. Intense dark purple gladiolus with strong ripples. Long 75 cm inflorescence, early cut. One of the best purples. Leader of Moscow exhibitions.

Gladiolus grade Sip of love. Code 575-SR-SSG-02. Author - Kiselev. On the lilac overflows of the flower, a bright crimson spot of the lower petal stands out against a golden background. Beautiful strong corrugation. Strong ear, beautiful bouquets, excellent cut!

Gladiolus variety Golden Fantasy (GOLDEN FANTASY). Code 416-SR. Author - Sharan (2006). Intense yellow. Excellent cut, tall, tight, powerful

Gladiolus sortCode 584-R-SG-06. Author - Kolganov. The color of the gladiolus is clean, juicy blue, very even without extraneous spots and strokes. The corrugation is strong with small tucks in the neck. Gladiolus with stunning blue flowers

Gladiolus variety Jo Ann (Jo Ann). Code 433-RS-SG-83. Author - Kohevar. Delicate salmon, the color thickens towards the edges. There is a golden spot on the lower petal. Beautiful corrugation. Good growth qualities.

Gladiolus cultivar George Soros. Code 473-С-СГ -99. Author - Gromov. An unusually beautiful gladiolus: the upper, slightly elongated petals are iridescent; white and lavender shades create a fabulous play of colors. On the rounded lower petals there are expressive raspberry-lilac monochromatic spots with blurry borders. The ear is strong, two-row of 20-25 buds, simultaneously holding up to 12 folded-corrugated flowers. Peduncle long. Plant height 160 cm. Large corms grow well. Wonderful variety!

Gladiolus variety My Soul. Code 561-S-SSG-01. Author - Samoylenko. Delicate white-crimson coloring of an even tone, on the bottom. the petal is an openwork thick crimson spot in a light green frame. Wide-open flowers in folds and tucks, petals of a dense waxy texture!

Gladiolus cultivar Eugene. Code 443-S-OSG-10. Author - Kiktev. Delicate apple-pink color of gladiolus. The lower petal is pale lemon, in the throat there is a raspberry blush hidden by strong pinches. Always a well-built ear, excellent growth qualities.

Gladiolus variety Crane Flock. Code 593-C-G-08. Author - Trifonov. Light brown gladiolus with a dark coating on the lower petal. Vigorous variety with dense packing of flowers in the inflorescence. Diploma winner of St. Petersburg exhibitions 2001, 2004

Gladiolus variety Green Ice. Code 504-С-Г-03. Author - Vasiliev (2003). Light green flowers with a darker lower petal. The color of the petals resembles the glare of the sun reflected through the ice. A small corrugation is beautiful, wavy. The inflorescence is slender, dense. Unusual beautiful variety of gladiolus!

Gladiolus variety Golden Premiere. Code 514-SR-SSG-96. Author - Dybov (1996). A flower with a dense texture of pale-golden petals, the lower petals are dark yellow. The ear is tall, slender, 2-row. Up to 10 flowers open at the same time. It breeds well. Fairly disease resistant. Included in the top five yellow varieties.

Gladiolus grade Code 514-С-СГ-07. Author - Kuznetsov. The color of the flowers is rich, juicy-gold. Well-built gladiolus with beautiful ripples of rounded flowers. Even stable variety, well blooming baby with 14-15 buds. Leader of the Moscow exhibition.


Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety Summer Garden

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus grade Mlada

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety Nizhny Novgorod

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus variety

Gladiolus cultivar Symphony of the night

Photo of gladioli from the collection of Vladimir Alexandrovich CHEREPENNIKOV.