How to make a commercial offer in PDF. How to write a commercial offer - (44 samples)

  • 17.10.2019

Commercial offer- the main sales tool. It is with a commercial offer that a potential client begins to get acquainted with your product or service. And the success of all work on the transaction depends on how correctly the commercial offer is drawn up and delivered. A commercial offer differs from a price list or a regular product specification in its purpose, which is not so much to inform the client about the product or service offered, but to encourage him to buy the product or use the service.

Commercial offers can be conditionally divided into "personalized" and "non-personalized". Personalized are addressed to a specific person and contain a personal appeal. Non-personalized - designed for a wider and impersonal audience of recipients.

Regardless of the type of commercial offer, the author must clearly understand the target audience for which the text is oriented. Before compiling a commercial offer, it is recommended to determine the needs of your audience, what may be of interest to them, to attract attention. Often the most common mistake is to replace the real needs of the target audience with the author's ideas about the needs of potential customers.

After the needs of the target audience (TA) are clarified, you can proceed to drafting the text of the proposal. A commercial offer must consistently perform 4 main functions of an advertising message:

  1. Attract attention
  2. Arouse interest
  3. Awaken desire
  4. Stimulate purchase

It is in accordance with these functions that the text of the commercial proposal is formed. It is desirable to place a visual image in the "header" of a commercial offer that would attract the reader's attention. Often, this function is assigned to the logo of the sending company. Therefore, the logo should first of all attract attention.

The typical structure of a commercial offer is as follows:

  1. Title offer and graphic illustration
  2. Subtitle clarifying the subject of the sentence
  3. The main text of the offer
  4. Advertising slogan, slogan, call
  5. Trademarks, sender details

Functions of Structural Elements

  • The title and illustration should draw attention to the text, interest a potential client. This is the core of advertising and the most powerful message to the buyer.
  • The subheading is the link between the heading and the body text. If the client is not interested in the headline, then the subheading gives one more chance to attract him to the purchase.
  • The body text fulfills the promises of the title and details it.
  • The final phrase - a slogan, a postscript - should encourage the client to make a purchase.


  • According to statistics, headlines are read by 5 times more people.
  • News ads are read 22% more often.
  • The strongest words in the title are "free" and "new". But it is also important not to forget about the values ​​of the target audience, in some cases, free of charge, on the contrary, will repel.
  • The title should be direct and simple.
  • Don't use negatives in headlines.
  • Avoid blind and overly general headings.
  • Use one font. The more fonts in the title, the less people read it.
  • If the headline contains a direct quote or is enclosed in quotation marks, it attracts an additional 30% of readers.
  • Short titles of one line, no more than 10 words, work better.

First paragraph

  • Keeping the reader's attention is becoming increasingly difficult - you need to learn how to compress the story into one paragraph several lines long.
  • The first paragraph should contain no more than 11 words.
  • A long first paragraph will scare the reader away.
  • What to write about in the following paragraphs? About the same, only in more detail.

Main text

  • Love your product.
  • When addressing a consumer, use the word “you”.
  • “Beautiful writing is a great disadvantage” - Claude Hopkins. Use less exaggeration.
  • The shorter the sentences, the better the text reads. But a sequence of equally short sentences is boring.
  • When writing text, use spoken language. But use professional slang only in exceptional cases.
  • Write the text in present tense.
  • Do not make large introductory parts - immediately state the essence.
  • The price indicated in the offer has a significant impact on the purchase decision.
  • It makes sense to include product reviews and research results in the text.
  • Avoid analogies like: “exactly like this”, “in this way”, “in the same way”.
  • Avoid superlatives, generalizations and exaggerations.
  • Use clear words and well-known names.

How to increase the readability of long text?

  • Large text is best broken into paragraphs.
  • After 5-8 cm of text, enter the first subtitle. A bold subheading will grab the reader's attention again.
  • Insert illustrations from time to time. Highlight paragraphs with arrows, asterisks, marginal notes.
  • Capitalizing the first letter increases readability by 13%.
  • A serif font is easier to read from a sheet, while it is better to read a sans-serif font from a monitor screen.
  • Do not make the text monotonous, highlight key paragraphs in font or italics. Although underlining impairs readability, it's best to use bold type.
  • If you have a lot of unrelated items of information, just number them.


  • There are five times more people who notice slogans than read all the ads.
  • The text of the postscript should contain the most important information encouraging you to read the entire article.
  • The last paragraph should be no more than 3 lines.
  • Compared to the number of applications that have reached the advertiser, at least 2 times more potential applications remain only in the mind of the client.

In conclusion, it should be said that, when sent by e-mail, a commercial offer should be sent in the most common electronic format, which is guaranteed to be opened by a potential client.

Accounting for contracts and commercial offers in the program.

Do you intend to send out commercial offers to your potential customers? Are you counting on the subsequent flurry of calls and hundreds of contracts? Then you just need to know the basic secrets of compiling a working advertising offer. Our advice will help increase sales through a well-composed commercial offer.

Always remember that business people value their time very much. Do not paint information about your company on 3-4 sheets, do not list past merits. Write briefly and only about the most important things. The commercial offer should not take more than one page of a standard A4 sheet. The maximum volume is one and a half pages, provided that important graphic information is placed in the document. Protect your reputation and nervous system client. Do not write general phrases and do not make empty promises. Wordings like "German quality", "best service", "mutually beneficial cooperation" are similar to an abstract description of benefits. The specifics will bring a greater result: the availability of a service department with a list of locations of service centers, a 100% guarantee for 24 months, free installation, delivery to a warehouse, customer consultations, etc.

Gently nudge the customer into quick action by setting a short expiration date on the offer. List all possible means of communication, including the address of the corporate website, Email, stationary and mobile phones, fax phone. This will emphasize the availability and openness of your company, as well as the readiness to start working today.

Each company, in any field of activity, offers customers a commercial offer. This is a popular working tool for interaction with current and future partners, which is actively used in small and big business. A commercial offer is one of the options for a selling text, but such a tool is created according to special rules, since its purpose is to induce action.

A commercial offer may different forms, but its goal is always to encourage the client to take certain actions, which in the future will lead to an increase in conversions for companies.

But it is believed that such a document should not be too voluminous, optimally if its length is 2-3 pages. This parameter is individual, depending on the specifics of the industry and the complexity of the services provided, the length of the CP (commercial offer) can reach 15-20 pages.

If this is your first time preparing such a document, a commercial offer in Word or another program. But we do not recommend using ready-made templates, since the specifics of the business determine the composition of the CP. Before you get started, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Who is the offer for? Who is the target audience for your business? This is the main question that determines the format for presenting information.
  2. What action should the target audience take? For example, call you, leave your coordinates, make a conversion.
  3. Is your proposal aimed at a wide audience, or is it intended for a specific organization, group of people?

Mandatory components of a commercial offer

Now let's talk about the content of the document, a good commercial offer must contain the following items:

  1. Home page with brief information about company. It has a header with data: address, full name of the company, logo.
  2. Be sure to indicate the addressee - the person for whom the letter is intended.
  3. Title, explanation of the title and date.
  4. Opportunities and.
  5. Description of each product or service on a separate page, pagination is also required.
  6. Image or photos of products with a description of the functionality and their features.
  7. Terms and conditions of delivery (if any).
  8. Organization seal.
  9. Name and contacts of the head responsible for communication with clients.

All these points should be reflected in your commercial offer so that the client can immediately find the necessary information and determine the degree of trust in the company.

Types of commercial offers

All types of CP can be divided into 3 main types:

Be sure to send a commercial offer along with a cover letter. The letter must briefly describe what the sent document is, and you can also attach to it additional documents. For example, the price of services.

Standard sentence structure

The Word Quote Template includes:

Before compiling a quotation, you need to familiarize yourself with the templates, but you do not need to copy them completely. You need to rely on advice and samples, but any document should have personal, individual features that distinguish it from the rest.

A good business proposal should be specific, clear and concise. Information should be presented in such a way as to show all the benefits of cooperation and convince the client to place an order with you. The nature of the proposal cannot be too advertising, but most importantly, it should not contain semantic, grammatical and lexical errors.

By the way, a "cold" sentence should not be long, optimal size- 1 page A4.

The process of drawing up a CP

It is necessary to draw up a commercial offer on the company's letterhead, as it is a powerful KP amplifier.

We start with a greeting, it is appropriate in both the “hot” and “cold” version. Then we write the title. In a non-personal offer, this is the most important part, since only a catchy and attractive headline can make the recipient read the letter. Intrigue, use "customer pains", use celebrity names, give guarantees, ask questions and even scare - all means are good.

For personal offers, such tricks in the title are not needed, it is enough that this element reflects the content of the document.

After a specific description of your services, you need to use a powerful offer. You should not just provide a list of services, but show a specific benefit from using them. Say specifically how your services or products will help the client, what problems and “pains” they can get rid of. For example, you can say that you provide for a metallurgical plant, or you can say that your equipment will help reduce labor costs for production by at least 50%. The second option is more attractive to the client.

You don’t have to be shy about using marketing techniques, you can add testimonials from real customers to the CP, talk about partners who have already appreciated the level of your services, as well as provide discounts or offer “unique” favorable conditions. By the way, when using the last method, be sure to limit the time of its action. This enhances the effect.

Write your question in the form below

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    A commercial offer, as a document, is mostly not used by the parties now. If every (practically) organization has its own website on the Internet, then there is no need for it.


This will be the first "technical" post. It does not contain a word about marketing, sales techniques and copywriting. Only about how to generate a commercial offer in pdf format. I will describe only those methods that I use myself.

What are the advantages of PDF

  • 100% guarantee of layout preservation. That is, as you wrote the CP, this is how your addressee will see it.
  • It is difficult to make changes to it. You need to have some skills. That is, again, the content or appearance hardly anyone will change the document. Even by accident. For example, the secretary who will receive your letter first.
  • Ease of printing. The client received your quotation, printed it out and read it.

Now directly methods

  1. Install Microsoft Office 2010. It implements the function of publishing in pdf. True, only in the professional version. Microsoft did not allow the owners of the "home" to publish docks in PDF.
  2. You can solve this problem, by installing the add-on"2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS". It fits despite the name and the 2010 Office. You can download here. Choose the Russian version, install it, and the "save as PDF" item appears in the "save as" menu.
  3. Install the free office program Open Office(distributed under the Open Source license) and we get the ability to create PDFs that was originally built into the editor. By the way, " Open Office"allows you to type text better than Microsoft Office.
  4. Using vector graphics editors. Usually everyone uses Corel Draw, but it is paid, and it is not always possible to find a "cracked" version. A portable version for a flash drive can be a solution to the problem, but I did not like it. I'm using the open source editor Inkscape again. Neither in terms of capabilities nor in interface, it almost does not differ from Corel Draw. The only negative is that it is impossible to create multi-page PDFs. Or maybe I just didn't get it.

When I use a vector editor instead of a text editor

  • If you need to make a commercial offer using drawings and photographs.
  • If I want to add visual appeal to it through vector graphics elements: lines, backgrounds, and so on.
  • If you need to create a letterhead for the customer from scratch.
  • And most importantly, if there is a lot of text, but it is required to distribute it on the page in such a way as to preserve "airiness". Layout in vector is thinner than in text editors.

Hello! Today we will talk about a commercial offer and how to write it. I have been asked similar questions more than once, so the article is “in the subject”. Let's start from the very beginning, about what a commercial offer is, how to make it and at the end I will give examples / samples of a commercial offer. This article contains the recommendations of many experts, so I have no doubt about the reliability of the information.

What is a commercial offer

Any businessman who wants to attract as many customers as possible thinks about developing a commercial proposal. It is it that encourages a potential consumer to buy a company's product or its service. It is often confused with a product specification, which simply introduces the customer to a specific product without prompting the customer to purchase.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of commercial offers:

  1. Personalized. It is created for a specific person, inside the document contains a personal appeal to the addressee.
  2. Non-personalized. Another name for this type of commercial offer is “cold”. The document does not refer to a specific consumer or potential partner; the information is anonymized and directed to a large number of potential customers at once.

What functions does a commercial offer perform?

Before you start compiling a commercial proposal, you need to understand what functions it performs. In some ways, they are similar to the tasks of advertising messages:

  • Attract attention.
  • Interest.
  • Encourage purchase.
  • Generate a desire to purchase a product.

Based on these tasks, a commercial proposal is developed. Usually, visual effects are used at the very beginning, for example, the logo of the organization.

If a commercial offer is given to a potential client in printed form, then special attention is paid to the quality of the paper on which the offer is printed. It is possible to apply special watermarks to the document for greater impact on the client. Laminated paper will make a good impression on the consumer of the product.

Standard Quote Structure (Template)

  • A title containing a graphic image (usually a logo).
  • Subheading that defines the product/service.
  • Attracting attention, advertising services and products.
  • All the benefits of cooperation.
  • Sender's contact details, trademarks.

When compiling a commercial offer, you need to understand that each structural element performs its own separate functions. So, for example, the title is used to attract attention, motivation for further study of the document. It is this part of the commercial offer that can be called the most important. The subtitle should interest the client even more, and the main text should justify the information that was written above. But at the end of the offer, as a rule, you need to approve the consumer in the need to purchase.

What should a good business proposal look like?

In order to create a proposal that gives the greatest return, you need to understand that the document must:

  • be specific and clear;
  • demonstrate all the possible benefits that the addressee will receive;
  • in no case contain errors;
  • be literate and structured;
  • contain information about special offers for the client;
  • be drawn up in such a way that all doubts of the buyer will disappear.

Rules for compiling a commercial offer

Before you start writing a proposal, you need to determine who will be the target audience of this document. Then the desires and capabilities of potential customers are determined. It is very important at this stage to find out the real needs of the buyer.

After the necessary information is received, it is necessary to structure it. For this, a rough plan offers, indicating the advantages of companies, various ongoing promotions. The content of this document may consist of the following sections:

  • A clear definition of the problem.
  • Resolution options.
  • Arguments that prove the need to use the services of your organization.
  • Description of various promotions and offers that increase the benefit of the buyer.
  • Call to action.

The title should mention the solution to a specific consumer problem. It is important to indicate to him the final product, which the goods of your company will help to make.

It is not necessary to include information about the achievements of the company in the commercial offer. Long stories about how it all began should be avoided. A potential consumer is unlikely to be interested in this.

When writing a proposal, you should avoid technical aspects, do not use scientific terms. You need to convey information in a simple and understandable language for the buyer.

It is worth using clear and understandable arguments that will really help the client to establish himself in the decision to buy the product.

Do not make a commercial offer too voluminous. It should be short, clear and to the point. It is unlikely that a potential client will want to read multi-page documents; such an abundance of information can simply scare him away.

It is very important that the offer is of high quality. Worth the service professional designer. Beautiful design may attract the attention of consumers.

As an argument, you can use:

  1. Feedback from other customers. This proof can be called, perhaps, the most valuable. Especially if this client is quite famous and authoritative. It is very important that the buyer's response has the same meaning as the commercial offer itself. That is, it is important that these two texts give the reader an understanding that the company is really effective in one area or another.
  2. Share your success story. Be sure to put your own company or yourself in the center of the story. It should be a selling story that will really interest the buyer, encourage him to take some kind of active action.

It should be understood that the commercial offer must be selling, and its author acts as a seller. It is very important to put yourself in the place of the seller in order to understand as accurately as possible what the buyer expects from the product or service. You need to use the right argument, build communication with the client. Only in this way will the commercial offer really give a positive result.

How to increase the readability of a commercial proposal

You can increase the readability of your sales pitch in the following ways:

  • Break information into paragraphs, do not make them canvases.
  • Use of subheadings.
  • The use of various graphic elements, including illustrations, bulleted lists.
  • Use of a serif font in print.
  • The use of different styles of text (using italics, bold or underline highlighting the necessary information).

A few more rules (sample drafting)

Title. It is this part of the offer that is most interesting to the consumer, if it interests him, then the potential client is more likely to read all the information to the end. It is worth evaluating how the words “new” and “free” will affect the buyer. In some cases, they can alienate the client.

Do not use a large number of negatives or generalized information. The text font must be the same. It has been proven that almost a third of readers pay attention to quotes and information enclosed in quotes. The title should not be capacious and informative.

Main text. In this part of the commercial proposal, it is very important that the reader does not lose interest. It is best to fit information in one paragraph. small size. And then pay attention to specific details. It is worth highlighting the advantages of the product, be sure to address the reader with “you”. Composing long and complex sentences can be intimidating. It is undesirable to use professional terms.

It is worth talking about the product in the present tense, indicating its price. It is necessary to provide the client with arguments - the results of surveys, studies, perhaps place one of the consumer reviews. It is undesirable to use superlatives, comparisons. Concreteness and clarity are the main conditions for compiling a good commercial offer.

Errors that are made when compiling

Unnatural praise of the client.

There is no need to use templates and duty phrases that will only repel a potential client.

Using critical remarks towards the addressee.

It is absolutely not necessary to do this, even if the goal of the company is to help a potential consumer. This can cause extremely negative emotions at the client. It is best to use a stick and a carrot - first highlight the pros, and only then point out very minor flaws.

Supply glut general information about the client.

Intimidation of the client or the so-called "horror stories".

In no case should you scare the consumer, tell him that something terrible can happen without your help. No negativity or stereotypes. It is worth highlighting the advantages of using products, casually comparing with what is now (use the words: more convenient, more profitable, more efficient), give only specific information.

Sending one offer at once a large number persons.

Non-personalized information will cause less interest among potential buyers. The return on such offers will be minimal. No need to try to reach a large audience at once. It is better to single out the sector with which work is most likely to give an excellent result. It is important to write a commercial proposal in such a way that the reader can feel that he is being spoken to in private. Possible use additional information, which indicates that the communication is conducted with this particular client. It is worth using information about the previous communication, if it was of course.

Misunderstanding the concept of a "long" letter.

Many are sure that the client is not interested in large amounts of information. However, it should be understood that any boring and completely uninteresting letter will be considered long by the reader. The size of a catchy and really interesting commercial offer will not frighten the consumer, because he will read all the information available in one breath.

No wonder people often call very short films boring and stretched out, and call a 3-hour movie the most exciting, without mentioning its duration. It is also the case with works of art, news, books, letters. The reader will not perceive 5 sheets of a commercial proposal negatively if they are really informative and catchy.

To put in the foreground the correspondence of the sentence to the grammatical rules.

Such an attitude to writing texts can develop from the school bench, where the grammatical component was the main factor. In life, everything is completely different. It is much more important for the reader to understand what is written about. It is necessary that the information is read and perceived by the client easily and informally. It is worth building an offer so that it looks like a real communication between the seller and the buyer. Here it will be perfectly acceptable to use fragments of sentences and phrases, sometimes even desirable.

Give the customer a reason not to study your offer.

Do not be naive to assume that the reader will be extremely interested in information about your company, especially about its history. It's not like that at all. The potential buyer is the least interested. It is necessary to attract his attention with some kind of provocation, an unusual statement - in a word, with everything that will bring him out of balance and force him to read the commercial offer to the end. It is worth considering the fact that retention of interest is no less important aspect. You need to focus on what can motivate a person. Most often, the needs appear because of some fear, the desire to become individual, guilt, the desire to become beautiful or healthy. It is in this vein that it is worth considering the problem, dedicating a commercial proposal to it. And then to show that the proposed product can satisfy all needs.

It is unlikely that the client will be disposed to your commercial offer. You need to back up your information with concrete evidence. It is worth giving the clearest arguments. This approach will be able to convince the reader that he bought the product or began to cooperate.

Checking the commercial offer

There are several pretty simple ways, which will help you understand what impact the offer will have on the addressee.

  • The so-called check "on a cursory look." To do this, you just need to look at the document. It is important to understand which parts of the text stand out so that you really want to read them. These are headings, logos, selection of textual information, photos. If the information used there was able to help build a complete picture of the essence of the commercial proposal, then everything was done correctly.
  • Check for understanding. It is important to find among your friends and acquaintances such a person who would fall under the target audience of your offer. If, after the first reading, he caught all the main ideas of the document, saw the advantages of the presented product, then we can conclude that the proposal was drawn up correctly.
  • Finger check. It is worth trying to read the text without words about the product like “best”, “unique”. If it is interesting to read the proposal in this form, then everything is done correctly. It is very important that all the eulogies about your company are supported by accurate data, reviews, stories, certificates.

Examples / samples of commercial offer

There are a lot of examples and samples of a commercial offer. All of them are good in their own way. I will show some of the most successful, in my opinion, which were developed by Denis Kaplunov.