The marketing strategy is developed on the basis of. Small Business Marketing Strategy

  • 10.10.2019

marketing strategy restaurant market

Essence, goals and objectives of the marketing strategy

In the process of its creation and operation, enterprises cannot do without the use of the basic principles of marketing. The term marketing refers to market activity. In a broader sense, it is a comprehensive, versatile and purposeful work in the field of production and the market, acting as a system for coordinating the capabilities of an enterprise and existing demand, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of both consumers and producers.

The development of a marketing mix, including the development of a product, its positioning using a variety of sales promotion measures, is closely related to strategic management. Before entering the market with a specific marketing strategy, the company must clearly understand the position of competitors, its capabilities, and draw a line along which it will fight with its competitors.

A marketing strategy is a set of long-term decisions about how to meet the needs of a company's existing and potential customers through the use of its internal resources and external capabilities. The purpose of developing a strategy is to determine the main priority areas and proportions of the development of the company, taking into account the material sources of its provision and market demand. The strategy should be aimed at the optimal use of the company's capabilities and the prevention of erroneous actions that can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the company. Strategic marketing targets a company at economic opportunities tailored to its resources and providing the potential for growth and profitability. The task of strategic marketing is to clarify the mission of the company, the development of goals, the formation of a development strategy and the provision of a balanced structure of the company's product portfolio.

In my opinion, the development of a marketing strategy is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of ongoing marketing activities. The development and implementation of a marketing strategy in consumer markets requires any company to be flexible, able to understand, adapt and, in some cases, influence the operation of market mechanisms using special marketing methods.

Most of the strategic decisions that any company makes are in the field of marketing. Creation of a new business, mergers and acquisitions, development of a new market niche, dealer policy, narrowing or expanding the product line, selection of suppliers and partners - all these and many other decisions are made as part of the marketing strategy. The success of the business depends on the adequacy of the marketing strategy of the company.

As part of the development of marketing strategies, it is assumed:

Development of the marketing policy of the enterprise as a whole;

Marketing plan development;

Identification of competitive advantages;

Development of a strategy to promote products and services to the market;

Formation of a policy in the field of sales promotion;

Development of a consumer motivation system;

Solutions for attracting and retaining profitable customers.

The marketing strategy of an enterprise, firm or company is developed by specialists taking into account a complex of factors, such as the situation on the market, the influence of the external environment, the company's development priorities, the internal resources of the company, etc. After collecting and analyzing the necessary data on the external and internal environment of the company, several possible scenarios for the strategic development of the business are proposed. Each scenario can include: customer segmentation, SWOT analysis, required key competencies of the company, assessment of the scenario in terms of risk and return. For the most promising scenario, a marketing strategy and a strategic plan for the transition to the chosen strategy are being developed.

Marketing strategy contains:

Long-term plans of the company in consumer markets

Analysis of the structure of the markets under consideration;

Forecast of market development trends;

Pricing principles and competitive advantages;

Selection and justification of the effective positioning of the company in the market.

I believe that the stages of developing a marketing strategy will be the following steps:

1) assessment of the current state of the market;

At this stage, it is necessary to give an accurate or at least expert assessment (in the absence of research) of the market share, analyze quarterly sales volumes and establish what it depends on: the arrival and processing of raw materials, seasonal demand, determine how the market for this type of product will change , and whether it will undergo significant changes, assess the changes associated with further development service industries. (What will this cause a corresponding increase in demand for and how to use this market expansion), analyze price changes, analyze the supplier market.

2) Market segmentation and definition of consumer interest;

The choice of the target segment determines what needs the company aims to meet, what products or services it will present to customers.

That is, the company actually needs to answer the question: Who are our customers?

For a firm to be most successful in the market, it needs to focus on unoccupied niches in the market, as well as on those needs of consumers that are still not satisfied. So, for example, in 1850, Levi's was created, which produced jeans, which later became an integral part of the American lifestyle. And the company became the leader in this market segment and remains a strong and profitable company that easily adapts to changing opportunities to this day. market.

3) Analysis of the activities of competitors and, in general, determination of the competitiveness of your enterprise;

That is, at this stage it is necessary to determine how your company differs from all the others, that is, to identify the strengths and weaknesses that have the greatest impact on the success of the organization. They are defined in relation to competitors. Strengths and weaknesses are relative definitions, not absolute ones. It's good to be strong at something, but if your competitors are stronger at it, that will become your weakness.

So, for example, Mercedes was strong in the production of reliable, luxurious, durable cars, however, Honda launched the production of Acura cars, and Toyota - Lexus, which surpassed Mercedes in the American market, the company lost its advantages.

4) Formation of marketing development goals;

Setting clear goals helps develop an effective strategy and allows you to transform the company's mission into concrete actions.

Determine what the company wants to achieve as a result of its development? This may be an increase in sales, profit, satisfaction of public opinion (good attitude of suppliers, buyers, government, shareholders, etc.), image formation.

5) Exploring possible alternatives in terms of strategy;

6) Creation of a certain image of the company in the market;

7) Evaluation of the strategy in terms of its financial viability.

At this stage, the following is done:

Analysis and forecasting of the quality and resource intensity of the company's future products;

Forecasting the competitiveness of the company's existing and future products;

Forecasting the level of prices and sales for existing and future products of the company;

Forecasting the volume of revenue and profit;

Definition of control indicators and intermediate stages of control (terms and control values).

There are situations when the developed strategy has to be adjusted, or even changed. This occurs when a sharp change in the market situation, for example, the appearance on the market of products that are much more competitive than those manufactured by the enterprise, or when the company's own capabilities change, expanding opportunities as a result of the emergence additional sources financing.

Thus, the development of a marketing strategy will allow the company to:

Choose an effective pricing and product policy;

A marketing strategy is needed when things are going well in the company, since the market situation is not constant, the timely actions of competitors can dramatically change the company's position and significance in the market. Therefore, timely action and strong marketing are needed. A marketing strategy is not only what will be needed tomorrow when it becomes even stronger, but it is also what is needed today. A marketing strategy is a necessary step in the preparation and implementation of any business plan. A marketing strategy allows you to answer these vital questions and get the company's management an effective development plan.

The main goals of a marketing strategy are usually: increase in sales; identification and satisfaction of consumer needs; increase in profit; increase in market share; increase in client flow; increase in the number of orders. The goals and objectives of the planned activities can be set in the abstract, without taking into account current circumstances, these are usually the goals that management sets for the performer. As for the task, it is the goal given in specific conditions, namely:

A portrait of the target audience to attract which information and promotional events will be held. When drawing up a portrait, there can be many characteristics, of course, you need to observe the measure, sometimes restraining the excessive zeal of psychologists, sociologists, etc.;

Analysis of the presence of the target audience on the Internet. Here the consumer category of the audience is determined (buyers of cars, clothes, furniture, etc.). After that, we establish the fact of presence and the volume of the audience of presence on the Internet. Open statistics and commercial research can be used to prepare this section;

Description of types and formats of advertisement. The chosen means of presenting information to target audiences should be described here. These can be PR events, search advertising, graphic blocks (banners), advertising on thematic Internet sites, as well as offline advertising;

Estimated effect of information and promotional activities. The most correct assessment is an increase in sales (primary, secondary, etc.), although it is not always possible to track this indicator. It is easier to estimate the number of phone calls, visits to the site, but it is not recommended to focus only on these indicators.

The main problems that must be solved in the process of substantiating and developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise are presented in fig. one.

The task of strategic marketing is to clarify the company's mission, determine goals, develop a development strategy and ensure a balanced structure of the product portfolio. In accordance with this, in the process of substantiating and developing the marketing strategy of an enterprise, three interrelated tasks are solved:

1) development of a set of marketing activities (development of new types of products; creation of alliances, differentiation of market policy; diversification of production; overcoming barriers to entry into the market, etc.);

2) adaptation of the enterprise's activities to changes in the external environment (taking into account cultural specifics in contacts with the public, the social situation in the country, the economic situation, etc.);

3) ensuring the adequacy of the enterprise's marketing policy to the changing needs of customers (changing the range of goods and services produced; knowledge of customer needs; detailed market segmentation, etc.).

In my opinion, the development of a marketing strategy will allow the company to:

Significantly expand the customer base and increase sales;

Increase the competitiveness of products/services;

Establish a regular mechanism for modifying existing and developing new products;

Create a tool for mass customer acquisition;

Develop an effective pricing and product policy;

Create a mechanism for monitoring marketing activities;

Improve the quality of customer service.

The importance of the marketing strategy is due to the fact that marketing provides information, strategic and operational communications of the enterprise with the external environment. As a result, the direct functioning of marketing is closely related to other subsystems of enterprise management. The marketing activity of the enterprise makes it possible to better navigate in a particular market environment.

In our modern world rapidly growing and developing enterprises in various industries. Accordingly, competition is also increasing. In order for the business to “go uphill”, it is necessary to make every effort, develop a specific work plan for the organization to achieve its goals. It is such a detailed plan that it is. Let us consider this term, its tasks and development in more detail.

Essence of marketing strategy

So, the very concept of "marketing strategy" includes the planning and implementation of all kinds of activities of the organization, which are aimed at achieving the goals planned by the company. It should be understood that the marketing strategy is part of the overall strategy of the organization. It addresses precisely those issues that relate to increasing sales and income. This strategy is developed by helping to understand how to properly use the available resources in order to achieve dynamic sales of products for a long period of time.

More about strategic planning for business development:

This concept is the goal of marketing. With regard to its tasks, the following should be included here:

  • comprehensive study of the entire market;
  • objectively assess demand and needs;
  • develop the marketing strategy itself, and then a set of tools aimed at its implementation.

In general, a marketing strategy should answer two specific questions:

  • How will the company remain in the target market, and then take a leading position?
  • How can you profitably increase your organization's market share?

Features of the marketing strategy, its planning

To properly develop a marketing plan, you need to know about the features that are characteristic of a marketing strategy. These include:

  • when planning a marketing strategy, the general directions in which the company must move forward to strengthen and grow the business should be specifically established;
  • choosing operational management decisions, the head of the company, as a rule, uses enough complete information which he needs. Forming a marketing strategy, you will have to do with less voluminous information;
  • when developing a strategy, one must be prepared for the fact that new information can always appear, and the decision made will need to be changed. Changing the originally set goals, their constant adjustment - characteristics strategic planning. That is why it must be cyclical;
  • in this development, it may be difficult to determine the numerical indicators of the benefits of the selected solutions. Here the grading system used may be subject to adjustment. The basis may be the amount of money spent.

Basic Marketing Strategies

In the 80s, a certain professor Porter, who taught at Harvard Business School, divided the marketing strategy into basic options. They began to include:

  • . It is based on cost savings;
  • differentiation strategy;
  • specialization strategy.

Let's dwell on each point in more detail. So, the leadership strategy focuses on production. Here the emphasis is on constant control of costs, labor productivity, investments and low costs (advertising and marketing). New products also need to be carefully crafted.

Differentiation strategy - work on the distinctive properties of the company. The consumer should immediately highlight the products of this company for themselves, as they differ significantly from the products of competitors. This may include appearance goods, packaging, company image, service and so on.

The strategy of specialization implies that the company must improve its activities in a particular segment. That is, one should not strive to cover the entire market. It is much better to be a leader in one segment than to be in the middle positions throughout the market.

Phased development of a marketing strategy

As in the preparation of any plan, the marketing system also consists of several stages, namely:

  • research the market;
  • evaluate his condition;
  • we analyze the activities of competitors, evaluate the company's capabilities;
  • set goals for ourselves;
  • researching consumer needs;
  • analyze the chosen strategy;
  • we give an economic assessment of the marketing strategy;
  • choose control tools.

Details on offensive and defensive strategy:

As an example of a marketing strategy, you can stop your attention on the French company Auchan, which has quickly mastered the already flooded with competitors Russian market. The French company owns hypermarkets all over the world, offering products at lower prices. It has already taken a leading position in Russian cities. It was the right strategy that allowed the company to reach such heights: a thorough analysis of the Russian market, a high level of products, an analysis of experience and continuous training of employees.

Marketing Strategies: Shaping Factors

Marketing strategies in an organization should be formed according to the following important factors:

  • Suppliers play a huge role in a company's operations and productivity. It is important for every enterprise to find a supplier who will offer quality resources at a lower price;
  • At present, it is almost impossible to do without intermediaries anywhere. They, too, need to be chosen wisely and at lower cost;
  • it is important to thoroughly study the entire process of the production activity of the enterprise, the introduction of new technologies is possible;
  • it is necessary to analyze economic and social factors. Companies need to clearly understand what product the consumer needs. You should also study the prices of competitors for the selected segment;
  • the capabilities of the company itself;
  • what ways the organization should move in order to achieve its goals, that is, the components of the main concept of the company.

The success of the company and a long stay in the market are ensured by the right approach to doing business and constant monitoring of the situation in the economic sphere. If management plans and analyzes its actions, then any risks will be identified at an early stage and measures will be taken to minimize them. A marketing strategy is a huge mechanism for such planning, which determines the goal to which you need to go, and how to achieve it.

It is believed that such a tool is needed only by large enterprises. But can a business of medium and small type be successful if the top management does not analyze the pros and cons of its activities, plan further steps according to the financial condition and possible competition? The basics of a marketing strategy should be of interest to any manager or marketer in order to find the perfect path to achieve high results with minimal losses. What is such a strategy, what types of activity planning exist and how to use them - details in the article.

Understanding the essence

Enterprises at any stage of their development use different methods of promoting and fighting competitors. A set of such measures is usually called a corporate strategy. One of its links is a marketing strategy, the specificity of which determines the direction of the organization's actions, taking into account its internal capabilities and the influence of the external environment.

An entrepreneur should always have a picture of the desired result, or rather, the position that the company should take, say, in 3-5 years. To achieve the goal, you need to make a plan and evaluate your capabilities.

You can randomly spend a large amount on a product that only at first glance seems to be in demand among the consumer and cost-effective for the manufacturer. But, having released it in a large volume, the company faces sales difficulties or the buyer does not show due interest, because the niche is already occupied and the consumer has chosen a similar product on favorable terms from competitors. It follows that an entrepreneur should not take hasty steps without prior preparation and careful analysis, which is included in the list of marketing strategy methods.

Instructions for successful development should be prepared, risks taken into account, the right niche chosen, consumer demand, market assortment and the position of competitors in the selected segment analyzed. At manufacturing enterprise of any scale, a preliminary program for reaching a specific level can be drawn up for one year, five years, or a longer period. If the external or internal conditions that are taken as the basis for marketing planning change, it is always possible to adjust the program. Even the most seasoned marketer or manager cannot foresee all the nuances of the economic situation on the market.

Proper management always involves the use of a marketing strategy so that the company does not stray from the right path, does not waste time and money.

Different planning methods

The management strategy in the organization depends on the specifics of the activity, the time of presence in the market and other criteria. There is a certain classification of marketing strategy. Let's look at the main types of large-scale strategies in order to understand in which direction an enterprise can move.

Leader position, power strategy

The essence of planning is to take a leading position among competitors in the sale of goods on the market. The focus is on increasing the pace of production. The company's goal is to produce a large volume of high quality products. The product range is standard, it can be updated, but only slightly. Typically, such a strategy is chosen by large firms that have been on the market for a long time, but want to improve their positions without investing extra effort and money. Careful control of expenses and labor productivity is carried out. The forces of marketers are aimed at increasing the volume of the manufacturer's presence.

This type of planning is also called concentrated growth tactics. The boundaries of presence are expanding due to new territories, modernization of the existing sales line, release of updated goods (improvement of the production recipe without financial losses).

But it is worth considering the fact that even the most sought-after product has stages of popularity and there may come a time when the consumer will look for something new.


This type of strategy involves expanding the specifics of the enterprise, that is, the activity is not concentrated on one product or service, but is focused on offering the consumer an additional assortment. Suppose a farmer initial stage chose the sphere of animal husbandry in a narrow direction - breeding and keeping cows for milk. But there is a desire to cover another segment - breeding of elite breeds for sale to other farmers. Or add cowsheds with places for keeping pigs for meat.

So that the entrepreneur does not find himself in a losing position, you should not focus on only one direction. The economic situation is always unstable, and it is necessary to predict its development.

An example is present in trade (expanding the range of branded goods), in pharmaceuticals (wholesalers open their retail pharmacy chains at more affordable prices for buyers).

But you should not expand the specifics of economic activity too much, you can not get the expected profit if you are torn in different directions.

Specialized, niche promotion tactics

Both in production and in trade or services, there are two directions in reaching the target audience:

  • Mass - designed for the main categories of consumers, which are the majority.
  • Individual - focused on a narrow circle of people, products or services in a single copy or limited edition at a fairly high price.

This type of planning to move the organization towards the goal is quite risky, especially for new business participants.

The strategy is based on the search for promotion options in a specifically selected (special) segment. It can be a niche (unique) product or a product of mass demand, but only one type, for example, branded clothing for children under one year old.

The task of marketers is to plan the work in such a way that the organization takes the lead in the chosen segment even after 10-15 years. Particular attention is paid to potential competitors in order not to give them the opportunity to bypass the company.

Having considered several types of marketing strategies, we can say that this general classification planning to achieve the goal.

Additional Methods

Each type contains narrower elements of promotion in the market:

  1. Commodity. The focus of marketers is the quality of goods, the range of products, the characteristics of raw materials.
  2. Price. A strategy is being developed to hold, lower or increase the price. Results are determined by the presence or absence of competitors. Producers choose consumers from the economy class, middle-income or elite. Discounts, promotions are launched, the design changes, additional services appear (for example, an additional guarantee for household appliances).
  3. Firm. Enterprise promotion strategies that apply only to a specific brand.
  4. . This is a separate strategy, in which the success and recognition of the manufacturer or seller depend on the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. You can spend a lot of money on advertising, but not get the expected profit.

Regardless of what marketing tactics an entrepreneur chooses, it is necessary to understand the steps in the formation of an action plan, which is commonly called the "marketing policy" of the organization.

Formation process

Any strategy takes time and is formed in a certain sequence:

  1. Determination of the company's opportunities for marketing activities. Weaknesses and strengths, the ability to fight competitors, financial opportunities, the pros and cons of previous promotion attempts are studied. These features determine the ways to achieve the goal.
  2. Stage . The choice of a niche in which the entrepreneur can operate without serious risks. We study consumer demand, niche employment, the pros and cons of this particular market direction.
  3. on paper with all the recommendations, actions. Analysis of the financial costs of an advertising campaign, release or development of a new product. This stage can be considered the main and rather laborious.
  4. Final result. After studying the program compiled by marketers, the management apparatus evaluates the marketing strategy and makes a decision: the use of tactics or its further refinement. The functional elements of the marketing strategy are taken as a basis and transferred to special departments for implementation.

A sample marketing strategy can be borrowed from successful competitors if there is no time or money to develop your own plan. The development of different levels of business requires different approaches.

Some organizations go with the flow and don't get hung up on developing a strategy. External economic factors, consumer demand, the financial position of the company create special conditions for the development or modernization of activities.

Sometimes the criteria for choosing a business area are reduced to the fact that the demand for a particular product or service, for example car tires or hairdressing services, there is always. Why not take up the implementation of this project, rather than spend time describing methods for achieving results. Of course, this is not the right approach, but it is the case in small businesses.

Regardless of what type of activity is chosen and what is its volume in the general economic market, it should be understood that a marketing strategy is a whole system of interrelated activities aimed at creating comfortable working conditions. But it cannot be overestimated either, a strategy is just a plan of possible actions that is offered to the management apparatus as a choice of further actions.

Summing up

Trade, construction, medical services, finance, other forms economic activity they cannot stand still if they want to be successful and attract their target audience. This requires serious work and the formation of your marketing strategy, which must be adjusted to the conditions of reality.

Planning allows you to assess your capabilities, predict or prevent the risk of being left out of the selected segment. Leaders of large companies spend heavily on marketers to keep up-to-date information and dynamics of the enterprise. The types of tactics described in the article are just a general idea of ​​​​how you can achieve your goal. Each strategy is worth studying in detail in order to find effective methods for your promotion.

Most enterprises, in order to achieve colossal heights in development, necessarily create strategies. No well-known company could exist in the modern expanses of the market if it did not adhere to them.

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is one of the elements of business plans. It is aimed at developing, manufacturing and bringing to consumers goods and various services that will meet their needs.

Also, a marketing strategy can be described as a large-scale plan to achieve the main goals of the company. Its development is based on the study of the target market sector, the creation of a marketing mix. Be sure to determine the time frame of the main events and resolve financial issues. It is considered the foundation of any advertising strategy. Not a single marketing company bypasses the study of the situation that is developing on the market.

The primary task of marketing is to develop and implement a marketing strategy by any means. The main strategies are as follows:

  • Attracting buyers.
  • Product promotion plan.

Without these two main components, marketing will not exist.

Also, marketing strategy is characterized as a complex of various principles. Thanks to them, the company forms marketing goals and is able to organize their implementation in the market.

Any marketing strategy must accurately delineate the sections of the market where the company will focus its efforts. They will differ in preference and profitability. For each of the segments, you need to develop your own marketing strategy. This takes into account the following: goods, prices, promotion of goods, as well as sales. The marketing strategy of any company is always enshrined in an individually drawn up document "Marketing Policy".

Types and analysis

The work of any company is based on certain principles. An analysis of the marketing strategy is required. Its main tasks are:

  • To study effective demand for goods, be sure to pay attention to sales markets.
  • It also substantiates the plan for the manufacture and sale of goods of the appropriate volume and assortment.
  • To analyze the factors that form the elasticity of demand for goods, the degree of risk of not being in demand for products is also assessed.
  • Assess the ability of a product to compete with other products and find reserves to increase competitiveness.
  • Develop a plan, tactics, methods and means that generate demand and stimulate the sale of goods.
  • Assess the sustainability and efficiency of production and sale of goods.

For a company to reach the heights, it must not only develop its own, but also carefully study the best trending marketing strategy. Example: Schulco, Coca-Cola, etc.

To create an effective strategy, you must first study its types. So, the following classification is common:

  • The strategy of conquering a part of the market or expanding this share to optimal performance. It involves access to the necessary data, indicators of the norm and the mass of profit. At the same time, it becomes much easier to achieve greater profitability and production efficiency. The conquest of the selected segment is carried out due to the appearance and introduction of a new product to the market.
  • Innovation strategy. It implies the production of goods that have no analogues.
  • Strategy of innovative imitation. It is based on the combination of all the novelties of competitors.
  • Product differentiation strategy. Based on the improvement and change of familiar products.
  • Cost reduction strategy.
  • Waiting strategy.
  • Consumer individualization strategy. The most common at the moment among manufacturers of equipment that has a production purpose.
  • Diversification strategy.
  • Internationalization strategy.
  • Cooperation strategy. It is based on the beneficial cooperation of a certain number of enterprises.

How are marketing strategies developed? Researching

The development of a marketing strategy takes place in several stages:

- First- market research. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the market, the share of the enterprise in this segment. You also need to assess the volume and trends of the market. It is imperative to conduct an initial assessment of the competitive level.

At this stage, the external macroeconomic environment is necessarily analyzed. The following is being studied:

  1. macroeconomic factors.
  2. political factors.
  3. technological factors.
  4. social factors.
  5. international factors.

- Second phase- assessment of the current state of the company. It includes mandatory analysis:

  1. Economic indicators.
  2. Production capacity.
  3. Marketing.
  4. Portfolios.
  5. SWOT analysis.

Another important point is forecasting.

- Third stage- competitors are analyzed, the ability of the enterprise to surpass them is assessed. This stage includes the main steps:

  1. Finding competitors.
  2. Calculation of the strategy of opponents.
  3. Definition of their main goals.
  4. Establishing strong and weaknesses.
  5. The choice of a competitor that you will attack or ignore.
  6. Assessment of possible reactions.

-Fourth stage- setting the goals of the marketing strategy. First of all, it is necessary to assess the current problems, the need for their solution is determined, and the tasks put forward are considered in more detail. Only then arrange the goals in the order of the hierarchy.

- Fifth stage– dividing the market into segments and choosing the right ones. In addition, consumers and their needs are studied in detail. The methods and period for entering segments are also set.

- Sixth stage- positioning is being developed. Experts give recommendations on the management and movement of communications in marketing.

- seventh stage- an economic evaluation of the strategy is carried out, and control tools are also analyzed.

Any plan and development must be based on real facts, for this it is necessary to organize marketing research that will tell you exactly what to focus on. These studies need to be done regularly as the market changes and so do consumer preferences.

The purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base, with the help of which management decisions are then made. But to study individual components, individual schemes are created. The marketing strategy also depends on the components of marketing. Example: study of products, prices. The following is a general outline. It has been developed and successfully applied by many companies. Currently, it is also very often used in practice.

Marketing research is carried out in several stages:

  1. The problems and goals of research are determined.
  2. A plan is being developed.
  3. Implemented.
  4. The obtained results are processed and brought to the authorities.

Proposal of professionals

Marketing services are provided by specialists in this field. This is an activity that is associated with the study of the state of the market and the situation on it, trends for various kinds of changes are also determined, which allows the manager to properly build his business. There may also be other reasons for studying the market. Marketing services include research, without which the entrepreneur will not be able to start his production and start manufacturing a new product.

From any economic plan, you can learn about the options for developing a company in a market environment, as well as practical and theoretical aspects firm's activities. Marketing is the science of setting goals and objectives, their solution and achievement, options for overcoming the problems of the organization in all categories of products and market areas for a certain period of time.

Marketing strategy is necessary for the enterprise to achieve the maximum correspondence between the market situation and its resources for conducting successful production and financial activities. What features of marketing strategies should be considered and what should you pay attention to when choosing the right one?

What is the essence of marketing strategy

Marketing strategy- an integral part of the organizational strategy. In a specific market environment in a specific situation, establishing the right marketing strategy allows the company to develop more efficiently. The formation of a marketing strategy involves the existence of an executive plan that helps the organization plan its activities taking into account its policies.

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There is such a thing as marketing planning. This is an element of the company's marketing work, allowing you to constantly learn about its needs. Business strategy in marketing makes it possible to provide certain groups of consumers with relevant products. The main objective of the marketing strategy is to establish existing and potential markets for the product.

When planning a marketing strategy in a market environment in most economically successful countries, one should not forget that there are often difficulties with the sale of products. In an environment where there is fierce competition in the market, many enterprises prefer to produce and sell a new product, since, in their opinion, this is the most reliable way don't give up positions.

Practically in all production areas(this is especially true for organizations in the engineering industry) there have been major changes. If they have not yet been, they will soon come. Companies are beginning to use new technologies, which contributes to the development of the service industry, design and research work is carried out, equipment is leased, licenses are sold, consultations are held, etc.

Strategy and tactics marketing of successful enterprises in the market environment is the desire for first positions and bypassing competitors who have reached high performance indicators at the moment, and strengthening their positions in the future.

So, you have decided on the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy for a certain period of time. Further, the formation of a marketing strategy should be carried out taking into account several points. This is the amount of marketing costs, the order of their distribution to target markets, a set of ideas for implementing the strategy.

Change of marketing strategy enterprises is justified in a number of situations, namely:

  • for several years, the company's marketing strategy did not give good results in selling products and generating income;
  • organizations competing with your company have changed their strategy;
  • there was a transformation of other external conditions affecting the existence and operation of the enterprise;
  • there is a chance to implement new reforms that can bring profit and increase the benefits for your organization;
  • consumer preferences have changed or are likely to change in the future;
  • the goals and objectives outlined by the current marketing strategy have been successfully achieved and solved.

The company's marketing strategy can be adjusted due to the fact that the market began to focus on other indicators, fundamentally new products began to appear and modern methods of bypassing competitors were used. Companies often use different types marketing strategy at the same time.

Goals of the company's marketing strategy

  1. Market targets (or external program targets):
  • the organization's market share;
  • number of clients;
  • level of sales (taking into account natural and value terms).
  1. Production targets (internal program targets) are a continuation of the market ones. They reflect everything that is needed for the enterprise to achieve market goals (organizational resources are not taken into account here). We are talking about ensuring certain production volumes (production volume = sales volume - existing stocks + planned stocks), creating a workshop, introducing new production technologies, etc.
  2. Organizational goals are the structure of the enterprise, employees, management. As part of organizational goals, a company may plan to hire four specialists in a particular industry, increase staff salaries to match the wages of the firm currently in the lead, introduce a project management system, and so on.
  3. financial goals. It talks about all the goals in terms of value, namely:
  • the amount of costs;
  • net and gross profit;
  • net sales;
  • return on sales, etc.

Article on the topic from the electronic journal

Main types of marketing strategies

Marketing strategies can be classified according to different criteria. Most often, the main marketing strategies are divided into categories such as:

  • integrated growth. Companies want to expand the structure and use "vertical development", that is, the release of new products or services. When implementing the marketing strategy of integrated growth, firms begin to control the branches, suppliers, dealers of the enterprise, and try to influence the end consumer.
  • concentrated growth. Within the framework of this strategy, the sales market for products may change or the product itself may be modernized. As a rule, the main objectives of such strategies are the fight against competing enterprises and the desire to occupy an expanded market share (“horizontal development”), find markets for existing products, and improve their quality.
  • diversified growth. This strategy is chosen if the company currently does not have the opportunity to develop in a market environment with a specific type of product. The firm can make every effort to produce new products with the resources it already has. However, this product may have slight differences from the old one or be completely new.
  • Reduction. This type of marketing strategy has the main goal - to increase the efficiency of the company after a long period of its development. Here you can think about the reorganization of the company (for example, by reducing any departments), as well as its liquidation (as an option - gradually reduce activity to zero and at the same time get the maximum income).

When determining a marketing strategy, a company can focus on the entire market environment or certain segments of it. It is possible to implement three main strategic directions, namely:

  • Strategies for undifferentiated (mass) marketing. The strategy focuses on the entire market environment without differentiation in consumer demand. Due to the fact that production costs are reduced, products receive serious competitive advantages.
  • Differentiated Marketing Strategies. Enterprises try to cover as many market segments as possible by producing products specially designed for this purpose (high quality, attractive design, etc.).
  • Concentrated Marketing Strategies. The company focuses entirely on one market segment. As a result, products are intended for a specific category of consumers. The bet is made on the originality of a product of a certain type. Concentrated Marketing Strategy - perfect option for companies with limited resources.

Marketing strategies can also be product, price, advertising and branded. In this case, they are classified according to the marketing tools that the company mainly uses.

Examples of applying new marketing strategies

Strategy #1. positional defense.

For defense purposes, reliable defensive fortresses are always established on their territory. But do not forget that any static defense without moving forward is a sure way to defeat. The marketing strategy of companies that are now purely defensive is shortsighted. Even if we are talking about companies such as Coca-Cola, Bayer or Aspirin, it is worth noting that the income from their work is not guaranteed. The world famous Coca-Cola company produces goods in huge quantities. In the production of soft drinks, its share in the world is very high - almost 50%. However, even Coca-Cola is now buying fruit drinks firms, expanding its product range and developing new types of production. If a company has already been attacked, it shouldn't go to great lengths just to build fortifications around existing goods.

Strategy #2. Flank protection.

Market leaders need a specific marketing strategy. Its goal is to create a "border service" and concentrate "combat-ready units" on the most vulnerable borders. The areas of these borders are special, as they can be used to move to the counterattack and transfer the hostilities to the territory of the enemy. Flanking defense can be called even more effective and justified, provided that all operations are worked out in detail and implemented in stages. Ford and General Motors lacked proper training, and this was their main mistake. When Japanese and European manufacturers began to attack the market, they were not taken seriously. As for the creation of Pinto and Vega, it was more of a formality. It cannot be said that the quality of small displacement cars from US manufacturers was high. But at the same time, their prices were set at the level of foreign companies producing cars. As a result, part of the American market was temporarily captured by Japanese manufacturers, where compact vehicles were offered to the consumer.

Strategy number 3. Preemptive defensive actions.

If a passive position is not for you, then you can always disarm a competitor with a preemptive strike. Those who like this marketing strategy believe that taking vitamins for prevention is much more effective than serious treatment and fighting the disease. Companies can organize proactive protection in several ways. For example, to conduct "combat intelligence" in the entire market: affect one competitor, attack another and threaten a third, which will disrupt their activities. The next step is to attack on all fronts, as Seiko did with 2,300 watches to distributors around the world, or Texas Instruments with price attacks. At the end of successful campaigns, achievements should be consolidated. One of the objectives of this marketing strategy is to maintain high level competitiveness.

Strategy number 4. Mobile protection.

Mobile defense is not limited solely to protecting the borders of its territory. The purpose of implementing this marketing strategy is to influence new areas of the territory and create a base for attack. The boundaries of the company in the implementation of this type of marketing strategy are expanding not only due to the standard distribution of goods, but also the expansion and change of the market. This contributes to increased strategic depth, and the organization steadfastly endures the blows coming in its direction. Diversifying the market without breaking into unrelated industries is one way to create strategic defensive depth. This is an effective marketing strategy. Example: American tobacco companies Philip Morris and Reynolds faced smoking restrictions. However, the firms did not even attempt a defense, but began buying up beer, soft drink, and frozen food businesses.

Strategy number 5. Forced reduction.

Often, large companies realize that with the resources they currently have, the integrity of their territories cannot be effectively protected. Meanwhile, the opponent is advancing not on one, but on several fronts. In such cases, the best option would be a planned reduction (strategic withdrawal). To take such a measure does not mean to completely leave the business industry. Organizations should simply stop sending forces to those territories, the protection of which is a meaningless exercise, and concentrate on areas that can bring more profit, start looking for even more promising areas. The strategic downsizing is aimed at achieving the goal of the marketing strategy and consolidating competitive industries. Recently, this method has been used by General Electric, Heinz, Del Monte, General Mills. Note that all these firms are leaders in their industry. Organizations aspiring to leadership positions usually use offensive strategies.

Strategy number 6. Stepping into the position of a market leader.

The strategy is associated with certain risks, but if the company manages to implement it, it will be the most effective method of dealing with the enemy. True, there is one condition - the company must give everything one hundred percent. If a company wants to take a leadership position in its field, it should do research on consumer needs, collect information on the level of customer satisfaction. The objects for attack can be large market segments where the leading company has not yet mastered, or those where consumers are not satisfied with the quality of products and services. Here we can recall the Miller company, which once released Lite beer, a beer with a low calorie content, which later found many fans.

Strategy number 7. Frontal offensive.

A frontal attack is a kind of concentrated blow delivered by the main forces to the strongest positions of a competitor. The one who has more resources and a stronger spirit wins the fight. A frontal offensive involves an attack on advertising, products, and the pricing policy of a competing firm. Of course, those who have more human resources are more likely to win the fight. However, this statement can be corrected if the competitor's fire density is higher, and the positions on the battlefield are more convenient.

According to military theory, a frontal offensive for a company will be successful if it has firepower and manpower, which is three times greater than that of an opponent. If things are different, it is better not to resort to a frontal attack, since the firm will inevitably fail. Such a marketing strategy will not be implemented. Example: A Brazilian razor blade company tried to oust Gillette from its leadership position. At the same time, the company did not create a better blade, did not set a favorable price for the product, did not conduct a large-scale advertising campaign, and did not attract distributors with discounts for bulk purchases. The organization simply wanted to be an industry leader without offering any innovation. Of course she failed.

Strategy number 8. Trying to surround.

The encirclement of the opponent involves an offensive in a number of directions - from the front line, from the flank and rear territories. That is, the firm that has opted for this marketing strategy should provide the buyer with the same as the competitor, but in a slightly larger amount or best quality so that the client cannot refuse. Surrounding the enemy is justified only if there is significant volume and if the company is confident that a surprise attack will unsettle the opponent.

Japanese watchmaker Seiko has been a resounding success. Watches of this company are presented today in all major markets. The product range includes 2.3 thousand models. For example, an American consumer can opt for any watch model out of 400. According to the vice president of the company, Seiko creates products taking into account all fashion trends, thinking over every detail, realizing all the wishes of the buyer and remembering the factors that motivate the client.

Strategy number 9. bypass maneuver.

Companies choosing this marketing strategy plan to target more accessible markets as it helps expand their base. Among the main tasks of the bypass strategy are the diversification of the enterprise's production, its markets, and the introduction of new technologies. By implementing such a strategy, companies do not copy the products of competitors and do not plan to attack rivals at the front, directing financial resources for this. All this in this case is unjustified. If a firm is striving for leadership in an industry, it should Scientific research, develop new technologies, use attacks, as a result of which it would be possible to territorially transfer the front line to areas where the enterprise has a number of undeniable advantages.

Strategy number 10. Guerrilla war.

If the firm prefers this strategy of marketing activity, then it begins to attack in the areas occupied by the rival, while using small forces. The implementation of this marketing strategy involves an attack that demoralizes a competitor from pre-prepared bases. At the same time, the organization uses all methods and types of weapons suitable for war: selective price reduction, intensive blitz campaigns to promote goods and legal actions (as an exception). What guerrilla warfare is the best option for enterprises with limited resources, it is an erroneous opinion. Waging war is associated with serious investments. At the same time, the conduct of any guerrilla battle is, as a rule, preparation for war. As for the most effective method response to an attacking opponent is the use of a swift counterattack.

Expert opinion

We have chosen a strategy aimed at increasing the impact on the consumer

Vladimir Trifonov,

CEO CJSC "Office-SPb", St. Petersburg

At our enterprise, the marketing department forms prices, develops partnership policies and implements them, controls sales, provides technical support for websites, develops an assortment and prints product catalogs. If we talk about the development of marketing, here we want, first of all, to increase the impact on the end consumer with whom our trading partners interact.

No matter what happens, sales growth will average 30-40%, even if we do not run expensive advertising campaigns. We plan to increase the number of branches of our organization in the country, thereby expanding our activities. Due to this, over the next 2-3 years, our profit will increase.

The main stages of developing a marketing strategy

Stage 1. Market Environment Research:

  • defining the boundaries of the market;
  • establishing the company's market share;
  • assessment of market capacity;
  • identification of market development trends;
  • conducting an initial assessment of the level of competition in the market environment.

Analyzing the external macroeconomic environment, companies study the following factors:

  1. macroeconomic nature. Since the goals of the enterprise depend on the state of the economy, regular diagnostics and assessment of a number of economic factors are required: the international balance of payments, inflation rates, the distribution of incomes of the country's population, the level of employment, changes in the demographic situation. All of these parameters taken separately can provide the organization with new opportunities for development or threaten its activities.
  2. political nature. Since business is actively involved in politics, it can be concluded that public policy is important for any enterprise. The state regularly controls the regulatory documentation of the authorities of the Russian subjects, local authorities and the federal government.
  3. Technological character. Analysis of the technological environment can take into account changes in manufacturing technologies, the use of new IT solutions in the design and provision of goods, as well as advances in the development of communications.
  4. Social behavior. Here we are talking about changing expectations, mores and attitudes in society.
  5. International character. If the company operates in the international market, it is necessary to regularly monitor and evaluate changes in it.

Stage 2. Assessment of the current state of the market environment includes:

  • Analysis of economic indicators, including the size and structure of the company's costs, financial results, investment resources.
  • Study of production capacities: technological limitations, opportunities, production potential.
  • Conducting an audit marketing system(here they determine the effectiveness of marketing expenses, systems for collecting and using marketing data, as well as the limitations that a marketing budget has, communications).
  • Performing portfolio analysis for strategic business units and product lines (ABC analysis, establishing stages of the life cycle of goods, using matrix methods of portfolio analysis: BCG matrix, MCC matrix (MCC), GE / McKinsey matrix, etc.).
  • SWOT analysis.
  • Development of a forecast (determining the prospects for the development of the organization, taking into account current realities).

Stage 3. Analysis of competing enterprises and assessment of the competitiveness of the company involves:

  • Identification of competitors.
  • Determining their strategies.
  • Setting goals in work, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of competing companies.
  • The choice of competitors that you will attack; identification of those organizations with which it is better not to fight; assessment of the spectrum of possible reactions from competing enterprises.

Stage 4. Determining the purpose of the marketing strategy:

  • Evaluation of goals (determining the need to solve problems).
  • Setting goals (identifying tasks that can be solved).
  • Establishing a hierarchy of goals.

Stage 5. Market segmentation and selection of target segments (consumer analysis):

  • Market segmentation is the allocation of competitive target market segments.
  • Choice of method and time of reaching target segments.

Stage 6. Development of positioning, recommendations for managing and moving marketing communications.

Stage 7. Preliminary economic evaluation of the marketing strategy and control tools:

  • Analysis and forecasting of resource intensity and quality of future products.
  • Forecasting the level of sales and the cost of future and existing goods.
  • Forecasting the level of competitiveness of future and existing products.
  • Definition of intermediate stages of control and benchmarks.
  • Profit and revenue forecast.

All this represents the main stages of a marketing strategy.

Expert opinion

Why is it important to research the market when developing a marketing strategy

Alexey Markov,

Head of Marketing Department, AquaDrive, Moscow

Our company always controls the situation on the market. This is necessary so that the correct measures can be taken as soon as possible in the event of unforeseen circumstances from the outside. We regularly research and analyze:

  • enterprises competing with us: their product, prices, promotions, advertising campaigns and, of course, the participants of the competitor organization;
  • the purchasing environment and the level of existing demand, needs, attitudes and positions;
  • the effect of advertising.

Such monitoring allows our company to understand the reputation of the products we produce, how the client evaluates it, how they respond to it, to get an objective idea of ​​our strengths and weaknesses through the opinion of the consumer. We know all the forecasts in the market environment, as well as the pros and cons of firms competing with us, and we understand how effective this or that media is.

Expert opinion

SWOT analysis - a formal technique for developing a marketing strategy

Mikhail Kapatsinsky,

General Director of M-City Information and Postal Service LLC, Moscow

To begin with, a marketing audit is required with a description of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. For example, an advantage is an established team that has its own goals and objectives, a disadvantage is gaps in communication. Next, a study of the market environment is carried out and an assessment of opportunities (for example, market growth) and threats (often the state interferes with the activities of firms) that can come from outside. The third stage is entering information into a table with subsequent analysis. Given the threats and opportunities, weaknesses and strengths, companies develop hypothetical options for applying the advantages of the enterprise and minimizing its weaknesses.

It is likely that your organization's marketer is well versed in the SWOT analysis methodology. All you have to do is give him the task of preparing the document.

External threats and internal features should be compared, and then decide on the strategy that the firm will choose. When the enterprise gives an answer to the question “What are we doing?”, It will be necessary to find answers to the following questions: “Where are we going?”, “Which route should I take to get to the desired point?”.

How is the company's marketing strategy implemented?

The marketing strategy allows the shareholders to finally decide what services to provide and how to produce this or that product. Co-owners soberly assess the prospects and possible income from their activities, taking into account reliable information about the market, sales volumes of goods and the target audience.

Marketing strategy planning is the direct responsibility of the leading managers of the enterprise. It is the marketing strategy that is the determining link in establishing the direction of the company. Thanks to it, it is much easier to control the effectiveness of the work of marketers, as well as to organize the workflows of other structural departments of the company. The well-coordinated work of the team and the joint execution of instructions allows the business to flourish and expand, satisfy the needs of the target audience and increase income.

It is on the basis of the marketing strategy that the heads of departments of enterprises organize the activities of their subordinates. Departments whose main focus is customer acquisition and external contacts should be aware of all the basics of a marketing strategy to maintain the company's image during negotiations with partners and customers when advertising products.

If you have an annual plan, don't wait until the deadline is up - check the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and your activities constantly. But if it is necessary or possible to increase the intensity of work or improve product quality, it is recommended to make adjustments to the marketing strategy taking into account new working conditions. The marketing department organizes advertising and promotional events, the main task of which is to activate the turnover. Managers should explore all the possibilities of introducing new products into the market environment and at the same time carry out operations aimed at stimulating and increasing the level of sales.

If there are any difficulties with the turnover of sales, and they cannot be equal to the planned indicators, the company collectively decides to take one or more steps to stabilize the situation and minimize losses.

Anti-crisis measures are measures such as:

  • decrease in production volumes;
  • increased frequency of advertising campaigns and actions to promote services and products;
  • checking in the sales department to make sure that there are enough people working there who are effectively fulfilling their duties; making adjustments to the activities of the sales department, if necessary;
  • revision of the value of the goods. Often this is necessary to activate sales;
  • improving the vocational training of specialists working in the sales department;
  • the introduction of bonus payments or allowances for wages in order to encourage staff to work more actively.

If the level of demand is greater than the quantity of production, it is justified to take measures such as:

  • increase in production volumes, introduction of additional shifts, attraction of more specialists to work (staff expansion);
  • reduction in advertising costs;
  • increase in the price barrier to implementation.

The marketing strategy has a basis, which is the principle of increasing labor activity and initiative on the part of the company's specialists, which contributes to enhancing the efficiency of collective activities and the effectiveness of work, as well as the implementation of the tasks set.

Evaluation and analysis of marketing strategy

Companies should determine how justified the choice of marketing strategy. This makes it possible to evaluate the correctness of the chosen concept and to control the achievement of the set goals. Here it is worth analyzing such components of the marketing strategy as:

  1. Sale of goods. The company evaluates the sales markets, the popularity of products among consumers, the possibility of increasing the market space, determines new points where you can start selling the product, and also looks at how accessible the product is to the buyer. In addition, the company analyzes the factors affecting the activity of the sale of goods. It is always interesting to determine the popularity of a certain product.
  2. Sales in relation to the volume of the order. This allows you to understand how you need to perform simultaneous implementation to get the best market effect. You should also determine the amount of the minimum order for the release of goods.
  3. Sales to clients. Enterprises analyze the target audience and identify groups of buyers whose needs should be taken into account in the first place.
  4. Sales Volume Factors/Market Share. Thanks to the analysis, the company learns about the relationship between the distribution of market segments and the volume of products sold, which allows it to concentrate on the types of products that are most important for the company.
  5. Costs and profits. The organization conducts an itemized analysis of indicators, which allows it to understand how to reduce costs for items with the highest cost indicator. From the income item, you can find out which goods are the most consumed.

Thanks to a marketing audit, it is possible to assess how the results of strategic marketing differ from those planned. In case of significant differences in the marketing strategy, adjustments should be made or a choice should be made on a different option. With successful design, the enterprise will certainly achieve its goals and become a leader in the market environment.

  1. It is necessary to strive not for superiority, but to work on uniqueness. Companies often make the big mistake of copying their competitors. Don't try to be number one in your industry. Become an indispensable company for your audience.
  2. The main thing is to invest correctly, that is, to get the maximum return. Think about business development later, after achieving the initial goal mentioned above.
  3. It is impossible to become number one for all consumers without exception. We need to set the limits of the company's capabilities. You should also consider what the enterprise will not do to meet the needs of a client who is not very interested in cooperation.
  4. The company must successfully work at each stage of the sale of goods or services. In other words, focusing solely on the product itself, ignoring the level of service or delivery, is not worth it. This is where the marketing strategy is properly implemented. Example: Zara has been successful at all stages of its marketing strategy and has been able to achieve audience recognition.
  5. Stability is one of the main qualities that a strategy should have. When choosing a marketing strategy, the company should not have any hesitation and questions about how to get high income and please customers in the shortest possible time. The marketing strategy of the enterprise should be long-term. It is quite possible that you will have to take a forced step - to lose a certain part of the consumer audience in favor of competitors and a share of income, providing your company with a stable profit.

Typical mistakes in developing an organization's marketing strategy

Mistake 1. Too strong a passion for the ideas of one of the leading enterprises.

Many firms are targeting larger and larger companies, perceiving this as a kind of game. Their management makes an order for the creation of similar advertising plots, holding similar promotions, and even adjusts the characteristics of the product to the parameters of the products of the leading organization. But such copying (often up to the elements of the corporate logo) does not play into the hands of the enterprise. A business cannot exist because of another. You don't have to rely on someone. Product parameters need to be adjusted to your own client audience, products should be developed taking into account the suggestions and wishes of consumers.

Error 2. Lack of contact information.

Statistics show that 60% of websites on home web pages American companies operating in the small and medium segment, there are no company phone numbers. But is it worth creating a website or other informational material if it does not allow the client, whether potential or permanent, to contact the organization and ask her a question of interest? If your audience cannot dial your phone number in no time, send a letter to any of the representatives, consider that you have wasted money and effort. Feedback is a prerequisite for the operation of any company. In addition, you must be prepared to answer all questions and deal with all requests.

Mistake 3. Passion for super strategies.

Small businesses should work on the principle: "the simpler the better." This is the perfect fit for them. The most outstanding achievements are always based on the simplest concepts. All the consumer wants to know is that the company's product is the best, to get information about where it can be purchased, and how it is superior to similar products of competitors. Various super strategies and complex concepts cause the buyer only irritation. In addition, their implementation takes a lot of effort, time and money.

Mistake 4. Failure to learn from the past.

If the head of the company is professional and competent, then he pays increased attention to the analysis of the results of his work, spending time and money. When a new marketing strategy is implemented, management analyzes its results, highlighting the pros and cons. All this information is required in the future, when experience allows the company to decide on the most appropriate marketing solutions.

Mistake 5. Lack of development.

A company that stands still is unlikely to succeed. To this day, there are organizations that can only pay for goods or services, for example, in cash. There are also companies that believe that their presence in the Internet space is not necessary at all. And here we are not even talking about large-scale Internet campaigns or promotion in social media: many companies still do not have simple electronic business cards. If a leader is not able to adapt to the realities of the 21st century and keep up with the times, his clients experience certain difficulties, which, of course, adversely affects the business. Compared to more savvy competitors, the company appears in an unfavorable light for itself.

Mistake 6. Refusal to conduct traditional marketing.

At the same time, it is not necessary to be limited only to the Internet space. Despite the fact that traditional marketing is somewhat old-fashioned, the effectiveness of this type of marketing strategy has stood the test of time. From billboards, radio ads, media, brochures and brochures, your consumer can learn something important - what you want to convey to him as accurately as possible.

Mistake 7. Lack of attention to appearance.

It is important that the business project is well visualized. The frequency of status updates on the company's page on the social network and the number of publications in the media over the past few weeks do not matter if the visual image of the project is not perfect. An organization should pay due attention to external parameters, as well as to internal ones. This applies to the design of shop windows, signboards, the facade of the building, the uniforms of workers. Everything must be perfect and thought out to the smallest detail.

Mistake 8. Excessive imposition of their services.

Many companies that have managed to acquire some kind of customer base begin to over-impose their services on it. Firms constantly send out messages, call, remind about minor events of the organization, which is very annoying for consumers. Remember that timely and reasonable communication with a regular or potential buyer increases his loyalty to you. Sending any reminder that does not affect the real interests of consumers, the company risks losing a certain percentage of customers.

Mistake 9. Ignoring competing organizations.

Of course, first of all, the company should be focused on its own activities. But at the same time, it is impossible to lose sight of what competing firms are doing. Today, anyone who has a smartphone can compare prices, read real reviews and choose what is more profitable. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor the activities of competitors that are closer to the organization, at least from a territorial point of view.

Error 10. Unaccounted consumer opinion.

No marketing strategy will help if customers are dissatisfied with the quality of goods or services provided by the company. The formation of a marketing strategy should be carried out taking into account the negative and positive experiences of consumers.

Information about experts

Vladimir Trifonov, General Director of CJSC "Office-SPb", St. Petersburg. CJSC "Office-SPb" specializes in the wholesale of office supplies, comprehensive services for companies professionally engaged in the supply of enterprises and organizations. The head office is in St. Petersburg (since 1993), branches are in Moscow (since 2001), Yekaterinburg (since 2005) and Samara (since 2006).

Alexey Markov, Head of Marketing Department, AquaDrive, Moscow. The AquaDrive organization specializes in the wholesale of boats, accessories for them, outboard motors, oils and lubricants.

Mikhail Kapatsinsky, General Director of M-City Information and Postal Service LLC, Moscow. M-City Information and Postal Service is a large direct marketing agency in Russia. Information and mail service "M-City" today is a holding with a developed infrastructure, an active participant in the direct marketing market in Russia. IPS "M-City" is a member of the Russian Association of Direct Marketing (RADM) and the National Association of Distance Selling (NADT).