Hyacinth - home care. Planting hyacinths at room conditions and caring for them White hyacinth how to care for at home

  • 17.06.2019

The main thing is to create favorable conditions for this.

Consider what you need to know in order for a hyacinth in a pot to bloom, and what kind of care at home this will require.

flower description

Hyacinth belongs to the asparagus family. It is a pointed tube, from which a dense green inflorescence appears. The leaves gradually open, and the inflorescence is gaining color.

The peduncle can grow up to 30 cm, while it is densely studded with small flowers that are collected in a brush. On average, up to 30 flowers open on one stem, which emit a strong aroma.

Did you know? Latin plant name- Hyacinthus. The name comes from the name of the hero of Greek mythology- a beautiful young man named Hyakinthos, with whom the sun god Apollo was in love. One day, during training in discus throwing, the jealous god of the West Wind Zephyr, who was also in love with Hiakintos, mortally wounded the young man. On the site of the spilled blood of Hyakinthos, a charming flower grew, which Apollo named in honor of his deceased loved one.

The color of the hyacinth may vary. Today, varieties with simple and sufficient large flowers, besides, there are terry and even colorful flowers. After flowering ends, all ground leaves die off. A new peduncle will grow from a young bud that appears on an old bulb.

Hyacinths are flowers, planting and caring for which do not require special knowledge and skills, but at home, any little things are important.

Growing conditions

A flowering plant should be fed twice a month with formulations to stimulate flowering.

Care after flowering

Many who have become the owner of such a flower are interested in what to do with a hyacinth in a pot after flowering. To save his life, cut flower stalks and stop fertilizing. During this time, the mother bulb is restored and the daughter bulbs are formed.

Important! Hyacinths can be grown in vases filled with water. The ideal container is one that resembles an hourglass. Rainwater is poured into the lower part until narrowing, and the bulb is placed on top so that it barely touches the water.

After the entire aerial part is completely dry, the hyacinth is taken out of the ground, cleaned of leaves and dried for 3 days. At the end of this time, the children are separated and the old bulb is planted on garden plot, and small onions in new pots.

Breeding rules

Hyacinth reproduces by bulbs that grow from the mother. In a year, up to 4 children are formed from one, it is still possible to artificially increase their number. To do this, use the cutting and incision of the bottom.

Growing it on a windowsill. Only caring for hyacinth at home should be as close as possible to garden ones. Then he will delight you with his unusually beautiful, bright and fragrant flowers.

The main types of hyacinths

All species of this plant are very similar in appearance, differ only in the color and shape of the flowers, the size of the inflorescences, the height of the peduncle. According to the timing of flowering, hyacinths are divided into early, middle and late varieties. The difference in the beginning of flowering varies from 10 to 15 days.

Previously, the genus of hyacinths consisted of 30 plant species. After the reorganization of botanical classifications, only three main species remained in it:

  • Oriental. It is the most common type with a very pleasant smell. It is from him that everything is created. decorative varieties hyacinths. Rarely located on a thin peduncle, flowers have pink, blue and yellowish-white hues.
  • Hyacinth Litvinova. A plant 25 cm high with strongly cut pale blue flowers, with wide bluish spreading leaves and protruding stamens.
  • Hyacinth transcaspian. It has fleshy hollow leaves of the same length, one or two stems of 20 cm, light blue flowers.

Eastern hyacinth has several varieties that differ in color:

  • Whites: Edelweiss, Carnegie, L'Innosance
  • Reds: Generale Pelissier, La Victoire, Jan Bos
  • Blue: Delft Blue, King of the Blues, Maria
  • Pink: Pink Perple, Anna Marie, Lady Derby, Fondant

Hyacinth flowers - planting and care

It cannot be said that growing hyacinths in the open field is significantly different from caring for them at home. But each option has its own secrets and subtleties. In order to achieve flowering of a plant at a time when this a priori should not be, it is necessary to understand the nature of this flower and the process of forcing. Forcing is a set of measures taken to accelerate the growth of a plant. By applying this process, it is possible to achieve flowering of hyacinths for a specific holiday or date.

This flower is propagated by bulbs. A healthy bulb should be dense, its diameter should be 5 cm, and its weight should be at least 80 grams.

Basic rules for the forcing process

  • Drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot with the first layer, then the earth is filled up.
  • The bulbs are planted in pots with soil in such a way that they rise 2-3 cm above top layer earth.
  • Bulbs should not come into contact with the walls of the pot.
  • The distance between the bulbs should be at least three centimeters.
  • So that the plants do not rot during forcing, the earth, watered with a small amount of water, is covered with a thin layer of sand.

For 2-2.5 months, pots with bulbs should be in conditions that do not resemble home. The place where they will be should be cool. In this case, a cellar would be an excellent option. The pot is placed in a bag in which holes are made. All this "composition" should be in a dark place where the air temperature does not exceed 5-7 degrees.

During the cooling phase of the bulbs, strict control of the soil moisture in the pots is necessary. The earth must not be dry. The frequency of watering depends on the humidity in the room where the plant is stored. With a humidity of 90-95%, the bulbs can be watered 1-2 times during the entire forcing period.

At the end of the cooling period, the hyacinth sprouts in the pot should grow by 2-5 cm. At this time, they are transferred to a warmer room. But they still need darkness. If the house does not have a dark and warm room, then the pots are simply covered with opaque caps. You can remove the caps only when the sprouts reach a length of 10 cm.

Advice! The forcing process greatly depletes the bulbs. For repeated flowering of a hyacinth in a pot, for example, the bulbs simply do not have enough strength. Therefore, after forcing at home, the bulbs must be planted for 1-2 years in order to restore them. open ground.

Hyacinth seeds are also used to grow this plant. But this process is mainly carried out by breeders to develop new varieties. This is a very long and painstaking process. Even with the most competent care, the first flowering can be expected in five years.

How to grow hyacinths at home

When the forcing process is over, and the bulbs will sprout the required length, the pots can be safely transferred to a bright place. It is desirable that the air temperature of the new location of the flower does not exceed 15 degrees.

As soon as the first buds appear, the plant can be placed in any room of an apartment or house. The main condition is to avoid drafts and direct sunlight. This completes the most difficult and crucial stage in growing these beautiful flowers - planting hyacinths. If all of the above is done correctly, then you can safely proceed to the study of the topic - how to care for hyacinths.


A hyacinth in a pot, just like a hyacinth in a garden, loves sunlight, but not the scorching sun's rays. If the duration of the daylight period is 12-15 hours a day, then the plant will delight others with its beauty. And it does not matter at all whether it will be artificial or natural lighting.

Watering and feeding

Normal growth of hyacinths is impossible without proper watering. The soil moisture in the pot should be adequate. The drainage layer controls this important point. Excessively wet soil is detrimental to the plant. Excess water is drained from the pan after each watering.

Advice! The ingress of water into the sinuses of the leaves, on the bulb or bud, causes the plant to rot. Therefore, watering is best done at the edge of the pot.

Feeding is essential for normal growth plants. The first time the flower is fed immediately after it has been moved from darkness to light. For this, phosphate mixed with saltpeter is used. After the formation of buds, potassium with superphosphate is used for feeding (the amount of superphosphate dominates). The third time they feed the hyacinth after flowering. At this point, the amount of potassium is equal to the amount of superphosphate.

Advice! After each top dressing, the soil must be loosened. In order not to injure the root system of the plant, loosening must be done carefully.


The flowering of hyacinths can be extended for a certain time if you transfer the pot with the plant to a cool place at night. After the hyacinth has faded completely, the peduncle is cut off. In this case, the leaves remain intact. After that, the plant must be watered and fed for at least another month. Watering is reduced gradually and, in the end, is reduced to zero.

After complete wilting, the leaves are cut off, the bulb is carefully removed from the pot, dried. It can be stored in the refrigerator until disembarkation.


The popularity of hyacinth lies in its resistance to disease. But still, sometimes the plant gets sick.

How to identify the disease and its causes:

  • Most often, hyacinth is affected by yellow bacterial rot. From the bulb begins to emanate bad smell, it becomes slippery. Unfortunately, this is the death of the plant. It is necessary to get rid of such a flower.
  • If a curvature of the peduncles appeared, and the flower began to grow poorly, it means that pests attack it. In this case, the plant will be helped by preparations containing phosphorus in its composition.
  • Sometimes a young inflorescence may fall out of common flower. Improper care of hyacinth at home is main reason of this disease. The reason may be improper storage of the bulbs or high humidity soil.

Advice! If the bulb was bought in a store, then before planting, to exclude infection, it must be held for 15 minutes in a solution that includes phosphorus.


Before the start of the dormant period, children can be separated from the bulb, if, of course, they are well separated. Before starting the procedure, the bulb is dried for several days. Small children are not suitable for forcing, they are planted only in open ground. If they have not separated, then the mother bulb is planted with them.

Hyacinth is a universal flower, it can be grown both on the windowsill in the apartment and in the garden, under open sky. The plant is perfect for beginner flower growers who want to learn how to care for plants. AT flower shops even in winter there is a large selection of distillation of hyacinths, it is very pleasant to receive such a gift. Don't throw away faded plants. They can be saved, then planted in open ground. They will bloom in spring.

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    What to do with a flower?

    After the hyacinth has faded, there are two options for the development of events:

    1. 1. Throw out the plant, and leave an empty pot for growing seedlings or under a cactus.
    2. 2. Remove the peduncle and place the hyacinth after flowering in the apartment in a larger pot. After the plants have dried, remove the bulb from the ground and store until autumn, then plant it in open ground.

    Care after distillation

    In winter, hyacinths (lat. Hyacinthus) are sold in small pots with a minimum amount of land. The plant lacks moisture, space to grow and nutrients. When forcing the bulb is very depleted.

    Immediately after the purchase, you can transplant the flower into a larger container if things are really bad and special care is required, but it's better not to rush.

    Transplant after flowering

    Plants after transplanting into trays

    First you need to prepare the container and the ground for transplantation. You can buy soil or make your own at home. It is recommended to mix compost, sod, leaf soil and humus in equal proportions, add a little sand and a complete mineral fertilizer.

    Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the selected pot (or tray, if there are a lot of bulbs), and a layer of soil is placed on top of it. The bulbs are placed in the ground at ⅔ of the height, while they should not touch the walls of the container. The neck of the bulb must remain above the ground, otherwise the plant will rot and disappear.


    Caring for the plant is easy. However, it must be watered very carefully: care must be taken that water does not fall on the bulb. After the end of flowering, the stem with dried buds must be removed and wait until the leaves turn completely yellow. At this time, abundant and rare watering is necessary so that the earth has time to dry out.

    After the leaves wither, watering is stopped. After two weeks, when the earth is dry, the bulb can be dug up. This must be done no later than the end of June. Then the bulb must be cleaned from the ground and dried. This is done for 5-7 days in the shade, in a well-ventilated place, the optimum temperature is +20 ° C.

    After drying, it is necessary to separate the children, if they have their own roots, and also remove dead scales.

    How to save the bulb after flowering

    After drying, the bulb needs a dormant period.

    It should last approximately three months and is divided into two stages: storage at elevated temperatures and the pre-planting period. Flowering next year depends on compliance with the conditions. It is best to place the tubers in an unheated room where the temperature will naturally gradually begin to drop.

    You can reduce the duration of the first stage by a week. To do this, you need to raise the temperature in the first week of storage to +30 ° C, and the room should be well ventilated.

    Immediately before planting in open ground, it is recommended to keep the bulbs for two days at a temperature of +5 °C.

    Landing in open ground

    For landing, it is best to choose open space with a slight slope that will allow excess water to drain. It is recommended to make high bulk beds to avoid harmful effects. ground water to the roots.

Winter is a rather harsh time. Frost, cold piercing wind do not add optimism, so we all live in anticipation of spring. And hyacinths will help us with this, the care of which is not as difficult as it might seem at once. They bloom in winter and enliven our lives with a variety of their colors (from white to burgundy and blue) and luxurious flowering. In the February cold, even imagine flowering plants you can’t, but you can see it on your windowsill. They bloom in February and instill in the heart the confidence that after winter spring will surely come, everything comes to life and blooms, and life goes on. There will not be a single person who will remain indifferent at the sight of this splendor blooming at home and will not admire the wonderful enchanting aroma.

Hyacinth means "rainy flower" in Greek. This amazing flower came to us from the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. In nature, of course, they do not look so luxurious and presentable, but, nevertheless, very sweet and gentle. Breeders have bred many varieties of hyacinths that will not leave anyone indifferent. This plant is grown both from bulbs and seeds. But growing from bulbs is more common, since growing from seeds is difficult and time consuming.

Hyacinths grow both in open ground and at home. In open ground they can be grown no further middle lane Russia, as they do not tolerate frosty winters. The flowering of hyacinths after they have faded can be repeated, but already at home. If you provide hyacinths with proper care and follow all agricultural practices, they will give you and your family new flowering, and, therefore, new positive emotions.

Today we will talk about how to grow hyacinths at home from bulbs.

Immediately it must be said that hyacinths are grown in soil mixture in any dish, as well as in water.

Harvesting bulbs

To do this, in the fall in the garden, you need to dig up larger and healthier bulbs and dry them. Now they will wait in the wings to please everyone with their flowering, but only now at home. But in order for them to bloom profusely and be healthy, some simple rules should be followed.


You need to firmly decide when you need flowering hyacinths and, based on this, plan the planting time. After all, from planting hyacinths to their flowering takes about 70-80 days.

Bulb cooling

Then you need to create favorable conditions for growing.

You will need a dark, cool place to put the hyacinth bulbs in.. Well, if it is a basement, but, at worst, a refrigerator will do.

Coolness and lighting

At the second stage, when the hyacinths begin to grow, the conditions will change slightly. The room is required cool, but lit. Plants with blooming flowers are kept at a temperature not higher than +19 degrees C and with good lighting.

bulb size

For forcing hyacinths, you need to take healthy bulbs at least 5 cm in diameter. This will ensure trouble-free and lush flowering.


For home distillation, the bulbs must be specially processed. Therefore, bulbs should not be purchased in random places, but already processed, and where they are professionally done.

bulb selection

The bulbs must be healthy; dense, intact, covered with outer scales, then their cultivation will go smoothly.

Capacity and soil

To distill hyacinths, you need to choose containers that are suitable in size: small boxes, bowls, wide pots with a small drainage hole and prepare nutrient soil, expanded clay or sand. Having prepared everything necessary to create conditions for distillation, you can start planting the bulbs.

Planting bulbs

We line the bottom of the container with a thin layer of sand or expanded clay, then pour in the ground, so that the bulbs peek out of the ground by 2-3 cm. We place the bulbs in the ground so that there is about 3 cm between them, that is, they should be cramped, but touch each other and the walls of the container, they should not. In addition to the fact that they feel more comfortable this way, when the plants bloom, they look very impressive.

The earth around the bulbs needs to be compacted and watered. Then we cover the ground from above with a layer of sand about 1 cm thick. This is done so that the hyacinth bulbs do not begin to rot during the forcing process.


After that, the container with the plants is placed in a plastic bag with ventilation holes. This is how we create conditions for ventilation. The packed plant is placed in the basement or refrigerator. A temperature of +6 degrees C contributes to the rooting of hyacinths.

Seedling Care

When the plant takes root, the first sprouts will hatch. This process takes 6-7 weeks. All this time, caring for them is simple: you need to make sure that the earth in the containers does not dry out.


When the seedlings of hyacinths grow up to 3 cm, caring for them will become more difficult. Containers with plants should be moved to a room where the temperature is not more than +12 degrees C. To begin with, they should be in a shady place, and then they should be moved closer to the window. After that, the bulbs will begin active leaf growth, and then buds will appear.

If you hurry up and put the bulbs in a warmer place earlier and give them good lighting, then the plant will not bloom at all.

After that, hyacinths can be placed in the place allotted for them. Here, care is already more difficult, since the place should be well lit (but not in direct sunlight), not be in a draft, and be away from heating appliances. Here the temperature should be maintained within + 16-19 degrees C. In addition, the earth must be kept moist.

Growing in water

If you want to grow hyacinth in water, then care will not be difficult either. Simply, its bulb must be placed in a narrow container filled with a nutrient solution consisting of water and fertilizer. The bulb in the container must be positioned so that only its bottom touches the liquid. And all other methods of cultivation and care will be the same as for bulbs planted in the soil.


The main care for flowering hyacinths is regular and proper watering. It must be watered with great care, trying not to get water on either the bulb or the leaves.


In order for the plant to develop evenly and well lit, the container must sometimes be rotated. If necessary, the plant should be supported.

top dressing

From time to time, hyacinths should be fed with liquid fertilizer for flowers.

A hyacinth bulb that has been distilled a second time will not bloom, but it can be used for propagation purposes. You just need to carefully remove it from the tank and plant it in the open ground in the fall, where it will give "kids" with great success.

When the hyacinths fade, you need to carefully cut off the dried flower stalks, and take care of the plant as before: water and feed until all the leaves on it die off. All this time, the bulbs will rest and gather strength, and even “babies” may form on them.

When all the leaves are dry, the bulbs must be removed from the ground, cleaned of dried leaves and dried well. In the fall, they need to be planted in the garden, where there is no wind and scorching sunlight. Here they will flourish next year just as luxurious as at home. Hyacinth bulbs live for several years, and during this time they grow new bulbs, which will soon bloom too.

How to plant a hyacinth in a pot, home care and other growing features - important information for good growth and flowering. Thanks to this, it will be possible to enjoy beautiful flowers at the desired time, since you just need to calculate everything.

How to care for a hyacinth in a pot?

To decorate your home with beautiful flowering bouquets, you need to properly take care of the plant at home.

  1. The soil. For planting, use soil that is nutritious and rich in rotted organic matter. It is better to make it yourself by mixing two parts of coarse clean sand, one part of good humus and peat, and also add half of the matured one. Mix everything and heat the mixture in the oven at a temperature of 110 ° C. This procedure is important for disinfection.
  2. Lighting. For growing hyacinth in a pot, care at home means that it must be kept near the light, but not in direct sunlight. On cloudy days, you can additionally use fluorescent lamps.
  3. Fertilizer. Care for a hyacinth in a pot involves fertilizing twice a month. Use special mixtures according to the instructions.

How to water a hyacinth in a pot?

As for other plants, in the care of hyacinth, watering should be organized according to the rules. To see flowering, keep an eye on soil moisture, as a dry period is undesirable. This rule must be observed even during rest. All this indicates that it is necessary to determine how often to water a hyacinth growing in a pot at home, according to the state of the soil. It is important to do this through the pallet and if after 15 minutes. after adding the liquid, it is not absorbed, then drain the residue, otherwise the roots may rot. For irrigation, use warm settled water.

How to grow a hyacinth from a bulb in a pot?

Experienced gardeners give advice on growing this flower at home.

  1. The rules of care indicate that when watering, it is important to ensure that moisture does not get on the plant, so either pass it through the pan, or use a watering can with a thin spout. Spraying is prohibited. Do not water hyacinth with rainwater.
  2. When growing hyacinth at home in a pot, it should be borne in mind that during the “artificial spring”, it is important to turn the pot around its axis by about 40 ° C every three days. This is important so that the plant evenly releases leaves, and the peduncle is full. If you do not take this care advice into account, then the brush will be one-sided.
  3. If the peduncle has grown to one side or leans, then use props. Do not tie it up, as this will prevent the access of nutrients.

When to plant a hyacinth in a pot?

One of the important features of this flower is the ability to combine flowering with a specific holiday. It is necessary to focus on the fact that from planting to flowering at proper care on average, it takes 2.5-3 months. For this, distillation is carried out, which can be of three types. If you are interested in when it is customary to plant hyacinth in a pot in the spring at home, be guided by such periods:

  1. early forcing- planting is carried out in October, and flowering occurs by the New Year.
  2. Medium distillation- the plant is planted in November, and flowering occurs from the end of January to the beginning of February.
  3. late distillation- planting is carried out in December-January, but you can enjoy the flowers in March-April.

How to plant hyacinth at home in a pot?

First, choose good bulbs that are at least 5 cm in diameter. Check that they are tight and undamaged. Disinfection must be carried out before planting. There is a simple instruction on how to plant hyacinths in a pot at home:

  1. Lay expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the container and sprinkle it with a small layer of soil. After that, pour some sand and place the bulb in it.
  2. If you plant several flowers at home, then keep in mind that the distance between them is 2-3 cm. They should not touch the walls of the pot.
  3. Press the hyacinth a little into the soil and sprinkle with soil. To prevent the process of decay, sprinkle the earth with another thin layer of sand. Teach that the top must be in the air.
  4. For the rooting process, put the pot in a dark place for 1.5 months. A basement is suitable for this, the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below 5 ° C. During this, watering should be carried out periodically, preventing the soil from drying out.
  5. After rooting, transfer the pot to a place where the temperature will not be below 15 ° C. When all procedures have been completed and the hyacinth is in a pot, home care will include proper watering and fertilizer.

What pot to plant hyacinth in?

In the case of growing hyacinth, it does not matter at all what material the flowerpot is made of, the main thing is to pay attention to its size. When deciding which pot is needed for hyacinth, you need to consider that there should be a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge of the container to the bulbs. If you plant several copies, then it is better to leave a little more more space so that the flowers are spacious. Otherwise, the inflorescences may grow loose and ugly. The depth of the flowerpot should be such that it fits drainage, bulb and earth.

How long does a hyacinth bloom in a pot?

It will be possible to enjoy the flowering and aroma of this flower for a relatively short time, in most cases the period can last from 1 to 4 weeks. During this time, the flower brush will grow and double in size. It is important not only to know how much hyacinth blooms in a pot at home, but also for what reasons this does not happen. In most cases, it's all about keeping the plant dormant at high temperatures, lack of moisture or its excess, and poor lighting. It is important to properly care for the flower at home and then flowering will certainly occur.

Hyacinth has faded in a pot - what to do?

After the flowers have wilted, a series of manipulations should be carried out to help save the plant. There are two ways to keep hyacinths after flowering in pots at home: