Do-it-yourself jumper: how to make a jumper from an egg. How to make a rubber egg out of a chicken How to make a ball out of an egg

  • 21.05.2019

The jumper is a toy loved by many kids, familiar to several generations of people. Almost all children dream of having an unpretentious ball, which bounces on great height. Making a jumper with your own hands is not difficult, just stick to useful advice described in our article.

What are jumpers made of

Before you wonder how to make a jumper at home, you should study what materials this miracle ball can be made of.

Advice! At self-manufacturing do not let the jumper to any of the stages of the work of children. Often the basis of the jumper is made up of components that, when misapplication can cause significant harm to the health of the baby.

So, what are jumpers made of now? There are several methods to help get a round or oval bouncing ball:

How to make a jumper out of glue

But back to the topic of our article, which involves a story about how to make a jumper from silicate or PVA glue. To make such a ball at home, you must have the following set of auxiliary materials on hand:

  • Ethanol;
  • Silicate glue or PVA;
  • Stirring stick and utensils for stirring glue;
  • Latex gloves.

The procedure for creating a do-it-yourself glue jumper is not difficult, but you should strictly follow the production technology and be extremely careful, since the materials used are toxic.

From silicate glue

The universal technology for creating a glue jumper is represented by the following steps:

  1. Silicate glue is poured into the prepared container, and then ethyl alcohol is added there. When performing mixing, it is worth remembering the need to respect proportions. So, you need to take 4 parts of silicate glue (in this case, a tablespoon often acts as a measuring element), and ethyl alcohol - 1 part.
  2. The components should be thoroughly mixed until a thick homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Next, rubber gloves are put on the hands, and then the finished mass is taken into the hands, and a small ball rolls out of it - the future jumper. Note that this stage takes a long time in its duration, since it is necessary that the mass completely dry and harden. When this happens, your baby jumper is ready!

Knowing the information on how to make a bouncing ball at home will help you understand how the chemical components of a homemade toy affect the degree of its bouncing, the shade of the ball, its texture, and others. specifications. You can independently and discretion change the chemical composition of the adhesive mass, creating a masterpiece toy for your child.

From PVA glue

It often happens that silicate glue is not at hand, but ordinary PVA glue can always be found in any stationery store. And so we invite our readers to get acquainted with the recipe for creating the most ordinary jumping ball. After reading it, readers will be able to learn how to make a jumper from PVA glue.

For a regular glue jumper, you will need the following materials:

  • PVA stationery glue, which can be purchased at any store that offers its customers products for the office and school.
  • Liquid dye of a certain color (choose the shade that you would like to color your self-made jumper). You can always buy dye in a hardware store.
  • In a pharmacy, buy ethyl alcohol 90-95%.
  • Also, to make a do-it-yourself jumper, you will need a container for mixing glue, alcohol and dye with each other. In addition, to evenly stir the composition and obtain a uniform consistency, prepare a long stick. It could be an ice cream stick, an old pen, or a broken pencil.

The procedure for making a jumper from PVA glue with your own hands is carried out in almost the same way as from a silicate adhesive composition. Proper execution The work involves the following steps:

  1. Stationery glue is poured into the prepared deep container, adding a dye to it in the same proportions as the adhesive composition itself.
  2. At the next stage, alcohol is mixed with these two components, and it is taken in the same amount as the dye with glue. Uniform stirring is carried out using an even stick.
  3. It must be understood that the hardening of the prepared mixture occurs very quickly, therefore, immediately after stirring, take the mass in hand, forming a ball out of it the right sizes. When doing this kind of work importance has precision and safety. It is advisable to protect your hands with rubber gloves before taking the mass of glue and alcohol into them.
  4. The finished ball needs to be given a little time (10-20 minutes) to dry, and then they can already be played with. The ball will briskly bounce off the floor, and no worse than a store-bought jumper.


Creating a bouncing ball for your child with your own hands, you can also think about its design. For many parents, it will not be a secret that children pay their attention, first of all, to bright and unusual things. How to make a rubber jumper is written above, but there is also a more interesting technology for making a jumper ball.

The raw material for this toy is adhesive mixture, dyed in different shades. It is prepared according to the technology described above, but at the same time it is divided into several parts, each of which is added with its own shade of dye. Then these parts are combined into one, and the result is an original multi-colored bouncing ball.

If the toy is made for a girl, then at the same time as the dye, glitter can be added to the adhesive composition. The product will turn out not only in color, but also shiny, it will shimmer beautifully in the light.

Perhaps the most original option for decorating a jumper is a luminescent dye added to the glue mixture at the stage of making a toy bouncing ball. The procedure for the production of this variety of jumper is carried out according to a scheme similar to that presented above. The only difference lies in the fact that at the stage of mixing the silicate glue with the dye, instead of the usual loose dry paint, a dye with a luminescent effect is used.


The elastic rubber ball is a wonderful toy for children. It is not necessary to buy a jumper in the store. Not everyone knows, but it can be made at home. There are several options for making a ball from various materials, study the material and choose the best option for yourself.

How to make a jumper from an egg

To create a jumper from a chicken egg, you will need:

  • table vinegar - 2/3 cup;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Preparation method:

  • Hard boil an egg.
  • Dip the egg into a glass of vinegar.
  • Leave it there for two days.
  • Take out the egg and rinse under water.

Under the influence of vinegar, calcium will dissolve, and the yolk will resemble jelly. Such a ball will not jump, because when this method manufacturing, it will remain brittle.

How to make a jumper out of glue

To make a ball from glue, you can use PVA (then the ball will be matte white) or silicate glue (you will get a transparent ball). Necessary materials:

  • silicate glue or PVA;
  • ethanol;
  • a bowl;
  • latex gloves;
  • long stick.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • Pour alcohol and glue into a bowl. If you use PVA - knead in equal proportions of forty milliliters, if silicate - take glue four times more than alcohol.
  • Shape the mass with your hands.
  • Put the ball on the table, let it thicken for twenty minutes.

If you want to make the jumper colored - add a little food coloring to the mass.

How to make a rubber band jumper

From bright office rubber bands you get a pretty decent jumper. Necessary materials:

  • foil;
  • paper;
  • stationery rubber bands


  • Roll up a paper ball. The newspaper is fine.
  • Wrap the resulting balloon in foil.
  • Wrap the resulting ball of gum in several layers.

How to make a plasticine jumper

For a plasticine jumper, the following materials are needed:

  • foil;
  • office rubber bands;
  • plasticine.

How to do:

  • Roll a ball out of plasticine.
  • Wrap it with a layer of foil.
  • Reinforce with rubber bands.

The manufacturing method is similar to the previous one. But the plasticine ball should turn out to be more springy.

How to make a glowing jumper

This jumper will glow in the dark. For manufacturing you will need:

  • borax - 5 g;
  • dye - 10 g;
  • PVA glue - 10 ml;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • warm boiled water - 0.5 tbsp.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • Pour water into a bowl, stir in borax.
  • Add dye to the mixture.
  • In another bowl, pour glue, 5 ml of borax and add starch.
  • Wait twenty minutes for a reaction to occur.

It will be faster and more practical to buy a jumper in a store. But, made by hand, it will become a valuable toy. You can bring your own peculiarity to it with the help of dyes, a combination of colors of stationery rubber bands. And if the jumper glows in the dark, then not every purchased ball can do it! Connect your imagination and make a bouncing ball with your own hands.

It is not difficult at all, and the necessary ingredients can be found in any home. You will be able to realize your experimental desires and feel like a chemical scientist! Yes, and it's just interesting in the end! =)

Did you know that if you put an egg in vinegar for two days, the shell will dissolve and the egg will become elastic. Under the influence of vinegar, the calcium that makes up the shell dissolves and disappears in the form of gas bubbles. It turns out a funny egg that looks like jelly. If we experiment with boiled egg, then it will become elastic, like a rubber ball

Pour table vinegar (9%) into a transparent glass and dip a chicken egg into it. Carbon dioxide immediately begins to be released from the surface of the egg. The shell of bird eggs is 90 percent calcium carbonate. Therefore, when interacting with acid, it begins to decompose, releasing CO2

After 12-15 hours, we look at what happened. Calcium has dissolved from the surface of the egg. Only the film between the shell and the egg remained intact. Remove the egg from the vinegar and rinse under running water. The egg increased slightly in size because it was soaked with vinegar

There is no shell and you can play with an egg like a ball. The film is very thin, therefore, it can tear if handled carelessly.

Now this rubber egg can be seen through

Any child, without exception, likes to play with a jumper. This is such a funny ball that, when it hits the floor, merrily bounces off it to a rather large height. The kids like it very much. This funny toy familiar to several generations. Yes, our mothers and fathers, grandparents did not know the jumpers that are made of rubber or rubber, they did not buy them in special slot machines. The older generation made them with their own hands. I wonder if they know how to make a jumper from an egg? Or did they make this toy from another material?

It is necessary to consider the basics of the manufacturing technique. Making a jumper is not at all difficult. You only need to stock up on a few consumables(depending on what the jumper will be made of), unprecedented patience and diligence, as well as great accuracy.

The value of "do-it-yourself" work

Do-it-yourself creations are always sweeter and closer to the heart. In his craft, a person invests not only labor, but also an emotional message with a piece of the soul. The process of creativity and work with small details allow you to relax, escape from daily worries and problems, and restore emotional balance. After all, the benefits of creativity have been proven for a long time.

Every person has a creative beginning, it should only be developed. It is easier to open and liberate a person, of course, in childhood.

Have you ever wondered how to make an egg jumper? Be smart and think a little.

What material can the jumper be made from?

The material is usually the simplest, what is usually found, as they say, "at hand":

  • stationery glue;
  • egg;
  • stationery rubber bands and paper.

Of course, the main materials are listed here. It does not take into account, for example, a stick for stirring glue, a brush, etc.

How to make a jumper from an egg

The easiest way is to use a chicken egg.

You will need:

The jumper can be made on the basis of a raw or boiled egg. However, boiled egg jumper is more resistant to shock, so it is recommended to use it.

Manufacturing method:

  1. It is necessary to boil the egg and place it in a glass jar with a capacity of one liter.
  2. Fill the jar with vinegar (up to the very neck), close the lid and place in a dark, cool place for three days.
  3. Rinse the egg in cool water. The shell on the egg will completely dissolve (the vinegar will actively corrode it). The egg should visually become a little transparent and very elastic, tight (reminiscent of a rubber ball). In addition, it will increase significantly in size (compared to raw).

That's all. It turns out that the answer to the question: "How to make a jumper from an egg and vinegar?" simple enough.

Attention! A jumper from an egg (even from a boiled one) is quite brittle, so you should not hit it too hard on the floor.

I wonder what other ingredients can be combined with an egg in order to get a jumper? There are a lot of recipes for making jumpers on the Internet. The main one, of course, is vinegar. I wonder how to make a jumper from an egg and butter? Unfortunately, there is no such recipe. The oil does not have the property of compacting the protein and will not be able to corrode the shell.

Do not be afraid to experiment, be creative and be happy with your work! And remember that on the topic of how to make a jumper from an egg, now you can not only tell a lot in the company, but also show it with an example.


To make a jumper, ingredients are required that, if used carelessly, can harm a child! In this regard, keep children away from the process of making a jumper. You need to create on your own, or agree that the child will only observe the process of making the toy. If you trust your child and consider him old enough, then once again warn him about the dangers of some components.

There are many interesting and safe experiments you can do at home. To do this, you can use what is in the house. Such experiments do not require a special place and special knowledge.

The essence of the experiment

A fun experiment can be done with the usual chicken egg, you can also use a quail egg, with it the process will go a little faster. The whole trick of the experiment is how to make a rubber egg from the most ordinary egg.

To do this, the egg is placed in vinegar and left for a certain time. Vinegar reacts with calcium, completely dissolves it. The shell comes off the protein in the form of gas bubbles. What remains at the end is like a jelly ball that looks and feels like rubber. For those who are wondering how to make a rubber egg without vinegar, the answer is simple - no way! Without vinegar, the desired reaction will not occur, and the experiment will fail or the result will not be the same.

The first stage of the experiment

Now you will learn how to make a rubber egg at home. To do this, prepare vinegar 9%, one egg and glassware.

An egg is placed in a transparent bowl and poured with vinegar so that it is completely hidden. The reaction starts instantly, immediately bubbles of carbon dioxide appear on the shell. In bird eggs, the shell contains 90% calcium carbonate.

When exposed to acid, the shell begins to soften and disintegrate into small elements. During decomposition, a chemical product is released - carbon dioxide. To figure out how to make a rubber egg, you do not need to have special knowledge in chemistry. The only thing you need to know in this case is that you can’t eat such an egg. Now everything must be left for 15-24 hours.

Continuation of the experiment in a day

After the specified time, the egg must be removed from the vinegar. You can do this without gloves, with short-term contact with the skin, nothing bad will happen. With the naked eye, it will be noticeable that the egg has increased in size, the remnants of the shell remain on it, but now they are more like a white powder. These residues must be washed off with water. Here's how to make your own rubber egg. It was saturated with vinegar and felt like thick jelly or rubber to the touch. The color of the albumen became darker, and the yolk remained in the same state as before.

The egg can be squeezed a little, it bounces well off a hard surface, like a jumper. But throwing it from a great height or applying force when throwing it is not worth it. Only the upper shell becomes dense, while part of the protein and the yolk remain in a liquid state. When you try to cut this "jump" the contents flow out. If you shine it through, you can see where the yolk is.

white egg

In addition to this method, there are other options for how to make a rubber egg. In this case, it will not be transparent, but white. The whole experiment is carried out in the same way, only acetic acid is used instead of vinegar. After keeping the egg in the chemical for the prescribed time, it also needs to be washed under running water, in this case it is better to protect your hands from acid exposure and use gloves.

The outer shell also dissolves completely, but the egg itself has White color, like a boiled egg, and it is not so elastic to the touch, it does not spring back if it is thrown on a hard surface, but it is also interesting as an experiment.

colored eggs

It is very fun to conduct such experiments, it is also interesting to have fun with the resulting jumpers, they perform a kind of anti-stress role. That is why you can make such "jumps" multi-colored.

How to make a rubber egg colored? Very simple - add egg dye to vinegar. Such dyes have a persistent and rich color, they dissolve well in vinegar. The dye package contains different colours. For such an experiment, you need to prepare as many dishes as there are colors to be used in the experiment. How many flowers, so many eggs. One egg is placed in each dish and the powder of the desired color is added. Pour all this with vinegar and wait for the allotted time. When the residual coating from the shell is washed off, only the colored “jump” will remain.

Of course, do not forget that the egg did not actually turn into a rubber ball, and you do not need to put it with toys. Over time, it will still deteriorate, or from mechanical damage will start to leak and make things dirty. It is not pleasant to get dirty with a spoiled egg yourself, it has a terrible smell and it is washed off gradually. If in the first couple of days it does not tear, then it is better to throw it away. If desired, you can always make a new "rubber ball".