Do-it-yourself installation of topas 8. Installation and maintenance of the septic tank "Topas"

  • 03.03.2020

Our company offers turnkey septic tank. Each application is processed as soon as possible. At the same time, the process is carried out according to an individual plan in compliance with all the main aspects.


We offer two options for solving the problem: manual excavation or excavation using special equipment.

The first method is relevant if there is no way to drive up to the object. Then our workers will take over the digging of the pit.

The installation of a septic tank will take place more quickly if a mini excavator is involved in the process. The use of special equipment will slightly increase costs, but will significantly speed up the process.


There are several criteria that determine the installation technology of the Topas septic tank:

  • availability of access roads to the object;
  • seasonality and excessive soil moisture;
  • the need to preserve the landscape in the surrounding area.

As practice shows, under favorable weather conditions, it will take about 5 hours to create a pit manually, a mini-excavator will need 10 times less time.

Installation "Topas" requires compliance with some mandatory rules:

  • the distance from the walls of the pit to the tank should be from 15 to 20 cm. These are important parameters for arranging an autonomous sewage system, which should be taken into account when digging a pit;
  • the body must be installed on a pre-constructed sand cushion;
  • to protect the walls of the pit from shedding or deformation, it is necessary to build a formwork structure;
  • the process is recommended to be carried out under favorable weather conditions: positive temperature environment and lack of precipitation.


To create anti-deformation protection, in addition to installing a sand cushion, the entire body of the equipment is also covered with sand. In order for the internal and external pressure on the walls to be uniform, spilling is carried out in layers, and the compartments are filled with water. If the Customer cannot provide bulk materials and water, we will provide everything necessary after a preliminary agreement.

Finishing preparatory work the septic tank is carefully placed inside the pit. To install large stations, mini-excavators or manipulators are used. To avoid problems during operation, the station is leveled.

Regardless of the type of installation, our masters will independently engage in tapping and soldering the inlet pipe. To do this, we use high-quality German equipment and exercise strict control. This avoids leaks and other defects, and ensures trouble-free use.

Since the sewer pipe may be at different depths, our specialists will select the soldering height on site. This approach will make it possible to place the septic tank at the most convenient distance from the building. For example, a pipe with a diameter of 110 cm at a depth of about 90 cm can be connected to the Topas 8 Pr cleaning station. Provided that the slope is 1 degree, the station can be installed at a distance of up to 10 m.

Installation of a septic tank price in our company corresponds to the high quality of work. In addition, we will help you choose autonomous sewerage in accordance with the characteristics of the site and operating conditions.


Installation of a septic tank "Topas" completion of commissioning activities. At this stage, work is carried out to connect and configure electronic systems. If the device has a forced ejection function, the operation is checked drainage pump and installation and adjustment of compressors.

In the process of commissioning activities, all systems are launched, the overall functionality is checked and the operating modes are adjusted. Our specialists will carry out all stages of installation of a septic tank "Topas" promptly and in compliance with all established rules.

We guarantee the noiseless operation of the treatment facilities installed by us and recommend that maintenance be carried out every six months.

Our company has the largest experience in installation work on the installation of Topas -

The Topas septic tank, which can be installed without much difficulty on your own, is a popular sewage treatment station. Such a system is produced by the domestic manufacturer Topol-Eco.

More recently, biological wastewater treatment seemed to us something fantastic and unrealizable. But modern man nothing will surprise you. A striking example of this is the innovative Topas septic tank, which, through microorganisms, performs effective and guaranteed high-quality wastewater treatment, as well as their processing into sludge.

The main advantage of this device is its absolute environmental safety. The principle of operation of the septic tank is such that the environment is not polluted during its operation. The device of the described cleaning device is thought out to the smallest detail. All its elements are arranged in a single body. Due to this, the installation of Topas can be done by hand. The design of the septic tank includes 4 compartments:

  1. Receiving chamber connected to sewer pipes. It accumulates sewage up to a certain level. As soon as the volume of wastewater exceeds it, a special float-type switch sends a command to the purifier compressor. It turns on, opens the next compartment, where sewage flows. Between the first two chambers, several filters are installed that stop the hair and produce a rough cleaning of the drains. Large particles settle to the bottom of the compartment.
  2. Aerotank. Wastewater enters this chamber, which is slightly filtered when it enters from the first compartment. It is in the aerotank that microorganisms live. They begin to eat sewage and destroy large particles of household waste. As a result, organic matter completely disappears from the water. An important condition for the active life of bacteria is the presence of oxygen in the second chamber. It is supplied there by a compressor unit. The incoming oxygen guarantees the movement of waste water and ensures that it mixes with the sludge. The latter acts as a filter. It binds foreign impurities and bodies, solid particles that penetrate Topas along with dirty water.
  3. Secondary sump. Further, the drains enter this chamber, inside which a special pyramid is installed. Water, along with sludge, is fed into it by means of an airlift. The principle of operation of the septic tank assumes that in the second sump, the wastewater is separated into sludge and water. At the same time, a special compartment device allows light fresh sludge to return to the receiving chamber. The old silt and all the components that are in it in a bound state remain at the bottom.
  4. Compartment for the purified liquid. Through the upper part of the pyramid of the second chamber, the water that has undergone aerobic treatment enters this compartment. It builds up to a predetermined level. And then it leaves the septic tank through a special hole.

Environmentally friendly septic tank "Topaz"

As you can see, the principle of operation and the device of the treatment plant are quite simple. Such an installation provides 95–97% wastewater treatment. As a result of the activity of aerobic bacteria, pure water, suitable for various technical needs and excellent fertilizer in the form of sludge for the garden. Agree, perfect for country houses and plots system.

Note that the described result can be obtained only if the installation of the Topas septic tank is carried out correctly and clearly according to the instructions. In addition, its device involves regular maintenance of the treatment plant.

The principle of operation of the septic tank assumes that microorganisms will constantly receive raw materials for their life. Therefore, Topas should be operated without long breaks. This means that its installation is optimal for dwellings where people are constantly (or regularly come there for the weekend).

The next nuance. Microorganisms are able to eat and decompose far from all the waste that residents of city apartments have a habit of pouring down the toilet. To ensure the normal functioning of bacteria, you must take care of them. proper nutrition. Make it simple. Do not pour the following substances into the Topas septic tank:

  • rotting vegetable and fruit products, as it can cause the death of microorganisms;
  • acid and chlorine compounds;
  • technical liquids and oils;
  • drugs and alkaline compounds.

Also, the principle of operation of the cleaning structure prohibits the discharge of various objects and elements into it, which by their nature are insoluble. These include polyethylene films and packages, household and technical garbage, waste building materials. Such items can clog compressor units and purifier compartments and disable the entire structure. And bacteria do not feed on inorganic compounds.

The principle of operation of the cleaning structure

The Topas system is available in different variations. Various Models septic tanks are designed for a certain volume of wastewater in one day. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the recommended amount of drains! You need to choose the model that suits your case.

But from an operational and technical point of view, all septic tanks under the Topas brand are the same. We have already considered the principle of their work, and now we will highlight unique characteristics such units:

  • no noise during operation;
  • compact dimensions;
  • high efficiency of effluent decomposition;
  • absence unpleasant odors due to the complete tightness of the installation;
  • automated operation of a septic tank;
  • minimum electricity consumption.

Do-it-yourself cleaner maintenance involves the following steps:

  • coarse filter cleaning (every 30 days);
  • removal of sludge from the septic tank using a drainage pump (every three months);
  • installation of new membranes in the compressor (every 2-3 years).

In addition, every 10 years, the treatment plant requires the replacement of aerators and thorough cleaning. Both of these operations are performed by hand, there is no need to call specialists.

Do-it-yourself installation of a treatment plant is carried out in several stages. First you need to properly prepare the place where Topas will be installed. According to SES standards, it should be located at a distance of 5 meters from a residential building (at least).

In the selected area, you will need to dig a pit. Geometric parameters pits depend on the size of the septic tank. The instructions for it clearly indicate what the height, width and depth of the pit should be. For example, for Topas-5, which is popular among household consumers, they dig a hole with dimensions of 180x180x240 cm. Then you need to do it, and equip a pillow from at the bottom of the pit. The height of the latter is about 15 cm. It is these extra centimeters above the soil surface that the cleaning structure will rise. This is done for a reason, but to facilitate the maintenance of Topas and to protect it from possible ingress of water into the system during the spring snowmelt.

Note! If in your area ground water lie very close to the surface, it is advisable to buy a PR model septic tank.

Installation of a septic tank model PR

It has a device (built-in type pump) for the removal of treated effluents according to a forced scheme. We continue the installation of the structure with our own hands. We thread the rope through the holes on the side of the septic tank and carefully lower it into the prepared hole. After that, you need to equip the supply of the sewer system to the cleaner. It is recommended to use low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for these purposes.

In relation to the upper level of the soil, the pipe is cut into Topas at a depth of about 75 cm. Do not forget to set the required slope to the pipe:

  • 3 cm per meter for products with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • 1.5–2 cm for 10 cm pipes.

Next, we drill a hole in the body of the septic tank into which the pipe will be inserted. It is optimal to perform such an operation with an adjustable crown. The described cleaning stations are supplied with a cord made of polypropylene. It is necessary for soldering a pipe placed in the hole to it. The connection of these elements is carried out using a nozzle on a building hair dryer. The sewer pipe is connected to the pipe only after it is securely fixed.

The installation of the station is, in fact, completed. Now it needs to be connected to a power source. A corrugated pipe is brought to it, into which a PVA wire 3x1.5 mm is placed. This electrical cable is connected to the terminals on the septic tank through a specially made factory input. And in the dwelling, the cord is connected to switchboard. It is desirable to connect the wire through a separate 16 A machine.

The final work on the installation of the cleaning station is the adjustment of the load on its external parts during sprinkling. The procedure is performed like this:

  • pour water into the septic tank (about a third of its volume);
  • at the same time backfilling the structure (also by a third);
  • fill with water again and backfill.

The operation ends when the entire station is deepened into the ground to a given level. The septic tank is ready for use!

Before proceeding with the installation of topas, you need to select the model of the station. It is up to you to mount Topas with your own hands, hire guest workers or order everything on a turnkey basis. Calculate how much it will cost installation work separately and take into account the risks of unqualified installation and the absence of guarantees. VEGA has been on the market since 2009 and has the necessary qualifications and experience. Field specialists of the company will help you decide on the model and installation location of Topas.

Install Topas on the site

Greater freedom in choosing the installation site of Topas gives the absence of smell and noise during its operation, as well as the need for an entrance sewer truck. But there are factors to consider. First of all, these are the standards that determine the distance from the septic tank to the boundaries of the site, neighbor's house and water supply sources. If your site is located in SNT, then according to SP 53.13330.2011, the distances from Topas should be at least:

  • 1 m from the border of the site,
  • 8 m from neighbor's house,
  • 8 m from a neighbor's well or well.

If the site is in a village or town (IZHS), then SP 42.13330.2011 these distances must be at least:

  • 1 m from the border of the site,
  • 12 m from neighbor's house,
  • 25 m from public well.

Taking into account regulatory restrictions, we choose the Topas installation site so that the pipeline discharging purified water is as short as possible. In order to avoid freezing of the pipe, it is advisable to observe this rule both in forced models and in gravity ones. Another limiting factor is the proximity of the passage or parking of the car "on the ground", that is, without concreting and curbs. A driver close to the Topas passage may not notice and run into the cover. Driving nearby, a car can, by driving its wheel into a sandy dump, push through the wall of the station. Having chosen the installation site, proceed to the installation.

With the widespread use of new generation septic tanks that provide deep biological treatment sewage, the level of comfort in country house almost equal to the conditions of life in urban conditions. For example, the active zone of septic tanks for the Topas cottage is able to separate and filter 99% of the water to a biologically safe level. You can’t drink water that has been cleaned by the Topas septic tank, but it is absolutely safe for the environment and humans. On one condition, if the Topas service and the connection diagram are made in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

The device of the septic tank "Topas"

Structurally, the models of the Topas septic tank from the 4th to the 20th model have an identical structure, the main difference lies in the volume of the working chambers, therefore, the installation of Topas 5 and Topas 20 and their maintenance are carried out according to the same scheme.

Structurally, the Topas septic tank consists of several chambers combined in one building:

  • primary chamber septic tank installations, or a container for receiving the bulk of sewage water, primary and fine filtration takes place here, retaining the largest particles that are too tough for bacteria;
  • The second chamber is the main box of the installation, or a container for the biological processing of organic matter, most of the active substances are oxidized in it, therefore, air is needed for normal life. In order for the reaction in the installation to go more intensively, the mixture of the active medium and sewage organics is mixed with bubbling air bubbles supplied by the installation compressor;
  • Last capacity installations - a pyramidal sump in which clarification and stratification of the liquid into sediment and clean technical water takes place.

Important! The sewer pipe system supplying drains to the inlet pipe of the Topas installation must have at least two wells with settling tanks that retain heavy and bulky objects that can block the entrance to the first chamber of the septic tank.

The design of the unit includes a top cover that provides access to all cameras and control systems. Here, if necessary, you can check the performance of the compressor unit and clean any of the septic tanks.

How to install and connect the Topas station

Despite the outward simplicity and understandable principle of operation, the Topas installation requires compliance with a number of conditions that guarantee stable and high-quality water purification:

  1. Install and connect local treatment facilities"Topas" is recommended not closer than five meters to living quarters and places where people are located. Despite the absence of nozzles and containers with high pressure in the device, the manufacturer of the Topas septic tank suggests taking measures to prevent the consequences of the release of contaminated and biologically unsafe liquid;
  2. The standard installation scheme involves placing the Topas septic tank in a prepared pit in the ground according to the scheme shown in the figure. On the opposite walls of the Topas installation, receiving flanges are made, to which sewage pipes and treated water are connected;
  3. The most serious attention should be paid to the power supply to the septic tank installation and the arrangement of the grounding system in accordance with the requirements of the Topas manufacturer and the operating instructions for the unit.

Advice! If you do not have the relevant experience in connecting electrical wiring, entrust the repair of the power supply and the compressor part of the Topas installation to specialized specialists.

Topas installation sequence in your own yard

At the first stage of installation, a pit is dug according to the installation dimensions of the septic tank. Part of the soil will need to be saved to fill the sinuses between the walls of the formwork and the Topas body. For example, to install Topas-4, you will need a pit with a depth of 170 cm and sides of 160 cm. The walls of the pit for the Topas installation are sheathed with boards, after which a layer of roofing material is laid on the formwork. A gravel cushion is poured to the bottom of the pit, a geotextile sheet and a layer of sand of 100-150 mm are laid. The layers must be leveled horizontally and compacted with a manual rammer.

The weight of the lightest Topas-4 is at least 215 kg, so when installing a septic tank in a prepared pit, it will be more convenient to use a winch or a small crane.

When arranging the bottom cushion, it is necessary to take into account the location of the outlet and outlet pipes. In some installation options for the Topas septic tank, a non-lateral location of the inlet is allowed sewer pipe, and the top. This method of supply is used if the installation of "Topas" is below the level recommended by the manufacturer. To connect the sewer to the entrance to the septic tank is used plastic pipe in 110 mm. The installation of supply lines is carried out from the revision well to the inlet pipe of the septic tank with a slope of standard 2 o - 5 o, which ensures reliable flow of viscous liquids.

After all the inlet and outlet communications have been exposed, it is necessary to seal the joints and seams at the junctions of the pipes. The most reliable seam is obtained from the welded polypropylene soldering material.

Before connecting the electrical wiring, make an additional ground loop according to the standard scheme of four pieces of angle No. 50 70-90 cm long, interconnected by a steel bus with a cross section of 20x5 mm. The best option would be to conduct electrical wiring by air. If this is not possible on the site, lay the cable 3x2.5 PVA in polypropylene pipe and bury it to a depth of at least 60-70 cm. Replace the finish section of the pipe with a corrugated hose. The septic tank has a hole with a sealing sleeve, through which it is necessary to pass the cable and connect it to the terminals on the junction box of the unit according to the connection diagram.

At the last stage, the installation position is balanced on a sand cushion. The body of the septic tank is filled with water and at the same time the space between the walls of the pit and the body of the septic tank is covered with sand.

Servicing a septic tank

To avoid clogging of the septic tank pipelines, it is recommended to rinse and clean the coarse filter in the primary chamber once a quarter. This will avoid the accumulation of coarse residues and fragments. Maintenance "Topas 8" recommends a complete flushing of the secondary chamber once every four months, it is most convenient to pump out dirty water using a drain pump, after which a high-pressure car wash “cut off” the remaining sediment and plaque on the walls.

It is also necessary to periodically open and clean the revision well installed in the area between the house and the autonomous cleaning system. Often the revision well accumulates a large number of garbage and waste items of products that cannot be recycled by an autonomous sewer installation.

Agree, today it is almost impossible to imagine a comfortable stay in a private house where there is no possibility to place a sewer system. In this regard, such a service as the installation of TOPAS septic tanks has recently become extremely in demand and popular. This is due to several factors. First of all, the installation of a septic tank "TOPAS" allows you to completely solve the problem of drainage and treatment of domestic wastewater.

What else is attractive about this service?

The equipment is capable of treating domestic wastewater by 98%.

The average life of a septic tank is 50 years.

For the manufacture of the septic tank, eco-friendly plastic is used, which is absolutely safe for the environment.

During the operation of TOPAS septic tanks, there is no unpleasant smell at all.

By placing TOPAS equipment on your site, you do not have to worry about the budget. The septic tank does not need additional financial costs for content. It is enough to produce 1-2 times a year complete cleaning equipment from accumulated sludge and other contaminants that settle to the bottom.

Equipment installation work can be carried out even in difficult conditions. For example, with unstable ground and high level ground water.

Turnkey services from EcoTopas

All work must be carried out in accordance with the rules for the installation of equipment of this type. To do this, following the instructions as accurately as possible, only specialists can do it.