Love spell on her husband: how to do it and what are the consequences? How to determine a love spell and what to do in this case? Bewitch your husband yourself forever. How to bewitch a husband without consequences at home

  • 11.10.2019

Almost every woman at least once in her life thought about how to bewitch or lure her beloved man into her bed. Especially considering the course of life. Rituals aimed at binding a spouse (often a former) are not uncommon. Frequent difficulties, contradictions and temptations on the marital path make many women and girls apply love spells. And in this article you will find several popular options for spells on how to bewitch a husband.

Using love spells on your husband, you can not only return a spouse who decided to leave the family nest due to personal factors, but also prevent this from happening.

It is worth noting that love spells on a husband act exclusively on a person who is legally married. That is, a wife can perform such a ceremony only on her husband. Also, rituals are able to act in some situations if people do not weave their destinies legally, but live under the same roof for a long time.

To bewitch "your" man, you need to conduct a special ritual. Each rite provides for its own instructions, the strict observance of which will guarantee the implementation of a love spell.

Ritual to prevent treason

This love spell is quite strong and is read in the event that the legal spouse caught her missus in flirting with another person, or simply began to suspect the sweetheart. To stop a man’s thoughts about going “to the left”, you need to make the next love spell on the bed at home.

On the waxing moon cover your matrimonial bed with a sheet. You need exactly the one on which you and your spouse at least once had an intimate relationship. Also prepare 7 candles in advance, which should be bought at the church. In the planned period, at night, when the husband is not at home, start the ritual. Having placed all the candles in the shape of a semicircle in front of the bed, light them. While they burn, think about how strong your family is, how much you love each other. Having thus concentrated attention, you can read a love spell on your husband:

“The Lord Almighty, my Lord, protector, intercessor and giver of mercy. Please help my husband, the servant of God (husband's name), find it, bring it to the threshold of the house, put this bed on the bed. Let him forget all other women and only me, his faithful wife (his name) loves. So that his thoughts are only about me, so that his passionate desire is embodied only with me. It will only be so from now on. Amen".

It is advisable to conduct the ceremony before the spouse returns home. He must not catch you performing the ritual, otherwise there will be no effect. After making a love spell, remove the candles away, and leave the sheet spread out. Next, you will need to go to bed on this bed with your loved one.

Having carried out this ceremony at home, you will see its effect almost immediately. The husband will spend more time in the family circle.

Ritual to strengthen family ties

It is possible to bewitch a spouse with the help of this ritual in those situations when the marriage begins to gradually collapse under the influence of frequent quarrels, scandals, problems, etc. It will be possible not only to keep the husband in the family, but also to eliminate the urgent disagreements between you.

To make the ritual effective, you must do the following. After waiting for the husband to fall asleep, carefully cut a strand from his head. Do the same with yourself. The procedure must be carried out either at 12 at night, or after the arrows pass this mark. Align your strand with the curl of your husband. After putting them in a distant box, go to bed.

The ritual, during which the love spell of the husband to his wife will be read, must be continued in the morning. When you wake up, take out your curls. Cut them into very small pieces using the sharpest scissors. Next, remove the resulting litter in a hand-sewn bag. Falling asleep in his hair, pronounce the words of a love spell:

“Just as these hairs from the head of a slave (husband’s name) and slaves (her own name) are connected, so our lives will henceforth be connected. Love has bound us forever, and quarrels and quarrels have gone away. Amen".

Then this bag will need to be discreetly placed at the head of the spouse's bed. If possible, you can sew the bag into the clothes that the missus wears at home every day. It is worth noting that the longer the man will be in contact with the love sac, the stronger the effect will be.

Rite with a ring to return a departed spouse

This rite can be used at home if you need to bewitch a husband who has left the family. Please note that the ritual will only work if this happened for the first time. To return the faithful to the family and improve relations, it will be enough:

Putting the vessel on the table, lower the symbol of the family into it. At the same time, cast a love spell on the wedding ring:

“As a wedding ring descends into the consecrated water, so does my husband (his name) return to me. Amen".

After that, remove the ring from the water, and drink all the water without a trace.

Ritual with a ring for the return of a spouse

This spell is more powerful. It is used to return ex-husband, which is not the first time left the family nest. This ritual is performed not only at home. In order for the love spell to help the desired come true, you need to take your ring and wrap it in a piece of white matter before leaving the house. After taking it, go to the church. There you should stand the whole service, and then buy wax candles (3 pieces). With them and a ring in your hand, you can return home.

Upon your return, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand. Then arrange candles on the table in the shape of a triangle and light them. At the same time, read the text of the love spell, looking at the fire of candles:

“Holy candles burn and illuminate, warm, the marriage of God's servant (her name) and God's servant (husband's name). May our hearts be filled with warmth and love from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

It will be necessary to do the ritual three times in a row. In order for the spell to work, you need to perform such actions at intervals of a week. After that, the return of the husband to the family will not keep you waiting.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that it will be possible to bewitch a husband (present or former) if you sincerely believe in the success of the event and if you select as strong a love spell as the situation in the family requires.

The rupture of relations, indifference on the part of the chosen one negatively affects the woman. She begins to worry, get nervous - why is the spouse indifferent or left the family, is there a rival? There is an inferiority complex, irritability. To return the elusive relationship will help a love spell on her husband.

It is important that the wife has a desire to return her beloved to the family. In this case, the chances of success are high. The energy of the spouses, even if they are not fixed by a church wedding, is interconnected. Common life, children, memories provide a good platform for reunion. The forces of the elements are on the side of the family, they help to return the chosen one. Therefore, the husband's love spell usually ends in success.

After returning the relationship, follow the 3 rules.

  1. Do not reproach.
  2. Don't remember.
  3. Trust.

To bewitch a husband, you should use the things that he wore (from 1 month). New ones or ones that were rarely worn will not work. It can be a tie, underwear, shirt. The common life allows the wife to use all possible methods of white magic, the husband's love spell acts quickly and efficiently.

Option I

Spell for love to spend late in the evening, during the growing moon. There should be no one in the room. Light 3 wax red candles, place them in a triangle. Place a glass of holy or settled water in the center of the triangle. Pick up the thing of your beloved, press it to your chest, say 7 times:

“How true that water from the corner of the house will not pour, it will not burn the threshold. It is so true that my beloved (husband’s name) will not leave me, he won’t find another for himself, he won’t press him to his chest, he won’t hug him, he won’t caress, he won’t leave me as a servant of God (his name) until the thing serves him faithfully and truthfully. What is said will come true. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Sprinkle a thing with water from a glass, put it under your pillow. Do not talk to anyone after the magical effect. The husband must wear the charmed thing all the time.

Option II

Take your spouse's belt, discreetly write the word "My" near the buckle. Move the belt from the buckle to the end, saying:

“Strap-strap, my dear friend. Serve me a service, (husband's name) tie to me. Tie not by force, but by kindness and affection! Hug him as I hug him, help as I will help him! Gray in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be gentle like my hand. I marked the strap, now there is a mark on my soul (husband's name). The heart will feel, the belt will lead, my chosen one will find the path to me. Amen"

At the end of the belt, discreetly write the word "My" again. A charmed belt will help restore good relations.

Conspiracy for water, food

Option I

As soon as you realized that the chosen one was about to leave the family or directly said about it - to return him, to bewitch her husband, conspiracies for food and drink will help. Before serving food, read the conspiracy words:

“Neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband’s name), would not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry up, Dreams home to the servant of God, (his name), called back. The word is firm, will be forever. Amen"

Option II

Cook jelly from 2 berries (for example, cherry and raspberry, irga and currant). Read the words to the husband's love, stirring the jelly:

"Growing up apart, and now together"

It is necessary to drink it together, it is better - from one mug.

Option III

If there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family, the words for any food and drink will help to return the husband’s love:

“As Eve walked for Adam, so you, a slave (your name), go for a slave (husband’s name). So that they lived together for a century, shared bread and bed, did not lag behind each other, did not know life without each other. Where the slave (his name), there is the slave (husband's name). Amen"

Option IV

Say words that will help bewitch your husband on red wine:

"Mother Holy Mother of God and father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love. So that love is until the end of time your servant of God (husband's name) and God's servant (her name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In the evening at dinner, treat your loved one with wine.

Variant V

The plot is read for salt. It is important that not the entire salt shaker falls under the conspiracy. Only the part with which you will salt your spouse's food:

“How people love salt and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day, not an hour, not a minute to pass. Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen"

Lapel from a rival

Option I

If you are sure that after leaving the house, the spouse went to his mistress - say after him. Open the door and read:

“Land of the earth, light of the light, I turn to you, who didn’t walk on you, didn’t sew on their sins. A slave (husband's name) will follow you to a lovebird, give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets away from me, the harder it will be for him on the way. To pull him back, turn him back. So that he suffers without me like the holy martyrs. Amen"

Option II

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather. So that the slave (husband's name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry up, dreams were called back home to the slave (his name). The word is strong, will be forever. Amen"

Wrap a piece of bread in a handkerchief, put it discreetly in your husband's pocket. This will help bring back his love for you. It is important that the chosen one does not notice the love bread. Otherwise, the love spell of the husband will not work.

Option III

If the chosen one went to live with a rival, read the words 3 times a day in order to return the spouse, his love:

“I will take the heart of a servant of God (the name of my husband), I will carry it to the cold in the ice kingdom, in the cold state. So that the slave (the name of the husband) did not love the slave (the name of the separation woman), cooled his heart, did not wear it in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice oven. The devil and the devil fight, pinch, bleed, they don’t think, they don’t advise advice. So the servant of God (the name of the husband) would fight and pinch, get angry and curse, he would not think, he would not advise advice. From now on, century after century. Amen"

Option IV

Looking at the growing month, say the words in a quick whisper to return the chosen one:

“A month, were you in the next world? Have you seen my dead? Have you seen (husband's name) alive? As you change place and light, you either grow or decrease, So you find me a slave (husband's name) and bring me a slave (husband's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The power of wedding rings

The rings of the spouses carry the strong energy of the family. Wedding ring - ancient symbol love and fidelity. This is a good guardian of the family. Magical power will begin to act if there is a sincerity of desire to save the chosen one and faith in the successful outcome of the ritual.

Love spell to start during the growing moon, light 3 candles. Dip your wedding ring into a glass of holy water. Say the words 3 times:

“Holy water, calm me down. Help me, (your name), return the faith and love of the servant of God, (husband's name). As the rings held our marriage together, so the water and my words will unite us forever. As water flows here and there, so my beloved will return to me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

There are frequent situations when a love spell on a husband seems the only way save a family that is literally crumbling before our eyes. But no less often, the wife begins to suspect that her lawful husband has been bewitched - his behavior becomes so illogical and unusual. How to be in such cases?

How to bewitch a husband: theory

You need to start by defining what a love spell is as such. Reference books on magic say that this is an influence from the outside, which, with the help of magical manipulations, connects some man and woman, regardless of what feelings they had for each other initially. That is, a love spell on her husband will return love or cause emotions similar to love. Rather, of course, the second option is true, since it is extremely difficult to cause artificially. So you can count on passion, attraction, affection, which, under favorable circumstances, will develop into a real feeling.

Also, when you are going to make a love spell on your husband, you need to understand that this is a kind of damage. Only it does not cause a disease, say, of the liver or kidneys, and not total bad luck. But the essence is the same. After all, the natural preferences of the love spell object seem to be erased, and something completely different is programmed instead.

What are the nuances?

For this event to be successful, the following rules must be followed:

  • The ritual must be performed by a person well versed in magic.
  • The love spell itself should be based on an appeal to light forces, but not to demons or other dark entities.
  • The process of bewitching must be safe (that is, without human sacrifice and similar acts punishable by law).

A love spell on a husband's love, as practice shows, can be different in terms of the strength of the impact, in addition, he has different term actions. This directly depends on the abilities of the person who is conducting the manipulations (that is, the strength of his energy) and how strong or weak the object of suggestion is (meaning his spiritual strength, not physical), and you also need to take into account whether he feeds sincere and unclouded love for someone (in this case, it will be very difficult to bewitch even a legal husband).

Types of love spells

Throughout the history of the development of human civilization, a huge number of women have asked themselves the idea of ​​how to bewitch a husband. Therefore, there are many options for this action.

  • Love spell on her husband using a photo. This option is good because the object will not need to add anything to food or drink, and also somehow affect it in a physical sense. Enough photo, which shows the spouse. It should be relatively recent, and the eyes should be clearly visible. The main advantage is that the wife can be next to her husband, while the performer, having received a photo by mail or on the Internet, will take up the rituals.
  • How to bewitch a husband with clothes? As you might guess, you will need to have some kind of thing that the object of the love spell wore. Better if repeatedly and directly on the body. That is, if possible, it is better to choose a shirt than a jacket. As a rule, spells are cast on an item, and then it is returned to the owner.
  • Love spell on husband on blood. These rituals can be very different. Most often, this is a strong love spell for the love of a husband, which cannot be called harmless. Particularly effective are manipulations with a woman's menstrual blood and rituals with a doll that personifies the object. Quite effective are love spells with the blood of the victim (animal, bird).
  • How to bewitch a husband with hair? Here you will also need its hairs, on which actions will be performed aimed at changing the sympathies of the object.

Also, wedding rings, wedding towels and many other things are often used for love spells.

How to understand whether it is worth doing a particular love spell?

When emotions run high, it seems that all means are good to achieve the goal. But it's not! And the consequences can be catastrophic. It is better to refuse the services of those people who offer to cast a love spell on her husband, in the text and actions of which there is clearly an appeal to the forces of evil. This can be guessed in such cases:

  • The ritual itself must be performed in the cemetery.
  • We need things of the deceased, earth from the grave, and similar attributes.
  • The use of symbols of the Antichrist, any distorted signs of religions, etc.).

Is it possible to understand that a love spell was made by a rival?

Yes, it can be done. Most often, craving for an outsider is not the only sign. Usually, if a love spell on a husband is made by a rival, a person becomes unmotivated aggressive, quick-tempered, too emotional, or, conversely, apathetic.

In addition, the object begins a losing streak. What was easy and effortless not so long ago now seems like a daunting task. This changes the range of interests. More precisely, it narrows down to a single person, who is the customer of the love spell.

Health problems begin. Basically, a strong love spell on her husband causes the following: insomnia, disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. Headaches, problems with appetite are observed.

Most often, a person himself does not notice changes in his behavior, and when this is pointed out to him, he believes that he hears nothing more than empty nit-picking and speculation. And he certainly will not believe in someone's influence on him from the outside, that is, in the fact that a love spell on her husband was made by someone else.

How to determine - relatively clear. What about the future of the one who started it all?

Love spell on her husband: consequences

Unfortunately, things don't always end happily. It happens that a love spell made even on a beloved and completely legal spouse, but by a master who is not very professional, responds to the children and even grandchildren of a married couple. They can get bad luck in personal life and health problems, including infertility.

So the implications must be carefully weighed. After all, we are not gods. And it is likely that you should not tell fortunes about a spouse who decided to leave for another. Maybe you will soon meet your true destiny, and thank the Higher Mind for having deprived you of an unsuccessful marriage.

If you also understand that someone interfered in your marriage, then you need to look for a master who can remove the love spell. Alternatively, go to church and pray. After all, nothing is impossible for a person who believes and wants the good. Look for ways to free your dear person from what is imposed on him from the outside! It will definitely work out, although it is not a fact that it will be easy.

Is it so to do? And if so, how?

As magicians say, making really strong love spells is recommended in exceptional cases. In other situations, a light snap is often enough to allow the subject to look at you with different eyes. And if you behave correctly, the result will be real feelings. After all, any love spell, even the highest quality, sooner or later dissipates. And if real feelings do not appear, the person will leave.


It is worth saying right away that this love spell on a husband with a photo and blood is a good option to arouse increased interest in yourself and skillfully use it. Beyond that, it all depends on you.

You will need this: a photo of the object and your photo, a lighter, a red candle, a sharp needle, an ashtray.

It is best to perform the ritual on a growing moon.

So put the photo in front of you. Focus on them. Imagine that you are already together, you feel good, your hearts are filled with warmth and happiness. At the same time, a candle should be lit. After 10-15 minutes of such meditation, when the images become stable, you can prick your left hand. A drop of blood should fall on the photo of the object. This is the path to his heart. Think again about everything you want to convey to the person. And then put your photo on top of it. Now light the photos with a candle. The ashes must either be blown into the wind or scattered under the threshold of the object.

Instead of a conclusion

The temptation to use magic is great. Moreover, now you know how to cast a love spell on your husband. But is it worth it? And are you sure that this is the person you need? In any case, good luck and happiness in love!

The magazine that suddenly fell to the floor brought Marina out of the amoebic state in which she had been since the departure of Alexei. Immediately, her eyes were attracted by the headline of the opening spread: "How to bewitch a man." There are no accidents, the girl thought, and began to read the text with interest.

How to bewitch a husband without consequences

Family life is full of surprises: both happy and unpleasant, capable of leading relationships to collapse. Unfortunately, the latter is not uncommon. Those who find themselves in a situation where a loved one has left are often looking for how to return him.

Few dare to use magic: they figure out how to bewitch a man, and perform a love spell.

Rituals performed thoughtlessly, without special need and without proper preparation, can lead to irreversible consequences for you and loved ones, even for future children.

Love magic is based on a sincere, all-consuming feeling. If a girl is ready to give her heart for her beloved, then the love spell will work.

  • Before starting the ritual, concentrate on the image of your loved one. Thoughts should be in the area of ​​future relationships and focus on loving him.
  • Perform the ceremony alone, in plain clothes - a shirt, a combination; the face must be washed (no makeup), hair loose, feet bare.
  • The sacrament is performed on the growing, waxing moon (unless otherwise specified in the chosen ritual).
  • Do not use magic on church holidays and on Sundays.
  • Attributes of the ritual - candles - light with a match or a torch, and extinguish with your fingers or a knife bought in advance for the action.
  • In order for the success of the love spell to be fixed faster, you must have access to the man's social circle. Appear in front of him more often, let him feel your presence.
  • You try to bewitch your lover as soon as possible - you need to simultaneously conduct rituals to destroy his relationship with his wife (cool or lapel).
  • Do not share with others about the applied witchcraft method, since the spell can be destroyed (the channel for the release of the energy spent on the love spell will open).
  • The items used in the ritual should not fall into the wrong hands - hide them in a safe nook or throw them away in a deserted wasteland (except for those that are supposed to be handed over to the object of influence).

Try to follow the above in working on the problem of "how to bewitch a man", and the negative consequences of your actions will be minimal.

There are a lot of homemade love spells. The most powerful rituals always involve the use of magical objects - candles, photographs, icons, things of a bewitched man.

Plexus of fate

With the help of a couple church candles and a photo you will bewitch your loved one even at a distance.

Weave two wax candles, saying the magic lines:

“As both candles are intertwined, so our destinies - the servants of God (name yourself) and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) - are united. Candles retinue, so you and I retinue.

Now light a double candle in front of the image of your beloved and say nine times:

“I don’t light a candle, but I light your soul, the servant of God (the name of the chosen one), so that your heart burns for me, the servant of God (his name). My words are on the key-lock. Amen."

Water will tell you how to bewitch a lover

Married women who have mistresses should beware of leaving their belongings with them. Even a shirt can become a means of love binding. Here's how it's done:

In the evening, the girl collects a bucket of spring water, throws a silver ring into it and leaves the container at the bedside for the night. Thus, the water is charged. In the early morning (before sunrise), the maiden takes out the product from the bucket with her left hand, puts on her lover's shirt (not washed) and, standing barefoot on the ground, douses herself from the bucket, saying:

“Your shirt, the servant of God (calls his name) is on me, your sweetheart, the servant of God (calls his name). So your love is on me. I water myself with water, forever and ever I am bewitched by the sweetheart. Forever I will be with my beloved, only love him alone. Spill silver water, my words will come true. Amen."

The homeowner does not take off her shirt until it dries.

Cat and candles are mine forever

Learned how to bewitch a married man. And here is the method that Marina chose, thinking about how to bewitch her ex-husband.

Take a couple of large candles (white and red). Comb the cat thoroughly so that the hair remains on the comb, lock yourself in the room (you don’t need to take the cat), light the candles by placing them on the table. Place a small saucer next to it. On a piece of red paper, write the names (your own and your spouse's).

Put the collected wool on top of the leaf and fold it in half twice. Bring the paper to both candles so that it simultaneously ignites from their flame. Lower the burning leaf on a saucer and say:

“As a piece of paper burns, so let the heart of my beloved husband (say the name) burn.”

Love is the most beautiful and warm feeling in the world. As the saying goes: “If you didn’t love, then you never felt anything.” But everyone is familiar with the situation when feelings lose their passion and ardor. No family, no children, no home comfort cannot hold a person if he is about to leave.


There are many ways to save a relationship, but when they do not help, you can think about magic. The love spell of a loved one is the most common procedure. It can be performed by contacting a specialist or at home on your own. After all, sincerely loving woman capable of any magic.

Is it worth it to turn to sorcerers

Often, turning to magicians or sorcerers is scary, and this is not only because of the consequences, but also for a reason. a large number charlatans. They are ready to replenish their wallet on someone else's grief and misfortune. Such sessions will not bring any effect or result. For this reason, an independent love spell began to gain great popularity among women. The most common love spell is the return of a loved one from another woman.

Love spell on a sheet

by the most in an efficient way is a love spell on a sheet or a man's underwear. The procedure is performed when the other half is not at home at night. Best of all at the time of the growing moon. It gives strength and serves as the beginning of everything bright and pure.

You need to arrange seven candles around the bed and imagine the pleasant moments spent with your husband. Underwear can be placed under the mattress on the women's side. At this moment, you can say a prayer or just ask what you want from higher powers. Sincerity and hope for a positive result will give strength to the rite.

Love spell through things or a photo

There are also two main types of love spell if a person is not around. These are rituals using personal items or photographs. Thus, you can bewitch any person and there is no difference what gender he is. Moreover, some believe that the days of the week are divided into male and female. A love spell for a loved one is best done on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

There are many ways to plot a photograph. But among them, one of the simplest stands out. To do this, you need two photographs depicting a man and herself. On the reverse sides Names and dates of births are written on the cards. Moreover, on male female and vice versa.

Then they are stacked on top of each other with pictures inside. The corners are sewn together with a red thread without touching the silhouette of a person. The knots are tied tightly. Saying a spell. After that, two photographs stitched together are put into a perfectly white envelope and sealed with wax. As long as the wax seal is intact, the love spell will work. This envelope must be well hidden and not shown to anyone.

Love spell on things

A love spell on things has several common ways. In the first case, gifts are spoken. New things lend themselves well to such rituals. But the thing in the future must always be with the person. The second moment the necessary thing is selected. After a love spell, the object is imperceptibly returned back. The third situation is when a thing is stolen and then destroyed. The methods are easy and simple. But sometimes they bring great benefits and results.

Wedding ring

The wedding rings of the spouses have greater value than symbols eternal love. They contain a lot of the owner's energy, which can be influenced in due time. If the spouse left home for the first time and there are suspicions of infidelity, you can do the following thing.

The woman lowers the wedding ring into the water and says a prayer. Repeats at least 3 times. The ring after this process is removed from the water and dried. natural way. After that, you need to drink water, thinking about your loved one.

If the husband is cheating

If cheating is repeated for a long time, you can also resort to using a wedding ring. They wrap him in a scarf and enter the church with him. A woman needs to defend the whole prayer entirely. After that, you need to take three candles and come home. Arrange the candles in the form of a triangle and light them.

While the candles are burning and slowly melting, a prayer is read. Some love spells do not begin to act immediately, but after some time has passed. The result can appear both in a couple of days and in a month. To consolidate the result, you can repeat some rituals three times. After all, three is a magic number.

Love spell with water

Love spells with water are often found in practice. Water is a unique liquid that has magical properties, can remember information and positively influence things. You can pour a glass, and holding it in right hand cast spell. It must contain the name of a loved one. It is better to take a glass transparent.

Moreover, during the ceremony, you can drive around its circle with your finger, creating vibrations. After that, we put it on the windowsill and let the sun's rays fill it with energy and light. After three days, you can invite the object of desire to visit and give him tea or another drink, after adding a couple of drops from the cherished glass to it. During tea drinking it is recommended to look the interlocutor in the eyes. This will establish not only eye contact, but also establish spiritual intimacy.

How does a love spell work and what can be the consequences

Do not forget that this love spell acts on the coercion of a person and is aimed at feelings that could fade away. Everyone wants to keep a strong and loving family, but this is not always possible. Forcing a person to do something is sometimes the wrong decision.

A love spell can have negative consequences. The most negative of this may be the moment that a man simply lose his will. He will not love the woman who is nearby, he will simply depend on her. Former passion may not return, but what stronger man the more wants and needs.

Health and mental problems

Some try to forget or escape from reality with the help of alcohol. A change in energy flows can cause health complications, and diseases will appear. The simplest is sleep disturbance and constant mood swings. Moreover, the consequences can affect not only the personal life and health of a loved one, but also his professional success.

Problems with work, constant fatigue accompany love spells in many cases. The last negative consequence is the relationship with others. Due to the fact that all the attention of the chosen one is directed to the woman, he does not care about friends and relatives. For this reason, there are negative moments. And at the mention of outsiders about interference in a person’s consciousness, the object can flare up and say too much, which will aggravate the situation.

Summing up, we can conclude that despite the hundred percent results of love spells and the ability to save a family, it is impossible to predict what the consequences will be later. You will have to live on not with the strong bright man but with a puppet. It is unlikely that this is what a woman wants. But the choice is always made depending on the situation and desire. The result of any love spell depends on the desire of the performer of this rite.

Before the start of the ceremony, it is worth looking at joint photos, remembering pleasant moments and dreaming about a happy future. A good charge of emotions and the right attitude are initially aimed at success. And if a person really wants something and constantly dreams about it, this will definitely happen. The main thing is to believe in the success of any business that you start.