Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash, take a shower before Communion in church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child, relatives, kneel after Communion? What not to do on the day of communion.

  • 14.10.2019

What is the best way to prepare for receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ?

Only Orthodox people come to the Sacrament of Holy Communion, those who constantly go to church, strictly observe all fasts, are married, pray, live in peace with everyone, repent of sins - such people, with the permission of the confessor, proceed to the Chalice.

It is necessary to prepare in advance both the soul and the body in order to unite with the Lord. Fast for 3-4 days, do not eat fast food, abstain from dinner the day before, replace it with the rule: read two akathist - to the Savior and Mother of God, four canons - the Savior, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel and the canon for Holy Communion. Who does not have such an opportunity - 500 prayers of Jesus and 150 times "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice ..." But even after reading this rule, even if we have been preparing for a thousand years, we cannot think that we are worthy to receive the Body of Christ. We must hope only in the mercy of God and in His great love for mankind.

Before Communion, it is necessary to sincerely repent in the presence of a priest. Be sure to have a cross on your chest. In no case should you approach the Chalice if the confessor forbids or if you conceal a sin. In bodily and monthly impurity, it is also impossible to proceed to the Sacrament of Communion. Before and after Communion, one must abstain from marital relations.

We must remember that before Communion or after it there is always a temptation. After Communion until the morning prostrations are not done, the mouth is not rinsed, nothing can be spit out. It is necessary to keep oneself from idle talk, especially from condemnation, to read the Gospel, the Jesus Prayer, akathists, Divine books.

How often should you take communion? How do you know that you have received communion worthily, not in condemnation?

If a person is married, observes fasts, Wednesdays, Fridays, reads morning and evening prayers, lives with everyone in the world, if he reads the whole rule before Communion and considers himself unworthy, approaching Communion with faith and fear, then he partakes of Christ's Mysteries with dignity . The soul does not immediately, suddenly feel worthy of communion. Maybe the next day or the third the soul will feel peace, joy. It all depends on our preparation. If we pray intensely, try to get every word of prayer into our hearts, fast and consider ourselves sinful and unworthy at the same time, then we can immediately feel the presence of the Lord in us. After Communion there will be peace and joy in us. Temptation may come at once. One must be ready for him, having met him, not to be tempted and not to sin. So the devil knows that we are prepared. But the most important thing is to consider yourself sinful and unworthy. Of course, if we live in such a way that we will be forced to read the canons, morning and evening rule, and we will do it carelessly, in our souls this feeling of sinfulness will not be born. We have enough time to chat, run around, see what lies where, who does what. We have enough energy for this. Or we will hold out, drive the time: "Oh, there are three minutes left until midnight! We must go to eat!" This is not an Orthodox spirit. This is the spirit of Satan. It should not be. The Orthodox must do everything with reverence and the fear of God. The soul of an Orthodox Christian feels God both after communion and between communions. The Lord is near, stands at the door of our heart and knocks: what if they open it, hear His knock? The holy fathers honored reverence and fear in their souls and supported this grace with prayer. They, feeling that prayer was weakening, confessed and approached the Chalice, and the Lord strengthened! Again the soul was on fire. Communion is the only sacrament of the Church where the soul of a person can ignite with the flame of divine love; because in Communion we receive into ourselves the Living Fire, the Creator of the universe Himself.

Is the infection transmitted through a cross, a spoon for communion, an icon?

In the church we are already dealing with Heaven. Here we are no longer on earth. The Church is a small piece of Heaven on earth. When we cross the threshold of a temple, we must forget about everything earthly, including squeamishness (squeamish people are usually lecherous, say the holy fathers). The infection is transmitted only by sinful means. Many people work in infectious diseases departments, in tuberculosis hospitals, but do not suffer from these diseases. Priests also come there - they give communion. And no one has ever been infected. People become infected only through sin.

When they approach the Chalice, they take from one small spoon - a spoon - the Creator of the Universe, the Living Christ, the Body and Blood of Christ. Here Themselves Cleanliness and Sterility. Here everything is so pure that believers do not even have the thought of infection. Through the hands of the priest, Christ Himself enters into man. Not a part of His Flesh and Blood, but as a whole, the Lord enters into each one who takes communion. Angels in awe, in fear are present. And what can we say about some kind of infection. There was a time, in the 62-63s, atheists came to church and taught that after each communicant, the liar should be lowered into a special solution. Well, this is for them... They don't understand anything. And the fact that their soul has already become a vessel of Satan is normal, it's okay!

When Righteous John of Kronstadt was serving in the cathedral, two young men came to see him. They were about to take communion. One subtracted the rule, and the second, very tired, could not. And both came to church. The one who read it calmly approached Communion, and the righteous John of Kronstadt did not allow him. And the other, with a contrite heart, said to himself like this: “Lord, I so want to receive You; but I didn’t read the rule, I’m so vile, so vile ...” Condemning himself, he approached the Chalice, and the righteous John of Kronstadt gave him communion. The most important thing for the Lord is our contrite heart, the awareness of our unworthiness. St. John Chrysostom says: "If we prepare for a thousand years, we will never be worthy - we must hope for the mercy of God. If the Lord does not help, we will not be able to partake worthily."

When you take communion, you feel light in your soul, but after a while (on the same day) this state passes, and your soul feels heavy again. You feel the absence of God. The same passions rise up again. What do we have to do?

You have to prepare yourself the day before. It is necessary to fast well - "this kind of demons is expelled only by prayer and fasting" (Matt. 17:21), therefore, one must pray well the day before, warm up one's soul, fast - the passions will depart. After Communion, one must try to remain in prayer, to maintain peace of mind. Those who love to be self-willed, to rebel, do not appreciate Communion. They took communion - and immediately they have resentment, and hysteria, and rebellion next to them. This is because it is not their will that everything happens. It is necessary for them to exist, to break everything to the end, all relations. There are still many such people, they are called butovschiki. They value nothing, they value nothing. The most important thing is that everything should be according to their desire. And if (God forbid) something is against them, everyone around them becomes enemies, and there will never be peace in the soul, until death. This is the most terrible state of the human soul. A person lives according to his will and no one has the right to say anything to him. And so they are doing well, just do not touch them - they will sting ...

Why then, when you take communion, do the Holy Mysteries sometimes taste like bread, and sometimes like Flesh? Does this mean that at one time you partake of eternal life, and at another - in condemnation?

If a person feels that he is taking on the Flesh, then the Lord gives it to strengthen faith. But it is right to feel the taste of bread. The Lord Himself says: "I am the bread of Life" (John 6:35).

Many people have told me about this. Quite recently, a woman called from Kiev, saying: “Father, my faith is weak. When I went to Communion today, I was poorly prepared. Father gave me a small particle, and at the Chalice I thought: “What kind of Flesh can be here? When I don’t even feel with my tongue that he put something in my mouth? ”He gave me a little, a little. And I just couldn’t eat that piece. It stayed in my mouth like that. I came home - my mouth was full of meat. For several hours I sobbed, cried, asked the Lord - it's a pity to throw it away, but I can't swallow it! Then the Lord freed me - I swallowed it and now I'm calling. What, have I sinned terribly?" “Repent that you doubted it,” I tell her.

We know that the Lord performed the first miracle when He turned wine from water. It costs him nothing to transform His blood from wine, and from bread - Flesh. A person does not receive a part of the flesh, but the Living Christ enters into each communion in its entirety.

We know the word of the Apostle Paul about receiving the Holy Gifts "without reasoning". I would like to know if it is possible to give such recommendations to a person who does not believe in God?

Only believing people can approach the Chalice and receive communion, those who believe in the crucified Jesus Christ as the Son of God, sincerely confess their sins. And to the “raw material” that doesn’t go to church, doesn’t pray to God, doesn’t keep fasts and strives to take communion “just in case”, we usually say: “It’s too early for you to take communion. You have to get ready.” Some defend such "parishioners", they say: "If they are not allowed, then who is to be allowed?" God doesn't want quantity, God wants quality. It is better for one person to partake worthily than twenty unworthily. Saint Gregory the Theologian says: “I would rather give my body to be torn to pieces by dogs than the body of Christ to the unworthy.”

You have to have a discussion. We know from experience that everyone who came to church to be baptized and did not prepare remains outside the Church. Therefore, we ask you to seriously prepare your soul for this Sacrament, go to church services, and pray. When such a prepared person is baptized, he will become a faithful member of the Church, he will constantly be in the temple. This is what real Orthodox people are. In a day Doomsday on the left side of our Judge there will be a lot of baptized, "Orthodox". They will prove that they are believers, but the Lord will say: "Depart from me, cursed, into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Mt. 25:41).

After communion, I almost got hit by a car. I escaped with a bruise ... I want to understand why this happened?

There may be various reasons for this. The holy fathers say that before or after communion, the enemy will certainly arrange a temptation: he will try to prevent him from taking communion, or after communion he will take revenge. He seeks to create an obstacle with all demonic intrigues so that a person cannot worthily receive communion. A Christian prepares, prays, reads the rule for Holy Communion, and suddenly ... someone met him on the way, scolded him or his neighbors made a scandal at home, all so that the person sinned and lost heart. These are obstacles from the devil.

It also happens differently. The person is at enmity, has not reconciled, has not asked for forgiveness and goes to the Chalice. Or He has secret unrepentant sins in his soul.

If a person went through a formal confession, did not repent of anything and approached the Chalice more than once, he took communion unworthily, to condemn himself. Of such, the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians says that "... many of them die" (1 Cor. 11:30).

If, however, we have repented of everything, concealed nothing, left nothing on our conscience, then we are under the special protection of God. Then even if a car knocks us to death, it’s not scary: on the day of communion, all Orthodox Christians would like to die, because for the sake of the Holy Gifts, the soul immediately admires the Angels in Heaven and it does not go through ordeal. The soul will not go to hell on the day of communion.

And if such a nuisance happened, but the person "got off with a fright", remained alive, then this can be regarded as a reminder of God about the inevitable death that may come today or tomorrow. Life is short. This means that it is necessary to strengthen the exploits, pay more attention to the spiritual side of your life. Any illness, any such case is news from the other world. The Lord constantly reminds us that our earthly refuge is temporary, that we do not live here forever and will leave for another world.

No matter how well a person lives on earth, he will not build a kingdom here. Only once was he given the opportunity to live in paradise under the protection of God's grace. Man could not resist, fell into sin, and sin shortened the days of man's life. Along with sin, death entered the life of a person. The devil has perverted consciousness to such an extent that sin has become the norm, and virtue is trampled on.

But we have the hope of entering the Kingdom of Heaven through a righteous life in Christ and the cleansing of the soul through repentance. And in the Kingdom of Heaven there is no despondency, no sickness, no despair, no sorrows. There is fullness of life, fullness of joy, And for this we must constantly prepare, remember every second: our whole life is only preparation for eternity. How many billions of people were on earth, all moved into the world of the majority. And now we stand on the threshold of that world.

Can the unmarried receive communion?

This issue is very complex, and it should be resolved with the confessor. An unmarried marriage is not blessed by God. For example, a woman lives in Moscow. She has an apartment. From the other end of Moscow, a man comes to her and cohabits with her. Well, and how: can such people be allowed to receive communion?" Many will exclaim: "Father, this is fornication. They live illegally."

Okay. Then this man collects his things and moves to her, thinks: "What am I going to go back and forth." He came, began to live, registered with her. We registered at the registry office, in case of a divorce, in order to divide the little things acquired together. Was the marriage legal then? Nothing like that, it's just as illegal. They just got together.

This marriage will be legal when they have strong faith, give God a promise to observe purity in marriage, that is, not to indulge infantry desires during fasting, not to commit adultery on the side and get married. That's when this marriage will be "registered" in Heaven. This marriage is blessed by God.

Now many people get married at the insistence of their parents. A mother says to her son or daughter: "You must definitely get married!" And children, to please their parents, get married in the church. The mother is calm and comforted. And they lived for two or three months, a scandal, and fled. Soon they find themselves another couple and begin to live new family. Thus they commit adultery and trample on the holy bonds of a crowned, God-blessed marriage.

By law given by God, these people are bound by marriage as long as one of the spouses is alive. The husband dies, the wife can get married, and vice versa. But with both spouses alive, none of them can live with another person. And no priest has the right to marry them.

What God has joined together, let no man separate. "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery with her husband" (Luke 1b, 18). "To those who are married, I do not command, but the Lord: A woman shall not divorce her husband, and a husband shall not leave his wife" (1 Cor. 7:10).

If it became unbearable to live with your spouse, and you separated, then you need to keep yourself clean; but it is better to be reconciled with the one whom the Lord has given you.

We give communion to an infant, but for some reason he becomes irritable after communion.

Much depends on the parents. The child is sinless, holy, and the parents are often unrepentant, and their inner state is reflected in the child. It is mentioned in the life of the righteous John of Kronstadt: when babies were brought to him to receive communion, some of them did not want to accept the Holy Gifts - they waved their arms, twisted, spun. And the righteous prophetically said: "These are the future persecutors of the Church." From birth they were opponents of God.

Grandmother secretly from parents takes communion small child, she is embarrassed that it is a secret.

There is nothing wrong here. On the contrary, it is very good that someone was found in the family, doing a good deed for the soul of this child. The child must live a spiritual life. If he does not receive communion, his soul may die and the little man will grow up with a dead soul. Subsequently, they can take over evil force even to mental illness, to demonic possession. And if this, by the grace of God, does not happen, a person with an evil character will simply grow up.

A small planted flower requires care and attention. It needs watering, loosening and freeing from weeds. So the child must be communed with the Holy Mysteries - the Blood and Body of Christ. Then his soul lives and develops. She falls under the special protection of the Lord's grace.

After the release of the Jews from Egyptian slavery, the Lord gave the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and ordered Moses to build a tabernacle from expensive materials, a kind of portable temple, one of the first schools of piety. “When Moses entered the tabernacle, then a pillar of cloud descended and stood at the entrance to the tabernacle, and [the Lord] spoke to Moses. And all the people saw a pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tabernacle; and all the people stood up, and each one worshiped at the entrance to his tent. And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex. 33:9-11).

Thus the Lord determined the place of His special presence. Later, at the command of God, the wise King Solomon built a majestic stone temple in Jerusalem. At this temple was brought up Holy Mother of God and then our Lord Jesus Christ Himself entered this temple. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the majority of the Jews did not accept the Savior and crucified Him, the temple, like the whole city, was destroyed during the Jewish uprising in 70 AD. From this temple, only part of the wall remains, which is now called the Wailing Wall.

Now, following the example of the Temple in Jerusalem, many majestic and beautiful Christian churches have been built all over the world, and we, like the ancient Jews, believe that they have a special place for the presence of God. All our Orthodox churches are modeled on the ancient tabernacle, that is, they consist of three parts: the Holy of Holies - the altar, the main part where the people stand, and the vestibule ...

- Father, how does our Orthodox church differ from the Old Testament one?

Perhaps the most significant difference is that in an Orthodox church, unlike the Old Testament one, where innocent animals were sacrificed, bloodless sacrifice- The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is celebrated, when simple bread and wine, through the prayers of the upcoming priest and people, by the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit, are transformed into the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we come to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ with faith, we invisibly unite with God Himself.

Many people on a subconscious level are drawn to the temple, they feel that the Lord is here, and they try to go in and at least light a candle and briefly pray for themselves and their loved ones, but they are limited only to this. How important is it also to participate in the Sacraments that are performed here?

If a person with tears of repentance and a prayer came to the temple and limited himself only to putting a candle, then no one has the right to condemn such a person for not staying here for a longer time, not proceeding to the Sacraments. Perhaps this is his first small experience of familiarization with the spiritual life. Some time will pass, and this person will have a need to deepen their relationship with God.

But such a need may not appear! It is no secret that today, despite the abundance of necessary information, many people have no idea about the Church Sacraments, no one told them about it either in the family or at school.

Yes, now most people are baptized in the Orthodox faith, but they are not enlightened, that is, they do not have elementary knowledge about faith, and even more so about the Church Sacraments. But when a person does not participate in the sacraments of the Church, it is very difficult or, it would not be an exaggeration to say, impossible for him to resist those temptations and temptations into which worldly fuss constantly plunges him.

For people who live in the world, although they constantly step on the same rake, this is not obvious. Can you bring any specific example?

For example, a person is married. At first, everything went well, there was love and harmony, but as they got to know each other more deeply, the relationship in marriage began to get upset and ended up on the verge of a complete break. What to do? In most cases, as official statistics show, such a marriage breaks up, because in a heated conflict, usually each of the parties blames the other side and there is no end to these mutual accusations. If, however, faith in God is at least a little warm in a person’s heart and he tries to constantly support and ignite it through prayer, confession and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, then in the light of faith he sees the cause of the conflict not in another person, but first of all in himself. and tries to do everything, to make any sacrifices and concessions, so that the conflict exhausts itself. No one can do this without faith and without participation in the Sacraments. Or take another example: someone has a very harsh and picky boss who is not easy to tolerate. And so the constant squabbles and scandals begin. If a person has faith, then he is calm, for he is not afraid of a harsh boss, but of God and tries to do everything the best way to please Him first.

However, there are many cases when people regularly go to church, go to confession, take communion, but do not become better or become even worse than they were. Why does it happen?

Perhaps, main reason the lack of change is not in the ineffectiveness of the Sacraments, but in the wrong attitude towards them. Often people, approaching Communion, are looking for some special sensations and delights. It happens that they even brag to each other about their feelings after receiving the Sacrament, but at the same time they forget about its main essence. The essence of the Sacrament is not to experience delight, but to overcome oneself, one's sins and passions with God's help and become closer to the Lord and other people.

- Really after the Communion there should not be any sensations at all?

There can be only one feeling - the realization of one's unworthiness before God. This is stated in the prayer before Holy Communion: “I believe, Lord, and I confess that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who came into the world to save sinners, but I am the first from them.” Sometimes even from the feeling of their unworthiness, tears appear in the eyes of people. I know some priests and laity who never take communion without tears. But the main thing during Communion, I repeat, is not special feelings, but spiritual closeness with the Lord and with other people.

But can't Communion have a beneficial effect not only on the soul, but also on the body of a person, heal him of illnesses?

Yes, in the prayer before Communion there are the words: “Let communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ be not for judgment or condemnation, but for the healing of soul and body.” This means that Communion can also bestow bodily health. It is no coincidence that believers in the event of a serious illness, and especially before an operation, try to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Many cases are known when Communion acted beneficially, when doctors have long since lost all hope.

- Why do believers take communion from one cup and one spoon (spoon)?

The essential aspect of Communion is the unity of all people in Christ. In the ancient Christian monument Didache (the teaching of the twelve apostles), the Eucharistic prayer is given, in which there are such words: “As this broken bread was scattered over the hills and, gathered together, became one, so may Thy Church be gathered from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom, for yours is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ forever” (9:4). Through Communion, a crowd of people, where everyone worries only about themselves, turns into a Church, where all people become close and dear, ready to perceive someone else's pain as their own, other people's joys as their own. And just as in a family everything is in common and they often do not disdain to eat from the same dish, so during Communion we become one. great family and therefore we partake of one cup and one spoon.

How often do you need to take communion? In the 19th century, according to the Catechism of St. Philaret (Drozdov), the laity were recommended to take communion 4 times a year, that is, during the Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas fasts. And now we see that some people take communion at every liturgy. How to find golden mean?

I think that in the 19th century such a recommendation - to take communion four times a year - was dictated by force, because of the impoverishment of faith and piety among part of the intelligentsia and the people. Almost all the pastors of that period testify to this in their sermons and publicistic speeches. At that time, many people completely stopped going to church and taking communion. Hence the recommendation in the Catechism: better rarely than never. But now the situation is different. Today, we priests recommend that people take communion at least once a month, and always on the Twelfth Feasts. For those who want to receive communion more often, such as seminary students, novices, monks, or people who go to church more than once a week and try to lead an active spiritual life, we do not prohibit this. On the contrary, it is joyful that in our time there are still people who, first of all, try not to please themselves, not their bliss, relaxation and passions, but God.

Now people travel a lot and end up in places where there is no Orthodox churches. Can they take communion in a Catholic or schismatic church?

It is better not to do this, because these religious meetings, although they preserve the ancient rites, have lost their essence. This is a topic for a separate discussion. The worst thing is that they fell away from the single Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church which we confess with the whole temple at every divine service in the Creed. And a branch on a tree that has broken off can only for the time being retain its beautiful greenery and fragrance, but later, without moisture, it dries completely.

V Orthodox Church there is such a thing as the sacrament of communion, it also has the name of the Eucharist. Communion is the blessing of the Lord for the remission of sins and filling Christians with their grace. If you have decided to visit the temple for this purpose, then our article will explain to you all the related questions.

The main thing in the article

What is the sacrament of communion in the Orthodox Church: what does it give and what is it for?

Not every person who wears pectoral cross, and who has been baptized in the Orthodox Church, may call himself a Christian. A person becomes a believer when he begins to participate in the life of the church, to observe all its canons. . In other words, he is in spiritual union with God.

For our ancestors who professed Orthodox faith, it was unthinkable to be called Christians, and not to observe the sacrament.

The Sacrament of Communion was established by Jesus Christ even before he was betrayed and sent to torment. At the Last Supper, the Savior instituted the sacrament of communion among his disciples. He blessed his daily bread and wine as his own flesh and blood, thereby commanding his apostles, and through them to their other successors, to do this good deed.

By performing the sacrament of communion, a person gets the opportunity to be cleansed of sin and receive healing of the soul. Opportunity to improve your life better side to transform your human nature.

How is communion in church?

If you are a real believer, then should properly prepare for the sacrament (read more about this below). By doing this, you express gratitude and respect to the Lord. You need to come to the decision to take communion not because of a sense of duty, your soul must consciously strive for this.

The concepts of confession and Holy Communion are inseparable . You will not be able to take communion if you do not confess first.

Confession is repentance before the Lord God about the sins committed, denial of committing further sins. You, a servant of God, in the presence of a priest, voice all the sins for which you ask God for forgiveness. In turn, the priest helps you cleanse yourself of sins with the help of prayer. You also need to prepare for confession:

  • Early think about the possible sins you have committed. First of all, pay attention to those perfect deeds that bother you, prevent you from living. But do not forget about other disobediences to the faith, which, at first glance, seem less significant (check out the list).

If it is difficult for you to voice your sins out loud, then you can write a note and give it to the priest, he will do it for you. Only at the moment of confession you need to sincerely realize your mistakes - you will not hide anything before God.

After preparing for communion and confession, the priest gives a blessing to pass communion.

As a rule, a sacred action occurs in this way:

  • In the morning, a person comes to confession, after which the service begins in the church.
  • Then the priest takes out a cup of red wine, symbolizing the blood of the Savior.
  • Then, one by one, without pushing, people come up to the priest to take a little wine from a spoon.
  • After taking red wine Orthodox Christian steps aside, where the ministers of the church give him a piece of prosphora with holy water, denoting the flesh of Christ.
  • Children are allowed to take communion first, until they are seven years old they may not prepare for communion.
  • On this, the procedure for accepting the sacrament of communion is considered completed.

What are the days of communion in the church?

You can go through the sacrament of the sacrament on any day when a church service takes place. This Christian worship is called - liturgy. In order not to be mistaken, talk in advance with the priest or with the ministers of the church about the exact day of communion. As a rule, the service in the church must be corrected on Saturday and Sunday.

The exception is Great Lent before Easter until Holy Week. During this period there is special calendar(schedule) services.

great post designed to prepare Christian people to the great celebration of Easter. Divine services during this period are distinguished by prayers for the remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, his repentance.

An Orthodox Christian should take communion as often as possible, once or twice a month. But this is very individual, you yourself should feel the desire for repentance, and not adhere to the standards. It would not be superfluous to discuss with the priest all the questions of spiritual life that concern you.

What time does communion start in church on Saturday and Sunday?

The Sacrament of Communion begins at the end of the morning service in the church. Each temple has its own - individual start time for the morning service. Church services are divided into: morning, afternoon, evening. Communion is often held at the morning service (there are exceptions), it is also called the 1st hour. Usually the beginning of such a service is not earlier than seven, and not later than ten in the morning.

The duration of the service depends on:

  • From the nature of the service (holiday, daily, evening, Lenten, etc.).
  • From the speed of the performance of the service by both the holy father and the choir. In some churches this happens slowly, in others more quickly.
  • From the number of people who want to confess before the start of the service and take communion after it, respectively.
  • On whether a sermon will sound at the service.

On average, the morning service lasts 1 hour 20 minutes - 2 hours.

If you will take communion at the evening service, then it is better to consult with the holy father about the moments of preparation for it, since the action should take place on an empty stomach. Perhaps it is better to confess before the evening service, and take communion after the morning.

How long does communion last?

  • The duration of the communion itself will depend on the number of those wishing to receive communion .
  • After the end of the service, the priest takes out the Chalice with the Holy Gifts from behind the altar, and invites those who wish to take communion.
  • At first, church ministers, monks take communion, and then let the children and everyone else pass.
  • While waiting for your turn, you can’t arrange a farce and showdown, otherwise all repentance will not make any sense.
  • It will take less than a minute to taste the Holy Gifts (“cahors”, prosphora, holy water or “warmth”).

How often can you take communion?

This is a rather ambiguous question. Rather, it is not the frequency that is important, but the “quality” of communion, the realization by the person himself of the importance of what is happening. If such awareness is always present, then you can take communion as often as possible, at least every week.

  • Orthodox Christians it is recommended to learn the sacrament of communion two or three times a month.
  • People who are preparing to dedicate their lives to the church can take communion more often, then mental and physical fasting can be slightly relaxed for one or two days.
  • You can also do this before each post - four times a year.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take communion twice in one day.

Thanks to the church, the spirituality of a person is revived. If you feel a burden on your soul, start attending just the liturgy for a start, without communion. Talk to the holy father, perhaps you will find answers and find peace. When your consciousness itself comes to the desire to confess and take communion, you will feel it.

How to take communion for the first time?

The first communion takes place a little after the baptism of the child.

Before First Communion you need to spiritually adjust and prepare both yourself and the child:

  • It would be a good move if relatives and God-parents after baptism they will take communion with the child .
  • The preparation before the sacrament includes all the same points that you read earlier.
  • Say prayers for the child (see below), ask the Lord in your own words so that he endows the baptized baby with his grace, helps to raise a worthy Christian on the way to the salvation of his soul.
  • Then bring the baby to the priest, put his head on right hand, hold the handles so that he cannot accidentally knock over the Holy Chalice.
  • Also need properly prepare clothes , the child should be comfortable so that he does not worry once again.

If you teach a child to take communion as often as possible, then he will grow up, being in spiritual balance with himself.

It happens that a person receives baptism and the first communion already in adulthood. Then do not be afraid to make a mistake - the first communion, like all subsequent ones, is almost the same. Feel free to ask questions to your spiritual mentor, he will be able to prepare you.

Preparing for Communion

The most important preparation for communion is to become aware of the process itself. You must go to church to get closer to God, to realize and repent of your sins. You should feel a bright attitude before going to church, and not the heavy burden of being forced.

  • Further, no later than three days, need to fast- do not eat food of animal origin. The sacrament itself must be taken on an empty stomach.
  • Also three days before communion, you must refrain from sexual contact , and even try to get rid of your thoughts from this. The end of bodily abstinence ends on the day following the day of communion itself.
  • It is required to give up worldly pleasures, celebrations.
  • If there are no life obstacles, then you need to cleanse your body, entering the church dirty is a sin. For this wash yourself early in the morning before going to the temple.
  • Next, you need confession- repentance before God for all your sins.
  • After going through confession, visiting church service- you can be blessed for communion by a priest.

What prayers to read before communion?

How to behave at the sacrament in church, what should be said?

A Christian cannot be admitted to communion if:

  • He did not go to confession (except for children under seven years of age).
  • He is excommunicated from the Holy Mysteries.
  • Lost his mind, is not in himself. Belief is not forced.
  • Spouses who have had sexual intercourse the day before.
  • Woman during menstruation.
  • Does not wear a pectoral cross.
  • Other moments, they make a reservation with the priest.
  1. You must arrive at church before the service begins. , if you are late, confession and communion are postponed.
  2. After the prayer “I believe, Lord, and I confess…”, the priest takes out the Chalice with the Gifts, while need to bow low .
  3. At the opening of the royal gates you need to cross yourself, fold your hands in a cross on your chest (right top) . In this position, you need to receive the sacrament of communion.
  4. You need to approach the Chalice with right side church, not ahead of other parishioners.
  5. Women are encouraged to take communion without make-up. (at least without lipstick).
  6. Being near the father, you need to clearly say your name, accept the Holy Gifts, kiss the Chalice (like the rib of Christ) . You can't touch or kiss anything else.
  7. Having departed, receive from the ministers of the church a prosphora and a drink - holy water or warmth.
  8. If there are several Cups, then you can receive Gifts from only one.
  9. Next, read the prayers for Holy Communion or listen to them in the temple.

What do you need to take communion in a child's church?

Basic Rules for Communion in the Orthodox Church

According to church law, there are certain rules that every Christian must follow. There are also nuances in the passage of the sacrament of communion. Let's figure out which ones.

Is it possible to take communion at the evening service?

You can definitely take communion at the evening service on the day of the Last Supper. Jesus Christ Himself laid down this rule by giving communion to His disciples, by giving them His flesh and blood.

As for evening communion on other days, the answer to this question is rather ambiguous. The vast majority of communion takes place in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is not very convenient to observe such a rule throughout the day, and not everyone can withstand it. At the same time, it is desirable to be present at the evening service, you can also confess at it, or you can in the morning. Therefore, this question should be asked to the holy father of the church where you are going to receive the sacrament of communion.

Is it possible to take communion during menstruation?

Not, don't take communion during menstruation , such an act will be considered insolence and a great sin. Touching the Holy Chalice during this period is a great disrespect for the Lord God. Moreover, a woman who is menstruating cannot enter the temple at all. The explanation for this is that menstruation is a missed pregnancy, and the woman should be held responsible for this. A woman is considered "unclean" because of her bloody discharge, which defiles the church when she enters it.

It is a completely different matter if bleeding accompanies a woman for a long time - this is no longer a cleansing, but an ailment. Then ask your spiritual mentor for advice, and repent at confession. The priest must admit you to communion, perhaps after passing it, you will receive healing.

Can pregnant women take communion?

Yes, you can, and the more often the better. This is a special period, even before the birth of a child, a woman must realize the importance of redemption, and after birth, she must involve her child in this process.

The church is indulgent for pregnant women - it is allowed to simplify the fast as you feel better. If the state of health allows, fasting and prayers are prepared according to general rules. Preparation by prayers and service in the church can be performed while sitting on a pew.

Is it possible to take communion if you have not fasted?

  • There are different cases, sometimes a fast can be broken by a small oversight (accidental eating of fast food, for example).
  • Either the person due to health reasons, he cannot come to communion hungry or without drinking water. Such moments are negotiated with the priest, and at confession you need to repent for this.

You need to understand that fasting is good, but the purpose of the sacrament is the remission of sins and unity with God. If there are good reasons why the fast was broken, there are no barriers to passing the sacrament.

  • If it is a violation of physical abstinence by spouses - it is better to skip communion once, and take this moment into account at the subsequent confession.

Is it possible to take communion on an empty stomach?

Yes, but only for children under 7. Moreover, the eating of food should not take place immediately before communion, but in advance. Children should be prepared from a very young age for communion on an empty stomach.

This rule also applies to people who are ill if they cannot do without food in the morning.

Is it possible to receive communion without preparation?

No, you can't do that . It turns out that you will do it just "for show". Just look at this situation from two sides:

  • You take communion several times a year, in general, just like you attend the church itself. In this case, you must strictly observe fasting, go through confession, read all the canons and prayers.
  • You live according to church canons, observe all fasts, that is, preparing for communion is your way of life. Then you can simply come to the sacrament of communion on an empty stomach, read the necessary prayers.
  • As already mentioned, children under the age of seven may not qualify.

Is it possible to receive communion without confession?

This rule also applies to children under seven years of age. In some churches, exceptions are made for regular parishioners if they receive the sacrament of communion frequently.

Is it possible to receive communion if I had an abortion?

The Lord God is all-merciful, he is able to forgive any sin if you really sincerely repent of it. Infanticide is one of the most terrible sins humanity. The purpose of realizing this godlessness is not to commit such acts in the future. A spiritual mentor cannot refuse confession and communion if you want to atone for your guilt.

If a woman runs to the church after each abortion, then this is not welcomed by the church, the woman did not fully realize her guilt, since she continues to do this.

Is it possible to receive communion if you live in a civil marriage?

Many people confuse the concept of marriage, let's find out where the truth is:

  • Church marriage - this is a marriage that received its blessing in the sacrament of the wedding.
  • Civil marriage - This is a legally registered marriage by the state. His church recognizes and allows people who are in such a marriage to take communion, even if they are not married.

Do not confuse civil marriage with ordinary cohabitation , which in church terminology it's called fornication . If you live in fornication, then you may be denied the blessing of the sacrament of the sacrament.

Another thing is if you regret your act, and are going to legalize your marriage soon . By Orthodox canons you need to either marry or end the relationship, then you can take communion.

Video: How is the sacrament in the church?

If you are interested in how the sacrament of the sacrament works in practice, then watch the following video:

Many books have been written on how to prepare for Communion, but how to behave on this day? There are many prejudices:

  • you can't wash on that day,
  • you can not eat fish, so as not to spit out the bones, as well as berries with stones?
  • You can’t spit saliva, even if it’s sputum, and what if you spit?
  • What if the baby burped that day?
  • You can't kiss a communicant, and what if it's a baby you kiss 100 times a day?

Priest Nikolai Fateev:
here is what is recommended and generally accepted:
“Church rules prescribe keeping bodily purity on the day of communion, occupying your mind with contemplation and prayer, and not entertainment. Regarding food, there are no recommendations, but there is a limit on the amount of food and the intake of wine, so that there is no nausea on this day. Therefore, abstinence until Communion, moderation in food, is especially necessary on this day. If the baby burped after communion, then it is necessary to collect it with a napkin and burn it. Regarding the kisses of the baby church rules are silent."

How should one behave during the day after communion?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

A person after communion must keep the shrine. It is wise to keep your mouth shut and avoid idle talk. One must move away from everything vain, passionate and generally spiritually unprofitable. You need to be especially attentive to yourself, because on such a day the enemy tries to lead a person into temptation. If communion was on a weekday, then you must fulfill your duties. Nothing prevents work.

The opinion that on the day of Communion one cannot kiss icons and the hand of priests is not based on anything. This is not mentioned either in the holy fathers or in liturgical books. It is better to refrain from bowing to the ground until the evening, because a person has accepted the greatest shrine - the Body and Blood of the Lord. But if during the prayer everyone fell on their knees, then you can do it without embarrassment. The most important thing is to be in a joyful mood and thank God.

When taking communion, is it necessary to bow towards the altar after receiving the Holy Gifts?

Do this it does not follow. And here's why: a bow after communion towards the altar, past the ambo, on which the priest stands with the Chalice, reflects a complete misunderstanding of one obvious fact. The one to whom, having received the Holy Gifts, wishes to express gratitude, i.e. Christ Himself abides at this time with His Most Pure Body and Precious Blood in the Eucharistic Chalice, which the communicants kiss precisely as a token of gratitude.

Priest Dimitry Turkin

They say you can't christen after communion?

They also say that you can’t kiss three times after Communion, kiss children?

It is known that many people think that if they kiss someone after Communion, then "grace will leave" them. This is prejudice. First of all, a person who takes communion must protect himself from everything that is not useful for the soul, from vanity, from sin.

Deacon Pavel Mironov

What to do with clothes soiled after communion?

During communion of a four-month-old son, moving away from the Chalice, she noticed that the Blood of Christ was flowing down his cheek. A drop fell on a gauze napkin and on a jacket. What to do with a jacket and a napkin? Galina

Dear Galina! The blouse and napkin should be burned, and the ashes should be buried in the ground (in order to avert from trampling, defilement), you can take things to the temple and ask to be burned there, because they got the Holy Blood. The next time you give communion to a small child, try to be extremely attentive, take your time when bringing it to the Holy Chalice. This needs to be confessed.

God bless you and your family!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Look at the video rules for behavior after Communion.

Is it possible to sleep and bow after communion?

Is it possible to venerate icons after communion?

Is it possible to wash after communion?

How to act Orthodox after communion

Answered by Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

There are many books and manuals devoted to preparing for Divine Communion. The purpose of these books is to give a person the knowledge necessary for a conscious, reverent and shameless approach to the Chalice with the Food of Immortality. These books are not the same. There are discrepancies in them, mainly related to the different severity of preparation and different approaches to the frequency of communion. But, all the same, such literature exists, and it is numerous. But here's what we don't have! We do not have books that would lead a conversation with the reader about how to behave after communion, how to keep the received gift, how to use the reality of communion with God for the good! There is an obvious gap. And there is no audacity to quickly fill this gap. The seriousness of the task requires, firstly, the formulation of the question, and secondly, a conciliar effort to find the right answer.

Experience, both spiritual and worldly, shows that it is easier to get than to keep. If we are talking about a great gift, then the ability to use it is the most difficult thing that awaits the recipient. A blessing can turn into a curse as the gifts are misused or neglected. The history of Israel is an example of this. Many miracles, God's guidance, the relationship of the people and God, similar to marital! What more? But reverse side In this relationship, executions and heavy blows fall inexorably on the heads of people who behave unworthy of election. As for communion, the reality of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist even in apostolic times made people talk about the illnesses and deaths of unworthy communicants. So, it is high time to talk not only about preparing for communion, but also about the correct way of life after receiving communion.

Here is the first thought that lies on the surface: is it not appropriate on the day of communion instead of evening prayers, repentant and contrite, to read the prayers of thanksgiving again at night after communion? They contain requests not just to forgive and have mercy, but “to enter into the hearts and into the womb, strengthen the structures and bones, burn the thorns of all sins,” and so on. These short prayers very strong, full of meaning, joyful, energetic. Reading them repeatedly or at least repeatedly on the day of communion increases the feeling of gratitude to God in the Christian soul, gives rise to sobriety (the memory of the Lord), and stirs up the desire to receive communion more often.

Saint John (Maximovich), after the celebration of the Liturgy, often remained in the altar for a long time. He read the Gospel, "pulled" the rosary, performed other prayers, and then with an effort went to daily work, because he did not want to leave the altar. This is also a lesson. It is obvious that the worldly man is loaded with worries and that the inflated pace of life is the enemy of concentration. But one must try not to immediately plunge into business after communion, one must try to look for at least a drop of silence given to reading and reflection.

I'm afraid to say which of the Optina elders (I think it was Barsanuphius) advised reading the Apocalypse of John the Theologian on the day of communion. Obviously, it meant that the blessed mind of a Christian at this time is more capable of perceiving the mysteries of God than on ordinary days. There is not so much concrete advice as contours general rule: on the day of communion to dedicate possible time and strength to study the word of God and other spiritual works.

Having become the house of God through communion, the Christian becomes fearful of the invisible enemies of goodness. From him, as from fire, "every villain and every passion flees." Therefore, the essential task for the enemy is to try to entertain the Christian, to drag him into a whirlwind of all kinds of worries, to surround him with "ignorance, oblivion, cowardice and petrified insensitivity." And to the extent of our inattention, the enemy successfully succeeds. Should we be surprised at the rampant sin and the confusion that reigns in our heads if we do not really learn to use our most victorious weapon - an essential union with the God-man and the Savior?

The question, no doubt, is not solved, but only touched upon. It requires ecclesiastical attention, and the very sound of the question may be preceded by the call: "Let's listen!" And the ability to forgive insults, and the ability to resist the action of passions, and courage in the midst of adversity, and the foretaste of eternal blessings, and much, much more, are given abundantly to communicants.

Here is what John of Kronstadt said after communion:

“The Lord is in me personally, God and man, hypostatically, essentially, immutably, purifying, sanctifying, victorious, renewing, deifying, miraculous, which I feel in myself.”

The richness of gifts felt by the Kronstadt shepherd is the same richness of gifts that is given to everyone, but, unfortunately, without such a deep feeling on the part of the communicants.

In this sense, the saints will judge the world. Having exactly as much as we do, they managed to turn their lives into a bright burning lamp, while we only smoke and in the terrible hour of judgment we risk being without oil.

In addition to what we already have, perhaps we need nothing more for miraculous fullness and everyday Christian witness. Nothing more is needed, but you need to learn how to use what you have. And first of all, you need to learn how to behave correctly in relation to the most pure mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ: to reverently accept them and to worthily keep them in yourself.
Archpriest Andrey Tkachev

Orthodox prayers read after Communion

Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!

1st Orthodox prayer read after communion

I thank You, Lord my God, that You did not reject me a sinner, but made me worthy to be a participant in Your holy things. I thank You for vouchsafed me, unworthy, to partake of Your most pure and heavenly gifts. But, O philanthropic Master, who died and rose again for our sake, and who bestowed on us these terrible and life-giving sacraments of Yours for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies! Give them to me for the healing of soul and body, for the repulsion of every enemy, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for the appeasement of my spiritual strength, for shameless faith, for unfeigned love, for the increase of wisdom, for the fulfillment of Your commandments, for the increase of Your grace and the assimilation of Your kingdoms, so that I, guarded by them in Your sanctification, always remember Your grace and live not for myself, but for You, our Lord and benefactor. And so, having ended this life with the hope of eternal life, he reached eternal rest, where (heard) the unceasing voice of those who enjoy bliss and the infinite joy of those who contemplate the inexpressible beauty of Your face, for You, Christ our God, are the true delight and inexpressible joy of those who love You, and You praise all creatures forever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Basil the Great read after Communion

Lord Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of all! I thank You for all the blessings that You bestowed on me in receiving Your most pure and life-giving sacraments. I beg You, merciful and philanthropic, keep me under Your shelter and in the shade of Your wings, and grant me, until my last breath, with a clear conscience worthy to partake of Your holy things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the bread of life, the source of holiness, the giver of blessings, and we glorify You together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Simeon Metaphrastus read after Communion

Who freely gave me Your flesh to eat, You are the fire that burns the unworthy! Do not burn me, my Creator, go better into the members of my body, into all the joints, into the insides, into the heart, and burn the thorns of all my sins. Cleanse the soul, sanctify the thoughts, strengthen the knees with the bones together, enlighten the five main feelings, nail me all with fear of You. Always protect, protect and protect me from every deed and word harmful to the soul. Purify, wash and arrange me; adorn, admonish and enlighten me. Reveal me as Your abode, the one Spirit, and no longer the abode of sin, so that every villain, every passion flees from me after receiving Communion, as from Your house, as from fire. As intercessors for myself, I present to You all the saints, the Commanders of the disembodied hosts, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, and above them - Your immaculate, pure Mother. Accept their prayers, my merciful Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. For You, the only Good One, are the sanctification, as well as the radiance of our souls, and to You, as befits God and the Master, we all send glory every day.

4th Orthodox prayer read after communion

Lord Jesus Christ our God! May Thy holy body be unto me for everlasting life, and Thy precious blood for the remission of sins. May this (feast) of thanksgiving be to me in joy, in health and joy. In Your terrible second coming, grant me a sinner to stand on the right side of Your glory through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos read after Communion

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy! I thank You for deigning me, the unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and the precious Blood of Your Son. But, having given birth to the true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! Producing the source of immortality, revive me, mortified by sin! As a merciful Mother of a merciful God, have mercy on me and grant tenderness and contrition to my heart, modesty and liberation from the captivity of my thoughts to my thoughts. Vouchsafe me until my last breath to accept uncondemned sanctification by the most pure sacraments for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession to sing and glorify You all the days of my life; for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you release your servant, Lord, according to your word, in peace; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all men, a light to bring light to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel (Luke 2:29-32).

Listen on video Orthodox prayers read after communion

About the Sacrament of Communion

(Luke 22:19).

15.6. Who can partake?

About the Sacrament of Communion

15.1. What does communion mean?

– In this Sacrament, under the guise of bread and wine, an Orthodox Christian partakes of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and through this is mysteriously united with Him, becoming a partaker of eternal life, for in every particle of the crushed lamb the Whole Christ is contained. The comprehension of this Mystery surpasses the human mind.

This Sacrament is called the Eucharist, which means "thanksgiving".

15.2. Who established the Sacrament of Communion?

– The Sacrament of Communion was established by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

15.3. How and why did Jesus Christ establish the Sacrament of Communion?

- This Holy Sacrament The Lord Jesus Christ established at the Last Supper with the apostles on the eve of His suffering. He took bread into His pure hands, blessed it, broke it and divided it among His disciples, saying: “Take, eat: this is my body» (Matthew 26:26). Then he took a cup of wine, blessed it and, giving it to the disciples, said: “Drink from it all, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”(Matthew 26:27,28). At the same time, the Savior gave the commandment to the apostles, and in their person and to all believers, to perform this Sacrament until the end of the world in remembrance of His suffering, death and Resurrection for the closest connection of believers with Him. He said: "Do this in remembrance of me"(Luke 22:19).

15.4. Why should you take communion?

– To enter the Kingdom of Heaven and have eternal life. It is impossible to achieve perfection in spiritual life without frequent Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The grace of God acting in the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion enlivens the soul and body, heals them, tangibly acts in such a way that a Christian person becomes sensitive to his sins and infirmities, does not easily succumb to sinful deeds and is strengthened in the truths of faith. Faith, the Church and all its institutions become native, close to the heart.

15.5. Is repentance alone sufficient for cleansing from sin, without Communion?

– Repentance cleanses the soul from the defilements, and Communion fills with God's grace and prevents the return of the evil spirit, expelled by repentance, into the soul.

15.6. Who can partake?

– All baptized Orthodox Christians can and should receive communion after the necessary preparation for this by fasting, prayers and confession.

15.7. How to prepare for Communion?

—Those who wish to receive communion worthily must have heartfelt repentance, humility, and a firm intention to correct themselves and begin a pious life. It takes several days to prepare for the Sacrament of Communion: to pray more and more fervently at home, to be at the evening service on the eve of the day of Communion.

Fasting is usually combined with prayer (from one to three days) - abstinence from fast food: meat, milk, butter, eggs (with strict fasting and from fish) and, in general, moderation in eating and drinking. You should be imbued with the awareness of your sinfulness and protect yourself from anger, condemnation and obscene thoughts and conversations, refuse to visit places of entertainment. The best time to spend is reading spiritual books. It is necessary to confess in the evening on the eve of the day of Communion or in the morning before the Liturgy. Before Confession, one must reconcile both with the offenders and with the offended, humbly asking everyone for forgiveness. On the eve of the day of Communion, refrain from marital relations, after midnight do not eat, drink or smoke.

15.8. What prayers should be used to prepare for Communion?

– There is a special rule for prayer preparation for Communion, which is found in Orthodox prayer books. It usually consists of reading four canons the night before: the canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the canon to the Guardian Angel, the canon from the Follow-up to Holy Communion. In the morning, prayers are read from the Follow-up to Holy Communion. In the evening it is also necessary to read prayers for a dream to come, and in the morning - morning prayers.

With the blessing of the confessor, this prayer rule before Communion can be reduced, increased, or replaced by another.

15.9. How to approach Communion?

– After singing “Our Father”, one should approach the steps of the altar and wait for the removal of the Holy Chalice. Children should be skipped ahead. Approaching the Chalice, one should fold his hands crosswise on his chest (right over left) and do not cross himself in front of the Chalice, so as not to accidentally push it.

Approaching the Cup, you should clearly pronounce your Christian name given at Baptism, open your mouth wide, reverently accept the Holy Gifts and immediately swallow. Then kiss the bottom of the Cup like the rib of Christ. You can not touch the Chalice and kiss the priest's hand. Then you should go to the table with warmth, drink Communion so that the shrine does not remain in your mouth.

15.10. How often should you take communion?

– This must be coordinated with the spiritual father, since priests bless in different ways. For people seeking to church their lives, some modern pastors recommend taking communion from one to two times a month. Other priests also bless more frequent Communion.

Usually they confess and receive Communion during all four multi-day fasts of the church year, on the Twelfth, Great and Temple holidays, on the days of their name day and birth, spouses - on the day of their wedding.

The opportunity should not be missed as often as possible to enjoy the grace bestowed by the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

15.11. Who is not eligible to receive communion?

– Not baptized in the Orthodox Church or baptized in other religious denominations, not converted to Orthodoxy,

- one who does not wear a pectoral cross,

- who received the priest's prohibition to take communion,

- women in the period of monthly cleansing.

It is impossible to receive communion for the sake of "tick", for the sake of certain quantitative norms. The Sacrament of Communion should become for an Orthodox Christian a need of the soul.

15.12. Can a pregnant woman take communion?

– It is necessary, and as often as possible, to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, preparing for Communion by repentance, confession, and prayer within your power. The Church exempts pregnant women from fasting.

The churching of a child should begin from the moment the parents learned that they would have a child. Even in the womb, the child perceives everything that happens to the mother and around her. Echoes reach him outside world and in them he is able to detect anxiety or peace. The child feels the mood of his mother. At this time, it is very important to participate in the Sacraments and the prayer of the parents, so that the Lord through them would work His grace on the child.

15.13. Can an Orthodox Christian take communion in any other non-Orthodox church?

– No, only in the Orthodox Church.

15.14. Is it possible to take communion on any day?

– Every day in the Church, Communion of the faithful takes place, with the exception of Great Lent, during which communion is possible only on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

15.15. When can I take communion during the week of Great Lent?

– During Great Lent, adults can take communion on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; small children - on Saturdays and Sundays.

15.16. Why are babies not given communion at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts?

– The fact is that at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Chalice contains only blessed wine, and the particles of the Lamb (the Bread that was changed into the Body of Christ) are soaked in advance with the Blood of Christ. Since babies, due to their physiology, cannot be communed with a particle of the Body, and there is no Blood in the Chalice, they are not communed at the Presanctified Liturgy.

15.17. Is it possible to take communion several times on the same day?

- No one should take Holy Communion twice on the same day. If the Holy Gifts are taught from several Chalices, they can only be received from one.

15.18. Is it possible to take communion after the Unction without Confession?

– Unction does not cancel Confession. At the Unction, not all sins are forgiven, but only forgotten and unconscious ones.

15.19. How to take Communion to a sick person at home?

- Relatives of the sick person must first agree with the priest on the time of Communion and on measures to prepare the sick person for this Sacrament.

15.20. How to give communion to a one-year-old child?

- If a child is not able to calmly stay in the church for the entire service, then he can be brought to the end of the Liturgy - to the beginning of the singing of the prayer "Our Father" and then take communion.

15.21. Can a child under 7 eat before Communion? Is it possible to take communion when the sick are not on an empty stomach?

—Only in exceptional cases is it permitted to take communion on an empty stomach. This issue is resolved individually in consultation with the priest. Infants under the age of 7 are allowed to take communion not on an empty stomach. Children should be taught to abstain from food and drink before Communion from an early age.

15.22. Is it possible to take communion if you have not been to all-night vigil? Is it possible to take communion if you fasted, but did not read or did not finish reading the rule?

– Such issues are resolved only with the priest individually. If the reasons for the absence from the all-night vigil or for not fulfilling prayer rule are respectful, the priest may allow communion. What is important is not the number of prayers read, but the disposition of the heart, living faith, repentance for sins, the intention to correct one's life.

15.23. Are we sinners worthy of frequent communion?

"The healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick"(Luke 5:31). There is not a single person on earth who is worthy of Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and if people do receive Communion, it is only through the special mercy of God. It is the sinners, the unworthy, the weak, who need this saving source more than anyone else - like those who are sick in treatment. And those who consider themselves unworthy and distance themselves from Communion are like heretics and pagans.

With sincere repentance, God forgives a person's sins, and Communion gradually corrects his shortcomings.

The basis for deciding how often to take communion is the degree of readiness of the soul, its love for the Lord, the strength of its repentance. Therefore, the Church leaves this issue to the priests and confessors to decide.

15.24. If after Communion one feels coldness, does this mean that one received communion unworthily?

– Coldness happens to those who seek consolation from Communion, and whoever considers himself unworthy, grace remains with him. However, when after Communion there is no peace and joy in the soul, one must see this as an occasion for deep humility and contrition for sins. But one should not despair and grieve: there should not be a selfish attitude towards the Sacrament.

In addition, the Sacraments are not always reflected in the senses, but act secretly.

15.25. How to behave on the day of Communion?

- The Day of Communion is a special day for the Christian soul, when it is mysteriously united with Christ. These days should be spent as great holidays, dedicating them as much as possible to solitude, prayer, concentration and spiritual reading.

After Communion, you must ask the Lord to help you keep the gift worthy and not go back, that is, to your previous sins.

It is necessary to especially protect yourself in the first hours after Communion: at this time, the enemy of the human race is trying in every possible way so that a person offends the shrine, and she would stop consecrating him. A shrine can be offended by sight, a careless word, hearing, condemnation. On the day of Communion, one should eat moderately, not have fun, and behave decently.

You should keep yourself from idle talk, and in order to avoid them, you need to read the Gospel, the Jesus Prayer, akathists, and the lives of saints.

15.26. Is it possible to kiss the cross after Communion?

—After the Liturgy, all the worshipers venerate the cross: both those who received communion and those who did not.

15.27. Is it possible to kiss icons and the priest's hand after Communion, to make prostrations?

– After Communion, before drinking, you should refrain from kissing icons and the priest’s hand, but there is no such rule that those who take communion should not kiss icons or the priest’s hand that day and not bow to the ground. It is important to keep the tongue, thoughts and heart from all evil.

15.28. Is it possible to replace Communion by partaking of Epiphany water with artos (or antidoron)?

- This is an erroneous opinion about the possibility of replacing the Communion Epiphany water with artos (or antidoron) arose, perhaps due to the fact that people who have canonical or other obstacles to Communion of the Holy Mysteries are allowed to use baptismal water with an antidoron. However, this cannot be understood as an equivalent replacement. Communion cannot be replaced by anything.

15.29. Can children under 14 receive communion without Confession?

– Without Confession, only children under 7 years old can receive communion. From the age of 7, children receive communion only after Confession.

15.30. Is Communion paid?

– No, in all churches the Sacrament of Communion is always performed free of charge.

15.31. Everyone is communed with one spoon, is it possible to get sick?

“Squeamishness can only be fought with faith. There has never been a single case of someone becoming infected through the Chalice: even when people take communion in hospital churches, no one ever gets sick. After the Communion of the faithful, the remaining Holy Gifts are used by the priest or deacon, but even during epidemics they do not fall ill. This is the greatest Sacrament of the Church, given, among other things, for the healing of soul and body, and the Lord does not shame the faith of Christians.