Where to complain about a cold heated towel rail in the bathroom. If the heated towel rail in the bathroom does not heat

  • 14.06.2019

During the non-heating period, the public heating service is not provided, that is, heat energy for space heating is not consumed. At the same time, it is obvious that heated towel rails installed in bathrooms emit heat, that is, heat energy is consumed, and it is consumed specifically for heating the room., reports acato.ru.

However, heated towel rails are not connected to the heating system, but to the hot water supply system (DHW), and the heat contained in hot water is consumed through them, intended for use precisely as hot water, and not as a heat carrier in the heating system. With an open heat supply system and the presence of a common house metering device (OPU), which measures the consumption in the premises apartment building(MKD) heat, heat energy consumed through heated towel rails, is accounted for by the income statement as part of the heat spent on heating water to the required temperature (DHW component for heat energy). It is obvious that the more heat is consumed through heated towel rails, the greater the amount of heat energy will be shown by the meter as a component of the hot water supply for heat, which can lead to a larger amount of the cost of the utility resource presented for payment to the utility service provider (PCU) in favor of the resource supply organization (RSO) and a larger cost of one cubic meter of hot water presented for payment to DHW consumers in favor of ICU.

Towel dryer and heating system

The heated towel rail is designed to create a comfortable microclimate, to reduce humidity, to speed up the drying of air and surfaces in the bathroom. high humidity, which is created in the bathroom due to the purpose of this room, contributes to the occurrence of mold, fungi, which can be harmful to human health. To reduce the risk of mold, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the room, and this is exactly what heated towel rails are designed for.

It is important to note that the heated towel rail must work both during the heating and inter-heating periods, and that is why it is connected not to the heating system, but to the hot water supply system. That is, despite the fact that the heated towel rail is inherently a heating device and radiates heat consumed specifically for heating the room, the heated towel rail does not belong to the heating system and is technically included in the hot water supply system.

Legally, the heated towel rail is also an element of the hot water system. water supply MKD and does not apply to the heating system. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the bathroom, which can actually be recognized as heated by a heated towel rail, is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room used in calculating the cost. public service for heating. That is, it is established by law that the bathroom, like all other parts of the dwelling, is heated by heat energy consumed precisely through the heating system. The fact of additional (or separate from the rest of the room) heating of the bathroom with a heated towel rail is not recognized by law.

This position is confirmed by judicial practice.

Arkhangelsk Region Arbitration Court Decision dated February 4, 2016 in case А05-14518/2015 (upheld by the Decree of the Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 23, 2016 and the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dated October 11, 2016) established: “The current legislation does not provide for the collection of separate fee for bathroom heating. Hot water service is provided through heated towel rails in the bathroom and risers, the circulation of thermal energy in them cannot be regarded as a method (device) of heating.

Previously, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation by the Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2013 No. VAS-3202/13 established: “In resolving the dispute, the courts proceeded from the fact that, within the meaning of Article 15 of the Housing Code Russian Federation bathrooms are included in the total area of ​​the premises, the heating fee of which is already included in the heating fee for the whole room.”

Accounting for heat consumed through a heated towel rail

The question arises - if the heat consumed through the heated towel rail cannot be considered as the heat spent on heating, then how can ICU and RSO receive payment for this heat?

In accordance with paragraph 38 of the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as Rules 354) “In the event of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water the amount of payment for the utility service for hot water supply is calculated based on the sum of the cost of the component for cold water intended for heating in order to provide the utility service for hot water supply (or the component for the heat carrier, which is integral part hot water tariff open systems heat supply (hot water supply), and the cost of the component for thermal energy used for heating cold water in order to provide public services for hot water supply.

Taking into account the fact that heated towel rails are elements of a hot water supply system, many ICUs and RNOs have decided that the heat consumed through heated towel rails (and in the DHW system as a whole) measured by the OPU can be presented for payment as a component for heat energy as part of the cost of DHW.

However, it should be noted that such actions are not based on the law, since Rule 354 does not provide for the use of GWP readings measuring the volume of heat consumption as part of the DHW when calculating the cost of hot water supply. This issue was considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which found that when calculating the cost of hot water supply, the use in calculations of the heat actually consumed as part of the hot water supply system is unlawful, and the standard for the consumption of thermal energy approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for heating water in order to provide public services for hot water supply must be used in the calculations .


Towel dryers are not heating devices and are not part of the heating system. It is unlawful to present for payment the heat energy consumed through heated towel rails as heat consumed for a heating utility service.

The heat actually consumed through the elements of the hot water supply system (including through heated towel rails) cannot be presented for payment to consumers or service providers for hot water supply as part of the cost of hot water supply. The standard for the consumption of thermal energy for heating water for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply, approved by the authorized state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is subject to application in the calculations.

In order to exclude unjustified losses for DSOs and ICUs related to the excess of heat energy actually consumed as part of the hot water supply system over the approved standard for heat energy consumption for heating hot water supply, it seems the only right thing to do is to take measures to compel the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to approve real heat consumption standards that reflect the actual heat consumption in the DHW, and not standards that are underestimated for populist reasons, leading to losses for organizations in the housing and communal sector.

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Did you make repairs in the bathroom and installed a new heated towel rail, after some time it stopped heating? Or have you been using the dryer for a long time and all of a sudden it stopped heating up? In order to quickly solve the problem and prevent the occurrence of bad smell dampness and development of the fungus, you should find out the cause.

It is worth recalling that domestic hot water systems can be of two types:

  • dead ends.
  • stationary.

The disadvantage of the former is that hot water is supplied to the consumer directly from the network. Moreover, as soon as the tap is turned off, the water in the pipes begins to cool. To get hot water, you have to drain the cooled water from the riser. DHW circulation systems are free from this drawback because hot water flows through the supply riser, flowing out through the return (circulation) one. This eliminates the problem of cooling and stagnation of the liquid.

That is why the installation of heated towel rails is carried out on the return riser. If the house does not have a centralized hot water supply system, you can install drying in the heating system according to a similar principle.

Video instruction - the correct installation of a heated towel rail.

Reasons why the heated towel rail does not heat up:

  • there is no hot water in the system. If we are talking about dead-end systems, in which hot water is supplied only when the tap is open, it is best to use electric drying options;
  • clogs and blockages. If the heated towel rail has been installed for a long time and for some reason has not been heating recently, most likely it should be cleaned. To do this, turn off the tap and remove the equipment. It is advisable to put plugs on the pipes. Then, using a soft wire with a ruff, go through the pipes. You can remove salt deposits from the walls of the device with small taps. At the final stage, the dryer should be thoroughly rinsed under the pressure of water. You can also rinse the sanitary ware with a solution of hydrochloric acid. To do this, put the land upside down and fill it with a solution. After a while, drain the solution and flush the equipment. Hydrochloric acid helps soften hard deposits. If cleaning did not help, one thing remains - replacement;
  • installation errors. If the installation of the equipment has occurred recently, but the device does not work, the reason may be that the heated towel rail is far from the riser in the bathroom. As a result, there is too much resistance inside the device, and hot water simply cannot get there.
  • old pipes. The pipeline in the DHW system becomes clogged over time. This can cause insufficient pressure, and hence the unsatisfactory operation of plumbing fixtures. To clean the pipes, close the tap and put a plug on the DHW line drain. Screw on the plug and open the valve on the circulation line. Sludge and water should go through the bleeder. If hot water does not flow through the drain, this indicates a clogged supply or the heated towel rail itself. As a rule, it is difficult to clean the vertical part of the supply lines. The horizontal section is cleaned in the manner described above (using a metal rod and a ruff). After the inlets have been cleaned and you have made sure that the dryer is not clogged, install the equipment in place, open the valve on the hot water pipe, close the plug on the drain and open the valve on the circulation line;
  • airlock . The heated towel rail may not heat up if an air lock has formed in the system. You can bleed air with the Mayevsky crane. There are models with automatic or manual option air valve. After the air is removed from the system, the water will begin to circulate freely and the equipment will quickly reach the desired temperature;
  • in the DHW system no hot water circulation. You can solve this problem by contacting the appropriate authority.
  • device does not work installed in the heating system. In such a situation, the heated towel rail does not heat most of the year until the onset of the heating season - what to do? This problem can be solved by transferring the device to the DHW system or replacing it with an electric dryer.

User Questions:

  • The towel warmer does not heat, there is not enough pressure. What is better (more correct) to do, install a circulation pump or not bother, but buy an electric p / s, which costs almost like a pump ????
  • Good afternoon! We made repairs in the bathroom, connected a heated towel rail (from hot water), as a result, as soon as the hot water supply is turned off in the house and turned on again, the heated towel rail does not work and starts to warm up only after a few days or a week ..
  • How does the circulation pump affect the operation of the heated towel rail on the top floor? not enough power?
  • Please explain. In my high-rise building, the hot water system is circulating. Those. supply riser and return line. Pressure 5 atm. On the supply riser, there are outlets for a heated towel rail. Floors 24. Question 1: If a pump is installed on the heated towel rail, can the neighbors test
  • They made a thorough repair with laying pipes, redevelopment, hung a brand new Italian heated towel rail, hot water goes into it. Then the water there cools down, and it is cold. The distance to the risers is -2.4 m. The air was let out. The foreman says - needed for
  • Hello! We have a new building, 17 floors, we are on the sixth. Installation of the entire system was carried out by specialists, not covenants. The heated towel rail is large, it seems 1 m, the "ladder", it heats up for about 15 minutes and then when it wants to. Yesterday they turned off the water (cold),
  • after a general shutdown of hot water, the heated towel rail does not work, what to do
  • Three years ago we moved into a new house, (three floors, 12 apartments) We installed a new heated towel rail for 8 thousand rubles, it worked properly for the first six months, and then it stopped heating, even after we bleed the air with water in buckets, it is still not warmer
  • The water heated towel rail "Elegy", manufactured by Sunerzha, is connected diagonally and has been working properly for us for almost two years. After the next annual shutdown of water, the lower half of the device does not warm up. With the help of Mayevsky's lower crane, I seemed to bleed

According to Russian legislation, if a person pays for utilities, then in his apartment the air temperature necessary for a comfortable stay must be constantly maintained. But is it always like this? What to do if there are bitter frosts outside the window, and the batteries in the apartment are “pleasantly warm” or even worse, completely cold if the heated towel rail does not work?

If the service that is paid in full is not performed, then you can refuse to pay for it. But how to do it: you can't just not pay and that's it? How to appeal to unscrupulous public utilities to fulfill their duties? What to do if it starts heating season, but there was no heat, and no, the batteries are cold? To whom to complain?

Who will help bring back the heat

If the apartment is cold, the batteries do not heat, then you should contact the unified dispatching utility service, which is in every district. Her contacts can be found in the local communal housing department or simply by calling the information desk. On the day of contacting the tenant, a technician or an engineer of the company managing the house is obliged to leave and examine the condition of the batteries in the apartment. If help is denied here, then you can call the hotline of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

It is important to remember that the work of the operators employed on the "hot line" and all the equipment of this structure is constantly monitored.

If you call here during the day from 9 am to 5 pm, and on weekends - before 4 pm, the operator is obliged to answer, who will give recommendations, as well as phones by which you can get an answer. Out of business hours" hot line» switches to voicemail, and all messages are recorded, and then - during business hours - these applications are considered and, if possible, satisfied.

All appeals are sent to the district housing offices. Urgent appeals regarding cold batteries in the apartment must be considered and satisfied within five days. If this does not happen, you should contact the higher authorities. A commission must go to the residents who have applied, which is obliged to find out why it is cold in the apartment and take measures within seven calendar days.

If there is still no heat, what to do next

If measures have not been taken, and the batteries in the apartment are still cold, you should try to contact the Moscow fuel and energy sector, or rather, its department. This office has its own website, you can write a complaint to the electronic reception. Applicants should fill out their application, following the proposed form. Here are the phone numbers by which you can be informed about the decision.

If, despite oral and written appeals, no one has returned the heat, residents who have lost patience can turn to the Internet portal of the government of the capital called “Our City of Moscow”, go to the section on apartment buildings and leave their appeal here.

You can also write a complaint to the United Energy Company of the capital in the event that an accident occurs, steam is released and other malfunctions in the heat supply in the apartment are noticed. Questions about some problems with payment for heating and hot water are also considered here.

What temperature is provided by GOST in residential premises in winter

Sanitary standards require that the temperature in the apartment be not lower than 18 degrees and not higher than 25. In the bedroom it should be from 18 to 20 degrees, in the corner rooms the requirements are two degrees higher. In the shower, bath and toilet - up to 25 degrees. Therefore, cold or hot batteries in the apartment are not the main indicator.

What to do if the heated towel rail is cold

In any bathroom, a heated towel rail occupies an important place, since it not only dries clothes and towels, it is also a heating device in this room. If it is cold in the bathroom of the apartment, the heated towel rail does not work, you should contact the same communal housing department, if they do not respond, then you must repeat the same algorithm of actions as in the case of cold batteries.

The child complains that the school is cold

This situation is by no means rare: trusting the school to educate and educate their child, parents hope that the child will be protected there and will study in comfortable conditions. But it so happens that the school is so cold that the children sit in the classroom in coats, fur coats and mittens. What to do if the batteries are not even warm during the heating season, and it is cold in the classrooms? Of course, we need to fight it.

First you need to ask the teacher to measure the temperature in the classroom, which should be at least 18 degrees, in the gym and corridors - at least 16-17 degrees.

The first place to report is to the district sanitary and epidemiological station. It is necessary to complain there in the form of a written appeal, indicating the actual temperature in the classrooms. Then you need to write a complaint to the district department of education that the children study at school in unacceptable conditions, the heating is at a very low level. They have to react.

During the non-heating period, the utility service for heating is not provided, that is, heat energy for space heating is not consumed. At the same time, it is obvious that heated towel rails installed in bathrooms emit heat, that is, heat energy is consumed, and it is consumed specifically for heating the room. However, heated towel rails are not connected to the heating system, but to the hot water supply system (DHW), and the heat contained in hot water is consumed through them, intended for use precisely as hot water, and not as a heat carrier in the heating system. With an open heat supply system and the presence of a common house metering device (CPU) that measures the heat consumed in the premises of an apartment building (MKD), the heat energy consumed through heated towel rails is taken into account as part of the heat spent on heating water to the required temperature (DHW component for heat energy). It is obvious that the more heat is consumed through heated towel rails, the greater the amount of heat energy will be shown by the meter as a component of the hot water supply for heat, which can lead to a larger amount of the cost of the utility resource presented for payment to the utility service provider (PCU) in favor of the resource supply organization (RSO) and a larger cost of one cubic meter of hot water presented for payment to DHW consumers in favor of ICU.

Towel dryer and heating system

The heated towel rail is designed to create a comfortable microclimate, to reduce humidity, to speed up the drying of air and surfaces in the bathroom. The increased humidity that is created in the bathroom due to the purpose of this room contributes to the emergence of mold, fungi, which can be harmful to human health. To reduce the risk of mold, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the room, and this is exactly what heated towel rails are designed for.

It is important to note that the heated towel rail must work both during the heating and inter-heating periods, and that is why it is connected not to the heating system, but to the hot water supply system. That is, despite the fact that the heated towel rail is inherently a heating device and radiates heat consumed specifically for heating the room, the heated towel rail does not belong to the heating system and is technically included in the hot water supply system.

Legally, a heated towel rail is also an element of the MKD hot water supply system and does not apply to the heating system. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the bathroom, which can actually be recognized as heated by a heated towel rail, is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room used in calculating the cost of a heating utility service. That is, it is established by law that the bathroom, like all other parts of the dwelling, is heated by heat energy consumed precisely through the heating system. The fact of additional (or separate from the rest of the room) heating of the bathroom with a heated towel rail is not recognized by law.

This position is confirmed by judicial practice.

The Arkhangelsk Region Arbitration Court by its Decision dated February 4, 2016 in case A05-14518/2015 (upheld by the Resolution of the Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated May 23, 2016 and the Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District dated October 11, 2016) established: “ Current legislation does not provide for the collection of a separate fee for heating the bathroom. Hot water service is provided through heated towel rails in the bathroom and risers, the circulation of thermal energy in them cannot be regarded as a method (device) of heating ».

Previously, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation by the Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2013 No. VAS-3202/13 established: “ When resolving the dispute, the courts proceeded from the fact that, within the meaning of Article 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, bathrooms are included in the total area of ​​premises, the heating fee for which is already included in the heating fee for the premises as a whole.».

Accounting for heat consumed through a heated towel rail

The question arises - if the heat consumed through the heated towel rail cannot be considered as the heat spent on heating, then how can ICU and RSO receive payment for this heat?

In accordance with paragraph 38 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 No. 354 (hereinafter - Rules 354) " In the case of establishing two-component tariffs for hot water, the amount of payment for the utility service for hot water supply is calculated based on the sum of the cost of the component for cold water intended for heating in order to provide the utility service for hot water supply (or the component for the heat carrier, which is an integral part of the tariff for hot water in open heat supply systems (hot water supply), and the cost of the component for thermal energy used to heat cold water in order to provide public services for hot water supply».

Taking into account the fact that heated towel rails are elements of a hot water supply system, many ICUs and RNOs have decided that the heat consumed through heated towel rails (and in the DHW system as a whole) measured by the OPU can be presented for payment as a component for heat energy as part of the cost of DHW.

However, it should be noted that such actions are not based on the law, since Rule 354 does not provide for the use of GWP readings measuring the volume of heat consumption as part of the DHW when calculating the cost of hot water supply. This issue was considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, who established that when calculating the cost of hot water supply, the use in calculations of the heat actually consumed as part of the hot water supply system is unlawful, and the standard for the consumption of thermal energy approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for heating water in order to provide public services for hot water supply is to be used in calculations.


Towel dryers are not heating devices and are not part of the heating system. It is unlawful to present for payment the heat energy consumed through heated towel rails as heat consumed for a heating utility service.

The heat actually consumed through the elements of the hot water supply system (including through heated towel rails) cannot be presented for payment to consumers or service providers for hot water supply as part of the cost of hot water supply. The standard for the consumption of thermal energy for heating water for the purpose of providing public services for hot water supply, approved by the authorized state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is subject to application in the calculations.

In order to exclude unjustified losses for DSOs and ICUs related to the excess of heat energy actually consumed as part of the hot water supply system over the approved standard for heat energy consumption for heating hot water supply, it seems the only right thing to do is to take measures to compel the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to approve real heat consumption standards that reflect the actual heat consumption in the DHW, and not standards that are underestimated for populist reasons, leading to losses for organizations in the housing and communal sector.

If the managers do not correct the situation and do not stop freezing the inhabitants, then an appeal to the courts will be required. Usually there are enough initial appeals and the case does not reach the court, especially if the payment receipts contain false information for heating. Currently, management companies are fighting for the maintenance of houses, trying to correct the shortcomings in a timely manner. Competition very often helps to cope with heating problems, otherwise complaints and petitions to higher organizations are used.

It can be extremely difficult to draw up a legally competent and substantiated application on your own and send it to the right address. The result of the consideration largely depends on the quality of the initial appeal and complaint against the management company. At this stage of protecting the interests of residents, it is recommended to contact a lawyer specializing in housing issues. It should be understood that an incorrectly drawn up statement of claim will be returned for revision or completely denied consideration.

It is best to use the online consultation of a lawyer of our portal, who will promptly consider the user's question. The consultation will help to assess the prospects of the dispute, as quickly as possible to call on the management company to fulfill its obligations to heat the house and a particular apartment.

The lack of heating in an apartment building is an emergency. A commission is convened, consisting of representatives of the administration of the locality, an employee of the management company, apartment owners or residents living under a social contract of employment. Employees of organizations are notified in writing, the appeal indicates the time and place of the audit.

If there is no reaction from the officials and they do not come at the appointed time, then the inspection report is signed by the tenants present. Such an act will have full legal force, despite the absence of officials. According to the regulations, the drawn up act on the absence of heating and low temperature in the apartment should initially be presented to the management of the housing department, HOA or other organization that has a contract for house maintenance.

If a compromise could not be reached and there is a written complaint drawn up by the tenants, then you will have to complain to higher authorities. Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and the court are required to consider the complaint of citizens promptly when it comes to heating apartments. The complaint is also considered by the housing commission, which works on a permanent basis under the municipality.

Contacting supervisory authorities will require officials to respond within 30 days, with special violations, such as lack of heat, 10 days are allotted for consideration. After checking on the ground, the causes must be eliminated, and the perpetrators punished to the fullest extent of the law.

On our website you can download the current sample complaint about the lack of heating in the apartment. If the tenants decide to file a lawsuit against the managers, then the case and representation should be entrusted to a housing lawyer, who has practical experience protecting the rights of residents.

According to the current standard, the temperature in the living room must be equal to or higher than 18 degrees. If the standard is not met and the tenants pay for a non-existent service, then it will be necessary to correctly draw up a complaint and promptly send it to its destination. An official statement cannot be left unanswered and without a reaction from responsible persons. A complaint or a petition for troubleshooting is written in free form, but the document must contain information on the merits of the conflict.

The application must contain the following information:

  • the name of the recipient of the complaint;
  • the address of the house and the full name of the tenants who wrote the document;
  • home maintenance contract information management company;
  • the content of the conflict and its relation to legal norms;
  • requirements of applicants, the period of consideration and the date of writing.

Collective appeals considered first of all have the greatest weight. The service and control authorities respond to the submitted and registered application, petition or complaint and give a written response on the measures taken. You can send a completed application when you personally visit the office of the organization, by registered mail or via the Internet through the websites of government agencies.

If a statement of claim is formed in court, then the instance should be at the location of the house in which there is no heating. The defendant is the management company, the requirement may be the establishment of the required temperature and compensation for non-pecuniary damage to the residents of the house. Citizens may file a claim for the return of funds paid for heating as illegal enrichment of the management company.

For a positive court decision, the pre-trial work done by the residents to resolve the conflict is of great importance. Therefore, all available documents on the case with the answers of the heads of the management company and the municipality are attached to the claim.

One of the claims of the plaintiffs may be a petition for early termination of the contract with the management company. If the court satisfies the demand of citizens, then the contract will be terminated unilaterally and another organization serving the apartment building will be selected.